
Defines functions plot.tam

Documented in plot.tam

## File Name: plot.tam.R
## File Version: 9.289

#--- plotting tam expected scores curves
plot.tam <- function(x, items=1:x$nitems, type="expected",
                    low=-3, high=3, ngroups=6, groups_by_item=FALSE,
                    wle=NULL, export=TRUE, export.type="png",
                    export.args=list(), observed=TRUE, overlay=FALSE,
                    ask=FALSE, package="lattice",
                    fix.devices=TRUE, nnodes=100, ...)
    if ( package=="lattice"){

    # device.Option <- getOption("device")

    time1 <- NULL
    if ( fix.devices ){
        old.opt.dev <- getOption("device")
        old.opt.err <- c( getOption("show.error.messages"))
        old.par.ask <- graphics::par("ask")
        # remember new pars' values
        old.par.xpd <- graphics::par("xpd")
        old.par.mar <- graphics::par("mar")
        on.exit( options("device"=old.opt.dev))
        on.exit( options("show.error.messages"=old.opt.err), add=TRUE)
        on.exit( graphics::par("ask"=old.par.ask), add=TRUE)
        # restore new pars' values
        on.exit( graphics::par("xpd"=old.par.xpd), add=TRUE)
        on.exit( graphics::par("mar"=old.par.mar), add=TRUE)

    tamobj <- x
    ndim <- tamobj$ndim
    tammodel <- "mml"
    if(is.null(ndim)) {
        ndim <- 1
        tammodel <- "jml"
    if (ndim > 1 ) {
        if ( type=="expected"){
            stop ("Expected scores curves are only available for uni-dimensional models")

    nitems <- tamobj$nitems

    if (ndim==1 ){
        theta <- matrix(seq(low, high, length=nnodes), nrow=nnodes, ncol=ndim)
    } else {
        nodes <- seq(low, high, length=nnodes)
        theta <- as.matrix( expand.grid( as.data.frame( matrix( rep(nodes, ndim), ncol=ndim ) ) ) )
        nnodes <- nrow(theta)
        B <- tamobj$B

    iIndex <- 1:nitems
    A <- tamobj$A
    B <- tamobj$B
    if (tammodel=="mml") {
        xsi <- tamobj$xsi$xsi
    }  else {
        xsi <- tamobj$xsi
    maxK <- tamobj$maxK
    resp <- tamobj$resp
    resp.ind <- tamobj$resp.ind
    resp[resp.ind==0] <- NA
    AXsi <- matrix(0,nrow=nitems,ncol=maxK )
    res <- tam_mml_calc_prob(iIndex=iIndex, A=A, AXsi=AXsi, B=B, xsi=xsi, theta=theta,
                    nnodes=nnodes, maxK=maxK, recalc=TRUE )
    rprobs <- res[["rprobs"]]
    AXsi <- res[["AXsi"]]
    cat <- 1:maxK - 1

    #@@@ define initial empty objects
    expScore <- obScore <- wle_intervals <- NULL
    theta2 <- NULL

    #**** type='expected'
    if ( type=="expected" ){
        expScore <- sapply(1:nitems, function(i) colSums(cat*rprobs[i,,], na.rm=TRUE))
        #-- compute WLE score groups
        res <- plot_tam_grouped_wle( tamobj=tamobj, tammodel=tammodel,
                        wle=wle, ngroups=ngroups, resp=resp )
        wle <- res$wle
        theta2 <- res$theta2
        d <- res$d
        d1 <- res$d1
        d2 <- res$d2
        groupnumber <- res$groupnumber
        ngroups <- res$ngroups
        wle_intervals <- res$wle_intervals
        #-- compute observed scores
        obScore <- apply(d2,2, function(x){
                            stats::aggregate(x, list(groupnumber), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
                            } )

    # adds observed score for type="items"
    if (type=="items") {
        #-- compute WLE score groups
        res <- plot_tam_grouped_wle( tamobj=tamobj, tammodel=tammodel,
                        wle=wle, ngroups=ngroups, resp=resp )
        wle <- res$wle
        theta2 <- res$theta2
        d <- res$d
        d1 <- res$d1
        d2 <- res$d2
        groupnumber <- res$groupnumber
        ngroups <- res$ngroups

        obScore <- lapply(d2, function(item) {
                    plyr::ldply(split(item, groupnumber[comp_case]), .id="group",
                            function (group) {
                                for (catt in uniq_cats) {
                                    cat_freq[[paste0("cat_", catt)]]=sum(group==catt)/ngroup

