qsu <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("qsu") # , x
qsu.default <- function(x, g = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) {
# if(is.matrix(x) && !inherits(x, "matrix")) return(qsu.matrix(x, g, pid, w, higher, array, stable.algo, ...))
if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(match.call(), ...)
if(is.null(g)) {
if(is.null(pid)) return(fbstatsCpp(x,higher, w = w, stable.algo = stable.algo))
pid <- G_guo(pid)
if(is.atomic(g)) {
if(!is.nmfactor(g)) g <- qF(g, na.exclude = FALSE)
lev <- attr(g, "levels")
if(is.null(pid)) return(fbstatsCpp(x,higher,length(lev),g,0L,0L,w,stable.algo,TRUE,TRUE,lev))
pid <- G_guo(pid)
if(!is_GRP(g)) g <- GRP.default(g, call = FALSE)
if(is.null(pid)) return(fbstatsCpp(x,higher,g[[1L]],g[[2L]],0L,0L,w,stable.algo,TRUE,TRUE,GRPnames(g)))
pid <- G_guo(pid)
qsu.pseries <- function(x, g = NULL, w = NULL, effect = 1L, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) {
if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(match.call(), ...)
pid <- group_effect(x, effect)
if(is.null(g)) return(fbstatsCpp(x,higher,0L,0L,fnlevels(pid),pid,w,stable.algo))
if(is.atomic(g)) {
if(!is.nmfactor(g)) g <- qF(g, na.exclude = FALSE)
lev <- attr(g, "levels")
if(!is_GRP(g)) g <- GRP.default(g, call = FALSE)
qsu.matrix <- function(x, g = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) {
if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(match.call(), ...)
if(is.null(g)) {
if(is.null(pid)) return(fbstatsmCpp(x,higher, w = w, stable.algo = stable.algo))
pid <- G_guo(pid)
if(is.atomic(g)) {
if(!is.nmfactor(g)) g <- qF(g, na.exclude = FALSE)
lev <- attr(g, "levels")
if(is.null(pid)) return(fbstatsmCpp(x,higher,length(lev),g,0L,0L,w,stable.algo,array,lev))
pid <- G_guo(pid)
if(!is_GRP(g)) g <- GRP.default(g, call = FALSE)
if(is.null(pid)) return(fbstatsmCpp(x,higher,g[[1L]],g[[2L]],0L,0L,w,stable.algo,array,GRPnames(g)))
pid <- G_guo(pid)
qsu.zoo <- function(x, ...) if(is.matrix(x)) qsu.matrix(x, ...) else qsu.default(x, ...)
qsu.units <- qsu.zoo
qsu.data.frame <- function(x, by = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) {
if(!missing(...)) {
dots <- list(...)
if(length(dots$vlabels)) labels <- dots$vlabels
if(length(dots) > 1L || !length(dots$vlabels)) unused_arg_action(match.call(), ...)
formby <- is.call(by)
formpid <- is.call(pid)
formw <- is.call(w)
# fastest solution!! (see checks below !!)
if(formby || formpid || formw) {
v <- NULL
class(x) <- NULL
nam <- names(x)
if(formby) {
if(length(by) == 3L) {
v <- ckmatch(all.vars(by[[2L]]), nam)
byn <- ckmatch(all.vars(by[[3L]]), nam)
} else byn <- ckmatch(all.vars(by), nam)
by <- if(length(byn) == 1L) x[[byn]] else GRP.default(x[byn], call = FALSE)
} else byn <- NULL
if(formpid) {
if(length(pid) == 3L) {
v <- ckmatch(all.vars(pid[[2L]]), nam)
pidn <- ckmatch(all.vars(pid[[3L]]), nam)
} else pidn <- ckmatch(all.vars(pid), nam)
pid <- if(length(pidn) == 1L) x[[pidn]] else GRP.default(x[pidn], return.groups = FALSE, call = FALSE)
} else pidn <- NULL
if(formw) {
widn <- ckmatch(all.vars(w), nam)
w <- eval(w[[2L]], x, attr(w, ".Environment")) # w <- x[[widn]]
} else widn <- NULL
if(is.null(v)) {
x <- if(is.null(cols)) x[-c(byn, pidn, widn)] else x[cols2int(cols, x, nam, FALSE)]
} else x <- x[v]
} else if(length(cols)) x <- .subset(x, cols2int(cols, x, attr(x, "names"), FALSE))
# Get labels
if(is.function(labels) || labels)
attr(x, "names") <- if(is.function(labels)) labels(x) else
paste(attr(x, "names"), setv(vlabels(x, use.names = FALSE), NA, ""), sep = ": ")
# original code:
if(is.null(by)) {
if(is.null(pid)) return(fbstatslCpp(x,higher, w = w, stable.algo = stable.algo))
pid <- G_guo(pid)
if(is.atomic(by)) {
if(!is.nmfactor(by)) by <- qF(by, na.exclude = FALSE)
lev <- attr(by, "levels")
if(is.null(pid)) return(drop(fbstatslCpp(x,higher,length(lev),by,0L,0L,w,stable.algo,array,lev)))
pid <- G_guo(pid)
if(!is_GRP(by)) by <- GRP.default(by, call = FALSE)
if(is.null(pid)) return(drop(fbstatslCpp(x,higher,by[[1L]],by[[2L]],0L,0L,w,stable.algo,array,GRPnames(by))))
pid <- G_guo(pid)
qsu.list <- function(x, ...) qsu.data.frame(x, ...)
