

### Stan model -----
modelString = "
  int<lower=0> nRefBarcode ; // number of barcodes in ref allele
  int<lower=0> nMutBarcode ;
  int<lower=0> nDNAblocks ; // number of DNA replicates / blocks / samples / transfections
  int<lower=0> nRNAblocks ;
  int<lower=0> refDNAmat[nRefBarcode, nDNAblocks] ; // MPRA count matrix. Rows = barcodes, columns = samples/blocks
  int<lower=0> refRNAmat[nRefBarcode, nRNAblocks] ;
  int<lower=0> mutDNAmat[nMutBarcode, nDNAblocks] ;
  int<lower=0> mutRNAmat[nMutBarcode, nRNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> muRefRNAHyperParams[2, nRNAblocks] ; // gamma hyper-parameters on negative binomial parameters
  real<lower=0> phiRefRNAHyperParams[2, nRNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> muMutRNAHyperParams[2, nRNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> phiMutRNAHyperParams[2, nRNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> muDNAHyperParams[2, nDNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> phiDNAHyperParams[2, nDNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> muRefDNA[nDNAblocks] ; //mean parameters for each block in each allele for each nucleic acid
  real<lower=0> muRefRNA[nRNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> muMutDNA[nDNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> muMutRNA[nRNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> phiRefDNA[nDNAblocks] ; // size parameters
  real<lower=0> phiRefRNA[nRNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> phiMutDNA[nDNAblocks] ;
  real<lower=0> phiMutRNA[nRNAblocks] ;

  for (i in 1:nDNAblocks){

    // negative binomial parameters come from gamma hyper-priors
    muRefDNA[i] ~ gamma(muDNAHyperParams[1, i], muDNAHyperParams[2, i]) ; 
    phiRefDNA[i] ~ gamma(phiDNAHyperParams[1, i], phiDNAHyperParams[2, i]) ;
    muMutDNA[i] ~ gamma(muDNAHyperParams[1, i], muDNAHyperParams[2, i]) ; 
    phiMutDNA[i] ~ gamma(phiDNAHyperParams[1, i], phiDNAHyperParams[2, i]) ;
    // count data comes from the specified negative binomial
    refDNAmat[,i] ~ neg_binomial_2(muRefDNA[i], phiRefDNA[i]) ;
    mutDNAmat[,i] ~ neg_binomial_2(muMutDNA[i], phiMutDNA[i]) ;

  for (i in 1:nRNAblocks){
    // negative binomial parameters come from gamma hyper-priors
    muRefRNA[i] ~ gamma(muRefRNAHyperParams[1, i], muRefRNAHyperParams[2, i]) ;
    muMutRNA[i] ~ gamma(muMutRNAHyperParams[1, i], muMutRNAHyperParams[2, i]) ;

    phiRefRNA[i] ~ gamma(phiRefRNAHyperParams[1, i], phiRefRNAHyperParams[2, i]) ;
    phiMutRNA[i] ~ gamma(phiMutRNAHyperParams[1, i], phiMutRNAHyperParams[2, i]) ;

    // count data comes from the specified negative binomial
    refRNAmat[,i] ~ neg_binomial_2(muRefRNA[i], phiRefRNA[i]) ;
    mutRNAmat[,i] ~ neg_binomial_2(muMutRNA[i], phiMutRNA[i]) ;

model = stan_model(model_code = modelString)


### Get similarity based on prior information ----
names(varInfo)[12] = 'transcriptionalShift'

varInfo %<>% dplyr::select(construct, chr:alt, gkmerDelta:transcriptionalShift)

