
Defines functions hcenter blockHS simulateHurdle210 getJoint momentChar getConditionalMLE wrapGradAll wrapLLall wrapHurdleLikelihood unpackTheta getDensity selectionModel expit logit getGibbs update_nonmissing getNormalizing signToChar HurdleStructure

Documented in getConditionalMLE getGibbs HurdleStructure unpackTheta

##' Structure to hold a model, samples and estimates
##' @inheritParams rGibbsHurdle
##' @param sample optional sample from the model
##' @param gibbs If \code{TRUE}, then sample from the provided model.  Else may contain a sample from the model
##' @param estimate optional estimated coefficients (replaces provided \code{G}, \code{H}, \code{K} if provided).
##' @param gibbs_args list of arguments passed to \code{\link{getGibbs}}
##' @return \code{list} with the above components
##' @author Andrew McDavid
HurdleStructure <- function(G=NULL, H=NULL, K=NULL, sample=NULL, gibbs=TRUE, estimate=NULL, gibbs_args=list(kcell=1, mvnorm=FALSE)){
        .checkArgs(G=G, H=H, K=K)
    } else if(!is.null(sample) || !is.null(gibbs)){
        p <- if(!is.null(sample)) ncol(sample) else ncol(gibbs)
        G <- H <- K <- matrix(NA, nrow=ncol(sample), ncol=ncol(sample))
    } else if(!is.null(estimate)){
        G <- estimate$G
        K <- estimate$K
        H <- estimate$H
    } else{
        stop('Empty constructor')
    true <- list(G=G, H=H, K=K)
    if(isTRUE(gibbs)) gibbs <- do.call(getGibbs, list(hs=list(true=true, gibbs_args=gibbs_args)))$gibbs

    trueFactor <- sign(K)+2^sign(H)+4^sign(G)
    Kt <- signToChar(K, 'K')
    Ht <- signToChar(H, 'H')
    Gt <- signToChar(G, 'G')
    trueChar <- paste0(Kt, Ht, Gt)
    trueFactor <- matrix(trueFactor, nrow=nrow(G))
    trueChar <- matrix(trueChar, nrow=nrow(G))

    li <- list(true=true, sample=sample, gibbs=gibbs, estimate=estimate, norm=NULL, trueFactor=trueFactor, trueChar=trueChar, gibbs_args=gibbs_args)
    class(li) <- c('list', 'HurdleStructure')

signToChar <- function(v, char) {
    char <- c(paste0('-', char),
              paste0('+', char))

getNormalizing <- function(hs, subsample=Inf){
    ##sample(seq(from=1L, to=nstate-1L), subsample) else
    norm <- .calcNormalizing(G=hs$true$G, H=hs$true$H, K=hs$true$K, log=TRUE)
    maxP <- max(norm$logP)
    state0 <- 0-maxP
    logP0 <- -(log(sum(exp(norm$logP-maxP))+
                    exp(state0)          #state 0
    P <- exp(norm$logP +logP0)
    margins <- colSums(t(norm$state)*P)
    list(logP0=logP0, P=c(exp(logP0), P), margins=margins, lMargin=colSums(t(norm$stat)*norm$logP), mu=norm$mu)

update_nonmissing <- function(key, value, list_){
        list_[[key]] <- value

##' Update the current gibbs sample for a \code{HurdleStructure}
##' Replaces the item \code{'gibbs'}
##' @param hs \code{HurdleStructure}
##' @param Nkeep final number of samples to keep
##' @param kcell Number of cells per sample (cells added on exponential scale)
##' @param post_fun Function to apply post-sampling, ie, to add contaminating noise
##' @param mvnorm Sample from multivariate normal (using only K matrix)--intended for applying post-selection models
##' @param ... passed to \code{rGibbsHurdle}
##' @return modified \code{HurdleStructure}
##' @export
getGibbs <- function(hs, Nkeep=2000, kcell, post_fun, mvnorm, ...){
    if(!is.null(hs$gibbs)) message("Replacing gibbs sample")
    hs$gibbs_args <- update_nonmissing('kcell', kcell, hs$gibbs_args)
    hs$gibbs_args <- update_nonmissing('post_fun', post_fun, hs$gibbs_args)
    hs$gibbs_args <- update_nonmissing('mvnorm', mvnorm, hs$gibbs_args)
    kcell <- hs$gibbs_args$kcell
    post_fun <- hs$gibbs_args$post_fun
    mvnorm <- hs$gibbs_args$mvnorm
        Sigma <- solve(hs$true$K)
        mu <- diag(crossprod(Sigma, hs$true$H))
        gibbs <- MASS::mvrnorm(Nkeep, mu, Sigma)
    } else{
        gibbs <- with(hs$true, rGibbsHurdle(G, H, K, Nkeep=Nkeep*kcell, ...))
        ##gibbs <- with(hs$true, rGibbsHurdle(G, H, K, Nt=Nt, ...))
        ct <- cor.test(gibbs[-1,1], gibbs[-nrow(gibbs),
                                          1], conf.level=.99)$conf.int[1]
        if(!is.na(ct) && ct >.1){
            warning('Significant auto correlation found')
    hs$gibbs <- gibbs
        cellnum <- rep(seq_len(floor(nrow(gibbs)/kcell)), length.out=nrow(gibbs))
        gibbs <- do.call(rbind, tapply(seq_len(nrow(gibbs)), cellnum, function(i) log2(colMeans(2^gibbs[i,,drop=FALSE]))))
    if(is.function(post_fun <- hs$gibbs_args$post_fun)){
        hs$gibbs <- post_fun(gibbs)
    } else{
        hs$gibbs <- gibbs   

