PCPlot_UI <- function(id) {
ns <- shiny::NS(id)
shiny::sliderInput(ns("DMRWindow"), "", #"DMR window size",
1, 150, 5, 1, width = "100%"),# 1, 50, 5, 1, width = "100%"),
label = "select probe for DMR window (if no probe occurs here for selection, then there was no probe selected)",
choices = NULL,
width = "100%"
label = "select trait for color coding PC plot (if no trait occurs here for selection, then there was no trait selected)",
choices = NULL,
width = "100%"
shiny::tabsetPanel(id = ns("tabsetPC"),
shiny::column(width = 10,
width = "100%",
height = "800px")
shiny::column(width = 2,
width = "100%",
height = "800px")
# )
PCPlot_SERVER <- function(id, session) {
shiny::moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
output$DTPCPlot <- DT::renderDataTable(as.data.frame(DFPCplot()),
options = list(pageLength = 1000, info = FALSE,
lengthMenu = list(c(100, 1000, -1), c("100", "1000", "All"))))
output$PCPlot <- plotly::renderPlotly(PCplot())
output$ViolinPlot <- plotly::renderPlotly(Violinplot())
getResultDataSingleTrait <- function(combinedDFP_Val_Labels, traitID) {
result <- NULL
rownames <- rownames(combinedDFP_Val_Labels$dfP_Val)
if (is.valid(traitID)) {
P_Val <- combinedDFP_Val_Labels$dfP_Val[,traitID]
DM <- combinedDFP_Val_Labels$dfDM[,traitID]
N <- combinedDFP_Val_Labels$dfN[,traitID]
LogFC <- combinedDFP_Val_Labels$dfLogFC[,traitID]
result <- cbind(P_Val, DM, N,LogFC)
result <- as.data.frame(result)
result$probeID <- rownames
DMPNearRangeData <- shiny::reactive({
shinyId <- shiny::showNotification("Creating DMP near range data...", duration = NULL, closeButton = FALSE)
on.exit(shiny::removeNotification(shinyId), add = TRUE)
result <- NULL
DMRWindow <- input$DMRWindow
probeID <- selectedProbe() #DMP #the probeID in focus
annotation <- session$userData$annotation
if(is.valid(annotation)) {
traitID <- selectedTrait()
if(is.valid(traitID)) {
probeIDs <- EpiVisR::getDMPNearRangeprobeID(annotation, probeID, DMRWindow)
#probeIDs <- getDMPNearRangeprobeID(annotation, probeID, DMRWindow)
probeIDs <- probeIDs[which(probeIDs %in% colnames(session$userData$Beta_tDF))] #probeIDs <- session$userData$Beta_tDF[, which(probeIDs %in% colnames(session$userData$Beta_tDF))]
DMPNearRangeData <- as.data.frame(session$userData$Beta_tDF[, probeIDs])
DMPNearRangeData$ID <- rownames(DMPNearRangeData)
DMPNearRangeData <- base::merge(DMPNearRangeData, session$userData$baseData, by.x = "ID", by.y = session$userData$config$mergeAttribut)
DMPNearRangeData$sex <- DMPNearRangeData[,session$userData$config$genderAttribut]
DMPNearRangeData <- DMPNearRangeData[,c("ID","sex")]
traitLocation <- session$userData$sessionVariables$probeReducedDataStructurePVal()$dfKeyShadow[as.numeric(traitID),]
#get trait data based on traitLocation: selectedDF not found
selectedOriginalDataTraits <- session$userData$sessionVariables$selectedOriginalDataTraits()
#get the right variable out of selectedOriginalDataTraits
trait <- removeAdjFromColname(traitLocation$trait)
if (traitLocation$traitSource == "1") {
traitSource <- "red_"
else if (traitLocation$traitSource == "2") {
traitSource <- "green_"
else if (traitLocation$traitSource == "3") {
traitSource <- "blue_"
else {
browser() #should not happen
trait <- paste0(traitSource, traitLocation$trait) #trait <- paste0(trait, ".", traitLocation$traitSource)
traitVar <- get(trait,selectedOriginalDataTraits)
traitVar <- as.data.frame(traitVar)
colnames(traitVar) <- trait
traitVar$ID <- rownames(selectedOriginalDataTraits)
rownames(traitVar) <- traitVar$ID
DMPNearRangeData <- base::merge(DMPNearRangeData, traitVar, by.x = "ID",by.y = "ID")
DMPNearRangeData2 <- as.data.frame(session$userData$Beta_tDF[, probeIDs])
DMPNearRangeData2$ID <- rownames(DMPNearRangeData2)
DMPNearRangeData <- base::merge(DMPNearRangeData, DMPNearRangeData2, by.x = "ID", by.y = "ID")
DMPNearRangeData2 <- NULL
result <- DMPNearRangeData
error = function(e) {
if(attributes(e)$class[1] != "shiny.silent.error") {
base::message("An error occurred in DMPNearRangeData:\n", e)
browser() #should not happen
warning = function(w) {
base::message("An error occurred in DMPNearRangeData:\n", w)
browser() #should not happen
finally = {
base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " finished DMPNearRangeData"))
Violinplot <- shiny::reactive({
shinyId <- shiny::showNotification("Creating trait reduced violin plot...", duration = NULL, closeButton = FALSE)
on.exit(shiny::removeNotification(shinyId), add = TRUE)
result <- NULL
DMPNearRangeData <- DMPNearRangeData()
result <- EpiVisR::plotlyViolinForDMP(session$userData$config$genderFemaleValue, session$userData$config$genderMaleValue, DMPNearRangeData)
PCplot <- shiny::reactive({
shinyId <- shiny::showNotification("Creating trait reduced PC plot...", duration = NULL, closeButton = FALSE)
on.exit(shiny::removeNotification(shinyId), add = TRUE)
result <- NULL
# DMRWindow <- input$DMRWindow
probeID <- selectedProbe() #DMP #the probeID in focus
annotation <- session$userData$annotation
if(is.valid(annotation)) {
traitID <- selectedTrait()
if(is.valid(traitID)) {
traitLocation <- session$userData$sessionVariables$probeReducedDataStructurePVal()$dfKeyShadow[as.numeric(traitID),]
DMPNearRangeData <- DMPNearRangeData()
# resultDataSingleTrait contains the regression result data for probes within the selected range for the selected trait...
