getSourceScoreSep <- function(simSources) {
proxies <- colnames(simSources[[1]])
data <-"rbind", lapply(1:length(simSources), function(x) {
dataFrame <-[[x]])
dataFrame$source <- names(simSources[x])
output <- summary(manova(as.matrix(cbind(data[, proxies])) ~ source, data = data))
getZScoresData <- function(simSources) {
means <-"rbind", lapply(simSources, colMeans))
vars <-"rbind", lapply(simSources, function(x) {
apply(x, 2, var)
combinations <- combn(rownames(means), 2)
z_ScoresList <- lapply(1:ncol(simSources[[1]]), function(i) {
z_score <-
round(combn(means[, i], 2, diff) / sqrt(combn(vars[, i], 2, sum)), 3)
analysis <- lapply(1:ncol(combinations), function(x) {
SourceA <- simSources[[combinations[1, x]]][, 1][1:min(5000, length(simSources[[combinations[1, x]]][, 1]))]
SourceB <- simSources[[combinations[2, x]]][, 1][1:min(5000, length(simSources[[combinations[2, x]]][, 1]))]
Source1_Norm_p.value = shapiro.test(SourceA)$p.value,
Source2_Norm_p.value = shapiro.test(SourceA)$p.value,
equalVar_p.value = var.test(SourceA, SourceB)$p.value
}) %>% bind_rows()
combination = sapply(
function(x) {
paste0(combinations[, x], collapse = "-")
z_score = z_score,
p_value = round(2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(z_score))), 3),
Source1_Norm_p.value = round(analysis$Source1_Norm_p.value, 3),
Source2_Norm_p.value = round(analysis$Source2_Norm_p.value, 3),
equalVar_p.value = round(analysis$equalVar_p.value, 3)
z_ScoresList <- lapply(1:length(z_ScoresList), function(x) {
z_ScoresList[[x]]$proxy <- colnames(simSources[[1]])[x]
z_ScoresList <-"rbind", z_ScoresList)
z_ScoresList <- z_ScoresList[, c(
"proxy", "combination", "z_score", "p_value",
"Source1_Norm_p.value", "Source2_Norm_p.value",
colnames(z_ScoresList) <- c(
"Proxies", "Proxy-Source", "Z Score", "p value",
"Source1 Normality p value", "Source2 Normality p value",
"equal variance p value"
getZScores <- function(simSources) {
z_ScoresList <- getZScoresData(simSources)
rownames = FALSE,
filter = "top",
style = "bootstrap",
options = list(
pageLength = 25
selection = list(mode = "single", target = "cell")
getSourceCorr <- function(simSources, corr = FALSE) {
output <- list()
corTargetDataAll <- lapply(1:ncol(simSources[[1]]), function(x) {
corTargetData <- lapply(1:length(simSources), function(i) simSources[[i]][, x])
names(corTargetData) <- names(simSources)
signif(cov(, corTargetData)), 3)
if (corr == TRUE) {
corTargetDataAll <- lapply(1:length(corTargetDataAll), function(i) signif(cov2cor(corTargetDataAll[[i]]), 3))
names(corTargetDataAll) <- colnames(simSources[[1]])
output$correlationSources <- corTargetDataAll
if (ncol(simSources[[1]]) > 1 | corr == FALSE) {
covMatrices <- lapply(1:length(simSources), function(i) signif(cov(simSources[[i]]), 3))
if (corr == FALSE) {
names(covMatrices) <- names(simSources)
if (corr == TRUE) {
covMatrices <- lapply(1:length(covMatrices), function(i) signif(cov2cor(covMatrices[[i]]), 3))
names(covMatrices) <- names(simSources)
output$correlationTargets <- covMatrices
} else {
output$correlationTargets <- "At least two targets required to compute correlations between targets."
means <- signif(t(bind_rows(lapply(simSources, colMeans))), 3)
sds <- signif(t(bind_rows(lapply(simSources, function(x) apply(x, 2, sd)))), 3)
colnames(means) <- names(simSources)
colnames(sds) <- names(simSources)
output$mean <- means
output$sd <- sds
getSourceMahaDistData <- function(simSources) {
means <-"rbind", lapply(simSources, colMeans))
combinations <- combn(rownames(means), 2)
combinations <- lapply(
function(x) paste0(combinations[, x], collapse = "-")
combinationNumbers <- combn(length(rownames(means)), 2)
cov <- getSourceCorr(simSources)
maha_ScoresList <- lapply(1:length(combinations), function(i) {
expDiff <- means[combinationNumbers[1, i], ] - means[combinationNumbers[2, i], ]
sqrt(expDiff %*%
solve(cov[[combinationNumbers[1, i]]] + cov[[combinationNumbers[2, i]]]) %*%
maha_ScoresList <- data.frame(
combination = unlist(combinations),
mahalanobis_distance = round(unlist(maha_ScoresList), 3),
p_value = round(1 - pchisq(unlist(maha_ScoresList)^2, df = ncol(simSources[[1]])), 3)
colnames(maha_ScoresList) <- c("Proxy-Source", "Mahalanobis distance", "p value")
getSourceMahaDist <- function(simSources) {
maha_ScoresList <- getSourceMahaDistData(simSources)
rownames = FALSE,
filter = "top",
style = "bootstrap",
options = list(
pageLength = 25
selection = list(mode = "single", target = "cell")
getSimSources <- function(model, fruitsObj, simGrid, userDefinedAlphas = NULL, simSourceNames = NULL) {
simList <- c("I_", "mu", "component.contrib_")
optional <- c("W_", "C_", "T_", "I0_", "S_", "S1_", "S2_", "S3_", "HT1", "HT2", "HT3")
optional <- optional[sapply(
function(i) any(grep(optional[i], fruitsObj$modelCode))
simList <- c(optional, simList)
model$alpha_ <- simGrid
nSim <- 100
sim <- lapply(1:nSim, function(x) {
sim <- model$mu