qsu.sf <- function(x, by = NULL, pid = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) {
oldClass(x) <- NULL
x[[attr(x, "sf_column")]] <- NULL
qsu.data.frame(x, by, pid, w, cols, higher, array, labels, stable.algo, ...)
qsu.grouped_df <- function(x, pid = NULL, w = NULL, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) {
if(!missing(...)) {
dots <- list(...)
if(length(dots$vlabels)) labels <- dots$vlabels
if(length(dots) > 1L || !length(dots$vlabels)) unused_arg_action(match.call(), ...)
wsym <- substitute(w)
pidsym <- substitute(pid)
by <- GRP.grouped_df(x, call = FALSE)
is_sf <- inherits(x, "sf")
class(x) <- NULL
if(is_sf) x[[attr(x, "sf_column")]] <- NULL
# Getting group indices
byn <- which(names(x) %in% by[[5L]])
if(!is.null(pidsym)) {
pid <- eval(pidsym, x, parent.frame()) # This allows pid to be a function of multiple variables
if(length(pidn <- which(names(x) %in% all.vars(pidsym)))) {
if(any(byn %in% pidn)) stop("Panel-ids coincide with grouping variables!")
byn <- c(byn, pidn)
# Processing weights and combining indices with group indices
if(!is.null(wsym)) {
w <- eval(wsym, x, parent.frame()) # This allows w to be a function of multiple variables
if(length(wn <- which(names(x) %in% all.vars(wsym)))) {
if(any(byn %in% wn)) stop("Weights coincide with grouping variables!")
byn <- c(byn, wn)
if(length(byn)) x <- x[-byn] # Subsetting x
# Get labels
if(is.function(labels) || labels)
names(x) <- if(is.function(labels)) labels(x) else
paste(names(x), setv(vlabels(x, use.names = FALSE), NA, ""), sep = ": ")
if(is.null(pid)) return(drop(fbstatslCpp(x,higher,by[[1L]],by[[2L]],0L,0L,w,stable.algo,array,GRPnames(by))))
pid <- G_guo(pid)
qsu.pdata.frame <- function(x, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL, effect = 1L, higher = FALSE, array = TRUE, labels = FALSE, stable.algo = .op[["stable.algo"]], ...) {
if(!missing(...)) {
dots <- list(...)
if(length(dots$vlabels)) labels <- dots$vlabels
if(length(dots) > 1L || !length(dots$vlabels)) unused_arg_action(match.call(), ...)
pid <- group_effect(x, effect)
x <- unindex(x)
formby <- is.call(by)
formw <- is.call(w)
# fastest solution
if(formby || formw) {
v <- NULL
class(x) <- NULL
nam <- names(x)
if(formby) {
if(length(by) == 3L) {
v <- ckmatch(all.vars(by[[2L]]), nam)
byn <- ckmatch(all.vars(by[[3L]]), nam)
} else byn <- ckmatch(all.vars(by), nam)
by <- if(length(byn) == 1L) x[[byn]] else GRP.default(x[byn])
} else byn <- NULL
if(formw) {
widn <- ckmatch(all.vars(w), nam)
w <- eval(w[[2L]], x, attr(w, ".Environment")) # w <- x[[widn]]
} else widn <- NULL
if(is.null(v)) {
x <- if(is.null(cols)) x[-c(byn, widn)] else x[cols2int(cols, x, nam, FALSE)]
} else x <- x[v]
} else if(length(cols)) x <- .subset(x, cols2int(cols, x, attr(x, "names"), FALSE))
if(is.function(labels) || labels)
attr(x, "names") <- if(is.function(labels)) labels(x) else
paste(attr(x, "names"), setv(vlabels(x, use.names = FALSE), NA, ""), sep = ": ")
if(is.null(by)) return(drop(fbstatslCpp(x,higher,0L,0L,fnlevels(pid),pid,w,stable.algo,array)))
if(is.atomic(by)) {
if(!is.nmfactor(by)) by <- qF(by, na.exclude = FALSE)
lev <- attr(by, "levels")
if(!is_GRP(by)) by <- GRP.default(by, call = FALSE)
# Try to speed up ! Printing Takes 100 milliseconds on WDI !
print.qsu <- function(x, digits = .op[["digits"]] + 2L, nonsci.digits = 9, na.print = "-", return = FALSE, print.gap = 2, ...) {
vec2mat <- function(x) if(is.array(x)) x else # outer(1, x) # for variable spacing in vector printing...
