
Defines functions prune_tags filter_pruned_tags filter_proportion filter_max_mutations filter_ns filter_max_position filter_min_position

Documented in filter_max_mutations filter_max_position filter_min_position filter_ns filter_proportion

#' Filter away reads before position x.
#' The error rate in the data is crazy-high in the immediate vicinity of the
#' RT/PCR primers.  Thus we exclude reads with mutations before this position.
#' @param chng Data set of reads which are not identical to the template.
#' @param min_position Position before which to filter.
#' @param verbose Print some information while running?
#' @return The remaining reads and a little summary information.
#' @export
filter_min_position <- function(chng, min_position=24, verbose=FALSE) {
  pre_rows <- nrow(chng)
  post_rows <- pre_rows
  if (verbose) {
    message("   Mutation data: removing any differences before position: ",
            min_position, ".")
    message("   Mutation data: before pruning, there are: ", pre_rows, " mutations.")
  min_idx <- chng[["position"]] >= min_position
  chng <- chng[min_idx, ]
  post_rows <- nrow(chng)
  pct <- 1 - (post_rows / pre_rows)
  delta <- pre_rows - post_rows
  pct_diff <- scales::percent(x=pct, accuracy=0.01)
  if (verbose) {
    message("   Mutation data: after min-position pruning, there are: ",
            post_rows, " mutations: ", delta, " lost or ", pct_diff, ".")
  retlist <- list(
    "start" = pre_rows,
    "removed" = delta,
    "remaining" = post_rows,
    "chng" = chng)

#' Filter away reads after position x.
#' The error rate in the data is crazy-high in the immediate vicinity of the
#' RT/PCR primers.  Thus we exclude reads with mutations before this position.
#' @param chng Data set of reads which are not identical to the template.
#' @param max_position Position after which to filter.
#' @param verbose Print some information while running?
#' @return The remaining reads and a little summary information.
#' @export
filter_max_position <- function(chng, max_position=176, verbose=FALSE) {
  pre_rows <- nrow(chng)
  post_rows <- pre_rows
  if (verbose) {
    message("   Mutation data: removing any differences after position: ",
            max_position, ".")
    message("   Mutation data: before pruning, there are: ", pre_rows, " mutations.")
  min_idx <- chng[["position"]] <= max_position
  chng <- chng[min_idx, ]
  post_rows <- nrow(chng)
  pct <- 1 - (post_rows / pre_rows)
  delta <- pre_rows - post_rows
  pct_diff <- scales::percent(x=pct, accuracy=0.01)
  if (verbose) {
    message("   Mutation data: after max-position pruning, there are: ",
            post_rows, " mutations: ", delta, " lost or ", pct_diff, ".")
  retlist <- list(
    "start" = pre_rows,
    "removed" = delta,
    "remaining" = post_rows,
    "chng" = chng)

#' Filter away reads which contain Ns.
#' It is unlikely that we will make much sense out of reads with N.  So toss
#' em!
#' @param chng Data set of reads which are not identical to the template.
#' @param verbose Print some information while running?
#' @return The remaining reads and a little summary information.
#' @export
filter_ns <- function(chng, verbose=FALSE) {
  pre_rows <- nrow(chng)
  if (verbose) {
    message("   Mutation data: removing any mutations with 'N' as the hit.")
    n_idx <- chng[["hit"]] != "N"
    chng <- chng[n_idx, ]
    post_rows <- nrow(chng)
    pct <- 1 - (post_rows / pre_rows)
    delta <- pre_rows - post_rows
    pct_diff <- scales::percent(x=pct, accuracy=0.01)
    message("   Mutation data: after N pruning, there are: ",
            post_rows, " mutations: ", delta, " lost or ", pct_diff, ".")
  retlist <- list(
    "start" = pre_rows,
    "removed" = delta,
    "remaining" = post_rows,
    "chng" = chng)

