
# SeqPlots server file - initial cleaning
# Author: Przemyslaw Stempor
#For local testes: Sys.setenv(root=file.path(path.expand("~"), "SeqPlots_data"), web=getwd()); require(shiny); runApp()
#session$registerDataObj('im', file.path(Sys.getenv("web", '.'), 'www/help/help.html'), function(data, req) { shiny:::httpResponse(content=readChar(data,$size)) })

#options("xtable.sanitize.text.function" = identity)
options("shiny.maxRequestSize" = -1)
options("bitmapType" = "cairo")
#options(shiny.reactlog = FALSE)

##Turn off experimental
#options(RCHART_WIDTH = 800)

sourceDir <- function(path, ...) {
  for (nm in list.files(path, pattern = "[.][RrSsQq]$")) {
    source(file.path(path, nm), ...)

sqlite <- RSQLite::SQLite()
if( Sys.getenv('root') != '' ) {
  con <- dbConnect(sqlite, dbname = file.path(Sys.getenv('root'),'files.sqlite'))
} else if( file.exists('server_config.R')  ) {
  con <- dbConnect(sqlite, dbname = file.path(Sys.getenv('root'),'files.sqlite'))
} else {
  con <- dbConnect(sqlite, dbname = 'files.sqlite')

shinyServer(function(input, output, clientData, session) {
  #Test if png is working, require x11 addon on newer Mac OS X if necessary
  png(tempfile()); plot(1);
  #Reactive values definition
  subplotSetup <- reactiveValues( )
  urlSetup <- reactiveValues( )
  values <- reactiveValues( grfile=NULL, calcID=NULL, plotMsg=NULL, refFileGrids=NULL, proc=NULL, im=NULL, clusters=NULL, SFsetup=list(), plotHistory=list() )
  #Source functions
  if( Sys.getenv('web') != '' ) setwd(Sys.getenv('web'))
  source( file.path(Sys.getenv("web", '.'), 'functions/LOCAL/mceval.R'), local=TRUE )
  source( file.path(Sys.getenv("web", '.'), 'functions/LOCAL/server_plotHeatmap.R'), local=TRUE )
  source( file.path(Sys.getenv("web", '.'), 'functions/LOCAL/server_plotLineplot.R'), local=TRUE )
  if( Sys.getenv('root') != '' ) setwd(Sys.getenv('root'))
	suppressMessages( addResourcePath(prefix='files', directoryPath='./files') )
	#Debug code: Testing eval statement
  if( Sys.getenv("seqplots_debug", FALSE) ) {
	  output$debug_out <- renderPrint({
	    if(input$debug_submit==0) return()
	    isolate( eval(parse(text=input$debug_cmd)) )
  #Add [S]equence [F]eature setup and reset observers
    if(input$SFreset==0) return()
    isolate({ values$SFsetup <- list() }) 
    if(input$SFadd==0) return()
      if(!  grepl( paste0('^[',paste(DNA_BASES,collapse=''),']+$'), toupper(input$SFpattern) ) ) { session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", 'Use DNA letters only'); return() }
        values$SFsetup[[length(values$SFsetup)+1]] <- list(
          name=ifelse(nchar(input$SFname)==0, toupper(input$SFpattern), input$SFname),
          genome="Determined automatically from feature file",
        names(values$SFsetup) <-  make.unique( sapply(values$SFsetup, '[[', 'name') )
  output$SFsetup  <- renderPrint({ 
  #Subclust logic
      input$clusters; input$replot
      if( !isolate(input$heat_seed) ) {
          updateSelectInput(session, 'heat_subclust', choices='All clusters')
      if( isolate(input$heat_subclust) != "All clusters") return()
      clusters <- fromJSON(input$clusters)
      updateSelectInput(session, 'heat_subclust', choices = c('All clusters', sort(unique(clusters))))
  #Multicore calculations definictions 
  observe( mcCalcStart, quoted = TRUE, label = 'BigCalc')
  observe( mcDoParallel, quoted = TRUE, label = 'Plotting')
  #Multicore calculations text outputs and cancel logic
    if(input$cancel==0) return()
    parallel:::mckill( isolate(values$proc), signal = 9L )
	#Plot message output
	output$plot_message 	<- renderUI({ if( !is.null(values$plotMsg) ) values$plotMsg })
	#Rendering plot table	
		if( is.null(input$publicRdata) ) { return() }		
		if( input$publicRdata == ' ' & is.null(values$calcID) )   { values$grfile <- NULL; return() }
		if( input$publicRdata == ' ' | !nchar(input$publicRdata) )  { return() }
		message('Loading Rdata file: "', input$publicRdata, '"')
		values$grfile <- get(load( file.path('publicFiles', input$publicRdata )))
		values$calcID <- NULL
	output$htmltab <- reactive({
		if( is.null( values$grfile ) )	return('')	
		return( renderHTMLgrid(values$grfile, TRUE, urlSetup$select, addcls=digest::digest(input$publicRdata), isolate(input$subplot_options)) )					
	#Determined if plot and dataset save menu shoud be visible
	output$showplot <- reactive({ !is.null(input$plot_this) })
	outputOptions(output, "showplot", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
	#Rendering the image
	output$image <- renderImage({
	  if(is.null(values$im)) return(list(src = '',contentType = 'image/png',alt = "No image to plot just yet"))
        src = values$im,
	    contentType = 'image/png',
	    alt = "Image cannot be displayed"
	}, deleteFile = TRUE)
	#renderin data dependant plot controles
  #outputOptions(output, "plotUI", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
				 if(!is.null(values$grfile)) {
				   rn  <- range( values$grfile[[1]][[1]]$all_ind )
				   rnY <- extendrange( sapply( unlist(values$grfile, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE), '[[', 'means'), f=.1 )
				   updateNumericInput(session, 'xmin1', value = rn[1], min = rn[1], max = rn[2], step = 1L)
				   updateNumericInput(session, 'xmin2', value = rn[2], min = rn[1], max = rn[2], step = 1L)
				   updateNumericInput(session, 'ymin1', value = rnY[1], step = 1L)
				   updateNumericInput(session, 'ymin2', value = rnY[2], step = 1L)
					 #sliderInput('xlim', 'X-axis limits:', min=rn[1], max=rn[2], value=c(rn[1], rn[2]), step=1)

