
Defines functions .COMPASS.discrete

.COMPASS.discrete <- function(n_s, n_u, categories, iterations, replications,
  verbose = TRUE, init_with_fisher = FALSE, ...) {

  vmessage <- function(...)
    if (verbose) message(...) else invisible(NULL)

  ## Initial parameters
  vmessage("Initializing parameters...")
  N <- iterations ## The number of iterations to run the model
  ttt <- 2000 ## The step size in mode search (fixed)
  SS <- 1L

  N_s <- rowSums(n_s)
  N_u <- rowSums(n_u)

  I <- nrow(n_s)
  K <- ncol(n_u)
  K1 <- K - 1L

  #Iniitalize every subset and subject as a responder
  if (!init_with_fisher) {
    indi = array(1, dim = c(I, K)) # 0 indicate that gamma_ik=0
    for (k in 1:K1) {
      #non-responders when p_u >= p_s
      l2 = which((n_s[, k] / N_s) - (n_u[, k] / N_u) <= 0)
      indi[l2, k] <- 0;
  #alternately initialize indicators from Fisher's test.
  if (init_with_fisher) {
    indi = array(0, dim = c(I, K)) # 0 indicate that gamma_ik=0
    for (k in 1:K1) {
      for (i in 1:I) {
        indi[i, k] <- as.integer(fisher.test(matrix(c(n_s[i, k], N_s[i], n_u[i, k], N_u[i]), ncol = 2, nrow = 2))$conf.int[1] > 1)
  indi[, K] <- rowSums(indi[, 1:K1, drop = FALSE])
  indi <- matrix(as.integer(indi), nrow = I)

  mk = array(as.integer(0), dim = c(1, K1));
  Istar = 0;
  mKstar = 0;

  gamma = array(as.integer(0), dim = c(I, K, N));

  alpha_u = array(0, dim = c(N, K));
  alpha_s = array(0, dim = c(N, K));

  varp_s1 = array(sqrt(5), dim = c(K, 1)); # variance of the proposal distribution 1 for alpha_s
  # sqrt(var)
  varp_s2 = array(sqrt(15), dim = c(K, 1)); #variance of the proposal distribution 2 for alpha_s
  # sqrt(var)
  varp_s2[K] = sqrt(25);
  varp_s1[K] = sqrt(15);
  # alpha_s is proposed using a mixture distribution

  pvar_s = array(0.8, dim = c(K, 1)); # mixing for the mixture proposal distribution
  pvar_s[K] = 0.6;
  varp_u = array(sqrt(10), dim = c(K, 1)); #variance of the proposal distribution for alpha_u

  pp = array(0.65, dim = c(I, 1))
  pb1 <- clamp(1.5 / median(indi[, K]), 0, 0.9)
  pb2 <- clamp(5.0 / median(indi[, K]), 0, 0.9)
  lambda_s = rep(0, K);  
  lambda_s[1:K1] = (10 ^ -2) * max(N_s, N_u)
  lambda_s[K] = max(N_s, N_u) - sum(lambda_s[1:K1])
  lambda_u = lambda_s

  alpha_u[1, 1:(K - 1)] = 10 #initializaion 
  alpha_u[1, K] = 150

  alpha_s[1, 1:(K - 1)] = 10 #initialization 
  alpha_s[1, K] = 100

  #################### acceptance rate ###########################
  A_gm = array(as.integer(0), dim = c(I, N));
  A_alphau = array(as.integer(0), dim = c(K, N));
  A_alphas = array(as.integer(0), dim = c(K, N));

  vmessage("Computing initial parameter estimates...")
  for (tt in 2:N) {

    if (tt %% 1000 == 0) vmessage("Iteration ", tt, " of ", N, ".")

    # update alphau
    #res2 <- .Call(C_updatealphau_noPu_Exp, alphaut = alpha_u[tt - 1,], n_s = n_s, n_u = n_u, I = I, K = K, lambda_u = lambda_u, var_p = varp_u, ttt = ttt, gammat = gamma[,, tt - 1])
    res2 <- .Call(C_updatealphau_noPu_Exp_MH, alphaut = alpha_u[tt - 1,], n_s = n_s, n_u = n_u, I = I, K = K, lambda_u = lambda_u, var_p = varp_u, gammat = gamma[,, tt - 1])
    if (length(alpha_u[tt, ]) != length(res2$alphau_tt)) {
      vmessage("res2 alphau_tt length:", length(res2$alphau_tt), "\n")
      vmessage("alpha_u[tt,] length: ", length(alpha_u[tt,]), "\n")
    alpha_u[tt,] = res2$alphau_tt;
    A_alphau[, tt] = res2$Aalphau;

