#' Set parameters for global sensitivity analysis
#' Generate parameter ranges and details for running a global sensitivity
#' analysis.
#' @param pars Names of parameters to perform sensitivity analysis on
#' @param span \code{"total"} Span for parameter ranges, either \code{"total"}
#' (i.e., all probabilities [0,1], large ranges for all others, identical
#' ranges across land cover types) or \code{"gb"} (i.e., plausible ranges for
#' glossy buckthorn based on experiments, literature, and expert knowledge)
#' @param res \code{"20ac"} Resolution of grid. Either "20ac" or "9km2"
#' @return Named list with a sublist for each parameter, including the parameter
#' name, the type ('prob', 'cont', 'int'), whether it varies by land cover
#' category, and the minimum and maximum values
#' @keywords parameters, sensitivity, initialize
#' @export
set_sensitivity_pars <- function(pars, span="total", res="20ac") {
if(span=="total") {
par.ls <- list(list(param="p.f", type="prob", LC=1,
min=rep(0,6), max=rep(1,6)),
list(param="mu", type="cont", LC=1,
min=rep(0,6), max=rep(500,6)),
list(param="gamma", type="cont", LC=0, min=1, max=4),
list(param="m", type="int", LC=1,
min=rep(2,6), max=rep(8,6)),
list(param="p.c", type="prob", LC=1,
min=rep(0,6), max=rep(1,6)),
list(param="sdd.rate", type="cont", LC=0,
min=ifelse(res=="20ac", 0.05, 0.5),
max=ifelse(res=="20ac", 0.5, 5)),
list(param="sdd.max", type="int", LC=0,
min=ifelse(res=="20ac", 2, 2),
max=ifelse(res=="20ac", 50, 15)),
list(param="bird.hab", type="cont", LC=1,
min=rep(0,6), max=rep(1,6)),
list(param="n.ldd", type="int", LC=0, min=0, max=10),
list(param="s.c", type="prob", LC=0, min=0, max=1),
list(param="s.B", type="prob", LC=0, min=0, max=1),
list(param="s.M", type="prob", LC=1,
min=rep(0,6), max=rep(1,6)),
list(param="s.N", type="prob", LC=1,
min=rep(0,6), max=rep(1,6)),
list(param="K", type="cont", LC=1,
min=rep(0,6), max=rep(40000,6)),
list(param="g.D", type="prob", LC=0, min=0, max=1),
list(param="g.B", type="prob", LC=0, min=0, max=1),
list(param="p", type="prob", LC=1,
min=rep(0,6), max=rep(1,6))
} else if(span=="gb"){
par.ls <- list(list(param="p.f", type="prob", LC=1,
min=c(0.338, 0, 0.218, 0.232, 0.232, 0.204),
max=c(0.563, 0, 0.364, 0.387, 0.387, 0.340)),
list(param="mu", type="cont", LC=1,
min=c(1461, 0, 10, 31, 31, 16),
max=c(2435, 0, 17, 52, 52, 26)),
list(param="gamma", type="cont", LC=0, min=2.378, max=2.595),
list(param="m", type="int", LC=1,
min=c(2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4),
max=c(4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8)),
list(param="p.c", type="prob", LC=1,
min=c(0.122, 0.122, 0.25, 0.219, 0.219, 0.25),
max=c(0.229, 0.229, 0.333, 0.262, 0.262, 0.333)),
list(param="sdd.rate", type="cont", LC=0,
min=ifelse(res=="20ac", 0.03, 0.05),
max=ifelse(res=="20ac", 0.5, 1.87)),
list(param="sdd.max", type="int", LC=0,
min=ifelse(res=="20ac", 4, 3),
max=ifelse(res=="20ac", 36, 13)),
list(param="bird.hab", type="cont", LC=1,
min=c(0.240, 0.270, 0.037, 0.068, 0.068, 0.068),
max=c(0.400, 0.451, 0.06, 0.113, 0.113, 0.113)),
list(param="n.ldd", type="int", LC=0,
min=1, max=ifelse(res=="20ac", 20, 15)),
list(param="s.c", type="prob", LC=0, min=0.4875, max=0.605),
list(param="s.B", type="prob", LC=0, min=0.641, max=0.766),
list(param="s.M", type="prob", LC=1,
min=c(0.675, 0, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45),
max=c(0.95, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75)),
list(param="s.N", type="prob", LC=1,
min=c(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9),
max=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)),
list(param="K", type="cont", LC=1,
min=c(19533, 0, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383),
max=c(38713, 100, 5378, 5378, 5378, 5378)),
list(param="g.D", type="prob", LC=0, min=0, max=0),
list(param="g.B", type="prob", LC=0, min=0.18, max=0.28),
list(param="p", type="prob", LC=1,
min=c(0.221, 0, 0.316, 0.062, 0.062, 0.172),
max=c(0.369, 0, 0.526, 0.103, 0.103, 0.287))
names(par.ls) <- map_chr(par.ls, ~.$param)
if(res=="9km2") {
if(span=="total") {
par.ls$K$min <- rep(0, 6)
par.ls$K$max <- rep(5000000, 6)
} else {
par.ls$K$min <- c(2170287, 0, 153644, 153644, 153644, 153644)
par.ls$K$max <- c(4301532, 1000, 597578, 597578, 597578, 597578)
#' Run global sensitivity analysis
#' Generate and run simulations over a set of varying parameters. It runs in
#' parallel using the \code{snow} and \code{foreach} packages.