# varInfo %>% select(contains('Broad'), contains('Sydh'), eigen:DeepSeaDnaase)
preds = varInfo %>% 
  dplyr::select(DeepSeaDnaase, gkmerDelta) %>%
  map_dfr(~scale(.x)[,1]) #effing scale only outputs matrices

generateDistMat = function(predictors) {
  #predictors is a n x d data frame of predictors
  predictors %>% %>% 
    as.matrix %>% 
    dist %>% 
    as.matrix %>% 

distMat = generateDistMat(preds)

findWeights = function(i, distMat, minDistKernel, minNumContributing = 30, increaseFold = 1.333){
  # for the ith variant, produce a vector of weightings such that at minimum minNumContributing
  # variants meaningfully contribute (i.e. cumsum(sortedWeights)[30] <= .99)
  # arguments after the 2nd are heuristics that may need tuning
  # Initialize the kernel at some small value based on the typical distances in the input distance matrix (precomputed for speed)
  distKernel = minDistKernel
  rawWeights = dnorm(distMat[i,-i], sd = distKernel)
  scaledWeights = rawWeights / sum(rawWeights)
  sorted = sort(scaledWeights, decreasing = TRUE)
  notEnoughContributing = cumsum(sorted[1:minNumContributing])[minNumContributing] > .99
  #allZero = all(rawWeights$x == 0)
  # if there aren't more than minNumContributing variants providing meaningful contribution to the prior
  if ( || notEnoughContributing) { 
    # iteratively increase the kernel bandwith until they do
    while ( || notEnoughContributing) {
      distKernel = distKernel * increaseFold
      rawWeights = dnorm(distMat[i,-i], sd = distKernel)
      scaledWeights = rawWeights / sum(rawWeights)
      sorted = sort(scaledWeights, decreasing = TRUE)
      notEnoughContributing = cumsum(sorted[1:minNumContributing])[minNumContributing] > .99

# Initialize the kernel at some small value based on the typical distances in the input distance matrix
minDistKernel = distMat[upper.tri(distMat)] %>% 
  unlist() %>% 
  sort() %>% #sort all observed distances
  .[. > 0] %>% 
  quantile(.001) # pick the .1th quantile. The only variants that will use this kernel will be in very densely populated regions of predictor space

varInfo %<>% 
  mutate(weights = map(1:nrow(.), ~findWeights(.x, distMat, minDistKernel)))

### read in counts -----------
dir = "/mnt/labhome/andrew/MPRA/paper_data/"
ulirschCounts = read_delim(file = paste0(dir, "Raw/", "RBC_MPRA_minP_raw.txt"),
                           delim = "\t",
                           col_names = T,
                           col_types = cols(chr = "c")) %>% 
  dplyr::select(matches('construct|CTRL|DNA|type')) %>% 
  group_by(construct) %>% 
  nest(.key = countData)

varInfo %<>% left_join(ulirschCounts, by = 'construct')

### Fit NegBin estimates to each variant -----
safelyFitNegBin = function(countVec){
  #This doesn't quite suppress all error messages but it does output the right things
  #an error can still be printed when there's very low variability of low counts (e.g. c(1, rep(0, 14)))
         otherwise = list(estimate = purrr::set_names(rep(NA, 2), nm = c('mu', 'size'))), 
         quiet = TRUE)(countVec, 'nbinom')

estTransfectionParameters = function(countDat){
  # countDat - a tibble with a type (ref/mut) column and columns of observed MPRA counts in given transfections
  # uses fitdistrplus::fitdist because MASS::fitdistr was cracking wise at me
  # using a modified version of fitdistrplus::mledist because the regular version can't use non-integer weights
  countDat %>% 
    gather(block, count, -type) %>% 
    group_by(type, block) %>% 
    summarise(MLEnegBin = list(safelyFitNegBin(count))) %>% 
    ungroup %>% 
    mutate(muEst = map_dbl(MLEnegBin, ~.x$result$estimate['mu']),
           sizeEst = map_dbl(MLEnegBin, ~.x$result$estimate['size'])) %>% 

ncores = 6

varInfo %<>% 
  mutate(negBinParams = mclapply(countData, estTransfectionParameters, mc.cores = 6))

paramDF = varInfo %>% dplyr::select(construct, negBinParams)