  ## Download handlers
	#Legend download handler
	output$downloadLegend <- downloadHandler(
		filename = function() {
			paste('Legend_', gsub(' ', '_', Sys.time()), '.pdf', sep='')
		content = function(file) {
			co <- lapply(input$plot_this, function(x) fromJSON(x))
			pl <- lapply(co, function(x) values$grfile[[x[2]]][[x[1]]] )
			pdf(file, width = 10.0, height = 10.0, onefile = FALSE, paper = input$paper)
			  plotLineplotLocal(pl=pl, type='legend')
		contentType = 'application/pdf'
  #History download handler
  output$downloadHistory <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste('History_', gsub(' ', '_', Sys.time()), '.pdf', sep='')
    content = function(file) {
      pdf(file, width = 16.0, height = 10.0, onefile = TRUE) #, encoding = "TeXtext.enc")
      for(recPlot in values$plotHistory) {
        #recPlot <- values$plotHistory
        for (i in 1:length(recPlot[[1]])) #@jjallaire
          symbol <- recPlot[[1]][[i]][[2]][[1]]
          if ("NativeSymbolInfo" %in% class(symbol)) {
            if (!is.null(symbol$package))
              name <- symbol$package[["name"]]
            else name <- symbol$dll[["name"]]
            pkgDLL <- getLoadedDLLs()[[name]]
            nativeSymbol <- getNativeSymbolInfo(name = symbol$name,
                                                PACKAGE = pkgDLL, withRegistrationInfo = TRUE)
            recPlot[[1]][[i]][[2]][[1]] <- nativeSymbol
    contentType = 'application/pdf'
  #Batch operations download handler
  output$downloadBatchColLineplot <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste('Batch_', gsub(' ', '_', Sys.time()), '.pdf', sep='')
    content = function(file) {
      pdf(file, width = input$pdf_x_size, height = input$pdf_y_size, onefile = TRUE, paper=input$paper) #, encoding = "TeXtext.enc")
      par(mfrow=c(input$grid_y_size, input$grid_x_size))
      if(input$pty_batch) par(pty='s')
      nc <- length(values$grfile[[1]]) 
      nr <- length(values$grfile)
      if(input$batch_how=="columns") {
        for(n in 1:nc) {
          pl <- lapply(1:nr, function(x) values$grfile[[x]][[n]] )
          t1 <- sapply(pl, '[[', 'desc') 
          title <- input[[paste0('label_',n,'x',1)]]
          if(!nchar(title)) title <- gsub(input$multi_name_flt, '', unique( Map('[[', strsplit(t1, '\n@'), 1) ))
          if (input$batch_what == "lineplots") {
            plotLineplotLocal(pl, title=title) 
          } else {
            plotHeatmapLocal(pl, title=title) 
      } else if(input$batch_how=="rows") {
        for(n in 1:nr) {
          pl <- lapply(1:nc, function(x) values$grfile[[n]][[x]] )
          t1 <- sapply(pl, '[[', 'desc') 
          title <- input[[paste0('label_',1,'x',n)]]
          if(!nchar(title)) title <- gsub(input$multi_name_flt, '', unique( Map('[[', strsplit(t1, '\n@'), 2) ))
          if (input$batch_what == "lineplots") {
            plotLineplotLocal(pl, title=title) 
