#' @title dispRity object plotting
#' @description Plots a \code{dispRity} object.
#' @param x A \code{dispRity} object.
#' @param ... Any optional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}. See details.
#' @param type Either \code{"continuous"}, \code{"box"}, \code{"line"}, \code{"polygon"} or \code{"space"}. When unspecified, if no disparity was calculated, \code{"preview"} is used. If disparity was calculated, \code{"continuous"} is used for \code{\link{chrono.subsets}} and \code{"box"} for \code{\link{custom.subsets}}. See details.
#' @param quantiles The quantiles to display (default is \code{quantiles = c(50, 95)}; is ignored if the \code{dispRity} object is not bootstrapped).
#' @param cent.tend A function for summarising the bootstrapped disparity values (default is \code{\link[stats]{median}}).
#' @param rarefaction Either \code{NULL} (default) or \code{FALSE} for not using the rarefaction scores; a \code{numeric} value of the level of rarefaction to plot; or \code{TRUE} for plotting the rarefaction curves.
#' @param elements \code{logical} whether to plot the number of elements per subsets (default is \code{FALSE}) or a \code{list} of any of the graphical arguments \code{"col"}, \code{"pch"} and/or \code{"cex"}.
#' @param observed \code{logical} whether to add the observed values on the plot as crosses (default is \code{FALSE}) or a \code{list} of any of the graphical arguments \code{"col"}, \code{"pch"} and/or \code{"cex"}.
#' @param add \code{logical} whether to add the new plot an existing one (default is \code{FALSE}).
#' @param density the density of shading lines to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{polygon}}. Is ignored if \code{type = "box"} or \code{type = "line"}.
#' @param specific.args optional, a named list of arguments to be passed for some specific plot types. See details.
#' @details
#' When specifying optional arguments with \code{...} in a graph with multiple elements (e.g. \code{points}, \code{lines}, etc...) you can specify which specific element to affect using the syntax \code{<element>.<argument>}. For example if you want everything in the plot to be in blue at the exception of the points to be red, you can use \code{plot(..., col = "blue", points.col = "red")}.
#' The different \code{type} arguments are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"continuous"}: plots the results as a continuous line.
#' \item \code{"box"}: plots the results as discrete box plots (note that this option ignores the user set quantiles and central tendency).
#' \item \code{"line"}: plots the results as discrete vertical lines with the user's set quantiles and central tendency.
#' \item \code{"polygon"}: identical as \code{"line"} but using polygons rather than vertical lines.
#' \item \code{"preview"}: plots two dimensional preview of the space (default is \code{c(1,2)}). WARNING: the plotted dimensions might not be representative of the full multi-dimensional space!
#' }
#' The different \code{specific.args} arguments for the following options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item if \code{type = "preview"}, the specific arguments can be:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{dimensions}: two specific dimensions to plot (default is \code{specific.args = list(dimensions = c(1,2)});
#' \item \code{matrix}: which specific matrix to plot the data from (by default, all the matrices are used).
#' \item \code{tree}: whether to plot the underlying tree(s) or not. Can be either logical, whether to plot no tree (default is \code{specific.args = list(tree = FALSE)}), all trees (\code{specific.args = list(tree = TRUE)}) or a specific set of trees (e.g. \code{specific.args = list(tree = c(1,2))})
#' }
#' \item if data is a \code{"test.metric"} result that was obtained with the option \code{save.steps = TRUE} (see \code{\link{test.metric}}), it is possible to specify which steps to by specifying the following specific argument: \code{specific.args = list(visualise.steps = c(1,4,5))} for visualising steps 1, 4 and 5 of the different shifts. By default, if the \code{"test.metric"} was obtained with the option \code{save.steps = TRUE}, four steps are displayed.
#' \item if data is a \code{"dispRity"} and \code{"projection"} object (from \code{\link{dispRity.covar.projections}}), it is possible to plot either the boxplot of disparity values for each projection (using \code{correlation.plot = NULL}; default) or to plot the correlation between two calculated elements (e.g. \code{correlation.plot = c("position", "distance")}).