#' @param par.ls List output from \code{\link{set_par_ranges}} with parameter to
#' perform the sensitivity analysis on
#' @param nSamp \code{10} Number of randomly generated parameter sets
#' @param ngrid Number of grid cells in entire map
#' @param ncell Number of inbound grid cells
#' @param g.p Named list of global parameters set with \code{\link{set_g_p}}.
#' The value of parameter \code{p} will be updated within the loop for each
#' value in \code{p.seq}.
#' @param lc.df Dataframe or tibble with xy coords, land cover proportions, and
#' cell id info
#' @param sdd \code{NULL} Output with short distance dispersal neighborhoods
#' created by \code{\link{sdd_set_probs}}. If \code{NULL}, sdd neighborhoods
#' are calculated
#' @param cell.init Vector with grid id of cells populated at t=0
#' @param control.p NULL or named list of buckthorn control treatment parameters
#' set with \code{\link{set_control_p}}
#' @param save_yrs \code{NULL} Years to store full abundances for. If
#' \code{NULL}, only grid-wide summaries are stored. Else, the total adult
#' per-cell N is stored for the specified years.
#' @param verbose \code{FALSE} Give updates?
#' @param sim.dir \code{"out/sims/"} Directory to store simulation output
#' @return list with elements \code{out} containing the full output from
#' \link{run_sim}, and \code{results} containing the parameter sets and
#' simulation summaries
#' @keywords parameters, sensitivity, save, output
#' @export
global_sensitivity <- function(par.ls, nSamp, ngrid, ncell, g.p, lc.df,
sdd=NULL, cell.init, control.p=NULL,
save_yrs=NULL, verbose=FALSE, sim.dir="out/") {
library(tidyverse); library(magrittr); library(foreach); library(doSNOW)
if(!dir.exists(sim.dir)) dir.create(sim.dir, recursive=TRUE)
dir_0 <- ifelse(length(dir(sim.dir))>0,
str_split_fixed(dir(sim.dir, "results"), "_", 2)[,2] %>%
str_remove(., ".csv") %>% as.numeric(.) %>% max,
if(is.null(save_yrs)) {
out_yrs <- g.p$tmax
} else {
out_yrs <- save_yrs
# modified from Prowse et al 2016
if(verbose) cat("Drawing parameters...\n")
nPar <- length(par.ls)
samples <- map(g.p[names(par.ls)],
~matrix(., nrow=nSamp, ncol=length(.), byrow=T))
raw.samples <- samples
for(i in 1:nPar) {
# draw samples from uniform distribution
raw.samples[[i]][,] <- runif(prod(dim(raw.samples[[i]])), 0, 1)
# transform to parameter ranges
samples[[i]][,] <- t(qunif(t(raw.samples[[i]]),
if(par.ls[[i]]$type=="int") {
samples[[i]][,] <- round(samples[[i]])
if(is.null(sdd) && !any(grepl("sdd", names(par.ls)))) {
sdd <- list(sp=sdd_set_probs(ncell, lc.df, g.p)$sp)
if(verbose) cat("Running simulations...\n")
results <- as.data.frame(do.call("cbind", samples))
par.len <- map_int(samples, ncol)
par.num <- unlist(list("", paste0("_", 1:6))[(par.len > 1)+1])
names(results) <- paste0(rep(names(samples), times=par.len), par.num)
p.c <- makeCluster(g.p$n.cores); registerDoSNOW(p.c)
out <- foreach(i=1:nSamp, .errorhandling="pass",
.packages=c("gbPopMod", "tidyverse", "magrittr")) %dopar% {
dir_i <- dir_0 + i
g.p[names(par.ls)] <- map(samples, ~.[i,])
if(any(grepl("sdd", names(par.ls)))) {
sdd <- list(sp=sdd_set_probs(ncell, lc.df, g.p)$sp)
N.init <- pop_init(ngrid, g.p, lc.df, p.0=cell.init, N.0=g.p$N.0)
sim_i <- run_sim(ngrid, ncell, g.p, lc.df, sdd, N.init, NULL,