logit <- function(x) log(x/(1-x))
expit <- function(x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))

selectionModel <- function(x, mean_exp=.65, sd_logit_exp=1.5){
    sx <- scale(x, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
    #bias term, corresponds to detection efficiency
    beta_col <- sort(rnorm(ncol(sx), mean=logit(mean_exp), sd=sd_logit_exp))[order(attr(sx, 'scaled:center'))]
    ## add to each column
    tsx <- t(sx)+beta_col
    u <- runif(length(x))
    dim(u) <- dim(x)
    z <- u<t(expit(tsx))

getDensity <- function(hs, ...){
    function(x) with(hs$true, dHurdle210(x, G, H, K, ...))

##' Convert from old style to new style parameter vector or vice versa
##' This just used to bridge between the R and C++ likelihood calcs, hence is legacy code now.
##' @param theta parameter vector
##' @param method \code{character} one of 'unpack', 'pack', or 'gradient'
##' @return ordered parameter
unpackTheta <- function(theta, method='unpack'){
    p <- (length(theta)-3)/4+1
    component <- c(rep(0, p), #gbb, gba
                   rep(2, p), #hbb, hba
                   rep(1, p-1),#hab
                   rep(3, p-1),#kba
                   4) #kbb
    scaling <- c(1,   #gbb
                 rep(2, p-1),           #gba
                 rep(1, 2*p-1),             #hbb, hba, hab,
                 rep(-1, p-1),              #kba
                 1)                  #kbb
    grporder <- order(component, coordmap(p))
    method <- match.arg(method, c('unpack', 'pack', 'gradient'))
    } else if(method=='pack') {
    } else if(method=='gradient'){
        return(theta[order(grporder)]*scaling[order(grporder)]) #apply jacobian

wrapHurdleLikelihood <- function(y, x, theta, lambda){
    x <- cbind(1, abs(x)>0, x)
        theta <- unpackTheta(theta)
        HurdleLikelihood(y, x, ,theta, lambda)
    } else{
           HurdleLikelihood(y, x, lambda=lambda)

wrapLLall <- function(hl, theta, penalize){
    theta <- unpackTheta(theta)
    hl$LLall(theta, penalize)

wrapGradAll <- function(hl, theta, penalize){
    unpackTheta(hl$gradAll(unpackTheta(theta), penalize), 'gradient')

##' Loop over indices and solve condiiton MLE
##' @param hs HurdleStructure
##' @param using 'gibbs' or 'sample'
##' @param testGrad Should we check the gradient for convergence.
##' @param engine \code{character}.  If `R` then the R likelihood/gradient will be used. Else C++.
##' @param ... passed to optim
##' @return list of length two giving parameter values and standard errors. j is the index of the response, i is the index of the coefficient.
##' @export
getConditionalMLE <- function(hs,using='gibbs', testGrad=FALSE, engine='R', ...){
    samp <-  if(using=='gibbs') hs$gibbs else hs$sample
    p <- ncol(samp)
    coefIndex <- separm <- parm <- matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=length(parmap(p)), dimnames=list(1:p, parmap(p)))
    parm[,'kbb'] <- 1
    for(j in 1:p){
        y <- samp[,j]
        x <- samp[,-j,drop=FALSE]
        hl <- wrapHurdleLikelihood(y, x, theta=parm[j,], lambda=0)
            ll <- generatelogLik(y, x, lambda=0)
            grad <- generatelogLik(y, x, lambda=0, returnGrad=TRUE)
        } else{
            ll <- function(x) wrapLLall(hl, theta=x, penalize=FALSE)
            grad <- function(x) wrapGradAll(hl, theta=x, penalize=FALSE)
        O <- try(hushWarning(optim(parm[j,], ll, method='BFGS', hessian=TRUE, ...), fixed('NaNs produced')))
        if(inherits(O, 'try-error'))
        if(testGrad && !all(abs(grad(O$par))<.1)){
            stop('Gradient not zero at putative solution.  Max |grad| =  ', max(abs(grad(O$par))))

