
#' Constructor for compMS2 class object from a peak table and MS2 mzXML/mzML/.mgf
#' file(s)
#' @description Matches MS1 features to MS2 spectra (.mzXML/.mzML/.mgf) files 
#' based on a mass-to-charge and retention time tolerance. Composite spectra 
#' and other data can subsequently be visualized during any stage of the compMS2Miner
#' processing workflow. Composite spectra can be denoised, ion signals grouped 
#' and summed, substructure groups identified, common Phase II metabolites
#' predicted and features matched to data bases monoisotopic mass data 
#' and insilico MS2 fragmentation data.
#' The resulting data can then be readily curated by sending to a local or online
#' couchDB database. 
#' @param MS1features either a data.frame, full file path as a character string to a  .csv file of a MS1 feature table in the form observation (samples) in columns and
#' variables (Mass spectral signals) in rows, the first 3 columns must consist of:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item EIC number or unique peak identifier.
#'  \item mass-to-charge ratio of peak group.
#'  \item median/ peak apex retention time in seconds. 
#'  }
#'  optionally the 4th column of the MS1feature table may contain any adducts
#'  and isotopes identified by for example the CAMERA R package.
#'  If this column is present the adducts will be incorporated in to the compMS2
#'  class object and used to guide the subsequent \code{\link{metID.dbAnnotate}}
#'  function. This can be very useful for narrowing possible annotations in
#'  subsequent stages of the compMS2miner workflow and particularly in reduction
#'  of false positives annotations. The adduct annotations must
#'  consist of the following notation style for example [M-H]-, [2M+2CH3OH]2-, 
#'  [M-H+C2H4O2+Na]-. Abbreviations such as Hac (CH3COOH) for acetic acid 
#'  and ACN (i.e. C2H3N) for acetonitrile 
#'  are not acceptable formulae must be used to determine the correct
#'  elemental composition must be included. As is typical of the output of
#'  CAMERA for example multiple possible adducts can appear for the same feature
#'  where they have shared/similar expected masses.
#'  If argument is not supplied a GUI (tcltk) file selection window will open and a .csv file can then be selected. 
#' @param msDataDir character full path to a directory containing LC-MS/MS data files
#' in either the open framework .mzXML or newer .mzML file types also mascot generic format files (.mgf). If argument is
#' not supplied a GUI (tcltk) file selection window will open and the directory 
#' can be selected.
#' @param MS2files character vector of full paths to ms2 files (either .mzML, .mzXML or .mgf).
#' Alternative to choosing the directory. In this way particular files within a directory
#' or files from multiple directory locations can be specified.
#' @param nCores numeric Number of cores for parallel computation.
#' @param mode character Ionisation polarity must be either 'pos' or 'neg'.
#' @param precursorPpm numeric Parts per million mass accuracy to match MS1 features to MS2 spectra (ppm) 
#' @param ret numeric retention time tolerance to match MS1 features to MS2 spectra (+/- seconds). 
#' @param TICfilter numeric Minimum Total Ion Current to consider an MS2 spectrum. Any MS2 scan
#' below this threshold will not be considered. 
#' @param minPeaks. minimum number of fragment ions for a spectrum to be 
#' considered (default = 1).
#' @param isoWid numeric isolation width of DDA precursor ions, utilized to identify
#' potentially chimeric spectra.
#' @param verbose logical if TRUE display progress bars.
#' @return A compMS2 object                   
#' @export
compMS2Construct <-  function(MS1features = NULL, msDataDir = NULL, MS2files=NULL, 
                              nCores = NULL, 
                              argsCorrNetwork=list(obsNames=NULL, corrThresh=0.6,
                                                   delta=0.05, MTC="BH"), 
                              mode = "pos", precursorPpm = 10, ret = 10, 
                              TICfilter = 10000, minPeaks=1, isoWid=4, 
  message("creating compMS2 object in ", ifelse(mode == "pos","positive", 
          " ionisation mode")
      stop('foreach package must be installed for parallel computation.\n')
  # new compMS2 object 
  object <- new("compMS2")
  # set global options
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # if is.null msDataDir select .mzXML/.mzML/.mgf file containing directory
  message("Select your .mzXML/.mzML/.mgf data directory")
  msDataDir <- tcltk::tk_choose.dir(default = "",  
                                    caption = "1. Select your .mzXML/.mzML/.mgf data directory")
  # identify all mzXML/.mzML files in raw-data directory
  MS2files <- list.files(path=msDataDir, pattern = "\\.mzXML$|\\.mzML$|\\.mgf$", 
  fileTypeTmp <- unique(gsub('.+\\.', '', basename(MS2files)))
  if(length(fileTypeTmp) > 1){
    stop('only 1 file type is permitted in the MS data directory (msDataDir):\n',
         'The following file types were found:\n', paste0('.', fileTypeTmp, '\n'))
         paste0(" MS2 (.", fileTypeTmp, ") file(s) were detected within the directory..."))
  adducts <- FALSE
  # if file type is mgf
  if(fileTypeTmp == 'mgf'){
    # file names
    fileNames <- gsub('\\.mgf$', '', basename(MS2files))
    # remove hypens
    fileNames <- gsub('-', '_', fileNames)
    # spectra
    compSpectra(object) <- vector('list', length(MS2files))
    names(compSpectra(object)) <- fileNames
    # metaData
    metaData(object) <- vector('list', length(MS2files))
    names(metaData(object)) <- fileNames
    message('reading mgf files...\n')
    if(verbose == TRUE){ pb <- txtProgressBar(max=length(MS2files), style = 3)}
    for(i in 1:length(MS2files)){
      if(verbose==TRUE){setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)}
      mgfFile <- readLines(MS2files[i])
      # spectrum
      spectrumTmp <- mgfFile[grep('^[0-9]', mgfFile)]
      spectrumTmp <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(spectrumTmp, '\\t'))
      if(nrow(spectrumTmp) > 1){
      spectrumTmp <- data.frame(apply(spectrumTmp, 2, as.numeric), 
      } else {
        spectrumTmp <- as.numeric(spectrumTmp[1, ])
        spectrumTmp <- data.frame(spectrumTmp[1], spectrumTmp[2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      colnames(spectrumTmp) <- c('mass', 'intensity')
      compSpectra(object)[[i]] <- spectrumTmp
      # metaData
      massIndx <- grep('PEPMASS=', mgfFile) 
      rtIndx <- grep('RTINSECONDS=', mgfFile) 
      metaDataTmp <- list(as.numeric(gsub('PEPMASS=', '', mgfFile[massIndx])), 
                          as.numeric(gsub('RTINSECONDS=', '', mgfFile[rtIndx])),
      names(metaDataTmp) <- paste0(fileNames[i], c('_MS1_mz', '_MS1_RT', '_precursorIntensity'))
      metaData(object)[[i]] <- metaDataTmp
  } else { # if .mzXML or .mzML
    # if is.null MS1features select MS1 feature table file
      message("Select your MS1 feature (.csv) file")
      MS1features <- tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tkgetOpenFile(
        initialdir = msDataDir,
        filetypes = "{{Comma delimited} {.csv}} {{All files} *}", 
        title = "2. select the MS1 features (.csv) file you wish to match"))
      # read in MS1features
      message("Reading MS1 feature table...")
      MS1features <- as.data.frame(data.table::fread(MS1features, sep=",", 
                                                     header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
      stop('The MS1features object is not a data.frame.')
    # error handling
    if(!is.integer(MS1features[, 1])){
      stop('The first column of the MS1 feature table must be an integer (EIC/unique number).')
    if(!is.numeric(MS1features[, 2])){
      stop('The second column of the MS1 feature table must be a numeric (mass-to-charge ratio).')
    if(!is.numeric(MS1features[, 3])){
      stop('The third column of the MS1 feature table must be a numeric (retention time in seconds).')
    # sort dataframe by unique ID/ EIC number
    MS1features <- MS1features[order(MS1features[, 1]), ]
    row.names(MS1features) <- seq(1, nrow(MS1features), 1)
    # see if the 4 th column contains adduct information
    adducts <- any(grepl('M\\+|M\\-', MS1features[, 4]))
    if(adducts == TRUE){
    message('Adducts/fragments were detected in the 4th column of the MS1features table. These may be used for subsequent stages of the workflow.\n')
      stop('package foreach must be installed to use this function in parallel')
      stop('package doSNOW must be installed to use this function in parallel')
    message(paste0("Starting SNOW cluster with ", nCores, " local sockets..."))
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores, outfile='')
    message("matching MS1 peak table features to the following MS2 files: ")
    mS2message <- sapply(basename(MS2files), function(x){ 
    progress <- function(n) cat(paste0(n, ' of ', length(MS2files),
                                       ' complete (', basename(MS2files)[n],
    if(verbose == TRUE){opts <- list(progress=progress)} else {opts <- list(progress=NULL)}
    # foreach and dopar from foreach package
    Results <- foreach(i=1:length(MS2files), .packages=c('mzR'),
                       .options.snow=opts) %dopar% {
      compMS2Create(MS2file=MS2files[i], MS1features=MS1features,
                    TICfilter=TICfilter,  precursorPpm=precursorPpm, 
                    ret=ret, adducts=adducts, isoWid=isoWid)
    # stop SNOW cluster
  } else { 
    # create list to store results
    Results <- vector("list", length(MS2files))
    for(i in 1:length(MS2files)){
    Res.tmp <- compMS2Create(MS2file=MS2files[i], TICfilter=TICfilter, 
                             MS1features=MS1features, precursorPpm=precursorPpm,
                             ret=ret, adducts=adducts, isoWid=isoWid)
    Results[[i]] <- Res.tmp
  Results <- unlist(Results, recursive = FALSE)
  compSpectra(object) <- lapply(Results, function(x) x$spectra)
  metaData(object) <- lapply(Results, function(x) x$metaData)
  # check all compSpectra are not empty
  indxTmp <- sapply(compSpectra(object), nrow) > minPeaks
  if(any(indxTmp == FALSE)){
  compSpectra(object) <- compSpectra(object)[indxTmp]
  metaData(object) <- metaData(object)[indxTmp]
  # MS1 feature table
  # MS1features(object) <- MS1features
  # if obsNames supplied then perform corrNetwork 
    argsCorrNetwork[['object']] <- object
    argsCorrNetwork[['peakTable']] <- MS1features
    object <- do.call(metID.corrNetwork, argsCorrNetwork)  
  } else {
  message('\n"obsNames" in argsCorrNetwork argument missing. Not performing correlation network calculation.\n')
  # add file paths and parameters
  filePaths(object) <- MS2files
  Parameters(object) <- data.frame(nCores=ifelse(is.null(nCores), 0, nCores),
                                   mode=mode, precursorPpm=precursorPpm,
                                   ret=ret, TICfilter=TICfilter, 
                                   fileType=fileTypeTmp, adducts=adducts, 
                                   isoWid=isoWid, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  } # end CompMS2obj function

