#' Helper function to adjust the BAF segmented values. By default the segmentation
#' takes the mean BAFphased for each segment, but that doesn't work very well with
#' outliers (i.e. badly phased regions). This function is then called to adjust
#' the segmented BAF. By default this now takes the median
#' @param baf_chrom A data frame with columns BAFphased and BAFseg. BAFseg will be overwritten.
#' @return A data frame with columns BAFphased and BAFseg.
#' @author sd11
#' @noRd
adjustSegmValues = function(baf_chrom) {
segs = rle(baf_chrom$BAFseg)
for (i in 1:length(segs$lengths)) {
end = cumsum(segs$lengths[1:i])
end = end[length(end)]
start = (end-segs$lengths[i]) + 1 # segs$lengths contains end points
# baf_chrom$bafmean[start:end] = mean(baf_chrom$BAFphased[start:end])
baf_chrom$BAFseg[start:end] = median(baf_chrom$BAFphased[start:end])
# This needs the ASCAT version of PCF
# datwins = madWins(baf_chrom$BAFphased[start:end], 2.5, 25)$ywin
# baf_chrom$madwins_mean[start:end] = mean(datwins)
# baf_chrom$madwins_median[start:end] = median(datwins)
#' Segment the haplotyped and phased data using fastPCF. This is the legacy segmentation function as it was used in the original Battenberg versions
#' This function performs segmentation. This is done in two steps. First a segmentation step
#' that aims to find short segments. These are used to find haplotype blocks that have been
#' switched. These blocks are switched into the correct order first after which the second
#' segmentation step is performed. This second step aims to segment the data that will go into
#' fit.copy.number. This function produces a BAF segmented file with 5 columns: chromosome, position,
#' original BAF, switched BAF and BAF segment. The BAF segment column should be used subsequently
#' @param samplename Name of the sample, which is used to name output figures
#' @param inputfile String that points to the output from the \code{combine.baf.files} function. This contains the phased SNPs with their BAF values
#' @param outputfile String where the segmentation output will be written
#' @param gamma The gamma parameter controls the size of the penalty of starting a new segment during segmentation. It is therefore the key parameter for controlling the number of segments (Default: 10)
#' @param kmin Kmin represents the minimum number of probes/SNPs that a segment should consist of (Default: 3)
#' @param phasegamma Gamma parameter used when correcting phasing mistakes (Default: 3)
#' @param phasekmin Kmin parameter used when correcting phasing mistakes (Default: 3)
#' @param calc_seg_baf_option Various options to recalculate the BAF of a segment. Options are: 1 - median, 2 - mean. (Default: 1)
#' @author dw9
#' @export
segment.baf.phased.legacy = function(samplename, inputfile, outputfile, gamma=10, phasegamma=3, kmin=3, phasekmin=3, calc_seg_baf_option=1) {
#' Segment the haplotyped and phased data using fastPCF. This is the legacy segmentation function as it was used in the original Battenberg versions
#' This function performs segmentation. This is done in two steps. First a segmentation step
#' that aims to find short segments. These are used to find haplotype blocks that have been
#' switched. These blocks are switched into the correct order first after which the second
#' segmentation step is performed. This second step aims to segment the data that will go into
#' fit.copy.number. This function produces a BAF segmented file with 5 columns: chromosome, position,
#' original BAF, switched BAF and BAF segment. The BAF segment column should be used subsequently
#' @param samplename Name of the sample, which is used to name output figures
#' @param inputfile String that points to the output from the \code{combine.baf.files} function. This contains the phased SNPs with their BAF values
#' @param outputfile String where the segmentation output will be written
#' @param gamma The gamma parameter controls the size of the penalty of starting a new segment during segmentation. It is therefore the key parameter for controlling the number of segments (Default: 10)
#' @param kmin Kmin represents the minimum number of probes/SNPs that a segment should consist of (Default: 3)
#' @param phasegamma Gamma parameter used when correcting phasing mistakes (Default: 3)
#' @param phasekmin Kmin parameter used when correcting phasing mistakes (Default: 3)
#' @author dw9
#' @export
segment.baf.phased.legacy = function(samplename, inputfile, outputfile, gamma=10, phasegamma=3, kmin=3, phasekmin=3) {
BAFraw = as.data.frame(read_baf(inputfile))
BAFoutput = NULL
for (chr in unique(BAFraw[,1])) {
BAFrawchr = BAFraw[BAFraw[,1]==chr,c(2,3)]
BAFrawchr = BAFrawchr[!is.na(BAFrawchr[,2]),]
BAF = BAFrawchr[,2]
pos = BAFrawchr[,1]
names(BAF) = rownames(BAFrawchr)
names(pos) = rownames(BAFrawchr)
sdev <- getMad(ifelse(BAF<0.5,BAF,1-BAF),k=25)
# Standard deviation is not defined for a single value
if (is.na(sdev)) {
sdev = 0
#DCW 250314
#for cell lines, sdev goes to zero in regions of LOH, which causes problems.