#' }
#' When plotting \code{"randtest"} or \code{"test.metric"} data or when using \code{type = "preview"} a legend is plotted by default. To remove the legend you can use the argument \code{legend = FALSE}. You can control specific arguments for the legend using the \code{...} optional arguments preceded by \code{legend.}. For example, to change the legend position you can use \code{legend.x = "topleft"} or \code{legend.x = 4.2} and \code{legend.y = 1.23}. General \code{legend} arguments such as \code{col}, \code{legend}, \code{pch}, etc... are recycled by the function but can always be specified using this syntax.
#' @examples
#' ## Load the disparity data based on Beck & Lee 2014
#' data(disparity)
#' ## Discrete plotting
#' plot(disparity, type = "box")
#' ## Using polygons rather than boxes (quantiles and central tendency can be
#' ## set by the user)
#' plot(disparity, type = "polygon", quantiles = c(10, 50, 95),
#' cent.tend = mean)
#' ## Using different options
#' plot(disparity, type = "line", elements = TRUE, ylim = c(0, 3),
#' xlab = ("Time (Ma)"), ylab = "disparity")
#' ## Continuous plotting (all default options)
#' plot(disparity, type = "continuous")
#' ## Rarefactions plots
#' plot(disparity, rarefaction = TRUE)
#' ## Observed data
#' plot(disparity, observed = TRUE)
#' ## Observed data with graphical details
#' plot(disparity, observed = list("pch" = 19, col = "blue", cex = 4))
#' ## For plotting dispRity objects with the dual classes "randtest", "dtt",
#' ## "model.test", "model.sim" and "test.metric" see the examples
#' ## in the specific function manuals from the "See also" section above
#' @seealso \code{\link{dispRity}}, \code{\link{summary.dispRity}}, \code{\link{null.test}}, \code{\link{dtt.dispRity}}, \code{\link{model.test}}, \code{\link{model.test.sim}}, \code{\link{test.metric}}
#' @author Thomas Guillerme
# #Testing
# source("sanitizing.R")
# source("plot.dispRity_fun.R")
# data(BeckLee_mat50)
# data(BeckLee_tree)
# data <- custom.subsets(BeckLee_mat50, crown.stem(BeckLee_tree, inc.nodes = FALSE))
# type = "preview"
# data <- customised_subsets
# quantiles=c(50, 95)
# cent.tend=median
# rarefaction = NULL
# elements = TRUE
# observed = FALSE
# add = FALSE
# density = NULL
# data(disparity)
# data <- disparity
# type = "line"
# ewments = TRUE
# ylim = c(0, 5)
# xlab = ("Time (Ma)")
# ylab = "disparity"
plot.dispRity <- function(x, ..., type, quantiles = c(50, 95), cent.tend = median, rarefaction = NULL, elements = FALSE, observed = FALSE, add = FALSE, density = NULL, specific.args){ #significance="cent.tend", lines.args=NULL, token.args=NULL
data <- x
match_call <- match.call()
dots <- list(...)
## Checking specific.args
if(missing(specific.args)) {
specific.args <- list()
} else {
check.class(specific.args, "list")
if(length(class(data)) > 1 && !is.array(data)) {
## Subclass plots
## randtests plots
if(is(data, "dispRity") && is(data, "randtest")) {
## length_data variable initialisation
length_data <- length(data)
## Set up the extra arguments
plot_data <- list(dots = dots)
## Single plot
if(length_data == 1) {
## Select the right dataset
plot_data$data_sub <- data[[1]]
## Run the plot
} else {
## Set up multiple plot windows
plot_size <- ifelse(length_data == 3, 4, length_data)
op_tmp <- par(mfrow = c(ceiling(sqrt(plot_size)), round(sqrt(plot_size))))
## All plots
for(model in 1:length_data) {
## Select the right dataset
plot_data$data_sub <- data[[model]]
## Add the title (optional)
if(is.null(dots$main)) {
if(length(grep("compared to", data[[model]]$call)) == 1) {
plot_data$dots$main <- gsub("dispRity.randtest: ", "", gsub("compared to ", "compared to\n", data[[model]]$call))
} else {
plot_data$dots$main <- paste("MC test for subsets ", names(data)[[model]], sep = "")
} else {
plot_data$dots$main <- dots$main[model]
## Run the plot
## dtt plots (from https://github.com/mwpennell/geiger-v2/blob/master/R/disparity.R)
if(is(data, c("dispRity")) && is(data, c("dtt"))) {
## Dtt style plots
do.plot.dtt(data, quantiles, cent.tend, density, ...)