setMethod("show", "compMS2", function(object) {
  if(length(filePaths(object)) > 0){
    cat("A \"compMS2\" class object derived from", length(filePaths(object)), 
        "MS2 files \n\n")
    # any non-ms2 matched
    noMs2Idx <- grepl('noMS2', names(metaData(object)))
    indxTmp <- noMs2Idx == FALSE
    Acc.tmp <- sapply(metaData(object)[which(indxTmp)], function(x){ 
      c(mean(abs(unlist(x[grep("ppmDiff", names(x))]))),
        mean(abs(unlist(x[grep("rtDiff", names(x))]))),
      length(unlist(x[grep("rtDiff", names(x))])))})
    ionsCount <- sum(sapply(compSpectra(object)[indxTmp], function(x) nrow(x)))
    spec.names <- names(compSpectra(object))[indxTmp]
    cat(length(unique(gsub(".+_", "", spec.names))), 
        "MS1 features were matched to", sum(Acc.tmp[3, ]), "MS2 precursor scans\n")
    cat("containing",ionsCount, "ion features\n\n")    
    cat("Average ppm match accuracy:",
        round(mean(Acc.tmp[1, ]), digits = 3) ,"\n")
    cat("with a ppm mass accuracy tolerance of (+/-)", Parameters(object)$precursorPpm,
    cat("Average retention time match accuracy:",
        round(mean(Acc.tmp[2, ]), digits = 2) ,"seconds\n")
    cat("with a retention time tolerance of (+/-)", Parameters(object)$ret,
        " seconds\n\n")
    # poss chimeric spectra
    nChimScans <- sum(sapply(metaData(object)[which(indxTmp)], function(x){ 
      idxTmp <- duplicated(unlist(x[grep('precursorScanNum', names(x))])) == FALSE
      sum(as.logical(unlist(x[grep('possChim', names(x))])[idxTmp]))}), na.rm=TRUE)
    allPrecScans <- sum(do.call(c, sapply(metaData(object)[which(indxTmp)], function(x){ 
      duplicated(unlist(x[grep('precursorScanNum', names(x))])) == FALSE})), na.rm=TRUE)
    cat(paste0(nChimScans, ' spectra of ', allPrecScans, ' precursor scans were identified as potentially chimeric (', round({nChimScans/allPrecScans} * 100, 2),'% an isolation width of ',  Parameters(object)$isoWid, ' Da was supplied to "compMS2Contruct").\n\n'))
      cat(paste0('Additionally ', sum(noMs2Idx), ' EICs (', round({sum(noMs2Idx)/length(noMs2Idx)} * 100, 2),'%) are not matched to any MS2 scans and were added by the metID.corrNetwork function (correlation threshold >= ', Parameters(object)$corrThresh, '.\n'))
    # maxInterInt <- do.call(c, lapply(metaData(object), function(x) x[duplicated(x[, 'precursorScanNum']) == FALSE, 'maxInterIons']))
    # rtPrecScans <- do.call(c, lapply(metaData(object), function(x) x[duplicated(x[, 'precursorScanNum']) == FALSE, 'retentionTime']))
    # maxInterInt <- as.numeric(maxInterInt)
    # rtPrecScans <- as.numeric(rtPrecScans)
    # plot(rtPrecScans, maxInterInt, type='h')
    # boxplot(log(maxInterInt))
    memsize <- object.size(object)
    cat("Memory usage:", signif(memsize/2^20, 3), "MB\n")
  } else {
    cat("A new empty\"compMS2\" class object")