colnames(sim) <- fruitsObj$valueNames$targets
# sim <-"rbind", sim)
# sim <- Reduce("+", sim) / nSim
simSourcesAll <- simplify2array(sim)
simSourcesAll <- lapply(1:nrow(simGrid), function(x) t(simSourcesAll[x, , ]))
fullSources <- which(sapply(1:nrow(simGrid), function(x) max(simGrid[x, ] == 1)) == 1)
fullSourcesColNames <- na.omit(match(colnames(simGrid), colnames(simGrid)[sapply(1:length(fullSources), function(x) which.max(simGrid[fullSources, ][x, ]))]))
simSources <- (simSourcesAll[fullSources][fullSourcesColNames])
# (sapply(simSources, colMeans) %>% t)[simGrid[,4] == 0 & simGrid[,5] == 0,] %>% plot
# simSources <- lapply(1:length(fruitsObj$valueNames$sources), function(y){
# if(fruitsObj$modelOptions$modelType == "1"){
# model$alpha_[y] <- 1
# model$alpha_[-y] <- 0
# } else {
# model$alpha_[, y] <- 1
# model$alpha_[, -y] <- 0
# }
# sim <- lapply(1:100, function(x) {
# model$simulate(simList)
# return(model$mu)
# })
# sim <-"rbind", sim)
# colnames(sim) <- fruitsObj$valueNames$targets
# return(sim)
# })
# userDefinedAlphas <- list(userDef1 = data.frame(source = c("Herbivores", "Carnivores", "Plants", "Fish1", "Fish2" ),
# mean = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.05, 0.15),
# sd = c(0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.01, 0.03)
# ))
if (!is.null(userDefinedAlphas)) {
userDefinedAlphasNames <- names(userDefinedAlphas)
userDefinedAlphas <- lapply(1:length(userDefinedAlphas), function(x) {
userDefinedAlphas[[x]] <-[[x]])
userDefinedAlphas[[x]]$source <- rownames(userDefinedAlphas[[x]])
names(userDefinedAlphas) <- userDefinedAlphasNames
userDefinedSim <- lapply(1:length(userDefinedAlphas), function(y) {
userDefinedAlphas[[y]][[[y]])] <- 0
simUserDefined <- lapply(1:100, function(x) {
# if(fruitsObj$modelOptions$modelType == "1"){
# alphas <- rnorm(length(fruitsObj$valueNames$sources),
# mean = userDefinedAlphas[[y]]$mean,
# sd = userDefinedAlphas[[y]]$sd)
# model$alpha_[1:length(fruitsObj$valueNames$sources)] <- alphas / sum(alphas)
# } else {
alphas <- matrix(rnorm(length(fruitsObj$valueNames$sources)^2,
mean = rep(userDefinedAlphas[[y]]$mean,
each = length(fruitsObj$valueNames$sources)
sd = rep(userDefinedAlphas[[y]]$sd,
each = length(fruitsObj$valueNames$sources)
ncol = length(fruitsObj$valueNames$sources)
model$alpha_[1:nrow(model$alpha_), 1:length(fruitsObj$valueNames$sources)] <- matrix(rep(
sweep(alphas, 1, rowSums(alphas), FUN = "/")[1, ],
), ncol = length(fruitsObj$valueNames$sources), byrow = T)
# }
simUserDefined <-"rbind", simUserDefined)
colnames(simUserDefined) <- fruitsObj$valueNames$targets
names(userDefinedSim) <- names(userDefinedAlphas)
} else {
userDefinedSim <- NULL
# names(simSources) <- colnames(simGrid)[sapply(1:length(fullSources), function(x) which.max(simGrid[fullSources, ][x,] ))]
# simSources <- simSources[match(simSourceNames, names(simSources))]
names(simSources) <- simSourceNames
simSources = simSources, userDefinedSim = userDefinedSim,
simGrid = simGrid, simSourcesAll = simSourcesAll
sourceTargetPlot <- function(simSources = NULL,
simSourcesAll = NULL,
simGrid = NULL,
confidence = 0.9, showConfidence = TRUE,
targets = NULL, fractions = NULL,
fruitsObj = NULL, showIndividuals = TRUE,
sources = NULL, covariates = NULL,
covariateValues = NULL,
horizontalPlot = "vertical",
targetValues = NULL,
showTargetNames = TRUE,
targetErrors = NULL,
concentrationValues = NULL,
concentrationErrors = NULL,
userDefinedSim = NULL,
showLegend = TRUE,
legendInside = FALSE,
showGrid = TRUE,
showPoints = FALSE,
hull = "convex hull",
alpha = 0.1) {
if ((is.null(simSources) || all( &
(is.null(targetValues) || all( &
(is.null(concentrationValues) || all( {
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
targetValues <- fruitsObj$data$obsvn
targetErrors <- fruitsObj$data$obsvnError
covariateValues <- fruitsObj$data$covariates
if (!is.null(sources)) {
if (!(length(targets) %in% c(1, 2, 3))) {
data <- data.frame(
Message = c("Please select 1, 2 or 3 proxies"),
Proxy1 <- c(0), Proxy2 <- c(1)
plot <- plot_ly(data,
x = ~Proxy1, y = ~Proxy2,
mode = "text", type = "scatter",
text = ~Message, textfont = list(color = "red", size = 16)
plot <- plot %>% layout(showlegend = showLegend)
if (legendInside) {
plot <- plot %>% layout(legend = list(x = 0.025, y = 0.975))
if ((length(sources) < 3 & length(targets) > 1) | (length(sources) < 2 & length(targets) == 1)) {
minNSources <- ifelse(length(targets) > 1, 3, 2)
data <- data.frame(
Message = sprintf("Please select at least %s sources", minNSources),
Proxy1 = c(0),
Proxy2 = c(1)
plot <- plot_ly(data,
x = ~Proxy1, y = ~Proxy2,
mode = "text", type = "scatter",
text = ~Message, textfont = list(color = "red", size = 16)
plot <- plot %>% layout(showlegend = showLegend)
if (legendInside) {
plot <- plot %>% layout(legend = list(x = 0.025, y = 0.975))
# simSources <- simSources[names(simSources) %in% sources]
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
