
Defines functions pander.Arima pander.nls pander.summary.nls pander.gtable pander.manova pander.irts pander.summary.table pander.tabular pander.function pander.microbenchmark pander.stat.table pander.rlm pander.smooth.spline pander.survdiff pander.describe pander.lme pander.summary.lme pander.zoo pander.coxph pander.name pander.call pander.formula pander.ts pander.CrossTable pander.ftable pander.Date pander.POSIXct pander.POSIXlt pander.rapport pander.evals pander.default pander.list pander.density pander.prcomp pander.summary.prcomp pander.htest pander.aovlist pander.summary.aovlist pander.anova pander.aov pander.summary.aov pander.glm pander.lm pander.summary.glm pander.summary.lm pander.cast_df pander.matrix pander.data.frame pander.data.table pander.table pander.image pander.character pander.factor pander.numeric pander.logical pander.vector pander.NULL pander_return pander

Documented in pander pander.anova pander.aov pander.aovlist pander.Arima pander.call pander.cast_df pander.character pander.coxph pander.CrossTable pander.data.frame pander.data.table pander.Date pander.default pander.density pander.describe pander.evals pander.factor pander.formula pander.ftable pander.function pander.glm pander.gtable pander.htest pander.image pander.irts pander.list pander.lm pander.lme pander.logical pander.manova pander.matrix pander.microbenchmark pander.name pander.nls pander.NULL pander.numeric pander.POSIXct pander.POSIXlt pander.prcomp pander.rapport pander_return pander.rlm pander.smooth.spline pander.stat.table pander.summary.aov pander.summary.aovlist pander.summary.glm pander.summary.lm pander.summary.lme pander.summary.nls pander.summary.prcomp pander.summary.table pander.survdiff pander.table pander.tabular pander.ts pander.vector pander.zoo

#' Generic pander method
#' Prints an R object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an R object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to special methods and/or raw \code{pandoc.*} functions
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @note This function can be called by \code{pander} and \code{pandoc} too.
#' @references \itemize{
#'   \item John MacFarlane (2013): _Pandoc User's Guide_. \url{https://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html}
#'   \item David Hajage (2011): _ascii. Export R objects to several markup languages._ \url{https://cran.r-project.org/package=ascii}
#'   \item Hlavac, Marek (2013): _stargazer: LaTeX code for well-formatted regression and summary statistics tables._ \url{https://cran.r-project.org/package=stargazer}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Vectors
#' pander(1:10)
#' pander(letters)
#' pander(mtcars$am)
#' pander(factor(mtcars$am))
#' ## Lists
#' pander(list(1, 2, 3, c(1, 2)))
#' pander(list(a = 1, b = 2, c = table(mtcars$am)))
#' pander(list(1, 2, 3, list(1, 2)))
#' pander(list(a = 1, 2, 3, list(1, 2)))
#' pander(list('FOO', letters[1:3], list(1:5), table(mtcars$gear), list('FOOBAR', list('a', 'b'))))
#' pander(list(a = 1, b = 2, c = table(mtcars$am), x = list(myname = 1, 2), 56))
#' pander(unclass(chisq.test(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear))))
#' ## Arrays
#' pander(mtcars)
#' pander(table(mtcars$am))
#' pander(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear))
#' ## Tests
#' pander(ks.test(runif(50), runif(50)))
#' pander(chisq.test(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear)))
#' pander(t.test(extra ~ group, data = sleep))
#' ## Models
#' ml <- with(lm(mpg ~ hp + wt), data = mtcars)
#' pander(ml)
#' pander(anova(ml))
#' pander(aov(ml))
#' ## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial (examples from: ?glm)
#' counts <- c(18, 17, 15, 20, 10, 20, 25, 13, 12)
#' outcome <- gl(3, 1, 9)
#' treatment <- gl(3, 3)
#' m <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family = poisson())
#' pander(m)
#' pander(anova(m))
#' pander(aov(m))
#' ## overwriting labels
#' pander(lm(Sepal.Width ~ Species, data = iris), covariate.labels = c('Versicolor', 'Virginica'))
#' ## Prcomp
#' pander(prcomp(USArrests))
#' ## Others
#' pander(density(runif(10)))
#' pander(density(mtcars$hp))
#' ## default method
#' x <- chisq.test(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear))
#' class(x) <- 'I heave never heard of!'
#' pander(x)
pander <- function(x = NULL, ...) {

    ## save current knitr.auto.asis option
    kaao <- panderOptions('knitr.auto.asis')

    if (isTRUE(panderOptions('knitr.auto.asis')) &&
        isTRUE(getOption('knitr.in.progress')) &&
        requireNamespace('knitr', quietly = TRUE)) {

        ## override knitr.auto.asis option for nested calls
        panderOptions('knitr.auto.asis', FALSE)

        ## grab stdout
        stdout <- vector('character')
        con    <- textConnection('stdout', 'wr', local = TRUE)
        sink(con, type = 'message')

        ## close

            ## restore knitr.auto.asis option
            if (panderOptions('knitr.auto.asis') != kaao) {
                panderOptions('knitr.auto.asis', kaao)

            ## revert R output back to normal
            sink(type = 'message')

            ## restore the final line break
            if (tail(stdout, 1) == '') {
                stdout <- c(stdout, '')

            return(knitr::asis_output(paste(stdout, collapse = '\n')))

    UseMethod('pander', x)


#' Pander and capture output
#' This is a wrapper function around \code{pander} but instead of printing to \code{stdout}, this function returns a character vector of the captured lines.
#' @param ... everything passed to \code{pander}
#' @export
#' @seealso pander
pander_return <- function(...)

#' Pander method for a NULL object
#' Prints a NULL object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a NULL object
#' @param ... ignored parameters
#' @export
pander.NULL <- function(x, ...)

#' Helper function to deal with atomic vectors
#' @param x vector
#' @param ... ignored parameters
#' @keywords internal
pander.vector <- function(x, ...) {

    if (!is.null(names(x))) {



#' Pander method for logical class
#' Prints a logical object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a logical object
#' @param ... ignored parameters
#' @export
pander.logical <- function(x, ...)
    pander.vector(x, ...)

#' Pander method for numeric class
#' Prints a numeric class in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a numeric object
#' @param ... igroned parameter
#' @export
pander.numeric <- function(x, ...)
    pander.vector(x, ...)

#' Pander method for factor class
#' Prints a factor object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a factor object
#' @param ... igroned parameters
#' @export
pander.factor <- function(x, ...)
    pander.vector(x, ...)

#' Pander method for character class
#' Prints a character class in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a character object
#' @param ... igroned parameters
#' @export
pander.character <- function(x, ...) {

    if (!is.null(names(x))) {

    if (length(x) < 2) {
    } else {


#' Pander method for image class
#' Prints a image object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a image object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param href link that image should be linked with
#' @param ... ignored parameters
#' @export
pander.image <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), href = attr(x, 'href'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()

    res <- pandoc.image.return(as.character(x), caption)

    if (is.null(href)) {
    } else {
        pandoc.link(href, res)


#' Pander method for table class
#' Prints a table object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a table object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.table <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()

    pandoc.table(x, caption = caption, ...)


#' Pander method for data.table class
#' Prints a data.table object in Pandoc's markdown. Data.tables drop attributes (like row names) when called.
#' @param x a data.table object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param keys.as.row.names controls whether to use data.table key as row names when calling pandoc.table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.data.table <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'),
                              keys.as.row.names = TRUE, ...) {

    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()

    requireNamespace('data.table', quietly = TRUE)
    xx <- data.table::copy(x)
    if (keys.as.row.names && data.table::haskey(xx)) {
        firstkey <- data.table::key(xx)[1]
        row.names.dt <- as.character(xx[[firstkey]])
        xx <- xx[, setdiff(colnames(xx), firstkey), with = FALSE, drop = FALSE]
        data.table::setattr(xx, 'row.names', row.names.dt)

    pandoc.table(xx, caption = caption, ...)


#' Pander method for data.frame class
#' Prints a data.frame object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a data.frame object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.data.frame <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()

    pandoc.table(x, caption = caption, ...)


#' Pander method for matrix class
#' Prints a matrix object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a matrix object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.matrix <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'),  ...) {
    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()
    pandoc.table(x, caption = caption, ...)

#' Pander method for cast_df class
#' Prints a cast_df object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a cast_df object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.cast_df <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()

    pandoc.table(as.data.frame(x), caption = caption, ...)


