#' Arguments that are shared by multiple `Visualizer` library functions.
#' @name shared_viz_lib_args
#' @param eval_name Name of `Evaluator` containing results to plot. If
#' `NULL`, the data used for plotting is computed from scratch via
#' `eval_fun`.
#' @param eval_fun Character string, specifying the function used to compute
#' the data used for plotting if `eval_name = NULL`. If `eval_name`
#' is not `NULL`, this argument is ignored.
#' @param eval_fun_options List of named arguments to pass to `eval_fun`.
#' @param interactive Logical. If `TRUE`, returns interactive `plotly`
#' plots. If `FALSE`, returns static `ggplot` plots.
#' @param curve Either "ROC" or "PR" indicating whether to plot the ROC or
#' Precision-Recall curve.
#' @param show Character vector with elements being one of "boxplot", "point",
#' "line", "bar", "errorbar", "ribbon", "violin", indicating what plot
#' layer(s) to construct.
#' @keywords internal
#' Developer function for plotting results from Evaluator.
#' @description A helper function for developing new `Visualizer` plotting
#' functions that plot the summarized evaluation results as a boxplot,
#' scatter plot, line plot, or bar plot with or without 1 SD error
#' bars/ribbons. This function accepts either (1) the name(s) of the
#' `Evaluator(s)` to plot (`eval_names`) or (2) a tibble containing
#' the summarized evaluation results to plot (`plot_data`).
#' @inheritParams shared_experiment_helpers_args
#' @inheritParams shared_viz_lib_args
#' @param eval_names (Optional) A character vector or string, specifying the
#' name(s) of `Evaluator(s)` to plot. If multiple `Evaluators` are
#' specified, these result `tibbles` are concatenated along the rows.
#' Must provide either `eval_names` or `plot_data`.
#' @param plot_data (Optional) `Tibble` (typically from the output of
#' `eval_summary_constructor`) containing the summarized evaluation
#' results to plot. Must provide either `eval_names` or `plot_data`.
#' If `eval_names` is provided, this argument is ignored.
#' @param eval_id (Optional) Character string. ID used as the suffix for naming
#' columns in evaluation results tibble. If `eval_summary_constructor()`
#' was used to construct the `Evaluator`, this should be the same as the
#' `eval_id` argument in `eval_summary_constructor()`. Only used to
#' assign default (i.e., "auto") aesthetics in ggplot.
#' @param x_str (Optional) Name of column in data frame to plot on the
#' x-axis. Default "auto" chooses what to plot on the x-axis automatically.
#' @param y_str (Optional) Name of column in data frame to plot on the
#' y-axis if `show` is anything but "boxplot". Default "auto" chooses
#' what to plot on the y-axis automatically.
#' @param y_boxplot_str (Optional) Name of column in data frame to plot on
#' the y-axis if `show` is "boxplot". Default "auto" chooses
#' what to plot on the y-axis automatically.
#' @param err_sd_str (Optional) Name of column in data frame containing the
#' standard deviations of `y_str`. Used for plotting the errorbar and
#' ribbon ggplot layers. Default "auto" chooses what column to use for the
#' standard deviations automatically.
#' @param color_str (Optional) Name of column in data frame to use for the
#' color and fill aesthetics when plotting. Default "auto" chooses what to
#' use for the color and fill aesthetics automatically. Use `NULL` to
#' avoid adding any color and fill aesthetic.
#' @param linetype_str (Optional) Name of column in data frame to use for
#' the linetype aesthetic when plotting. Used only when `show = "line"`.
#' Default "auto" chooses what to use for the linetype aesthetic
#' automatically. Use `NULL` to avoid adding any linetype aesthetic.
#' @param facet_formula (Optional) Formula for `ggplot2::facet_wrap()` or
#' `ggplot2::facet_grid()` if need be.
#' @param facet_type One of "grid" or "wrap" specifying whether to use
#' `ggplot2::facet_wrap()` or `ggplot2::facet_grid()` if need be.
#' @param plot_by (Optional) Name of column in `eval_tib` to use for
#' subsetting data and creating different plots for each unique value. Default
#' "auto" chooses what column to use for the subsetting automatically. Use
#' `NULL` to avoid creating multiple plots.
#' @param add_ggplot_layers List of additional layers to add to a ggplot object
#' via `+`.
#' @param boxplot_args (Optional) Additional arguments to pass into
#' `ggplot2::geom_boxplot()`.