    # begin plot function
    probs_plot <- as.list(1:nitems)
    names(probs_plot) <- items

    for (i in (1:nitems)[items]) {
        #** expected item response curves
        if ( type=="expected"){
            if (i==1 || !overlay) {
                ylim2 <- c(0,max( tamobj$resp[,i], na.rm=TRUE ) )
                graphics::plot(theta, expScore[,i],,col=12, type="l", lwd=3, las=1, ylab="Score", xlab="Ability",
                        main=paste("Expected Scores Curve - Item ", colnames(tamobj$resp)[i] )    ,
                        ylim=ylim2, ... )
            } else {
                graphics::lines(theta, expScore[,i],type="l", col=i, lwd=3, pch=1)
            if (observed){
                theta2_i <- theta2
                obScore_i <- obScore[[i]]$x
                if (groups_by_item){
                    ind_i <- ! is.na(resp[,i])
                    resp_i <- resp[ind_i, i, drop=FALSE]
                    wle_i <- wle[ ind_i ]
                    res <- plot_tam_grouped_wle( tamobj=tamobj, tammodel=tammodel,
                                wle=wle_i, ngroups=ngroups, resp=resp_i )
                    theta2_i <- res$theta2
                    groupnumber_i <- res$groupnumber
                    aggr <- stats::aggregate(resp_i, list(groupnumber_i), mean, na.rm=TRUE )
                    obScore_i <- aggr[,2]
                graphics::lines(theta2_i, obScore_i, type="o", lwd=2, pch=1)

    if ( ndim==1 ){ theta0 <- theta }

    if ( type=="items"){
      rprobs.ii <- rprobs[i,,]
      rprobs.ii <- rprobs.ii[ rowMeans( is.na(rprobs.ii) ) < 1, ]
      K <- nrow(rprobs.ii)
      dat2 <- NULL
      if ( ndim > 1 ){
        B.ii <- B[i,,]
        ind.ii <- which( colSums( B.ii ) > 0 )[1]
        rprobs0.ii <- rprobs.ii
        rprobs0.ii <- stats::aggregate( t(rprobs0.ii), list( theta[,ind.ii] ), mean )
        theta0 <- rprobs0.ii[,1,drop=FALSE]
        rprobs.ii <- t( rprobs0.ii[,-1] )
        probs_plot[[i]] <- rprobs.ii
      for (kk in 1:K){
        dat2a <- data.frame( "Theta"=theta0[,1], "cat"=kk, "P"=rprobs.ii[kk,] )
        dat2 <- rbind(dat2, dat2a)
      main <- paste("Item", colnames(x$resp)[i] )
      auto.key <- NULL
      simple.key <- paste0("Cat", 1:K -  1)
      auto.key <- simple.key
      dat2$time <- dat2$cat
      dat2$time1 <- paste0("Cat", dat2$time )

      simple.key <- FALSE
      Kpercol <- K
      # floor(K/Kpercol)+1
      # package lattice
      if ( package=="lattice"){
        auto.key <- list(  lines=TRUE, points=FALSE, rows=2)
        h1 <- lattice::xyplot(P ~ Theta, dat2, group=time1, type='l', auto.key=auto.key,
                              main=main, ylim=c(-0.1,1.1), simple.key=simple.key,
                              ylab=expression(P(theta)), xlab=expression(theta), ... )
      # package graphics
      if ( package=="graphics" ){
        kk <- 1
        dfr <- dat2
        dfr1a <- dfr[ dfr$cat==kk, ]
        # setting larger margins on the right to fit the legend
        if(graphics::par("mar")[4] < 6.1) {
          graphics::par("mar"=c(old.par.mar[1:3], 6.1))

        graphics::plot( dfr1a$Theta, dfr1a$P, ylim=c(-.1,1.1),
              ylab=expression(P(theta)), xlab=expression(theta),
              col=kk+1, type="l", main=main, xpd=TRUE, ...
        for (kk in seq(2,K) ){
          dfr1a <- dfr[ dfr$cat==kk, ]
          graphics::lines( dfr1a$Theta, dfr1a$P, col=kk+1 )
          # graphics::points( dfr1a$Theta, dfr1a$P, pch=kk, col=kk+1 )

        if(observed) {
          for(kk in seq(1:K)) {
            graphics::lines(theta2, obScore_it[, kk + 1], col=kk + 1, lty=2)
            graphics::points(theta2, obScore_it[, kk + 1], col=kk + 1)
        # puts legend outside the plot region
        # only expected
        legend_entry=paste0("Cat", seq(0,K-1), "(exp.)")
        col=1 + 1:K
        # adds observed
        if (observed) {
          legend_entry=c(legend_entry, paste0("Cat", seq(0,K-1), "(obs.)"))
          col=rep(1 + 1:K, each=2)
          pch=c(NA_integer_, 1)
          lty=c(1, 2)
        graphics::legend(high + 0.3, 1.1, legend_entry,
               pch=pch, col=col,
               horiz=FALSE, lty=lty, bty="n", xpd=TRUE)


  }             # end item ii

  # export item plots
  if (export) {

    if(!file.exists("Plots")) dir.create( "Plots" )
    export.type.dev <- switch(export.type,
                              "emf"=if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows") "win.metafile" else "x11",
                              "wmf"=if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows") "win.metafile" else "x11",
    export.type.ff <- switch(export.type,


    for (i in (1:nitems)[items]) {

      itemlab <- colnames(tamobj$resp)[i]
      dev.err <- try({
                args=list("filename"=file.path("Plots", paste("Item_", itemlab, ".", export.type.ff, sep="")),

        warning( dev.err[1], "  --> No file created."  )