# we only extract gene.symbol, P_Val and DeltaMeth from there for legend of plot...
resultDataSingleTrait <- getResultDataSingleTrait(session$userData$sessionVariables$combinedDataStructure()$combinedDFP_Val_Labels, traitLocation$key)
resultDataSingleTrait$P_VAL <- resultDataSingleTrait$P_Val
resultDataSingleTrait$P_Val <- NULL
resultDataSingleTrait$DeltaMeth <- resultDataSingleTrait$DM
resultDataSingleTrait$DM <- NULL
#result <- plotlyPcPForDMP(DMPNearRange = DMPNearRangeData, probe = probeID, resultDataSingleTrait = resultDataSingleTrait, annotation = annotation, selection = session$userData$sessionVariables$selectedProbe(), shortlabel = TRUE)
result <- EpiVisR::plotlyPcPForDMP(DMPNearRange = DMPNearRangeData, probe = probeID, resultDataSingleTrait = resultDataSingleTrait, annotation = annotation, selection = session$userData$sessionVariables$selectedProbe(), shortlabel = TRUE)
error = function(e) {
if (attributes(e)$class[1] != "shiny.silent.error") {
base::message("An error occurred in PCplot:\n", e)
browser() #should not happen
warning = function(w) {
base::message("An error occurred in PCplot:\n", w)
browser() #should not happen
finally = {
base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " finished PCplot"))
DFPCplot <- shiny::reactive({
shinyId <- shiny::showNotification("Creating trait reduced data table for PC plot...", duration = NULL, closeButton = FALSE)
on.exit(shiny::removeNotification(shinyId), add = TRUE)
result <- NULL
result <- DMPNearRangeData()
error = function(e) {
if (attributes(e)$class[1] != "shiny.silent.error") {
base::message("An error occurred in DFPCplot:\n", e)
browser() #should not happen
warning = function(w) {
base::message("An error occurred in DFPCplot:\n", w)
browser() #should not happen
finally = {
base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " finished DFPCplot"))
shiny::freezeReactiveValue(input, "selSelectedTrait")
if (is.valid(session$userData$sessionVariables$selectedTraitID())) {
traits <- session$userData$sessionVariables$selectedTrait()
#remove names with adj at the end, because we don't have these variables in reality...
traits <- removeAdjFromColname(traits)
traits <- as.data.frame(traits)
rownames(traits) <- seq(1:nrow(traits))
traits <- unique(traits)
traits$ID <- rownames(traits)
traitsIDs <- session$userData$sessionVariables$selectedTraitID()
traitsIDs <- as.data.frame(traitsIDs)
traitsIDs$ID <- seq(1:nrow(traitsIDs))
traitsIDs <- traitsIDs[traitsIDs$ID %in% traits$ID, ]
traitSource <- ifelse(traits$traitSource == "1", "red_", ifelse(traits$traitSource == "2", "green_", ifelse(traits$traitSource == "3", "blue_","")))
traits$label <- paste0(traitSource, traits$traitName)
traits$value <- traitsIDs$traitsIDs
} else {
traits <- NULL
session = session,
inputId = "selSelectedTrait",
choices = traits,
server = TRUE
shiny::freezeReactiveValue(input, "selSelectedProbe")
if (is.valid(session$userData$sessionVariables$selectedProbe())) {
probes <- as.list(session$userData$sessionVariables$selectedProbe())
} else {
probes <- NULL
session = session,
inputId = "selSelectedProbe",
choices = probes,
server = TRUE
return (probes)
selectedTrait <- shiny::reactive({
result <- input$selSelectedTrait
error = function(e) {
if (attributes(e)$class[1] != "shiny.silent.error") {
base::message("An error occurred in selectedTrait():\n", e)
browser() #should not happen
warning = function(w) {
base::message("An error occurred in selectedTrait():\n", w)
browser() #should not happen
finally = {
base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " finished selectedTrait()"))
selectedProbe <- shiny::reactive({
result <- input$selSelectedProbe
error = function(e) {
if(attributes(e)$class[1] != "shiny.silent.error") {
base::message("An error occurred in selectedProbe():\n", e)
browser() #should not happen
warning = function(w) {
base::message("An error occurred in selectedProbe():\n", w)
browser() #should not happen
finally = {
base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " finished selectedProbe()"))
}) #end shiny::moduleServer
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.