#' Obtain the parameters for mutation signatures and memberships
#' @param mutationFeatureData the mutation data (MutationFeatureData class
#' (S4 class)) by the \code{hildaReadMPFile}.
#' @param K the number of mutation signatures
#' @param numInit the number of performing calculations with different initial
#' values
#' @param tol tolerance for the estimation
#' (when the difference of log-likelihoods become below this value, stop
#' the estimation)
#' @param maxIter the maximum number of iteration of estimation
#' @return The output is an instance of EstimatedParameters S4 class, which
#' stores estimated parameters and other meta-information, and will be
#' used for saving parameter values and visualizing the mutation
#' signatures and memberships
#' @examples
#' ## After obtaining G (see e.g., hildaReadMPFile function)
#' load(system.file("extdata/sample.rdata", package="HiLDA"))
#' Param <- pmgetSignature(G, K = 3)
#' @useDynLib HiLDA
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats rgamma
#' @importFrom methods slot is
#' @export
pmgetSignature <- function(mutationFeatureData, K, numInit = 10, tol = 1e-4,
maxIter = 10000) {
if (is(mutationFeatureData)[1] != "MutationFeatureData") {
stop("This inputfile is not an MutationFeatureData object.")
if (K <= 1) {
stop("Please enter an integer number greater than 1.")
varK <- K
BG <- 0
sampleNum <- length(slot(mutationFeatureData, "sampleList"))
fdim <- slot(mutationFeatureData, "possibleFeatures")
tempL <- -Inf
tempPar <- c()
for (kkk in seq_len(numInit)) {
F <- array(0, c(varK, length(fdim), max(fdim)))
for (k in seq_len(varK)) {
for (kk in seq_len(length(fdim))) {
F[k,kk,seq_len(fdim[kk])] <- stats::rgamma(fdim[kk], rep(1, fdim[kk]))
F[k,kk,seq_len(fdim[kk])] <-
F[k,kk,seq_len(fdim[kk])] / sum(F[k,kk,seq_len(fdim[kk])])
Q <- matrix(rgamma(sampleNum * K, 1, 1), K, sampleNum)
Q <- sweep(Q, 2, apply(Q, 2, sum), `/`)
p0 <- c(convertToTurbo_F(as.vector(F), fdim, K, isBG),
convertToTurbo_Q(as.vector(t(Q)), K, sampleNum))
Y <- list(list(sampleNum, fdim, slot(mutationFeatureData,
slot(mutationFeatureData, "countData")), K, isBG, BG)
res1 <- mySquareEM(p0, Y, tol = tol, maxIter = maxIter)
cat(paste("#trial: ", sprintf("%2d", kkk),
"; #iteration: ", sprintf("%4d", as.integer(res1$itr)),
"; time(s): ", sprintf("%4.2f", res1$elapsed.time),
"; convergence: ", res1$convergence,
"; loglikelihood: ",
sprintf("%.4f", res1$value.objfn), "\n", sep=""
if (res1$value.objfn > tempL) {
tempL <- res1$value.objfn
tempPar <- res1$par
lenF <- varK * (sum(fdim) - length(fdim))
lenQ <- sampleNum * (K - 1)
F <- convertFromTurbo_F(tempPar[seq_len(lenF)], fdim, K, isBG)
Q <- convertFromTurbo_Q(tempPar[(lenF + 1):(lenF + lenQ)], K, sampleNum)
dim(F) <- c(varK, length(fdim), max(fdim))
dim(Q) <- c(sampleNum, K)
# return(list(F, Q, tempL))
return(new(Class = "EstimatedParameters",
type = slot(mutationFeatureData, "type"),
flankingBasesNum = slot(mutationFeatureData, "flankingBasesNum"),
transcriptionDirection = slot(mutationFeatureData,
possibleFeatures = slot(mutationFeatureData, "possibleFeatures"),
sampleList = slot(mutationFeatureData, "sampleList"),
signatureNum = as.integer(K),
isBackGround = isBG,
backGroundProb = BG,