#' Pander method for summary.lm class
#' Prints a summary.lm object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an summary.lm object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param covariate.labels vector to replace covariate lables in the table
#' @param omit vector of variable to omit for priting in resulting table
#' @param summary (defaut:\code{TRUE}) if used for summary.lm or lm
#' @param add.significance.stars if significance stars should be shown for P value
#' @param move.intercept by default, the Intercept is the first coefficient in the table, which can be moved to the bottom of the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to special methods and/or raw \code{pandoc.*} functions
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
pander.summary.lm <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), covariate.labels,
                              omit, summary = TRUE, add.significance.stars = FALSE, move.intercept = FALSE, ...) {

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- pandoc.formula.return(x$call$formula, text = 'Fitting linear model:')
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    res <- as.data.frame(x$coefficients)

    if (move.intercept && rownames(res)[1] == '(Intercept)' & nrow(res) > 1) {
        res <- res[c(2:nrow(res), 1), ]

    if (!missing(omit)) {
        res <- res[!apply(sapply(omit, grepl, row.names(res)), 1, any), ]

    if (!missing(covariate.labels)) {
        row.names(res)[1:length(covariate.labels)] <- covariate.labels

    if (add.significance.stars) {
        res <- cbind(res, ' ' = add.significance.stars(res[, 4]))

    if (summary) {
        pandoc.table(res, ...)
        if (inherits(x, 'summary.glm')) {
            cat('\n(Dispersion parameter for ', x$family$family, ' family taken to be ',
                format(x$dispersion), ')\n\n')
            stats <- cbind(paste(format(c('Null', 'Residual'), justify = 'right'), 'deviance:'),
                               format(unlist(x[c('null.deviance', 'deviance')]), digits = panderOptions('digits')),
                               ' on',
                               format(unlist(x[c('df.null', 'df.residual')])), ' degrees of freedom\n'),
                               1L, paste, collapse = ' '))
            rownames(stats) <- NULL
            colnames(stats) <- NULL
            pandoc.table(stats, keep.trailing.zeros = TRUE, ...)
        } else {
                'Observations'        = length(x$residuals),
                'Residual Std. Error' = x$sigma,
                '$R^2$'               = x$r.squared,
                'Adjusted $R^2$'      = x$adj.r.squared,
                check.names = FALSE), keep.trailing.zeros = TRUE, caption = caption, digits = panderOptions('digits'))
    } else {

        pandoc.table(res, caption = caption, ...)



#' Pander method for summary.glm class
#' Prints a summary.glm object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an summary.glm object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param covariate.labels vector to replace covariate lables in the table
#' @param omit vector of variable to omit for priting in resulting table
#' @param summary (defaut:\code{TRUE}) if used for summary.lm or lm
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to special methods and/or raw \code{pandoc.*} functions
#' @return By default this function outputs (see: \code{cat}) the result. If you would want to catch the result instead, then call the function ending in \code{.return}.
#' @export
pander.summary.glm <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), covariate.labels, omit, summary = TRUE, ...)
    pander.summary.lm(x, caption = caption, summary = summary, covariate.labels = covariate.labels, omit = omit, ...)

#' Pander method for summary.lm class
#' Prints a summary.lm object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a summary.glm object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param covariate.labels vector to replace covariate lables in the table
#' @param omit vector of variable to omit for priting in resulting table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.lm <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), covariate.labels, omit, ...)
                      caption = caption,
                      summary = FALSE,
                      covariate.labels = covariate.labels,
                      omit = omit, ...)

#' Pander method for summary.glm class
#' Prints a summary.glm object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a summary.glm object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.glm <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- sprintf('Fitting generalized (%s) linear model: %s',
                               paste(x$family$family, x$family$link, sep = '/'),
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    pander.summary.glm(summary(x), caption = caption, summary = FALSE, ...)


#' Pander method for summary.aov class
#' Prints a summary.aov object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a summary.aov object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.summary.aov <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    res <- unclass(x)[[1]]

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- 'Analysis of Variance Model'
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    pandoc.table(res, caption = caption, ...)

#' Pander method for aov class
#' Prints an aov object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an aov object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.aov <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {
    pander(summary(x), caption = caption, ...)

#' Pander method for anova class
#' Prints an anova object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an anova object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param add.significance.stars if significance stars should be shown for P value
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.anova <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), add.significance.stars = FALSE, ...) {

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            if (!is.null(attr(x, 'heading'))) {
                caption <- strsplit(attr(x, 'heading'), '\n')[[1]][1]
    if (is.null(caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()
    if (add.significance.stars) {
        x <- cbind(x, ' ' = add.significance.stars(x[, 5]))
    pandoc.table(x, caption = caption, ...)
    if (add.significance.stars) {
        cat('Signif. codes:  0 \'\\*\\*\\*\' 0.001 \'\\*\\*\' 0.01 \'\\*\' 0.05 \'.\' 0.1 \' \' 1\n')

#' Pander method for summary.aovlist class
#' Prints a summary.aovlist object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a summary.aovlist object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.summary.aovlist <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {
    n <- length(x)
    if (n == 1) {
        pandoc.table(unclass(x[[1]][[1]]), caption, ...)
    } else {
        z <- x[[1]][[1]]
        for (i in 2:n) {
            z <- rbind(z, x[[i]][[1]])
        pandoc.table(z, caption = caption, ...)

#' Pander method for aovlist class
#' Prints an aovlist object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an aovlist object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.aovlist <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {
    pander(summary(x), caption = caption, ...)

#' Pander method for htest class
#' Prints a htest object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a htest object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.htest <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- paste0(x$method, ': `', gsub('( and | by )', '`\\1`', paste(x$data.name, collapse='')), '`')
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    ## we do not know which values are provided
    res <- data.frame(placeholder = 'FOO')

    ## add what we know
    if (!is.null(x$statistic)) {
        res$'Test statistic' <- as.numeric(x$statistic)
    if (!is.null(x$parameter)) {
        res[names(x$parameter)] <- x$parameter
    if (!is.null(x$p.value)) {
        res$'P value' <- paste(
          format(round(x$p.value, panderOptions('round')),
                 trim         = TRUE,
                 digits       = panderOptions('digits'),
                 decimal.mark = panderOptions('decimal.mark')),
    if (!is.null(x$alternative)) {
        res['Alternative hypothesis'] <- x$alternative
    if (!is.null(x$estimate)) {
        if (!is.null(names(x$estimate))) {
            res[names(x$estimate)] <- x$estimate
        } else {
            res['Estimate'] <- x$estimate

    ## drop placeholder
    res$placeholder <- NULL

    ## return
    pandoc.table(res, caption = caption, ...)


#' Pander method for summary.prcomp class
#' Prints a summary.prcomp object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a summary.prcomp object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param summary (default:\code{TRUE}) if extended summary should be printed
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.summary.prcomp <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), summary = TRUE, ...) {

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- 'Principal Components Analysis'
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    pandoc.table(x$rotation, caption = caption, ...)
    if (summary) {
        pandoc.table(x$importance, ...)

#' Pander method for prcomp class
#' Prints a prcomp object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a prcomp object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.prcomp <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'),  ...) {
    pander(summary(x), caption = caption, summary = FALSE, ...)

#' Pander method for density class
#' Prints a density object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a density object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.density <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- sprintf('Kernel density of *%s* (bandwidth: %s)', x$data.name, format(x$bw))
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    res <- data.frame('Coordinates' = as.numeric(summary(x$x)),
                      'Density values' = as.numeric(summary(x$y)),
                      check.names = FALSE)
    rownames(res) <- names(summary(1))

    pandoc.table(res, caption = caption, ...)

#' Pander method for list class
#' Prints a list object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a list object
#' @param ... ignored parameters
#' @export
pander.list <- function(x, ...) {

    ## early exit on no values
    if (length(x) == 0) {

    ## match call
    mc <- match.call()
    if (is.null(mc$indent)) {
        indent <- 0
    } else {
        indent <- eval(mc$indent, parent.frame(1))

    ## replace missing values
    w <- which(is.na(x))
    if (length(w) > 0) {
        x[w] <- panderOptions('missing')

    ## grab elements name (if any)
    x.names <- sapply(names(x), function(x) ifelse(x == '', '  *', sprintf('  * **%s**:', x)))
    if (length(x.names) == 0) {
        x.names <- rep('  *', length(x))

    ## capture pandoc output of list element
    res <- paste(unlist(lapply(1:length(x), function(i) {

        res.i <- paste(capture.output(pander(x[[i]], indent = 1)), collapse = '\n')
        if (grepl('\n', res.i) & !grepl('\n *\\* ', res.i)) {
            res.i <- sub('^\n', '\n\n', res.i)
            res.i <- pandoc.indent(res.i, 1)

        paste(x.names[i], res.i)

    })), collapse = '\n') #nolint

    ## indent output
    res <- pandoc.indent(res, indent)

    ## add (comment): end of list (preventing conflicts with forthcoming pandoc blocks)
    if (indent == 0) {
        res <- paste0(res, '\n\n<!-- end of list -->\n')



#' Default Pander method
#' Method to be used, when no exact S3 method for given object is found. Tries to render object as a list
#' @param x an object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.list} function
#' @export
pander.default <- function(x, ...) {
    warning(sprintf('No pander.method for "%s", reverting to default.', class(x)))
    class(x) <- 'list'
    pander(x, ...)