#' @param point_args (Optional) Additional arguments to pass into
#' `ggplot2::geom_point()`.
#' @param line_args (Optional) Additional arguments to pass into
#' `ggplot2::geom_line()`.
#' @param bar_args (Optional) Additional arguments to pass into
#' `ggplot2::geom_bar()`.
#' @param errorbar_args (Optional) Additional arguments to pass into
#' `ggplot2::geom_errorbar()`.
#' @param ribbon_args (Optional) Additional arguments to pass into
#' `ggplot2::geom_ribbon()`.
#' @param violin_args (Optional) Additional arguments to pass into
#' `ggplot2::geom_violin()`.
#' @param facet_args (Optional) Additional arguments to pass into
#' `ggplot2::facet_grid()` or `ggplot2::facet_wrap()`.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return If `interactive = TRUE`, returns a `plotly` object if
#' `plot_by` is `NULL` and a list of `plotly` objects if
#' `plot_by` is not `NULL`. If `interactive = FALSE`, returns
#' a `ggplot` object if `plot_by` is `NULL` and a list of
#' `ggplot` objects if `plot_by` is not `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' # generate example fit results data
#' fit_results <- tibble::tibble(
#' .rep = rep(1:2, times = 2),
#' .dgp_name = c("DGP1", "DGP1", "DGP2", "DGP2"),
#' .method_name = c("Method"),
#' # true response
#' y = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) rnorm(100)),
#' # predicted response
#' predictions = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) rnorm(100))
#' )
#' # generate example evaluation results data
#' eval_results <- list(
#' `Prediction Errors` = summarize_pred_err(
#' fit_results = fit_results,
#' truth_col = "y",
#' estimate_col = "predictions",
#' eval_id = "pred_err"
#' )
#' )
#' # create plot using name of Evaluator
#' plt <- plot_eval_constructor(eval_results = eval_results,
#' eval_name = "Prediction Errors",
#' eval_id = "pred_err",
#' show = c("point", "errorbar"),
#' facet_formula = ~ .metric)
#' # create plot using pre-computed evaluation results
#' plt <- plot_eval_constructor(plot_data = eval_results[["Prediction Errors"]],
#' eval_id = "pred_err",
#' show = c("point", "errorbar"),
#' facet_formula = ~ .metric)
#' # can customize plots using additional arguments or ggplot2::`+`
#' plt <- plot_eval_constructor(eval_results = eval_results,
#' eval_name = "Prediction Errors",
#' eval_id = "pred_err",
#' show = c("point", "errorbar"),
#' facet_formula = ~ .metric,
#' facet_type = "wrap",
#' errorbar_args = list(width = 0.5),
#' facet_args = list(scales = "free")) +
#' ggplot2::labs(y = "Mean Prediction Error")
#' # can return interactive plotly plot
#' plt <- plot_eval_constructor(eval_results = eval_results,
#' eval_name = "Prediction Errors",
#' eval_id = "pred_err",
#' show = c("point", "errorbar"),
#' facet_formula = ~ .metric,
#' interactive = TRUE)
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
plot_eval_constructor <- function(eval_results = NULL, eval_names = NULL,
plot_data = NULL, eval_id = NULL,
vary_params = NULL,
show = c("boxplot", "point", "line", "bar",
"errorbar", "ribbon", "violin"),
x_str = "auto",
y_str = "auto", y_boxplot_str = "auto",
err_sd_str = "auto",
color_str = "auto", linetype_str = "auto",
facet_formula = NULL,
facet_type = c("grid", "wrap"),
plot_by = "auto",
add_ggplot_layers = NULL, boxplot_args = NULL,
point_args = NULL, line_args = NULL,
bar_args = NULL, errorbar_args = NULL,
ribbon_args = NULL, violin_args = NULL,
facet_args = NULL, interactive = FALSE, ...) {
show <- match.arg(show, several.ok = TRUE)
facet_type <- match.arg(facet_type)
if (!is.null(eval_results) && !is.null(eval_names)) {
plt_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(eval_results[eval_names])
} else if (!is.null(plot_data)) {
plt_df <- plot_data
} else {
stop("Must specify either (1) `eval_results` and `eval_names` or (2) `plot_data`.")