F, out_yrs, NULL, F)
K.E <- na_if(cell_E(lc.df, g.p$K, g.p$s.M, g.p$s.N, g.p$mu,
g.p$p.f, g.p$p.c, g.p$p)$K.E, 0)
# save grid-wide summaries
adults <- dim(sim_i$N)[3]
final <- dim(sim_i$N)[2]
Ng0 <- which(sim_i$N[,final,adults]>0)
out_i <- results[i,]
out_i$pOcc <- length(Ng0)/ncell
out_i$pSB <- sum(sim_i$B[,final]>0)/ncell
out_i$pK <- mean((sim_i$N[,final,adults]/K.E)[Ng0])
out_i$medNg0 <- median(sim_i$N[,final,adults][Ng0])
out_i$meanNg0 <- mean(sim_i$N[,final,adults][Ng0])
out_i$sdNg0 <- sd(sim_i$N[,final,adults][Ng0])
if(!is.null(save_yrs)) {
paste0(sim.dir, "N_", str_pad(dir_i, nchar(nSamp), "left", "0"), ".rds"))
write_csv(out_i, paste0(sim.dir, "results_",
str_pad(dir_i, nchar(nSamp), "left", "0"), ".csv"))
return(cat("Finished", nSamp, "samples\n"))
#' Emulate global sensitivity analysis output
#' Emulate the output from a global sensitivity analysis using boosted
#' regression trees with different interaction depths. Based on function
#' described in Prowse et al 2016. Writes files to out/brt, creating /brt if
#' necessary
#' @param sens.out Dataframe of the parameter sets and simulation summaries;
#' \code{.$results} from \link{global_sensitivity}
#' @param par.ls List output from \code{\link{set_par_ranges}} with parameter to
#' perform the sensitivity analysis on
#' @param n.cores \code{1} Number of cores for fitting subsample BRTs
#' @param n.sub \code{10} Number of subsamples for each emulation
#' @param td \code{c(1,3,5)} Vector of regression tree interaction depths to
#' test
#' @param resp Which response summary to use (column name from \code{sens.out})
#' @param brt.dir \code{"out/brt/"} Directory to store boosted regression tree
#' output
#' @return Success message
#' @keywords parameters, sensitivity, save, output
#' @export
emulate_sensitivity <- function(sens.out, par.ls, n.cores=1, n.sub=10,
td=c(1,3,5), resp, brt.dir="out/brt/") {
library(tidyverse); library(doSNOW)
if(!dir.exists(brt.dir)) dir.create(brt.dir)
x <- which(str_split_fixed(names(sens.out), "_", 2)[,1] %in% names(par.ls))
y <- which(names(sens.out)==resp)
sub.prop <- seq(0.75, 1, length.out=n.sub)
p.c <- makeCluster(n.cores); registerDoSNOW(p.c)
out <- foreach(i=1:n.sub,
.packages=c("gbPopMod", "tidyverse")) %dopar% {
# subset sensitivity results
sub.samp <- sample_frac(sens.out, sub.prop[i])
n <- nrow(sub.samp)
# fit BRTs of different tree complexities for given response variable
for(j in 1:length(td)) {
td_j <- td[j]
brt.fit <- dismo::gbm.step(sub.samp, gbm.x=x, gbm.y=y,
max.trees=200000, n.folds=5,
family="gaussian", tree.complexity=td_j,
bag.fraction=0.8, silent=T, plot.main=F)
saveRDS(brt.fit, paste0(brt.dir, resp, "_td-", td_j, "-", n, ".rds"))
return("Finished fitting BRTs")
#' Summarize BRT emulations
#' Summarize the output from global sensitivity analysis boosted regression
#' trees emulations. Based on function described in Prowse et al 2016. Reads BRT
#' output saved via emulate_sensitivity
#' @param resp Which response summary to use (column name from \code{sens.out})
#' @return List of three dataframes: relative influences, cross-validation
#' deviances, and beta diversity of relative influences (i.e., for stability),
#' each across different subsample sizes and tree complexities.
