
Defines functions read.rnaseq read.methylation read.clinical readTCGA

Documented in readTCGA

## RTCGA package for R
#' @title Read TCGA data to the tidy Format
#' @description \code{readTCGA} function allows to read unzipped files: 
#' \itemize{
#'      \item clinical data - \code{Merge_Clinical.Level_1} 
#'      \item rnaseq data (genes' expressions) - \code{rnaseqv2__illuminahiseq_rnaseqv2}
#'      \item genes' mutations data - \code{Mutation_Packager_Calls.Level}
#'      \item Reverse phase protein array data (RPPA) - \code{protein_normalization__data.Level_3}
#'      \item Merge transcriptome agilent data (mRNA) - 
#'      \code{Merge_transcriptome__agilentg4502a_07_3__unc_edu__Level_3__unc_lowess_normalization_gene_level__data.Level_3}
#'      \item miRNASeq data - 
#'      \code{Merge_mirnaseq__illuminaga_mirnaseq__bcgsc_ca__Level_3__miR_gene_expression__data.Level_3} or 
#'      \code{"Merge_mirnaseq__illuminahiseq_mirnaseq__bcgsc_ca__Level_3__miR_gene_expression__data.Level_3"}
#'      \item methylation data - 
#'      \code{Merge_methylation__humanmethylation27}
#'      \item isoforms data - 
#'      \code{Merge_rnaseqv2__illuminahiseq_rnaseqv2__unc_edu__Level_3__RSEM_isoforms_normalized__data.Level_3} 
#'      \item CNV data - \code{segmented_scna_minus_germline_cnv_hg19}
#'      }
#' from TCGA project. Those files can be easily downloded with \link{downloadTCGA} function. See examples.
#' @param path See details and examples.
#' @param dataType One of \code{'clinical', 'rnaseq', 'mutations', 'RPPA', 'mRNA', 'miRNASeq', 'methylation', 'isoforms', 'CNV'} depending on which type of data user is trying to read in the tidy format.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to the \link{as.data.frame}.
#' @return 
#' An output is a \code{data.frame} with \code{dataType} data.
#' @details 
#' All cohort names can be checked using: \code{ sub( x = names( infoTCGA() ), '-counts', '')}.
#' Parameter \code{path} specification: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \code{dataType = 'clinical'} a path to a \code{cancerType.clin.merged.txt} file. 
#' \item If \code{dataType = 'mutations'} a path to the unzziped folder \code{Mutation_Packager_Calls.Level} containing \code{.maf} files.
#' \item If \code{dataType = 'rnaseq'} a path to the uzziped file \code{rnaseqv2__illuminahiseq_rnaseqv2__unc_edu__Level_3__RSEM_genes_normalized__data.Level}.
#' \item If \code{dataType = 'RPPA'} a path to the unzipped file in folder \code{protein_normalization__data.Level_3}.
#' \item If \code{dataType = 'mRNA'} a path to the unzipped file \code{cancerType.transcriptome__agilentg4502a_07_3__unc_edu__Level_3__unc_lowess_normalization_gene_level__data.data.txt}.
#' \item If \code{dataType = 'miRNASeq'} a path to unzipped files \code{cancerType.mirnaseq__illuminahiseq_mirnaseq__bcgsc_ca__Level_3__miR_gene_expression__data.data.txt} or \code{cancerType.mirnaseq__illuminaga_mirnaseq__bcgsc_ca__Level_3__miR_gene_expression__data.data.txt}
#' \item If \code{dataType = 'methylation'} a path to unzipped files \code{cancerType.methylation__humanmethylation27__jhu_usc_edu__Level_3__within_bioassay_data_set_function__data.data.txt}.
#' \item If \code{dataType = 'isoforms'} a path to unzipped files \code{cancerType.rnaseqv2__illuminahiseq_rnaseqv2__unc_edu__Level_3__RSEM_isoforms_normalized__data.data.txt}.
#' \item If \code{dataType = 'CNV'} a path to unzipped files \code{cancerType.Merge_snp__genome_wide_snp_6__broad_mit_edu__Level_3__segmented_scna_minus_germline_cnv_hg18__seg.Level_3.txt}.
#' }
#' @section Issues:
#' If you have any problems, issues or think that something is missing or is not
#' clear please post an issue on 
#' \href{https://github.com/RTCGA/RTCGA/issues}{https://github.com/RTCGA/RTCGA/issues}.