#' Pander method for evals class
#' Prints a evals object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a evals object
#' @param ... ignored parameters
#' @export
pander.evals <- function(x, ...) {

    o <- pander(x$result)

    if (panderOptions('evals.messages')) {
        if (!is.null(x$msg$messages)) {
            o <- paste0(o, ' **MESSAGE**', pandoc.footnote.return(x$msg$messages))
        if (!is.null(x$msg$warnings)) {
            o <- paste0(o, ' **WARNING**', pandoc.footnote.return(x$msg$warnings))
        if (!is.null(x$msg$error)) {
            o <- paste0(o, ' **ERROR**', pandoc.footnote.return(x$msg$errors))



#' Pander method for rapport class
#' Prints a rapport object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a rapport object
#' @param ... ignored parameters
#' @export
pander.rapport <- function(x, ...)

#' Pander method for POSIXlt class
#' Prints a POSIXlt object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a POSIXlt object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.date} function
#' @export
pander.POSIXlt <- function(x, ...)
    pandoc.date(x, ...)

#' Pander method for POSIXct class
#' Prints a POSIXct object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a POSIXct object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.date} function
#' @export
pander.POSIXct <- function(x, ...)
    pandoc.date(x, ...)

#' Pander method for Date class
#' Prints a Date object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a Date object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.date} function
#' @export
pander.Date <- function(x, ...)
    pandoc.date(x, ...)

#' Pander method for ftable class
#' Prints a ftable object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a ftable object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.ftable <- function(x, ...)
    pandoc.table(x, ...)

#' Pander method for CrossTable class
#' Prints a CrossTable object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a CrossTable object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param digits number of digits of precision
#' @param total.r if to print row totals. Default values is taken from CrossTable object
#' @param total.c if to print column totals. Default values is taken from CrossTable object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.CrossTable <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), digits = panderOptions('digits'),
                              total.r = x$total.r, total.c = x$total.c, ...) {
    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()
    nr <- dim(x$t)[1]
    nc <- dim(x$t)[2]
    if (!is.null(rownames(x$t))) {
        nt <- cbind(rownames(x$t), x$t, x$rs)
    } else {
        nt <- cbind('&nbsp;', x$t, x$rs)
    hdd <- 100
    appendlines <- function(nt, xx, hasttl = FALSE, haslbl = FALSE) {
        if (!hasttl) {
            xx <- cbind(xx, rep('', nr))
        if (!haslbl) {
            xx <- cbind(rep('', nr), xx)
        n <- dim(nt)[1] / nr
        nt <- rbind(nt, xx)
        idx <- integer()
        k <- 1
        l <- nr * n + 1
        for (i in 1:nr) {
            for (j in 1:n) {
                idx <- c(idx, k)
                k <- k + 1
            idx <- c(idx, l)
            l <- l + 1
        nt <- nt[idx, ]
    if (!is.na(x$expected) && x$expected == TRUE) {
        xex <- outer(x$rs, x$cs, '*')
        xex <- xex / x$gt
        if (is.null(digits)) {
            digits <- 1
        xx <- format(round(xex, digits), ...)
        xx <- cbind(rep('Expected N', nr), xx, rep('', nr))
        nt <- rbind(nt, xx)
        idx <- integer()
        for (i in 1:nr) {
            idx <- c(idx, i, i + nr)
        nt <- nt[idx, ]
    if (x$prop.chisq) {
        xx <- (x$CST$expected - x$t) ^ 2 / x$CST$expected
        xx <- format(round(xx, digits), trim = TRUE, ...)
        xx <- cbind('Chi-square', xx)
        nt <- appendlines(nt, xx, haslbl = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(x$prop.row[1])) {
        xx <- cbind(x$prop.row, x$rs / x$gt)
        xx <- format(round(xx * hdd, digits), trim = TRUE, ...)
        xx <- matrix(paste(xx, '%', sep = ''), nrow = nr,
                 ncol = nc + 1)
        xx <- cbind('Row(%)', xx)
        nt <- appendlines(nt, xx, TRUE, haslbl = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(x$prop.col[1])) {
        xx <- format(round(x$prop.col * hdd, digits), trim = TRUE,
        xx <- matrix(paste(xx, '%', sep = ''), nrow = nr,
                 ncol = nc)
        xx <- cbind('Column(%)', xx)
        nt <- appendlines(nt, xx, haslbl = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(x$prop.tbl[1])) {
        xx <- format(round(x$prop.tbl * hdd, digits), trim = TRUE,
        xx <- matrix(paste(xx, '%', sep = ''), nrow = nr,
                 ncol = nc)
        xx <- cbind('Total(%)', xx)
        nt <- appendlines(nt, xx, haslbl = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(x$resid) && x$resid == TRUE && x$expected == TRUE) {
        xx <- x$t - xex
        xx <- format(round(xx, digits), trim = TRUE, ...)
        xx <- cbind('Residual', xx)
        nt <- appendlines(nt, xx, haslbl = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(x$sresid) && x$sresid == TRUE
        && x$expected == TRUE) {
        xx <- x$CST$residual
        xx <- format(round(xx, digits), trim = TRUE, ...)
        xx <- cbind('Std Residual', xx)
        nt <- appendlines(nt, xx, haslbl = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(x$asr[1])) {
        xx <- format(round(x$asr, digits), trim = TRUE, ...)
        xx <- cbind('Adj Std Resid', xx)
        nt <- appendlines(nt, xx, haslbl = TRUE)
    n <- dim(nt)[1] / nr
    idx <- seq(1, dim(nt)[1], n)
    nt <- rbind(nt, c(gettext('Total', domain = 'R-descr'), x$cs,
    if (!is.na(x$prop.col[1])) {
        nt <- rbind(nt, c('', sapply(round(hdd * x$cs / x$gt, digits), function(x) paste(x, '%', sep = '')), ''))
    len <- dim(nt)[1]
    rownames(nt) <- as.character(1:len)

    ## merging and print
    ts <- ifelse(!is.na(x$prop.col[1]), 2, 1)
    or <- (nrow(nt) - ts) / nr
    nt.nr <- nrow(nt)
    nc <- ncol(nt)
    if (!is.null(total.r) && !total.r) {
        nc <- nc - 1
    RowData <- x$RowData
    ColData <- x$ColData
    res <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nr) {
        res.r <- paste(pandoc.strong.return(nt[1 + or * (i - 1), 1]),
                       paste(nt[ (2 + or * (i - 1)) : (i * or), 1], collapse = '\\ \n'),
                   sep = '\\ \n')
        for (j in 2:nc) {
            res.r <- cbind(res.r,
                                 paste(nt[ (1 + or * (i - 1)) : (i * or), j], collapse = '\\  \n'),
                                 sep = '\\ \n'))
        res <- rbind(res, res.r)
    res.r <- NULL
    if (is.null(total.c) || total.c) {
        for (j in 1:nc) {
            res.r <- cbind(res.r, paste(nt[ (nt.nr - ts + 1) : nt.nr, j], collapse = '\\ \n'))
        res <- rbind(res, res.r)
    cln <- c(ifelse(RowData != '', RowData, '&nbsp;'), colnames(x$t))
    if (is.null(total.r) || total.r) {
        cln <- c(cln, 'Total')
    if (ColData != '') {
        cln.t <- paste(c('&nbsp;', ColData, rep('&nbsp;', nc - 2)), rep('\\\n', nc - 1), sep = '')
        cln <- paste(cln.t, cln, sep = '')
    colnames(res) <- cln
    pandoc.table(res, caption = caption, keep.line.breaks = TRUE, ...)

#' Pander method for timeseries class
#' Prints a timeseries object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a timeseries object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats time cycle frequency start end time
pander.ts <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()

    if (!is.null(ncol(x))) {
        tp.1 <- trunc(time(x))
        tp.2 <- trunc(cycle(x))
        day.abb <- c('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri',
        row.names <- switch(frequency(x), tp.1, 'Arg2', 'Arg3',
                            paste(tp.1, c('Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4')[tp.2], sep = ' '),
                            'Arg5', 'Arg6', paste('Wk.', tp.1, ' ', day.abb[tp.2],
                                                  sep = ''), 'Arg8', 'Arg9', 'Arg10', 'Arg11',
                            paste(tp.1, month.abb[tp.2], sep = ' '))
        t <- data.frame(x, row.names = row.names)
    } else {
        col.names <- switch(frequency(x), 'Value', 'Arg2', 'Arg3',
                            c('Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4'), 'Arg5', 'Arg6', day.abb,
                            'Arg8', 'Arg9', 'Arg10', 'Arg11', month.abb)
        row.names <- seq(from = start(x)[1], to = end(x)[1])
        t <- data.frame(matrix(c(rep(NA, start(x)[2] - 1),
                                 x, rep(NA, frequency(x) - end(x)[2])), ncol = frequency(x),
                               byrow = TRUE), row.names = row.names)
        names(t) <- col.names

    pandoc.table(t, caption = caption, ...)


#' Pander method for formula class
#' Prints a formula object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a formula object
#' @param max.width maximum width in characters per line
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the formula
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.formula} function
#' @export
pander.formula <- function(x, max.width = 80, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {
    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()
    pandoc.formula(x, max.width = max.width, caption = caption, ...)

#' Pander method for call class
#' Prints a call object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a call object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.formula} function
#' @export
pander.call <- function(x, ...)