#' @param brt.dir \code{"out/brt/"} Directory with stored boosted regression
#' tree output
#' @keywords parameters, sensitivity, save, output
#' @export
emulation_summary <- function(resp, brt.dir="out/brt/") {
library(gbm); library(tidyverse)
f <- dir(brt.dir, paste0(resp, "_"))
f.i <- str_split_fixed(f, "-", 3)
cvDev.df <- betaDiv.df <- tibble(response=resp,
smp=str_remove(f.i[,3], ".rds"))
cvDev.df$Dev <- NA
betaDiv.df$beta <- NA
ri.ls <- vector("list", length(f))
for(i in seq_along(f)) {
brt <- readRDS(paste0(brt.dir, f[i]))
# cross validation deviance
cvDev.df$Dev[i] <- brt$cv.statistics$deviance.mean
# relative influence
ri.ls[[i]] <- as.tibble(brt$contributions) %>%
ri.df <- bind_rows(ri.ls) %>%
mutate(param=str_split_fixed(var, "_", 2)[,1]) %>%
group_by(response, td, smp, param) %>%
summarise(rel.inf=sum(rel.inf)) %>%
ungroup %>% group_by(response, td, smp) %>%
smp_i <- sort(as.numeric(unique(ri.df$smp)))
for(i in unique(ri.df$td)) {
for(j in 2:n_distinct(ri.df$smp)) {
temp <- ri.df %>% ungroup %>% filter(td==i & smp %in% smp_i[c(j-1,j)]) %>%
spread(smp, rel.inf) %>% dplyr::select(-(1:3)) %>% as.matrix
beta.div <- as.numeric(MDM::ed(t(temp), q=1, retq=T)['beta'])
betaDiv.df$beta[betaDiv.df$td==i & betaDiv.df$smp==smp_i[j]] <- beta.div
return(list(ri.df=ri.df, cvDev.df=cvDev.df, betaDiv.df=betaDiv.df))
#' Run univariate sensitivity analyses
#' Running simulations over a set of varying parameters, where each parameter is
#' changed while holding all others constant. It runs in parallel using the
#' \code{doSNOW} and \code{foreach} packages.
#' @param p Parameter to perform the sensitivity analysis on
#' @param p.seq Sequence of values for the parameter
#' @param n.sim \code{2} Number of simulations for each parameter value
#' @param ngrid Number of grid cells in entire map
#' @param ncell Number of inbound grid cells
#' @param g.p Named list of global parameters set with \code{\link{set_g_p}}.
#' The value of parameter \code{p} will be updated within the loop for each
#' value in \code{p.seq}.
#' @param control.p NULL or named list of buckthorn control treatment parameters
#' set with \code{\link{set_control_p}}
#' @param lc.df Dataframe or tibble with xy coords, land cover proportions, and
#' cell id info
#' @param verbose \code{FALSE} Give updates for each year & process?
#' @param makeGIFs \code{FALSE} Make a gif for each parameter set?