# split method e.g. cut(1:length(x@compSpectra), 2)
# setMethod("split", "compMS2", function(x, f){
# stopifnot(class(x) == 'compMS2')
#   splitX <- vector('list', nlevels(f))
#   for(i in 1:nlevels(f)){
#   tmpCompMS2 <- new('compMS2')
#   indxTmp <- which(f == levels(f)[i])
#   tmpCompMS2@compSpectra <- x@compSpectra[indxTmp]
#   tmpCompMS2@metaData <- x@metaData
#   # tmpCompMS2@MS1features <- x@MS1features
#   tmpCompMS2@DBanno <- x@DBanno[indxTmp]
#   tmpCompMS2@BestAnno <- x@BestAnno[indxTmp]
#   subStrIndx <- x@subStrAnno$compSpecName %in% names(tmpCompMS2@compSpectra)[indxTmp]
#   tmpCompMS2@subStrAnno <- x@subStrAnno[subStrIndx, , drop=FALSE]
#   tmpCompMS2@Comments<- x@Comments[indxTmp]
#   tmpCompMS2@filePaths <- x@file.paths
#   tmpCompMS2@Parameters <- x@Parameters
#   tmpCompMS2@couchDBconn <- x@couchDBconn
#   tmpCompMS2@inSilico$MetFrag <- x@inSilico$MetFrag[indxTmp]
#   tmpCompMS2@inSilico$CFM <- x@inSilico$CFM[indxTmp]
#   splitX[[i]] <- tmpCompMS2
#   names(splitX)[i] <- i
#   }
#   return(splitX)
# })
#' @export
setGeneric("filePaths", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("filePaths"))

