
Defines functions R2noharm.EAP

Documented in R2noharm.EAP

## File Name: R2noharm.EAP.R
## File Version: 0.26

R2noharm.EAP <- function( noharmobj, theta.k=seq(-6,6,len=21), print.output=TRUE )
    mod <- noharmobj
    mod$guess <- guess <- mod$guesses
    f0 <- mod$final.constants
    FL <- mod$loadings.theta
    D <- mod$dimensions
    P <- mod$factor.cor
    I <- length(mod$guess)
    dat <- mod$dat
    N <- nrow(dat)
    theta.k <- as.matrix( expand.grid( as.data.frame( matrix( rep( theta.k, D), ncol=D ) ) ) )
    TT <- nrow(theta.k)
    if ( TT > 1000 ){
        theta.k <- qmc.nodes( snodes=1000, ndim=D )
    TT <- nrow(theta.k)
    # calculate probabilities
    probs <- matrix( f0, nrow=I, ncol=TT, byrow=F)
    for (dd in 1:D){
        probs <- probs + outer( FL[,dd], theta.k[,dd] )
    guessM <- matrix( mod$guess, nrow=I, ncol=TT )
    upperM <- matrix( mod$upper, nrow=I, ncol=TT )
    probs1 <- guessM + ( upperM - guessM) * stats::pnorm( probs )
    probs <- array( 0, dim=c(I, TT, 2 ) )
    probs[,,1] <- 1-probs1
    probs[,,2] <- probs1

    # evaluate posterior distribution
    prior.density <- sirt_dmvnorm_discrete( x=as.matrix(theta.k), mean=rep(0,D), sigma=as.matrix(P) )
    prior.density <- matrix( prior.density, nrow=N, ncol=TT, byrow=TRUE )
    like <- matrix( 1, nrow=N, ncol=TT )
    for (ii in 1:I){
        ind.ii <- which( ! is.na( dat[,ii] ) )
        like[ind.ii,] <- like[ ind.ii, ] * t( probs[ ii,, dat[ ind.ii,ii ] + 1 ] )
    posterior <- like * prior.density
    # posterior <- like
    posterior <- posterior / rowSums( posterior )

    # calculate EAP of all dimensions and reliabilities
    person <- data.frame( "case"=1:N)
    nstudl <- rep(1,N)
    EAP.rel <- rep(0,D)
    hwtE <- posterior
    pweights <- nstudl
        for ( dd in 1:D ){
        # dd <- 1  # dimension
        person$EAP <- rowSums( hwtE * outer( nstudl, theta.k[,dd] ) )
        person$SD.EAP <- sqrt(rowSums( hwtE * outer( nstudl, theta.k[,dd]^2 ) ) - person$EAP^2)
        # calculate EAP reliability
        # EAP variance
        EAP.variance <- stats::weighted.mean( person$EAP^2, pweights ) -
                            ( stats::weighted.mean( person$EAP, pweights ) )^2
        EAP.error <- stats::weighted.mean( person$SD.EAP^2, pweights )
        EAP.rel[dd] <- EAP.variance / ( EAP.variance + EAP.error )
        colnames(person)[ which( colnames(person)=="EAP" ) ] <- paste("EAP.Dim", dd, sep="")
        colnames(person)[ which( colnames(person)=="SD.EAP" ) ] <- paste("SD.EAP.Dim", dd, sep="")
    if ( print.output ){
        cat("EAP Reliabilities:\n")
        print( round (EAP.rel,3) )
    res <- list( person=person, theta=theta.k, posterior=posterior, like=like,
                        EAP.rel=EAP.rel, probs=probs )
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 2:45 a.m.