if (!is.null(targets) && length(targets) > 0) {
simSources <- lapply(simSources, function(m) {
m[, targets, drop = FALSE]
simSourcesAll <- lapply(simSourcesAll, function(m) {
m[, targets, drop = FALSE]
} else {
if (!is.null(userDefinedSim)) {
userDefinedSim <- lapply(userDefinedSim, function(m) {
m[, targets, drop = FALSE]
meansUser <-"rbind", lapply(userDefinedSim, colMeans))
covsUser <- getSourceCorr(userDefinedSim)
} else {
meansUser <- NULL
if (!is.null(covariates)) {
individualCovList <- lapply(1:length(covariates), function(k) {
allInts <- getAllCovariateInteractions(covariateValues, vars = colnames(covariateValues))
pos <- rep(1:nrow(covariateValues), length(allInts) / nrow(covariateValues))
pos[which(getAllCovariateInteractions(covariateValues, vars = colnames(covariateValues)) %in% covariates[k])]
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
means <-"rbind", lapply(simSources, colMeans))
covs <- getSourceCorr(simSources)
if (!is.null(sources)) {
simGrid <- simGrid[, match(sources, colnames(simGrid)), drop = FALSE]
simSourcesAll <- simSourcesAll[which(round(rowSums(simGrid), 2) == 1)]
simGrid <- simGrid[which(rowSums(simGrid) >= 0.99), ]
simSourcesAll <- simSourcesAll[, split(simGrid, rep(1:ncol(simGrid), each = nrow(simGrid))))]
meansAll <-"rbind", lapply(simSourcesAll, colMeans))
covsAll <- getSourceCorr(simSourcesAll)
if (ncol(means) == 3) {
plot3D <- 1
if (ncol(means) == 2) {
plot3D <- 0
if (ncol(means) == 1) {
plot3D <- -1
} else {
if (!is.null(targetValues)) {
means <- targetValues
targetErrors[] <- 0.005
covs <- lapply(1:nrow(targetErrors), function(x) {
diag(targetErrors[x, ])^2
names(covs) <- rownames(targetErrors)
if (length(targets) == 3) {
plot3D <- 1
if (length(targets) == 2) {
plot3D <- 0
if (length(targets) == 1) {
plot3D <- -1
} else {
if (!is.null(concentrationValues)) {
means <- concentrationValues
covs <- lapply(1:nrow(concentrationErrors), function(x) {
diag(concentrationErrors[x, ])^2
names(covs) <- rownames(concentrationErrors)
if (length(fractions) == 3) {
plot3D <- 1
if (length(fractions) == 2) {
plot3D <- 0
if (length(fractions) == 1) {
plot3D <- -1
if (!is.null(sources)) {
means <- means[rownames(means) %in% sources, ,drop=FALSE]
covs <- covs[names(covs) %in% sources]
names <- rownames(means)
colorsPlot <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(max(3, min(8, nrow(means))), "Set2"))(length(unique(rownames(means))))[rownames(means) %>%
factor() %>%
plotData <- data.frame(x = numeric(), y = numeric(), error = numeric(), colorsPlot = character())
########### 1D ####
if (plot3D == -1) {
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
plotData <- data.frame(
y = round(as.vector(means), 3), x = rownames(means),
error = round(qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2) * sqrt(unlist(covs)), 3),
colorsPlot = colorsPlot
if((showGrid | showPoints) & (!is.null(sources))){
simData <- data.frame(
y = round(meansAll[, 1], 3),
x = sapply(1:nrow(simGrid),
function(i) paste(paste0(colnames(simGrid), ":", round(simGrid[i, ],3)), collapse = ", ")),
error = round(qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2) * sqrt(unlist(covsAll)), 3),
colorsPlot = "blue"
plotData <- rbind(simData, plotData)
if (showIndividuals == TRUE) {
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
cols <- rep("#d3d3d3", NROW(targetErrors))
} else {
cols <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(max(3, min(8, nrow(means))), "Set2"))(length(unique(rownames(means))))[rownames(means) %>%
factor() %>%
individualData <- data.frame(
y = targetValues[, targets],
x = rownames(targetValues),
error = round(qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2) *
targetErrors[, targets], 3),
colorsPlot = cols
plotData <- rbind(individualData, plotData)
if (!is.null(userDefinedSim)) {
cols <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(max(3, min(8, nrow(means))), "Set3"))(nrow(meansUser))
userData <- data.frame(
y = round(as.vector(meansUser), 3),
x = rownames(meansUser),
error = round(qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2) * sqrt(unlist(covsUser)), 3),
colorsPlot = cols
plotData <- rbind(userData, plotData)
if (!is.null(covariates)) {
covData <-"rbind", lapply(
function(x) {
y = mean(targetValues[individualCovList[[x]], targets]),
x = covariates[x],
error = sqrt(sum((targetErrors[individualCovList[[x]], targets])^2) /
colorsPlot = rep("darkgrey", 1)
plotData <- rbind(covData, plotData)
if (!is.null(concentrationValues)) {
concData <- data.frame(
y = concentrationValues[, fractions],
x = rownames(concentrationValues),
error = round(qnorm(1 - (1 - confidence) / 2) *
concentrationErrors[, fractions], 3),
colorsPlot = colorsPlot
plotData <- rbind(concData, plotData)
plotData$x <- factor(plotData$x, levels = unique(plotData$x))
plotData <- plotData %>% arrange(.data$x)
if (showConfidence) {
if (horizontalPlot != "vertical") {
plot <- plot_ly(
