
Defines functions morphIMG

Documented in morphIMG

#' Apply mathematical morphology kernel on image and save as RDS
#' Morph images as a preparation for subsequent analyses
#' @param imgs The paths of array files; i.e. output from \code{loadIMG} or \code{findIMG} functions.
#' @param morph One of "erode", "dilate", "opening", or "closing"
#' @param kern Numeric vector indicating range of morpinh in the x,y,z directions. Has to be odd integers.
#' @param type Type of kernel for morphing "box" includes diagonals, "diamond" is without diagonals
#' @param cores Integer. Number of cores to use for parallel computing.
#' @keywords array image
#' @return Creates arrays as RDS files and outputs the paths for these files
#' @import foreach doSNOW mmand
#' @export

morphIMG <- function(imgs,morph=NULL,kern=c(3,3,3),type="box",cores=1) {

  # For each image
  if(cores > 1){
    cl <- makeCluster(cores)
  } else {
  pb <- txtProgressBar(max = length(imgs), style = 3)
  progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
  opts <- list(progress = progress)

  k <- NULL
  res.list <- foreach(k = 1:length(imgs), .options.snow = opts, .packages = "mmand") %dopar% {
    # Load
    ch_t <- readRDS(imgs[k])

    # Morph
    if(kern[1] %% 2 == 1 &
       kern[2] %% 2 == 1 &
       kern[3] %% 2 == 1) {
    kern.s <- shapeKernel(kern, type = type)
    ch_t <- switch(morph,
      erode = erode(ch_t,kern.s),
      dilate = dilate(ch_t,kern.s),
      opening = opening(ch_t,kern.s),
      closing = closing(ch_t,kern.s)
    ch_t[ch_t > 0] <- 1 } else stop("Kernel has to be odd integers in all directions")

    # Save
    saveRDS(ch_t, file = gsub("Array.R","MorphArray.R",imgs[k]))
  files <- gsub("Array.R","MorphArray.R",imgs)

Russel88/RCon3D documentation built on Dec. 14, 2022, 11:06 p.m.