#' Generating lines plot
#' @param data Data frame or data file (with header line, the first column will not be treated as
#' the rowname, tab seperated)
#' @param melted When true, it will skip melt preprocesses and each column wolud be treated as separate attributes.
#' Default FALSE, accept TRUE.
#' @param xvariable Name for x-axis variable. For normal matrix, default the first column will be used,
#' The program will assign an value 'xvariable' to represent it.
#' @param xvariable_order Set orders of x-variable. For normal matrix, `xvariable_order` is the row order of data,
#' For melted matrix, accept a vector like c('CTCF','H3K27ac','Enhancer') to set your own order.
#' @param yvariable Name for y-axis variable. For normal matrix, all numbers except the first row and first column
#' would be used. The program will assign an value 'value' to represent it. Default value.
#' @param y_add A number to add if scale is used. Default 0 meaning the minimum non-zero value wolud be used.
#' @param yaxis_scale_mode Give the following `scale_y_log10()`,
#' `coord_trans(y="log10")`, or other legal command for ggplot2 or simply `log2` to set the scale way.
#' @param legend_variable Name for legend variable. Default variable for normal matrix (un-melted),
#' When `melted` is TRUE, this parameter is required unless all points belong to one group.
#' @param legend_variable_order Set orders of legend variable. Default column order for normal matrix,
#' accept a vector like c('CTCF','H3K27ac','Enhancer') to set your own order.
#' @param color_variable Name for color variable. Normally used when wanting to color lines by groups.
#' Default same as `variable`, this should only be set when `melted` is TRUE.
#' @param color_variable_order Set orders of color variable.
#' Only used when `color_variable` is not the same as `legend_variable`.
#' @param y_start_from_zero Set Y-axis ranges from zero. Default TRUE.
#' @param x_level Levels for x-axis variable, suitable when x-axis is not treated as numerical.
#' Default the order of first column for normal matrix.
#' @param x_label Xlab label. Default empty.
#' @param y_label Ylab label. Default empty.
#' @param smooth_method The smooth method one wants to use, eg. auto, lm, glm, gam, loess, rlm.
#' For observations < 1000 default is 'loess', observations >= 1000 defaults to 'gam'.
#' Default 'no smooth' meaning show the real lines and do not smooth lines. Accept auto, lm, glm, gam, loess, rlm.
#' @param line_size line size. Default NULL. Accept a number.
#' @param alpha Color transparency value. Default 0.6. Accept a number between 0-1.
#' @inheritParams sp_manual_color_ggplot2
#' @param xtics Default TRUE to display xtics. Accept FALSE to turn off xtics.
#' @param xtics_angle Rotation angle for x-tics (anti clockwise), Default 0.
#' @param ytics Default TRUE to display ytics. Accept FALSE to turn off ytics.
#' @param manual_xtics_pos Manually set the position of xtics. Default FALSE,
#' accept a vector of numbers in following format "c(1,2,3,4,5)" or other R code
#' that can generate a vector to set the position of xtics.
#' @param manual_xtics_value Manually set the value of xtics when `xtics_pos` is specified.
#' Default the content of `xtics_pos` when `xtics_pos` is specified,
#' accept a vector of numbers in following format "c(1,2,3,4,5)" or other R code
#' that can generate a vector to set the values of xtics.
#' @param filename Output name of pictures.
#' @param facet_wrap_formula The formula for `facet_wrap`. Default NULL meaning no facets. Currently unused.
#' @param facet_wrap_ncol Number of facet columns. Default NULL meaning no facets. Currently unused.
#' @param facet_wrap_nrow Number of facet rows. Default NULL meaning no facets. Currently unused.