data = plotData, x = ~y,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", showlegend = showLegend, color = I(plotData$colorsPlot),
name = ~x,
error_x = ~ list(array = error)
} else {
plot <- plot_ly(
data = plotData, x = ~x, y = ~y,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", showlegend = FALSE, color = I(plotData$colorsPlot),
name = ~x,
error_y = ~ list(array = error)
} else {
if (horizontalPlot != "vertical") {
plot <- plot_ly(
data = plotData, x = ~y,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", showlegend = showLegend, color = I(plotData$colorsPlot),
name = ~x
if (!is.null(concentrationValues)) {
plot <- plot %>% layout(xaxis = list(range = c(0, 100)))
} else {
plot <- plot_ly(
data = plotData, x = ~x, y = ~y,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", showlegend = FALSE, color = I(plotData$colorsPlot),
name = ~x
if (!is.null(concentrationValues)) {
plot <- plot %>% layout(yaxis = list(range = c(0, 100)))
ax <- list(
title = "",
zeroline = FALSE,
showline = FALSE,
showticklabels = FALSE,
showgrid = FALSE
if (horizontalPlot != "vertical") {
plot <- plot %>% layout(xaxis = list(title = colnames(means)), yaxis = ax, showlegend = showLegend)
} else {
plot <- plot %>% layout(
yaxis = list(title = colnames(means)),
xaxis = list(title = ""), showlegend = showLegend
if (legendInside) {
plot <- plot %>% layout(legend = list(x = 0.025, y = 0.975))
#### 2D ####
if (plot3D == 0) {
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
plotData <- data.frame(
y = round(means[, 2], 3), x = round(means[, 1], 3),
colorsPlot = colorsPlot,
name = rownames(means)
plotData$name <- factor(plotData$name, levels = unique(plotData$name))
plotData <- plotData %>% arrange(.data$name)
plotDataSegments <- data.frame(y = round(meansAll[, 2], 3), x = round(meansAll[, 1], 3))
plotDataAll <- plotData
sourceAnnotations <- list(
yref = "y",
x = means[, 1],
y = means[, 2],
xanchor = "right",
yanchor = "middle",
text = ~ rownames(means),
font = list(
family = "Arial",
size = 16,
color = "rgba(67,67,67,1)"
showarrow = FALSE
if (showConfidence) {
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
ellipses <- lapply(1:nrow(plotData), function(i) {
car::ellipse(unlist(plotData[i, c("x", "y")]),
shape = covs[[which(names(covs) == plotData$name[i])]],
sqrt(qchisq(1 - (1 - confidence), 2)), draw = FALSE
ellipsesAll <- lapply(1:nrow(plotDataSegments), function(i) {
car::ellipse(unlist(plotDataSegments[i, c("x", "y")]),
shape = covsAll[[i]],
sqrt(qchisq(1 - (1 - confidence), 2)), draw = FALSE
} else {
ellipses <- lapply(1:nrow(means), function(i) {
car::ellipse(unlist(means[i, c(1, 2)]),
shape = covs[[i]],
sqrt(qchisq(1 - (1 - confidence), 2)), draw = FALSE
if (showIndividuals == TRUE) {
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
individualData <- data.frame(
y = targetValues[, targets[2]],
x = targetValues[, targets[1]],
name = rownames(targetValues),
colorsPlot = rep("#d3d3d3", NROW(targetErrors))
} else {
individualData <- data.frame(
y = targetValues[, targets[2]],
x = targetValues[, targets[1]],
name = rownames(targetValues),
colorsPlot = colorsPlot
plotDataAll <- rbind(plotData, individualData)
plotDataAll$name <- factor(plotDataAll$name, levels = unique(plotDataAll$name))
plotDataAll <- plotDataAll %>% arrange(.data$name)
IndividualAnnotations <- list(
yref = "y",
x = c(individualData[, 2]),
y = c(individualData[, 1]),
xanchor = "right",
yanchor = "middle",
text = as.character(individualData$name),
font = list(
family = "Arial",
size = 16,
color = "rgba(67,67,67,1)"
showarrow = FALSE
if (!is.null(userDefinedSim)) {
colsUser <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(max(3, min(8, nrow(meansUser))), "Set3"))(nrow(meansUser))
userData <- data.frame(
y = round(meansUser[, 2], 3), x = round(meansUser[, 1], 3),
name = rownames(meansUser),
colorsPlot = colsUser
plotDataAll <- rbind(plotDataAll, userData)
if (showConfidence) {
ellipsesUser <- lapply(1:nrow(userData), function(i) {
car::ellipse(unlist(userData[i, c("x", "y")]),
shape = covsUser[[i]],
sqrt(qchisq(1 - (1 - confidence), 2)),
draw = FALSE
sourceAnnotationsUser <- list(
yref = "y",
x = meansUser[, 1],
y = meansUser[, 2],
xanchor = "right",
yanchor = "middle",
text = ~ rownames(meansUser),
font = list(
family = "Arial",
size = 16,
color = "rgba(67,67,67,1)"
showarrow = FALSE
if (!is.null(covariates)) {
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
covData <-"rbind", lapply(
function(x) {
y = mean(targetValues[individualCovList[[x]], targets[2]]),
x = mean(targetValues[individualCovList[[x]], targets[1]]),
name = covariates[x],
colorsPlot = rep("darkgrey", 1)
} else {
covData <-"rbind", lapply(
function(x) {
y = mean(targetValues[individualCovList[[x]], targets[2]]),
x = mean(targetValues[individualCovList[[x]], targets[1]]),
name = covariates[x],
colorsPlot = rep("darkgrey", 1)
plotDataAll <- rbind(plotDataAll, covData)
