
Defines functions .e.step.guttman summary.prob.guttman prob.guttman

Documented in prob.guttman summary.prob.guttman

## File Name: prob.guttman.R
## File Version: 1.17

# probabilistic Guttman analysis
prob.guttman <- function( dat, pid=NULL, guess.equal=FALSE,
        slip.equal=FALSE, itemlevel=NULL, conv1=.001,
        glob.conv=.001, mmliter=500 ){
    # data prep
    dat <- as.matrix(dat)
    I <- ncol(dat)
    dat2.resp <- 1 - is.na( dat )
    dat2 <- dat
    dat2[ is.na(dat2) ] <- 0
    if ( is.null( pid) ){ pid <- seq(1,nrow(dat)) }
    # p values
    p <- colMeans( dat, na.rm=TRUE )
    # items and p value levels
    itemtable <- data.frame( "index"=seq(1,ncol(dat)),
                    "item"=colnames(dat), "p"=p )
    if ( is.null( itemlevel )){
        itemtable <- itemtable[ order( itemtable$p, decreasing=TRUE ), ]
        itemtable$level <- match( itemtable$p, unique(itemtable$p ) )
            } else { itemtable$level <- itemlevel }
    itemtable <- itemtable[ order( itemtable$index ), ]
    theta.k <- c( 0, sort(unique(itemtable$level ) ))
    # design matrices for items
    itemdes <- matrix(0, nrow=length(theta.k), ncol=ncol(dat))
    colnames(itemdes) <- colnames(dat)
    rownames(itemdes) <- paste( "theta_level_", theta.k, sep="")
    items <- itemtable$item
    for (ii in items){
        itemdes[,ii] <- 1 * ( theta.k >=itemtable[ itemtable$item==ii, "level" ] )
    # init slipping and guessing parameters
    guess <- slip <- rep(.2,I)

    # prior distribution pi(k)
    LK <- length(theta.k)
    pi.k <- rep( 1 /LK, LK )
    iter <- 0
    dev0 <- dev.change <- 1000
    par.change <- 1000
    cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
    cat("Probabilistic Guttman Model \n")
    cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
    while ( ( dev.change > glob.conv | par.change > conv1 ) & ( iter < mmliter ) ){
        # E step Guttman scaling
        res <- .e.step.guttman( dat2, dat2.resp, theta.k, pi.k, I, guess, slip, itemdes )

        # M step Guttman scaling
        pi.k <- ( res$n.k / sum(res$n.k ) )[,1]

        guess.old <- guess
        slip.old <- slip
        # update guessing parameters

        c1 <- colSums( t( (res$r.jk)[,,1]  ) * ( 1 - itemdes ) )
        c2 <- colSums( t( (res$n.jk)[,,1]  ) * ( 1 - itemdes ) )
        if ( ! guess.equal ){    guess <- c1/c2 } else {
            guess <-  rep( sum(c1) / sum(c2), I )
        # update slipping parameters
        c1 <- colSums( t( (res$r.jk)[,,1]  ) * (  itemdes ) )
        c2 <- colSums( t( (res$n.jk)[,,1]  ) * ( itemdes ) )
#        slip <- 1- c1/c2
        if ( ! slip.equal ){    slip <- 1 - c1/c2 } else {
            slip <-  rep( 1 - sum(c1) / sum(c2), I )
        par.change <- max( abs( c( guess - guess.old, slip - slip.old) ) )
        dev <- -2*res$ll
        dev.change <- abs( dev - dev0 )
        cat( paste( "Iteration ", iter + 1,  " |  Deviance=", round( dev, 4 ),
                                    if (iter > 0 ){ " | Deviance change=" } else {""},
                                    if( iter>0){round( - dev + dev0, 6 )} else { ""}," |",sep=""))
        cat( paste( " Maximum parameter change=",
                                    round( max(abs( par.change )), 6 ),  " \n"   )  )
        dev0 <- dev
        iter <- iter + 1

    # MAP
    map <- theta.k[ whichrowMaxs( res$f.qk.yi )$arg ]
    # MLE
    mle <- theta.k[ whichrowMaxs( res$f.yi.qk )$arg ]

    # person data frame
    person <- data.frame( "pid"=pid,
                "score"=rowSums( dat, na.rm=T), "max"=rowSums(dat2.resp),
                "MLE"=mle, "MAP"=map )
    # Information criteria
    if (guess.equal){ np <- 1 } else {
        np <- length(guess) }
    if (slip.equal){ np <- np + 1 } else { np <- np + length(slip) }
    np <- np + length(theta.k) - 1
    ic <- data.frame( "np"=np,"n"=nrow(dat),
        "deviance"=dev )
    # AIC
    ic$AIC <- dev + 2*ic$np
    # BIC
    ic$BIC <- dev + ( log(ic$n) )*ic$np
    # CAIC (conistent AIC)
    ic$CAIC <- dev + ( log(ic$n) + 1 )*ic$np
    # corrected AIC
    ic$AICc <- ic$AIC + 2*ic$np * ( ic$np + 1 ) / ( ic$n - ic$np - 1 )
    # item data frame
    item <- itemtable
    item$guess <- guess
    item$slip <- slip
    item$discrim <- 1-slip-guess
    # trait distribution
    trait <- data.frame( "level"=theta.k, "prob"=pi.k )
    trait$freq.MLE <- sapply( theta.k, FUN=function(tt){ mean( person$MLE==tt ) } )
    trait$freq.MAP <- sapply( theta.k, FUN=function(tt){ mean( person$MAP==tt ) } )
    rownames(trait) <- rownames(itemdes)
    # collect results
    res <- list( "person"=person, "item"=item, "theta.k"=theta.k,
            "trait"=trait, "pi.k"=pi.k, "f.yi.qk"=res$f.yi.qk,
            "f.qk.yi"=res$f.qk.yi, "probs"=res$probs,
            "ic"=ic, "G"=1, "deviance"=dev, "iter"=iter,
            "itemdesign"=itemdes )
    class(res) <- "prob.guttman"

