
Defines functions sysTimePID addLinkToMRCEWASCatalogShort addLinkToMRCEWASCatalog addLinkToEWASDataHubShort addLinkToEWASDataHub getEmptyPlot is.valid removeAdjFromColname findInFiles loadDNAm addInstToPath extractMantissaExponent getYoungestFile loadResultFile loadBaseData loadObjects loadDirLists PatternMatchRApp .onUnload .onLoad .onAttach

Documented in extractMantissaExponent findInFiles getEmptyPlot getYoungestFile is.valid loadDNAm loadObjects loadResultFile .onAttach PatternMatchRApp removeAdjFromColname

#' structure of sessionVariables:
#' general settings
#' session$userData$sessionVariables$MaxProbes - maximum number of probes to use in clustering
#' session$userData$sessionVariables$P_ValMinBorder - minimum p-value to consider in clustering and to visualize
#' session$userData$sessionVariables$P_ValMaxBorder - maximum p-value to consider in clustering and to visualize

#' general data
#' session$userData$globalVariables$Beta_tDF - general beta values from Illumina 450k array


#' very first function
#' @description very first function during package load
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom graphics "plot.new"
#' @importFrom stats "as.dist"
#' @importFrom stats "as.formula"
#' @importFrom dendextend "cutree"
#' @importFrom foreach "%do%"
#' @importFrom foreach "%dopar%"
#' @param libname library name
#' @param pkgname package name
#' @return nothing
#' @keywords internal
###' ##@noRd noRd

originalWd <- NULL

#' .onAttach()
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  #  globalVariables <- base::list()
  base::packageStartupMessage(base::paste0("start loading package "), pkgname)
  base::packageStartupMessage(base::paste0("finished start loading package "), pkgname)

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " set package wd"))
  originalWd <<- getwd()
  packageWd <- paste0(libname, "/", pkgname)
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " setwd():", packageWd))

.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
  o <- originalWd

#' starts the app
#' @description function to start the app
#' @export
PatternMatchRApp <- function() {
  shiny::shinyApp(generate_ui(), server)

loadDirLists <- function(session, input, output) {
  dfdD1 <-
  dfdD2 <-
  dfdD3 <-

  output$trait1DirList <- DT::renderDT({DT::datatable(dfdD1, options = list(pageLength = 100))}, server = FALSE) #output$trait1DirList <- DT::renderDataTable(dfdD1)
  output$trait2DirList <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable(dfdD2, options = list(pageLength = 100)), server = FALSE)
  output$trait3DirList <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable(dfdD3, options = list(pageLength = 100)), server = FALSE)
  result <- list()
  result$dfdD1 <- dfdD1
  result$dfdD2 <- dfdD2
  result$dfdD3 <- dfdD3

#' loadObjects
#' loads globally needed objects (methylation matrix with beta values, annotation)
#' @param session session object
# examples loadObjects(session)
#loadObjects <- function(globalVariables) {
loadObjects <- function(session) {
  id <- shiny::showNotification("Loading annotation...", duration = NULL, closeButton = FALSE)
  base::on.exit(shiny::removeNotification(id), add = TRUE)
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " loading annotation."))
  annotation <- meffil::meffil.get.features("450k")
  rownames(annotation) <- annotation$name
  session$userData$annotation <- annotation
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " finished loading annotation with dim: nrow = ", nrow(annotation), ", ncol = ", ncol(annotation), "."))
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " detecting cores."))
  numCores <- parallelly::availableCores() # parallel::detectCores()
  nWorkers <- parallelly::availableCores(constraints = "connections")
  numCores <- base::min(numCores, nWorkers)
  if (!is.null(numCores)) {
    if (numCores >= 64) {
      #numCores <- as.integer(numCores / 2)
      numCores <- as.integer(numCores * 0.75) #take 3/4 of available cores
    else if (numCores >= 8) {
      numCores <- numCores - 4
    else {
      numCores <- numCores - 1
  } else {
    numCores <- 1
  if (numCores < 1) {
    numCores <- 1
  session$userData$numCores <- numCores
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " finished detecting cores."))

