#' Arguments that are shared by multiple `Evaluator` library functions.
#' @name shared_eval_lib_args
#' @param custom_summary_funs Named list of custom functions to summarize
#' results. Names in the list should correspond to the name of the summary
#' function. Values in the list should be a function that takes in one
#' argument, that being the values of the evaluated metrics.
#' @param curve Either "ROC" or "PR" indicating whether to evaluate the ROC or
#' Precision-Recall curve.
#' @param eval_id Character string. ID to be used as a suffix when naming result
#' columns. Default `NULL` does not add any ID to the column names.
#' @param feature_col A character string identifying the column in
#' `fit_results` with the feature names or IDs.
#' @param group_cols (Optional) A character string or vector specifying the
#' column(s) to group rows by before evaluating metrics.
#' This is useful for assessing within-group metrics.
#' @param na_rm A `logical` value indicating whether `NA` values
#' should be stripped before the computation proceeds.
#' @param nested_cols (Optional) A character string or vector specifying the
#' name of the column(s) in `fit_results` that need to be
#' unnested before evaluating results. Default is `NULL`, meaning no
#' columns in `fit_results` need to be unnested prior to computation.
#' @param summary_funs Character vector specifying how to summarize
#' evaluation metrics. Must choose from a built-in library of summary
#' functions - elements of the vector must be one of "mean", "median",
#' "min", "max", "sd", "raw".
#' @param x_grid Vector of values between 0 and 1 at which to evaluate the ROC
#' or PR curve. If `curve = "ROC"`, the provided vector of values are
#' the FPR values at which to evaluate the TPR, and if `curve = "PR"`,
#' the values are the recall values at which to evaluate the precision.
#' @keywords internal
#' Developer function to construct basic Evaluator.
#' @description Helper function for developing a new `Evaluator`
#' that evaluates some function (e.g., metric) for each row in
#' `fit_results`.
#' @inheritParams shared_experiment_helpers_args
#' @inheritParams shared_eval_lib_args
#' @param fun Function to compute for each row in `fit_results`. This
#' function can take in the following optional arguments: (1) `data` =
#' `fit_results[i, ]`; (2) na_rm; (3) arguments specified via `...`
#' and `fun_options`.
#' @param ... Named arguments, containing names of columns to pass to
#' `fun`.
#' @param fun_options Named list of additional arguments to pass to `fun`.
#' @examples
#' # generate example fit_results data for a regression problem
#' fit_results <- tibble::tibble(
#' .rep = rep(1:2, times = 2),
#' .dgp_name = c("DGP1", "DGP1", "DGP2", "DGP2"),
#' .method_name = c("Method"),
#' # true response
#' y = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) rnorm(100)),
#' # predicted response
#' predictions = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) rnorm(100))
#' )
#' # evaluate root mean squared error for each row in fit_results
#' rmse_fun <- function(data, truth_col, estimate_col, na_rm = TRUE) {
#' yardstick::rmse_vec(
#' data[[truth_col]], data[[estimate_col]], na_rm = na_rm
#' )
#' }
#' eval_results <- eval_constructor(
#' fit_results = fit_results,
#' fun = rmse_fun,
#' truth_col = "y",
#' estimate_col = "predictions"
#' ) %>%
#' tidyr::unnest(.eval_result)
#' @export
eval_constructor <- function(fit_results, vary_params = NULL, fun,
nested_cols = NULL, ..., group_cols = NULL,
fun_options = NULL, na_rm = FALSE) {
eval_rowwise <- function(data) {
if (!is.null(nested_cols)) {
data <- data %>% tidyr::unnest(tidyselect::all_of(nested_cols))
key_cols_ls <- rlang::list2(...)