# Summary for prob.guttman object                         *
summary.prob.guttman <- function( object, ... ){
    # object      ... object from rasch.mml                #

    cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
        d1 <- utils::packageDescription("sirt")
        cat( paste( d1$Package, " ", d1$Version, " (", d1$Date, ")", sep=""), "\n\n" )
#        cat( "Date of Analysis:", paste( object$s2 ), "\n" )
#        cat("Computation time:", print(object$s2 - object$s1), "\n\n")
    cat("Probabilistic Guttman Model \n")
    cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
    cat( "Number of iterations=", object$iter, "\n" )
    cat( "Deviance=", round( object$deviance, 2 ), "\n" )
    cat( "Number of persons=", object$ic$n, "\n" )
    cat( "Number of estimated parameters=", object$ic$np, "\n" )
    cat( "AIC=", round( object$ic$AIC, 2 ), " | penalty=",
                round( object$ic$AIC - object$ic$deviance,2 ),
            "   | AIC=-2*LL + 2*p  \n" )
    cat( "AICc=", round( object$ic$AICc, 2 )," | penalty=", round( object$ic$AICc - object$ic$deviance,2 ) )
        cat("    | AICc=-2*LL + 2*p + 2*p*(p+1)/(n-p-1)  (bias corrected AIC)\n" )
    cat( "BIC=", round( object$ic$BIC, 2 ), " | penalty=", round( object$ic$BIC - object$ic$deviance,2 ),
            "   | BIC=-2*LL + log(n)*p  \n" )
    cat( "CAIC=", round( object$ic$CAIC, 2 )," | penalty=", round( object$ic$CAIC - object$ic$deviance,2 ) )
        cat("   | CAIC=-2*LL + [log(n)+1]*p  (consistent AIC)\n\n" )

    #cat( "\n")
    cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
    cat("Trait Distribution \n")
    obji <- object$trait
    roundvars <- c("prob", "freq.MLE", "freq.MAP" )
    for (vv in roundvars ){
        obji[,vv] <- round( obji[,vv], 3 )
#    rownames(obji) <- NULL
    print( obji )

    cat( "\n")
    cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n")
    cat("Item Parameter \n")
    obji <- object$item
    roundvars <- c("p","guess","slip","discrim" )
    for (vv in roundvars ){
        obji[,vv] <- round( obji[,vv], 3 )
    rownames(obji) <- NULL
    print( obji )

.e.step.guttman <- function( dat2, dat2.resp, theta.k, pi.k, I, guess, slip, itemdes ){
    # probabilities of correct item at theta_k
    guessM <- matrix( guess, byrow=T, nrow=length(theta.k), ncol=I )
    slipM <- matrix( slip, byrow=T, nrow=length(theta.k), ncol=I )
    pjk <- itemdes * ( 1 - slipM ) +  (  1 - itemdes ) * guessM
    TP <- dim(pjk)[1]
#    pjk <- t(pjk)
        pjkt <- t(pjk)
        pjkL <- array( NA, dim=c( I, 2, TP  ) )
        pjkL[,1,] <- 1 - pjkt
        pjkL[,2,] <- pjkt
        probsM <- matrix( aperm( pjkL, c(2,1,3) ), nrow=I*2, ncol=TP )
        f.yi.qk <- mml_calc_like( dat2=dat2, dat2resp=dat2.resp,
                    probs=probsM )$fyiqk
    f.qk.yi <- 0 * f.yi.qk
    pi.k <- matrix( pi.k, ncol=1 )
    f.qk.yi <- f.yi.qk * outer( rep( 1, nrow(dat2) ), pi.k[,1] )
    f.qk.yi <- f.qk.yi / rowSums( f.qk.yi )

    # expected counts at theta.k
    G <- 1
    n.k <- matrix( 0, nrow=length(theta.k), ncol=G )
    r.jk <- n.jk <- array( 0, dim=c( ncol(dat2), length(theta.k), G) )
    ll <- rep(0,G)
    group <- rep(1,nrow(dat2))
    dat1 <- matrix( 1, nrow=nrow(dat2), ncol=2 )
    for (gg in 1:G){
        ind.gg <- which( group==gg )
        res <- mml_raschtype_counts( dat2=dat2[ind.gg,], dat2resp=dat2.resp[ind.gg,],
                    dat1=dat1[ind.gg,2], fqkyi=f.qk.yi[ind.gg,],
                    pik=pi.k[,gg], fyiqk=f.yi.qk[ind.gg,]  )
        n.k[,gg] <- res$nk
        n.jk[,,gg] <- res$njk
        r.jk[,,gg] <- res$rjk
        ll[gg] <- res$ll
    res <- list( "n.k"=n.k, "n.jk"=n.jk, "r.jk"=r.jk,
            "f.qk.yi"=f.qk.yi, "pjk"=pjk,
            "f.yi.qk"=f.yi.qk, "ll"=sum(ll), "probs"=pjkL )
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on July 18, 2024, 11:16 p.m.