
## "yale_meningioma.rda" contains the following objects: 
## data: normalized gene expression matrix
## data.frame for mapping loh files to expression files
## annotation
## control.sample.ids: samples that are used as normal
## samps: sample information
## genoMat: genotyping large scale CNV event summary 1: amplification, -1:deletion, 0: neutral

## "hg19_cytoband.rda" contains the following objects: 
## cytoband: hg19 cytoband information
## centromere: hg19 centromere information

data <- yale_meningioma$data
loh <-  yale_meningioma$loh <-  yale_meningioma$
control.sample.ids <-  yale_meningioma$control.sample.ids
genoMat <-  yale_meningioma$genoMat
samps <-  yale_meningioma$samps

## generate annotation data.frame
#curl -s "" | gunzip -c | grep acen | head
annotation <- generateAnnotation(id_type="ensembl_gene_id", genes=rownames(data), ishg19=T, centromere,host="")
data <- data[match( annotation$Gene,rownames(data)), ]

## read BAF extract output  
#loh <- readBAFExtractOutput ( path="./meningioma_baf\\", sequencing.type="bulk")
#names(loh) <- gsub(".snp", "", names(loh))

## create CaSpER object 
object <- CreateCasperObject(,, sequencing.type="bulk", 
  cnv.scale=3, loh.scale=3, matrix.type="normalized", expr.cutoff=4.5,
  annotation=annotation, method="iterative", loh=loh, filter="median", 
  control.sample.ids=control.sample.ids, cytoband=cytoband)

## runCaSpER
final.objects <- runCaSpER(object, removeCentromere=T, cytoband=cytoband, method="iterative")

## sample plot orders
order.sampleNames <- c("MN-1171",  "MN-60835" ,"MN-1236" , "MN-1237" , "MN-1137" , "MN-1161" , "MN-60" ,   "MN-5" ) 

## plot median filtered gene expression matrix 
obj <- final.objects[[9]]
plotHeatmap(object=obj, fileName="heatmap.png",cnv.scale= 3, cluster_cols = F, cluster_rows = T, show_rownames = T, only_soi = T)

##  large scale event summary
finalChrMat <- extractLargeScaleEvents (final.objects, thr=0.75) 
common <- intersect(order.sampleNames, intersect(rownames(finalChrMat), rownames(genoMat)))
finalChrMat <- finalChrMat[match(common, rownames(finalChrMat)), ]
genoMat <- genoMat[match(common, rownames(genoMat)), ]

## calculate TPR and FPR using genotyping array as gold standard
calcROC(chrMat=finalChrMat, chrMat2=genoMat)

## segment based summary    
gamma <- 7
all.segments <-, lapply(final.objects, function(x) x@segments))
segment.summary <- extractSegmentSummary (final.objects)
loss <- segment.summary$all.summary.loss
gain <- segment.summary$all.summary.gain
loh <- segment.summary$all.summary.loh <- loss[loss$count>=gamma, ] <- gain[gain$count>=gamma, ] <- loh[loh$count>=gamma, ]

## gene based summary 
all.summary<- rbind(,
colnames(all.summary) [2:4] <- c("Chromosome", "Start",   "End")
rna <-  GRanges(seqnames = Rle(gsub("q", "", gsub("p", "", all.summary$Chromosome))), 
    IRanges(all.summary$Start, all.summary$End)) <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(final.objects[[1]]@annotation.filt, keep.extra.columns = TRUE, seqnames.field="Chr")
hits <- findOverlaps(rna,
genes <- splitByOverlap(, rna, "GeneSymbol")
genes.ann <- lapply(genes, function(x) x[!(x=="")])
all.genes <- unique(final.objects[[1]]@annotation.filt[,2])
all.samples <- unique(as.character(final.objects[[1]]@segments$ID))
rna.matrix <- gene.matrix(seg=all.summary, all.genes=all.genes, all.samples=all.samples, genes.ann=genes.ann)

## genotyping array gene based summary
segments <- yale_meningioma$segments
segments$type<- segments$Type_Corrected <-  GRanges(seqnames = Rle(gsub("q", "", gsub("p", "", segments$chr))), IRanges(segments$start, segments$end))   
hits <- findOverlaps(,
genes <- splitByOverlap(,, "GeneSymbol")
genes.ann <- lapply(genes, function(x) x[!(x=="")])
gt.matrix <- gene.matrix(seg=segments, all.samples=all.samples, all.genes=all.genes, genes.ann=genes.ann)

## calculate TPR and FPR using genotyping array as gold standard
calcROC(chrMat=rna.matrix, chrMat2=gt.matrix)


## plot large scale events called from genotyping and rna-seq (can be used only with small sample size)
plotGEAndGT (chrMat=finalChrMat, genoMat=genoMat, fileName="RNASeqAndGT.png")
## plot large scale events 
plotLargeScaleEvent (object=obj, fileName="") 
## plot large scale events using event summary matrix 1: amplification, -1:deletion, 0: neutral
plotLargeScaleEvent2 (finalChrMat, fileName="")
## plot BAF deviation for each sample in seperate pages 
plotBAFInSeperatePages (loh, folderName="LOHPlotsSeperate") 
## plot BAF deviation for all samples together in one plot (can be used only with small sample size)
plotBAFAllSamples (loh =,  fileName="LOHAllSamples.png") 
## plot gene expression signal for each sample seperately
plotGEAllSamples (object=obj, fileName="GEAllSamples.pdf", cnv.scale=3) 
## plot gene expression and BAF signal for one sample in one plot
plotGEAndBAFOneSample (object=obj, cnv.scale=3, loh.scale=3, sample= "MN-5")
## plot BAF signal in different scales for all samples
plotBAFOneSample (object, fileName="LohPlotsAllScales.pdf") 
akdess/CaSpER documentation built on April 8, 2021, 8:59 a.m.