#0.09 is around the value expected for a binomial distribution around 0.5 with depth 30
sdev = 0.09
BAFsegm = rep(mean(BAF),length(BAF))
res= selectFastPcf(BAF,phasekmin,phasegamma*sdev,T)
BAFsegm = res$yhat
png(filename = paste(samplename,"_RAFseg_chr",chr,".png",sep=""), width = 2000, height = 1000, res = 200)
title=paste(samplename,", chromosome ", chr, sep=""),
xlab="Position (Mb)",
ylab="BAF (phased)")
BAFphased = ifelse(BAFsegm>0.5,BAF,1-BAF)
BAFphseg = rep(mean(BAFphased),length(BAFphased))
res = selectFastPcf(BAFphased,kmin,gamma*sdev,T)
BAFphseg = res$yhat
png(filename = paste(samplename,"_segment_chr",chr,".png",sep=""), width = 2000, height = 1000, res = 200)
title=paste(samplename,", chromosome ", chr, sep=""),
xlab="Position (Mb)",
ylab="BAF (phased)")
BAFphased = ifelse(BAFsegm>0.5, BAF, 1-BAF)
BAFoutputchr = data.frame(Chromosome=rep(chr, length(BAFphseg)), Position=pos, BAF=BAF, BAFphased=BAFphased, BAFseg=BAFphseg)
BAFoutput = rbind(BAFoutput, BAFoutputchr)
colnames(BAFoutput) = c("Chromosome","Position","BAF","BAFphased","BAFseg")
write.table(BAFoutput, outputfile, sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=T, quote=F)
#' Segment BAF with the inclusion of structural variant breakpoints - This function is now deprecated, call segment.baf.phased instead
#' This function takes the SV breakpoints as initial segments and runs PCF on each
#' of those independently. The SVs must be supplied as a simple data.frame with columns
#' chromosome and position
#' @param samplename Name of the sample, which is used to name output figures
#' @param inputfile String that points to the output from the \code{combine.baf.files} function. This contains the phased SNPs with their BAF values
#' @param outputfile String where the segmentation output will be written
#' @param svs Data.frame with chromosome and position columns (Default: NULL)
#' @param gamma The gamma parameter controls the size of the penalty of starting a new segment during segmentation. It is therefore the key parameter for controlling the number of segments (Default 10)
#' @param kmin Kmin represents the minimum number of probes/SNPs that a segment should consist of (Default 3)
#' @param phasegamma Gamma parameter used when correcting phasing mistakes (Default 3)
#' @param phasekmin Kmin parameter used when correcting phasing mistakes (Default 3)
#' @param no_segmentation Do not perform segmentation. This step will switch the haplotype blocks, but then just takes the mean BAFphased as BAFsegm
#' @param calc_seg_baf_option Various options to recalculate the BAF of a segment. Options are: 1 - median, 2 - mean. (Default: 1)
#' @author sd11
#' @export
segment.baf.phased.sv = function(samplename, inputfile, outputfile, svs=NULL, gamma=10, phasegamma=3, kmin=3, phasekmin=3, no_segmentation=F, calc_seg_baf_option=1) {
print("Stopping now")
#' Segment BAF, with the possible inclusion of structural variant breakpoints
#' This function breaks the genome up into chromosomes, possibly further when SV breakpoints
#' are provided, and runs PCF on each to segment the chromosomes independently.