## model.test plots
if(is(data, c("dispRity")) && is(data, c("model.test"))) {
## Plotting the model support
do.plot.model.test(data, ...)
## model.sim plots
if(is(data, c("dispRity")) && is(data, c("model.sim"))) {
## add
check.class(add, "logical")
## density
if(!is.null(density)) {
check.class(density, "numeric")
check.length(density, 1, " must be a single numeric value.")
do.plot.model.sim(data, add, density, quantiles, cent.tend, ...)
## test.metric plots
if(is(data, c("dispRity")) && is(data, c("test.metric"))) {
## Plotting the test.metric results
do.plot.test.metric(data, specific.args, ...)
## Exit subclass plots
## select.axes plots
if(is(data, c("dispRity")) && is(data, c("axes"))) {
## Plot the data
do.plot.axes(data, ...)
## Exit subclass plots
## dispRity.covar.projections plots
if(is(data, c("dispRity")) && is(data, c("projection"))) {
## Plot the data
do.plot.projection(data, specific.args, cent.tend, ...)
## Exit subclass plots
## pgls.dispRity plots
if(is(data, c("dispRity")) && is(data, c("pgls.dispRity"))) {
## Get all the y values
all_y <- unlist(lapply(data, `[[`, "y"))
## Get all the fitted values
all_fitted <- unlist(lapply(data, fitted))
## Default labels
plot_args <- list(...)
if(is.null(plot_args$xlab)) {
plot_args$xlab <- "Observed values"
if(is.null(plot_args$ylab)) {
plot_args$ylab <- "Fitted value"
plot_args$x <- all_y
plot_args$y <- all_fitted
## Plot
do.call(plot, plot_args)
## ----
## Normal disparity plot
## ----
## Special case when the data is a matrix (make a dummy disparity data)
if(is.array(data)) {
## Make a minimal dispRity object
data <- make.dispRity(data)
## Set the type to "preview only"
type <- "preview"
## must be class dispRity
check.class(data, "dispRity")
## must have one element called dispRity
if(!("disparity" %in% names(data))) {
if(missing(type)) {
## Just preview the data
type <- "preview"
} else {
if(type != "preview") {
stop.call(match_call$x, paste0(" must contain disparity data.\nTry running dispRity(", as.expression(match_call$x), ", ...)"))
## Plot the matrix preview
if(!missing(type) && type == "preview") {
## Plotting the matrix preview
do.plot.preview(data, specific.args, ...)
## Get the dispRity data characteristics
data_params <- get.data.params(data)
## quantiles
## Only check if the data data_params$bootstrap or if it's a distribution
if(data_params$bootstrap || data_params$distribution) {
check.class(quantiles, c("numeric", "integer"), " must be any value between 1 and 100.")
## Are quantiles probabilities or proportions ?
if(any(quantiles < 1)) {
## Transform into proportion
quantiles <- quantiles*100
## Are quantiles proper proportions
if(any(quantiles < 0) | any(quantiles > 100)) {
stop.call("", "quantiles(s) must be any value between 0 and 100.")
## cent.tend
## Must be a function
check.class(cent.tend, "function")
## The function must work
if(make.metric(cent.tend, silent = TRUE)$type != "level1") {
stop.call("", "cent.tend argument must be a function that outputs a single numeric value.")