          } else {
            plotHeatmapLocal(pl, title=title) 
      } else if(input$batch_how=="single")  {
        for(n in 1:nr) {
          for(m in 1:nc) {
            pl <- list(values$grfile[[n]][[m]])
            title <- input[[paste0('label_',m,'x',n)]]
            if(!nchar(title)) title <- pl[[1]]$desc
            if (input$batch_what == "lineplots") {
              plotLineplotLocal(pl, title=title, legend=FALSE) 
            } else {
              plotHeatmapLocal(pl, title=title, legend=FALSE) 
    contentType = 'application/pdf'
	#Lineplot PDF download handler
	output$downloadPlot <- downloadHandler(
		filename = function() {
			paste('Plot_', gsub(' ', '_', Sys.time()), '.pdf', sep='')
		content = function( file ) {			
		  co <- lapply(input$plot_this, function(x) fromJSON(x))
		  pl <- lapply(co, function(x) values$grfile[[x[2]]][[x[1]]] )
		  pdf(file, width = as.integer(input$pdf_x_size), height = as.integer(input$pdf_y_size), paper=input$paper)
		contentType = 'application/pdf'
	#Heatmap download handler
	output$downloadHeatmap <- downloadHandler(
			filename = function() {
				paste('Plot_', gsub(' ', '_', Sys.time()), '.pdf', sep='')
			content = function( file ) {
				co <- lapply(input$plot_this, function(x) fromJSON(x))
				pl <- lapply(co, function(x) values$grfile[[x[2]]][[x[1]]] )
				pdf(file, width = as.integer(input$pdf_x_size), height = as.integer(input$pdf_y_size), paper=input$paper)
	#Clusters download handler
	output$downloadClusters <- downloadHandler(
	  filename = function() {
	    paste('Clusters_', gsub(' ', '_', Sys.time()), '.csv', sep='')
	  content = function( file ) {
	    if(!nchar(input$clusters) & !nchar(input$sortingord)) stop('Plot heatmap with clusters or ordering first!')
	    infile <- file.path(
            basename(names( values$grfile[fromJSON(input$plot_this[[1]])[2]] ))
        if(file.exists(infile)) {
            fcon <- file(infile); gr <- rtracklayer::import( fcon ); close(fcon);
            elementMetadata(gr) <- elementMetadata(gr)[!sapply( elementMetadata(gr), function(x) all(]
	        if( length(colnames(elementMetadata(gr))) ) { colnames(elementMetadata(gr)) <- paste0('metadata_', colnames(elementMetadata(gr))) }
            gr$OriginalOrder <- 1:length(gr); 
        } else {
            warning('The file "', infile, '" does not exist on local file system.')
            gr <- data.frame( OriginalOrder=1:length(fromJSON(input$finalord)) ) 
        if( nchar(input$clusters) ) 
            gr$ClusterID <- fromJSON(input$clusters)
	    if( nchar(input$sortingord) ) 
            gr$SortingOrder <- order(fromJSON(input$sortingord))
        gr$FinalOrder <- order(fromJSON(input$finalord))
        out <-; colnames(out)[1] <- 'chromosome'
	    out <- out[fromJSON(input$finalord),]
	    write.csv(out, file=file, row.names = FALSE)
	    #cat(fromJSON(input$clusters), sep='\n', file=file)

