## TESTING custom.subsets
data <- matrix(data = rnorm(10*9), nrow = 10, ncol = 9)
rownames(data) <- letters[1:10]
# ## Internal functions
# test_that("check.elements.data.frame", {
# ## Returns false if all groups have > 3 elements
# expect_false(check.elements.data.frame(c(rep(1,3), rep(2,4))))
# ## else returns true
# expect_true(check.elements.data.frame(c(rep(1,2), rep(2,4))))
# })
# test_that("convert.name.to.numbers", {
# ## Returns the matching rownames ...
# expect_equal(convert.name.to.numbers(c("a", "b"), data), c(1,2))
# ## ... in the right input order
# expect_equal(convert.name.to.numbers(c("d", "a"), data), c(4,1))
# ## returns NA if no match
# expect_true(is.na(convert.name.to.numbers(c("X"), data)))
# })
# test_that("split.elements.data.frame", {
# test <- split.elements.data.frame(c(rep(1,5), rep(2,5)), data)
# ## Must be a list of two elements ("1" and "2") with a list of 5 elements each within.
# expect_is(test, "list")
# expect_equal(length(test), 2)
# expect_equal(names(test), c("1", "2"))
# expect_equal(as.vector(unlist(lapply(test, lapply, length))), c(5,5))
# })
## Set.group.list
test_that("set.group.list works", {
data <- matrix(data = rnorm(90), nrow = 9, ncol = 10, dimnames = list(letters[1:9]))
group1 <- list("A" = c(1,2,3,4), "B" = c(5,6,7,8,9))
group2 <- list("A" = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), "B" = c(letters[5:9]))
group3 <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4)), nrow = 9, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(letters[1:9])))
group4 <- matrix(data = c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4)), nrow = 9, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(letters[1:9]))
group5 <- rtree(10, tip.label = letters[1:10])
group6 <- rtree(5, tip.label = letters[1:5])
group6$node.label <- letters[6:9]
## List numbers
test <- set.group.list(group1, data, group_class = class(group1))
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 2)
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, length)), c("A" = 4, "B" = 5))
## List letters
test <- set.group.list(group2, data, group_class = class(group2))
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 2)
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, length)), c("A" = 4, "B" = 5))
## data frame
test <- set.group.list(group3, data, group_class = class(group3))
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 2)
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, length)), c("V1.1" = 5, "V1.2" = 4))
## matrix
test <- set.group.list(group4, data, group_class = class(group4))
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 2)
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, length)), c("V1.1" = 5, "V1.2" = 4))
## tree
test <- set.group.list(group5, data, group_class = class(group5))
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 9)
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, length)), c(10, 7, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2))
## tree nodes
test <- set.group.list(group6, data, group_class = class(group6))
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(length(test), 4)
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, length)), c("f" = 9, "g" = 3, "h" = 5, "i" = 3))
## Check.group.list
test_that("check.group.list works", {
data_alpha <- matrix(data = rnorm(90), nrow = 9, ncol = 10, dimnames = list(letters[1:9]))
data_numer <- matrix(data = rnorm(90), nrow = 9, ncol = 10, dimnames = list(as.character(1:9)))
group_uname <- list(c(1,2,3,4), c(5,6,7,8,9))
group_numer <- list("A" = as.numeric(c(1,2,3,4)), "B" = c(5,6,7,8,9))
group_numer_wrong <- list("A" = c(1,2,3,4), "B" = c(5,6,7,8,9,11)) #Should error 11
group_numer_wrong2 <-list("A" = c(1,2,3,4,88), "B" = c(5,6,7,8,9,11)) #Should error 88
group_alpha <- list("A" = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), "B" = c(letters[5:9]))
group_alpha_wrong <-list("A" = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), "B" = c(letters[5:9], "x","z")) #Should error "x, z"
group_alpha_wrong2 <-list("A" = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "3"), "B" = c(letters[5:9])) #Should error 3
match_call <- list(data = "test_ping")
## Data alpha x groups
test <- check.group.list(group = group_uname,
data = data_alpha,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("1" = "integer", "2" = "integer"))
test <- check.group.list(group = group_uname,
data = data_alpha,
group_class = "phylo",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("1" = "integer", "2" = "integer"))
test <- check.group.list(group = group_numer,
data = data_alpha,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("A" = "integer", "B" = "integer"))
error <- capture_error(test <- check.group.list(group = group_numer_wrong,
data = data_alpha,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The following element cannot be found in test_ping: 11.")
error <- capture_error(test <- check.group.list(group = group_numer_wrong2,
data = data_alpha,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The following element cannot be found in test_ping: 88.")
test <- check.group.list(group = group_uname,
data = data_numer,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("1" = "integer", "2" = "integer"))
test <- check.group.list(group = group_uname,
data = data_numer,
group_class = "phylo",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("1" = "integer", "2" = "integer"))
test <- check.group.list(group = group_numer,
data = data_numer,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("A" = "integer", "B" = "integer"))
error <- capture_error(test <- check.group.list(group = group_numer_wrong,
data = data_numer,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The following element cannot be found in test_ping: 11.")
error <- capture_error(test <- check.group.list(group = group_numer_wrong2,
data = data_numer,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The following element cannot be found in test_ping: 88.")
