# R functions for ADMUR package
# global variables
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c('age','datingType','site','calBP','phase','intcal20'))
getModelChoices <- function(){
# list is required in several functions, so avoids duplication if others are added to the package
# also provides the expected number of parameters for each, excpt CPL which can be any odd number of pars
names <- c('CPL','uniform','norm','exp','logistic','sine','cauchy','power','timeseries')
n.pars <- c(NA,1,2,1,2,3,2,2,1)
pars <- c( 'hinge coordinates',
'mean; SD',
'rate (r)',
'rate (k); centre (x_0)',
'frequency (f); cycle position in radians at x=0 (p); numeric between 0 and 1 determining how flat the distribution is (r)',
'centre location (x_0); scale (gamma)',
'b; c',
'scaling (r)')
description <- c( 'Contnuous Piecewise Linear model: any positive odd number of parameters, to define the free hinge points',
'Uniform model: a flat PDF requiring no parameters. I.e. the argument pars must be NULL',
'Gaussian model: aka a normal distribution',
'Exponential model: can be growth or decay',
'Logistic model: a sigmoidal model often used for growth from an initial founder event to a maximum carrying capacity',
'Sinusoidal model: a regularly oscillating PDF, always positive',
'Cauchy model: fatter tailed than Gaussians, which are arguably better descriptions of real data',
'Power function model',
'Timeseries model: an independent timeseries that is hypothesised to be a model for the timeseries being studied')
model.choices <- data.frame(names=names,n.pars=n.pars,pars=pars,description=description)
checkDataStructure <- function(data){
# data: data.frame of 14C dates. Requires 'age' and 'sd'.
# helper function to check format of data, and throw warnings
x <- 'good'
if(!is(data,'data.frame')){warning('data must be a data.frame');return('bad')}
if(sum(names(data)%in%c('age','sd'))!=2){warning("data must include 'age' and 'sd'");return('bad')}
if(!is.numeric(data$age)){warning('age must be numeric');return('bad')}
if(!is.numeric(data$sd)){warning('sd must be numeric');return('bad')}
if(min(data$age)<0){warning('some ages are negative');return('bad')}
if(min(data$sd)<1){warning('some sd are impossibly small');return('bad')}
checkData <- function(data){
# structural problems
x <- checkDataStructure(data)
# a few checks for absolute clangers
# check suspicious sds and ages
bad1 <- subset(data, sd<15)
bad2 <- data[(data$age/data$sd)>1000,]
bad3 <- data[(data$sd/data$age)>0.5,]
bad4 <- subset(data, age<100 | age>57000)
bad <- unique(rbind(bad1,bad2,bad3,bad4))
if(x=='good' & nrow(bad)==0)print('No obvious clangers found')
print('Please check the following samples...')
checkDatingType <- function(data){
# used by a couple of functions, so worth avoiding repetition
# assume all dates are 14C if no datingType is provided
data$datingType <- '14C'
warning('data did not contain datingType, so all dates are assumed to be 14C')
# avoid misspellings of '14C'
bad <- c('14c','C14','c14','14.C','14.c','c.14','C.14','c-14','C-14','14-C')
i <- data$datingType%in%bad
warning("Misspelling of '14C' in datingType are assumed to need calibrating")
data$datingType[i] <- '14C'
makeCalArray <- function(calcurve,calrange,inc=5){
# calcurve: intcal20 or any other calibration curve
# calrange: vector of two values giving a calendar range to analyse (BP). Narrowing the range from the default c(0,50000) reduces memory and time.