dgps <- unique(plt_df$.dgp_name)
methods <- unique(plt_df$.method_name)
n_dgps <- length(dgps)
n_methods <- length(methods)
if (!is.null(eval_id)) {
eval_id <- paste0("_", eval_id)
if (!is.null(vary_params)) {
list_vary_params <- purrr::map_lgl(plt_df[vary_params], is.list)
# if vary_param is a list-type column, coerce to string for plotting
if (any(list_vary_params)) {
group_ids <- dplyr::group_vars(plt_df)
plt_df <- plt_df %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
name = dplyr::cur_column(),
verbatim = TRUE))) %>%
# if varying over multiple parameters, join column strings for plotting
if (length(vary_params) > 1) {
plt_df <- plt_df %>%
tidyr::unite(col = ".vary_params",
remove = FALSE)
# get default plot schematic if input is "auto"
if (is.null(y_str) || identical(y_str, "auto")) {
y_str <- paste0("mean", eval_id)
if (is.null(y_boxplot_str) || identical(y_boxplot_str, "auto")) {
y_boxplot_str <- paste0("raw", eval_id)
if (is.null(err_sd_str) || identical(err_sd_str, "auto")) {
if (("errorbar" %in% show) && (y_str != paste0("mean", eval_id))) {
abort("Must specify 'err_sd_str' to show error bars.")
err_sd_str <- paste0("sd", eval_id)
if (is.null(x_str) || identical(x_str, "auto")) {
if (is.null(vary_params)) {
if ((n_methods == 1) && (n_dgps > 1)) {
x_str <- ".dgp_name"
} else {
x_str <- ".method_name"
} else if (length(vary_params) == 1) {
x_str <- vary_params
} else {
x_str <- ".vary_params"
if (identical(color_str, "auto")) {
if ((x_str != ".method_name") && (n_methods > 1)) {
color_str <- ".method_name"
} else if ((x_str != ".dgp_name") && (n_dgps > 1)) {
color_str <- ".dgp_name"
} else if (!identical(x_str, vary_params) &&
!identical(x_str, ".vary_params")) {
if (is.null(vary_params) || (length(vary_params) == 1)) {
color_str <- vary_params
} else {
color_str <- ".vary_params"
} else {
color_str <- NULL
if (identical(linetype_str, "auto")) {
linetype_str <- NULL
if (identical(plot_by, "auto")) {
plt_args <- c(x_str, y_str, color_str, linetype_str,
if ((n_dgps > 1) && !(".dgp_name" %in% plt_args)) {
plot_by <- ".dgp_name"
plot_by_id <- plot_by
} else if ((length(vary_params) == 1) && !(vary_params %in% plt_args)) {
plot_by <- vary_params
plot_by_id <- plot_by
} else if ((length(vary_params) > 1) && !(".vary_params" %in% plt_args)) {
plot_by <- ".vary_params"
plot_by_id <- paste(vary_params, collapse = "_")
} else {
plot_by <- NULL
plot_by_id <- plot_by
plt_df <- plt_df %>% dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across({{plot_by}}))
} else {
plt_df <- plt_df %>% dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across({{plot_by}}))
if (identical(plot_by, ".vary_params")) {
plot_by_id <- paste(vary_params, collapse = "_")
} else {
plot_by_id <- plot_by
if (!is.null(x_str)) {
x <- rlang::sym(x_str)
} else {
x <- x_str
if (!is.null(y_str)) {
y <- rlang::sym(y_str)
} else {
y <- y_str
if (!is.null(y_boxplot_str)) {
y_boxplot <- rlang::sym(y_boxplot_str)
} else {
y_boxplot <- y_boxplot_str
if (!is.null(err_sd_str)) {
err_sd <- rlang::sym(err_sd_str)
} else {
err_sd <- err_sd_str
if (!is.null(linetype_str)) {
linetype <- rlang::sym(linetype_str)
} else {
linetype <- linetype_str
if (!is.null(color_str)) {
color <- rlang::sym(color_str)
} else {
color <- color_str
fill <- color
# helper function to make summary plot
construct_plot <- function(plt_df) {
plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(plt_df)
# add ggplot geom layers
if ("ribbon" %in% show) {
ribbon_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
x = !!x, ymin = !!y - !!err_sd, ymax = !!y + !!err_sd, fill = !!color
plt <- plt +
args = c(list(mapping = ribbon_aes), ribbon_args)
if ("errorbar" %in% show) {
errorbar_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
x = !!x, ymin = !!y - !!err_sd, ymax = !!y + !!err_sd, color = !!color
plt <- plt +
args = c(list(mapping = errorbar_aes), errorbar_args)