#' @author 
#' Marcin Kosinski, \email{m.p.kosinski@@gmail.com}
#' Witold Chodor, \email{witoldchodor@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso 
#' \pkg{RTCGA} website \href{http://rtcga.github.io/RTCGA/articles/Data_Download.html}{http://rtcga.github.io/RTCGA/articles/Data_Download.html}.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{ 
#' ##############
#' ##### clinical
#' ##############
#' dir.create('data')
#' # downloading clinical data
#' # dataset = "clinical" is default parameter so we may omit it
#' downloadTCGA(cancerTypes = c('BRCA', 'OV'),
#'              destDir = 'data' )
#' # shorten paths so that they are shorter than 256 signs - windows issue
#'  list.files("data", full.names = TRUE) %>%
#'    file.rename(to = substr(., start = 1, stop = 50))
#' # reading datasets    
#' sapply(c('BRCA', 'OV'), function(element){
#'  path <- list.files('data', recursive = TRUE,
#'                     full.names = TRUE, 
#'                     patten = "clin.merged.txt")
#'  assign(value = readTCGA( path, 'clinical' ), 
#'         x = paste0(element, '.clin.data'),
#'         envir = .GlobalEnv)})
#' ############
#' ##### rnaseq
#' ############
#' dir.create('data2')
#' # downloading rnaseq data
#' downloadTCGA(cancerTypes = 'BRCA', 
#'              dataSet = 'Level_3__RSEM_genes_normalized',
#'              destDir = 'data2')
#' # shorten paths so that they are shorter than 256 signs - windows issue
#' list.files("data2", full.names = TRUE) %>%
#'    file.rename(to = substr(., start = 1, stop = 50))
#' path_rnaseq <- list.files('data2', recursive = TRUE,
#'                           full.names = TRUE, 
#'                           patten = 'illuminahiseq')
#' readTCGA(path = pathRNA, dataType = 'rnaseq') -> rnaseq_data
#' ###############
#' ##### mutations
#' ###############
#' # Example directory in which untarred data will be stored
#' dir.create('data3')
#' downloadTCGA(cancerTypes = 'OV', 
#'              dataSet = 'Mutation_Packager_Calls.Level',
#'              destDir = 'data3')
#' # reading data
#' list.files('data3', recursive = TRUE) -> directory
#' readTCGA(directory, 'mutations') -> mut_file
#' #################
#' ##### methylation
#' #################
#' # Example directory in which untarred data will be stored
#' dir.create('data4')
#' # Download KIRP methylation data and store it in data4 folder
#' cancerType = "KIRP"
#' downloadTCGA(cancerTypes = cancerType,
#'              dataSet = "Merge_methylation__humanmethylation27",
#'              destDir = "data4")
#' # Shorten path of subdirectory with KIRP methylation data
#' list.files(path = "data4", full.names = TRUE) %>%
#'     file.rename(to = file.path("data4", paste0(cancerType, ".methylation")))
#' # Remove manifest.txt file
#' list.files(path = "data4", full.names = TRUE, 
#'            recursive = TRUE, pattern = "MANIFEST") %>%
#'            file.remove()
#' # Read KIRP methylation data
#' path <- list.files(path = "data4", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
#' KIRP.methylation <- readTCGA(path, dataType = "methylation")
#' ##########
#' ##### RPPA
#' ##########
#' # Directory in which untarred data will be stored
#' dir.create('data5')
#' # Download BRCA RPPA data and store it in data5 folder
#' cancerType = "BRCA"
#' downloadTCGA(cancerTypes = cancerType,
#'              dataSet = "protein_normalization__data.Level_3",
#'              destDir = "data5")
#' # Shorten path of subdirectory with BRCA RPPA data
#' list.files(path = "data5", full.names = TRUE) %>%
#'     file.rename(from = ., to = file.path("data5", paste0(cancerType, ".RPPA")))
#' # Remove manifest.txt file
#' list.files(path = "data5", full.names = TRUE,
#'            recursive = TRUE, pattern = "MANIFEST") %>%
#'            file.remove()
#' # Read BRCA RPPA data
#' path <- list.files(path = "data5", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) 
#' BRCA.RPPA <- readTCGA(path, dataType = "RPPA")
#' ##########
#' ##### mRNA
#' ##########
#' # Directory in which untarred data will be stored
#' dir.create('data6')
#' # Download UCEC mRNA data and store it in data6 folder
#' cancerType = "UCEC"
#' downloadTCGA(cancerTypes = cancerType,
#'              dataSet = "agilentg4502a_07_3__unc_edu__Level_3",
#'              destDir = "data6")
#' # Shorten path of subdirectory with UCEC mRNA data