`attributes<-`(x, list(dim = c(1L, length(x)), dimnames = list("", names(x)))) # faster and better !!
formatfun <- function(x) { # , drop0trailing = FALSE redundat ??
class(x) <- NULL
xx <- formatC(vec2mat(round(x, digits)), format = "g", flag = "#",
digits = nonsci.digits, big.mark = "'", big.interval = 6, # "\u2009": https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30555232/using-a-half-space-as-a-big-mark-for-knitr-output
drop0trailing = TRUE, preserve.width = "individual") # format(unclass(round(x,2)), digits = digits, drop0trailing = TRUE, big.mark = ",", big.interval = 6, scientific = FALSE)
if(any(ina <- is.na(x))) xx[ina] <- na.print
xx <- gsub(" ", "", xx, fixed = TRUE) # remove some weird white space (qsu(GGDS10S))
xx <- if(is.atomic(x)) formatfun(x) else rapply(x, formatfun, how = "list") # No longer necessary, but keep, maybe you want to print lists using print.qsu.
if(return) return(xx) else print.default(xx, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, print.gap = print.gap, ...)
# View.qsu <- function(x) View(unclass(x))
aperm.qsu <- function(a, perm = NULL, resize = TRUE, keep.class = TRUE, ...) {
r <- aperm.default(a, perm, resize = resize)
if(keep.class) oldClass(r) <- oldClass(a)
`[.qsu` <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) `oldClass<-`(NextMethod(), oldClass(x))
as.data.frame.qsu <- function(x, ..., gid = "Group", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) {
d <- dim(x)
dn <- dimnames(x)
stnam <- dn[[2L]]
if(is.null(d)) {
res <- as.vector(x, "list")
attr(res, "row.names") <- 1L
# res <- list(Statistic = names(x), Value = unattrib(x))
# attr(res, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(length(x))
} else if(length(d) == 2L) {
varl <- if(stringsAsFactors) list(`attributes<-`(seq_len(d[1L]), list(levels = dn[[1L]], class = c("factor", "na.included")))) else dn[1L]
res <- c(varl, mctl(x))
names(res) <- c(if(stnam[1L] == "N") "Variable" else "Trans", stnam)
attr(res, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(d[1L])
} else if(length(d) == 3L) {
dimnames(x) <- NULL
# Special case: qsu(wlddev, PCGDP ~ region, ~ iso3c)
if(d[3L] == 3L && dn[[3L]][1L] == "Overall") {
res <- aperm.default(x, c(3L,1L,2L))
d[c(1L, 3L)] <- d[c(3L, 1L)]
dn[c(1L, 3L)] <- dn[c(3L, 1L)]
vn <- gid
} else {
vn <- "Variable"
res <- aperm.default(x, c(1L,3L,2L))
attributes(res) <- NULL
dim(res) <- c(d[1L]*d[3L], d[2L])
varsl <- if(stringsAsFactors) list(`attributes<-`(rep(seq_len(d[3L]), each = d[1L]), list(levels = dn[[3L]], class = c("factor", "na.included"))),
`attributes<-`(rep(seq_len(d[1L]), d[3L]), list(levels = dn[[1L]], class = c("factor", "na.included")))) else
list(rep(dn[[3L]], each = d[1L]), rep(dn[[1L]], d[3L]))
res <- c(varsl, mctl(res))
names(res) <- c(vn, if(stnam[1L] == "N") gid else "Trans", stnam)
attr(res, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(d[1L]*d[3L])
} else {
dimnames(x) <- NULL
res <- aperm.default(x, c(3L,1L,4L,2L))
attributes(res) <- NULL
nr <- d[1L]*3L*d[4L]
dim(res) <- c(nr, d[2L])
varsl <- if(stringsAsFactors)
list(`attributes<-`(rep(seq_len(d[4L]), each = 3L*d[1L]), list(levels = dn[[4L]], class = c("factor", "na.included"))),
`attributes<-`(rep(seq_len(d[1L]), d[4L], each = 3L), list(levels = dn[[1L]], class = c("factor", "na.included"))),
`attributes<-`(rep(seq_len(d[3L]), d[1L]*d[4L]), list(levels = dn[[3L]], class = c("factor", "na.included")))) else
list(rep(dn[[4L]], each = 3L*d[1L]), rep(dn[[1L]], d[4L], each = 3L), rep(dn[[3L]], d[1L]*d[4L]))
res <- c(varsl, mctl(res))
names(res) <- c("Variable", gid, "Trans", stnam)
attr(res, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(nr)
class(res) <- "data.frame"
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