        # expected response functions
        if (type=="expected"){
          ylim2 <- c(0,max( tamobj$resp[,i], na.rm=TRUE ) )
          graphics::plot(theta, expScore[,i],,col=12, type="l", lwd=3, las=1, ylab="Score", xlab="Ability",
               main=paste("Expected Scores Curve - Item ", colnames(tamobj$resp)[i] ),
               ylim=ylim2, ... )
          if (observed ) {
            graphics::lines(theta2,obScore[[i]]$x, type="o", lwd=2, pch=1)
        if ( type=="items" ){

          rprobs.ii <- rprobs[i,,]
          rprobs.ii <- rprobs.ii[ rowMeans( is.na(rprobs.ii) ) < 1, ]
          K <- nrow(rprobs.ii)
          if ( ndim==1 ){ theta0 <- theta }
          dat2 <- NULL
          if ( ndim > 1 ){
            B.ii <- B[i,,]
            ind.ii <- which( colSums( B.ii ) > 0 )[1]
            rprobs0.ii <- rprobs.ii
            rprobs0.ii <- stats::aggregate( t(rprobs0.ii), list( theta[,ind.ii] ), mean )
            theta0 <- rprobs0.ii[,1,drop=FALSE]
            rprobs.ii <- t( rprobs0.ii[,-1] )
          for (kk in 1:K){
            # kk <- 1
            dat2a <- data.frame( "Theta"=theta0[,1], "cat"=kk, "P"=rprobs.ii[kk,] )
            dat2 <- rbind(dat2, dat2a)
          main <- paste("Item", colnames(x$resp)[i] )
          auto.key <- NULL
          simple.key <- paste0("Cat", 1:K -  1)
          auto.key <- simple.key
          dat2$time <- dat2$cat
          dat2$time1 <- paste0("Cat", dat2$time )

          simple.key <- FALSE
          Kpercol <- K
          # floor(K/Kpercol)+1
          if ( package=="lattice"){
            auto.key <- list(  lines=TRUE, points=FALSE, rows=2)
            h1 <- lattice::xyplot(P ~ Theta, dat2, group=time1, type='l', auto.key=auto.key,
                                  main=main, ylim=c(-0.1,1.1), simple.key=simple.key,
                                  ylab=expression(P(theta)), xlab=expression(theta), ... )
          # package graphics
          if ( package=="graphics" ){
            kk <- 1
            dfr <- dat2
            dfr1a <- dfr[ dfr$cat==kk, ]
            # setting larger margins on the right to fit the legend
            if(graphics::par("mar")[4] < 6.1) {
              graphics::par("mar"=c(old.par.mar[1:3], 6.1))

            graphics::plot( dfr1a$Theta, dfr1a$P, ylim=c(-.1,1.1),
                  ylab=expression(P(theta)), xlab=expression(theta),
                  col=kk+1, type="l", main=main, xpd=TRUE, ...
            for (kk in seq(2,K) ){
              dfr1a <- dfr[ dfr$cat==kk, ]
              graphics::lines( dfr1a$Theta, dfr1a$P, col=kk+1 )
              # graphics::points( dfr1a$Theta, dfr1a$P, pch=kk, col=kk+1 )

            if(observed) {
              for(kk in seq(1:K)) {
                graphics::lines(theta2, obScore_it[, kk + 1], col=kk + 1, lty=2)
                graphics::points(theta2, obScore_it[, kk + 1], col=kk + 1)
            # puts legend outside the plot region
            # only expected
            legend_entry=paste0("Cat", seq(0,K-1), "(exp.)")
            col=1 + 1:K
            # adds observed
            if (observed) {
              legend_entry=c(legend_entry, paste0("Cat", seq(0,K-1), "(obs.)"))
              col=rep(1 + 1:K, each=2)
              pch=c(NA_integer_, 1)
              lty=c(1, 2)
            graphics::legend(high + 0.3, 1.1, legend_entry,
                   pch=pch, col=col,
                   horiz=FALSE, lty=lty, bty="n", xpd=TRUE)




    # options(device=device.Option)

    # Print path
    if(is.null(dev.err)){ cat("....................................................\n",
                              "Plots exported in", export.type, "format into folder:\n",
                              file.path(getwd(), "Plots")) ;
                              utils::flush.console() }
    # option output
    res_exp <- list(obScore=obScore, expScore=expScore, ngroups=ngroups,
                    wle_intervals=wle_intervals, theta=theta,
    res_items <- list(items=items, nitems=nitems, obScore=obScore, theta=theta0,
    res <- list(type_expected=res_exp, res_items=res_items)

plot.tam.mml <- plot.tam
plot.tam.jml <- plot.tam
alexanderrobitzsch/TAM documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 2:04 a.m.