#' @param samplename Name of the sample, which is used to name output figures
#' @param inputfile String that points to the output from the \code{combine.baf.files} function. This contains the phased SNPs with their BAF values
#' @param outputfile String where the segmentation output will be written
#' @param prior_breakpoints_file String that points to a file with prior breakpoints (from SVs for example) with chromosome and position columns (Default: NULL)
#' @param gamma The gamma parameter controls the size of the penalty of starting a new segment during segmentation. It is therefore the key parameter for controlling the number of segments (Default 10)
#' @param kmin Kmin represents the minimum number of probes/SNPs that a segment should consist of (Default 3)
#' @param phasegamma Gamma parameter used when correcting phasing mistakes (Default 3)
#' @param phasekmin Kmin parameter used when correcting phasing mistakes (Default 3)
#' @param no_segmentation Do not perform segmentation. This step will switch the haplotype blocks, but then just takes the mean BAFphased as BAFsegm
#' @param calc_seg_baf_option Various options to recalculate the BAF of a segment. Options are: 1 - median, 2 - mean, 3 - ifelse median==0 or 1, median, mean. (Default: 3)
#' @author sd11
#' @export
segment.baf.phased = function(samplename, inputfile, outputfile, prior_breakpoints_file=NULL, gamma=10, phasegamma=3, kmin=3, phasekmin=3, no_segmentation=F, calc_seg_baf_option=3) {
# Function that takes SNPs that belong to a single segment and looks for big holes between
# each pair of SNPs. If there is a big hole it will add another breakpoint to the breakpoints data.frame
addin_bigholes = function(breakpoints, positions, chrom, startpos, maxsnpdist) {
# If there is a big hole (i.e. centromere), add it in as a separate set of breakpoints
# Get the chromosome coordinate right before a big hole
bigholes = which(diff(positions)>=maxsnpdist)
if (length(bigholes) > 0) {
for (endindex in bigholes) {
breakpoints = rbind(breakpoints,
data.frame(chrom=chrom, start=startpos, end=positions[endindex]))
startpos = positions[endindex+1]
return(list(breakpoints=breakpoints, startpos=startpos))
# Helper function that creates segment breakpoints from SV calls
# @param bkps_chrom Breakpoints for a single chromosome
# @param BAFrawchr Raw BAF values of germline heterozygous SNPs on a single chromosome
# @param addin_bigholes Flag whether bog holes in data are to be added as breakpoints
# @return A data.frame with chrom, start and end columns
# @author sd11
bkps_to_presegment_breakpoints = function(chrom, bkps_chrom, BAFrawchr, addin_bigholes) {
maxsnpdist = 3000000
bkps_breakpoints = bkps_chrom$position
# If there are no prior breakpoints, we cannot insert any
if (length(bkps_breakpoints) > 0) {
breakpoints = data.frame()
# check which comes first, the breakpoint or the first SNP
if (BAFrawchr$Position[1] < bkps_breakpoints[1]) {
startpos = BAFrawchr$Position[1]
startfromsv = 1 # We're starting from SNP data, so the first SV should be added first
} else {
startpos = bkps_breakpoints[1]
startfromsv = 2 # We've just added the first SV, don't use it again