#' @inheritParams sp_ggplot_add_vline_hline
#' @inheritParams sp_ggplot_layout
#' @param ... Parametes given to `sp_ggplot_layout`
#' @return A ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res_output <- data.frame(Pos=1:10,value =runif(20))
#' value=0.5
#' res_output$Variable <- ifelse(res_output$value<=value,"groupA", "groupB")
#' sp_lines(data=res_output, color_variable = "Variable", variable="Variable")
#' ## Not run:
#' lines_data = "lines.data"
#' sp_lines(data=lines_data, xvariable = "Pos", yvariable = "value", color_variable = "Variable", variable="Variable")
#' ## End(Not run)
sp_lines <- function(data,
melted = FALSE,
xvariable = NULL,
xvariable_order = NULL,
y_add = 0,
yvariable = NULL,
yaxis_scale_mode = "",
legend_variable = NULL,
legend_variable_order = NULL,
color_variable = NULL,
color_variable_order = NULL,
x_label = NULL,
y_label = NULL,
y_start_from_zero = T,
title = "",
smooth_method = "no smooth",
line_size = NULL,
alpha = 0.6,
manual_color_vector = NULL,
xtics = TRUE,
xtics_angle = 0,
ytics = TRUE,
legend.position = "right",
manual_xtics_pos = NULL,
manual_xtics_value = NULL,
width = 10,
height = 10,
xintercept = NULL,
custom_vline_anno = NULL,
yintercept = NULL,
custom_hline_anno = NULL,
facet_wrap_formula = NULL,
facet_wrap_nrow = NULL,
facet_wrap_ncol = NULL,
filename = NULL,
coordinate_flip = FALSE,
debug = FALSE,
...) {
if (debug) {
argg <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
if (melted) {
if (sp.is.null(xvariable) || sp.is.null(yvariable)) {
stop("For melted matrix, <xvariable> and <yvariable> should be supplied.")
} else {
xvariable = 'xvariable'
yvariable = 'value'
legend_variable = 'variable'
if (class(data) == "character") {
if (!melted) {
data <- sp_readTable(data, row.names = NULL)
data_rownames <- make.names(data[, 1], unique = T)
data <- data[, -1, drop = F]
rownames(data) <- data_rownames
data_colnames <- colnames(data)
data[[xvariable]] <- data_rownames
data <- melt(data, id.vars = xvariable)
} else {
data <- sp_readTable(data, row.names = NULL)
data_colnames <- colnames(data)
} else{
if(class(data) != "data.frame"){
stop("Unknown input format for `data` parameter.")
if (!melted) {
data_rownames <- rownames(data)
data_colnames <- colnames(data)
data[[xvariable]] <- data_rownames
data <- melt(data, id.vars = xvariable)
} else {
data_colnames <- colnames(data)
if(sp.is.null(xvariable) || sp.is.null(yvariable)){
stop('xvariable or yvariable must be specified!')
if (melted) {
if (!(xvariable %in% data_colnames &&
yvariable %in% data_colnames)) {
stop(paste(xvariable, 'or', yvariable, 'must be column names of data!'))
if (sp.is.null(legend_variable)) {
cat("All points would be treated as in one group.\n")
legend_variable = '_all_in_one_grp_sp_'
data[[legend_variable]] = 'Group'
if (yaxis_scale_mode != "") {
# Give the minimum non-zero value to add to avoid log2(0)
if (y_add == 0) {
y_add = sp_determine_log_add(data[[yvariable]])
data[[yvariable]] <- data[[yvariable]] + y_add
if (yaxis_scale_mode == "log2") {
data[[yvariable]] <- log2(data[[yvariable]])
xval_type = "string"
if (numCheck(data[[xvariable]])) {
xval_type = "numeric"
# When meets unusual numerical type like 2/3, transfer them to numeric
if (!is.numeric(data[[xvariable]])) {
data[[xvariable]] <- mixedToFloat(data[[xvariable]])
if (xval_type == "string") {
if (!sp.is.null(xvariable_order)) {
data = sp_set_factor_order(data, xvariable, xvariable_order)
} else if (!melted) {
# Use original row order as output order
data[[xvariable]] <-
factor(data[[xvariable]], levels = data_rownames, ordered = T)
if (sp.is.null(color_variable)) {
color_variable = legend_variable
if (color_variable != "variable" &&
color_variable != legend_variable) {
data = sp_set_factor_order(data, color_variable, color_variable_order)
if (!sp.is.null(legend_variable_order)) {
data = sp_set_factor_order(data, legend_variable, legend_variable_order)
} else if (!melted) {
data[[legend_variable]] <-