#' Pander method for name class
#' Prints a call object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a name language object
#' @param ... ignored parameters
#' @export
pander.name <- function(x, ...)

#' Pander method for coxph class
#' Prints a coxph object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an coxph object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats pchisq naprint
pander.coxph <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- pandoc.formula.return(x$call$formula, text = 'Fitting Proportional Hazards Regression Model:')
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    if (!is.null(x$fail)) {
        cat('  Coxph failed.', x$fail, '\n')

    beta <- x$coef
    se <- sqrt(diag(x$var))

    if (is.null(x$naive.var)) {
        c.tab <- cbind(beta, exp(beta), se, beta / se, 1 - pchisq( (beta / se) ^ 2, 1))
        dimnames(c.tab) <- list(names(beta), c('coef', 'exp(coef)', 'se(coef)', 'z', 'p'))
    } else {
        c.tab <- cbind(beta, exp(beta), se, beta / se, signif(1 - pchisq( (beta / se) ^ 2, 1), 1))
        dimnames(c.tab) <- list(names(beta), c('coef', 'exp(coef)', 'robust se', 'z', 'p'))

    pandoc.table(c.tab, caption = caption, ...)
    logtest <- -2 * (x$loglik[1] - x$loglik[2])

    if (is.null(x$df)) {
        df <- sum(!is.na(beta))
    } else {
        df <- round(sum(x$df), 2)

    cat('Likelihood ratio test=', format(round(logtest, 2)), '  on ',
        df, ' df,', ' p=', format(1 - pchisq(logtest, df)), sep = '')

    omit <- x$na.action
    cat('  n=', x$n)
    if (!is.null(x$nevent)) {
        cat(', number of events=', x$nevent, '\n')
    } else {

    if (length(omit)) {
        cat('   (', naprint(omit), ')\n', sep = '')


#' Pander method for clogit class
#' Prints a clogit object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an clogit object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.clogit <- function (x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- pandoc.formula.return(x$userCall, text = 'Fitting Conditional logistic regression:')
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    pander.coxph(x, caption = caption, ...)


#' Pander method for zoo class
#' Prints a zoo object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an zoo object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.zoo <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()

    c.tab <- as.data.frame(x)
    c.tab <- cbind(pandoc.date.return(trunc(time(x)), simplified = TRUE), c.tab)

    if (length(colnames(x)) != 0) {
        colnames(c.tab) <- c('Period', colnames(x))
    } else {
        colnames(c.tab) <- c('Period', 'Value')

    rownames(c.tab) <- NULL
    pandoc.table(c.tab, caption = caption, ...)


#' Pander method for summary.lme class
#' Prints a lme object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a lme object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param summary (default:\code{TRUE}) if to print expender summary
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.summary.lme <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), summary = TRUE, ...) {
    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- sprintf('Linear mixed-effects model fit by %s : %s',
                               paste(sub('^[ ]*', '', ifelse(x$method == 'REML', 'REML', 'maximum likelihood'))),
                               pandoc.formula.return(x$call$fixed), collapse = '')
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()
    res <- as.data.frame(x$tTable)
    if (summary) {
        pandoc.table(res, caption = pandoc.formula.return(x$call$fixed, text = 'Fixed effects: '),
                     split.tables = Inf, ...)
        pandoc.table(x$residuals, caption = 'Standardized Within-Group Residuals')
            'Observations'        = x$dims[['N']],
            'Groups'              = x$dims$ngrps[1:x$dims$Q],
            'Log-restricted-likelihood' = x$logLik,
            check.names = FALSE), keep.trailing.zeros = TRUE, caption = caption, digits = 4)
    } else {
        pandoc.table(res, caption = caption, ...)

#' Pander method for lme class
#' Prints a lme object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a lme object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.lme <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...)
    pander(summary(x), caption = caption, summary = FALSE, ...)

#' Pander method for describe class
#' Prints a describe object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an describe object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param digits number of digits of precision
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.describe <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), digits = panderOptions('digits'), ...) {
    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()
    if (length(dim(x)) == 1) {
        class(x) <- 'list'
        attr(x, 'call') <- NULL
        pander(x, digits = digits, caption = caption, ...)
    } else {
        class(x) <- 'data.frame'
        pander(x, digits = digits, caption = caption, ...)

#' Pander method for survdiff class
#' Prints an survdiff object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an survdiff object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.survdiff <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- pandoc.formula.return(x$call$formula, text = 'Call:')
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    if (length(x$n) == 1) {
        z <- sign(x$exp - x$obs) * sqrt(x$chisq)
        temp <- c(x$obs, x$exp, z, signif(1 - pchisq(x$chisq, 1), panderOptions('digits')))
        names(temp) <- c('Observed', 'Expected', 'Z', 'p')
        temp <- t(temp)
    } else {
        if (is.matrix(x$obs)) {
            otmp <- apply(x$obs, 1, sum)
            etmp <- apply(x$exp, 1, sum)
        } else {
            otmp <- x$obs
            etmp <- x$exp
        df <- sum(1 * (etmp > 0)) - 1
        p <- 1 - pchisq(x$chisq, df[!is.na(df)])
        temp <- cbind(x$n, otmp, etmp, (otmp - etmp) ^ 2 / etmp, (otmp - etmp) ^ 2 / diag(x$var))
        dimnames(temp) <- list(names(x$n), c('N', 'Observed', 'Expected', '(O-E)^2/E', '(O-E)^2/V'))
        caption <- paste(caption, sprintf('Chisq = %f \non %d degrees of freedom, p = %f', x$chisq, df, p), sep = ' ')

    temp <- as.data.frame(temp, checknames = FALSE)
    pandoc.table(temp, caption = caption, ...)


#' Pander method for survfit class
#' Prints an survfit object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x the result of a call to the survfit function.
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param scale	a numeric value to rescale the survival time, e.g., if the input data to survfit were in days, scale=365 would scale the printout to years.
#' @param print.rmean,rmean options for computation and display of the restricted mean
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
pander.survfit <- function (x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'),
                            scale = 1, print.rmean = getOption('survfit.print.rmean'),
                            rmean = getOption('survfit.rmean'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()

    omit <- x$na.action

    if (length(omit)){
        pander(list(naprint(omit)), list.type = 'none')

    if (!missing(print.rmean) && is.logical(print.rmean) && missing(rmean)) {
        rmean <- ifelse(print.rmean, 'common', 'none')

    if (is.null(rmean)) {
        if (is.logical(print.rmean)) {
            rmean <- ifelse(print.rmean, 'common', 'none')
        } else {
            rmean <- 'none'

    if (is.numeric(rmean)) {
        if (is.null(x$start.time)) {
            if (rmean < min(x$time)) {
                stop('Truncation point for the mean is < smallest survival')
        } else {
            if (rmean < x$start.time) {
                stop('Truncation point for the mean is < smallest survival')
    } else {
        rmean <- match.arg(rmean, c('none', 'common', 'individual'))
        if (length(rmean) == 0) {
            stop('Invalid value for rmean option')

    temp <- getFromNamespace('survmean', 'survival')(x, scale = scale, rmean)
    pandoc.table(temp$matrix, caption = ...)

    if (rmean != 'none') {
        if (rmean == 'individual') {
            pander('* restricted mean with variable upper limit')
        } else {
            pander(paste('* restricted mean with upper limit = ', format(temp$end.time[1])))


#' Pander method for smooth.spline class
#' Prints an smooth.spline object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an smooth.spline object
#' @param ... igroned parameters
#' @export
pander.smooth.spline <- function(x, ...) {

    x <- as.list(capture.output(x)[-1:-3])
    pandoc.list(x, add.end.of.list = FALSE)


#' Pander method for rlm class
#' Prints an rlm object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an rlm object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.rlm <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            if (!is.null(x$call)) {
                caption <- pandoc.formula.return(x$call$formula, text = 'Fitting linear model by robust regression:')
            } else {
                caption <- 'Fitting linear model by robust regression'
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    if (x$converged) {
        cat('Converged in', length(x$conv), 'iterations\n')
    } else {
        cat('Ran', length(x$conv), 'iterations without convergence\n')

    coef <- x$coefficients
    pandoc.table(coef, caption = caption, ...)
    nobs <- length(x$residuals)
    rdf <- nobs - length(coef)
    cat('Degrees of freedom:', nobs, 'total;', rdf, 'residual\n\n')

    if (nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action))) {
        cat('  (', mess, ')\n', sep = '')

    cat('Scale estimate:', format(signif(x$s, 3)), '\n')


#' Pander method for stat.table class
#' Prints an stat.table object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an stat.table object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.stat.table <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()

    if (length(dim(x)) == 2) {
        pandoc.table(t(x), caption = caption, ...)

    if (length(dim(x)) == 3) {

        xx <- list()

        for (i in 1:dim(x)[2]) {
            xx[[i]] <- x[, i, ]

        xx <- do.call(rbind, xx)
        xx <- apply(xx, c(1, 2), format, digits = panderOptions('digits'))
        dn <- dimnames(x)
        lgroup <- list(names(dn)[2], dn[[2]])
        tgroup <- names(dn)[3]
        c.s <- length(dn[[3]])
        xx <- rbind(colnames(xx), xx)
        xx <- cbind(unlist(lgroup), xx)
        xx <- rbind(c(rep('', c.s - 1), tgroup, ''), xx)
        colnames(xx) <- NULL
        pandoc.table(xx, caption = caption, emphasize.rows = c(1, 2), emphasize.cols = 1, ...)