  #check config file for "/inst"
  betaFileName <- session$userData$config$betaFileName
  #check for existence of betaFileName
  if (!file.exists(betaFileName)) {
    base::message(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " beta file not found: ", betaFileName, ". Is your config.yml correct?"))
    #add /inst to betafilename and try again
    betaFileName <- addInstToPath(betaFileName)
    if (file.exists(betaFileName)) {
      base::message(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " beta file now found: ", betaFileName, "."))
  dataDirList <- as.list(session$userData$config$dataDir1)
  dataDirList <- lapply(dataDirList, FUN = addInstToPath)
  session$userData$config$dataDir1 <- unlist(dataDirList)

  dataDirList <- as.list(session$userData$config$dataDir2)
  dataDirList <- lapply(dataDirList, FUN = addInstToPath)
  session$userData$config$dataDir2 <- unlist(dataDirList)

  dataDirList <- as.list(session$userData$config$dataDir3)
  dataDirList <- lapply(dataDirList, FUN = addInstToPath)
  session$userData$config$dataDir3 <- unlist(dataDirList)

  # read methylation data
  session$userData$BetaDF <- loadDNAm(betaFileName = betaFileName, config = session$userData$config)
  session$userData$Beta_tDF <- as.data.frame(t(session$userData$BetaDF))
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " finished read methylation data with nrow = ", nrow(session$userData$BetaDF), " and ncol = ", ncol(session$userData$BetaDF), "."))

  #read base data
  baseFileName <- session$userData$config$baseFileName
  #check for existence of baseFileName
  if (!file.exists(baseFileName)) {
    base::message(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " beta file not found: ", baseFileName, ". Is your config.yml correct?"))
    #add /inst to baseFileName and try again
    baseFileName <- addInstToPath(baseFileName)
    if (file.exists(baseFileName)) {
      base::message(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " beta file now found: ", baseFileName, "."))

  session$userData$baseData <- loadBaseData(session = session, baseFileName = baseFileName)
  session$userData$baseData <- as.data.frame(session$userData$baseData)
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " finished read base data with nrow = ", nrow(session$userData$baseData), " and ncol = ", ncol(session$userData$baseData), "."))

# setBaseSciPen<-function(){
#   options(scipen=-10, digits=5)
# }
# resetSciPen<-function(){
#   options(scipen=0, digits=7)
# }

loadBaseData <- function(session, baseFileName) {
  id <- shiny::showNotification("Loading base data...", duration = NULL, closeButton = FALSE)
  base::on.exit(shiny::removeNotification(id), add = TRUE)
  result <- NULL
  result <- data.table::fread(file=baseFileName, sep="\t", dec=".", data.table = FALSE)
  result <- base::subset(result, select=c(session$userData$config$mergeAttribut, session$userData$config$sexAttribut))
  rownames(result) <- result[, session$userData$config$mergeAttribut]
  result <- as.data.frame(result)

#' loadResultFile
#' @param folder folder containing file with fileName
#' @param fileName file containing probeID, p-values, delta methylation-values and n from regression
#' @param session session object
#' @return data.frame with regression results from file
# examples loadResultFile(folder, fileName)
loadResultFile <- function(session, folder, fileName) {
  id <- shiny::showNotification("Loading result file...", duration = NULL, closeButton = FALSE)
  base::on.exit(shiny::removeNotification(id), add = TRUE)
  options(warn = 2)
  fileName <- base::paste0(folder, fileName, ".csv")
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " before fread()."))
  all.results <-
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      header = TRUE,
      sep = "\t",
      dec = ".",
      showProgress = TRUE,
      data.table = TRUE
    ) # returns data.table
  all.results <-
      base::c("probeID", "BETA", "SE", "P_VAL", "FDR", "DeltaMeth", "logFC", "N")
  all.results <- all.results[, 1:8]
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " before merging annotation."))
  all.results <-
      x = all.results,
      y = session$userData$annotation, #y = globalVariables$annotation,
      by.x = "probeID",
      by.y = "name",
      all.x = TRUE,
      all.y = FALSE
  all.results <-
    all.results[all.results$chromosome != "chrY", ] # exclude chrY
  all.results <-
    all.results[all.results$chromosome != "chrX", ] # exclude chrX
  all.results$mLog10FDR <- base::log10(all.results$FDR) * -1
  all.results$mLog10P_VAL <- base::log10(all.results$P_VAL) * -1
  all.results <- all.results[order(all.results$FDR), ]
  # duplicated(all.results$probeID)
  rownames(all.results) <- all.results$probeID
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " after excluding chr x and y ."))

