
Defines functions f1d.irt

Documented in f1d.irt

## File Name: f1d.irt.R
## File Version: 1.295

#--- Functional unidimensional model (Ip et al., 2013)
f1d.irt <- function( dat=NULL, nnormal=1000, nfactors=3,
            A=NULL, intercept=NULL, mu=NULL, Sigma=NULL, maxiter=100,
            conv=10^(-5), progress=TRUE )
    if ( ! is.null(dat) ){
        # estimate tetrachoric correlation matrix
        if (progress){
            cat('*** Estimate tetrachoric correlation\n')
        tetra <- res <- tetrachoric2(dat=dat, progress=progress)
        # estimate factor analysis
        fac1 <- sirt_import_psych_fa( r=res$rho, nfactors=nfactors, rotate='none' )
        fac0 <- sirt_import_psych_fa( r=res$rho, nfactors=1, rotate='none' )
        # extract standardized loadings
        A_stand <- as.matrix( fac1$loadings )
        # calculate communality
        h2 <- rowSums( A_stand^2 )
        # unstandardized loadings
        A <- A_stand / sqrt( 1-h2 )
        # intercepts
        intercept <- - res$tau / sqrt( 1 - h2 )
        names.dat <- colnames(dat)
    } else {
        a0 <- NA
        d0 <- NA
        A[ is.na(A) ] <- 0
        names.dat <- names(intercept)
        tetra <- NULL

    # approximation of normal distribution using quasi Monte Carlo integration nodes
    theta <- qmc.nodes( nnormal, nfactors )
    if ( is.null(mu) ){
        mu <- rep(0,nfactors)
    if ( is.null(Sigma) ){
        Sigma <- diag(1,nfactors)

    wgt_theta <- sirt_dmvnorm_discrete(x=theta, mean=mu, sigma=Sigma )

    I <- length(intercept)
    TP <- nrow(theta)
    W1 <- diag(wgt_theta )

    D <- ncol(A)
    # a_i ' theta_p
    Zpi <- matrix( 0, TP, I )
    for (dd in 1:D){
        Zpi <- Zpi + theta[,dd] * matrix( A[,dd], TP, I, byrow=TRUE )
    # Z_pi=a_i theta_p + d_i
    Zpi <- Zpi + matrix( intercept, TP, I, byrow=TRUE )

    # starting values for a_i and d_i
    di <- intercept
    diast <- di  # diast=d_i*
    aiast <- rep(.7,I)

    thetaast <- rep(0,TP)
    iter <- 0
    parchange <- 1

    #***** begin algorithm
    while( ( iter < maxiter ) & ( parchange > conv ) ){

        thetaast0 <- thetaast
        aiast0 <- aiast
        diast0 <- diast

        # (1) update theta_p using ( a_i, theta_p, d_i, a_i*, d_i* )
        Ypi <- Zpi - matrix( diast, nrow=TP, ncol=I, byrow=TRUE)
        aiastM <- matrix( aiast, nrow=TP, ncol=I, byrow=TRUE )
        thetaast <- rowSums( Ypi * aiastM ) / rowSums( aiastM^2 )
        wM <- stats::weighted.mean( thetaast, wgt_theta )
        sdM <- sqrt( sum( ( thetaast - wM )^2 * wgt_theta ) )
        thetaast <- ( thetaast - wM ) / sdM

        X <- cbind( 1, thetaast )
        c1 <- solve( crossprod( X, W1 ) %*% X, crossprod( X, W1 ) %*% Zpi )
        diast <- c1[1,]
        aiast <- c1[2,]

        # compute approximation error
        errpi <- Zpi - thetaast * matrix(aiast,TP, I, byrow=TRUE )  -
                            matrix(diast,TP, I, byrow=TRUE )
        approx.error <- sum( errpi^2 * wgt_theta ) / I
        # parameter change
        parchange <- max( abs( c(diast - diast0,aiast-aiast0,thetaast-thetaast0) ))
        iter <- iter + 1
        if (progress){
            cat( paste0( 'Iteration ', iter,
                ' | Approximation error ', '=', ' ', round( approx.error, 5 ),
                ' | Max. parameter change ', '=', ' ', round( parchange, 5),
                '\n') )
    #***** end algorithm

    if ( ! is.null(dat) ){
        # unstandardized loadings 1 factor model
        A0_stand <- fac0$loadings
        a0 <- A0_stand[,1] / sqrt( 1 - A0_stand[,1]^2 )
        d0 <- - res$tau / sqrt( 1 - A0_stand[,1]^2 )
    if ( is.null(dat) ){
        a0 <- NULL
        d0 <- NULL

    item <- data.frame( item=names.dat )
    item$ai.ast <- aiast
    item$ai0 <- a0
    item$di.ast <- diast
    item$di0 <- d0
    person <- data.frame( theta.ast=thetaast, wgt=wgt_theta )
    #--- output
    res <- list( item=item, person=person, A=A, intercept=intercept,
                dat=dat, tetra=tetra )
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 2:45 a.m.