## type
if(missing(type)) {
## Set type to default
if(any(grep("continuous", data$call$subsets))) {
type <- "continuous"
} else {
type <- "box"
} else {
## type must be either "discrete", "d", "continuous", or "c"
all_types <- c("continuous", "c", "box", "b", "line", "l", "polygon", "p")
## type must be a character string
check.class(type, "character")
type <- tolower(type)
## type must have only one element
check.length(type, 1, paste(" argument must only one of the following:\n", paste(all_types, collapse=", "), ".", sep=""))
check.method(type, all_types, "type argument")
## if type is a letter change it to the full word (lazy people...)
type <- ifelse(type == "c", "continuous", type)
type <- ifelse(type == "b", "box", type)
type <- ifelse(type == "l", "line", type)
type <- ifelse(type == "p", "polygon", type)
## If data is not bootstrapped, rarefaction is FALSE
if(!data_params$bootstrap) {
rarefaction <- NULL
## Check rarefaction
if(!is.null(rarefaction)) {
rarefaction_class <- check.class(rarefaction, c("logical", "integer", "numeric"))
if(rarefaction_class != "logical") {
## Right class
rarefaction <- as.numeric(rarefaction)
check.length(rarefaction, 1, errorif = FALSE, msg = "Rarefaction must a single numeric value.")
## Check if all subsets have the appropriate rarefaction level
rarefaction_subsets <- lapply(lapply(data$subsets, lapply, nrow), function(X) which(X[-1] == rarefaction)+1)
## Check if subsets have no rarefaction
if(length(unlist(rarefaction_subsets)) != length(data$subsets)) {
wrong_rarefaction <- lapply(rarefaction_subsets, function(X) ifelse(length(X) == 0, TRUE, FALSE))
stop.call("", paste0("The following subsets do not contain ", rarefaction, " elements: ", paste(names(data$subsets)[unlist(wrong_rarefaction)], collapse = ", "), "."))
} else {
if(rarefaction) {
type <- "rarefaction"
## Check if they are enough rarefaction levels
if(length(data_params$rarefaction) == 1 && data_params$rarefaction != "full") {
stop(paste0("Impossible to plot rarefaction curves with only one level of rarefaction. Try to use plot(..., rarefaction = ", data_params$rarefaction[[1]], ") to just see the rarefied data for that level instead."), call. = FALSE)
rarefaction <- NULL
## elements = FALSE
elements_args <- list()
class_elements <- check.class(elements, c("logical", "list"))
if(class_elements == "list") {
## Transforming into logical and handling the list below
elements_args <- elements
elements_args$elements <- TRUE
} else {
## Creating and empty list to be handled below
elements_args$elements <- elements
## observed = FALSE
observed_args <- list()
class_observed <- check.class(observed, c("logical", "list"))
if(class_observed == "list") {
## Transforming into logical and handling the list below
observed_args <- observed
observed_args$observed <- TRUE
} else {
## Creating and empty list to be handled below
observed_args$observed <- observed
## add = FALSE
check.class(add, "logical")
plot_params <- get.plot.params(data = data,
data_params = data_params,
cent.tend = cent.tend,
quantiles = quantiles,
rarefaction_level = rarefaction,
type = type,
observed_args = observed_args,
elements_args = elements_args
, ...)
## Set up the plotting task
plot_task <- type
## The task line is the same as polygon
if(plot_task == "line") plot_task <- "polygon"
"rarefaction" = {
do.plot.rarefaction(plot_params, data_params, data)
"continuous" = {
do.plot.continuous(plot_params, data_params, add = add, density = density)
"polygon" = {
do.plot.discrete(plot_params, data_params, add = add, density = density, type = type)
"box" = {
## Set the box arguments
boxplot_args <- plot_params$options
boxplot_args$x <- plot_params$disparity$data
## Run the box plot
do.call(boxplot, boxplot_args)
## Add the observed
if(plot_params$observed_args$observed) {
## Add elements
if(plot_params$elements_args$elements) {
do.plot.elements(plot_params, data_params, type)
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