# inc: increments to interpolate calendar years.
# builds a matrix of probabilities representing the calibration curve
# rows of the matrix represent c14 years (annual resolution)
# columns of the matrix use the calcurve 14C date and error to form Gaussian distributions
# therefore it is rather memory intensive, and takes a while, but is only required once for any number of dates
# extract the requested section
calmin <- min(calrange)
calmax <- max(calrange)
# an extra 200 years is required to avoid edge effects
calmin.extra <- max((calmin - 200),0)
calmax.extra <- calmax + 200
# include an extra data row in the calibration curve, to 'feather' extremely old dates onto a 1-to-1 mapping of 14C to cal time
calcurve <- rbind(data.frame(cal=60000,C14=60000,error=calcurve$error[1]),calcurve)
# interpolate the calcurve to the required resolution
cal <- seq(calmin.extra,calmax.extra,by=inc)
c14.interp <- approx(x=calcurve$cal,y=calcurve$C14,xout=cal)$y
error.interp <- approx(x=calcurve$cal,y=calcurve$error,xout=cal)$y
# assume a one-to-one mapping of cal and c14 beyond 60000
i <- is.na(c14.interp)
c14.interp[i] <- cal[i]
error.interp[i] <- calcurve$error[1]
# pick a sensible c14 range, at 1 yr resolution
min.c14 <- round(min(c14.interp - 4*error.interp))
if(min.c14<0)min.c14 <- 0
max.c14 <- round(max(c14.interp + 4*error.interp))
c14 <- min.c14:max.c14
# fill the array
R <- length(c14)
C <- length(cal)
probs <- array(0,c(R,C))
for(i in 1:C)probs[,i] <- dnorm(c14,c14.interp[i],error.interp[i])
row.names(probs) <- c14
colnames(probs) <- cal
# store a bunch of objects
CalArray <- list(
probs = probs,
calcurve = calcurve,
cal = cal[cal>=calmin & cal<=calmax],
calrange = calrange,
inc = inc
# give it an attribute, so other functions can check it
attr(CalArray, 'creator') <- 'makeCalArray'
plotCalArray <- function(CalArray){
# CalArray: matrix created by makeCalArray(). Requires row and col names corresponding to c14 and cal years respectively
# Generates an image plot of the stacked Gaussians that define the calibration curve
# check argument
if(attr(CalArray, 'creator')!= 'makeCalArray') stop('CalArray was not made by makeCalArray()' )
P <- CalArray$probs
c14 <- as.numeric(row.names(P))
cal <- as.numeric(colnames(P))
col <- paste('grey',seq(100,0,by=-10),sep='')
image(cal,c14,t(P)^0.1,xlab='Cal BP',ylab='14C',xlim=rev(range(cal)),col=col, las=1, cex.axis=0.7, cex.lab=0.7)
plotPD <- function(x){
years <- as.numeric(row.names(x))
years <- x$year
x <- data.frame(x$pdf)
plot(NULL, type = "n", bty = "n", xlim = rev(range(years)), ylim=c(0,max(x)*1.2),las = 1, cex.axis = 0.7, cex.lab = 0.7, ylab='PD',xlab='calBP')
for(n in 1:ncol(x)){
prob <- x[,n]
polygon(x = c(years, years[c(length(years), 1)]), y = c(prob, 0, 0), col = "grey", border = 'steelblue')
if(ncol(x)>1)text(x=colSums(x*years)/colSums(x), y=apply(x, 2, max), labels=names(x),cex=0.7, srt=90)
chooseCalrange <- function(data,calcurve){
# data: data.frame of dates. Requires 'age' and 'sd' and datingType
# calcurve: the object 'intcal13' loaded from intcal13.RData, or any other calibration curve
calmin <- min <- calmax <- max <- NA
# choose a reasonable calrange for the 14C data
C14.data <- subset(data,datingType=='14C')
c14min <- min(C14.data$age - 5*pmax(C14.data$sd,20))
c14max <- max(C14.data$age + 5*pmax(C14.data$sd,20))
calmin <- min(calcurve$cal[calcurve$C14>c14min])
calmax <- max(calcurve$cal[calcurve$C14<c14max])
# choose a reasonable calrange for the nonC14 data
nonC14.data <- subset(data,datingType!='14C')
min <- min(nonC14.data$age - 5*pmax(nonC14.data$sd,20))
max <- max(nonC14.data$age + 5*pmax(nonC14.data$sd,20))
calrange <- c(min(calmin,min,na.rm=T),max(calmax,max,na.rm=T))
binner <- function(data, width, calcurve){
# data: data.frame containing at least the following columns :"age", "site", "datingType"
# width: any time interval in c14 time, default = 200 c14 years
# calcurve: the object 'intcal13' loaded from intcal13.RData, or any other calibration curve
# argument checks
if(!is.numeric(width))stop('width must be numeric')
if(width<1)stop('width must be > 1')
if(!is.data.frame(calcurve))stop('calcurve format must be data frame with cal, C14 and error')
if(sum(names(calcurve)%in%c('cal','C14','error'))!=3)stop('calcurve format must be data frame with cal, C14 and error')
if('phase'%in%names(data))warning('Data was already phased, so should not have been handed to binner(). Check for internal bug')
if(!'age'%in%names(data))stop('data format must be data frame with age')
if(!'site'%in%names(data))stop('data format must be data frame with site')
if(!'datingType'%in%names(data))stop('data format must be data frame with datingType')
# approximate nonC14 dates ito C14 time, so they can also be binned
data.C14 <- subset(data,datingType=='14C')
data.nonC14 <- subset(data,datingType!='14C')
data.C14$c14age <- data.C14$age
if(nrow(data.nonC14)>0)data.nonC14$c14age <- approx(x=calcurve$cal, y=calcurve$C14, xout=data.nonC14$age)$y
data <- rbind(data.C14,data.nonC14)
if(length(unique(data$site))>1)data <- data[order(data$site,data$c14age),]
data$phase <- NA
# binning
end <- 0
for(s in unique(data$site)){
site.data <- subset(data,site==s)
bins <- c()
gaps <- c(0,diff(site.data$c14age))
bin <- 1
n <- nrow(site.data)
for(i in 1:n){
if(gaps[i]>width)bin <- bin+1
bins[i] <- paste(s,bin,sep='.')