for (svposition in bkps_breakpoints[startfromsv:length(bkps_breakpoints)]) {
selectedsnps = BAFrawchr$Position >= startpos & BAFrawchr$Position <= svposition
if (sum(selectedsnps, na.rm=T) > 0) {
if (addin_bigholes) {
# If there is a big hole (i.e. centromere), add it in as a separate set of breakpoints
res = addin_bigholes(breakpoints, BAFrawchr$Position[selectedsnps], chrom, startpos, maxsnpdist)
breakpoints = res$breakpoints
startpos = res$startpos
endindex = max(which(selectedsnps))
breakpoints = rbind(breakpoints, data.frame(chrom=chrom, start=startpos, end=BAFrawchr$Position[endindex]))
# Previous SV is the new starting point for the next segment
startpos = BAFrawchr$Position[endindex + 1]
# Add the remainder of the chromosome, if available
if (BAFrawchr$Position[nrow(BAFrawchr)] > bkps_breakpoints[length(bkps_breakpoints)]) {
endindex = nrow(BAFrawchr)
breakpoints = rbind(breakpoints, data.frame(chrom=chrom, start=startpos, end=BAFrawchr$Position[endindex]))
} else {
# There are no SVs, so create one big segment
print("No prior breakpoints found")
startpos = BAFrawchr$Position[1]
breakpoints = data.frame()
if (addin_bigholes) {
# If there is a big hole (i.e. centromere), add it in as a separate set of breakpoints
res = addin_bigholes(breakpoints, BAFrawchr$Position, chrom, startpos, maxsnpdist=maxsnpdist)
breakpoints = res$breakpoints
startpos = res$startpos
breakpoints = rbind(breakpoints, data.frame(chrom=chrom, start=startpos, end=BAFrawchr$Position[nrow(BAFrawchr)]))
# Run PCF on presegmented data
# @param BAFrawchr Raw BAF for this chromosome
# @param presegment_chrom_start
# @param presegment_chrom_end
# @param phasekmin
# @param phasegamma
# @param kmin
# @param gamma
# @param no_segmentation Do not perform segmentation. This step will switch the haplotype blocks, but then just takes the mean BAFphased as BAFsegm
# @return A data.frame with columns Chromosome,Position,BAF,BAFphased,BAFseg
run_pcf = function(BAFrawchr, presegment_chrom_start, presegment_chrom_end, phasekmin, phasegamma, kmin, gamma, no_segmentation=F) {
row.indices = which(BAFrawchr$Position >= presegment_chrom_start &
BAFrawchr$Position <= presegment_chrom_end)
BAF = BAFrawchr[row.indices,2]
pos = BAFrawchr[row.indices,1]
# names(BAF) = rownames(BAFrawchr[row.indices])
# names(pos) = rownames(BAFrawchr[row.indices])
sdev <- getMad(ifelse(BAF<0.5,BAF,1-BAF),k=25)
# Standard deviation is not defined for a single value
if (is.na(sdev)) {
sdev = 0
#DCW 250314
#for cell lines, sdev goes to zero in regions of LOH, which causes problems.
#0.09 is around the value expected for a binomial distribution around 0.5 with depth 30
sdev = 0.09
BAFsegm = rep(mean(BAF),length(BAF))
res = selectFastPcf(BAF,phasekmin,phasegamma*sdev,T)
BAFsegm = res$yhat
BAFphased = ifelse(BAFsegm>0.5,BAF,1-BAF)
if(length(BAFphased)<50 | no_segmentation){
BAFphseg = rep(mean(BAFphased),length(BAFphased))
res = selectFastPcf(BAFphased,kmin,gamma*sdev,T)
BAFphseg = res$yhat
if (length(BAF) > 0) {
# Note: When adding options, also add to merge_segments
# Recalculate the BAF of each segment, if required
if (calc_seg_baf_option==1) {