## Data numeric x groups
test <- check.group.list(group = group_uname,
data = data_alpha,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("1" = "integer", "2" = "integer"))
test <- check.group.list(group = group_uname,
data = data_alpha,
group_class = "phylo",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("1" = "integer", "2" = "integer"))
test <- check.group.list(group = group_alpha,
data = data_alpha,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("A" = "integer", "B" = "integer"))
error <- capture_error(test <- check.group.list(group = group_alpha_wrong,
data = data_alpha,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The following elements cannot be found in test_ping: x, z.")
error <- capture_error(test <- check.group.list(group = group_alpha_wrong2,
data = data_alpha,
group_class = "phylo",
match_call = match_call))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The following element cannot be found in test_ping: 3.\nSee ?clean.data for matching the tree and the data.")
test <- check.group.list(group = group_uname,
data = data_numer,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("1" = "integer", "2" = "integer"))
test <- check.group.list(group = group_uname,
data = data_numer,
group_class = "phylo",
match_call = match_call)
expect_is(test, "list")
expect_equal(unlist(lapply(test, class)), c("1" = "integer", "2" = "integer"))
error <- capture_error(test <- test <- check.group.list(group = group_alpha,
data = data_numer,
group_class = "list",
match_call = match_call))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The following elements cannot be found in test_ping: a, b, c, d.")
## Sanitizing
test_that("Sanitizing works", {
## class
custom.subsets(data, group = "A")
## same number of rows
group <- matrix(5,5)
custom.subsets(data, group)
group <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = c(rep(1,5), rep(2,5)), nrow = 10, ncol = 1))
custom.subsets(data, group)
## row names must be the same
rownames(group) <- letters[2:11]
custom.subsets(data, group)
## Wrong tree
custom.subsets(data, rtree(10))
tree <- rtree(5)
tree$tip.label <- letters[1:5]
tree$node.label <- letters[7:10]
custom.subsets(data[1:9,], tree)
tree <- rtree(9)
tree$tip.label <- letters[1:9]
data_wrong <- data
rownames(data_wrong)[1] <- "AAA"
error <- capture_error(custom.subsets(data_wrong, tree))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The following element cannot be found in custom.subsets(data = data_wrong, group = tree): a.\nSee ?clean.data for matching the tree and the data.")
## Wrong names as list
error <- capture_error(custom.subsets(data, group = list(letters[1:5], letters[20:25])))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The following elements cannot be found in custom.subsets(data = data, group = list(letters[1:5], letters[20:25])): t, u, v, w, x, y.")
error <- capture_error(custom.subsets(data, group = list(1:5, 20:25)))
expect_equal(error[[1]], "The following elements cannot be found in custom.subsets(data = data, group = list(1:5, 20:25)): 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.")
## Results
group <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4)), nrow = 9, ncol = 1))
rownames(group) <- letters[1:9]
test <- custom.subsets(data, group)
## Test
test_that("custom.subsets works", {
, "dispRity")
, 4)
, "matrix")
, c(10,9))
## Test
test_that("Different group inputs gives the same output", {
group1 <- list("A" = c(1,2,3,4), "B" = c(5,6,7,8,9))
group2 <- list("A" = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), "B" = c(letters[5:9]))
group3 <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = c(rep(1,4), rep(2,5)), nrow = 9, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(letters[1:9])))
cust1 <- custom.subsets(data, group1)
cust2 <- custom.subsets(data, group2)
cust3 <- custom.subsets(data, group3)
unique(unlist(lapply(list(cust1, cust2, cust3), class)))
, "dispRity")
unique(unlist(lapply(list(cust1, cust2, cust3), length)))
, 4)
all(as.vector(cust1$subsets[[1]]$elements) == as.vector(cust2$subsets[[1]]$elements))
all(as.vector(cust1$subsets[[1]]$elements) == as.vector(cust3$subsets[[1]]$elements))
all(as.vector(cust2$subsets[[1]]$elements) == as.vector(cust3$subsets[[1]]$elements))
all(as.vector(cust1$subsets[[2]]$elements) == as.vector(cust2$subsets[[2]]$elements))
all(as.vector(cust1$subsets[[2]]$elements) == as.vector(cust3$subsets[[2]]$elements))
all(as.vector(cust2$subsets[[2]]$elements) == as.vector(cust3$subsets[[2]]$elements))
## Example
test_that("Example works", {
ordinated_matrix <- matrix(data = rnorm(90), nrow = 10, ncol = 9, dimnames = list(letters[1:10]))
custom.subsets(ordinated_matrix, list("A" = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), "B" = c("e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"), "C" = sum))