start <- end + 1
end <- start + n - 1
data$phase[start:end] <- bins
internalCalibrator <- function(data, CalArray){
# generate a summed probability distribution (SPD) of calibrated 14C dates
# This is acheived quickly by converting the uncalibrated dates using a prior, summing, then calibrating once
# This is equivalent to calibrating each date, then summing, but faster
# calibrates across the full range of CalArray.
# data: data.frame of 14C dates. Requires 'age' and 'sd'.
# CalArray: object created by makeCalArray(). Requires row and col names corresponding to c14 and cal years respectively
# check argument
if(attr(CalArray, 'creator')!= 'makeCalArray') stop('CalArray was not made by makeCalArray()' )
result <- data.frame(calBP=CalArray$cal,prob=0)
# generate prior (based on calibration curve, some c14 dates are more likely than others)
c14.prior <- rowSums(CalArray$prob)
# all c14 likelihoods (Either Gaussians or lognormals in c14 time)
c14 <- as.numeric(row.names(CalArray$prob))
all.dates <- t(array(c14,c(length(c14),nrow(data))))
# gaussian
# all.c14.lik <- dnorm(all.dates, mean=as.numeric(data$age), sd=as.numeric(data$sd))
# or log normals
m <- as.numeric(data$age)
v <- as.numeric(data$sd)^2
mu <- log(m^2/sqrt(v+m^2))
sig <- sqrt(log(v/m^2+1))
all.c14.lik <- dlnorm(all.dates, meanlog=mu, sdlog=sig)
# all c14 probabilities (bayes theorem requires two steps, multiply prior by likelihood, then divide by integral)
all.c14.prob <- c14.prior * t(all.c14.lik)
all.c14.prob <- t(all.c14.prob) / colSums(all.c14.prob,na.rm=T)
all.c14.prob[is.nan(all.c14.prob)] <- 0 # the division above will cause NaN if 0/0
# in the circumstance that some of the date falls outside the calibration curve range
all.c14.prob <- all.c14.prob * rowSums(all.c14.lik)
# combined c14 prob
c14.prob <- colSums(all.c14.prob)
# calibrate to cal
# division by prior to ensure the probability of all calendar dates (for a given c14) sum to 1
# ie, use the calibration curve to generate a probability for calendar time (for every c14)
# this combines the c14 probability distribution with the calendar probabilities given a c14 date.
cal.prob <- as.numeric(crossprod(as.numeric(c14.prob),CalArray$prob/c14.prior))
# truncate to the required range
result <- data.frame(calBP=as.numeric(colnames(CalArray$prob)),prob=cal.prob)
result <- subset(result, calBP>=min(CalArray$calrange) & calBP<=max(CalArray$calrange))
summedCalibrator <- function(data, CalArray, normalise = 'standard', checks = TRUE){
# performs a few checks
# separates data into C14 for calibration using internalCalibrator(), and nonC14 dates
# combines PDs to produce an SPD
# reduces the SPD to the orginal required range and applies normalisation if required
result <- data.frame(rep(0,length(CalArray$cal)))
row.names(result) <- CalArray$cal
names(result) <- NULL
# check arguments
data <- checkDatingType(data)
if(attr(CalArray, 'creator')!= 'makeCalArray') stop('CalArray was not made by makeCalArray()' )
if(!normalise %in% c('none','standard','full')) stop('normalise must be none, standard or full')
# C14
C14.data <- subset(data, datingType=='14C')
C14.PD <- internalCalibrator(C14.data, CalArray)$prob
C14.PD <- C14.PD/CalArray$inc # PD needs dividing by inc to convert area to height (PMF to PDF). Not required for nonC14, as dnorm() already generated PDF
# nonC14
nonC14.data <- subset(data, datingType!='14C')
n <- nrow(nonC14.data)
nonC14.PD <- colSums(matrix(dnorm(rep(CalArray$cal,each=n), nonC14.data$age, nonC14.data$sd),n,length(CalArray$cal)))
# combine
PD <- nonC14.PD + C14.PD
# No normalisation. Results in a PD with an area equal to the total number of samples minus any probability mass outside the date range. For example in cases where CalArray is badly specified to the dataset, or visaversa.
# Rarely required.
result <- data.frame(PD)
# Standard normalisation adjusts for the number of samples. Results in a PD with a total area of 1 minus any probability mass outside the date range. For example in cases where CalArray is badly specified to the dataset, or visaversa.
# should be used with phaseCalibrator().
PD <- PD / nrow(data)
result <- data.frame(PD)
# Full normalisation results in a true PDF with a total area equal to 1.
# Should be used when all dates are of equal importance, and the resulting SPD is the final product. For example when generating simulated SPDs.
PD <- PD / (sum(PD) * CalArray$inc)
result <- data.frame(PD)
row.names(result) <- CalArray$cal
names(result) <- NULL
phaseCalibrator <- function(data, CalArray, width = 200, remove.external = FALSE){
# generates a normalised SPD for every phase, phasing data through binner if required
# remove.external: exludes phases (columns) with less than half their probability mass outside the date range. Useful for modelling.