# Adjust the segment BAF to not take the mean as that is sensitive to improperly phased segments
BAFphseg = adjustSegmValues(data.frame(BAFphased=BAFphased, BAFseg=BAFphseg))$BAFseg
} else if (calc_seg_baf_option==2) {
# Don't do anything, the BAF is already the mean
} else if (calc_seg_baf_option==3) {
# Take the median, unless the median is exactly 0 or 1. At the extreme
# there is no difference between lets say 40 and 41 copies and BB cannot
# fit a copy number state. The mean is less prone to become exactly 0 or 1
# but the median is generally a better estimate that is less sensitive to
# how well the haplotypes have been reconstructed
BAFphseg_median = adjustSegmValues(data.frame(BAFphased=BAFphased, BAFseg=BAFphseg))$BAFseg
BAFphseg = ifelse(BAFphseg_median %in% c(0,1), BAFphseg, BAFphseg_median)
# if (BAFphseg_median!=0 & BAFphseg_median!=1) {
# BAFphseg = BAFphseg_median
# }
} else {
warning("Supplied calc_seg_baf_option to segment.baf.phased not valid, using mean BAF by default")
return(data.frame(Chromosome=rep(chr, length(row.indices)),
tempBAFsegm=BAFsegm)) # Keep track of BAFsegm for the plot below
BAFraw = as.data.frame(read_baf(inputfile))
if (!is.null(prior_breakpoints_file)) { bkps = read.table(prior_breakpoints_file, header=T, stringsAsFactors=F) } else { bkps = NULL }
BAFoutput = NULL
for (chr in unique(BAFraw[,1])) {
print(paste0("Segmenting ", chr))
BAFrawchr = BAFraw[BAFraw[,1]==chr,c(2,3)]
# BAFrawchr = bafsegments[bafsegments$Chromosome==chr, c(2,3)]
BAFrawchr = BAFrawchr[!is.na(BAFrawchr[,2]),]
if (!is.null(bkps)) {
bkps_chrom = bkps[bkps$chromosome==chr,]
} else {
bkps_chrom = data.frame(chromosome=character(), position=numeric())
breakpoints_chrom = bkps_to_presegment_breakpoints(chr, bkps_chrom, BAFrawchr, addin_bigholes=T)
BAFoutputchr = NULL
for (r in 1:nrow(breakpoints_chrom)) {
BAFoutput_preseg = run_pcf(BAFrawchr, breakpoints_chrom$start[r], breakpoints_chrom$end[r], phasekmin, phasegamma, kmin, gamma, no_segmentation)
BAFoutputchr = rbind(BAFoutputchr, BAFoutput_preseg)
png(filename = paste(samplename,"_RAFseg_chr",chr,".png",sep=""), width = 2000, height = 1000, res = 200)
title=paste(samplename,", chromosome ", chr, sep=""),
xlab="Position (Mb)",
ylab="BAF (phased)",
png(filename = paste(samplename,"_segment_chr",chr,".png",sep=""), width = 2000, height = 1000, res = 200)
title=paste(samplename,", chromosome ", chr, sep=""),
xlab="Position (Mb)",
ylab="BAF (phased)",
BAFoutputchr$BAFphased = ifelse(BAFoutputchr$tempBAFsegm>0.5, BAFoutputchr$BAF, 1-BAFoutputchr$BAF)
# Remove the temp BAFsegm values as they are only needed for plotting
BAFoutput = rbind(BAFoutput, BAFoutputchr[,c(1:5)])
colnames(BAFoutput) = c("Chromosome","Position","BAF","BAFphased","BAFseg")
write.table(BAFoutput, outputfile, sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=T, quote=F)
#' Segment BAF, with the possible inclusion of structural variant breakpoints
#' This function breaks the genome up into chromosomes, possibly further when SV breakpoints
#' are provided, and runs PCF on each to segment the chromosomes independently.
