
Defines functions dt_robust_by parse_adjust_formula adjust usePopFormula evalRecursive evalPopFormula Surv2DT RHS2DT replace_colon uses_colon RHS2list `%.:%` uses_dollar popArg2ModelNames popArgType evalPopArg

Documented in adjust

evalPopArg <- function(
  n = 1L,
  DT = TRUE,
  enclos = NULL,
  recursive = TRUE,
  types = c("NULL","character", "list", "expression"),
  naming = c("DT", "model")
) {
  ## arg: an unevaluated AND substitute()'d argument within a function, which may be
  ## * an expression
  ## * a list of expressions
  ## * a character vector of variable names (in a given data set)
  ## n: steps upstream as in parent.frame(n); 0L refers to calling environment
  ## of evalPopArg, 1L to calling environment of e.g. sir which uses evalPopArg, etc.
  ## hence n = 1L should be almost always the right way to go.
  ## ALTERNATIVELY supply an environment by hand via enclos.
  ## enclos will override n.
  ## recursive: if TRUE, evals arg as many times as it is of type language.
  ## output:
  ## * vector as a result of an expression
  ## * list as a result of a list
  ## * character vector of names
  ## OR with DT = TRUE, a data.table based on aforementioned results.
  ## intention: output to be used in by argument of data.table.
  ## a data.table output is directly usable in by.
  ## if column names cannot be easily found, BV1, BV2, ... are imputed
  ## for missing names (unrobustly: such names may already exist, resulting in duplicates)

  ## naming: DT style uses first element of all.names() where
  ## a name has to be created; model style keeps the whole deparsed
  ## expression. Only applied when DT = TRUE
  naming <- match.arg(naming[1L], c("DT", "model"))

  ## types: allowed popArg types of arguments.
  types <- match.arg(types, c("NULL","character", "list", "expression", "formula"), several.ok = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(enclos) && !is.environment(enclos)) {
    stop("enclos must be NULL or an environment")
  if (!is.environment(enclos)) enclos <- parent.frame(n + 1L)

  ## used data may change if expression uses dollar operator, hence
  ## arg should not be evaluated within data but only its surroundings.
  use_data <- data
  use_enc <- enclos
  dataNames <- names(data)

  if (uses_dollar(arg, data.names = dataNames)) {
    use_data <- enclos
    use_enc <- baseenv()
  e <- eval(arg, envir = use_data, enclos = use_enc)
  if (is.language(e) && !inherits(e, "formula")) {
    if (!recursive) stop("arg is of type language after evaluating, and recursive = FALSE")

    tick <- 1L
    while (is.language(e) && !inherits(e, "formula") && tick < 100L) {
      arg <- e
      use_data <- data
      use_enc <- enclos
      if (uses_dollar(arg, data.names = dataNames)) {
        use_data <- enclos
        use_enc <- baseenv()
      e <- eval(arg, envir = use_data, enclos = use_enc)
      tick <- tick + 1L
    if (tick == 100L) stop("arg was of type language even after 100 evaluations. Something went wrong here...")

  argType <- "NULL"
  if (is.list(e)) argType <- "list" else
    if (is.character(e)) argType <- "character" else
      if (mode(e) == "numeric" || is.vector(e) || is.factor(e)) argType <- "expression" else
        if (inherits(e, "formula")) argType <- "formula"

  if (!argType %in% types) {
      "popArg type of evaluated arg not one of the allowed types ",
      "(set via argument types). Detected type: '", deparse(argType),
      "'. Allowed types: ", deparse(types))
  if (argType == "NULL") return(NULL)