# argument checks
if(!is.numeric(width))stop('width must be numeric')
if(width<1)stop('width must be > 1')
if(attr(CalArray, 'creator')!= 'makeCalArray') stop('CalArray was not made by makeCalArray()' )
data <- checkDatingType(data)
# ensure dates are phased
if(!'site'%in%names(data))stop("data must contain 'phase' or 'site'")
calcurve <- CalArray$calcurve
data <- binner(data=data, width=width, calcurve=calcurve)
warning("data did not contain 'phase', so phases were generated automatically")
phases <- sort(unique(data$phase))
phase.SPDs <- array(0,c(length(CalArray$cal),length(phases)))
for(p in 1:length(phases)){
phase.data <- subset(data,phase==phases[p])
phase.SPDs[,p] <- summedCalibrator(phase.data, CalArray, normalise = 'standard', checks = FALSE)[,1]
phase.SPDs <- as.data.frame(phase.SPDs); names(phase.SPDs) <- phases; row.names(phase.SPDs) <- CalArray$cal
# remove phases that are mostly outside the date range
keep.i <- colSums(phase.SPDs)>=(0.5 / CalArray$inc)
phase.SPDs <- phase.SPDs[,keep.i, drop=FALSE]
summedCalibratorWrapper <- function(data, calcurve=intcal20, plot=TRUE){
# data: data.frame of 14C dates. Requires 'age' and 'sd' and optional datingType
# calcurve: the object intcal13 loaded from intcal13.RData, or any other calibration curve
# function to easily plot a calibrated Summed Probability Distribution from 14C dates
# takes care of choosing a sensible date and interpolation increments range automatically
data <- checkDatingType(data)
calrange <- chooseCalrange(data,calcurve)
inc <- 5
if(diff(calrange)>10000)inc <- 10
if(diff(calrange)>25000)inc <- 20
CalArray <- makeCalArray(calcurve,calrange,inc)
SPD <- summedCalibrator(data,CalArray, normalise='standard')
return(SPD) }
summedPhaseCalibrator <- function(data, calcurve, calrange, inc=5, width=200){
CalArray <- makeCalArray(calcurve=calcurve, calrange=calrange, inc=inc)
x <- phaseCalibrator(data=data, CalArray=CalArray, width=width, remove.external = FALSE)
SPD <- as.data.frame(rowSums(x))
# normalise
SPD <- SPD/(sum(SPD) * CalArray$inc)
names(SPD) <- NULL
uncalibrateCalendarDates <- function(dates, calcurve){
# dates: vector of calendar dates (point estimates)
# randomly samples dates the calcurve error, at the corresponding cal date
# returns a vector of point estimates on 14C scale
# include an extra data row in the calibration curve, to 'feather' extremely old dates onto a 1-to-1 mapping of 14C to cal time
calcurve <- rbind(data.frame(cal=60000,C14=60000,error=calcurve$error[1]),calcurve)
simC14.means <- approx(x=calcurve$cal,y=calcurve$C14,xout=dates)$y
simC14.errors <- approx(x=calcurve$cal,y=calcurve$error,xout=dates)$y
simC14Samples <- numeric(length(dates))
i <- !is.na(simC14.means) & !is.na(simC14.errors)
simC14Samples[i] <- round(rnorm(n=sum(i),mean=simC14.means[i],sd=simC14.errors[i]))
simC14Samples[!i] <- round(dates[!i])
interpolate.model.to.PD <- function(PD, model){
years <- as.numeric(row.names(PD))
x <- as.numeric(model$year)
y <- model$pdf
y.out <- approx(x=x, y=y, xout=years)$y
model <- data.frame(year=years, pdf=y.out)
loglik <- function(PD, model){
# relative likelihood of a perfectly precise date is the model PDF
# therefore the relative likelihood of a date with uncertainty is an average of the model PDF, weighted by the date probabilities.
# Numerically this is the scalar product: sum of (model PDF x date PDF).
years <- as.numeric(row.names(PD))
# ensure the date ranges exactly match. If not, interpolate model pdf to match PD.
check <- identical(years,model$year)
if(!check) model <- interpolate.model.to.PD(PD, model)
# ensure model PD is provided as a discretised PDF
inc <- (years[2]-years[1])
model$pdf <- model$pdf/(sum(model$pdf)*inc)
# convert the date PD pdfs to discrete PMFs to perform a weighted average
PMF <- PD * inc
# likelihoods weighted by the observational uncertainty
weighted.PD <- PMF * model$pdf
# sum all possibilities for each date (a calibrated date's probabilities are OR) to give the relative likelihood for each date.
