## File Name: mcmc.3pno.testlet_output.R
## File Version: 1.21
# compute deviance
.mcmc.deviance.3pno.testlet <- function( aM, bM, a.testletM, theta,
guess, gamma.testlet, testletgroups, dat, dat.resp,
weights, eps, param)
guessM <- matrix( guess, nrow=nrow(aM), ncol=length(guess) )
gamma.testletM <- gamma.testlet[, testletgroups ]
if (param==1){ tau.ni <- aM * theta + gamma.testletM + bM }
if (param==2){ tau.ni <- aM * theta + aM*gamma.testletM + bM }
if (param==3){ tau.ni <- aM * theta + a.testletM*gamma.testletM + bM }
pij <- guessM + ( 1 - guessM )* stats::pnorm( tau.ni )
llij <- log( dat.resp * ( dat*pij + ( 1-dat )*(1-pij) ) + eps )
if ( is.null( weights ) ){ deviance <- -2*sum( llij ) }
if ( ! is.null( weights ) ){
deviance <- -2*sum( rowSums(llij) * weights )
# subfunction for calculating the DIC
.mcmc.ic.3pno.testlet <- function( a.chain, b.chain,
a.testlet.chain, N, I,
theta.chain, c.chain, gamma.testlet.chain, TT,
testletgroups, dat, dat.resp, weights, eps, param,
deviance.chain )
aM <- matrix( colMeans( a.chain ), nrow=N, ncol=I, byrow=TRUE )
bM <- matrix( colMeans( b.chain ), nrow=N, ncol=I, byrow=TRUE )
if (param==3){
a.testletM <- matrix( colMeans( a.testlet.chain ), nrow=N, ncol=I, byrow=TRUE )
theta <- colMeans( theta.chain )
guess <- colMeans( c.chain )
gamma.testlet <- colMeans( gamma.testlet.chain )
gamma.testlet <- matrix( gamma.testlet, nrow=N, ncol=TT+1 )
Dhat <- .mcmc.deviance.3pno.testlet( aM, bM, a.testletM, theta,
guess, gamma.testlet, testletgroups, dat, dat.resp,
weights, eps, param )
Dbar <- mean( deviance.chain )
pD <- Dbar - Dhat
ic <- list( "Dhat"=Dhat, "Dbar"=Dbar, "pD"=pD, "DIC"=Dhat + 2*pD )
# output mcmc.list
.mcmc.list.3pno.testlet <- function( a.chain, b.chain, a.testlet.chain,
I, deviance.chain, est.slope, c.chain, sigma.chain,
est.guess, theta.chain, sigma.testlet.chain, TT,
burnin, SV, save.theta, testletgroups, param )
a <- a.chain
b <- b.chain
theta <- theta.chain
N <- ncol(theta.chain )
colnames(a) <- paste0("a[", 1:I, "]")
colnames(b) <- paste0("b[", 1:I, "]")
mcmcobj <- cbind( deviance.chain, b )
colnames(mcmcobj)[1] <- "deviance"
if ( est.slope ){
mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, a )
if ( est.guess ){
colnames(c.chain) <- paste0("c[", 1:I, "]")
mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, c.chain )
if ( ! est.slope ){
mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, sigma.chain )
colnames(mcmcobj)[ncol(mcmcobj)] <- "sigma"
if ( param==3 ){
colnames(a.testlet.chain) <- paste0("a.testlet[", 1:I, "]")
ind <- which( testletgroups <=TT )
mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, a.testlet.chain[,ind] )
colnames(theta) <- paste0("theta[", 1:N, "]")
if ( ( TT>0 ) & (param!=3 ) ){ # save only testlet effects if they are present
colnames(sigma.testlet.chain) <- paste0("sigma.testlet[", 1:TT, "]")
mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, sigma.testlet.chain )
#**** compute marginal effects
if (TT>0){
sigma.testlet.chain <- cbind( sigma.testlet.chain, 0 )
ind <- which( testletgroups <=TT )
# intercept parameters
st2 <- sqrt( 1 + sigma.testlet.chain[, testletgroups[ind] ]^2 )
b_marg <- b.chain[,ind] / st2
colnames(b_marg) <- paste0("b_marg[", (1:I)[ind], "]")
mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, b_marg )
# slope parameters
a_marg <- a.chain[,ind] / st2
colnames(a_marg) <- paste0("a_marg[", (1:I)[ind], "]")
mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, a_marg )
if (save.theta){ mcmcobj <- cbind( mcmcobj, theta ) }
class(mcmcobj) <- "mcmc"
attr(mcmcobj, "mcpar") <- c( burnin+1, burnin+SV, 1 )
mcmcobj <- sirt_import_coda_as.mcmc.list( mcmcobj )
res <- list( "mcmcobj"=mcmcobj, "theta"=theta )
# description
.mcmc.description.3pno.testlet <- function( TT, param, est.guess, est.slope)
if ( est.guess ){ mod <- "3PNO" } else { mod <- "2PNO" }
if ( (!est.guess)& (!est.slope) ){ mod <- "1PNO" }
if (TT>0){
description <- paste0( mod, " Testlet Model (param=", param, ")" )
if (TT==0){
description <- paste0( mod," Model" )
# calculate EAP reliability, person parameter EAPs
# and corresponding posterior SDs
.mcmc.person.3pno.testlet <- function( theta.chain, weights, gamma.testlet.chain)
#*** EAP reliability
N <- ncol(theta.chain )
v1 <- stats::var( colMeans( theta.chain ) )
SV <- nrow(theta.chain)
if ( is.null(weights) ){
h1 <- ( rowSums( theta.chain^2 ) - ( N * rowMeans( theta.chain ) )^2 ) / N
h1 <- mean(h1)
EAP.rel <- v1 / h1
if ( ! is.null(weights) ){
w1 <- weights / sum(weights )
m1 <- colMeans( theta.chain )
v1 <- sum( m1^2 * w1 ) - ( sum( m1*w1 ) )^2
wM <- matrix( w1, nrow=nrow(theta.chain), ncol=ncol(theta.chain), byrow=TRUE )
h1 <- rowSums( wM * theta.chain^2 ) - ( rowSums( wM * theta.chain ) )^2
h1 <- mean(h1)
EAP.rel <- v1 / h1
#*** person parameter estimates
person <- data.frame( "EAP"=colMeans( theta.chain ),
"SD"=colSds(theta.chain) )
# compute testlet effects
TT <- ncol(gamma.testlet.chain) / N - 1
if (TT>0){
for (tt in 1:TT){
gtc <- gamma.testlet.chain[, 1:N + (tt-1)*N ]
person[, paste0("EAP.Testlet",tt)] <- colMeans(gtc)
person[, paste0("SD.Testlet",tt)] <- colSds( gtc )
# output
res <- list( "EAP.rel"=EAP.rel, "person"=person )
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