#' @return Success message
#' @keywords parameters, sensitivity, save, output
#' @export
run_sensitivity <- function(p, p.seq, n.sim, ngrid, ncell, g.p, control.p,
lc.df, verbose=FALSE, makeGIFs=FALSE) {
library(tidyverse); library(doSNOW); library(foreach)
p.id <- paste(p, collapse="-")
cat("|------ Starting sensitivity analysis for", p.id, "\n")
# set directories
byLC <- length(p.seq[[1]])>1
sim.wd <- paste0("out/", ncell, "_t", g.p$tmax, "/")
par.wd <- paste0(sim.wd, p.id, "/")
parSet.wd <- paste0(par.wd, p.seq, "/")
if(!dir.exists(here("out"))) dir.create(here("out"))
if(!dir.exists(here(sim.wd))) dir.create(here(sim.wd))
if(!dir.exists(here(par.wd))) dir.create(here(par.wd))
cat("\nCalculating dispersal neighborhoods\n")
sdd.pr <- sdd_set_probs(ncell, lc.df, g.p)
cat("\nRunning simulations\n")
for(j in seq_along(p.seq)) {
# setup for particular parameter value
g.p[[p[1]]] <- p.seq[[j]]
# population initialization
N.init <- pop_init(ngrid, g.p, lc.df)
# dispersal
if(p[1] %in% c("sdd.max", "sdd.rate", "bird.hab")) {
sdd.pr <- sdd_set_probs(ncell, lc.df, g.p)
# run n.sim simulations
p.c <- makeCluster(g.p$n.cores); registerDoSNOW(p.c)
out.j <- foreach(i=1:n.sim) %dopar% {
gbPopMod::run_sim(ngrid, ncell, g.p, lc.df, sdd.pr,
N.init, control.p, verbose=F)
# rearrange output
ad.j <- map(out.j, ~.$N[,,max(g.p$m)]) %>%
unlist %>% array(., dim=c(ngrid, g.p$tmax+1, n.sim))
sb.j <- map(out.j, ~.$B) %>%
unlist %>% array(., dim=c(ngrid, g.p$tmax+1, n.sim))
# store output
if(!dir.exists(here(parSet.wd[j]))) dir.create(here(parSet.wd[j]))
save_pars(parSet.wd[j], g.p, control.p)
save_abundances(parSet.wd[j], ad.j, sb.j)
rm(ad.j); rm(sb.j)
# progress
cat(" Finished parameter set", j, "of", length(p.seq), "\n\n")
cat("Processing output\n")
p.c <- makeCluster(g.p$n.cores/3); registerDoSNOW(p.c)
foreach(j=seq_along(p.seq), .combine=rbind,
.packages=c("tidyverse", "stringr", "gbPopMod")) %dopar% {
# setup
p.j <- paste0(p[1], ": ", p.seq[j])
ad.j <- readRDS(paste0(parSet.wd[j], "abund_ad.rds"))
sb.j <- readRDS(paste0(parSet.wd[j], "abund_sb.rds"))
g.p <- readRDS(paste0(parSet.wd[j], "pars_glbl.rds"))
byLC <- length(p.seq[[j]])>1
# munge data
## cell summaries
ad.mn <- apply(ad.j[lc.df$inbd,,], 1:2, mean)
K.E <- round(as.matrix(lc.df[,4:9]) %*% g.p$K)
### logical: is cell-iter-t at K?
at.K <- apply(ad.j, c(2,3), function(x) x == K.E & x > 0)
### logical: did cell-iter ever reach K?
reach.K <- at.K
N.init <- at.K
for(i in 1:dim(at.K)[1]) {
for(s in 1:dim(at.K)[3]) {
reach.K[i,,s] <- sum(reach.K[i,,s]) > 0
N.init[i,,] <- ad.j[i,1,1] > 0
### summarize
cell_yr.j <- cbind(lc.df[lc.df$inbd,,], ad.mn) %>% as.tibble %>%
gather(year, N.adult, (1:ncol(ad.mn)) + ncol(lc.df)) %>%
rename(ad_Ab=N.adult) %>%
mutate(ad_sd=c(apply(ad.j[lc.df$inbd,,], 1:2, sd)),
ad_pP=c(apply(ad.j[lc.df$inbd,,] > 0, 1:2, mean)),
sb_Ab=c(apply(log(sb.j[lc.df$inbd,,]+1), 1:2, mean)),
sb_sd=c(apply(log(sb.j[lc.df$inbd,,]+1), 1:2, sd)),
sb_pP=c(apply(sb.j[lc.df$inbd,,] > 0, 1:2, mean)),
ad_L5=c(ad.mn > 0))
cell_yr.j$ad_L5 <- cell_yr.j$ad_L5 + c(ad.mn > 5)
