
Defines functions calc.survfct.isop calc.ll.isop.poly calc.prob.distr isop.poly

Documented in isop.poly

## File Name: isop.poly.R
## File Version: 2.15
# Fitting the ISOP and ADISOP model
isop.poly <- function( dat, score.breaks=seq(0,1,len=10 ),
            conv=.0001, maxit=1000, epsilon=.025,
            progress=TRUE ){
    # convert matrix into matrix format
    dat <- as.matrix(dat)
    I <- ncol(dat)
    # define response matrix
    dat.resp <- 1-is.na( dat )
    # scoring of persons
    res <- isop.scoring( dat )
    person <- res$person
    item <- res$item
    p.itemcat <- res$p.itemcat
    score.itemcat <- res$score.itemcat
    distr.fct <- res$distr.fct
    K <- max( dat, na.rm=TRUE)
    # person score is the modified percentile score
    stud.p <- person$mpsc
    # different scores of students
    if ( ! is.null( score.breaks) ){
        qsc <- stats::quantile( stud.p, probs=score.breaks)
        qsc[1] <- -1.001
        qsc[ length(qsc) ] <- 1.001
        qsc <- unique( qsc)
        stud.p <- cut( stud.p, breaks=qsc, labels=FALSE)
    person$scoregroup <- stud.p
    # score groups students
    scores <- sort( unique( stud.p ) )
    SC <- length(scores)
    # scoring of students
    # create item groups
    # create table
    freq.correct <- array( NA, dim=c(SC, I, K) )
    freq.categories <- array( NA, dim=c(SC, I, K+1) )
    dimnames(freq.categories)[[1]] <-
            dimnames(freq.correct)[[1]] <- paste0( "score_", scores )
    dimnames(freq.categories)[[2]] <-
            dimnames(freq.correct)[[2]] <- colnames(dat)
    dimnames(freq.categories)[[3]] <- paste0( "Cat", 0:K )
    dimnames(freq.correct)[[3]] <- paste0( "Cat", 0:(K-1) )
    # compute frequency table
    for (kk in 0:K){
        # kk <- 0
        if (kk < K ){
            a1 <- stats::aggregate( 1*(dat <=kk ), list( stud.p ), mean, na.rm=TRUE )
            freq.correct[,,kk+1] <- as.matrix(a1[,-1])
        a2 <- stats::aggregate( 1*(dat==kk ), list( stud.p ), sum, na.rm=TRUE )
        freq.categories[,,kk+1] <- as.matrix(a2[,-1])

    # weights
    wgt <- freq.correct[,,1]
    a1 <- stats::aggregate( dat.resp, list( stud.p ), sum, na.rm=TRUE )
    wgt <- a1[,-1]
    freq.isop.fitted <- freq.correct.ordered <- list(1:K)
    for (kk in 0:(K-1) ){
        freq.correct.ordered[[kk+1]] <-
            freq.correct[, order( item$pscore ),kk+1]
    # calculate ISOP Model (for all categories)
    for (kk in 0:(K-1) ){
        if (progress){ cat("\nFit ISOP Category", kk  ) }
        # kk <- 1
        fc <- - freq.correct.ordered[[kk+1]]
        wc <- wgt[, colnames(fc) ]
        colnames(wc) -> wcc
        res.isop <- fit.isop( freq.correct=fc, wgt=wc, conv=conv,
                        maxit=maxit, progress=progress, calc.ll=FALSE)
        freq.isop.fitted[[kk+1]] <- - res.isop$fX
    # ADISOP Model (start with the fitted isop solution)
    # compute survivor function
    surv.isop <- as.list( 1:K )
    for (kk in 0:(K-1)){
        surv.isop[[kk+1]] <- 1 - freq.isop.fitted[[kk+1]]
    # compute sum of survivor functions
    sum.surv.isop <- surv.isop[[1]]
    for (kk in 2:K){
        sum.surv.isop <- sum.surv.isop + surv.isop[[kk]]
    # ADISOP fit based on sum of survivor functions
    res.adisop <- fit.adisop( freq.correct=sum.surv.isop / K, wgt,
            conv=conv, maxit=maxit,
            epsilon=epsilon, progress=progress, calc.ll=FALSE )
    item.sc <- res.adisop$item.sc
    person.sc <- res.adisop$person.sc
    # second smoothing step in ADISOP
    # see Scheiblechner (2009)
    adfitted <- res.adisop$freq.fitted
    adfitted1 <- adfitted[,1:6]
    adfitted1 <- adfitted1[ order( 100000*adfitted1$item.index + adfitted1$stud.index ), ]
    # create a long table for survivor function
    surv.smooth <- NULL