for (col in key_cols_ls) {
if (!all(col %in% colnames(data))) {
missing_col <- col[which(!(col %in% colnames(data)))[1]]
stop(sprintf("No column named %s in fit_results.", missing_col))
if (length(key_cols_ls) > 0) {
key_cols_vec <- purrr::reduce(key_cols_ls, c)
} else {
key_cols_vec <- NULL
if (is.null(nested_cols)) {
data <- data %>%
tidyr::unnest(tidyselect::all_of(c(key_cols_vec, group_cols)))
if (!is.null(group_cols)) {
data <- data %>%
out <- R.utils::doCall(
args = c(list(data = data, na_rm = na_rm), key_cols_ls, fun_options)
id_vars <- c(".rep", ".dgp_name", ".method_name", vary_params)
eval_tib <- fit_results %>%
.eval_result = purrr::map(
1:nrow(fit_results), ~eval_rowwise(data = fit_results[.x, ])
) %>%
dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(id_vars), .eval_result)
#' Developer function to add number of NAs to evaluator results
#' @description A helper function to append rows with number of NAs (per group,
#' if applicable) to evaluator results tibble.
#' @inheritParams shared_eval_lib_args
#' @param out Evaluator results tibble to append number of NA results to.
#' @param data Data used to compute number of NAs.
#' @param value_col Character string, specifying the column used to compute
#' the number of NAs.
#' @param ... Additional name-value pairs to pass to dplyr::mutate() to append
#' columns.
#' @returns Tibble with additional rows containing the new metric "num_na" and
#' its corresponding ".estimate"
#' @examples
#' # generate example fit_results data with NA responses
#' fit_results <- tibble::tibble(
#' .rep = rep(1:2, times = 2),
#' .dgp_name = c("DGP1", "DGP1", "DGP2", "DGP2"),
#' .method_name = c("Method"),
#' # true response
#' y = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) c(rnorm(100 - x), rep(NA, x))),
#' # predicted response
#' predictions = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) rnorm(100))
#' )
#' # evaluate root mean squared error and number of NA responses for each row in
#' # fit_results
#' rmse_na_fun <- function(data, truth_col, estimate_col, na_rm = TRUE) {
#' out <- tibble::tibble(
#' .metric = "rmse",
#' .estimate = yardstick::rmse_vec(
#' data[[truth_col]], data[[estimate_col]], na_rm = na_rm
#' )
#' ) %>%
#' add_na_counts(data = data, value_col = truth_col, na_rm = na_rm)
#' return(out)
#' }
#' eval_results <- eval_constructor(
#' fit_results = fit_results,
#' fun = rmse_na_fun,
#' truth_col = "y",
#' estimate_col = "predictions",
#' na_rm = TRUE
#' ) %>%
#' tidyr::unnest(.eval_result)
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
add_na_counts <- function(out, data, value_col, na_rm, ...) {
if (na_rm) {
na_counts <- data %>%
dplyr::summarise(.estimate = sum(is.na(.data[[value_col]]))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(.metric = "num_na", ...)
out <- out %>%
#' Developer function for summarizing evaluation results.
#' @description A helper function for developing new `Evaluator` functions
#' that summarize results over pre-specified groups in a grouped
#' `data.frame` (e.g., over multiple experimental replicates). This is
#' often used in conjunction with `eval_constructor()`.
#' @inheritParams shared_eval_lib_args
#' @param eval_data A grouped `data.frame` of evaluation results to
#' summarize.
#' @param value_col Character string. Name of column in `eval_data` with
#' values to summarize.
#' @return A `tibble` containing the summarized results aggregated
#' over the given groups. These columns correspond to the requested
#' statistics in `summary_funs` and `custom_summary_funs` and end
#' with the suffix specified by `eval_id`. Note that the group IDs are
#' also retained in the returned `tibble`.