#' @param samplename Name of the sample, which is used to name output figures
#' @param inputfile String that points to the output from the \code{combine.baf.files} function. This contains the phased SNPs with their BAF values
#' @param outputfile String where the segmentation output will be written
#' @param prior_breakpoints_file String that points to a file with prior breakpoints (from SVs for example) with chromosome and position columns (Default: NULL)
#' @param gamma The gamma parameter controls the size of the penalty of starting a new segment during segmentation. It is therefore the key parameter for controlling the number of segments (Default 10)
#' @param calc_seg_baf_option Various options to recalculate the BAF of a segment. Options are: 1 - median, 2 - mean, 3 - ifelse median==0 or 1, median, mean. (Default: 3)
#' @param GENOMEBUILD Genome build upon which the 1000G SNP coordinates were obtained
#' @author jdemeul, sd11
#' @export
segment.baf.phased.multisample = function(samplename, inputfile, outputfile, prior_breakpoints_file=NULL, gamma=10, calc_seg_baf_option=3,GENOMEBUILD) {
##### internal function definitions
# Function that takes SNPs that belong to a single segment and looks for big holes between
# each pair of SNPs. If there is a big hole it will add another breakpoint to the breakpoints data.frame
addin_bigholes = function(breakpoints, positions, chrom, startpos, maxsnpdist) {
# If there is a big hole (i.e. centromere), add it in as a separate set of breakpoints
# Get the chromosome coordinate right before a big hole
bigholes = which(diff(positions)>=maxsnpdist)
if (length(bigholes) > 0) {
for (endindex in bigholes) {
breakpoints = rbind(breakpoints,
data.frame(chrom=chrom, start=startpos, end=positions[endindex]))
startpos = positions[endindex+1]
return(list(breakpoints=breakpoints, startpos=startpos))
# Helper function that creates segment breakpoints from SV calls
# @param bkps_chrom Breakpoints for a single chromosome
# @param BAFrawchr Raw BAF values of germline heterozygous SNPs on a single chromosome
# @param addin_bigholes Flag whether bog holes in data are to be added as breakpoints
# @return A data.frame with chrom, start and end columns
# @author sd11
bkps_to_presegment_breakpoints = function(chrom, bkps_chrom, BAFrawchr, addin_bigholes) {
maxsnpdist = 3000000
bkps_breakpoints = bkps_chrom$position
# If there are no prior breakpoints, we cannot insert any
if (length(bkps_breakpoints) > 0) {
breakpoints = data.frame()
# check which comes first, the breakpoint or the first SNP
if (BAFrawchr$Position[1] < bkps_breakpoints[1]) {
startpos = BAFrawchr$Position[1]
startfromsv = 1 # We're starting from SNP data, so the first SV should be added first
} else {
startpos = bkps_breakpoints[1]
startfromsv = 2 # We've just added the first SV, don't use it again
for (svposition in bkps_breakpoints[startfromsv:length(bkps_breakpoints)]) {
selectedsnps = BAFrawchr$Position >= startpos & BAFrawchr$Position <= svposition
if (sum(selectedsnps, na.rm=T) > 0) {
if (addin_bigholes) {
# If there is a big hole (i.e. centromere), add it in as a separate set of breakpoints
res = addin_bigholes(breakpoints, BAFrawchr$Position[selectedsnps], chrom, startpos, maxsnpdist)
breakpoints = res$breakpoints
startpos = res$startpos
endindex = max(which(selectedsnps))
breakpoints = rbind(breakpoints, data.frame(chrom=chrom, start=startpos, end=BAFrawchr$Position[endindex]))
# Previous SV is the new starting point for the next segment
startpos = BAFrawchr$Position[endindex + 1]
# Add the remainder of the chromosome, if available
if (BAFrawchr$Position[nrow(BAFrawchr)] > bkps_breakpoints[length(bkps_breakpoints)]) {
endindex = nrow(BAFrawchr)
breakpoints = rbind(breakpoints, data.frame(chrom=chrom, start=startpos, end=BAFrawchr$Position[endindex]))
} else {
# There are no SVs, so create one big segment
print("No prior breakpoints found")
startpos = BAFrawchr$Position[1]
breakpoints = data.frame()
if (addin_bigholes) {
# If there is a big hole (i.e. centromere), add it in as a separate set of breakpoints
res = addin_bigholes(breakpoints, BAFrawchr$Position, chrom, startpos, maxsnpdist=maxsnpdist)
breakpoints = res$breakpoints
startpos = res$startpos
breakpoints = rbind(breakpoints, data.frame(chrom=chrom, start=startpos, end=BAFrawchr$Position[nrow(BAFrawchr)]))
# Run PCF on presegmented data
# @param BAFrawchr Raw BAF for this chromosome
# @param presegment_chrom_start
# @param presegment_chrom_end
# @param kmin
# @param gamma
# @param no_segmentation Do not perform segmentation. This step will switch the haplotype blocks, but then just takes the mean BAFphased as BAFsegm
# @return A data.frame with columns Chromosome,Position,BAF,BAFphased,BAFseg
run_pcf = function(BAFrawchr, presegment_chrom_start, presegment_chrom_end, gamma) {
row.indices = which(BAFrawchr$Position >= presegment_chrom_start &
BAFrawchr$Position <= presegment_chrom_end)
BAFrawchrseg <- BAFrawchr[row.indices,]
# BAF = BAFrawchr[row.indices,2:ncol(BAFrawchr)]
# pos = BAFrawchr[row.indices,1]
sdevs <- unlist(apply(X = BAFrawchrseg[,-c(1:2)], MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) getMad(ifelse(x<0.5,x,1-x), k=25)))
# sdev <- getMad(ifelse(BAF<0.5,BAF,1-BAF),k=25)
# Standard deviation is not defined for a single value
sdevs[is.na(sdevs)] <- 0
#DCW 250314
#for cell lines, sdev goes to zero in regions of LOH, which causes problems.