### Fit weighted gamma hyperprior on negBin parameters to each variant ------- 
fitMuGamma = function(weights, muEstimates){
  fnToMin = function(paramVec){-sum(weights * dgamma(muEstimates, 
                                                     shape = paramVec[1], 
                                                     rate = paramVec[2], 
                                                     log = TRUE))}
  meanEst = mean(muEstimates)
  varEst = var(muEstimates)
  initialGuess = c(meanEst**2 / varEst, meanEst/varEst)
  optimRes = optim(initialGuess, 
                   lower = c(1e-12), 
                   control = list(ndeps = c(1e-4, 1e-5)))
  # The ndeps control option is needed to scale the optimization proposals.
  # If the rate suggestions are too huge then fnToMin throws out Inf which
  # breaks the optimizer
  if (optimRes$convergence != 0) {
    stop(paste0('problems with gamma fitting, convergence code: ', optimRes$convergence))
  optimRes$par %>% 
    set_names(c('shape', 'rate'))

fitSizeGamma = function(weights, sizeEstimates){
  # different ndeps, no lower bound so the optimizer works
  fnToMin = function(paramVec){-sum(weights * dgamma(sizeEstimates, 
                                                     shape = paramVec[1], 
                                                     rate = paramVec[2], 
                                                     log = TRUE))}
  meanEst = mean(sizeEstimates)
  varEst = var(sizeEstimates)
  initialGuess = c(meanEst**2 / varEst, meanEst/varEst)
  optimRes = optim(initialGuess, 
                   control = list(ndeps = c(1e-4, 1e-4))) 
  if (optimRes$convergence != 0) {
    stop(paste0('problems with gamma fitting, convergence code: ', optimRes$convergence))
  optimRes$par %>% 
    set_names(c('shape', 'rate'))

plusOrHomebrewMu = function(weights, muEstimates, initialMuGuess){
  # Try to fit the gamma with fitdistrplus. If that doesn't work, try the
  # homebrew optimizer that calculates its own type-block initial guess for the
  # individual type-block
  res = try(fitdistMod(muEstimates, 
                       weights = weights, 
                       start = initialMuGuess,
                       control = list(ndeps = c(1e-4, 1e-5)),
                       lower = 1e-12)$estimate,
            silent = TRUE)
  if (class(res) == 'try-error') {
    fitMuGamma(weights, muEstimates)
  } else{

plusOrHomebrewSize = function(weights, sizeEstimates, initialSizeGuess){
  #same as above just different ndeps
  res = try(fitdistMod(sizeEstimates, 
                       weights = weights, 
                       start = initialSizeGuess,
                       control = list(ndeps = c(1e-4, 1e-4)),
                       lower = 1e-12)$estimate,
            silent = TRUE)
  if (class(res) == 'try-error') {
    fitSizeGamma(weights, sizeEstimates)
  } else{

fitGammaHyperPriors = function(constructNum){ 
  constr = varInfo[constructNum,]
  others = varInfo[-constructNum,]
  dataForEstimates = others %>% 
    mutate(weight = constr$weights[[1]]) %>% 
    dplyr::select(construct, negBinParams, weight) %>% 
    unnest %>% 
    na.omit %>% 
    filter(weight > 1e-4*sort(constr$weights[[1]], decreasing = TRUE)[30], # This is necessary for speed)
           grepl('RNA', block)) # Only fit conditional prior on RNA. DNA counts use a marginal prior
  muDat = dataForEstimates$muEst
  initialMuGuess = list(shape = mean(muDat)**2 / var(muDat), 
                        rate = mean(muDat) / var(muDat))
  sizeDat = dataForEstimates$sizeEst[dataForEstimates$sizeEst < quantile(dataForEstimates$sizeEst, .99)]
  initialSizeGuess = list(shape = mean(sizeDat)**2 / var(sizeDat), 
                        rate = mean(sizeDat) / var(sizeDat))
  dataForEstimates %>% 
    group_by(type, block) %>% 
    summarise(muGammaHyperPriors = list(plusOrHomebrewMu(weight, 
              sizeGammaHyperPriors = list(plusOrHomebrewSize(weight[sizeEst < 1e4],
                                                             sizeEst[sizeEst < 1e4], 
                                                             initialSizeGuess))) %>% 
  # Estimates of the size parameter can be unstable (because variance = mu + mu^2
  # / size so size --> Inf as var --> mu) so we cut out those that are above the
  # 99th quantile. These are variants that are essentially poisson in their
  # counts so we're slightly biasing our result to show HIGHER variance.