if ("bar" %in% show) {
bar_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
x = !!x, y = !!y, color = !!color, fill = !!fill
plt <- plt +
args = c(
list(mapping = bar_aes, stat = "identity", position = "dodge"),
if ("violin" %in% show) {
if (is.null(color_str)) {
violin_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
x = !!x, y = !!y_boxplot, color = !!color, group = !!x
} else {
violin_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
x = !!x, y = !!y_boxplot, color = !!color,
group = interaction(!!x, !!color)
plt <- plt +
args = c(
list(data = plt_df %>%
mapping = violin_aes),
if ("boxplot" %in% show) {
if (is.null(color_str)) {
boxplot_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
x = !!x, y = !!y_boxplot, color = !!color, group = !!x
} else {
boxplot_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
x = !!x, y = !!y_boxplot, color = !!color,
group = interaction(!!x, !!color)
plt <- plt +
args = c(
list(data = plt_df %>%
mapping = boxplot_aes),
if ("line" %in% show) {
line_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
x = !!x, y = !!y, color = !!color, linetype = !!linetype
plt <- plt +
args = c(list(mapping = line_aes), line_args)
if ("point" %in% show) {
point_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
x = !!x, y = !!y, color = !!color
plt <- plt +
args = c(list(mapping = point_aes), point_args)
if (!is.null(facet_formula)) {
if (facet_type == "grid") {
plt <- plt +
args = c(list(rows = facet_formula), facet_args))
} else if (facet_type == "wrap") {
plt <- plt +
args = c(list(facets = facet_formula), facet_args))
# add theme
plot_theme <- getOption("simChef.plot_theme", "default")
if (!identical(plot_theme, "default")) {
if (identical(plot_theme, "vthemes")) {
plt <- plt + vthemes::theme_vmodern()
if (!is.null(color_str)) {
discrete <- !is.numeric(plt_df[[color_str]])
plt <- plt +
vthemes::scale_color_vmodern(discrete = discrete) +
vthemes::scale_fill_vmodern(discrete = discrete)
} else {
plt <- plt + plot_theme
# add labels
labels_ls <- purrr::map(
list(xlab = x_str, ylab = y_str, colorlab = color_str),
function(l) {
if (is.null(l)) {
} else {
l <- dplyr::case_when(
identical(l, ".dgp_name") ~ "DGP",
identical(l, ".method_name") ~ "Method",
identical(l, paste("raw", eval_id)) ~ ifelse(is.null(eval_id),
"Value", eval_id),
identical(l, ".vary_params") ~ paste(vary_params, collapse = "_"),
TRUE ~ l
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::labs(x = labels_ls$xlab, y = labels_ls$ylab,
color = labels_ls$colorlab, fill = labels_ls$colorlab)
if (("boxplot" %in% show) && (y_boxplot_str == paste0("raw", eval_id))) {
plt <- plt +
ggplot2::labs(y = substr(eval_id, start = 2, stop = nchar(eval_id)))
if (!is.null(add_ggplot_layers)) {
for (ggplot_layer in add_ggplot_layers) {
plt <- plt + ggplot_layer
# construct plots
plt_ls <- dplyr::group_map(plt_df, ~construct_plot(.x), .keep = TRUE)
if (!is.null(plot_by)) {
names(plt_ls) <- paste(plot_by_id, dplyr::group_keys(plt_df)[[plot_by]],
sep = " = ")
plt_ls <- purrr::map2(plt_ls, names(plt_ls),
function(plt, plt_name) {
return(plt + ggplot2::labs(title = plt_name))
if (interactive) {
reason = "to return an interactive plot (with `interactive = TRUE`)."
plt_ls <- purrr::map(plt_ls, ~plotly::ggplotly(.x))
if (length(plt_ls) == 1) {
plt <- plt_ls[[1]]
} else {
plt <- plt_ls
#' Developer function for plotting results from particular replicate(s) in the
#' `Experiment` fit.
#' @description A helper function for developing new `Visualizer` plotting
#' functions that plot results from particular replicate(s) in the
#' `Experiment` fit. This function will construct one plot for each
#' row in the `Experiment`'s `fit_results` from the specified
#' replicates.
#' @inheritParams shared_experiment_helpers_args
#' @inheritParams shared_viz_lib_args
#' @param reps Vector of replicates from which to plot results.
