
Defines functions zz_build_docs zz_tabular

Documented in zz_build_docs zz_tabular

#' @include metab_inputs.R metab_bayes.R metab_mle.R metab_night.R metab_sim.R metab_Kmodel.R mm_data.R

#' Format a data.frame for inclusion in a roxygen header
#' Modified from Hadley Wickham's function at http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/man.html
#' @import tibble
#' @keywords internal
zz_tabular <- function(df, bold_headers=TRUE, code=FALSE, ...) {
  align <- function(x) if (is.numeric(x)) "r" else "l"
  col_align <- vapply(df, align, character(1))

  cols <-
      function(colname, colvec) {
        c(if(bold_headers) paste0("\\strong{", colname, "}") else colname,
          #paste(rep('-', nchar(colname)), collapse=''),
      }, colname=as.list(names(df)), colvec=df) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    lapply(format, ...)

  if(code) {
    cols <- lapply(cols, function(col)
      paste0("\\code{", col, "}"))

  cols <- as_tibble(cols)

  contents <- do.call(
    c(cols, list(sep = " \\tab ", collapse = "\\cr\n  ")))

  . <- 'dplyr.var'
    paste(col_align, collapse = ""),
    "}{\n  ",
    sep = "") %>%
    strsplit('\n') %>%

#' Generate doc text for the `metab()` documentation
#' Results get written to man-roxygen/metab_data.R
#' @importFrom unitted v
#' @keywords internal
zz_build_docs <- function() {

  if(!dir.exists('man-roxygen')) dir.create('man-roxygen')

  . <- 'dplyr.var'
  c("@section Formatting \\code{data}:",
    "Unit-value model inputs passed via the \\code{data} argument should",
    "be formatted as a data.frame with column names and values that",
    "depend on the model \\code{type}, as follows.",
    "(If all columns are optional, \\code{data} may equal \\code{NULL}.)",
    c(paste0("  \\item{\\code{mle} or \\code{night}}{"),
      paste0("    ", c(
        zz_tabular(metab_inputs('mle', 'data')),
        zz_tabular(v(eval(formals(metab_mle)$data)), bold_headers=FALSE, code=TRUE)
      "  }"),
    do.call(c, lapply(c('bayes','Kmodel','sim'), function(type) {
      c(paste0("  \\item{\\code{",type,"}}{"),
        paste0("    ", c(
          zz_tabular(metab_inputs(type, 'data')),
          zz_tabular(v(eval(formals(paste0("metab_",type))$data)), bold_headers=FALSE, code=TRUE)
        "  }")

    "@section Formatting \\code{data_daily}:",
    "Daily-value model inputs passed via the \\code{data_daily} argument should",
    "be formatted as a data.frame with column names and values that",
    "depend on the model \\code{type}, as follows.",
    "(If all columns are optional, \\code{data_daily} may equal \\code{NULL}.)",
    c(paste0("  \\item{\\code{night}}{"),
      paste0("    ", "\\code{",
             metab_inputs('night', 'data_daily'),
      "  }"),
    do.call(c, lapply(c('mle','bayes','Kmodel','sim'), function(type) {
      c(paste0("  \\item{\\code{",type,"}}{"),
        paste0("    ", c(
          zz_tabular(metab_inputs(type, 'data_daily')),
          zz_tabular(v(eval(formals(paste0("metab_",type))$data_daily)), bold_headers=FALSE, code=TRUE)
        "  }")
  ) %>%
    paste0("#' ", .) %>%

USGS-R/streamMetabolizer documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 7:50 a.m.