#' list.files(path = "data6", full.names = TRUE) %>%
#'     file.rename(from = ., to = file.path("data6",paste0(cancerType, ".mRNA")))
#' # Remove manifest.txt file
#' list.files(path = "data6", full.names = TRUE,
#'            recursive = TRUE, pattern = "MANIFEST") %>%
#'            file.remove()
#' # Read UCEC mRNA data
#' path <- list.files(path = "data6", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) 
#' UCEC.mRNA <- readTCGA(path, dataType = "mRNA")
#' ##############
#' ##### miRNASeq
#' ##############
#' # Directory in which untarred data will be stored
#' dir.create('data7')
#' # Download BRCA miRNASeq data and store it in data7 folder
#' # Remember that miRNASeq data are produced by two machines:
#' # Illumina Genome Analyzer and Illumina HiSeq 2000 machines
#' cancerType <- "BRCA"
#' downloadTCGA(cancerTypes = cancerType,
#' dataSet = paste0("Merge_mirnaseq__illuminaga_mirnaseq__bcgsc",
#'                 "_ca__Level_3__miR_gene_expression__data.Level_3"),
#'              destDir = "data7")
#' downloadTCGA(cancerTypes = cancerType,
#' dataSet = paste0("Merge_mirnaseq__illuminahiseq_mirnaseq__",
#'                  "bcgsc_ca__Level_3__miR_gene_expression__data.Level_3"),
#'              destDir = "data7")
#' # Shorten path of subdirectory with BRCA miRNASeq data
#' list.files(path = "data7", full.names = TRUE) %>%
#'     sapply(function(path){
#'         if (grepl(pattern = "illuminaga", path)){
#'             file.rename(from = grep(pattern = "illuminaga", path, value = TRUE),
#'                         to = file.path("data7",paste0(cancerType, ".miRNASeq.illuminaga")))
#'         } else if (grepl(pattern = "illuminahiseq", path)){
#'             file.rename(from = grep(pattern = "illuminahiseq", path, value = TRUE),
#'                         to = file.path("data7",paste0(cancerType, ".miRNASeq.illuminahiseq")))
#'         }
#'     })
#' # Remove manifest.txt file
#' list.files(path = "data6", full.names = TRUE,
#'            recursive = TRUE, pattern = "MANIFEST") %>%
#'            file.remove()
#' # Read BRCA miRNASeq data
#' path <- list.files(path = "data7", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
#' path_illuminaga <- grep("illuminaga", path, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
#' path_illuminahiseq <- grep("illuminahiseq", path, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
#' BRCA.miRNASeq.illuminaga <- readTCGA(path_illuminaga, dataType = "miRNASeq")
#' BRCA.miRNASeq.illuminahiseq <- readTCGA(path_illuminahiseq, dataType = "miRNASeq")
#' BRCA.miRNASeq.illuminaga <- cbind(machine = "Illumina Genome Analyzer",
#'                                   BRCA.miRNASeq.illuminaga)
#' BRCA.miRNASeq.illuminahiseq <- cbind(machine = "Illumina HiSeq 2000",
#'                                      BRCA.miRNASeq.illuminahiseq)
#' BRCA.miRNASeq <- rbind(BRCA.miRNASeq.illuminaga, BRCA.miRNASeq.illuminahiseq)
#' ##############
#' ##### isoforms
#' ##############
#' # Directory in which untarred data will be stored
#' dir.create('data8')
#' # Download ACC isoforms data and store it in data8 folder
#' cancerType = "ACC"
#' downloadTCGA(cancerTypes = cancerType,
#' dataSet = paste0("Merge_rnaseqv2__illuminahiseq_rnaseqv2__unc",
#'                  "_edu__Level_3__RSEM_isoforms_normalized__data.Level_3"),
#'              destDir = "data8")
#' # Shorten path of subdirectory with ACC isoforms data
#' list.files(path = "data8", full.names = TRUE) %>%
#'     file.rename(from = ., to = file.path("data8",paste0(cancerType, ".isoforms")))
#' # Remove manifest.txt file
#' list.files(path = "data6", full.names = TRUE,
#'            recursive = TRUE, pattern = "MANIFEST") %>%
#'            file.remove()
#' # Read ACC isoforms data
#' path <- list.files(path = "data8", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) 
#' ACC.isoforms <- readTCGA(path, dataType = "isoforms")
#' }
#' @family RTCGA
#' @rdname readTCGA
#' @export
readTCGA <- function(path, dataType, ...) {
	assertthat::assert_that(is.character(path) & length(path) == 1)
	assertthat::assert_that(is.character(dataType) & length(dataType) == 1)
	assertthat::assert_that(dataType %in% c("clinical", "rnaseq", "mutations", "RPPA", "mRNA",
																					"miRNASeq", "methylation", "isoforms", "CNV"))
	if (dataType %in% c("clinical", "miRNASeq")) {
		return(read.clinical(path, ...))