#' @param plot_fun The plotting function, which takes in the arguments
#' `fit_results`, `vary_params`, and possibly others passed from
#' `...`.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to `plot_fun()`.
#' @return If `interactive = TRUE`, returns a `plotly` object or
#' list of `plotly` objects if there are multiple replicates, DGPs, or
#' Methods to plot. If `interactive = FALSE`, returns a `ggplot`
#' object or list of `ggplot` objects if there are multiple replicates,
#' DGPs, or Methods to plot.
#' @examples
#' # generate example fit results data
#' fit_results <- tibble::tibble(
#' .rep = rep(1:2, times = 2),
#' .dgp_name = c("DGP1", "DGP1", "DGP2", "DGP2"),
#' .method_name = c("Method"),
#' # true response
#' y = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) rnorm(100)),
#' # predicted response
#' predictions = lapply(1:4, FUN = function(x) rnorm(100))
#' )
#' # function to plot scatter plot of y vs predictions
#' plot_fun <- function(fit_results, vary_params = NULL) {
#' plt <- fit_results %>%
#' tidyr::unnest(c("y", "predictions")) %>%
#' ggplot2::ggplot() +
#' ggplot2::aes(x = y, y = predictions) +
#' ggplot2::geom_point() +
#' ggplot2::labs(title = sprintf("DGP: %s | Method: %s | Rep: %s",
#' fit_results$.dgp_name,
#' fit_results$.method_name,
#' fit_results$.rep))
#' return(plt)
#' }
#' # returns the scatter plot for each (DGP, Method) combination from rep 1
#' plt <- plot_fit_constructor(fit_results, reps = 1, plot_fun = plot_fun)
#' @export
plot_fit_constructor <- function(fit_results, vary_params = NULL, reps = 1,
plot_fun, interactive = FALSE, ...) {
.rep <- NULL # to fix no visible binding for global variable error
dots_list <- rlang::list2(...)
if (identical(dots_list, list())) {
dots_list <- NULL
plt_df <- fit_results %>%
dplyr::filter(.rep %in% reps) %>%
plt_ls <- dplyr::group_map(plt_df,
function(x, key) {
out <- do.call(plot_fun,
c(list(fit_results = x,
vary_params = vary_params),
plt_names <- list()
if (length(unique(plt_df$.dgp_name)) > 1) {
plt_names[["dgp"]] <- paste("DGP = ", plt_df$.dgp_name, sep = "")
if (length(unique(plt_df$.method_name)) > 1) {
plt_names[["method"]] <- paste("Method = ", plt_df$.method_name, sep = "")
plt_names[["rep"]] <- paste("Rep = ", plt_df$.rep, sep = "")
if (!is.null(vary_params)) {
plt_names[["vary_params"]] <- purrr::map(
function(param_name) {
if (is.list(plt_df[[param_name]])) {
plt_col <- list_col_to_chr(plt_df[[param_name]], name = param_name,
verbatim = TRUE)
} else {
plt_col <- plt_df[[param_name]]
return(paste(param_name, " = ", plt_col))
) %>%
purrr::reduce(paste, sep = " // ")
names(plt_ls) <- plt_names %>%
purrr::reduce(paste, sep = " // ")
if (interactive) {
reason = "to return an interactive plot (with `interactive = TRUE`)."
plt_ls <- purrr::map(plt_ls, ~plotly::ggplotly(.x))
#' Developer function to get data for plotting in Visualizers.
#' @description A helper function to retrieve data for plotting in
#' `Visualizers`. It first looks for the data in `eval_results` by
#' name (`eval_name`). If this is not provided, then it uses the
#' function + arguments specified by `eval_fun` and
#' `eval_fun_options` to compute the plotting data from
#' `fit_results`.
#' @inheritParams shared_experiment_helpers_args
#' @inheritParams shared_viz_lib_args
#' @returns If `eval_name` is not `NULL`, returns the list
#' component in `eval_results` named `eval_name`. Otherwise,
#' returns the result of `eval_fun()`.