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' # create example eval_data to summarize
#' eval_data <- tibble::tibble(.rep = rep(1:2, times = 2),
#' .dgp_name = c("DGP1", "DGP1", "DGP2", "DGP2"),
#' .method_name = "Method",
#' result = 1:4) %>%
#' dplyr::group_by(.dgp_name, .method_name)
#' # summarize `result` column in eval_data
#' results <- eval_summarizer(eval_data = eval_data, eval_id = "res",
#' value_col = "result")
#' # only compute mean and sd of `result` column in eval_data over given groups
#' results <- eval_summarizer(eval_data = eval_data, eval_id = "res",
#' value_col = "result",
#' summary_funs = c("mean", "sd"))
#' # summarize `results` column using custom summary function
#' range_fun <- function(x) return(max(x) - min(x))
#' results <- eval_summarizer(eval_data = eval_data, value_col = "result",
#' custom_summary_funs = list(range = range_fun))
#' @export
eval_summarizer <- function(eval_data, eval_id = NULL, value_col,
summary_funs = c("mean", "median", "min",
"max", "sd", "raw"),
custom_summary_funs = NULL,
na_rm = FALSE) {
summary_funs <- match.arg(summary_funs, several.ok = TRUE)
group_ids <- dplyr::group_vars(eval_data)
if (length(group_ids) == 0) {
abort("eval_data must be a grouped data.frame. Use dplyr::group_by() to specify groups.")
if (!is.null(eval_id)) {
eval_id <- paste0("_", eval_id)
# summarize results according to summary_funs
eval_out <- purrr::map(
function(f) {
summary_fun <- eval(parse(text = f))
col_name <- paste0(f, eval_id)
if (f == "raw") {
eval_out <- eval_data %>%
dplyr::summarise(summary = list(.data[[value_col]]),
.groups = "keep")
} else {
eval_out <- eval_data %>%
dplyr::summarise(summary = summary_fun(.data[[value_col]],
na.rm = na_rm),
.groups = "keep")
return(eval_out %>% dplyr::rename({{col_name}} := "summary"))
) %>%
purrr::reduce(dplyr::left_join, by = group_ids)
# summarize results according to custom_summary_funs
if (!is.null(custom_summary_funs)) {
if (is.null(names(custom_summary_funs))) {
names(custom_summary_funs) <- paste0("eval_summary", eval_id,
} else if (any(names(custom_summary_funs) == "")) {
empty_names <- which(names(custom_summary_funs) == "")
names(custom_summary_funs)[empty_names] <- paste0("eval_summary", eval_id,
custom_eval_out <- purrr::map(
function(i) {
summary_name <- names(custom_summary_funs)[i]
summary_fun <- custom_summary_funs[[i]]
eval_data %>%
dplyr::summarise({{summary_name}} := summary_fun(.data[[value_col]]),
.groups = "keep")
) %>%
purrr::reduce(dplyr::left_join, by = group_ids)
eval_out <- dplyr::left_join(eval_out, custom_eval_out, by = group_ids)
return(tibble::tibble(eval_out) %>%
#' Rescale ROC/PR curves onto the same x-axis grid
#' @description A helper function to map a ROC/PR curve with unique
#' coordinates given in a data.frame onto a new set of x-axis values (i.e.,
#' FPR for an ROC curve and recall for a PR curve).
#' @param curve_data A `data.frame` containing the x- and y-coordinates
#' that define the ROC/PR curve.
#' @param x_grid Vector of x-coordinates at which to evaluate ROC/PR curve
#' @param xvar Name of column in `curve_data` with the FPR values for an
#' ROC curve or the recall values for a PR curve.
#' @param yvar Name of column in `curve_data` with the TPR values for an
#' ROC curve or the precision values for a PR curve.
#' @return A `data.frame` with the coordinates of the ROC/PR curve using
#' the new x-axis scale. This `data.frame` has two columns with names
#' given by those specified in `xvar` and `yvar`.