#' Pander method for sessionInfo class
#' Prints an sessionInfo object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an sessionInfo object
#' @param locale (defaut:\code{TRUE}) if to print locale output
#' @param compact (defaut:\code{TRUE}) if output shoud be compact (ommiting extra line breaks and spaces, inline printing of lists)
#' @param ... ignored parameters
#' @export
pander.sessionInfo <- function (x, locale = TRUE, compact = TRUE, ...) {

    mkLabel <- function(L, n) {
        vers <- sapply(L[[n]], function(x) x[['Version']])
        pkg <- sapply(L[[n]], function(x) x[['Package']])
        sprintf('%s(v.%s)', pkg, vers)

    cat(pandoc.strong(x$R.version$version.string), '\n\n', sep = '')
    cat(pandoc.strong('Platform:'), x$platform, '\n\n', sep = ' ')

    if (locale) {
        pander(gsub('[/]', '||', strsplit(x$locale, ';', fixed = TRUE)[[1]]), ...)

    if (compact) {
        attached.base.packages <- pander_return(x$basePkgs, quote = FALSE, ...)
        other.attached.packages <- pander_return(mkLabel(x, 'otherPkgs'), quote = FALSE, ...)
        load.via.namespaces <- pander_return(mkLabel(x, 'loadedOnly'), quote = FALSE, ...)
    } else {
        attached.base.packages <- pandoc.list.return(x$basePkgs, add.end.of.list = FALSE, ...)
        other.attached.packages <- pandoc.list.return(mkLabel(x, 'otherPkgs'), add.end.of.list = FALSE, ...)
        load.via.namespaces <- pandoc.list.return(mkLabel(x, 'loadedOnly'), add.end.of.list = FALSE, ...)

    cat(pandoc.strong('attached base packages:'), '\n')

    if (!is.null(x$otherPkgs)) {
        cat(pandoc.strong('other attached packages:'), '\n')

    if (!is.null(x$loadedOnly)) {
        cat(pandoc.strong('loaded via a namespace (and not attached):'), '\n')



#' Pander method for microbenchmark class
#' Prints an microbenchmark object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an microbenchmark object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param expr.labels expression labels that will replace default ones (similar to rownames, which microbenchmark class table does not have)
#' @param unit units in which values should be printed (for example second, microseconds, etc.). Should be one of ns, us, ms, s, t, hz, khz, mhz, eps, f
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.microbenchmark <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), expr.labels, unit, ...) {

    xs <- summary(x, unit = unit)

    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- paste('Unit: ', attr(xs, 'unit'), sep = '')
        } else {
            caption <- get.caption()

    if (!missing(expr.labels)) {
        xs[, 1] <- as.vector(xs[, 1])
        xs[1:length(expr.labels), 1] <- expr.labels

    pander(xs, caption = caption, ...)


#' Pander method for function class
#' Prints an function object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an function object
#' @param add.name (defaut:\code{FALSE}) if to add function name to output or just to print a body
#' @param verbatim (defaut:\code{TRUE}) if to add tabulation, so pandoc conversion will rander it properly
#' @param syntax.highlighting (defaut:\code{FALSE}) if to add hyghlighting tag for R syntax
#' @param ... ignored parameters
#' @export
pander.function <- function(x, add.name = FALSE, verbatim = TRUE, syntax.highlighting = FALSE, ...) {

    fname <- substitute(x)
    ps <- ''

    if (syntax.highlighting) {
    } else {
        ps <- ifelse(verbatim, '\t', '')

    if (!is.null(add.name) && add.name) {
        cat(ps, fname, ' <- ', sep = '')

    for (line in deparse(x)) {
        cat(ps, line, '\n', sep = '')

    if (syntax.highlighting) {


#' Pander method for tabular class
#' Renders an tabular object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an function object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param digits number of digits of precision
#' @param emphasize.rownames (defaut:\code{TRUE}) if rownames should be highlighted
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.tabular <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'),
                           emphasize.rownames = TRUE, digits = panderOptions('digits'), ...) {
    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
        caption <- get.caption()
    data <- as.matrix(x, format = T, rowLabels = F, colLabels = F, digits = digits)
    rlabels <- attr(x, 'rowLabels')
    rlabels[is.na(rlabels)] <- ''
    clabels <- attr(x, 'colLabels')
    clabels[is.na(clabels)] <- ''
    if (!is.null(colnames(rlabels))) {
        ## needed for case of more complex tabular structure (see examples)
        cl <- colnames(rlabels)
        data <- cbind(rlabels, data)
        clabels <- cbind(rbind(matrix('',
                                      nrow = (nrow(clabels) - 1),
                                      ncol = length(cl)),
    clabels <- apply(clabels, c(2), paste, collapse = '\\ \n')
    colnames(data) <- clabels
    if (emphasize.rownames) {
        pandoc.table(data, caption = caption, keep.line.breaks = TRUE, emphasize.cols = 1:length(cl), ...)
    } else {
        pandoc.table(data, caption = caption, keep.line.breaks = TRUE, ...)

#' Pander method for summary.table class
#' Renders an summary.table object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an function object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param print.call (defaut:\code{TRUE}) if call should be printed
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.summary.table <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), print.call = T, ...) {
    if (is.null(caption)) {
        if (!is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- get.caption()
        } else {
            caption <- 'Test for independence of all factors'
    if (!is.null(x$call) && print.call) {
        cat('Call: ')
    cat('Number of cases in table:', x$n.cases, '\n')
    cat('Number of factors:', x$n.vars, '\n')
    if (x$n.vars > 1) {
        ch <- x$statistic
        tdf <- data.frame('Chisq' = ch, 'df' = x$parameter, 'p-value' = x$p.value)
        pandoc.table(tdf, caption = caption, ...)
        if (!x$approx.ok) {
            cat('Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect\n')

#' Pander method for randomForest class
#' Renders an randomForest object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an randomForest object
#' @param digits number of digits of precision
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.randomForest <- function (x, digits = panderOptions('digits'), ...) {
    cat('\nCall: ', pandoc.formula.return(x$call), '\n')
    cat('Type of random forest: ', x$type, '\n', sep = '')
    cat('Number of trees: ', x$ntree, '\n', sep = '')
    cat('No. of variables tried at each split: ', x$mtry, '\n\n', sep = '')
    if (x$type == 'classification') {
        if (!is.null(x$confusion)) {
            cat('OOB estimate of  error rate: ',
                round(x$err.rate[x$ntree, 'OOB'] * 100, digits = digits), '%\n', sep = '')
            pandoc.table(x$confusion, caption = 'Confusion Matrix', digits = digits, ...)
            if (!is.null(x$test$err.rate)) {
                cat('Test set error rate: ',
                    round(x$test$err.rate[x$ntree, 'Test'] * 100, digits = 2),
                    sep = '')
                pandoc.table(x$test$confusion, caption = 'Test Confusion Matrix', digits = digits, ...)
    if (x$type == 'regression') {
        if (!is.null(x$mse)) {
            cat('Mean of squared residuals: ', x$mse[length(x$mse)], '\n', sep = '')
            cat('% Var explained: ', round(100 * x$rsq[length(x$rsq)], digits = 2), '\n', sep = '')
            if (!is.null(x$test$mse)) {
                cat('Test set MSE: ',
                    round(x$test$mse[length(x$test$mse)], digits = digits),
                    '\n', sep = '')
                cat('% Test Var explained: ',
                    round(100 * x$test$rsq[length(x$test$rsq)],
                          digits = 2), '\n', sep = '')
        if (!is.null(x$coefs)) {
            cat('Bias correction applied:\n')
            cat('Intercept: ', x$coefs[1], '\n')
            cat('Slope: ', x$coefs[2], '\n')

#' Prints an irts object from tseries package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an irts object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param format string passed to format when printing dates (POSIXct or POSIXt)
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.irts <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), format = panderOptions('date'), ...) {

    if (is.null(caption) & !is.null(storage$caption)) {
            caption <- get.caption()
    m <- as.matrix(x$value)
    colnames(m) <- NULL
    rownames(m) <- format(x$time, format = format)
    pander(m, caption = caption, ...)

#' Prints an summary.manova object from stats package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an summary.manova object
#' @param add.significance.stars if significance stars should be shown for P value
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.summary.manova <- function (x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), add.significance.stars = FALSE, ...) {
    if (length(stats <- x$stats)) {
        pander.anova(stats, caption = caption, add.significance.stars = add.significance.stars, ...)
    } else {
        cat('No error degrees of freedom\n\n')
        pander(data.frame(Df = x$Df, row.names = x$row.names), caption = caption, ...)