liks <- colSums(weighted.PD)
# calculate the overall log lik given all the dates
loglik <- sum(log(liks))
if(is.nan(loglik))loglik <- -Inf
convertPars <- function(pars, years, type, timeseries=NULL){
# ensure pars are a matrix
if(!is(pars,'matrix'))pars <- t(as.matrix(pars))
# sanity checks
model.choices <- getModelChoices()$names
if(sum(type=='CPL')>1)stop('multiple CPL models makes no sense, run a single CPL with more parameters')
if(sum(!type%in%model.choices)!=0)stop(paste('Unknown model type. Choose from:',paste(model.choices,collapse=', ')))
if(!is(years,'numeric'))stop('years must be a numeric vector')
if(!is(timeseries,'data.frame'))stop('timeseries must be a data frame')
if(sum(c('x','y')%in%names(timeseries))!=2)stop('timeseries must include x and y')
# convert parameters to a list, accounting for the fact that CPL can have any odd number of parameters
MC <- getModelChoices()
x <- MC$n.pars[MC$names%in%type]
n.pars.cpl <- ncol(pars) - sum(x,na.rm=T)
x[is.na(x)] <- n.pars.cpl
if(n.pars.cpl<1)stop('incorrect number of pars')
end.index <- cumsum(x)
start.index <- c(0,end.index)[1:length(end.index)]+1
# loop through each row of pars
res <- data.frame(year=years)
R <- nrow(pars)
for(r in 1:R){
pars.list <- list()
for(n in 1:length(x))pars.list[[n]] <- pars[r,start.index[n]:end.index[n]]
N <- length(pars.list)
# converting the parameters - can handle the conflation of multiple functions
tmp <- rep(1,length(years))
for(n in 1:N)tmp <- tmp*convertParsInner (pars.list[[n]],years,type[n], timeseries)
# The model must be returned as a PDF. I.e, the total area must sum to 1.
inc <- years[2]-years[1]
pdf <- tmp/(sum(tmp)*inc)
df <- data.frame(year = years, pdf = pdf)
if(R>1)names(df) <- c('year',paste('pdf',r,sep=''))
res <- merge(res,df,by='year')
convertParsInner <- function(model.pars, years, type, timeseries){
tmp <- CPLPDF(years,model.pars)
if(!is.na(model.pars))stop('A uniform model must have a single NA parameter')
tmp <- dunif(years, min(years), max(years))
if(length(model.pars)!=2)stop('A Gaussian model must have two parameters, mean and sd')
tmp <- dnorm(years, model.pars[1], model.pars[2])
if(length(model.pars)!=1)stop('exponential model requires just one rate parameter')
tmp <- exponentialPDF(years, min(years), max(years),model.pars[1])
if(length(model.pars)!=2)stop('logistic model requires two parameters, rate and centre')
tmp <- logisticPDF(years, min(years), max(years),model.pars[1], model.pars[2])
if(length(model.pars)!=3)stop('A sinusoidal model must have three parameters, f, p and r')
tmp <- sinewavePDF(years, min(years), max(years), model.pars[1], model.pars[2], model.pars[3])
if(length(model.pars)!=2)stop('A cauchy model must have two parameters, location and scale')
tmp <- cauchyPDF(years, min(years), max(years),model.pars[1], model.pars[2])
if(length(model.pars)!=2)stop('A power function model must have two parameters, b and c')
tmp <- powerPDF(years, min(years), max(years),model.pars[1], model.pars[2])
if(length(model.pars)!=1)stop('A timeseries model must have a single scaling parameter')
tmp <- timeseriesPDF(years, min(years), max(years),model.pars[1], timeseries)
inc <- years[2]-years[1]
pdf <- tmp/(sum(tmp)*inc)
CPLparsToHinges <- function(pars, years){
res <- CPLparsToHingesInner(pars, years)
N <- nrow(pars)
C <- (ncol(pars)+1)/2 +1
yr <- pdf <- as.data.frame(matrix(,N,C))
names(yr) <- paste('yr',1:C,sep='')
names(pdf) <- paste('pdf',1:C,sep='')
for(n in 1:N){
x <- CPLparsToHingesInner(pars[n,],years)
yr[n,] <- x$year
pdf[n,] <- x$pdf
res <- cbind(yr,pdf)
CPLparsToHingesInner <- function(pars, years){
# must be odd, as (2n-1 parameters where n=number of pieces)
cond <- ((length(pars)+1) %% 2) == 0
if(!cond)stop('A CPL model must have an odd number of parameters')
# parameters must be between 0 and 1
if(sum(pars>1 | pars<0)!=0)stop('CPL parameters must be between 0 and 1')
x.par <- c()
y.par <- pars
x.par <- pars[1:((length(pars)-1)/2)]
y.par <- pars[(length(x.par)+1):length(pars)]
# conversion of pars to raw hinge coordinates x between 0 and 1, and y between 0 and Inf
# much more efficient stick breaking algorithm for x
# mapping for y (0 to 1) -> (0 to Inf) using (1/(1-y)^2)-1
# y0 is arbitrarily fixed at 3 since (1/(1-0.5)^2)-1
xn <- length(x.par)
if(xn>=1)proportion <- qbeta(x.par, 1 , xn:1)
if(xn==0)proportion <- c()
x.raw <- c(0,1-cumprod(1 - proportion),1)
y.raw <- c(3, (1/(1-y.par)^2)-1)
# convert x.raw from 0 to 1, to years
x <- x.raw * (max(years)-min(years)) + min(years)
# area under curve
widths <- diff(x)
mids <- 0.5*(y.raw[1:(xn+1)]+y.raw[2:(xn+2)])
area <- sum(widths*mids)
# convert y.raw to PD
y <- y.raw/area
# store
d <- data.frame(year=x, pdf=y)
objectiveFunction <- function(pars, PDarray, type, timeseries=NULL){
if(!is.data.frame(PDarray))stop('PDarray must be a data frame')
years <- as.numeric(row.names(PDarray))
model <- convertPars(pars,years,type,timeseries)
loglik <- loglik(PDarray, model)
proposalFunction <- function(pars, jumps, type, taph.min, taph.max){
moves <- rnorm(length(pars),0,jumps)