#' @keywords internal
rescale_curve <- function(curve_data, x_grid, xvar, yvar) {
# map curves onto same x-axis scale
x_vals <- sort(unique(curve_data[[xvar]]))
if (length(x_vals) <= length(x_grid)) {
y_vals <- rep(NA, length(x_grid))
y_cur <- max(curve_data[curve_data[[xvar]] == x_vals[1], yvar])
y_vals[x_grid <= x_vals[1]] <- y_cur
for (i in 2:length(x_vals)) {
cur_window <- (x_grid < x_vals[i]) & is.na(y_vals)
if (any(cur_window)) {
y_vals[cur_window] <- y_cur
y_next <- curve_data[curve_data[[xvar]] == x_vals[i], yvar]
if (xvar == "FPR") {
y_vals[which(is.na(y_vals))[1]] <- min(y_next)
y_cur <- max(y_next)
} else if (xvar == "recall") {
y_vals[which(is.na(y_vals))[1]] <- max(y_next)
y_cur <- min(y_next)
} else {
y_vals <- c(max(curve_data[curve_data[[xvar]] <= x_grid[1], yvar]),
rep(NA, length(x_grid) - 1))
y_cur <- y_vals[1]
for (i in 2:length(x_grid)) {
x0 <- x_grid[i - 1]
x1 <- x_grid[i]
cur_window <- (curve_data[[xvar]] > x0) & (curve_data[[xvar]] <= x1)
if (any(cur_window)) {
if (xvar == "FPR") {
y_vals[i] <- min(curve_data[cur_window, yvar])
y_cur <- max(curve_data[cur_window, yvar])
} else if (xvar == "recall") {
y_vals[i] <- max(curve_data[cur_window, yvar])
y_cur <- min(curve_data[cur_window, yvar])
} else {
y_vals[i] <- y_cur
curve_data <- data.frame(
.x_coord = x_grid,
.y_coord = y_vals
return(curve_data %>% stats::setNames(c(xvar, yvar)))
#----------------------------- Yardstick Helpers -------------------------------
#' Logic for `event_level` in custom `yardstick` metrics.
#' @param xtab Frequency table from `table()`
#' @inheritParams yardstick::roc_auc
#' @return Name of factor level to use as the "event" when computing evaluation
#' metrics.
#' @keywords internal
event_col <- function(xtab, event_level) {
if (identical(event_level, "first")) {
} else {
#' Helper function for constructing `finalize_estimator_internal` for
#' custom `yardstick` metrics that are restricted to binary estimators.
#' @keywords internal
finalize_estimator_internal_constructor <- function(metric_dispatcher, x,
estimator) {
yardstick::validate_estimator(estimator, estimator_override = "binary")
if(!is.null(estimator)) {
lvls <- levels(x)
if(length(lvls) > 2) {
abort("A multiclass `truth` input was provided, but only `binary` is supported.")
#' Helper function for constructing `metric_vec` methods for
#' custom `yardstick` metrics.
#' @keywords internal
class_metric_vec_constructor <- function(name, fun, truth, estimate, estimator,
na_rm, case_weights, event_level,
...) {
estimator <- yardstick::finalize_estimator(
truth, estimator, metric_class = name
yardstick::check_class_metric(truth, estimate, case_weights, estimator)
if (na_rm) {
result <- yardstick::yardstick_remove_missing(truth, estimate, case_weights)
truth <- result$truth
estimate <- result$estimate
case_weights <- result$case_weights
} else if (yardstick::yardstick_any_missing(truth, estimate, case_weights)) {
fun(truth, estimate, event_level)
#-------------------------- Custom Yardstick Metrics ---------------------------
#' Number of true positives
#' @description These functions calculate the [tp()] (number of true positives)
#' of a measurement system compared to the reference results (the "truth").
#' @inheritParams yardstick::ppv
#' @returns
#' A `tibble` with columns `.metric`, `.estimator`, and
#' `.estimate` with 1 row of values.
#' For grouped data frames, the number of rows returned will be the same as the
#' number of groups.
#' For `tp_vec()`, a single `numeric` value (or `NA`).