#' Pander method for manova class
#' Prints an manova object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an manovv object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param add.significance.stars if significance stars should be shown for P value
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.manova <- function(x, caption = attr(x, 'caption'), add.significance.stars = FALSE, ...)
    pander(summary(x), caption = caption, add.significance.stars = add.significance.stars, ...)

#' Pander method for gtable class
#' Renders an gtable object in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an gtable object
#' @param zsort Sort by z values? Default \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.gtable <- function(x, zsort = FALSE, ...) {
    if (nrow(x$layout) == 0) {
    pos <- as.data.frame(format(as.matrix(x$layout[c('t', 'r',
                                                     'b', 'l')])), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    grobNames <- vapply(x$grobs, as.character, character(1))
    info <- data.frame(z = x$layout$z, cells = paste('(', pos$t, '-', pos$b, ',', pos$l, '-', pos$r, ')', sep = ''),
                       name = x$layout$name,
                       grob = grobNames)
    if (zsort) {
        info <- info[order(x$layout$z), ]

#' Prints an summary.nls object from stats package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an summary.nls object
#' @param summary (defaut:\code{TRUE}) if used for summary.lm or lm
#' @param add.significance.stars if significance stars should be shown for P value
#' @param digits number of digits of precision
#' @param show.convergence (defaut:\code{FALSE}) if to print convergence info
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.summary.nls <- function(x, summary = TRUE, add.significance.stars = FALSE,
                               digits = panderOptions('digits'), show.convergence = FALSE, ...) {
                   text = 'Fitting nonlinear regression model:',
                   add.line.breaks = TRUE)

    if (summary) {
        coef <- x$coefficients
        if (add.significance.stars) {
            coef[, 4] <- pander::add.significance.stars(coef[, 4])
        pander(x$coefficients, caption = 'Parameters', ...)
        if (add.significance.stars) {
            cat('\nSignif. codes:  0 \'***\' 0.001 \'**\' 0.01 \'*\' 0.05 \'.\' 0.1 \' \' 1\n')
        if (!is.null(x$correlation) && NCOL(x$correlation) > 1) {
            pander(x$correlation, caption = 'Correlation of Parameter Estimates', ...)
        cat('\nResidual standard error:',
            format(signif(x$sigma, digits)), 'on', x$df[2L], 'degrees of freedom\n')
    } else {
        pandoc.table(x$coefficients[, 1], caption = 'Parameter Estimates', digits = digits, ...)
        cat('\nresidual sum-of-squares:', format(signif(x$sigma, digits)), '\n')

    if (show.convergence && !is.null(x$convInfo)) {
        if (identical(x$call$algorithm, 'port')) {
            cat('\nAlgorithm \'port\', convergence message: ',
                x$convInfo$stopMessage, '\n', sep = '')
        } else {
            cat('\nNumber of iterations', ifelse(x$convInfo$isConv, 'to convergence:', 'till stop:'),
                x$convInfo$finIter, '\nAchieved convergence tolerance:',
                format(x$convInfo$finTol, digits = digits), '\n')
            if (!x$convInfo$isConv) {
                cat('Reason stopped:', x$convInfo$stopMessage, '\n')

#' Prints an nls object from stats package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an nls object
#' @param show.convergence (defaut:\code{FALSE}) if to print convergence info
#' @param digits number of digits of precision
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.nls <- function(x, digits = panderOptions('digits'), show.convergence = FALSE, ...) {
    pander.summary.nls(summary(x), summary = FALSE, add.significance.stars = FALSE,
                       digits = digits, show.convergence = show.convergence, ...)

#' Prints an arima object from stats package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an arima object
#' @param digits number of digits of precision
#' @param se if to include standard error in coefficients table (default \code{TRUE})
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.Arima <- function(x, digits = panderOptions('digits'), se = TRUE, ...) {
    cat('\nCall:', pandoc.formula.return(x$call), '', sep = '\n')
    cn <- names(x$coef)
    coef <- matrix(x$coef, nrow = 1)
    colnames(coef) <- cn
    if (se && nrow(x$var.coef)) {
        ses <- rep_len(0, length(coef))
        ses[x$mask] <- sqrt(diag(x$var.coef))
        coef <- rbind(coef, s.e. = ses)
    pandoc.table(coef, caption = 'Coefficients', digits = digits, ...)
    cm <- x$call$method
    if (is.null(cm) || cm != 'CSS')
        cat('\nsigma^2 estimated as ', format(x$sigma2, digits = digits),
            ':  log likelihood = ', format(round(x$loglik, 2)),
            ',  aic = ', format(round(x$aic, 2)), '\n', sep = '')
    else cat('\nsigma^2 estimated as ', format(x$sigma2, digits = digits),
             ':  part log likelihood = ', format(round(x$loglik, 2)),
             '\n', sep = '')

#' Prints an polr object from MASS package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an polr object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.polr <- function (x, ...) {
    if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
        cat('\nCall:', pandoc.formula.return(cl), '', sep = '\n')
    if (length(coef(x))) {
        pandoc.table(coef(x), caption = 'Coefficients', ...)
    } else {
        cat('\nNo coefficients\n')
    pandoc.table(x$zeta, caption = 'Intercepts', ...)
    cat('\nResidual Deviance:', format(x$deviance, nsmall = 2L), '\n')
    cat('AIC:', format(x$deviance + 2 * x$edf, nsmall = 2L), '\n')
    if (nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action))) {
        cat('(', mess, ')\n', sep = '')
    if (x$convergence > 0) {
        cat('Warning: did not converge as iteration limit reached\n')

#' Prints an ols object from rms package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an ols object
#' @param long if to print the correlation matrix of parameter estimates. default(\code{FALSE})
#' @param coefs if to the table of model coefficients, standard errors, etc. default(\code{TRUE})
#' @param digits passed to \code{format}. Can be a vector specifying values for each column (has to be the same length as number of columns).
#' @param round passed to \code{round}. Can be a vector specifying values for each column (has to be the same length as number of columns). Values for non-numeric columns will be disregarded.
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats quantile
pander.ols <- function (x, long = FALSE, coefs = TRUE,
                        digits = panderOptions('digits'), round = panderOptions('round'), ...) {
    requireNamespace('rms', quietly = TRUE)
    stats <- x$stats
    pen <- length(x$penalty.matrix) > 0
    resid <- x$residuals
    n <- length(resid)
    p <- length(x$coef) - (names(x$coef)[1] == 'Intercept')
    if (length(stats) == 0) {
        cat('n=', n, '   p=', p, '\n\n', sep = '')
    ndf <- stats['d.f.']
    df <- c(ndf, n - ndf - 1, ndf)
    r2 <- stats['R2']
    sigma <- stats['Sigma']
    rdf <- df[2]
    rsqa <- 1 - (1 - r2) * (n - 1) / rdf
    lrchisq <- stats['Model L.R.']
    ci <- x$clusterInfo
    if (lst <- length(stats)) {
        misc <- rms::reListclean(Obs = stats['n'], sigma = sigma, d.f. = df[2], `Cluster on` = ci$name, Clusters = ci$n) #nolint
        lr <- rms::reListclean(`LR chi2` = lrchisq, d.f. = ndf, `Pr(> chi2)` = 1 - pchisq(lrchisq, ndf)) #nolint
        disc <- rms::reListclean(R2 = r2, `R2 adj` = rsqa, g = stats['g']) #nolint
        sdf <- multitable(list(misc, lr, disc))
        colnames(sdf) <- c('', 'Model Likelihood\nRatio Test', 'Discrimination\nIndexes')
        caption <- pandoc.formula.return(x$call$formula, text = 'Fitting linear model:')
        pandoc.table(sdf, keep.line.breaks = TRUE, caption = caption, ...)
    if (rdf > 5) {
        if (length(dim(resid)) == 2) {
            rq <- apply(t(resid), 1, quantile)
            dimnames(rq) <- list(c('Min', '1Q', 'Median', '3Q',
                                   'Max'), dimnames(resid)[[2]])
        } else {
            rq <- quantile(resid)
            names(rq) <- c('Min', '1Q', 'Median', '3Q', 'Max')
        pandoc.table(rq, caption = 'Residuals', ...)
    else if (rdf > 0) {
        pandoc.table(resid, caption = 'Residuals', ...)
    if (nsingular <- df[3] - df[1]) {
        cat(nsingular, 'coefficients not defined because of singularities', '\n')
    se <- sqrt(diag(x$var))
    if (coefs) {
        obj <- list(coef = x$coefficients, se = se, errordf = rdf)
        U <- coef_mat(obj, coefs = coefs)
        pandoc.table(U, caption = 'Coeficients', ...)
    if (!pen) {
        if (long && p > 0) {
            correl <- diag(1 / se) %*% x$var %*% diag(1 / se)
            dimnames(correl) <- dimnames(x$var)
            ll <- lower.tri(correl)
            correl[ll] <- format(round(correl[ll], digits = round), digits = digits, ...)
            correl[!ll] <- ''
            pandoc.table(correl[-1, - (p + 1), drop = FALSE],
                         caption = 'Correlation of Coefficients',
                         digits = digits,
                         round = round, ...)