#' getYoungestFile
#' gets youngest (file date and time) file from a certain folder
#' in use for checking, whether cached .rds-files have to be updated
#' @param folder folder to check in
#' @return file filename of youngest file in folder
# examples getYoungestFile(folder)
getYoungestFile <- function(folder) {
  filesInfo <- base::file.info(list.files(folder, full.names = TRUE))
  file <-

#' extractMantissaExponent
#' @param x value to extract mantissa and exponent
#' @return list with mantissa and exponent from x
# examples extractMantissaExponent(x)
# examples extractMantissaExponent(c(0, 1.234e12, 12345678901234, 123e123))
extractMantissaExponent <-
  function(x) {
    # https://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Built-in-function-for-extracting-mantissa-and-exponent-of-a-numeric-td4670116.html
    # convert negative values
    x <- base::abs(x)
    e <- ifelse(x == 0, 0, floor(log10(x)))
    m <- x / 10^e
    list(mantissa = m, exponent = e)

addInstToPath <- function(fileName) {
  if (!file.exists(fileName)) {
    base::message(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " file not found: ", fileName, ". Is your config.yml correct?"))
    fileName <- stringr::str_sub(fileName, start = 2, end = stringr::str_length(fileName))
    fileName <- paste0("./inst", fileName)
    if (file.exists(fileName)) {
      base::message(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " file now found: ", fileName, "."))
    else {
      base::message(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " file furthermore not found: ", fileName, ". Is your config.yml correct?"))

#' loadDNAm
#' loads measured beta values from file config$betaFileName which was defined in configuration
#' @param betaFileName location of beta file
#' @param config config structure
#' @return data frame with measured beta values
# examples loadDNAm(betaFileName)
loadDNAm <- function(betaFileName, config) {
  id <- shiny::showNotification("Loading raw methylation data...", duration = NULL, closeButton = FALSE)
  base::on.exit(shiny::removeNotification(id), add = TRUE)
  waiter::transparent(alpha = 0)
  base::on.exit(waiter::waiter_hide(), add = TRUE)
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " loading configuration."))
  #config <- session$userData$config #config::get(file = "config.yml")
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " load beta."))
  if (TRUE) {
  #if (config$debugMode == FALSE) {
    beta <-
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
        header = TRUE,
        sep = "\t",
        dec = ".",
        data.table = FALSE
  } else {
    beta <-
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
        header = TRUE,
        sep = "\t",
        dec = ".",
        nrows = 10000,
        data.table = FALSE
  beta <- as.data.frame(beta)
  #    beta<-data.frame(column_to_rownames(beta, var = "PROBEID"))
  #    rownames(beta) <- beta$probeID
  rownames(beta) <- beta[, config$probeAttribut]
  beta[, config$probeAttribut] <- NULL

#' findInFiles
#' finds strings in a bunch of files
#' @param what what (string) to find
#' @param where directory, where to search
#' @param in_files regular expression for filenames, where to search
#' @param recursive recursive search
#' @param ignore.case ignore case sensitivity
#' @return data frame with measured beta values
# examples findInFiles(what, where, in_files, recursive, ignore.case)
findInFiles <-
           where = ".",
           in_files = "\\.[Rr]$",
           recursive = TRUE,
           ignore.case = TRUE) {
    files <-
        path = where,
        pattern = in_files,
        recursive = recursive
    found <- FALSE
    for (fil in files) {
      contents <- base::readLines(paste0(where, "/", fil))
      res <- grepl(what, contents, ignore.case = ignore.case)
      res <- base::which(res)
      if (base::length(res) > 0) {
        found <- TRUE
        result <- contents[res]
    if (!found) {
      result <- FALSE
      base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " ", what, "not found in ", in_files))

#' removeAdjFromColname
#' @param colnames list with colnames probably containing 'adj' at the end of each name
#' @return colnames without 'adj' at the end
removeAdjFromColname <- function(colnames) {
  #' adj' was added to the end of the name of an analysis for a regression model with additional adjustment variables
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " start removeAdjFromColname()"))
  result <- sub("adj$", "", colnames)
  base::print(base::paste0(sysTimePID(), " end removeAdjFromColname()"))