  #Dataset download handler
  output$RdataDoenloadButton <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() { input$publicRdata },
    content = function( file ) { 
      source <- file.path(getwd(), 'publicFiles', input$publicRdata )
      if( !file.exists(source) ) stop('File does not exist: ', file)
      file.copy(source, file)
  ## File operations
	#Adding a file to the server
		if( is.null(input$TR_addFile) ) return()
    message('Processing file: ', input$TR_addFile$name, ' [', input$TR_addFile$jobID, ']')
  				x <- input$TR_addFile$jobID
          file_name <- input$TR_addFile$name
  				file_genome <- input$TR_addFile$genome
  				file_user	<- input$TR_addFile$user
  				file_comment<- input$TR_addFile$comments
  				file.copy(from=input[[x]][['datapath']], to=file.path('tmp', file_name))
  				doFileOperations(file.path('tmp', file_name), final_folder='files', file_genome, file_user, file_comment, con=con)
  				session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", sprintf( '$("#%s").html(\' <span class="label label-success">SUCCESS</span> File %s [%.2f MB] uploaded. \')', 
  				                                             x,  input[[x]][['name']],  input[[x]][['size']] / 1e6 ))
  				#values$refFileGrids <- runif(1)
		  }, error = function(e) {
		      file.remove( file.path('tmp', input$TR_addFile$name) )
		      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", sprintf( '$("#%s").html(\' <span class="label label-danger">ERROR</span> %s\')', 
		                                                   input$TR_addFile$jobID, "File processing error..." ))
		      session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", geterrmessage() )
		      #values$refFileGrids <- runif(1)
    #Get the list of save datasets
      session, 'publicRdata', choices = c( ' ', dir('publicFiles')), selected =  ' '
	#Save dataset file logic
		if( input$RdataSaveButton == 0 ) return()	
			if (is.null(values$grfile)) {
        session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", 'Run calculation first!')
			to_save <- values$grfile
			save(to_save, file=file.path('publicFiles', paste0(input$RdataSaveName, '.Rdata')))
			message(paste('File saved: ',input$RdataSaveName))
			session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", sprintf("File saved: %s", paste0(input$RdataSaveName, '.Rdata')) )
			updateSelectizeInput(session, 'publicRdata', choices = c( ' ', dir('publicFiles')), selected =  ' ')
	#Remove dataset file logic
		if( input$RdataRemoveButton == 0 ) return()
			file.remove( file.path('publicFiles', input$publicRdata) )
			message(paste('File removed: ',input$publicRdata))
			session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", sprintf("File removed: %s", input$publicRdata) )
			updateSelectizeInput(session, 'publicRdata',choices = c( ' ', dir('publicFiles')), selected =  ' ')
  #Feature and track tables - single file removal
  		if( is.null(input$delFileVar) ) return()
  		sql_string <- paste0("DELETE FROM files WHERE name = '", input$delFileVar , "'")
  		row_aff <- dbGetRowsAffected(dbSendQuery(con, sql_string))
  		moved <- file.rename(file.path('files', input$delFileVar), file.path('removedFiles', input$delFileVar))
  		session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", sprintf("Db=%i; Mv=%i; OK", row_aff, moved));
  		values$refFileGrids <- runif(1)	
  #Feature and track tables - multiple file removal
    if( is.null(input$TR_delate) ) return()
      rmf <- function(x) {
        sql_string <- paste0("DELETE FROM files WHERE name = '", x , "'")
        row_aff <- dbGetRowsAffected(dbSendQuery(con, sql_string))
        moved <- file.rename(file.path('files',  x), file.path('removedFiles', x))
        if(row_aff & moved) return(TRUE) else return(FALSE)
      res <- sapply( input$f_delate, rmf)
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", sprintf("Db=%i; Mv=%i; OK", sum(res), sum(res)) )
      values$refFileGrids <- runif(1)	