new.pars <- pars + moves
# technical constraints. Usually floating point bullshit.
new.pars[new.pars<0.00000000001] <- 0.00000000001
new.pars[new.pars>0.99999999999] <- 0.99999999999
if(new.pars==0)new.pars <- 1e-100
new.pars[new.pars<=1] <- 1
mcmc <- function(PDarray, startPars, type, timeseries=NULL, N = 30000, burn = 2000, thin = 5, jumps = 0.02){
model.choices <- getModelChoices()$names
if(sum(!type%in%model.choices)!=0)stop(paste('Unknown model type. Choose from:',paste(model.choices,collapse=', ')))
# starting parameters
pars <- startPars
all.pars <- matrix(,N,length(startPars))
# mcmc loop
accepted <- rep(0,N)
for(n in 1:N){
all.pars[n,] <- pars
llik <- -objectiveFunction(pars, PDarray, type, timeseries)
prop.pars <- proposalFunction(pars, jumps, type)
prop.llik <- -objectiveFunction(prop.pars, PDarray, type, timeseries)
ratio <- min(exp(prop.llik-llik),1)
move <- sample(c(T,F),size=1,prob=c(ratio,1-ratio))
pars <- prop.pars
accepted[n] <- 1
if(n%in%seq(0,N,by=1000))print(paste(n,'iterations of',N))
ar <- sum(accepted[burn:N])/(N-burn)
# thinning
i <- seq(burn,N,by=thin)
res <- all.pars[i,]
return(list(res=res,all.pars=all.pars, acceptance.ratio=ar))}
simulateCalendarDates <- function(model, n){
# sanity check a few arguments
if(!is.data.frame(model))stop('model must be a data frame')
cond <- sum(c('year','pdf')%in%names(model))
if(cond!=2)stop('model must include year and pdf')
x <- range(model$year) + c(-150,150)
years.wide <- min(x):max(x)
pdf.wider <- approx(x=model$year,y=model$pdf,xout=years.wide,ties='ordered',rule=2)$y
dates <- sample(years.wide, replace=T, size=n, prob=pdf.wider)
estimateDataDomain <- function(data, calcurve){
thresholds <- c(60000,20000,4000)
incs <- c(100,20,1)
min.year <- 0
max.year <- 60000
for(n in 1:length(incs)){
if((max.year - min.year) > thresholds[n])return(c(min.year, max.year))
if((max.year - min.year) <= thresholds[n]){
CalArray <- makeCalArray(calcurve, calrange = c(min.year, max.year), inc = incs[n])
SPD <- summedCalibrator(data, CalArray)
cum <- cumsum(SPD[,1])/sum(SPD)
min.year <- CalArray$cal[min(which(cum>0.000001)-1)]
max.year <- CalArray$cal[max(which(cum<0.999999)+2)]
return(c(min.year, max.year))}
SPDsimulationTest <- function(data, calcurve, calrange, pars, type, inc=5, N=20000, timeseries=NULL){
# data checks
data <- checkDatingType(data)
# 1. generate observed data SPD
print('Generating SPD for observed data')
CalArray <- makeCalArray(calcurve, calrange, inc) # makeCalArray, used for obs and each simulation
x <- phaseCalibrator(data, CalArray, width=200, remove.external = FALSE)
SPD.obs <- as.data.frame(rowSums(x))
SPD.obs <- SPD.obs/(sum(SPD.obs) * CalArray$inc)
SPD.obs <- SPD.obs[,1]
# 2. various sample sizes and effective sample sizes
# number of dates in the entire dataset
n.dates.all <- nrow(data)