cell_yr.j$year <- str_pad(cell_yr.j$year, 3, "left", "0")
cell_yr.j$p <- p[1]
if(byLC) {
cell_yr.j$p.j <- as.character(p.seq[j])
cell_yr.j$p.j.Opn <- p.seq[[j]][1]
cell_yr.j$p.j.Oth <- p.seq[[j]][2]
cell_yr.j$p.j.Dec <- p.seq[[j]][3]
cell_yr.j$p.j.WP <- p.seq[[j]][4]
cell_yr.j$p.j.Evg <- p.seq[[j]][5]
cell_yr.j$p.j.Mxd <- p.seq[[j]][6]
} else {
cell_yr.j$p.j <- p.seq[j]
## landscape summaries
occ.s.ad <- apply(ad.j[lc.df$inbd,,]>0, 2:3, mean)*100
occ.s.sb <- apply(sb.j[lc.df$inbd,,]>0, 2:3, mean)*100
less5.s <- apply(ad.j[lc.df$inbd,,]>0 & ad.j[lc.df$inbd,,]<=5,
2:3, mean)*100
K.s <- apply(at.K[lc.df$inbd,,], 2:3, mean)*100
t.0K <- apply(ad.j[lc.df$inbd,,]>0 &
!at.K[lc.df$inbd,,] &
reach.K[lc.df$inbd,,] &
c(1,3), sum)
t.L5 <- apply(ad.j[lc.df$inbd,,]>0 & ad.j[lc.df$inbd,,]<=5,
c(1,3), sum)
grid.j <- tibble(year=unique(cell_yr.j$year),
pOcc_ad_mn=apply(occ.s.ad, 1, mean),
pOcc_ad_sd=apply(occ.s.ad, 1, sd),
pOcc_sb_mn=apply(occ.s.sb, 1, mean),
pOcc_sb_sd=apply(occ.s.sb, 1, sd),
pL5_mn=apply(less5.s, 1, mean),
pL5_sd=apply(less5.s, 1, sd),
pK_mn=apply(K.s, 1, mean),
pK_sd=apply(K.s, 1, sd),
pK_Occ_mn=apply(K.s/occ.s.ad*100, 1, mean),
pK_Occ_sd=apply(K.s/occ.s.ad*100, 1, sd),
cell.j <- cbind(lc.df[lc.df$inbd,],
t0K_mn=apply(t.0K, 1, mean) %>% na_if(0),
t0K_sd=apply(t.0K, 1, sd) %>% na_if(0),
tL5_mn=apply(t.L5, 1, mean) %>% na_if(0),
tL5_sd=apply(t.L5, 1, sd) %>% na_if(0)) %>% as.tibble
cell.j$p <- p[1]
if(byLC) {
grid.j$p.j <- as.character(p.seq[j])
grid.j$p.j.Opn <- p.seq[[j]][1]
grid.j$p.j.Oth <- p.seq[[j]][2]
grid.j$p.j.Dec <- p.seq[[j]][3]
grid.j$p.j.WP <- p.seq[[j]][4]
grid.j$p.j.Evg <- p.seq[[j]][5]
grid.j$p.j.Mxd <- p.seq[[j]][6]
cell.j$p.j <- as.character(p.seq[j])
cell.j$p.j.Opn <- p.seq[[j]][1]
cell.j$p.j.Oth <- p.seq[[j]][2]
cell.j$p.j.Dec <- p.seq[[j]][3]
cell.j$p.j.WP <- p.seq[[j]][4]
cell.j$p.j.Evg <- p.seq[[j]][5]
cell.j$p.j.Mxd <- p.seq[[j]][6]
} else {
grid.j$p.j <- p.seq[j]
cell.j$p.j <- p.seq[j]
# save data summaries
write_csv(cell_yr.j, paste0(parSet.wd[j], "cell_yr_j.csv"))
write_csv(cell.j, paste0(parSet.wd[j], "cell_j.csv"))
write_csv(grid.j, paste0(parSet.wd[j], "grid_j.csv"))
rm(ad.j); rm(sb.j)
# save plots
make_plots_final_t(parSet.wd[j], g.p,
filter(cell_yr.j, year==max(cell_yr.j$year)), p.j, 8, 6)
if(makeGIFs) make_plots_gifs(parSet.wd[j], g.p, cell_yr.j, p.j)
if(j==1) make_plots_lc(sim.wd, lc.df)
paste(" Finished parameter set", j, "of", length(p.seq))
# grid summary plots
grid.sum <- map_df(parSet.wd,
~suppressMessages(read_csv(paste0(., "grid_j.csv")))) %>%
cell.sum <- map_df(parSet.wd,
~suppressMessages(read_csv(paste0(., "cell_j.csv"))))
if(byLC) {
grid.sum %<>% mutate_at(vars(p.j:p.j.Mxd), as.factor)
cell.sum %<>% mutate_at(vars(p.j:p.j.Mxd), as.factor)
} else {
grid.sum %<>% mutate(p.j=as.factor(p.j))
cell.sum %<>% mutate(p.j=as.factor(p.j))
make_plots_gridSummary(p, par.wd, grid.sum, cell.sum, byLC)
# progress
cat("|------ Finished sensitivity analysis for", p.id, "\n")
return(paste("Completed", p.id))
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