  #Subplot setup logic
    selections <- c(input$subplot_options, c('inc', 'min', 'max')[c(input$heat_include, input$heat_min_max, input$heat_min_max)])
    if( length( selections ) ) {  
      show <- paste(paste0('.div_', selections), collapse=', ')
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", paste0("$('.div_separator,",  show, "').show().children().tooltip()") )
      opt <- c("color", "label", "prior", 'inc', 'min', 'max')
      hide <- paste(paste0('.div_', opt[!opt %in% selections]), collapse=', ')
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", paste0("$('",  hide, "').hide()") )
      extract_grid_values <- function(nam) {
        sapply( lapply(input$plot_this, fromJSON), function(x) eval(substitute(input$b, list(b = paste0(nam,'_',x[1],'x', x[2]) ))) ) 
      for(n in opt) {
        if(n %in% selections) {
          subplotSetup[[n]] <- extract_grid_values(n)
        } else {
          subplotSetup[[n]] <- NULL
    } else {
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('.div_setup').hide()" )
      subplotSetup <- reactiveValues( )

  #Generating feature/track tables
  #TODO: merge in one observer
# 	#Generate file table for tracks and features
#   observe({
#     values$refFileGrids; input$reloadgrid; input$files; input$TR_delfile; input$upload; input$TR_addFile; input$delFileVar;
#     session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('#tracktable').html('Loading...')")
#     tab <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM files WHERE type='track' AND name LIKE('%",input$filter_all,"%')"))[,c(-1,-4)]
#     if( nrow(tab) < 1 ) {return(p('No files found!'))} 
#     ex <- as.matrix(tab); rownames(ex) <- NULL; colnames(ex) <- NULL
#     session$sendCustomMessage("jsCreatedDT", list(tab=ex, id='tracktable'))
#   })
#   #Generate file table for features
# 	observe({
# 		values$refFileGrids; input$reloadgrid; input$files; input$TR_delfile; input$upload; input$TR_addFile;
# 		session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('#featuretable').html('Loading...')")
# 		tab <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM files WHERE type='feature' AND name LIKE('%",input$filter_all,"%')"))[,c(-1,-4)]
# 		if( nrow(tab) < 1 ) {return(p('No files found!'))}
# 		ex <- as.matrix(tab); rownames(ex) <- NULL; colnames(ex) <- NULL
# 		session$sendCustomMessage("jsCreatedDT", list(tab=ex, id='featuretable'))
# 	})
  #Generate file table for tracks and features with function
  fileSelectionDataTable <- function(type) {
    dt_opt <- reactive({
        values$refFileGrids; input$reloadgrid; input$files; input$TR_delfile; input$upload; input$TR_addFile;
            dat <- I(jsonlite::toJSON(as.matrix(cbind(
                dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM files WHERE type='", type, "'"))[,c(-1,-4)],
            se='',  dl='',  rm=''))))
              ##Force client side processing, should be avoided for very long tables
              ##Other options
              lengthMenu=I('[[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, "All"]]'),
              # "<'row'<'col-sm-6'l><'col-sm-6'f>><'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>><'row'<'col-sm-6'i><'col-sm-6'p>>"
              dom="<'row'<'col-md-4'i><'.selectionsInfo col-md-1'><'col-md-6 pull-right'Tf>><'row'<'col-md-12'tr>><'row'<'col-md-6'l><'col-md-6'p>>",
              order=I('[[ 1, "desc" ]]'),
              language=I('{"sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ records per page"}'),
              columns=I( readLines(file.path(Sys.getenv("web", '.'), 'ui/FataTablesColumnSetup.js')) ),
              oTableTools=I( readLines(file.path(Sys.getenv("web", '.'), 'ui/DataTablesToolsSetup.js')) ),
              scrollY=paste0(input$tabtest, "px"),
              #       rowCallback=I('function( row, data ) {
              #         console.log(data[0])
              #         if ( $.inArray(data[0], selected) !== -1 ) {
              #           $(row).addClass("selected");
              #           $(row).find(".select_indicator").removeClass( "icon-check-empty" ).addClass( "icon-check" );
              #         }
              #       }'),
      out <- renderDataTable({
        ##Client side processing, code irrelavent
            tab <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM files WHERE type='", type, "' AND name LIKE('%",input$filter_all,"%')"))[,c(-1,-4)]
            if( nrow(tab) < 1 ) {return(p('No files found!'))} 
            return(cbind(tab, se='',  dl='',  rm=''))
        }, options = dt_opt, 
        callback = I("function(oTable) {
          var table = $('#' + oTable.context[0].sTableId);
          var tables = table.parents('.dataTables_wrapper').find('table')
          tables.addClass('table-condensed table-bordered');
  output$trackDT <- fileSelectionDataTable('track')
  output$featureDT <- fileSelectionDataTable('feature')

  #Server initiation actions
  	session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "Shiny.shinyapp.$socket.onclose = function () { $(document.body).addClass('disconnected'); alert('Connection to server lost!'); }")
    session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('.load_div').fadeOut(1000);")
    session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "animateTitle();")
    #Session elem:  "clientData","input","isClosed","onFlush","onFlushed","onSessionEnded","output","request","sendCustomMessage","sendInputMessage" 
    #sapply(ls(session$request), function(x) session$request[[x]])
  	#sapply(names(session$clientData), function(x) session$clientData[[x]])
    message(Sys.time(), ' -> Running at ', session$request$HTTP_ORIGIN, ', ', session$clientData$url_hostname, ' [', session$request$HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, ']')
  session$onSessionEnded(function() { message(Sys.time(), ' -> Client connection closed', ' [', session$request$HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, ']' ) })
  #Server reset action
  	if( Sys.getenv("SHINY_SERVER_VERSION") == '') return()
  	if( is.null(input$spawn) ) return()
    if( input$spawn==0 ) return()
    session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", 'Spawning new server session, it may take awhile.')
  	if( Sys.getenv('web') != '' ) setwd(Sys.getenv('web'))
    system('touch restart.txt')
    session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "location.reload(true)")