#' @examples
#' # Two class example data
#' two_class_example <- data.frame(
#' truth = as.factor(sample(c("Class1", "Class2"), 100, replace = TRUE)),
#' predicted = as.factor(sample(c("Class1", "Class2"), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' )
#' # Compute number of true positives
#' tp(two_class_example, truth = truth, estimate = predicted)
#' tp_vec(two_class_example$truth, two_class_example$predicted)
#' @export
tp <- function(data, ...) {
tp <- yardstick::new_class_metric(tp, direction = "maximize")
#' @keywords internal
tp_impl <- function(truth, estimate, event_level) {
xtab <- table(estimate, truth)
col <- event_col(xtab, event_level)
return(xtab[col, col])
#' @rdname tp
#' @export
tp.data.frame <- function(data, truth, estimate, estimator = NULL,
na_rm = FALSE, case_weights = NULL,
event_level = "first", ...) {
name = "tp",
fn = tp_vec,
data = data,
truth = !! rlang::enquo(truth),
estimate = !! rlang::enquo(estimate),
estimator = estimator,
na_rm = na_rm,
case_weights = !! rlang::enquo(case_weights),
event_level = event_level
#' @rdname tp
#' @export
tp_vec <- function(truth, estimate, estimator = NULL, na_rm = FALSE,
case_weights = NULL, event_level = "first", ...) {
"tp", fun = tp_impl, truth = truth,
estimate = estimate, estimator = estimator,
na_rm = na_rm, case_weights = case_weights,
event_level = event_level, ...
#' @keywords internal
finalize_estimator_internal.tp <- function(metric_dispatcher, x, estimator) {
finalize_estimator_internal_constructor(metric_dispatcher, x, estimator)
#' Number of false positives
#' @description These functions calculate the [fp()] (number of false positives)
#' of a measurement system compared to the reference results (the "truth").
#' @inheritParams yardstick::ppv
#' @returns
#' A `tibble` with columns `.metric`, `.estimator`, and
#' `.estimate` with 1 row of values.
#' For grouped data frames, the number of rows returned will be the same as the
#' number of groups.
#' For `fp_vec()`, a single `numeric` value (or `NA`).
#' @examples
#' # Two class example data
#' two_class_example <- data.frame(
#' truth = as.factor(sample(c("Class1", "Class2"), 100, replace = TRUE)),
#' predicted = as.factor(sample(c("Class1", "Class2"), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' )
#' # Compute number of false positives
#' fp(two_class_example, truth = truth, estimate = predicted)
#' fp_vec(two_class_example$truth, two_class_example$predicted)
#' @export
fp <- function(data, ...) {
fp <- yardstick::new_class_metric(fp, direction = "minimize")
#' @keywords internal
fp_impl <- function(truth, estimate, event_level) {
xtab <- table(estimate, truth)
col <- event_col(xtab, event_level)
col2 <- setdiff(colnames(xtab), col)
return(xtab[col, col2])
#' @rdname fp
#' @export
fp.data.frame <- function(data, truth, estimate, estimator = NULL,
na_rm = FALSE, case_weights = NULL,
event_level = "first", ...) {
name = "fp",
fn = fp_vec,
data = data,
truth = !! rlang::enquo(truth),
estimate = !! rlang::enquo(estimate),
estimator = estimator,
na_rm = na_rm,
case_weights = !! rlang::enquo(case_weights),
event_level = event_level
#' @rdname fp
#' @export
fp_vec <- function(truth, estimate, estimator = NULL, na_rm = FALSE,
case_weights = NULL, event_level = "first", ...) {
"fp", fun = fp_impl, truth = truth,
estimate = estimate, estimator = estimator,
na_rm = na_rm, case_weights = case_weights,
event_level = event_level, ...
#' @keywords internal
finalize_estimator_internal.fp <- function(metric_dispatcher, x, estimator) {
finalize_estimator_internal_constructor(metric_dispatcher, x, estimator)
#' Number of estimated positive cases
#' @description These functions calculate the [pos()] (number of estimated
#' positive cases) of a measurement system compared to the reference results
#' (the "truth").
#' @inheritParams yardstick::ppv
#' @returns
#' A `tibble` with columns `.metric`, `.estimator`, and
#' `.estimate` with 1 row of values.
#' For grouped data frames, the number of rows returned will be the same as the
#' number of groups.
#' For `pos_vec()`, a single `numeric` value (or `NA`).