    #update gamma
    res1 <- .Call(C_updategammak_noPu, n_s = n_s, n_u = n_u, gammat = gamma[,, tt - 1], I = I, K = K, SS = SS, alphau = alpha_u[tt,], alphas = alpha_s[tt - 1,], alpha = 1, mk = mk, Istar = Istar,
      mKstar = mKstar, pp = pp, pb1 = pb1, pb2 = pb2, indi = indi)
    gamma[,, tt] = res1$gamma_tt;
    if (length(A_gm[, tt]) != length(res1$Ag)) {
      vmessage("res1 Ag length: ", length(res1$Ag), "\n")
      vmessage("A_gm[,tt] length: ", length(A_gm[, tt]), "\n")
    A_gm[, tt] = res1$Ag;
    Istar = res1$xIstar;
    mk = res1$xmk;
    mKstar = res1$mKstar;

    # update alphas
    # res3 <- .Call(C_updatealphas_Exp, alphast = alpha_s[tt - 1,], n_s = n_s, K = K, I = I, lambda_s = lambda_s, gammat = gamma[,, tt], var_1 = varp_s1, var_2 = varp_s2, p_var = pvar_s, ttt = ttt)
    res3 <- .Call(C_updatealphas_Exp_MH, alphast = alpha_s[tt - 1,], n_s = n_s, K = K, I = I, lambda_s = lambda_s, gammat = gamma[,, tt], var_1 = varp_s1, var_2 = varp_s2, p_var = pvar_s)
    if (length(alpha_s[tt, ]) != length(res3$alphas_tt)) {
      vmessage("res3 alphas_tt length:", length(res3$alphas_tt), "\n")
      vmessage("alpha_s[tt,] length: ", length(alpha_s[tt,]), "\n")
    if (length(A_alphas[, tt]) != length(res3$Aalphas)) {
      vmessage("res3 Aalphas length:", length(res3$Aalphas), "\n")
      vmessage("A_alphas[,tt] length: ", length(A_alphas[, tt]), "\n")

    alpha_s[tt,] = res3$alphas_tt;
    A_alphas[, tt] = res3$Aalphas;
    if (tt > 4000 && (tt %% 4000) == 0) {
      intr = (tt - 1000 + 1):tt
      for (kk in 1:K) {
        Au = mean(A_alphau[kk, intr])
        if (Au < 0.001) { varp_u[kk] = varp_u[kk] * sqrt(0.1); }
        else if (Au < 0.05) { varp_u[kk] = varp_u[kk] * sqrt(0.5); }
        else if (Au < 0.2) { varp_u[kk] = varp_u[kk] * sqrt(0.9); }
        else if (Au > 0.5) { varp_u[kk] = varp_u[kk] * sqrt(1.1); }
        else if (Au > 0.75) { varp_u[kk] = varp_u[kk] * sqrt(2); }
        else if (Au > 0.95) { varp_u[kk] = varp_u[kk] * sqrt(10); }
        As = mean(A_alphas[kk, intr])
        if (As < 0.001) { varp_s1[kk] = varp_s1[kk] * sqrt(0.1); }
        else if (As < 0.05) { varp_s1[kk] = varp_s1[kk] * sqrt(0.5); }
        else if (As < 0.2) { varp_s1[kk] = varp_s1[kk] * sqrt(0.9); }
        else if (As > 0.5) { varp_s2[kk] = varp_s2[kk] * sqrt(1.1); }
        else if (As > 0.75) { varp_s2[kk] = varp_s2[kk] * sqrt(2); }
        else if (As > 0.95) { varp_s2[kk] = varp_s2[kk] * sqrt(10); }
      for (i in 1:I) {
        Agm = mean(A_gm[i, intr]);
        if (Agm < 0.001) { pp[i] = min(0.9, pp[i] * 1.4); }
        else if (Agm < 0.05) { pp[i] = min(0.9, pp[i] * 1.2); }
        else if (Agm < 0.2) { pp[i] = min(0.9, pp[i] * 1.1); }
        else if (Agm > 0.6) { pp[i] = max(0.1, pp[i] * 0.8); }
        else if (Agm > 0.75) { pp[i] = max(0.1, pp[i] * 0.5); }
        else if (Agm > 0.95) { pp[i] = max(0.1, pp[i] * 0.2); }

  sNN = replications+1 ## number of 'replications' -- should be user defined +1 for burnin.