#' Prints an summary.polr object from MASS package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an summary.polr object
#' @param digits number of digits of precision passed to format
#' @param round number of rounding digits passed to round
#' @param keep.trailing.zeros to show or remove trailing zeros in numbers on a column basis width
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.summary.polr <- function(x, digits = panderOptions('digits'), round = panderOptions('round'),
                                keep.trailing.zeros = panderOptions('keep.trailing.zeros'), ...) {
    if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
        cat('\nCall:', pandoc.formula.return(cl), '', sep = '\n')
    pc <- x$pc
    if (pc > 0) {
        pander(x$coefficients[seq_len(pc), , drop = FALSE], caption = 'Coeficients', #nolint
               digits = digits, round = round, keep.trailing.zeros = keep.trailing.zeros, ...)
    } else {
        cat('\nNo coefficients\n')
    pander(x$coefficients[ (pc + 1L):nrow(x$coefficients), , drop = FALSE], caption = 'Intercepts', #nolint
          digits = digits, round = round, keep.trailing.zeros = keep.trailing.zeros, ...)
    cat('\nResidual Deviance:', format(x$deviance, nsmall = 2L), '\n\n')
    cat('AIC:', format(x$deviance + 2 * x$edf, nsmall = 2L), '\n\n')
    if (nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action))) {
        cat('(', mess, ')\n\n', sep = '')
    if (!is.null(correl <- x$correlation)) {
        ll <- lower.tri(correl)
        correl <- apply(correl, c(1, 2),
                        p, wrap = '', digits = digits, round = round, keep.trailing.zeros = keep.trailing.zeros)
        correl[!ll] <- ''
        pander(correl[-1L, -ncol(correl)],
               digits = digits, round = round, keep.trailing.zeros = keep.trailing.zeros,
               caption = 'Correlation of Coefficients', ...)

#' Prints an survreg object from survival package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an survreg object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.survreg <- function (x, ...) {
        pander(summary(x), summary = FALSE, ...)

#' Prints an survreg object from survival package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an survreg object
#' @param summary if summary should be printed
#' @param digits number of digits of precision passed to format
#' @param round number of rounding digits passed to round
#' @param keep.trailing.zeros to show or remove trailing zeros in numbers on a column basis width
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.summary.survreg <- function(x, summary = TRUE, digits = panderOptions('digits'),
                                   round = panderOptions('round'),
                                   keep.trailing.zeros = panderOptions('keep.trailing.zeros'), ...) {
    if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
        cat('\nCall:', pandoc.formula.return(cl), '', sep = '\n\n')
    if (!is.null(x$fail)) {
        cat(' Survreg failed.', x$fail, '\n\n')
    if (summary) {
        pandoc.table(x$table, caption = 'Model statistics',
                     digits = digits, round = round, keep.trailing.zeros = keep.trailing.zeros, ...)
    } else {
        coef <- x$coef
        if (any(nas <- is.na(coef))) {
            if (is.null(names(coef))) {
                names(coef) <- paste('b', 1:length(coef), sep = '')
            cat('\nCoefficients: (', sum(nas), ' not defined because of singularities)\n',
                sep = '')
        pandoc.table(coef, caption = 'Coefficients',
                     digits = digits, round = round, keep.trailing.zeros = keep.trailing.zeros, ...)

    if (nrow(x$var) == length(coef)) {
        cat('\nScale fixed at', format(x$scale), '\n')
    } else if (length(x$scale) == 1) {
        cat('\nScale=', format(x$scale), '\n')
    } else {
        pandoc.table(x$scale, caption = 'Scale', ...)
    nobs <- length(x$linear)
    chi <- 2 * diff(x$loglik)
    df <- sum(x$df) - x$idf
    pandoc.table(data.frame('Loglik(model)' = x$loglik[2], 'Loglik(intercept only)' = x$loglik[1]), ...)
    if (df > 0) {
        cat('Chisq=', p(chi, wrap = ''), 'on', p(df, wrap = ''),
            'degrees of freedom, p=', p(signif(1 - pchisq(chi, df), 2), wrap = ''), '\n\n')
    } else {
    if (summary) {
        if (x$robust) {
            cat('(Loglikelihood assumes independent observations)\n\n')
        cat('Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations:', p(trunc(x$iter), wrap =), '\n\n') #nolint
    omit <- x$na.action
    if (length(omit)) {
        cat('n=', nobs, ' (', naprint(omit), ')\n', sep = '')
    } else {
        cat('n=', nobs, '\n')
    if (summary) {
        if (!is.null(correl <- x$correlation)) {
            p <- dim(correl)[2]
            if (p > 1) {
                ll <- lower.tri(correl)
                correl <- apply(correl, c(1, 2),
                                p, wrap = '', digits = digits, round = round, keep.trailing.zeros = keep.trailing.zeros)
                correl[!ll] <- ''
                pander(correl[-1L, -ncol(correl)],
                       digits = digits, round = round, keep.trailing.zeros = keep.trailing.zeros,
                       caption = 'Correlation of Coefficients', ...)

#' Prints an lrm object from rms package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an lrm object
#' @param coefs if to the table of model coefficients, standard errors, etc. default(\code{TRUE})
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.lrm <- function (x, coefs = TRUE, ...)  {
    requireNamespace('rms', quietly = TRUE)
    ns <- x$non.slopes
    nstrata <- x$nstrata
    if (!length(nstrata)) {
        nstrata <- 1
    pm <- x$penalty.matrix
    penaltyFactor <- NULL
    if (length(pm)) {
        psc <- ifelse(length(pm) == 1, sqrt(pm), sqrt(diag(pm)))
        penalty.scale <- c(rep(0, ns), psc)
        cof <- matrix(x$coef[ - (1:ns)], ncol = 1)
        pandoc.table(as.data.frame(x$penalty, row.names = ''), caption = 'Penalty factors', ...)
        penaltyFactor <- as.vector(t(cof) %*% pm %*% cof)
    est.exp <- 1:ns
    if (length(x$est)) {
        est.exp <- c(est.exp, ns + x$est[x$est + ns <= length(x$coefficients)])
    vv <- diag(x$var)
    cof <- x$coef
    stats <- x$stats
    maxd <- signif(stats['Max Deriv'], 1)
    ci <- x$clusterInfo
    misc <- rms::reListclean(Obs = stats['Obs'],
                     `Sum of weights` = stats['Sum of Weights'],
                     Strata = if (nstrata > 1) nstrata,
                     `Cluster on` = ci$name, Clusters = ci$n,
                     `max |deriv|` = maxd)
    if (length(x$freq) < 4) {
        names(x$freq) <- paste(' ', names(x$freq), sep = '')
        misc <- c(misc[1], x$freq, misc[-1])
    lr <- rms::reListclean(`LR chi2` = stats['Model L.R.'],
                   d.f. = stats['d.f.'],
                   `Pr(> chi2)` = stats['P'],
                   Penalty = penaltyFactor)
    disc <- rms::reListclean(R2 = stats['R2'], g = stats['g'], gr = stats['gr'],
                     gp = stats['gp'], Brier = stats['Brier'])
    discr <- rms::reListclean(C = stats['C'], Dxy = stats['Dxy'], gamma = stats['Gamma'],
                      `tau-a` = stats['Tau-a'])
    sdf <- multitable(list(misc, lr, disc, discr))
    colnames(sdf) <- c('', 'Model Likelihood\nRatio Test',
                       'Discrimination\nIndexes', 'Rank Discrim.\nIndexes')
    caption <- pandoc.formula.return(x$call$formula, text = 'Fitting logistic regression model:')
    pandoc.table(sdf, keep.line.breaks = TRUE, caption, ...)
    if (coefs) {
        obj <- list(coef = cof, se = sqrt(vv), aux = if (length(pm)) penalty.scale, auxname = 'Penalty Scale')
        U <- coef_mat(obj, coefs = coefs)
        pandoc.table(U, caption = 'Coeficients', ...)