#0.09 is around the value expected for a binomial distribution around 0.5 with depth 30
sdevs[sdevs < 0.09] <- 0.09
sdev <- mean(sdevs)
if (nrow(BAFrawchrseg) < 50) {
BAFsegm = matrix(data = colMeans(BAFrawchrseg[,-c(1:2)]), nrow = nrow(BAFrawchrseg), ncol = ncol(BAFrawchrseg)-2, byrow = T)
} else {
res = copynumber::multipcf(data = copynumber::winsorize(data = BAFrawchrseg, assembly = GENOMEBUILD),
Y = BAFrawchrseg, fast = T, gamma = gamma*sdev, return.est = T, normalize = F, assembly = GENOMEBUILD)
BAFsegm = res$estimates[,-c(1:2)]
BAFphased <- do.call(cbind, sapply(X = 1:ncol(BAFsegm), FUN = function(x, bafsegm, baf) ifelse(bafsegm[,x] > 0.5, baf[,x], 1-baf[,x]), bafsegm = BAFsegm, baf = BAFrawchrseg[,-c(1:2)], simplify = F))
if (nrow(BAFphased) < 50){
BAFphseg = matrix(data = colMeans(BAFphased), nrow = nrow(BAFphased), ncol = ncol(BAFphased), byrow = T)
} else {
BAFphseg = sapply(X = 1:ncol(BAFsegm), FUN = function(x, bafsegm) ifelse(bafsegm[,x] > 0.5, bafsegm[,x], 1-bafsegm[,x]), bafsegm = BAFsegm)
if (nrow(BAFrawchrseg) > 0) {
# Note: When adding options, also add to merge_segments
# Recalculate the BAF of each segment, if required
if (calc_seg_baf_option==1) {
# Adjust the segment BAF to not take the mean as that is sensitive to improperly phased segments
BAFphseg = do.call(cbind, sapply(X = 1:ncol(BAFphseg), FUN = function(idx, BAFphased, BAFseg) adjustSegmValues(data.frame(BAFphased=BAFphased[,idx], BAFseg=BAFphseg[,idx]))$BAFseg,
BAFphased = BAFphased, BAFseg = BAFphseg, simplify = F))
# BAFphseg = adjustSegmValues(data.frame(BAFphased=BAFphased, BAFseg=BAFphseg))$BAFseg
} else if (calc_seg_baf_option==2) {
# Don't do anything, the BAF is already the mean
} else if (calc_seg_baf_option==3) {
# Take the median, unless the median is exactly 0 or 1. At the extreme
# there is no difference between lets say 40 and 41 copies and BB cannot
# fit a copy number state. The mean is less prone to become exactly 0 or 1
# but the median is generally a better estimate that is less sensitive to
# how well the haplotypes have been reconstructed
BAFphseg_median = do.call(cbind, sapply(X = 1:ncol(BAFphseg), FUN = function(idx, BAFphased, BAFseg) adjustSegmValues(data.frame(BAFphased=BAFphased[,idx], BAFseg=BAFphseg[,idx]))$BAFseg,
BAFphased = BAFphased, BAFseg = BAFphseg, simplify = F))
BAFphseg <- do.call(cbind, sapply(X = 1:ncol(BAFphseg), FUN = function(idx, BAFphseg_median, BAFphseg) ifelse(BAFphseg_median[,idx] %in% c(0,1), BAFphseg[,idx], BAFphseg_median[,idx]),
BAFphseg_median = BAFphseg_median, BAFphseg = BAFphseg, simplify = F))
} else {
warning("Supplied calc_seg_baf_option to segment.baf.phased not valid, using mean BAF by default")
outlist <- lapply(X = 1:(ncol(BAFrawchr)-2),
FUN = function(x, BAF, BAFphased, BAFseg, tempBAFsegm) {