  #start here
  alpha_u[1,] = alpha_u[N,]
  gamma[,, 1] = gamma[,, N]
  alpha_s[1,] = alpha_s[N,]

  #arrays to store thinned samples
  alpha_u_thinned <- array(0, dim = c(N, K));
  alpha_s_thinned <- array(0, dim = c(N, K));
  gamma_thinned <- array(as.integer(0), dim = c(I, K, N));

  #Thin by the number of iterations.
  thin_by = sNN-1

  # vmessage("Fitting model with ", sNN, " replications.")
  #Run one extra replication for burn in
  vmessage("Keeping ", N, " iterations. We'll thin every ", sNN-1, " iterations.")
  for (stt in 1:(sNN + 1)) {
    if (stt == 1) vmessage("Burnin for ", N, " iterations...")
    else if (stt == 2) vmessage("Sampling ", N * (sNN - 1), " iterations...")
    for (tt in 2:N) {
      # update alphau
      res2 <- .Call(C_updatealphau_noPu_Exp, alphaut = alpha_u[tt - 1,], n_s = n_s, n_u = n_u, I = I, K = K, lambda_u = lambda_u, var_p = varp_u, ttt = ttt, gammat = gamma[,, tt - 1])
      #May need to do thinning here to save memory.
      alpha_u[tt,] = res2$alphau_tt;
      A_alphau[, tt] = res2$Aalphau;

      #update gamma
      res1 <- .Call(C_updategammak_noPu, n_s = n_s, n_u = n_u, gammat = gamma[,, tt - 1], I = I, K = K, SS = SS, alphau = alpha_u[tt,], alphas = alpha_s[tt - 1,], alpha = 1, mk = mk, Istar = Istar,
        mKstar = mKstar, pp = pp, pb1 = pb1, pb2 = pb2, indi = indi)
      gamma[,, tt] = res1$gamma_tt;
      A_gm[, tt] = res1$Ag;
      Istar = res1$xIstar;
      mk = res1$xmk;
      mKstar = res1$mKstar;

      # update alphas
      res3 <- .Call(C_updatealphas_Exp, alphast = alpha_s[tt - 1,], n_s = n_s, K = K, I = I, lambda_s = lambda_s, gammat = gamma[,, tt], var_1 = varp_s1, var_2 = varp_s2, p_var = pvar_s, ttt = ttt)

      if (length(alpha_s[tt, ]) != length(res3$alphas_tt)) {
        vmessage("res3 alphas_tt length:", length(res3$alphas_tt), "\n")
        vmessage("alpha_s[tt,] length: ", length(alpha_s[tt,]), "\n")
      if (length(A_alphas[, tt]) != length(res3$Aalphas)) {
        vmessage("res3 Aalphas length:", length(res3$Aalphas), "\n")
        vmessage("A_alphas[,tt] length: ", length(A_alphas[, tt]), "\n")
      alpha_s[tt,] = res3$alphas_tt;
      A_alphas[, tt] = res3$Aalphas;
      if (tt %% 1000 == 0) vmessage("Iteration ", (stt - 1) * N + tt, " of ", sNN * iterations, ".")
      if ((tt %% thin_by) == 0 && stt > 1) {
        # cat("putting ", tt, " into ", (stt-2) * as.integer(N / thin_by) + tt%/%thin_by , "\n")
        alpha_u_thinned[(stt - 2) * as.integer(N / thin_by) + tt %/% thin_by,] <- alpha_u[tt,]
        alpha_s_thinned[(stt - 2) * as.integer(N / thin_by) + tt %/% thin_by,] <- alpha_s[tt,]
        gamma_thinned[,, (stt - 2) * as.integer(N / thin_by) + tt %/% thin_by] <- gamma[,, tt]

    if (stt == sNN) { break }
    alpha_u[1,] = alpha_u[N,];
    gamma[,, 1] = gamma[,, N];
    alpha_s[1,] = alpha_s[N,];

  alpha_u = alpha_u_thinned
  alpha_s = alpha_s_thinned
  gamma = gamma_thinned

  dimnames(gamma) <- list(rownames(n_s), NULL, NULL)
  Nburn = 0;
  Mgamma = mat.or.vec(I, K);
  Nseq = seq(Nburn + 1, N, by = 1)
  for (ttt in Nseq) {
    Mgamma = Mgamma + gamma[,, ttt];
  Mgamma = Mgamma / (N - Nburn);


  cats <- categories[, - ncol(categories), drop = FALSE]
  subsets_df <- as.data.frame(cats)
  for (i in seq_along(subsets_df)) {
    tmp <- subsets_df[[i]]
    subsets_df[[i]] <- paste0(
      swap(tmp, c(0, 1), c("!", "")),
  subsets <- do.call(function(...) paste(..., sep = "&"), subsets_df)

  colnames(Mgamma) <- subsets

  ## set names on the output
  output <- list(
    alpha_s = alpha_s,
    A_alphas = rowMeans(A_alphas),
    alpha_u = alpha_u,
    A_alphau = rowMeans(A_alphau),
    gamma = gamma,
    mean_gamma = Mgamma,
    A_gamma = rowMeans(A_gm),
    categories = categories,
    model = "discrete"


RGLab/COMPASS documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 3:23 p.m.