#' is.valid
#' checks, whether an R object (x) is valid (not NULL) and exists
#' @param x object
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
#' examples is.valid(x)
is.valid <- function(x) {
  if (base::exists("x")) {
    is.null(shiny::need(x, message = FALSE))
  else return(FALSE)

#' getEmptyPlot
#' @return empty plot
#' examples getEmptyPlot()
getEmptyPlot <- function() {

#' addLinkToEWASDataHub
#' adds links to EWASDataHub to a data.frame as separate column
#' @param df data.frame to which links should be added
#' @param baseURL string describing link to be included
#' @param probeAttribut string describing the name of the probe variable
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
# examples addLinkToEWASDataHub(data.frame, baseURL)
addLinkToEWASDataHub <- function(df, baseURL, probeAttribut) {
  #provide link to EWAS data hub
  df$EWASDataHub <- base::paste0('<a target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer" href=', baseURL, df$probeID, '>', df[, probeAttribut], '</a>')

addLinkToEWASDataHubShort <- function(df, baseURL, probeAttribut) {
  #provide link to EWAS data hub
  df$EWASDataHubShort <- base::paste0(baseURL, df[, probeAttribut])

#' addLinkToMRCEWASCatalog
#' adds links to MRC EWAS catalog to a data.frame as separate column
#' @param df data.frame to which links should be added
#' @param baseURL string describing link to be included
#' @param probeAttribut string describing the name of the probe variable
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
# examples addLinkToMRCEWASCatalog(data.frame)
addLinkToMRCEWASCatalog <- function(df, baseURL, probeAttribut) {
  #provide link to MRC EWAS catalog
  df$MRCEWASCatalog <- base::paste0('<a target=_blank rel="noopener noreferrer" href=', baseURL, df$probeID, '>', df[, probeAttribut], '</a>')

addLinkToMRCEWASCatalogShort <- function(df, baseURL, probeAttribut) {
  #provide link to MRC EWAS catalog
  df$MRCEWASCatalogShort <- base::paste0(baseURL, df[, probeAttribut])

sysTimePID <- function() {
  result <- paste0(as.character(Sys.time()), "; PID: ", as.character(Sys.getpid()))