signatureFeatureDistribution = F,
sampleSignatureDistribution = Q,
loglikelihood = tempL)
#' A function for estimating parameters using Squared EM algorithm
#' @param p this variable includes the parameters for mutation signatures and
#' membership parameters
#' @param y this variable includes the information on the mutation features,
#' the number of mutation signatures specified and so on
#' @param tol tolerance for the estimation
#' (when the difference of log-likelihoods become below this value,
#' stop the estimation)
#' @param maxIter the maximum number of iteration of estimation
#' @return a list
mySquareEM <- function(p, y, tol = 1e-4, maxIter = 10000) {
prevL <- -Inf
step.min <- 1
step.max <- 1
step.max0 <- 1
mstep <- 4
objfn.inc <- 1
updEvalNum <- 0
LEvalNum <- 0
useSquareEM <- 0
iterNum <- 0
convFlag <- FALSE
startTime <- proc.time()
newL <- calcPMSLikelihood(p, y)
LEvalNum <- LEvalNum + 1
for (iterNum in seq_len(maxIter)) {
p1 <- updatePMSParam(p, y)
updEvalNum <- updEvalNum + 1
if ( any(is.nan(unlist(p1))) ) {
stop("Error in function evaluation")
q1 <- p1 - p
sr2 <- crossprod(q1)
p2 <- updatePMSParam(p1, y)
updEvalNum <- updEvalNum + 1
if ( any(is.nan(unlist(p2))) ) {
stop("Error in function evaluation")
q2 <- p2 - p1
sq2 <- sqrt(crossprod(q2))
sv2 <- crossprod(q2 - q1)
srv <- crossprod(q1, q2 - q1)
# alpha <- switch(ctrl$version, -srv/sv2, -sr2/srv, sqrt(sr2/sv2))
alpha <- -srv/sv2
alpha <- max(step.min, min(step.max, alpha))
p.new <- p + 2 * alpha * q1 + alpha^2 * (q2 - q1)
# This step is done in the original turboEM code...
# but I cannot understand why this step is necessary....
if (isTRUE(abs(alpha - 1) > 0.01) ) {
p.new <- updatePMSParam(p.new, y)
updEvalNum <- updEvalNum + 1
# when p.new has some problems...
if (any(is.nan(p.new)) | !PMSboundary(y)(p.new) ) {
p.new <- p2
newL <- calcPMSLikelihood(p2, y)
LEvalNum <- LEvalNum + 1
# since there was a problem, consider to reduce the amount of step max
if (isTRUE(all.equal(alpha, step.max))) {
step.max <- max(step.max0, step.max / mstep)
alpha <- 1
# when p.new is O.K....
} else {
newL <- calcPMSLikelihood(p.new, y)
LEvalNum <- LEvalNum + 1
# when the calculated log-likelihood has some problems
# or the difference betwen the calculated log-likelihood is large...
if (is.nan(newL) | (newL > prevL + objfn.inc)) {
p.new <- p2
lnew <- calcPMSLikelihood(p2, y)
LEvalNum <- LEvalNum + 1
# since there was a problem, consider to reduce the amount of step max
if (alpha == step.max) {
step.max <- max(step.max0, step.max / mstep)
alpha <- 1
} else {
useSquareEM <- useSquareEM + 1
if (isTRUE(all.equal(alpha, step.max))) {
step.max <- mstep * step.max
if (step.min < 0 & isTRUE(all.equal(alpha, step.min))) {
step.min <- mstep * step.min
p <- p.new
# for debugging
# print(c(updEvalNum, LEvalNum, useSquareEM, step.min, step.max, newL))
if (abs(prevL - newL) < tol) {
convFlag <- TRUE
if (!is.nan(newL)) {
prevL <- newL
calcTime <- proc.time() - startTime
return(list(par = p,
value.objfn = newL,
itr = iterNum,
fpeval = updEvalNum,
convergence = convFlag,
elapsed.time = calcTime[3]))
#' A function for updating parameters using EM-algorithm
#' @param p this variable includes the parameters for mutation signatures and
#' membership parameters
