
test_that("query_table works", {
    query_dat <- echodata::BST1

    #### --- LOCAL FILE --- ####
    target_path <- echodata::example_fullSS()
    tabix_files <- echotabix::convert(target_path = target_path,
                                      start_col = "BP")
    ##### seqminer ####
    tab1 <- echotabix::query_table(
        target_path = tabix_files$path,
        query_granges = query_dat,
        query_method = "seqminer"
    ## Check for appropriate range
    testthat::expect_true((nrow(tab1)>=6000) & (nrow(tab1) < 7000))
    ## Check that header isn't empty 
    tab1_small <- echotabix::query_table(
        target_path = tabix_files$path, 
        query_granges = construct_query(  
          query_chrom = query_dat$CHR[1],
          query_start_pos = min(query_dat$POS),
          query_end_pos =  min(query_dat$POS)+1000,
        query_method = "seqminer"
    ## Check for appropriate range
    testthat::expect_true((nrow(tab1_small)>=2) & (nrow(tab1_small) <= 5))
    ##### rsamtools #### 
    tab2 <- echotabix::query_table(
       target_path = tabix_files$path,
       query_granges = query_dat,
       query_method = "rsamtools"
    ## Check for appropriate range
    testthat::expect_true((nrow(tab2)>=6000) & (nrow(tab2) < 7000))
    ## Check that header isn't empty 
   tab2_small <- echotabix::query_table(
     target_path = tabix_files$path,
     query_granges = construct_query(  
       query_chrom = query_dat$CHR[1],
       query_start_pos = min(query_dat$POS),
       query_end_pos =  min(query_dat$POS)+1000,
     query_method = "rsamtools"
   ## Check for appropriate range
   testthat::expect_true((nrow(tab2_small)>=2) & (nrow(tab2_small) <= 5))
   ##### conda ####
   tab3 <- echotabix::query_table(
     target_path = tabix_files$path,
     query_granges = query_dat, 
     query_method = "conda"
   ## Check for appropriate range
   testthat::expect_true((nrow(tab3)>=6000) & (nrow(tab3) < 7000))
   ## Check that header isn't empty 
   tab3_small <- echotabix::query_table(
     target_path = tabix_files$path,
     query_granges = construct_query(  
       query_chrom = query_dat$CHR[1],
       query_start_pos = min(query_dat$POS),
       query_end_pos =  min(query_dat$POS)+1000,
     query_method = "conda"
   ## Check for appropriate range
   testthat::expect_true((nrow(tab1_small)>=2) & (nrow(tab1_small) <= 5))
    #### --- REMOTE --- ####
    target_path <- file.path(
    #### seqminer ####
    ## seqminer for some reason cannot handle remote files 
    ## No response from maintainers yet:
    ## https://github.com/zhanxw/seqminer/issues/20 
    ## added handler to switch to Rsamtools 
     tab1r <- echotabix::query_table(
       target_path = target_path,
       query_granges = construct_query(  
         query_chrom = query_dat$CHR[1],
         query_start_pos = min(query_dat$POS),
         query_end_pos =  min(query_dat$POS)+10,
       query_method = "seqminer") 
   ## Check for appropriate range
   ### Failing until Rsamtools method (default) fixed
       testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tab1r), 1) 
    #### rsamtools #### 
    tab2r <- echotabix::query_table(
        target_path = target_path,
        query_granges = query_dat,
        query_method = "rsamtools"
    ## Check for appropriate range
   ### Failing atm
       testthat::expect_true((nrow(tab2r)>=170) & (nrow(tab2r) <= 200))
    #### rsamtools: small #### 
    tab3r <- echotabix::query_table(
      target_path = target_path,
      query_granges = construct_query(  
        query_chrom = query_dat$CHR[1],
        query_start_pos = min(query_dat$POS),
        query_end_pos =  min(query_dat$POS)+10,
      query_method = "rsamtools"
    ## Check for appropriate range
        testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tab3r), 1)
RajLabMSSM/echotabix documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 8:02 a.m.