## Splitting the ordinated matrix into two groups using row numbers
numbers <- custom.subsets(ordinated_matrix, list("A" = c(1:4), "B" = c(5:10)))
## Splitting the ordinated matrix into three groups using row names
Letters <- custom.subsets(ordinated_matrix, list("A" = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), "B" = c("e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"), "C" = c("a", "c", "d", "f", "h")))
## Splitting the ordinated matrix into four groups using a data frame
groups <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = c(rep(1,5), rep(2,5), rep(c(1,2), 5)), nrow = 10, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(letters[1:10], c("g1", "g2"))))
dataframe <- custom.subsets(ordinated_matrix, groups)
expect_is(numbers, "dispRity")
expect_is(Letters, "dispRity")
expect_is(dataframe, "dispRity")
as.vector(unlist(lapply(numbers$subsets, lapply, length)))
, c(4,6))
names(unlist(lapply(numbers$subsets, lapply, length)))
, c("A.elements", "B.elements"))
as.vector(unlist(lapply(Letters$subsets, lapply, length)))
, c(4,6,5))
names(unlist(lapply(Letters$subsets, lapply, length)))
, c("A.elements", "B.elements", "C.elements"))
as.vector(unlist(lapply(dataframe$subsets, lapply, length)))
, c(rep(5,4)))
names(unlist(lapply(dataframe$subsets, lapply, length)))
, c("g1.1.elements", "g1.2.elements", "g2.1.elements", "g2.2.elements"))
## Subsample works with an empty element
test_that("empty custom.subsets", {
data <- matrix(data = rnorm(90), nrow = 10, ncol = 9, dimnames = list(letters[1:10]))
group4 <- list("A" = NULL, "B" = c(1,2), "C" = c(3,4,5), "D" = 1, "E" = NA)
group5 <- list("B" = c(1,2), "C" = c(3,4,5), "D" = 1, "E" = NA)
warning <- capture_warnings(test <- custom.subsets(data, group4))
expect_equal(warning, "The following subsets are empty: A, E.")
expect_is(test, "dispRity")
expect_equal(length(test$subsets), 5)
expect_equal(capture_warnings(custom.subsets(data, group5)), "The following subset is empty: E.")
## Subsets works with a tree
test_that("clade subsets works", {
without_nodes <- custom.subsets(BeckLee_mat50, group = BeckLee_tree)
with_nodes <- custom.subsets(BeckLee_mat99, group = BeckLee_tree)
## Both contain the same number of groups (Nnodes)
expect_equal(length(without_nodes$subsets), Nnode(BeckLee_tree))
expect_equal(length(with_nodes$subsets), Nnode(BeckLee_tree))
## Both first groups contain all the data (root)
expect_equal(nrow(without_nodes$subsets[[1]]$elements), nrow(BeckLee_mat50))
expect_equal(nrow(with_nodes$subsets[[1]]$elements), nrow(BeckLee_mat99))
## Expect the trees are present
expect_is(without_nodes$tree[[1]], "phylo")
expect_is(with_nodes$tree[[1]], "phylo")
test_that("custom.subsets detects distance matrices", {
non_dist <- matrix(1:100, 10, 10)
rownames(non_dist) <- letters[1:10]
is_dist <- as.matrix(dist(non_dist))
expect_warning(custom.subsets(is_dist, group = list(letters[1:5], letters[6:10])))
msg <- capture_warnings(custom.subsets(is_dist, group = list(letters[1:5], letters[6:10])))
expect_equal(msg, "custom.subsets is applied on what seems to be a distance matrix.\nThe resulting matrices won't be distance matrices anymore!\nYou can use dist.data = TRUE, if you want to keep the data as a distance matrix.")
test_that("custom.subsets works with tree", {
test <- custom.subsets(data = BeckLee_mat50, group = list(c(1:5), c(5,7)), tree = BeckLee_tree)
expect_is(test$tree[[1]], "phylo")
expect_equal(length(test$tree), 1)
test <- custom.subsets(data = BeckLee_mat99, group = list(c(1:5), c(5,7)), tree = BeckLee_tree)
expect_is(test$tree[[1]], "phylo")
expect_equal(length(test$tree), 1)
test <- custom.subsets(data = BeckLee_mat99, group = list(c(1:5), c(5,7)), tree = c(BeckLee_tree, BeckLee_tree, BeckLee_tree))
expect_is(test$tree[[1]], "phylo")
expect_equal(length(test$tree), 3)
test_that("custom.subsets works with a factor", {
## Quick test
test <- custom.subsets(data = charadriiformes$data[, -c(18, 19)],
group = charadriiformes$data[, "clade"])
expect_is(test, "dispRity")
expect_equal(n.subsets(test), 3)
expect_equal(size.subsets(test), c("gulls" = 159, "plovers" = 98, "sandpipers" = 102))
test_that("custom.subsets works with a logical", {
## Random 3D dataset with 200 taxa
data <- dispRity::space.maker(elements = 200, dimensions = 3, distribution = rnorm)
group <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 200, replace = TRUE)
## Creating groups with a logical
expect_warning(test <- custom.subsets(data, group = group))
expect_equal(name.subsets(test), c("FALSE", "TRUE"))
expect_equal(size.subsets(test), c("FALSE" = 98, "TRUE" = 102))
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