#' Filter away reads which have > n mutations in them.
#' A subset of the reads have a weirdly large number of differences to the
#' template.  These add confusing noise to the data, however removing them may
#' take away meaningful noise from the data.  So this function may prove to be
#' awesome or terrible, depending on one's perspective.
#' @param chng Data set of reads which are not identical to the template.
#' @param mutation_df Data frame of readids and their number of mutations.
#' @param max_mutations_per_read What it says on the tin.
#' @param verbose Print some information while running?
#' @return The remaining reads and a little summary information.
#' @export
filter_max_mutations <- function(chng, mutation_df,
                                 max_mutations_per_read=10, verbose=FALSE) {
  pre_rows <- nrow(chng)
  message("   Mutation data: removing reads/mutations with greater than ",
          max_mutations_per_read, " mutations.")
  excluded_readid_idx <- mutation_df[["read_mutants"]] > max_mutations_per_read
  num_reads_excluded <- sum(excluded_readid_idx)
  message("   Mutation data: removing ", num_reads_excluded, " reads.")
  excluded_readids <- mutation_df[excluded_readid_idx, "readid"][["readid"]]
  excluded_idx <- chng[["readid"]] %in% excluded_readids
  chng <- chng[!excluded_idx, ]
  post_rows <- nrow(chng)
  pct <- 1 - (post_rows / pre_rows)
  delta <- pre_rows - post_rows
  pct_diff <- scales::percent(x=pct, accuracy=0.01)
  message("   Mutation data: after max_mutation pruning, there are: ",
          post_rows, " mutations: ", delta, " lost or ", pct_diff, ".")
  retlist <- list(
    "start" = pre_rows,
    "removed" = delta,
    "remaining" = post_rows,
    "chng" = chng)

#' Filter out thing which are of an insufficient proportion.
#' This is not currently used, but was something I wanted to consider.
#' @param chng Table of changed reads.
#' @param ident Table of identical reads.
#' @param min_proportion Minimum proportion of changed/identical reads/tag.
#' @param verbose Print while running.
filter_proportion <- function(chng, ident, min_proportion=0.5, verbose=FALSE) {
  pre_rows <- nrow(chng)
  pre_ident <- nrow(ident)
  if (verbose) {
    message("All data: removing tags with less than ", min_proportion, " mutant/identical reads/tag.")
    message("All data: before proportion filtering, there are: ", pre_rows, " changed reads.")
    message("All data: before proportion filtering, there are: ", pre_ident, " identical reads.")

  chng_table <- table(chng[["tag"]])
  gt_zero <- ident[["tag"]] %in% names(chng_table)
  ident_subset <- ident[gt_zero, "tag"]
  ident_table <- table(ident_subset)
  chng_table_dt <- data.table::as.data.table(chng_table)
  colnames(chng_table_dt) <- c("tag", "chng")
  ident_table_dt <- data.table::as.data.table(ident_table)
  colnames(ident_table_dt) <- c("tag", "ident")
  both_dt <- merge(chng_table_dt, ident_table_dt, by="tag")
  both_dt[["prop"]] <- both_dt[["chng"]] / (both_dt[["chng"]] + both_dt[["ident"]])
  kept_idx <- both_dt[["prop"]] >= min_proportion
  wanted_tags_dt <- both_dt[kept_idx, ]
  kept_idx <- chng[["tag"]] %in% wanted_tags_dt[["tag"]]
  chng <- chng[kept_idx, ]

  post_rows <- nrow(chng)
  post_ident <- nrow(ident)
  pct_rows <- scales::percent(x=post_rows / pre_rows, accuracy=0.01)
  pct_ident <- scales::percent(x=post_ident / pre_ident, accuracy=0.01)
  if (verbose) {
    message("All data: after proportion filtering, there are: ",
            post_rows, " changed reads: ", pct_rows, ".")
    message("All data: after proportion filtering, there are: ",
            post_ident, " identical reads: ", pct_ident, ".")
  retlist <- list(
    "chng_start" = pre_rows,
    "chng_removed" = pre_rows - post_rows,
    "chng_remaining" = post_rows,
    "chng" = chng,
    "ident_start" = pre_ident,
    "ident_removed" = pre_ident - post_ident,
    "ident_remaining" = post_ident,
    "ident" = ident)