  av <- all.vars(arg)
  if (argType == "character") av <- e

  ## byNames: names of columns resulting from aggre argument, by which
  ## pyrs and such are aggregated. same functionality
  ## as in results seen in e.g.
  ## dt[, .N, by = list(factor(x), y, z = w)] ## factor, y, z
  ## note: first object in ags with list or expression aggre is "list"
  byNames <- NULL
  arg_substr5 <- substr(paste0(deparse(arg), collapse = " "), 1, 5)
  if (is.character(e)) {
    byNames <- e
  } else if (argType == "list" && arg_substr5 == "list(") {
    byNames <- sapply(arg[-1], function(x) all.names(x)[1])
  } else if (argType == "expression") {
    byNames <- all.names(arg)[1]

  badNames <- c("$", ":")

  byNames[byNames %in% badNames] <- paste0("BV", seq_len(length(byNames)))[byNames %in% badNames]

  if (argType == "formula") {
    arg <- e
    use_data <- data
    use_enc <- enclos
    e <- RHS2DT(formula = e, data = use_data, enclos = use_enc)
    if (ncol(e) == 0L || nrow(e) == 0L) e <- data.table() ## e.g. y ~ 1

  } else if (is.character(e)) {
    all_names_present(data, e)
    if (DT) {
      ## note: e contains variable names in character strings,
      ## ergo fully named list & DT created
      l <- lapply(e, function(x) data[[x]])
      setattr(l, "names", e)
      e <- l; rm(l)
  } else if (is.list(e)) {
    ## note: fully unnamed list has NULL names()
    ## partially named list has some "" names
    ne <- names(e)

    if (DT && any(sapply(e, is.null))) stop("at least one object in list arg is NULL; cannot form data.table with such list")

    if (is.null(ne)) ne <- rep("", length(e))

    wh_bad <- which(ne == "")
    if (length(wh_bad) > 0) {
      if (is.null(byNames)) {
        byNames <- paste0("BV", seq_len(length(e)))

      ne[wh_bad] <- byNames[wh_bad]
      setattr(e, "names", ne)

    if (DT) {
      ## NOTE: used to be setDT, but length of different elements
      ## in list may differ, which as.data.table handles correctly
      e <- as.data.table(e)
  } else if (mode(e) == "numeric" || is.vector(e) || is.factor(e)) {
    ## is e.g. a numeric vector or a factor
    if (DT) {
      e <- data.table(V1 = e)
      setnames(e, 1, byNames)

  ## NOTE: e may be of type language at this point if arg was double-quoted
  ## and recursive = FALSE

  if (DT) {
    setattr(e, "all.vars", av)
    setattr(e, "quoted.arg", arg)
    setattr(e, "arg.type", argType)
    if (naming == "model" && ncol(e) > 0L) setnames(e, seq_len(ncol(e)), popArg2ModelNames(arg, type = argType))

popArgType <- function(
  data = NULL,
  n = 1L,
  enclos = NULL,
  recursive = TRUE
) {
  ## input: a substitute()'d expression / argument
  ## NOTE: recursive useful when arg might be quoted twice and want the eventual
  ## result; need to supply data for it though
  ## output: type of thingie that was substitute()'d
  ##  * list (of expressions)
  ##  * character string vector
  ##  * an expression (includes symbol)
  av <- all.vars(arg, unique = TRUE) ## all variables
  av <- setdiff(av, c("$", "T", "F"))
  an <- all.names(arg, unique = TRUE) ## all variables and functions
  af <- setdiff(an, av) ## all functions used

  a <- deparse(arg)
  a <- paste0(a, collapse = "") ## lists may somehow produce length > 1 here
  if (substr(a, 1, 5) == "list(") return("list")
  if (a == "NULL") return("NULL")
  ## detection of character arguments is not easy and should not be considered
  ## fool proof since user may pass e.g. a vector of character strings as a
  ## symbol, which can only really be interpreted as an expression
  if (sum(grep('\\"', a)) && length(setdiff(af, "c")) == 0) return("character")