#' @examples
#' # Two class example data
#' two_class_example <- data.frame(
#' truth = as.factor(sample(c("Class1", "Class2"), 100, replace = TRUE)),
#' predicted = as.factor(sample(c("Class1", "Class2"), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' )
#' # Compute number of estimated "positive" classes
#' pos(two_class_example, truth = truth, estimate = predicted)
#' pos_vec(two_class_example$truth, two_class_example$predicted)
#' @export
pos <- function(data, ...) {
pos <- yardstick::new_class_metric(pos, direction = "minimize")
#' @keywords internal
pos_impl <- function(truth, estimate, event_level) {
xtab <- table(estimate, truth)
col <- event_col(xtab, event_level)
return(sum(xtab[col, ]))
#' @rdname pos
#' @export
pos.data.frame <- function(data, truth, estimate, estimator = NULL,
na_rm = FALSE, case_weights = NULL,
event_level = "first", ...) {
name = "pos",
fn = pos_vec,
data = data,
truth = !! rlang::enquo(truth),
estimate = !! rlang::enquo(estimate),
estimator = estimator,
na_rm = na_rm,
case_weights = !! rlang::enquo(case_weights),
event_level = event_level
#' @rdname pos
#' @export
pos_vec <- function(truth, estimate, estimator = NULL, na_rm = FALSE,
case_weights = NULL, event_level = "first", ...) {
"pos", fun = pos_impl, truth = truth,
estimate = estimate, estimator = estimator,
na_rm = na_rm, case_weights = case_weights,
event_level = event_level, ...
#' @keywords internal
finalize_estimator_internal.pos <- function(metric_dispatcher, x, estimator) {
finalize_estimator_internal_constructor(metric_dispatcher, x, estimator)
#' Number of estimated negative cases
#' @description These functions calculate the [neg()] (number of estimated
#' negative cases) of a measurement system compared to the reference results
#' (the "truth").
#' @inheritParams yardstick::ppv
#' @returns
#' A `tibble` with columns `.metric`, `.estimator`, and
#' `.estimate` with 1 row of values.
#' For grouped data frames, the number of rows returned will be the same as the
#' number of groups.
#' For `neg_vec()`, a single `numeric` value (or `NA`).
#' @examples
#' # Two class example data
#' two_class_example <- data.frame(
#' truth = as.factor(sample(c("Class1", "Class2"), 100, replace = TRUE)),
#' predicted = as.factor(sample(c("Class1", "Class2"), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' )
#' # Compute number of estimated "negative" classes
#' neg(two_class_example, truth = truth, estimate = predicted)
#' neg_vec(two_class_example$truth, two_class_example$predicted)
#' @export
neg <- function(data, ...) {
neg <- yardstick::new_class_metric(neg, direction = "maximize")
#' @keywords internal
neg_impl <- function(truth, estimate, event_level) {
xtab <- table(estimate, truth)
col <- event_col(xtab, event_level)
col2 <- setdiff(colnames(xtab), col)
return(sum(xtab[col2, ]))
#' @rdname neg
#' @export
neg.data.frame <- function(data, truth, estimate, estimator = NULL,
na_rm = FALSE, case_weights = NULL,
event_level = "first", ...) {
name = "neg",
fn = neg_vec,
data = data,
truth = !! rlang::enquo(truth),
estimate = !! rlang::enquo(estimate),
estimator = estimator,
na_rm = na_rm,
case_weights = !! rlang::enquo(case_weights),
event_level = event_level
#' @rdname neg
#' @export
neg_vec <- function(truth, estimate, estimator = NULL, na_rm = FALSE,
case_weights = NULL, event_level = "first", ...) {
"neg", fun = neg_impl, truth = truth,
estimate = estimate, estimator = estimator,
na_rm = na_rm, case_weights = case_weights,
event_level = event_level, ...
#' @keywords internal
finalize_estimator_internal.neg <- function(metric_dispatcher, x, estimator) {
finalize_estimator_internal_constructor(metric_dispatcher, x, estimator)
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