        ## O2 <- optim(parm[j,], ll, gr=grad, method='BFGS', hessian=TRUE)
        ## hl$LLall(O1$par)
        ## hl$grad(O2$par[c(1, 4, 11)], grp=-1)
        ## hl$gradAll(O1$par)
        parm[j,] <- O$par
        try(separm[j,] <- sqrt(diag(solve(O$hessian*nrow(samp)))), silent=TRUE) #gradient is scaled by 1/N
        ## what index in data do these components refer to?
        ## remap coordmap by current permutation of indices
        coefIndex[j,] <- c(j, setdiff(1:p, j))[coordmap(p)]
    Parm <- melt(parm)
    Separm <- melt(separm)
    names(Parm) <- names(Separm) <-  c('j', 'par', 'value')
    Parm <- cbind(Parm, i=as.numeric(coefIndex))
    Separm <- cbind(Separm, i=as.numeric(coefIndex))
    list(Parm=Parm, Separm=Separm)

momentChar <- function(hs, v){
    norm <- .calcNormalizing(v=v, H=hs$true$H, K=hs$true$K, log=TRUE)
    logP <- sum(hs$true$G[v,v]) +  norm$N
    cov <- solve(norm$subK)
    mu <- norm$mu
    list(logP=logP, cov=cov, mu=mu)

getJoint <- function(fit){
    C <- lapply(reshape::cast(fit$Parm, i~j | par), function(x) as.matrix(x[,-1]))
    G <- C$gba
    diag(G) <- diag(C$gbb)
    H <- (C$hba + t(C$hab))/2
    diag(H) <- diag(C$hbb)
    K <- C$kba
    diag(K) <- diag(C$kbb)
    G <- (G+t(G))/2
    K <- (K+t(K))/2
    list(G=G, H=H, K=K)

## Used to simulate Erdos-Renyi and chain networks
simulateHurdle210 <- function(N, p, dependence='G', structure='independence', structureArgs=list(sparsity=.1, groupwise=FALSE), intensityArgs=list(G=1, Hupper=1, Hlower=1, K=-.3, gamma=1), Gdiag=-14, Hdiag=5, Kdiag=1, gibbs_args){
    dependence <- match.arg(dependence, c('G', 'Hupper', 'Hlower', 'K'), several.ok=TRUE)
    structure <- match.arg(structure, c('independence', 'sparse', 'chain'))
    Hlower <- Hupper <- diag(Hdiag, p)/2
    K <- diag(Kdiag, p)/2
    G <- matrix(0, p, p)

    ## loop over types of dependence
    for(d in dependence){
        ## empty matrix to be filled with dependences and added to diagonal matrix
        depMat <- matrix(0, p, p)
        ## get a offdiagonal location and fill with a nonzero entry (using intensityArgs)
        offdiag <- p*(p-1)/2
        nnz <- ceiling(structureArgs$sparsity*offdiag)
            depidx <- if(nnz>1) sample(offdiag, nnz) else 1 #let's use the 1,2 entry unless we need more than one dependence
            depMat[upper.tri(depMat)][depidx] <- intensityArgs[[d]]*sign(intensityArgs[['gamma']]-runif(length(depidx)))
        } else if(structure=='chain'){
            i <- rep(seq_len(p), length.out=nnz)
            depidx <- cbind(i=i, j=(i+ceiling(seq_len(nnz)/p)))
            depidx[depidx[,'j']>p, 'j'] <- 1
            depMat[depidx] <- intensityArgs[[d]]
        ## else independence, and we just add an empty matrix.
        ourMat <- get(d)+depMat
        assign(d, ourMat)
    K <- K+t(K)
    eK <- min(eigen(K, only.values=TRUE)$values-.1, 0)
    diag(K) <- diag(K)-diag(K)*eK #Let's keep it PD folks
    H <- Hupper + t(Hlower)
    G <- G+t(G)
    diag(G) <- Gdiag

    hs <- HurdleStructure(G, H, K, gibbs=FALSE, gibbs_args=gibbs_args)
    hs <- getGibbs(hs, Nkeep=N, burnin=2000, thin=.1)
    margins <- colMeans(abs(hs$gibbs)>0)
    message(paste(margins, collapse=','))

##Kdep <- simulateHurdle210(200, 3, 'K', 'sparse', Gdiag=c(-19, -19, -13.41))
## Gdep <- simulateHurdle210(200, 3, 'G', 'sparse')
## Hupperdep <- simulateHurdle210(2000, 3, 'Hupper', 'sparse', intensityArgs=list(Hupper=1, Hlower=1))
##  #discrete significant

## Hlowerdep <- simulateHurdle210(2000, 3, 'Hlower', 'sparse', intensityArgs=list(Hupper=1, Hlower=1))
## g12 <- glm(samp[,1] >0 ~ samp[,2]+I(samp[,2]>0), family='binomial') 
## b12 <- lm(samp[,1] ~ samp[,2] + I(samp[,2]>0), subset=samp[,1]>0) #discrete significant
## g21 <- glm(samp[,2] >0 ~ samp[,1]+I(samp[,1]>0), family='binomial') #continuous significant
## b21 <- lm(samp[,2] ~ samp[,1] + I(samp[,1]>0), subset=samp[,2]>0) 

blockHS <- function(mat, times){
    m2 <- mat
    diag(m2) <- 0
    htile <- do.call(cbind, rep(list(m2), times=times))
    vtile <- do.call(rbind, rep(list(htile), times=times))
    diag(vtile) <- rep(diag(mat), times)

hcenter <- function(samp){
   apply(samp, 2, function(x){
             xI <- abs(x)>0
             x[xI] <- scale(x[xI], scale=FALSE)
amcdavid/HurdleNormal documentation built on May 14, 2022, 11:12 p.m.