  if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    if (is.symbol(arg) && a %in% names(data)) return("expression")
    if (length(av) == 1L && av %in% names(data)) return("expression")
    e <- eval(arg, envir = data[seq_len(min(nrow(data), 20L)), ],
              enclos = if (is.environment(enclos)) enclos else parent.frame(n + 1L))
    if (inherits(e, "formula")) return("formula")
    if (is.null(e)) return("NULL")
    if (is.list(e)) return("list")
    if (is.character(e) && all(e %in% names(data))) return("character")
    if (is.vector(e) || is.factor(e)) return("expression")

    if (recursive && is.language(e)) return(popArgType(e, data = data, n = n + 1L, enclos = enclos))


popArg2ModelNames <- function(arg, type) {
  ## INTENTION: given a quoted/substituted expression,
  ## digs out the expression(s) creating a/multiple column(s)
  ## and returns the deparsed expression(s) to be used as names
  ## of columns the same way that models such as lm() display
  ## the names of expressions used within formula

  ## some exceptions
  if (is.data.frame(arg)) return(names(arg))
  if (is.character(arg)) return(arg)

  type <- match.arg(type[1L], c("NULL", "character", "list", "expression", "formula"))

  lang <- NULL
  lang <- try(is.language(arg) || inherits(arg, "formula"), silent = TRUE)

  if (inherits(lang, "try-error") || !lang) stop("arg must be a quoted or substituted expression or a formula. Error message: ", lang, ". type of arg: ", typeof(arg), ". Class: ", class(arg), ". Mode: ", mode(arg), ".")

  d <- oneWhitespace(paste0(deparse(arg)))

  if (type == "expression") return(d) else
    if (type == "NULL") return(NULL) else
      if (type == "character") return(eval(arg)) else
        if (type == "list") {
          d <- substr(d, 6, nchar(d)-1L) ## removes "list(" and ")"
          d <- strsplit(d, ", ")
        } else if (type == "formula") {
          arg <- eval(arg)
          d <- names(RHS2list(arg))
          if (length(d) == 0L) return(NULL) ## e.g. y ~ 1
  stop("could not determine deparsed-expression-names")

uses_dollar <- function(q, data.names) {
  ## INTENTION: determine whether q is an expressions that is evaluated
  ## outside a data.frame, i.e. one that uses the dollar operator.
  ## e.g. TF$V1 should not be evaluated in a data.frame even if it has
  ## the variables TF and V1 since it wont work and was not intended.
  if (!is.language(q) || inherits(q, "formula")) {

  d <- deparse(q)
  ## sometimes d is of length > 1 for some reason...
  d <- paste0(d, collapse = "")
  d <- oneWhitespace(d)

  if (substr(d, 1, 4) == "list") {
    ## lists are not allowed to work in this manner for now.

  if (!grepl(x = d, pattern = "\\$")) {
    ## does not use dollar operator.

  ## detect if word$word is used in d
  t <- regexec(pattern = "\\w+\\$\\w+", text = d)
  if (t != -1) {
    ## ok, used word$word
    ## is there are variable with that name in data.names?
    m <- unlist(regmatches(d, t))
    if (m %in% data.names) {
    ## if not, it should be evaluated outside the data.


`%.:%` <- function(x, y) {
  ## INTENTION: hacking formula calls using `:`
  ## which is apparently normally evaluated in C... (in model.matrix.default)
  ## USAGE: e.g. c(1,2) %.:% c(3,4) = c(3, 8)
  ## (instead of getting warning)
  if (length(x) > 1L && length(y) > 1L && is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(y)) {
  } else if (length(x) == 1L && length(y) == 1L && is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(y)) {


RHS2list <- function(formula, handle.adjust=TRUE) {
  ## INTENTION: turns the right-hand side of a formula
  ## into a list of substituted expressions;
  ## each element in list is an expressions separated
  ## by a '+' in the formula. needs to be eval()'d,
  ## preferably using the appropriate data set.
  if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("not a formula")

  ## no response
  formula <- formula[c(1, length(formula))]

  te <- terms(formula)
  tl <- attr(te, "term.labels")