	if (dataType %in% c("methylation")) {
		return(read.methylation(path, ...))
	if (dataType %in% c("rnaseq", "RPPA", "mRNA", "isoforms")) {
		return(read.rnaseq(path, ...))
	if (dataType == "mutations") {
		return(read.mutations(path, ...))
	if (dataType == "CNV") {
		return(fread(path, data.table = FALSE, ...))

read.clinical <- function(clinicalDir, ...) {
	comboClinical <- fread(clinicalDir, data.table = FALSE)
	colNames <- comboClinical[, 1]
	comboClinical <- as.data.frame(t(comboClinical[, -1]), ...)
	names(comboClinical) <- colNames

read.methylation <- function(methylationDir, ...){
	methylationData <- fread(methylationDir, data.table = FALSE)
	first_row <- methylationData[1,]
	Beta_value_column <- which(first_row == "Beta_value")
	methylationData <- methylationData[,c(1, 3, 4, 5, Beta_value_column)]
	colNames <- methylationData[,1]
	methylationData <- as.data.frame(t(methylationData[,-1]), ...)
	names(methylationData) <- colNames
	row.names(methylationData)[1:3] <- c("TCGA-05.1", "TCGA-05.2", "TCGA-05.3")
	x <- row.names(methylationData)[4]
	row.names(methylationData)[4] <- sub("\\.3$", "", x)
	methylationDataNumeric <- methylationData[-c(1:3), -1]
	apply(methylationDataNumeric, MARGIN = 2, function(x){
	}) -> methylationDataNumeric
	methylationDataCodes <- cbind(bcr_patient_barcode = row.names(methylationData)[-c(1:3)],
	#attr(methylationDataCodes, "info") <- methylationData[c(1:3), -1]

read.rnaseq <- function(rnaseqDir, ...) {
	rnaseqData <- fread(rnaseqDir, data.table = FALSE) %>% t()
	colnames(rnaseqData) <- rnaseqData[1, ]
	barcodes <- rownames(rnaseqData)
	rnaseqData <- rnaseqData[-1, -1] %>%
		apply(2, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))) %>%
		as.data.frame(x = .) %>%
		cbind(bcr_patient_barcode = barcodes[-1], .)

read.mutations <- function(mutationsDir, ...) {
	element <- mutationsDir
	maf_files <- list.files(element) %>% file.path(element, .) %>% grep(x = ., pattern = "TCGA", value = TRUE)
	# there are extra manifest.txt files
	barcodes <- list.files(element) %>% grep(x = ., pattern = "TCGA", value = TRUE) %>% substr(start = 1, stop = 15)
	pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(maf_files), style = 3)
	tmp <- tempfile()
	for (i in seq_along(maf_files)) {
		maf_data <- read.delim(maf_files[i])
		n_col <- ncol(maf_data) + 1
		maf_data[, n_col] <- barcodes[i]
		names(maf_data)[n_col] <- "bcr_patient_barcode"
		invisible(write.table(x = maf_data, sep = "\t", file = tmp, append = TRUE, col.names = i==1, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE))
		setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
	mutations_file <- read.delim(tmp)
RTCGA/RTCGA documentation built on Nov. 1, 2022, 8:15 p.m.