plotDataAll$name <- factor(plotDataAll$name, levels = unique(plotDataAll$name))
plotDataAll <- plotDataAll %>% arrange(.data$name)
sourceAnnotations <- list(
yref = "y",
x = c(means[, 1], covData[, 2]),
y = c(means[, 2], covData[, 1]),
xanchor = "right",
yanchor = "middle",
text = ~ c(rownames(means), covariates),
font = list(
family = "Arial",
size = 16,
color = "rgba(67,67,67,1)"
showarrow = FALSE
if (!is.null(concentrationValues)) {
concData <- data.frame(
y = concentrationValues[, fractions[2]],
x = concentrationValues[, fractions[1]],
name = rownames(concentrationValues),
colorsPlot = colorsPlot
plotData <- concData
plotDataAll <- rbind(plotDataAll, concData)
if (showConfidence) {
ellipses <- lapply(1:nrow(plotDataAll), function(i) {
car::ellipse(unlist(plotDataAll[i, c("x", "y")]),
shape = covs[[which(names(covs) == plotDataAll$name[i])]],
sqrt(qchisq(1 - (1 - confidence), 2)), draw = FALSE
plot <- plot_ly(
data = plotDataAll, x = ~x, y = ~y,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", showlegend = showLegend, name = ~name,
color = I(plotDataAll$colorsPlot)
) %>%
annotations = sourceAnnotations, xaxis = list(title = colnames(means)[1]),
yaxis = list(title = colnames(means)[2])
if (showTargetNames & showIndividuals) {
plot <- plot %>%
layout(annotations = IndividualAnnotations)
if (!is.null(userDefinedSim)) {
plot <- plot %>%
annotations = sourceAnnotationsUser,
xaxis = list(title = colnames(meansUser)[1]),
yaxis = list(title = colnames(meansUser)[2])
if (!is.null(sources)) {
plotDataSegmentsHull <- plotDataSegments[c(nrow(plotDataSegments), 1:nrow(plotDataSegments), 1), ]
line <- list(
type = "line",
line = list(color = "grey"),
xref = "x",
yref = "y"
# triangle
lines <- list()
# hull <- chull(plotDataSegmentsHull[, c("x", "y")])
# plotDataSegmentsHull <- plotDataSegmentsHull[c(hull[length(hull)], hull),]
# for (i in 1:(nrow(plotDataSegmentsHull) - 1)) {
# line[["x0"]] <- plotDataSegmentsHull$x[i]
# line[["x1"]] <- plotDataSegmentsHull$x[i + 1]
# line[c("y0")] <- plotDataSegmentsHull$y[i]
# line[c("y1")] <- plotDataSegmentsHull$y[i + 1]
# lines <- c(lines, list(line))
# }
# inner
linesInner <- list()
# if(length(sources) == 3){
dists <- as.matrix(dist(simGrid, method = "maximum"))
dists[col(dists) > row(dists)] <- 1
minDist <- min(dists[dists > 0])
lineInner <- list(
type = "line",
line = list(color = "blue"),
xref = "x",
yref = "y",
opacity = 0.25,
layer = "below"
for (j in 1:(nrow(plotDataSegments) - 1)) {
index <- which(abs(dists[, j] - minDist) < 0.01)
if (length(index) > 0) {
for (k in index) {
# if(length(sources) == 3 | (sum(simGrid[j, ] > 0) == 2) & (sum(simGrid[j, ] > 0) == 2)){
lineInner[["x0"]] <- plotDataSegments$x[j]
lineInner[["x1"]] <- plotDataSegments$x[k]
lineInner[c("y0")] <- plotDataSegments$y[j]
lineInner[c("y1")] <- plotDataSegments$y[k]
linesInner <- c(linesInner, list(lineInner))
# }
# }
if (showGrid) {
lShapes <- c(linesInner, lines)
} else {
lShapes <- lines
if (showPoints) {
plot <- add_trace(plot,
x = plotDataSegments$x, y = plotDataSegments$y,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", name = "",
showlegend = FALSE, color = "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
text = sapply(1:nrow(simGrid), function(i) paste(paste0(colnames(simGrid), ":", simGrid[i, ]), collapse = ", ")),
marker = list(
color = "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
size = 7,
line = list(
color = "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
width = 2
if (showConfidence) {
if (!is.null(sources)) {
# outer
allEllipsePoints <- unique("rbind", ellipsesAll))
if (hull == "alpha convex hull") {
hulls <- ashape(x = unique(signif(allEllipsePoints, 6)), alpha = alpha)
convHull <- hulls$edges
} else {
hulls <- chull(x = allEllipsePoints)
convHull <- allEllipsePoints[c(hulls[length(hulls)], hulls), ]
# dists <- rowSums((convHull %>% diff)^2)
# minDist <- min(sort(dists, decreasing = TRUE)[1:length(sources)])
# outerPoints <- convHull[sort(c(which(dists >= minDist), which(dists >= minDist) + 1)),]
lineOuter <- list(
type = "line",
line = list(color = "grey", dash = "dash"),
xref = "x",
yref = "y",
layer = "below"
linesOuter <- list()
if (hull == "alpha convex hull") {
convHull <-
for (i in 1:(nrow(convHull))) {
lineOuter[["x0"]] <- convHull$x1[i]
lineOuter[["x1"]] <- convHull$x2[i]
lineOuter[c("y0")] <- convHull$y1[i]
lineOuter[c("y1")] <- convHull$y2[i]
linesOuter <- c(linesOuter, list(lineOuter))
} else {
convHull <-
for (i in 1:(nrow(convHull) - 1)) {
lineOuter[["x0"]] <- convHull$x[i]
lineOuter[["x1"]] <- convHull$x[i + 1]
lineOuter[c("y0")] <- convHull$y[i]
lineOuter[c("y1")] <- convHull$y[i + 1]
linesOuter <- c(linesOuter, list(lineOuter))
# for (i in 1:length(sources)) {
# lineOuter[["x0"]] <- outerPoints[2 * i - 1, 1]
# lineOuter[["x1"]] <- outerPoints[2 * i, 1]
# lineOuter[c("y0")] <- outerPoints[2 * i - 1, 2]
# lineOuter[c("y1")] <- outerPoints[2 * i, 2]
# linesOuter <- c(linesOuter, list(lineOuter))
# }
lShapes <- c(lShapes, linesOuter)