  ## handle adjusting variables (e.g. adjust(V1, V2) -> c("V1", "V2"))
  adj <- tl[substr(tl, 1, 7) == "adjust("]
  if (length(adj) == 0L) adj <- NULL
  if (handle.adjust && !is.null(adj)) {
    tl <- setdiff(tl, adj)
    adj <- unlist(lapply(adj, function(stri) {
      e <- parse(text = stri)[[1]]
      e <- as.list(e)[-1]
      unlist(lapply(e, deparse))

    tl <- c(tl, adj)

  ## to avoid e.g. c(1,2):c(3,4) NOT evaluating as c(3, 8)
  l <- lapply(tl, function(x) gsub(pattern = ":", x = x, replacement = "%.:%"))
  l <- lapply(l, function(x) parse(text = x)[[1L]])

  names(l) <- tl

  setattr(l, "adjust", adj)


uses_colon <- function(e) {
  if (is.character(e)) e <- parse(text = e)[[1]]
  stopifnot(is.call(e) || is.name(e))
  stopifnot(!inherits(e, "formula"))

  l <- as.list(e)
  if (deparse(l[[1]]) %in% c(":", "%.:%") && length(l) == 3) {

replace_colon <- function(e) {
  stopifnot(is.call(e) || is.name(e))
  stopifnot(!inherits(e, "formula"))

  if (!uses_colon(e)) return(e)

  l <- as.list(e)
  l[[1]] <- parse(text = "popEpi:::`%.:%`")[[1]]

RHS2DT <- function(formula, data = data.frame(), enclos = parent.frame(1L)) {
  l <- RHS2list(formula)
  if (length(l) == 0L) return(data.table())
  adj <- attr(l, "adjust")

  ## foolproofing in case data contains column named e.g. "a:b" and that is
  ## intended to be used
  dana <- names(data)
  dana <- gsub(x=dana, pattern=" %.:% ", replacement = ":")
  dana <- gsub(x=dana, pattern="%.:%", replacement = ":")

  ld <- lapply(l, deparse)
  ld <- lapply(ld, function(ch) {
    ch <- gsub(x=ch, pattern=" %.:% ", replacement = ":")
    ch <- gsub(x=ch, pattern="%.:%", replacement = ":")
    int <- if (ch %in% dana) which(dana %in% ch) else ch
    if (is.integer(int)) data[[names(data)[int]]] else NULL
  ld[which(sapply(ld, is.null))] <- NULL
  l[names(ld)] <- ld

  ## foolproofs use of function %.:% by explicit referral, i.e. :::
  ## (this avoids scoping problem)
  l <- lapply(l, function(elem) {
    if (!is.call(elem)) return(elem)
    if (!uses_colon(elem)) return(elem)



  l <- lapply(l, function(elem) {
    eval(expr = elem, envir = data, enclos = enclos)

  l <- as.data.table(l)
  setattr(l, "adjust", adj)

Surv2DT <- function(Surv) {
  sa <- attributes(Surv)
  type <- sa$type

  dt <- as.data.table(lapply(sa$dimnames[[2]], function(col_nm) {
    Surv[, col_nm]
  setnames(dt, names(dt), sa$dimnames[[2]])

  statNA <- sum(is.na(dt$status))
  if (statNA) {
    stop("Some status indicators (", statNA  ," values in total) were NA. ",
         "Usual suspects: original status variable ",
         "has NA values, or you have numeric status variable with more than ",
         "two levels and you did not assign e.g. type = 'mstate' (e.g. ",
         "Surv(time = c(1,1,1), event = c(0,1,2), type = 'mstate') works).")


  setattr(dt, "type", type)

  label_sources <- c("time2", "event")
  lapply(label_sources, function(lbl_src) {
    if (identical(sa$inputAttributes[[lbl_src]]$class, "factor")) {
        dt, j = "status",
        value = factor(dt$status, labels = sa$inputAttributes[[lbl_src]]$levels)


evalPopFormula <- function(formula, data = data.frame(), enclos = parent.frame(2L), subset = NULL, Surv.response = TRUE) {