# effective number of dates that contribute to the date range. Some dates may be slightly outside, giving non-integer.
tmp <- summedCalibrator(data, CalArray, normalise = 'none')
n.dates.effective <- round(sum(tmp)*inc,1)
# number of phases in entire dataset
if(!'phase'%in%names(data))data <- binner(data, width=200, calcurve)
n.phases.all <- length(unique(data$phase))
# effective number of phases that contribute to the date range. Some phases may be slightly outside, giving non-integer.
n.phases.effective <- round(sum(x)*inc,1)
# number of phases that are mostly internal to date range, used for likelihoods
n.phases.internal <- sum(colSums(x)>=(0.5 /inc))
# 3. convert best pars to a model
print('Converting model parameters into a PDF')
model <- convertPars(pars, years=CalArray$cal, type, timeseries)
# 4. Generate N simulations
print('Generating simulated SPDs under the model')
SPD.sims <- matrix(,length(SPD.obs),N) # blank matrix
# how many phases to simulate, increasing slightly to account for sampling across a range 300 yrs wider
np <- round(sum(x)*inc * (1+300/diff(calrange)))
# Generate simulations
for(n in 1:N){
cal <- simulateCalendarDates(model=model, n=np)
age <- uncalibrateCalendarDates(cal, calcurve)
d <- data.frame(age = age, sd = sample(data$sd, replace=T, size=length(age)), datingType = '14C')
SPD.sims[,n] <- summedCalibrator(d, CalArray, normalise = 'full')[,1]
# house-keeping
if(n>1 & n%in%seq(0,N,length.out=11))print(paste(n,'of',N,'simulations completed'))
# 5. Construct various timeseries summaries
# calBP years
calBP <- CalArray$cal
# expected simulation
expected.sim <- rowMeans(SPD.sims)
# local standard deviation
SD <- apply(SPD.sims,1,sd)
# CIs
CI <- t(apply(SPD.sims,1,quantile,prob=c(0.025,0.125,0.25,0.75,0.875,0.975)))
# model
mod <- approx(x=model$year,y=model$pdf,xout=calBP,ties='ordered',rule=2)$y
# index of SPD.obs above (+1) and below(-1) the 95% CI
upper.95 <- CI[,dimnames(CI)[[2]]=="97.5%"]
lower.95 <- CI[,dimnames(CI)[[2]]=="2.5%"]
index <- as.numeric(SPD.obs>=upper.95)-as.numeric(SPD.obs<=lower.95) # -1,0,1 values
# 6. calculate summary statistic for each sim and obs; and GOF p-value
print('Generating summary statistics')
# for observed
# summary stat (SS) is simply the proportion of years outside the 95%CI
SS.obs <- sum(SPD.obs>upper.95 | SPD.obs<lower.95) / length(SPD.obs)
# for each simulation
SS.sims <- numeric(N)
for(n in 1:N){
SPD <- SPD.sims[,n]
SS.sims[n] <-sum(SPD>upper.95 | SPD<lower.95) / length(SPD.obs)
# calculate p-value
pvalue <- sum(SS.sims>=SS.obs)/N
# 7. summarise and return
timeseries <- cbind(data.frame(calBP=calBP, expected.sim=expected.sim, local.sd=SD, model=mod, SPD=SPD.obs, index=index),CI)
relativeDeclineRate <- function(x, y, generation, N){
x <- sort(x, decreasing=T)
y <- sort(y, decreasing=T)
X <- seq(x[1],x[2], length.out=N)
Y <- seq(y[1],y[2], length.out=N)
k <- exp(log(Y[2:N]/Y[1:(N-1)])/((X[1:(N-1)]-X[2:N])/generation))
res <- 100*(mean(k)-1)
x <- t(apply(x, MARGIN=1, FUN=sort, decreasing=T))
y <- t(apply(y, MARGIN=1, FUN=sort, decreasing=T))
C <- nrow(x)
X <- Y <- matrix(,N, C)
for(c in 1:C){
X[,c] <- seq(x[c,1],x[c,2],length.out=N)
Y[,c] <- seq(y[c,1],y[c,2],length.out=N)
km <- matrix(,N-1,C)
for(c in 1:C)km[,c] <- exp(log(Y[2:N,c]/Y[1:(N-1),c])/((X[1:(N-1),c]-X[2:N,c])/generation))
res <- 100*(colMeans(km)-1)
return(res) }
relativeRate <- function(x, y, generation=25, N=1000){
grad <- diff(y)/diff(x)
res <- relativeDeclineRate(x, y, generation, N)
if(grad<0)res <- res*(-1)
grad <- apply(x, MARGIN=1, FUN=diff)/apply(y, MARGIN=1, FUN=diff)
res <- relativeDeclineRate(x, y, generation, N)