#' @examples
#' # generate example fit_results data
#' fit_results <- tibble::tibble(
#' .rep = rep(1:2, times = 2),
#' .dgp_name = c("DGP1", "DGP1", "DGP2", "DGP2"),
#' .method_name = c("Method"),
#' feature_info = lapply(
#' 1:4,
#' FUN = function(i) {
#' tibble::tibble(
#' # feature names
#' feature = c("featureA", "featureB", "featureC"),
#' # estimated feature importance scores
#' est_importance = c(10, runif(2, min = -2, max = 2))
#' )
#' }
#' )
#' )
#' # generate example eval_results data
#' eval_results <- list(
#' `Feature Importance` = summarize_feature_importance(
#' fit_results,
#' nested_cols = "feature_info",
#' feature_col = "feature",
#' imp_col = "est_importance"
#' )
#' )
#' # this will return the `Feature Importance` component of `eval_results`
#' plot_data1 <- get_plot_data(
#' fit_results = fit_results,
#' eval_results = eval_results,
#' eval_name = "Feature Importance"
#' )
#' #' # this will return the same result as above
#' plot_data2 <- get_plot_data(
#' fit_results = fit_results,
#' eval_fun = summarize_feature_importance,
#' eval_fun_options = list(
#' nested_cols = "feature_info",
#' feature_col = "feature",
#' imp_col = "est_importance"
#' )
#' )
#' all.equal(plot_data1, plot_data2)
#' @export
get_plot_data <- function(fit_results = NULL,
eval_results = NULL, eval_name = NULL,
eval_fun = NULL, eval_fun_options = NULL) {
if (!is.null(eval_results) && !is.null(eval_name)) {
plot_data <- eval_results[[eval_name]]
} else if (!is.null(eval_fun) && !is.null(fit_results)) {
plot_data <- R.utils::doCall(
eval_fun, args = c(list(fit_results = fit_results), eval_fun_options)
#' Get dot (...) arguments.
#' @description Helper function to merge default and user-specified dot (...)
#' arguments such that default arguments are overwritten by the user-specified
#' arguments.
#' @param user_args List of user-specified dot (...) arguments.
#' @param default_args List of default dot (...) arguments.
#' @return A named list of arguments that includes all arguments from the user
#' and the defaults, but with the user-specified arguments overwriting the
#' defaults.
#' @examples
#' arg_list <- get_dot_args(user_args = list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3),
#' default_args = list(a = "a", d = "d"))
#' @export
get_dot_args <- function(user_args, default_args) {
arg_list <- list()
for (arg_name in unique(c(names(user_args), names(default_args)))) {
if (arg_name %in% names(user_args)) {
if (is.null(user_args[[arg_name]])) {
arg_list[arg_name] <- list(NULL)
} else {
arg_list[[arg_name]] <- user_args[[arg_name]]
} else {
if (is.null(default_args[[arg_name]])) {
arg_list[arg_name] <- list(NULL)
} else {
arg_list[[arg_name]] <- default_args[[arg_name]]
#' Convert a list column to a readable character column.
#' @description Convert a list-type column (typically in a tibble) to a
#' character-type column. Often useful for plotting along this column.
#' @param list_col A list-type column to be converted to character.
#' @param name Name of column. Used as a prefix in the returned character
#' strings. Default is `NULL`, which adds no prefix.
#' @param verbatim If `TRUE`, paste list contents together into a character
#' vector. If `FALSE` (default), map items in list to unique identifiers
#' (i.e., 1, 2, 3, ...).
#' @return A character vector of the same length as `list_col`.
#' @examples
#' # create example tibble with list columns to convert
#' plot_tib <- tibble::tibble(a = 1:3,
#' b = list(1, 2, 3),
#' c = list(1:2, 3:4, 5:6),
#' d = list(tibble::tibble(a = 1:3,
#' b = c(4, 5, 6)),
#' "abc",
#' 123))
#' # verbatim = TRUE pastes lists together verbatim
#' plot_tib_chr_verbatim <- plot_tib %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(tidyselect::everything(),
#' ~list_col_to_chr(.x,
#' name = dplyr::cur_column(),
#' verbatim = TRUE)))
#' # verbatim = FALSE maps items in list to unique ids (i.e., 1, 2, 3, ...)
#' plot_tib_chr <- plot_tib %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(tidyselect::everything(),
#' ~list_col_to_chr(.x,
#' name = dplyr::cur_column(),
#' verbatim = FALSE)))
#' @export
list_col_to_chr <- function(list_col, name = NULL, verbatim = FALSE) {
if (verbatim) {
str_col <- sapply(list_col,
function(x) {
paste0(name, paste(x, collapse = "_"))
} else {
unique_items <- unique(list_col)
str_col <- sapply(list_col,
function(x) {
which(sapply(unique_items, function(y) identical(x, y)))
str_col <- paste0(name, str_col)
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