#' @param y this variable includes the information on the mutation features,
#' the number of mutation signatures specified and so on
#' @return a value
updatePMSParam <- function(p, y) {
sampleNum <- y[[1]][[1]]
fdim <- y[[1]][[2]]
patternList <- y[[1]][[3]]
sparseCount <- y[[1]][[4]]
K <- y[[2]]
isBG <- y[[3]]
BG0 <- y[[4]]
patternNum <- ncol(patternList)
samplePatternNum <- ncol(sparseCount)
if (isBG) {
varK <- K - 1
} else {
varK <- K
lenF <- varK * (sum(fdim) - length(fdim))
lenQ <- (K - 1) * sampleNum
F <- convertFromTurbo_F(p[seq_len(lenF)], fdim, K, isBG)
Q <- convertFromTurbo_Q(p[(lenF + 1):(lenF + lenQ)], K, sampleNum)
dim(Q) <- c(sampleNum, K)
Q <- t(Q)
# E-step
Theta <- updateTheta_NormalizedC(as.vector(patternList),
as.vector(sparseCount), as.vector(F),
as.vector(Q), fdim, K, sampleNum,
patternNum, samplePatternNum, isBG, BG0)
dim(Theta) <- c(K, samplePatternNum)
# M-step
F_Q <- updateMstepFQC(as.vector(patternList), as.vector(sparseCount),
as.vector(Theta), fdim, K, sampleNum,
patternNum, samplePatternNum, isBG)
F <- F_Q[seq_len((varK * length(fdim) * max(fdim)))]
Q <- F_Q[(varK * length(fdim) * max(fdim) + 1):
(varK * length(fdim) * max(fdim) + K * sampleNum)]
dim(F) <- c(varK, length(fdim), max(fdim))
dim(Q) <- c(K, sampleNum)
Q <- t(Q)
return(c(convertToTurbo_F(as.vector(F), fdim, K, isBG),
convertToTurbo_Q(as.vector(Q), K, sampleNum)))
#' A function for calculating the log-likelihood from the data and parameters
#' @param p this variable includes the parameters for mutation signatures and
#' membership parameters
#' @param y this variable includes the information on the mutation features,
#' the number of mutation signatures specified and so on
#' @return a value
calcPMSLikelihood <- function(p, y) {
sampleNum <- y[[1]][[1]]
fdim <- y[[1]][[2]]
patternList <- y[[1]][[3]]
sparseCount <- y[[1]][[4]]
K <- y[[2]]
isBG <- y[[3]]
BG0 <- y[[4]]
patternNum <- ncol(patternList)
samplePatternNum <- ncol(sparseCount)
if (isBG) {
varK <- K - 1
} else {
varK <- K
lenF <- varK * (sum(fdim) - length(fdim))
lenQ <- (K - 1) * sampleNum
F <- convertFromTurbo_F(p[seq_len(lenF)], fdim, K, isBG)
Q <- convertFromTurbo_Q(p[(lenF + 1):(lenF + lenQ)], K, sampleNum)
dim(Q) <- c(sampleNum, K)
Q <- t(Q)
return(getLogLikelihoodC(as.vector(patternList), as.vector(sparseCount),
as.vector(F), as.vector(Q), fdim, K,
sampleNum, patternNum, samplePatternNum,
isBG, BG0))
#' A functional for generating the function checking the parameter (p) is
#' within the restricted conditions or not
#' @param y this variable includes the information on the mutation features,
#' the number of mutation signatures specified and so on
#' @return a functional
PMSboundary <- function(y) {
sampleNum <- y[[1]][[1]]
fdim <- y[[1]][[2]]
patternList <- y[[1]][[3]]
sparseCount <- y[[1]][[4]]
K <- y[[2]]
isBG <- y[[3]]
F0 <- y[[4]]
patternNum <- ncol(patternList)
samplePatternNum <- ncol(sparseCount)
if (isBG) {
varK <- K - 1
} else {
varK <- K
lenF <- varK * (sum(fdim) - length(fdim))
lenQ <- (K - 1) * sampleNum
function(p) {
return(all(boundaryTurbo_F(p[seq_len(lenF)], fdim, varK),
boundaryTurbo_Q(p[(lenF + 1):(lenF + lenQ)], K, sampleNum)))
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