  #Exit button logic
    if( Sys.getenv("SHINY_SERVER_VERSION") != '') return()
    if( is.null(input$stopapp) ) return()
    if( input$stopapp==0 ) return()
    if( is.null( input$exitconfirmed )) {
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", 'confirm("Are you sure you want to exit!?") ? Shiny.shinyapp.sendInput({"exitconfirmed":true}) : console.log("Exit canceled")')
    } else { 
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "Shiny.shinyapp.$socket.onclose = null;")
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "window.onbeforeunload = function(){};'','_self').close();")
      stopApp(returnValue = 'Stopped by user!' )

  #Server  Query String action
    query <- parseQueryString(clientData$url_search)
      #updateSelectInput(session, "file_genome", "Genmoe:", GENOMES, selected = query$genome)
      #session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", sprintf('genome: [%s]', query$genome) )
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", sprintf("$('#file_genome').children().removeAttr('selected').filter('[value=%s]').attr('selected', 'selected')", query$genome))
    for(n in names(query)[!names(query) %in% c('load', 'select', 'genome')] ){
        session$sendInputMessage(n, list(
            value = unlist(strsplit(query[[n]], ',')) 
        ) )
      #session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", sprintf('loading file: [%s]', file.path('publicFiles', query$load)) )
      values$grfile <- get(load( file.path('publicFiles', query$load) ))
      updateSelectizeInput(session, 'publicRdata', choices = c( ' ', dir('publicFiles')), selected =  query$load)
      #session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", sprintf("$('#publicRdata').val('%s').change()", query$load))

    if( is.character(query$select) ) {
      #session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", sprintf('Selecting plots: [%s]', query$select) )
      sel <- rbind, strsplit(strsplit(query$select, ';')[[1]], ',') )
      class(sel) <- 'integer'
      urlSetup$select <- sel
      #jqcmd <- sprintf("$( '%s' ).click()", paste0('input[value="[', strsplit(query$select, ';')[[1]], ']"]', collapse=',') )
      session$sendCustomMessage("jsExec", "$('#replot').click()")
    #strsplit(strsplit("1,1;3,2", ';')[[1]], ',')
    # paste(names(reactiveValuesToList(input)), reactiveValuesToList(input), sep = "=", collapse="&")

##Turn off experimental

#   output$chart1 <- renderChart({
#     if( !input$interactiveLinePlot ) stop('Loading...')
#     if( is.null(input$plot_this) ) stop('Nothing to plot')
#     pl <- lapply( lapply(input$plot_this, function(x) fromJSON(x)) , function(x) values$grfile[[x[2]]][[x[1]]] )
#     x <- pl[[1]]$all_ind
#     a <- data.frame( sapply(pl, '[[', 'means') )
#     a <- cbind(a, x=x)
#     if (input$cust_col) {
#       cols <- sapply( lapply(input$plot_this, function(x) fromJSON(x)) , function(x) eval(substitute(input$b, list(b = paste0('col_',x[1],'x', x[2]) ))) )
#       cols[ grepl('#ffffff', cols) ] <- c("darkblue", "darkgreen", "darkred", "darkmagenta", "darkgray", "darkorange", "darkcyan", "black", rainbow(length(pl)-8))[ grepl('#ffffff', cols) ]
#     } else {
#       cols <- c("darkblue", "darkgreen", "darkred", "darkmagenta", "darkgray", "darkorange", "darkcyan", "black", rainbow(length(pl)-8))	
#     }
#     n1=nPlot(value ~ x, group = 'variable', data = reshape2::melt(a, id='x'), type = input$chart1Type)
#     #p$chart(margin=list(top= 30, right= 20, bottom= 50, left= 250))
#     n1$xAxis(axisLabel='GenomicPosition')
#     n1$yAxis(axisLabel='Signal')
#     n1$chart(color = cols)
#     n1$set(dom = "chart1")
#     #n1$addControls("type", value = "lineWithFocusChart", values = c('lineWithFocusChart', 'stackedAreaChart') )
#     return(n1)
#   })
 		#outputOptions(output, "featuretable", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
Przemol/seqplots-release documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:47 a.m.