  ## INTENTION: given a formula object, returns a DT where each column
  ## is an evaluated expression from formula (separated by  + )

  either <- FALSE
  if (is.character(Surv.response)) {
    Surv.response <- match.arg(Surv.response, "either")
    Surv.response <- TRUE
    either <- TRUE
  } else if (!is.logical(Surv.response)) {
    stop("Surv.response must be either logical or 'either'")

  ## subset if needed ----------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(subset) && !is.logical(subset)) {
    stop("subset must be NULL or a logical vector and not an expression at ",
         "this point. If you see this, complain to the package maintainer.")
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    keepVars <- c(all.vars(formula), "lex.Xst")
    data <- subsetDTorDF(data, subset = subset, select = keepVars)

  ## formula -------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) {
    stop("formula is not of class 'formula'; supply it as e.g. y ~ x")
  if (length(formula) < 3L) {
    stop("formula appears to be one-sided, which is not supported; ",
         "supply it as e.g. y ~ x")

  ## response
  y <- eval(formula[[2L]], envir = data, enclos = enclos)
  if (inherits(y, "Surv") && !either && !Surv.response) {
    stop("Response is a result of using Surv(), which is not allowed in ",
         "this context.")

  if (!inherits(y, "Surv") && !either && Surv.response) {
    stop("The response of the formula must be a Surv object; ",
         "see ?Surv (in package survival).")

  if (inherits(y, "Surv")) {
    y <- Surv2DT(y)
    setcolsnull(y, keep = c("time", "start", "status"), colorder = TRUE)
    if (!any(c("time", "start") %in% names(y))) {
      stop("You must supply function Surv a value to the 'time' ",
           "argument. See ?Surv")
    setnames(y, names(y), c("time", "status")[seq_len(ncol(y))])
  } else {
    y <- data.table(y)
    setnames(y, 1, deparse(formula[[2L]]))
    if (either && inherits(data, "Lexis")) {
      ## we assume the unmodified lex.Xst to be a useful status variable.
      if (!"lex.Xst" %in% names(data)) {
        stop("Supplied a formula without using Surv(), and data was a Lexis ",
             "object, so assumed you intended to use 'lex.Xst' in data as the ",
             "status variable in this context, but that column was missing ",
             "from data.")
      setnames(y, 1, "time")
      y[, "status"] <- data$lex.Xst


  ## RHS
  l <- RHS2DT(formula, data = data, enclos = enclos)
  adj <- attr(l, "adjust")

  ## combine
  l <- if (length(l) > 0L) cbind(y, l) else y

  setattr(l, "adjust.names", adj)
  setattr(l, "print.names", setdiff(names(l), c(adj, names(y))))
  setattr(l, "Surv.names", names(y))
  setattr(l, "formula", formula)


evalRecursive <- function(arg, env, enc, max.n = 100L) {
  ## INTENTION: digs out actual evaluatable value and expression

  if (missing(env)) env <- environment()
  if (missing(enc)) enc <- parent.frame(1L)

  if (is.data.frame(env)) {
    na <- names(env)
    env <- env[seq_len(min(10L, nrow(env))), ]

    env <- data.frame(env)
    setattr(env, "names", na)

  argSub <- arg

  tick <- 1L
  while (!inherits(arg, "try-error") && is.language(arg) &&
         !inherits(arg, "formula") && tick < max.n) {

    argSub <- arg
    arg <- try(eval(argSub, envir = env, enclos = enc), silent = TRUE)

    tick <- tick + 1L

  if (tick == max.n) {
    stop("evaluated expression ", max.n,
         " times and still could not find underlying expression")
  if (!is.language(argSub)) argSub <- substitute(arg)
  list(arg = arg, argSub = argSub, all.vars = all.vars(argSub))