#' Filter away reads which are associated with tags that have been deemed
#' insufficient.  These 'bad' tags were defined by prune_tags().
#' At least in theory we should have at least x reads per tag before that
#' tag is deemed interesting.  prune_tags() creates a list of tags which
#' have more than this x reads per tag and provides it to this.  This then
#' removes the rest.  Caveat: this filter works on both the mutated and
#' identical data.
#' @param chng Data set of reads which are not identical to the template.
#' @param ident Data set of reads which are identical to the template.
#' @param wanted_tags Character vector of tags which have sufficient
#'  evidence.
#' @param min_reads Used when verbose to remind us of the number of
#'  reads/tag.
#' @param verbose Print some information while running?
#' @return The remaining reads and a little summary information.
#' @export
filter_pruned_tags <- function(chng, ident, wanted_tags, min_reads=3, verbose=FALSE) {
  pre_rows <- nrow(chng)
  pre_ident <- nrow(ident)
  if (verbose) {
    message("All data: removing tags with fewer than ", min_reads, " reads/tag.")
    message("All data: before reads/tag pruning, there are: ", pre_rows, " changed reads.")
    message("All data: before reads/tag pruning, there are: ", pre_ident, " identical reads.")
  kept_idx <- chng[["tag"]] %in% wanted_tags
  chng <- chng[kept_idx, ]
  kept_idx <- ident[["tag"]] %in% wanted_tags
  ident <- ident[kept_idx, ]
  post_rows <- nrow(chng)
  post_ident <- nrow(ident)
  pct_rows <- scales::percent(x=post_rows / pre_rows, accuracy=0.01)
  pct_ident <- scales::percent(x=post_ident / pre_ident, accuracy=0.01)
  if (verbose) {
    message("All data: after tag pruning, there are: ",
            post_rows, " mutations : ", pct_rows, ".")
    message("All data: after tag pruning, there are: ",
            post_ident, " identical reads: ", pct_ident, ".")
  retlist <- list(
    "chng_start" = pre_rows,
    "chng_removed" = pre_rows - post_rows,
    "chng_remaining" = post_rows,
    "chng" = chng,
    "ident_start" = pre_ident,
    "ident_removed" = pre_ident - post_ident,
    "ident_remaining" = post_ident,
    "ident" = ident)

#' Summarize the mutant/identical data with respect to the number of
#' reads/tag.
#' This should provide a table of how many reads/tag are (a)identical, (b)contain
#' mutations, and the sum of (a + b).  If a minimum number of reads is requested
#' (e.g. min_reads is a number), return the list of tags which have at least
#' that many reads.  This set of tags may be used in other contexts to limit
#' the data.
#' @param chng The result of read_tsv() on a file containing a mutation table.
#' @param ident The result of read_tsv() on a file containing identical reads.
#' @param min_reads Minimum read / tag filter.
#' @param verbose Print information about this while it runs?
#' @return List with the summary of the numbers of reads observed and the
#'  tags kept.  The list of tags kept may just be 'all'.
#' @export
prune_tags <- function(chng, ident, min_reads=3, verbose=TRUE) {
  ## Get a matrix of how many reads/tag are identical to the template.
  if (verbose) {
    message("Gathering information about the number of reads per tag.")

  ## Suck it r cmd check
  tag <- NULL
  sum_ident <- ident %>%
    group_by(tag) %>%
    summarise("ident_reads" = n())
  ## Get a matrix of how many reads/tag exist for each mutation type.
  sum_mut <- chng[, c("readid", "tag")] %>%
    distinct() %>%
    group_by(tag) %>%
    summarise("mut_reads" = n())
  ## Convert them to data tables, merge them, and set any NAs to 0.
  sum_all <- merge(sum_ident, sum_mut, by="tag", all=TRUE)
  na_idx <- is.na(sum_all)
  sum_all[na_idx] <- 0
  ## Sum up the reads.
  sum_all[["all_reads"]] <- sum_all[["ident_reads"]] + sum_all[["mut_reads"]]
  pre_rows <- nrow(sum_all)
  ## Extract tags which have >= the minimum number of reads desired.
  kept_tags <- "all"
  if (is.numeric(min_reads)) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Before reads/tag pruning, there are: ", pre_rows, " tags in all the data.")
    kept_idx <- sum_all[["all_reads"]] >= min_reads
    kept_tags <- sum_all[["tag"]][kept_idx]
    filtered_tag_num <- length(kept_tags)
    pct <- 1 - (filtered_tag_num / pre_rows)
    pct_diff <- scales::percent(x=pct, accuracy=0.01)
    delta <- pre_rows - filtered_tag_num
    if (verbose) {
      message("After reads/tag pruning, there are: ",
              filtered_tag_num, " tags: ", delta, " lost or ", pct_diff, ".")
  ## Return the table and tags.
  retlist <- list(
    "unfiltered_tag_num" = nrow(sum_all),
    "filtered_tag_num" = filtered_tag_num,
    "tag_summary" = sum_all,
    "kept_tags" = kept_tags)
abelew/Rerrrt documentation built on Jan. 15, 2022, 8 a.m.