factor(data[[legend_variable]], levels = data_colnames, ordered = TRUE)
# Not work
# line_size will always be a number
# if(!sp.is.null(line_size)){
# if(is.numeric(line_size)){
# data[["line_size"]] = line_size
# line_size = "line_size"
# }else{
# if(!line_size %in% colnames(data)){
# stop("Unexisted columns specifed for line_size parameters")
# }
# }
# }
# print(data)
xvariable_en = sym(xvariable)
yvariable_en = sym(yvariable)
color_variable_en = sym(color_variable)
legend_variable_en = sym(legend_variable)
p <-
x = !!xvariable_en,
y = !!yvariable_en,
color = !!color_variable_en,
group = !!legend_variable_en
# +geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-se, ymax=value+se), width=1, size=0.5)
if (y_start_from_zero) {
p <- p + expand_limits(y = 0)
#p <- p + scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0, 0))
p <- p + theme(legend.key = element_blank())
# auto compute width and height/
if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
if (xval_type == "string") {
x_len = length(unique(data[[xvariable]]))
if (is.na(x_len)) {
x_len = 5
total_len = sum(nchar(unique(as.character(data[[xvariable]]))))
if (is.na(total_len)) {
total_len = 15
average_len = total_len / x_len
if (is.na(average_len)) {
average_len = 9
if (average_len < 10) {
width = total_len / 3
if (width < x_len) {
width = 10
} else {
if (x_len < 10) {
width = 10
} else if (x_len < 20) {
width = 12 + (x_len - 8) / 5
} else if (x_len < 100) {
width = 14 + (x_len - 20) / 5
if (width > 30) {
width = 30
} else {
width = 30
} else {
# span = max(data[[xvariable]]) - min(data[[xvariable]])
# width = span / 1000
width = 10
#if (width < 10) {
# width = 10
if (width < 6) {
width = 6
#height = 0.75 * width
if (legend.position %in% c("left", "right")) {
legend_len = max(sapply(as.vector(unique(data[[color_variable]])), nchar))
if (is.na(legend_len)) {
legend_len = 6
#if (average_len > 1) {
height = legend_len / 8 * width + average_len / 5
if (height < 0.75 * width) {
height = 0.75 * width
width = width + legend_len / 2
#} else {
# height = legend_len / 8 * width
} else if (legend.position %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
total_len = sum(nchar(unique(as.character(data[[color_variable]]))))
if (total_len / width > 4) {
width = width * total_len / width / 4
height = width
if (smooth_method != "no smooth") {
if(!sp.is.null(line_size) && is.numeric(line_size)){
p <- p + stat_smooth(method = smooth_method,
se = FALSE,
alpha = alpha, size=line_size)
p <- p + stat_smooth(method = smooth_method,
se = FALSE,
alpha = alpha)
} else{
if(!sp.is.null(line_size) && is.numeric(line_size)){
p <- p + geom_line(alpha = alpha, size=line_size)
else {
p <- p + geom_line(alpha = alpha)
if (!sp.is.null(line_size) && !is.numeric(line_size)) {
# cat("Generate line size column.\n")
if (!line_size %in% colnames(data)) {
stop("Unexisted columns specifed for line_size parameters")
line_size_en = sym(line_size)
p <-
p + aes(size = !!line_size_en)
if (yaxis_scale_mode != "" && (yaxis_scale_mode != "log2")) {
# Transfer string to R code
p <- p + eval(parse(text=yaxis_scale_mode))
p <- sp_manual_color_ggplot2(p, data, color_variable, manual_color_vector)
# p <- p + facet
p <- sp_ggplot_add_vline_hline(
xintercept = xintercept,
yintercept = yintercept,
custom_vline_anno = custom_vline_anno,
custom_hline_anno = custom_hline_anno
if (!xtics) {
p <-
p + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
if (!ytics) {
p <-
p + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
if (!sp.is.null(manual_xtics_pos)) {
if (sp.is.null(manual_xtics_value)) {
manual_xtics_value <- manual_xtics_pos
p <-
p + scale_x_continuous(breaks = manual_xtics_pos, labels = manual_xtics_value)
p <- sp_ggplot_layout(p,
filename = filename,
xtics_angle = xtics_angle,
legend.position = legend.position,
x_label = x_label,
y_label = y_label,
title = title,
coordinate_flip = coordinate_flip,
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