#' Generating venDiagram plot
#' @param data Data file (the first column is the name of genes or other things one want to compare, the second column is set name of each items, tab separated).
#' @param item_variable Specify the column containing all items (one of column names of data).
#' @param set_variable Specify the column containing set names (one of column names of data).
#' @param select_set_to_show Specific sets to look at.
#' @param doWeights Whether to use weights to represent data sets
#' @param type Represent data sets in different shapes. Do weighted select NO if the results are wrong
#' For 2-set Venn diagrams: circles, squares.
#' For 3-set Venn diagrams: circles, squares, ChowRuskey, triangles, AWFE.
#' For 4-set Venn diagrams: ChowRuskey, AWFE, squares or ellipses.
#' For Venn diagrams on more than four sets: classic(up to 8 sets), battle(up to 9 sets).
#' @param SetLabels Whether to plot the names of the Sets. Default TRUE.
#' @param Faces If Faces = TRUE, the sets will be filled with colors.
#' @param Sets If Sets = TRUE, the boundaries of the Sets are shown.
#' @param FaceText FaceText is a character vector which may contain any of c('weight','signature','sets','elements').
#' @inheritParams base_plot_save
#' @param ... Other parameters given to `base_plot_save`
#' @return A pdf file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Not run:
#' vennDiagram_data = "vennDiagram.data"
#' sp_vennDiagram3(data=vennDiagram_data, header = TRUE, item_variable = "Gene", set_variable = "Sample",
#' select_set_to_show = c("Set1","Set2","Set3"), doWeights = TRUE, type = "AWFE")
#' ## End(Not run)
sp_vennDiagram3 <- function (data,
header = TRUE,
item_variable = NULL,
set_variable = NULL,
select_set_to_show = NULL,
doWeights = FALSE,
type = "ellipses",
SetLabels = TRUE,
Faces = TRUE,
Sets = TRUE,
FaceText = "weight",
saveplot = NULL,
debug = FALSE,
saveppt = FALSE,
...) {
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (debug) {
argg <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
if (class(data) == "character") {
data <- sp_readTable(data, row.names = NULL, header = header)
} else if (class(data) != "data.frame") {
stop("Unknown input format for `data` parameter.")
data_colnames <- colnames(data)
if (sp.is.null(item_variable) || sp.is.null(set_variable)) {
stop("<item_variable> and <set_variable> should be supplied.")
if (!(item_variable %in% data_colnames &&
set_variable %in% data_colnames)) {
'must be one of column names of data!'
data <-
data[!is.na(data[[item_variable]]), c(item_variable, set_variable)]
data[[set_variable]] <- make.names(data[[set_variable]])
data <- unique(data)
labelRecord = unique(data[[set_variable]])
num = length(labelRecord)
generateVennData <- function(label, data) {
label = make.names(label)
label_content <-
data[data[[set_variable]] == label, item_variable]
labelContent = lapply(labelRecord, generateVennData, data)
names(labelContent) <- labelRecord
# 移除log
futile.logger::flog.threshold(futile.logger::ERROR, name = "VennDiagramLogger")
if (!sp.is.null(select_set_to_show)) {
labelContent <- labelContent[select_set_to_show]
} else if (type %in% c("circles", "squares", "ellipses")) {
labelContent <- labelContent[1:4]
if (length(labelContent) <= 3 && type == "ellipses") {
type = "circles"
vennplot <- Vennerable::Venn(labelContent)
# venncolor <- compute.Venn(vennplot)
# gp <- VennThemes(venncolor)
# gp[["Face"]][["11"]]$fill <-"brown"
# gp[["Face"]][["01"]]$fill <-"green"
# gp[["Face"]][["10"]]$fill <-"red"
# gp[["Face"]][["10"]]$fill <-"red"
if (!is.null(saveplot)) {
base_plot_save(saveplot, ...)
doWeights = doWeights,
type = type,
show = list(
SetLabels = SetLabels,
Faces = Faces,
Sets = Sets,
FaceText = FaceText
# plot(Vstem, doWeights = FALSE)
if (!is.null(saveplot)) {
if (saveppt) {
doWeights = doWeights,
type = type,
show = list(
SetLabels = SetLabels,
Faces = Faces,
Sets = Sets,
FaceText = FaceText
eoffice::topptx(filename = paste0(saveplot, ".pptx"))
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