if (!is.null(sources)) {
plot <- layout(plot, shapes = lShapes)
for (i in 1:nrow(means)) {
plot <- add_trace(plot,
x = ellipses[[i]][, 1], y = ellipses[[i]][, 2],
type = "scatter", mode = "lines", name = "",
showlegend = FALSE, color = I(plotData$colorsPlot[i])
if (!is.null(userDefinedSim)) {
for (i in 1:nrow(meansUser)) {
plot <- add_trace(plot,
x = ellipsesUser[[i]][, 1], y = ellipsesUser[[i]][, 2],
type = "scatter", mode = "lines", name = "",
showlegend = FALSE, color = I(userData$colorsPlot[i])
if (showIndividuals == TRUE) {
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
individualDataPlot <- plotDataAll[!(plotDataAll$name %in% rownames(means)) &
!(plotDataAll$name %in% covariates) &
!(plotDataAll$name %in% rownames(meansUser)), ]
} else {
individualDataPlot <- plotDataAll[!(plotDataAll$name %in% covariates), ]
sds <- targetErrors[rownames(targetErrors) %in% individualDataPlot$name, , drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(targetErrors) || fruitsObj$modelOptions$obsvnDist$default != "multivariate-normal") {
ellipsesInd <- lapply(1:nrow(individualDataPlot), function(i) {
car::ellipse(unlist(individualDataPlot[i, c("x", "y")]),
shape = diag(sds[i, ] + 1E-5, 2)^2 + 1E-4,
sqrt(qchisq(1 - (1 - confidence), 2)), draw = FALSE
else {
covs <- fruitsObj$data$obsvnCov[rownames(targetErrors) %in% individualDataPlot$name]
ellipsesInd <- lapply(1:nrow(individualDataPlot), function(i) {
car::ellipse(unlist(individualDataPlot[i, c("x", "y")]),
shape = covs[[i]] + diag(1E-5, 2),
sqrt(qchisq(1 - (1 - confidence), 2)), draw = FALSE
for (i in 1:nrow(individualDataPlot)) {
plot <- add_trace(plot,
x = ellipsesInd[[i]][, 1], y = ellipsesInd[[i]][, 2],
type = "scatter", mode = "lines", name = "",
showlegend = FALSE, color = I(individualDataPlot$colorsPlot[i])
if (!is.null(covariates)) {
covDataPlot <- plotDataAll[plotDataAll$name %in% covariates, ]
sds <-"rbind", lapply(1:length(individualCovList), function(x) {
targetErrors[individualCovList[[x]], , drop = FALSE],
2, function(y) (sum(y^2) / length(y)^2)
) +
targetValues[individualCovList[[x]], , drop = FALSE],
2, function(y) {
if (length(y) > 1) {
} else {
ellipsesCov <- lapply(
function(i) {
car::ellipse(unlist(covDataPlot[i, c("x", "y")]),
shape = diag(sds[i, ] + 1E-5, 2)^2 + 1E-4,
sqrt(qchisq(1 - (1 - confidence), 2)), draw = FALSE
for (i in 1:nrow(covDataPlot)) {
plot <- add_trace(plot,
x = ellipsesCov[[i]][, 1], y = ellipsesCov[[i]][, 2],
type = "scatter", mode = "lines", name = "",
showlegend = FALSE, color = I(covDataPlot$colorsPlot[i])
plot <- plot %>% layout(showlegend = showLegend)
if (legendInside) {
plot <- plot %>% layout(legend = list(x = 0.025, y = 0.975))
#### 3D ####
if (plot3D == 1) {
plotData <- data.frame(
y = round(means[, 2], 3),
x = round(means[, 1], 3),
z = round(means[, 3], 3),
colorsPlot = colorsPlot,
name = rownames(means)
plotDataAll <- plotData
plotDataAll$name <- factor(plotDataAll$name, levels = unique(plotDataAll$name))
plotDataAll <- plotDataAll %>% arrange(.data$name)
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
plotDataSegments <- data.frame(y = round(meansAll[, 2], 3), x = round(meansAll[, 1], 3), z = round(meansAll[, 3], 3))
if (showConfidence) {
if (!is.null(simSources)) {
ellipses <- lapply(1:nrow(plotData), function(i) {
centre = unlist(plotData[i, c("x", "y", "z")]),
x = covs[[i]],
level = confidence
ellipsesAll <- lapply(1:nrow(plotDataSegments), function(i) {
centre = unlist(plotDataSegments[i, c("x", "y", "z")]),
x = covsAll[[i]],
level = confidence
} else {
ellipses <- lapply(1:nrow(plotData), function(i) {
centre = unlist(plotData[i, c("x", "y", "z")]),
x = covs[[i]],
level = confidence
if (showIndividuals == TRUE) {
individualData <- data.frame(
z = targetValues[, targets[3]],
y = targetValues[, targets[2]],
x = targetValues[, targets[1]],
name = rownames(targetValues),
colorsPlot = rep("#d3d3d3", NROW(targetErrors))
plotDataAll <- rbind(plotData, individualData)
plotDataAll$name <- factor(plotDataAll$name, levels = unique(plotDataAll$name))
plotDataAll <- plotDataAll %>% arrange(.data$name)
IndividualAnnotations <-
lapply(1:nrow(individualData), function(i) {
yref = "y",
x = individualData$x[i],
y = individualData$y[i],
z = individualData$z[i],
xanchor = "right",
text = as.character(individualData$name[i]),
font = list(
family = "Arial",
size = 16,
color = "rgba(67,67,67,1)"
showarrow = FALSE
if (!is.null(userDefinedSim)) {
colsUser <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(max(3, min(8, nrow(meansUser))), "Set3"))(nrow(meansUser))
userData <- data.frame(
y = round(meansUser[, 2], 3), x = round(meansUser[, 1], 3),
z = round(meansUser[, 3], 3),
name = rownames(meansUser),
colorsPlot = colsUser
plotDataAll <- rbind(plotDataAll, userData)
sourceAnnotationsUser <- lapply(1:nrow(userData), function(i) {
yref = "y",
x = userData$x[i],
y = userData$y[i],