#' Prints an orm object from rms package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an orm object
#' @param coefs if to the table of model coefficients, standard errors, etc. default(\code{TRUE})
#' @param intercepts if to print intercepts, by default, intercepts are only printed if there are fewer than 10 of them
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.orm <- function (x, coefs = TRUE, intercepts = x$non.slopes < 10, ...) {
    requireNamespace('rms', quietly = TRUE)
    ns <- x$non.slopes
    cik <- attr(x$coef, 'intercepts')
    if (length(cik) && intercepts) {
        warning('intercepts=TRUE not implemented for fit.mult.impute objects')
        intercepts <- FALSE
    pm <- x$penalty.matrix
    penaltyFactor <- NULL
    if (length(pm)) {
        psc <- ifelse(length(pm) == 1, sqrt(pm), sqrt(diag(pm)))
        penalty.scale <- c(rep(0, ns), psc)
        cof <- matrix(x$coef[ - (1:ns)], ncol = 1)
        pandoc.table(as.data.frame(x$penalty, row.names = ''), caption = 'Penalty factors', ...)
        penaltyFactor <- as.vector(t(cof) %*% pm %*% cof)
    vv <- diag(vcov(x, intercepts = ifelse(intercepts, 'all', 'none')))
    if (!intercepts) {
        if (!length(cik)) {
            nints <- ns
        } else if (length(cik) == 1 && cik == 0) {
            nints <- 0
        } else {
        ints.to.delete <- vector()
        if (ns != 0 && nints != 0) {
            ints.to.delete <- 1:nints
        vv <- c(rep(NA, nints), vv)
    cof <- x$coef
    stats <- x$stats
    maxd <- signif(stats['Max Deriv'], 1)
    ci <- x$clusterInfo
    misc <- rms::reListclean(Obs = stats['Obs'], `Unique Y` = stats['Unique Y'],
                     `Cluster on` = ci$name, Clusters = ci$n, `Median Y` = stats['Median Y'],
                     `max |deriv|` = maxd)
    if (length(x$freq) < 4) {
        names(x$freq) <- paste(' ', names(x$freq), sep = '')
        misc <- c(misc[1], x$freq, misc[-1])
    lr <- rms::reListclean(`LR chi2` = stats['Model L.R.'], #nolint
                   d.f. = stats['d.f.'],
                   `Pr(> chi2)` = stats['P'],
                   `Score chi2` = stats['Score'],
                   `Pr(> chi2)` = stats['Score P'], Penalty = penaltyFactor)
    disc <- rms::reListclean(R2 = stats['R2'], g = stats['g'], gr = stats['gr'], #nolint
                     `|Pr(Y>=median)-0.5|` = stats['pdm'])
    discr <- rms::reListclean(rho = stats['rho']) #nolint
    sdf <- multitable(list(misc, lr, disc, discr))
    colnames(sdf) <- c('', 'Model Likelihood\nRatio Test',
                       'Discrimination\nIndexes', 'Rank Discrim.\nIndexes')
    caption <- switch(x$family, logistic = 'Logistic (Proportional Odds)',
                      probit = 'Probit', cauchit = 'Cauchy', loglog = '-log-log',
                      cloglog = 'Complementary log-log')
    caption <- paste(caption, 'Ordinal Regression Model')
    caption <- pandoc.formula.return(x$call$formula, text = caption)
    pandoc.table(sdf, keep.line.breaks = TRUE, caption, ...)
    if (coefs) {
        if (!intercepts) {
            j <- -ints.to.delete
            cof <- cof[j]
            vv <- vv[j]
            if (length(pm)) {
                penalty.scale <- penalty.scale[j]
        obj <- list(coef = cof, se = sqrt(vv), aux = if (length(pm)) penalty.scale, auxname = 'Penalty Scale')
        U <- coef_mat(obj, coefs = coefs)
        pandoc.table(U, caption = 'Coeficients', ...)

#' Prints an Grm object from rms package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an Grm object
#' @param coefs if to the table of model coefficients, standard errors, etc. default(\code{TRUE})
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats coef pchisq vcov
#' @rdname pander.glm.rms
pander.Glm <- function (x, coefs = TRUE, ...) {
    requireNamespace('rms', quietly = TRUE)
    cof <- coef(x)
    lr <- x$null.deviance - x$deviance
    dof <- x$rank - (names(cof)[1] == 'Intercept')
    pval <- 1 - pchisq(lr, dof)
    ci <- x$clusterInfo
    misc <- rms::reListclean(Obs = length(x$residuals), `Residual d.f.` = x$df.residual,
                     `Cluster on` = ci$name, Clusters = ci$n, g = x$g)
    lr <- rms::reListclean(`LR chi2` = lr, d.f. = dof, `Pr(> chi2)` = pval) #nolint
    sdf <- multitable(list(misc, lr))
    colnames(sdf) <- c('', 'Model Likelihood\nRatio Test')
    caption <- pandoc.formula.return(x$call$formula, text = 'General Linear Model')
    pandoc.table(sdf, keep.line.breaks = TRUE, caption, ...)
    if (coefs) {
        se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(x)))
        obj <- list(coef = cof, se = se)
        U <- coef_mat(obj, coefs = coefs)
        pandoc.table(U, caption = 'Coeficients', ...)

#' Prints an cph object from rms package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an cph object
#' @param table if to print event frequency statistics. default(\code{TRUE})
#' @param conf.int set to e.g. .95 to print 0.95 confidence intervals on simple hazard ratios (which are usually meaningless as one-unit changes are seldom relevant and most models contain multiple terms per predictor)
#' @param coefs if to the table of model coefficients, standard errors, etc. default(\code{TRUE})
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
pander.cph <- function (x, table = TRUE, conf.int = FALSE, coefs = TRUE, ...) {
    requireNamespace('rms', quietly = TRUE)
    if (table && length(x$n) && is.matrix(x$n)) {
       pandoc.table(x$n, caption = 'Status', ...)
    if (length(x$coef)) {
        stats <- x$stats
        ci <- x$clusterInfo
        misc <- rms::reListclean(Obs = stats['Obs'], Events = stats['Events'],
                         `Cluster on` = ci$name, Clusters = ci$n,
                         Center = x$center)
        lr <- rms::reListclean(`LR chi2` = stats['Model L.R.'], d.f. = stats['d.f.'],
                       `Pr(> chi2)` = stats['P'], `Score chi2` = stats['Score'],
                       `Pr(> chi2)` = stats['Score P'])
        disc <- rms::reListclean(R2 = stats['R2'], Dxy = stats['Dxy'],
                         g = stats['g'], gr = stats['gr'])
        sdf <- multitable(list(misc, lr, disc))
        colnames(sdf) <- c('', 'Model Likelihood\nRatio Test',
        caption <- pandoc.formula.return(x$call$formula, text = 'Cox Proportional Hazards Model')
        pandoc.table(sdf, keep.line.breaks = TRUE, caption, ...)
        beta <- x$coef
        se <- sqrt(diag(x$var))
        if (coefs) {
            se <- sqrt(diag(x$var))
            obj <- list(coef = x$coef, se = se)
            U <- coef_mat(obj, coefs = coefs)
            pandoc.table(U, caption = 'Coeficients', ...)
        if (conf.int) {
            zcrit <- qnorm( (1 + conf.int) / 2 )
            tmp <- cbind(exp(beta), exp(-beta),
                         exp(beta - zcrit * se),
                         exp(beta + zcrit * se))
            dimnames(tmp) <- list(names(beta),
                                  c('exp(coef)', 'exp(-coef)',
                                    paste('lower ', p(conf.int, wrap = ''), sep = ''),
                                    paste('upper ', p(conf.int, wrap = ''), sep = '')))
            pandoc.table(tmp, caption = 'Confidence interval', ...)

#' Prints an summary.rms from rms package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an summary.rms object
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.summary.rms <- function (x, ...) {
    cstats <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
    for (i in 1:7) cstats <- cbind(cstats, signif(x[, i], 5))
    dimnames(cstats) <- list(rep('', nrow(cstats)), c('Factor', dimnames(x)[[2]][1:7]))
    pandoc.table(cstats, ...)
    if ( (A <- attr(x, 'adjust')) != '')
        cat('\nAdjusted to:', A, '\n')
    blab <- switch(attr(x, 'conf.type'),
                   `bootstrap nonparametric percentile` = 'Bootstrap nonparametric percentile confidence intervals',
                   `bootstrap BCa` = 'Bootstrap BCa confidence intervals',
                   `basic bootstrap` = 'Basic bootstrap confidence intervals',
    if (blab != '') {
        cat('\n', blab, '\n', sep = '')

#' Prints an ets object from forecast package in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x an ets object
#' @param digits number of digits of precision
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw \code{pandoc.table} function
#' @export
pander.ets <- function(x, digits = panderOptions('digits'), ...) {
    cat('\nCall:', pandoc.formula.return(x$call), '', sep = '\n')
    cat('Type of ets: ', x$method, '\n', sep = '')
    lambda <- x$lambda
    isn <- names(x$initstate)
    initstate <- matrix(x$initstate, nrow = 1)
    colnames(initstate) <- isn
    sp <- x$par['alpha']
    if (x$components[2] != 'N'){
        sp <- c(sp, x$par['beta'])
    if (x$components[3] != 'N'){
        sp <- c(sp, x$par['gamma'])
    if (x$components[4] != 'FALSE'){
        sp <- c(sp, x$par['phi'])
    if (!is.null(lambda)){
        cat('\nBox-Cox transformation: lambda =', round(lambda, panderOptions('digits')), '\n')
    pandoc.table(sp, caption = 'Smoothing parameters', digits = digits, ...)
    pandoc.table(initstate, caption = 'Initial states', digits = digits, ...)
    cat('\nsigma^2 estimated as', format(x$sigma2, digits = digits))
    if (!is.null(x$loglik)){
        cat(': log likelihood = ', format(round(x$loglik, 2)))
    if (!is.null(x$aic)){
        cat(', aic = ', format(round(x$aic, 2)), '\n', sep = '')
Rapporter/pander documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 2:11 p.m.