# sets up experiment and returns sequential and parallel results
# should be called from within a function (e.g. test_that())
fit_experiment_fixture <- function(parallel_plan) {
# set this to TRUE to debug memory usage (this will cause the tests to fail
# because a bunch of plan-specific info gets added to output results)
withr::local_options(list(simChef.debug = FALSE))
dgp_fun <- function(n, p, error_prob = 0) {
error <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = 1,
prob = c(error_prob, 1 - error_prob))
if (error) {
stop("uh oh!")
## generate covariate matrix
X <- matrix(rnorm(n = n * p), nrow = n)
## sample linear model coefficients
betas <- sample(
c(0, 0.5, 1), size = p,
replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2)
## create a linear response y with additive gaussian noise
y <- cbind(1, X) %*% c(1, betas) + rnorm(n)
return(list(X = X, y = y, betas = betas))
dgp <- create_dgp(dgp_fun, n = 100, p = 3)
method_fun <- function(X, y, ...) {
fit <- lm(y ~ as.matrix(X))
y_pred <- cbind(1, as.matrix(X)) %*% coef(fit)
return(c(list(y_pred = y_pred), ...))
method <- create_method(.method_fun = method_fun)
experiment <- create_experiment() %>%
add_dgp(dgp) %>%
# save the random seed before fitting experiment
seed <- sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, 1L)
# with_seed temporarily sets seed and then reset it back where it was
sequential <- withr::with_seed(
# sequential plan results are expected
n_reps = 10,
verbose = 0),
split = TRUE
reps <- 1
if (getOption("simChef.debug", FALSE)) {
# check that repeated runs on the same experiment don't blow up memory usage
reps <- 3
## # debugging
## print(capture.output(parallel_plan))
parallel <- with_plan(
# non-sequential plan results
replicate(reps, {
# use the same starting seed as before
n_reps = 10,
verbose = 0)
}, simplify = FALSE)
bad_dgp <- create_dgp(dgp_fun, n = 100, p = 3, error_prob = 0.1)
experiment %>%
remove_dgp("dgp1") %>%
err <- with_plan(
# non-sequential plan results w/ errors
replicate(reps, {
# use the same starting seed as before, but increased n_reps
n_reps = 50,
verbose = 0),
simChef_error = identity
}, simplify = FALSE)
return(list(parallel, sequential, err))
# ---- begin tests
test_that("fit_experiment works properly with future::multicore", {
# multicore plan isn't supported on windows
results <- fit_experiment_fixture(future::multicore)
sequential_results <- results[[2]]
for (parallel_results in results[[1]]) {
expect_identical(parallel_results, sequential_results)
for (err in results[[3]]) {
# NOTE: When errors are returned, they can add quite a bit to the simulation
# environment. This could just be because 'simChef_error' objects include
# workers' copies of the simulation loop closure (and it's environment).
# This needs more testing.
test_that("fit_experiment works properly with future::multisession", {
results <- fit_experiment_fixture(future::multisession)
sequential_results <- results[[2]]
for (parallel_results in results[[1]]) {
expect_identical(parallel_results, sequential_results)
for (err in results[[3]]) {
# NOTE: When errors are returned, they can add quite a bit to the simulation
# environment. This could just be because 'simChef_error' objects include
# workers' copies of the simulation loop closure (and it's environment). For
# `future::multisession`, the increase in memory usage seems to be similar
# to that of `future::multicore`.
test_that("fit_experiment works properly with future::cluster", {
results <- fit_experiment_fixture(future::cluster)
sequential_results <- results[[2]]
for (parallel_results in results[[1]]) {
expect_identical(parallel_results, sequential_results)
for (err in results[[3]]) {
# NOTE: When errors are returned, they can add quite a bit to the simulation
# environment. This could just be because 'simChef_error' objects include
# workers' copies of the simulation loop closure (and it's environment). For
# `future::cluster`, the increase in memory usage seems to be similar to
# that of `future::multicore`.
test_that("fit_experiment works properly with future.callr::callr", {
results <- fit_experiment_fixture(future.callr::callr)
sequential_results <- results[[2]]
for (parallel_results in results[[1]]) {
expect_identical(parallel_results, sequential_results)
for (err in results[[3]]) {
# NOTE: When errors are returned, they can add quite a bit to the simulation
# environment. This could just be because 'simChef_error' objects include
# workers' copies of the simulation loop closure (and it's environment). For
# `future.callr::callr`, the increase in memory usage seems to be similar to
# that of `future::multicore`.
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