z = userData$z[i],
xanchor = "right",
text = as.character(userData$name[i]),
font = list(
family = "Arial",
size = 16,
color = "rgba(67,67,67,1)"
showarrow = FALSE
if (showConfidence) {
ellipsesUser <- lapply(1:nrow(userData), function(i) {
centre = unlist(userData[i, c("x", "y", "z")]),
x = covsUser[[which(names(covsUser) == userData$name[i])]],
level = confidence
if (!is.null(covariates)) {
covData <-"rbind", lapply(
function(x) {
z = mean(targetValues[individualCovList[[x]], targets[3]]),
y = mean(targetValues[individualCovList[[x]], targets[2]]),
x = mean(targetValues[individualCovList[[x]], targets[1]]),
name = covariates[x],
colorsPlot = rep("darkgrey", 1)
plotDataAll <- rbind(plotDataAll, covData)
plotDataAll$name <- factor(plotDataAll$name, levels = unique(plotDataAll$name))
plotDataAll <- plotDataAll %>% arrange(.data$name)
plot <- plot_ly(
data = plotDataAll, x = ~x, y = ~y, z = ~z,
type = "scatter3d", mode = "markers", text = ~name,
showlegend = showLegend, name = ~name, color = I(plotDataAll$colorsPlot)
) %>%
title = "",
scene = list(
xaxis = list(title = colnames(means)[1]),
yaxis = list(title = colnames(means)[2]),
zaxis = list(title = colnames(means)[3])
annotations <- list()
if (showTargetNames & showIndividuals) {
annotations <- IndividualAnnotations
if (!is.null(userDefinedSim)) {
annotations <- c(annotations, sourceAnnotationsUser)
if (!is.null(sources)) {
SourceAnnotations <-
lapply(1:nrow(plotData), function(i) {
yref = "y",
x = plotData$x[i],
y = plotData$y[i],
z = plotData$z[i],
xanchor = "right",
text = as.character(plotData$name[i]),
font = list(
family = "Arial",
size = 16,
color = "rgba(67,67,67,1)"
showarrow = FALSE
annotations <- c(annotations, SourceAnnotations)
# plotDataSegments <- plotData[match(sources[c(3, 1:3, 1)], plotData$name), ]
plotDataSegmentsHull <- plotDataSegments[c(nrow(plotDataSegments), 1:nrow(plotDataSegments), 1), ]
# plotDataSegmentsHull <- plotData[match(sources, plotData$name), ]
# plotDataSegmentsHull <- plotDataSegmentsHull[combn(1:nrow(plotDataSegmentsHull), 2) %>% as.vector(), ]
lines <- list()
# line <- list(
# type = "line",
# line = list(color = "grey"),
# xref = "x",
# yref = "y"
# )
# #triangle
# for (i in 1:(nrow(plotDataSegmentsHull) - 1)) {
# line[["x0"]] <- plotDataSegmentsHull$x[i]
# line[["x1"]] <- plotDataSegmentsHull$x[i + 1]
# line[c("y0")] <- plotDataSegmentsHull$y[i]
# line[c("y1")] <- plotDataSegmentsHull$y[i + 1]
# line[c("z0")] <- plotDataSegmentsHull$z[i]
# line[c("z1")] <- plotDataSegmentsHull$z[i + 1]
# lines <- c(lines, list(line))
# }
# for(i in 1:length(lines)){
# data <- data.frame(x = c(lines[[i]]$x0, lines[[i]]$x1),
# y = c(lines[[i]]$y0, lines[[i]]$y1),
# z = c(lines[[i]]$z0, lines[[i]]$z1),
# name = c("a", "a"),
# coloursPlot = c("grey"))
# plot <- add_trace(plot,
# data = data,
# x = ~x,
# y = ~y,
# z = ~z,
# mode = 'lines',
# color = ~ coloursPlot,
# line = list(color = 'darkgrey', width = 1), text = NULL,
# showlegend = FALSE)
# }
linesInner <- list()
dists <- as.matrix(dist(simGrid, method = "maximum"))
dists[col(dists) > row(dists)] <- 1
minDist <- min(dists[dists > 0])
lineInner <- list(
type = "line",
line = list(color = "blue"),
xref = "x",
yref = "y",
zref = "z",
opacity = 0.3
for (j in 1:(nrow(plotDataSegments) - 1)) {
index <- which(abs(dists[, j] - minDist) < 0.01)
if (length(index) > 0) {
for (k in index) {
# if(length(sources) == 3 | (sum(simGrid[j, ] > 0) == 2) & (sum(simGrid[j, ] > 0) == 2)){
lineInner[["x0"]] <- plotDataSegments$x[j]
lineInner[["x1"]] <- plotDataSegments$x[k]
lineInner[c("y0")] <- plotDataSegments$y[j]
lineInner[c("y1")] <- plotDataSegments$y[k]
lineInner[c("z0")] <- plotDataSegments$z[j]
lineInner[c("z1")] <- plotDataSegments$z[k]
linesInner <- c(linesInner, list(lineInner))
# }
if (showGrid) {
lShapes <- c(linesInner, lines)
} else {
lShapes <- lines
if (showPoints) {
plot <- add_trace(plot,
x = plotDataSegments$x, y = plotDataSegments$y,
z = plotDataSegments$z,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers", name = "",
showlegend = FALSE, color = "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
text = sapply(
function(i) paste(paste0(colnames(simGrid), ":", simGrid[i, ]), collapse = ", ")
marker = list(
color = "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
size = 7,
line = list(
color = "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
width = 2
# inner
# lineInner <- list(
# type = "line",
# line = list(color = "lightgrey"),
# xref = "x",
# yref = "y",
# zref = "z"
# )
# linesInner <- list()
# if(length(sources) == 3){
# for(j in 2:4){
# for(k in seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1)){
# lineInner[["x0"]] <- plotDataSegments$x[j] +
# k * (plotDataSegments$x[j + 1] - plotDataSegments$x[j])
# lineInner[["x1"]] <- plotDataSegments$x[j] +
# k * (plotDataSegments$x[j - 1] - plotDataSegments$x[j])
# lineInner[c("y0")] <- plotDataSegments$y[j] +
# k * (plotDataSegments$y[j + 1] - plotDataSegments$y[j])
# lineInner[c("y1")] <- plotDataSegments$y[j] +
# k * (plotDataSegments$y[j - 1] - plotDataSegments$y[j])
# lineInner[c("z0")] <- plotDataSegments$z[j] +
# k * (plotDataSegments$z[j + 1] - plotDataSegments$z[j])
# lineInner[c("z1")] <- plotDataSegments$z[j] +
# k * (plotDataSegments$z[j - 1] - plotDataSegments$z[j])
# linesInner <- c(linesInner, list(lineInner))
# }
# }
for (i in 1:length(linesInner)) {