setMethod("filePaths", "compMS2", function(object) object@filePaths)
#' @export
setGeneric("filePaths<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("filePaths<-"))

setReplaceMethod("filePaths", "compMS2", function(object, value){
  object@filePaths <- value

#' @export
setGeneric("compSpectra", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("compSpectra"))

setMethod("compSpectra", "compMS2", function(object) object@compSpectra)
#' @export
setGeneric("compSpectra<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("compSpectra<-"))

setReplaceMethod("compSpectra", "compMS2", function(object, value){
  object@compSpectra <- value
#' @export
setGeneric("metaData", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("metaData"))

setMethod("metaData", "compMS2", function(object) object@metaData)
#' @export
setGeneric("metaData<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("metaData<-"))

setReplaceMethod("metaData", "compMS2", function(object, value){
  object@metaData  <- value
#' @export
setGeneric("DBanno", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("DBanno"))

setMethod("DBanno", "compMS2", function(object) object@DBanno)
#' @export
setGeneric("DBanno<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("DBanno<-"))

setReplaceMethod("DBanno", "compMS2", function(object, value) {
  object@DBanno <- value
#' @export
setGeneric("BestAnno", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("BestAnno"))

setMethod("BestAnno", "compMS2", function(object){ 
  dbAnnoTmp <- object@DBanno
  bestAnnoTmp <- lapply(dbAnnoTmp, function(x){ 
                        if('BestAnno' %in% colnames(x)){
                        return(x[x[, 'BestAnno'], , drop=FALSE]) 
#' @export
setGeneric("BestAnno<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("BestAnno<-"))