res[grad<0] <- res[grad<0]*(-1)
CPLPDF <- function(x,pars){
hinges <- CPLparsToHinges(pars, x)
pdf <- approx(x=hinges$year, y=hinges$pdf, xout=x)$y
timeseriesPDF <- function(x,min,max,r,timeseries){
if(r<0 | r>1)stop('r must be between 0 and 1')
pos.y <- timeseries$y - min(timeseries$y)
tmp <- (1-r)*mean(pos.y)+(pos.y)*r
interp <- approx(x=timeseries$x, y=tmp, xout=x, rule=2)
num <- interp$y
n <- length(num)
denom <- sum((interp$y[1:(n-1)]+interp$y[2:n])*0.5 * diff(interp$x[1:2]))
pdf <- num/denom
sinewavePDF <- function(x,min,max,f,p,r){
if(r<0 | r>1)stop('r must be between 0 and 1')
if(p<0 | p>(2*pi))stop('p must be between 0 and 2pi')
num <- (sin(2*pi*f*x + p) + 1 - log(r))
denom <- (max - min)*(1 - log(r)) + (1/(2*pi*f))*( cos(2*pi*f*min+p) - cos(2*pi*f*max+p) )
pdf <- num/denom
exponentialPDF <- function(x,min,max,r){
num <- -r*exp(-r*x)
denom <- exp(-r*max)-exp(-r*min)
pdf <- num/denom
logisticPDF <- function(x,min,max,k,x0){
num <- 1 / ( 1 + exp( -k * (x0-x) ) )
denom <- (1/k) * log( (1 + exp(k*(x0-min)) ) / (1 + exp(k*(x0-max)) ) )
pdf <- num/denom
cauchyPDF <- function(x,min,max,x0,g){
num <- 1
denom1 <- g
denom2 <- 1+((x-x0)/g)^2
denom3 <- atan((x0-min)/g) - atan((x0-max)/g)
pdf <- num/(denom1*denom2*denom3)
powerPDF <- function(x,min,max,b,c){
num <- (c+1)*(b+x)^c
denom <- (b+max)*(c+1) - (b+min)*(c+1)
pdf <- num/denom
plotSimulationSummary <- function(summary, title=NULL, legend.x=NULL, legend.y=NULL){
X <- summary$timeseries$calBP
Y <- summary$timeseries$SPD
ymax <- max(Y,summary$timeseries$model,summary$timeseries$'97.5%')*1.05
P <- paste(', p =',round(summary$pvalue,3))
if(round(summary$pvalue,3)==0)P <- ', p < 0.001'
xticks <- seq(max(X),min(X),by=-1000)
if(is.null(title))title <- paste('Samples N = ',round(summary$n.dates.effective),', bins N = ',round(summary$n.phases.effective),P,sep='')
if(is.null(legend.x))legend.x <- max(X)*0.75
if(is.null(legend.y))legend.y <- ymax*0.8
plot(NULL,xlim=rev(range(X)),ylim=c(0,ymax), main='', xlab='calBP', ylab='PD', xaxt='n',las=1, cex.axis=0.6)
polygon(x=c(X,rev(X)) ,y=c(summary$timeseries$`2.5%`,rev(summary$timeseries$`97.5%`)) ,col='grey90',border=F)
polygon(x=c(X,rev(X)) ,y=c(summary$timeseries$`12.5%`,rev(summary$timeseries$`87.5%`)) ,col='grey70',border=F)
polygon(x=c(X,rev(X)) ,y=c(summary$timeseries$`25%`,rev(summary$timeseries$`75%`)) ,col='grey50',border=F)
upperpoly <- which(summary$timeseries$index != 1)
lowerpoly <- which(summary$timeseries$index != -1)
upper.y <- lower.y <- Y
upper.y[upperpoly] <- summary$timeseries$model[upperpoly]
lower.y[lowerpoly] <- summary$timeseries$model[lowerpoly]
polygon(c(X,rev(X)),c(upper.y,rev(summary$timeseries$model)),border=NA, col='firebrick')
polygon(c(X,rev(X)),c(lower.y,rev(summary$timeseries$model)),border=NA, col='firebrick')
lines(x=X, y=summary$timeseries$model, col='steelblue',lty=3, lwd=2)
smooth <- round(200/mean(diff(X)))
Y.smooth <- rollmean(Y,smooth)
X.smooth <- rollmean(X,smooth)
legend(legend=c('SPD (200 yrs rolling mean)','SPD','Null model','50% CI','75% CI','95% CI','Outside 95% CI'),
x = legend.x,
y = legend.y,
cex = 0.7,
bty = 'n',
lty = c(1,2,3,NA,NA,NA,NA),
lwd = c(2,1,2,NA,NA,NA,NA),
col = c(1,1,'steelblue',NA,NA,NA,NA),
fill = c(NA,NA,NA,'grey50','grey70','grey90','firebrick'),
border = NA,
xjust = 1,
x.intersp = c(1,1,1,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5))
rollmean <- function(x,k){
if(k<1)stop('k must be >=1')
if(abs(k - round(k))>0.0000001){
warning(' k was not an integer, so has been rounded')
k <- round(k)
cs <- cumsum(c(0,x))
res <- (cs[-(1:k)] - cs[1:(length(cs)-k)])/k
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