data <- data.frame(
x = c(linesInner[[i]]$x0, linesInner[[i]]$x1),
y = c(linesInner[[i]]$y0, linesInner[[i]]$y1),
z = c(linesInner[[i]]$z0, linesInner[[i]]$z1),
name = c("a", "a"),
coloursPlot = c("grey")
plot <- add_trace(plot,
data = data,
x = ~x,
y = ~y,
z = ~z,
mode = "lines",
color = "blue",
opacity = 0.2,
layer = "below",
line = list(color = "blue", width = 1), text = NULL,
showlegend = FALSE
if (showConfidence) {
for (i in 1:nrow(means)) {
plot <- add_trace(plot,
x = ellipses[[i]]$vb[1, ], y = ellipses[[i]]$vb[2, ], z = ellipses[[i]]$vb[3, ],
type = "mesh3d", name = plotData$name[i],
showlegend = FALSE,
color = I(plotData$colorsPlot[i]), opacity = 0.15,
alphahull = 0, inherit = FALSE
if (!is.null(userDefinedSim)) {
for (i in 1:nrow(meansUser)) {
plot <- add_trace(plot,
x = ellipsesUser[[i]]$vb[1, ], y = ellipsesUser[[i]]$vb[2, ], z = ellipsesUser[[i]]$vb[3, ],
type = "mesh3d", name = userData$name[i],
showlegend = FALSE,
color = I(userData$colorsPlot[i]), opacity = 0.15,
alphahull = 0, inherit = FALSE
if (showIndividuals == TRUE & !is.null(simSources)) {
individualDataPlot <- plotDataAll[!(plotDataAll$name %in% rownames(means)) &
!(plotDataAll$name %in% covariates) &
!(plotDataAll$name %in% rownames(meansUser)), ]
sds <- targetErrors[rownames(targetErrors) %in% individualDataPlot$name, ]
if (fruitsObj$modelOptions$obsvnDist$default != "multivariate-normal") {
ellipsesInd <- lapply(1:nrow(individualDataPlot), function(i) {
centre = unlist(individualDataPlot[i, c("x", "y", "z")]),
x = diag(sds[i, ] + 1E-5, 3)^2,
level = confidence
else {
covs <- fruitsObj$data$obsvnCov[rownames(targetErrors) %in% individualDataPlot$name]
ellipsesInd <- lapply(1:nrow(individualDataPlot), function(i) {
rgl::ellipse3d(unlist(individualDataPlot[i, c("x", "y", "z")]),
shape = covs[[i]] + diag(1E-5, 3),
level = confidence
for (i in 1:nrow(individualDataPlot)) {
plot <- add_trace(plot,
x = ellipsesInd[[i]]$vb[1, ], y = ellipsesInd[[i]]$vb[2, ], z = ellipsesInd[[i]]$vb[3, ],
type = "mesh3d", name = individualDataPlot$name[i],
showlegend = FALSE,
color = I(individualDataPlot$colorsPlot[i]), opacity = 0.15,
alphahull = 0, inherit = FALSE
if (!is.null(covariates)) {
covDataPlot <- plotDataAll[plotDataAll$name %in% covariates, ]
sds <-"rbind", lapply(1:length(individualCovList), function(x) {
targetErrors[individualCovList[[x]], , drop = FALSE],
2, function(y) (sum(y^2) / length(y)^2)
) +
targetValues[individualCovList[[x]], , drop = FALSE],
2, function(y) {
if (length(y) > 1) {
} else {
ellipsesInd <- lapply(1:nrow(covDataPlot), function(i) {
centre = unlist(covDataPlot[i, c("x", "y", "z")]),
x = diag(sds[i, ] + 1E-5, 3)^2,
level = confidence
for (i in 1:nrow(covDataPlot)) {
plot <- add_trace(plot,
x = ellipsesInd[[i]]$vb[1, ], y = ellipsesInd[[i]]$vb[2, ], z = ellipsesInd[[i]]$vb[3, ],
type = "mesh3d", name = covDataPlot$name[i],
showlegend = FALSE,
color = I(covDataPlot$colorsPlot[i]), opacity = 0.15,
alphahull = 0, inherit = FALSE
plot <- plot %>% layout(showlegend = showLegend)
if (legendInside) {
plot <- plot %>% layout(legend = list(x = 0.025, y = 0.975))
plot <- plot %>%
layout(scene = list(annotations = annotations))
prepareSimSourcesExport <- function(simSources) {
simSources <- lapply(1:length(simSources), function(x) {
simSources[[x]] <-[[x]])
simSources[[x]]$Source <- names(simSources)[x]
simSources <-"rbind", simSources)
getAllCovariateInteractions <- function(covariates, vars = NULL) {
if (is.null(covariates) || is.null(vars) || all(covariates == "") || all( {
covariates <- covariates[, vars, drop = FALSE]
# one way
ints <- as.character((interaction(covariates)))
# Full
if (length(colnames(covariates)) > 1) {
ints <- c(ints, as.character((interaction(split(
drop = TRUE, sep = "-"
# two way
if (length(colnames(covariates)) > 2) {
ints <- c(
function(x) {
t(covariates[, -x]),
drop = TRUE, sep = "-"
simSourcesOutput <- function(simSources) {
simSourcesData <-"rbind", lapply(1:length(simSources$simSources), function(x) {
simSources$simSources[[x]] <-$simSources[[x]])
simSources$simSources[[x]]$name <- names(simSources$simSources[x])
if (!is.null(simSources$userDefinedSim)) {
userData <-"rbind", lapply(1:length(simSources$userDefinedSim), function(x) {
simSources$userDefinedSim[[x]] <-$userDefinedSim[[x]])
simSources$userDefinedSim[[x]]$name <- names(simSources$userDefinedSim[x])
simSourcesData <- rbind(simSourcesData, userData)
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