setReplaceMethod("BestAnno", "compMS2", function(object, value){
  # check if dbAnno is empty
  if(length(object@DBanno) == 0){
    stop('There are no annotations in the DBanno slot run metID.dbAnnotate first.')
  # check all names match
  indxTmp <- match(names(value), names(object@DBanno))
    stop('BestAnno: The following names do not match:\n', paste0(names(value)[is.na(indxTmp)], collapse='\n'),
         '\nPlease check and try again.\n')
  # add logical to db anno table
  for(i in 1:length(indxTmp)){
  object@DBanno[[indxTmp[i]]]$BestAnno <- object@DBanno[[indxTmp[i]]]$DBid %in% value[[i]]$DBid
  dbIdIndx <- match(object@DBanno[[indxTmp[i]]]$DBid, value[[i]]$DBid)
  # additional columns
  newCols <- setdiff(colnames(value[[i]]), colnames(object@DBanno[[indxTmp[i]]]))
  if(length(newCols) > 0){
   object@DBanno[[indxTmp[i]]][, newCols] <- 0
   object@DBanno[[indxTmp[i]]][!is.na(dbIdIndx), newCols] <- value[[i]][dbIdIndx[!is.na(dbIdIndx)], newCols]
  object@DBanno[[indxTmp[i]]][!is.na(dbIdIndx), colnames(value[[i]])] <- value[[i]][dbIdIndx[!is.na(dbIdIndx)], ]
#' @export
setGeneric("subStrAnno", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("subStrAnno"))

setMethod("subStrAnno", "compMS2", function(object) object@subStrAnno)
#' @export
setGeneric("subStrAnno<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("subStrAnno<-"))

setReplaceMethod("subStrAnno", "compMS2", function(object, value){
  object@subStrAnno <- value
#' @export
setGeneric("MetFrag", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("MetFrag"))

setMethod("MetFrag", "compMS2", function(object) object@inSilico$MetFrag)
#' @export
setGeneric("MetFrag<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("MetFrag<-"))

setReplaceMethod("MetFrag", "compMS2", function(object, value) {
  object@inSilico$MetFrag <- value
#' @export
setGeneric("CFM", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("CFM"))

setMethod("CFM", "compMS2", function(object) object@inSilico$CFM)
#' @export
setGeneric("CFM<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("CFM<-"))

setReplaceMethod("CFM", "compMS2", function(object, value) {
  object@inSilico$CFM <- value
#' @export
setGeneric("Comments", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("Comments"))

setMethod("Comments", "compMS2", function(object){ 
  if(nrow(object@Comments) == 0){
  object@Comments <-  data.frame(compSpectrum=names(compSpectra(object)), 
                                 possible_identity=rep('', length(compSpectra(object))), 
                                 ESI_type=rep('', length(compSpectra(object))),
                                 compound_class=rep('', length(compSpectra(object))), 
                                 user_comments=rep('', length(compSpectra(object))), 
                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  
#' @export
setGeneric("Comments<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("Comments<-"))

setReplaceMethod("Comments", "compMS2", function(object, value) {
  object@Comments <- value
#' @export
setGeneric("Parameters", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("Parameters"))

setMethod("Parameters", "compMS2", function(object) object@Parameters)
#' @export
setGeneric("Parameters<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("Parameters<-"))

setReplaceMethod("Parameters", "compMS2", function(object, value) {
  object@Parameters <- value
#' @export
setGeneric("couchDBconn", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("couchDBconn"))

setMethod("couchDBconn", "compMS2", function(object) object@couchDBconn)
#' @export
setGeneric("couchDBconn<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("couchDBconn<-"))

setReplaceMethod("couchDBconn", "compMS2", function(object, value) {
  object@couchDBconn <- value

#' @export
setGeneric("network", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("network"))

setMethod("network", "compMS2", function(object) object@network)
#' @export
setGeneric("network<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("network<-"))

setReplaceMethod("network", "compMS2", function(object, value) {
  object@network <- value

#' @export
setGeneric("rtPred", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("rtPred"))

setMethod("rtPred", "compMS2", function(object) object@rtPred)
#' @export
setGeneric("rtPred<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("rtPred<-"))

setReplaceMethod("rtPred", "compMS2", function(object, value) {
  object@rtPred <- value
#' @export
setGeneric("spectralDB", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("spectralDB"))

setMethod("spectralDB", "compMS2", function(object) object@spectralDB)
#' @export
setGeneric("spectralDB<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("spectralDB<-"))

setReplaceMethod("spectralDB", "compMS2", function(object, value) {
  object@spectralDB <- value
WMBEdmands/compMS2Miner documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:04 p.m.