usePopFormula <- function(form = NULL, adjust = NULL, data = data.frame(),
                          enclos, Surv.response = TRUE) {
  ## INTENTION: evaluates form and combines with adjust appropriately
  ## returns a list of the elements dug out from the formula and adjust
  ## arguments.
  # formSub <- substitute(form)
  al <- evalRecursive(arg = form, env = data, enc = enclos)

  if (!inherits(al$arg, "formula")) stop("'form' is not a formula object")

  dt <- evalPopFormula(formula = al$arg, data = data, enclos = enclos,
                       Surv.response = Surv.response)
  adNames <- attr(dt, "adjust.names")
  prNames <- attr(dt, "print.names")
  suNames <- attr(dt, "Surv.names")

  adjust <- evalPopArg(data, adjust, DT = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,
                       enclos = new.env(), naming = "model",
                       types = c("NULL", "character", "list", "expression"))

  if (is.data.frame(adjust) && (nrow(adjust) == 0L || ncol(adjust) == 0L)) {
    stop("adjust evaluated to an empty data.frame")
  if (!is.null(adjust) && ncol(adjust) > 0L && length(adNames) > 0L) {
    stop("Cannot both use argument 'adjust' AND use an adjust() term within ",
         "the formula argument. Please only use one.")
  if (is.null(adjust) && length(adNames) > 0L) {
    adjust <- dt[, .SD, .SDcols = c(adNames)]

  print <- NULL
  if (length(prNames > 0L)) print <- dt[, .SD, .SDcols = eval(prNames)]

  list(y = dt[, .SD, .SDcols = c(suNames)],
       print = print,
       adjust = adjust, formula = al$arg)

#' @title Adjust Estimates by Categorical Variables
#' @description This function is only intended to be used within a formula
#' when supplied to e.g. \code{\link{survtab_ag}} and should not be
#' used elsewhere.
#' @param ... variables to adjust by, e.g. \code{adjust(factor(v1), v2, v3)}
#' @return Returns a list of promises of the variables supplied which can be
#' evaluated.
#' @examples
#' y ~ x + adjust(z)
#' @export
adjust <- function(...) {

  call <- sys.call(1L)
  call <- as.list(call)[1L]

  if (deparse(call) %in% c("adjust", "list(adjust)")) {
    stop("Function adjust() only intended to be used within the formulas of ",
         "certain functions of package popEpi. See e.g. ?survtab_ag for usage.")

  mc <- as.list(match.call())[-1L]
  if (is.list(mc) && length(mc) == 1) mc <- mc[[1]]

parse_adjust_formula <- function(f) {

  env <- environment(f)
  t <- attr(terms(f), "term.labels")

  l <- sapply(t, grepl, pattern = "adjust(", fixed = TRUE)

  a <- t[l]

  if (!any(l)) return(f)

  f <- deparse(f)
  f <- paste0(f, collapse = "")
  f <- oneWhitespace(f)

  for (k in seq_along(a)) {
    f <- sub(x = f, pattern = paste0(" + ", a[k]), replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)

  a <- lapply(a, function(stri) {
    e <- parse(text = stri)[[1]]

  a <- unlist(a, recursive = FALSE)

  a <- sapply(a, function(e) {

    e <- substitute(adjust(e), list(e = e))


  f <- paste0(f, " + ", paste0(a, collapse = " + "))
  f <- eval(parse(text = f)[[1]])
  environment(f) <- env

dt_robust_by <- function(e, by.var.nms) {
    length(e) == 1,
    grepl(x = e, pattern = "by\\s{0,}=\\s{0,}%%BY_VAR_NMS%%"),
    length(by.var.nms) == 0 || is.character(by.var.nms)

  le <- paste0("list(", paste0("`", by.var.nms, "`", collapse = ", "), ")")
  if (!length(by.var.nms)) le <- "NULL"

  e <- gsub(x = e, pattern = "%%BY_VAR_NMS%%", fixed = TRUE, replacement = le)
  eval(parse(text = e), envir = parent.frame(1L))
WetRobot/popEpi documentation built on May 13, 2024, 8:25 a.m.