data.frame(BAF[, 1:2],
BAF = BAF[, x+2],
BAFphased = BAFphased[, x],
BAFseg = BAFseg[, x],
tempBAFsegm = tempBAFsegm[, x], stringsAsFactors = F)
}, BAF = BAFrawchrseg, BAFphased = BAFphased, BAFseg = BAFphseg, tempBAFsegm = BAFsegm)
names(outlist) <- colnames(BAFrawchr)[-c(1,2)]
return(outlist) # Keep track of BAFsegm for the plot below
######## End internal function definitions
BAFraw <- Reduce(f = function(...) merge(..., sort = F, all = F), x = lapply(X = inputfile, FUN = Battenberg:::read_baf))
# BAFraw = as.data.frame(read_tsv(inputfile, col_types = paste0("ci", paste0(rep("n", length(samplename)), collapse = ""), collapse = "")))
if (!is.null(prior_breakpoints_file)) { bkps = read.table(prior_breakpoints_file, header=T, stringsAsFactors=F) } else { bkps = NULL }
BAFoutput = list()
for (chr in unique(BAFraw[,1])) {
print(paste0("Segmenting ", chr))
BAFrawchr = BAFraw[BAFraw[,1]==chr,]
# BAFrawchr = bafsegments[bafsegments$Chromosome==chr, c(2,3)]
BAFrawchr = BAFrawchr[complete.cases(BAFrawchr[,c(3:ncol(BAFrawchr))]),]
if (!is.null(bkps)) {
bkps_chrom = bkps[bkps$chromosome==chr,]
} else {
bkps_chrom = data.frame(chromosome=character(), position=numeric())
breakpoints_chrom = bkps_to_presegment_breakpoints(chr, bkps_chrom, BAFrawchr, addin_bigholes=T)
BAFoutputchr = list()
for (r in 1:nrow(breakpoints_chrom)) {
BAFoutputchr[[r]] = run_pcf(BAFrawchr = BAFrawchr, presegment_chrom_start = breakpoints_chrom$start[r], presegment_chrom_end = breakpoints_chrom$end[r], gamma = gamma)
# BAFoutputchr = rbind(BAFoutputchr, BAFoutput_preseg)
BAFoutputchr <- lapply(X = samplename, FUN = function(x, seglist) do.call(what = rbind, args = lapply(X = seglist, FUN = '[[', x)), seglist = BAFoutputchr)
names(BAFoutputchr) <- samplename
for (id in samplename) {
png(filename = paste(id,"_RAFseg_chr",chr,".png",sep=""), width = 2000, height = 1000, res = 200)
title=paste(id,", chromosome ", chr, sep=""),
xlab="Position (Mb)",
ylab="BAF (phased)",
png(filename = paste(id,"_segment_chr",chr,".png",sep=""), width = 2000, height = 1000, res = 200)
title=paste(id,", chromosome ", chr, sep=""),
xlab="Position (Mb)",
ylab="BAF (phased)",
# Remove the temp BAFsegm values as they are only needed for plotting
BAFoutput[[chr]] <- lapply(X = BAFoutputchr, FUN = function(x) x[,-6])
BAFoutput <- lapply(X = samplename, FUN = function(x, chrlist) do.call(what = rbind, args = lapply(X = chrlist, FUN = '[[', x)), chrlist = BAFoutput)
lapply(X = 1:length(samplename), FUN = function(sidx, outfile, output) write.table(x = output[[sidx]], file = outfile[sidx], sep="\t", row.names=F,
col.names=c("Chromosome","Position","BAF","BAFphased","BAFseg"), quote=F),
outfile = outputfile, output = BAFoutput)
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