#' plotlyPcPForDMP <- function(DMPNearRange, probe, resultDataSingleTrait, annotation) {
#'   #plotlyPcPForDMP <- function(DMPNearRange, probe, P_VAL, DeltaMeth, annotation) {
#'   #plotlyPcPForDMP <- function(globalVariables, sessionVariables, DMPNearRange) {
#'   tryCatch({
#' browser()
#'     traitName <- colnames(DMPNearRange)[3]
#'     #DMP <- sessionVariables$probe$probe
#'     #df <- sessionVariables$resultDataSingleTrait
#'     df <- resultDataSingleTrait
#'     #df <- resultDataSingleScenarioWithAnnotation(globalVariables$annotation, df)
#'     df <- resultDataSingleScenarioWithAnnotation(annotation, df)
#'     gene.symbol <- df[which(df$probeID == probe),]$gene.symbol
#'     DMPNearRange <- stats::na.omit(DMPNearRange)
#'     DMPNearRangeShort <- DMPNearRange[,4:ncol(DMPNearRange)]
#'     dimensionsList=list()
#'     P_VAL <- resultDataSingleTrait$P_VAL[resultDataSingleTrait$probeID == probe]
#'     DeltaMeth <- resultDataSingleTrait$DeltaMeth[resultDataSingleTrait$probeID == probe]
#'     for (i in 1:ncol(DMPNearRangeShort)) {
#'       lblCpG = colnames(DMPNearRangeShort)[i]
#'       lblP = signif(df[which(df$probeID == colnames(DMPNearRangeShort)[i]),]$P_VAL,3)
#'       if (shiny::isTruthy(lblP)) {
#'         lblP = paste0(",\n p: ", lblP)
#'         lblDM = paste0(",\n d: ", signif(df[which(df$probeID == colnames(DMPNearRangeShort)[i]),]$DeltaMeth,3))
#'       }
#'       else {
#'         lblP = ",\n p: n.s."
#'         lblDM = ""
#'       }
#'       lblSym = paste0(",\n sbl:", annotation[which(annotation$name == colnames(DMPNearRangeShort)[i]),]$gene.symbol)
#'       lblPos = paste0(",\n pos:", annotation[which(annotation$name == colnames(DMPNearRangeShort)[i]),]$position)
#'       label = paste0(lblCpG, lblP, lblDM, lblSym, lblPos)
#'       dimension = list(label = label, values = DMPNearRangeShort[,i],
#'                        range = c(0, 1))
#'       dimensionsList = append(dimensionsList,list(dimension))
#'     }
#'     plot <- plotly::plot_ly(data = DMPNearRange)
#'     plot <- plot %>% plotly::add_trace(type = 'parcoords',
#'                                        line = list(shape = 'spline',
#'                                                    color =  DMPNearRange[,3],
#'                                                    colorscale = 'Jet',
#'                                                    showscale = TRUE,
#'                                                    reversescale = TRUE,
#'                                                    cmin = min(DMPNearRange[,3],na.rm=TRUE),
#'                                                    cmax = max(DMPNearRange[,3],na.rm=TRUE)),
#'                                        dimensions = dimensionsList
#'     )
#'     plot <- plot %>% plotly::layout(
#'       #title = paste0(traitName, " vs. ", DMP, " gene.symbol: ", gene.symbol ," P_VAL: ", P_VAL, " DeltaMeth: ", DeltaMeth),
#'       title = paste0(traitName, " vs. ", probe, " gene.symbol: ", gene.symbol ," P_VAL: ", P_VAL, " DeltaMeth: ", DeltaMeth),
#'       xaxis = list(
#'         title = "Location",
#'         showgrid = F,
#'         tickangle = 45),
#'       yaxis = list(
#'         title = "Methylation [%]"),
#'       coloraxis = list(
#'         title = traitName)
#'     )
#'     plot <- plot %>%
#'       plotly::add_annotations(
#'         text = "Methylation [%]",
#'         x = 0,
#'         y = 0.5,
#'         yref = "paper",
#'         xref = "paper",
#'         xanchor = "center",
#'         yanchor = "center",
#'         xshift = -50,
#'         showarrow = FALSE,
#'         textangle = 270,
#'         font = list(size = 15)
#'       )
#'     plot <- plot %>%
#'       plotly::add_annotations(
#'         text = "globalArrayPosition",
#'         x = 0.5,
#'         y = 0,
#'         yref = "paper",
#'         xref = "paper",
#'         xanchor = "center",
#'         yanchor = "center",
#'         yshift = -35,
#'         showarrow = FALSE,
#'         textangle = 0,
#'         font = list(size = 15)
#'       )
#'     return (plot)
#'   }, error=function(err){
#'     print(paste0("unable to print pc plot: ", err$message, ". Maybe there was only a subset of the data loaded?"))
#'     return(empty_plot(err$message))
#'   });
#' }
#' #' empty_plot
#' #' @param title title for empty plot
#' #' @return plot empty plot
#' #' @keywords internal
#' #' @noRd
#' empty_plot <- function(title = NULL){
#'   plot <- plotly::plotly_empty(type = "scatter", mode = "markers") %>%
#'     plotly::config(
#'       displayModeBar = FALSE
#'     ) %>%
#'     plotly::layout(
#'       title = list(
#'         text = title,
#'         yref = "paper",
#'         y = 0.5
#'       )
#'     )
#'   return(plot)
#' }
#' resultDataSingleScenarioWithAnnotation <- function(annotation, df){
#'   #  a = reducedAnnotation(globalVariables)
#'   a = EpiVisR::reducedAnnotation(annotation)
#'   a$gene.symbolShort = stringr::str_sub(a$gene.symbol, 1, 20) #NULL
#'   a$gene.accession = NULL
#'   a$gene.region = NULL
#'   a$cpg.island.name = NULL
#'   a$relation.to.island = NULL
#'   a$snp.exclude = NULL
#'   #df = dplyr::left_join(df, a, by = c("probeID" = "name"))
#'   df <- base::merge(df, a, by.x = "probeID", by.y = "name")
#'   return (df)
#' }
SteRoe/PatternMatchR documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 8:32 p.m.