    for (kk in 1:K){
        surv.smooth.kk <- adfitted1
        surv.smooth.kk$categ <- kk
        surv.smooth.kk$survisop <- as.vector( surv.isop[[kk]] )
        surv.smooth <- rbind( surv.smooth, surv.smooth.kk )
    surv.smooth$X1PX2 <- surv.smooth$item.sc + surv.smooth$person.sc
    surv.smooth <- surv.smooth[ order( 1000*rank( surv.smooth$X1PX2 )+
                    100 - surv.smooth$categ ), ]
    SV <- nrow(surv.smooth) / K
    fc1 <- matrix( surv.smooth$survisop, nrow=K, ncol=SV )
    wc1 <- matrix( surv.smooth$wgt, nrow=K, ncol=SV )
    # fit isop
    res.isop2 <- fit.isop( freq.correct=fc1, wgt=wc1, calc.ll=FALSE,
    r1 <- res.isop2$freq.fitted$freq.fitted
    surv.smooth$survadisop <- matrix( matrix( r1, nrow=K, ncol=SV, byrow=TRUE ),
            ncol=1 )
    # compute distribution function
    surv.smooth$sm.distr.fct <- 1 - surv.smooth$survadisop
    surv.smooth$item <- wcc[ surv.smooth$item.index ]
    F.orig <- array( NA, dim=c(I,K+1,SC ) )
    dimnames(F.orig)[[3]] <- paste0( "score_", scores )
    dimnames(F.orig)[[1]] <- colnames(dat)
    dimnames(F.orig)[[2]] <- paste0( "Cat", 0:K )
    F.orig[,K+1,] <- 1
    F.adisop <- F.isop <- F.orig
    F1 <- matrix( 1, K+1, SC )
    for (ii in 1:I){
        #    ii <- 1
        vv <- colnames(dat)[ii]
        surv.smooth.vv <- surv.smooth[ surv.smooth$item==vv, ]
        ind <- (surv.smooth.vv$item.index)[1]
        ind2 <-  as.matrix(surv.smooth.vv[, c("categ","stud.index") ] )
        F1[ ind2 ] <- surv.smooth.vv$sm.distr.fct
        F.adisop[vv,,] <- F1
        F1[ ind2 ] <- 1-surv.smooth.vv$survisop
        F.isop[vv,,] <- F1
    F.sat1 <- aperm( freq.correct, c(2,3,1) )
    F.saturated <- F.orig
    F.saturated[, 1:K, ] <- F.sat1
    # fit graded response model
    res.grm <- fit.gradedresponse( freq.categories, SC, I, K,
            conv=conv, maxit=maxit, progress=progress )

    # calculate probabilities
    prob.saturated <- prob.isop <- prob.adisop <- F.orig
    # calculate probabilities
    prob.saturated <-  calc.prob.distr( Farray=F.saturated)
    prob.adisop <- calc.prob.distr( Farray=F.adisop)
    prob.isop <- calc.prob.distr( Farray=F.isop)
    prob.grm <- aperm( res.grm$prob, c(2,3,1) )
    # [ items, categories, score groups ]
    # calculate survivor functions P( X>=k)
    surv.saturated <- calc.survfct.isop(prob.saturated)
    surv.isop <- calc.survfct.isop(prob.isop)
    surv.adisop <- calc.survfct.isop(prob.adisop)
    surv.grm <- calc.survfct.isop(prob.grm)

    # calculate log-likelihood
    # calculate frequencies
    freq.saturated <- prob.saturated
    for (kk in 1:(K+1) ){
        freq.saturated[, kk, ] <- t(wgt) * prob.saturated[,kk,]
    ll <- data.frame( "model"=c("saturated", "isop", "adisop", "grm"),
       "ll"=rep(NA,4) )
    ll$ll[1] <- calc.ll.isop.poly( freq1=freq.saturated, prob1=prob.saturated )
    ll$ll[2] <- calc.ll.isop.poly( freq1=freq.saturated, prob1=prob.isop )
    ll$ll[3] <- calc.ll.isop.poly( freq1=freq.saturated, prob1=prob.adisop )
    ll$ll[4] <- res.grm$ll
    NW <- mean( colSums(wgt) )
    ll$llcase <- ll$ll / NW
    #* collect results
    res <- list( "freq.correct"=freq.correct,
              "prob.isop"=prob.isop, "prob.adisop"=prob.adisop,
              "surv.isop"=surv.isop, "surv.adisop"=surv.adisop,
              "person"=person, "item"=item,
              "p.itemcat"=p.itemcat, "score.itemcat"=score.itemcat,
              "s2"=Sys.time(), "dat"=dat,
    class(res) <- "isop"
# auxiliary function for conversion of a distribution
# function into a probability table
calc.prob.distr <- function(Farray){
        prob1 <- Farray
        KK <- dim(Farray)[2]
        prob1[,1,] <- Farray[,1,]
        for (kk in 2:KK){ prob1[,kk,] <- Farray[,kk,] - Farray[,kk-1,] }
        prob1[ prob1 < 0 ] <- 0
        prob1[ prob1 > 1 ] <- 1
# calculate log-likelihood
calc.ll.isop.poly <- function( freq1, prob1, eps=10^(-14) ){
        prob1[ prob1 < 0 ] <- 0
        prob1[ prob1 > 1 ] <- 1
          ll <- sum( freq1 * log( prob1 + eps ), na.rm=TRUE)
# calculate survivor functions
calc.survfct.isop <- function(prob1){
        prob2 <- prob1
        K <- dim(prob1)[2]
        for ( kk in seq(K-1,1,-1) ){
            prob2[,kk,] <- prob2[, kk+1, ] + prob1[,kk,]
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on July 18, 2024, 11:16 p.m.