varInfo %<>% 
  mutate(RNAgammaParams = mclapply(1:n(), fitGammaHyperPriors, mc.cores = 6))

# system.time(varInfo <- varInfo %>%
#               mutate(gammaParams = mclapply(1:n(), fitGammaHyperPriors, mc.cores = 20)))
save(varInfo, file = '~/bayesianMPRA/outputs/varInfoWithNegBinAndGammaParams.RData')

### DNA marginal priors --------

fitDNAmargPrior = function(...){
  varInfo %>% 
    dplyr::select(construct, negBinParams) %>% 
    unnest %>% 
    filter(grepl('DNA', block)) %>%
    gather(negBinParam, negBinParamVal, -(construct:block)) %>% 
    group_by(block, negBinParam) %>% 
    summarise(margGammaEstimate = list(fitdist(negBinParamVal, 'gamma'))) %>% 
    ungroup %>% 
    mutate(alphaEst = map_dbl(margGammaEstimate, ~.x$estimate[1]),
           betaEst = map_dbl(margGammaEstimate, ~.x$estimate[2]))

margDNAPrior = fitDNAmargPrior()

varInfo %>% 
  dplyr::select(construct, negBinParams) %>% 
  unnest %>% 
  filter(grepl('DNA', block)) %>% 
  mutate(priorDens = map2_dbl(block, muEst, ~dgamma(.y, 
                                                    shape = ifelse(grepl('DNA1', .x), margDNAPrior$alphaEst[1], margDNAPrior$alphaEst[3]), 
                                                    rate = ifelse(grepl('DNA1', .x), margDNAPrior$betaEst[1], margDNAPrior$betaEst[3])))) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(muEst)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), bins = 40) + 
  facet_grid(~ block, scales = 'free') +
  scale_x_log10(breaks = c(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000)) + 
  geom_line(aes(muEst, priorDens)) + 
  ggtitle('Distribution of mean parameters of negative binomial\nestimates for DNA barcode counts by block')

varInfo %>% 
  dplyr::select(construct, negBinParams) %>% 
  unnest %>% 
  filter(grepl('DNA', block)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(sizeEst)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 40) + 
  facet_grid(~ block, scales = 'free') +
  scale_x_log10(breaks = c(10**(-2:2))) +
  ggtitle('Distribution of size parameters of negative binomial\nestimates for DNA barcode counts by block')

### Now to run the sampler ---------

run_sampler = function(snp_data){
  # snp_data - a data_frame with one row containing a column called countData and another called RNAgammaParams
  # Given a matrix of counts (rows = barcodes, columns = samples) and a
  # data_frame of by-allele-RNA-sample gamma hyperpriors, run the above Stan
  # model
  count_data = snp_data$countData[[1]]
  RNA_gamma_params = snp_data$RNAgammaParams[[1]]
  # Prepare count data matrices
  ref_DNA_mat = count_data %>% 
    filter(type == 'Ref') %>% 
    dplyr::select(-type) %>% 
    dplyr::select(contains('DNA')) %>% 
  ref_RNA_mat = count_data %>% 
    filter(type == 'Ref') %>% 
    dplyr::select(-type) %>% 
    dplyr::select(contains('RNA')) %>% 
  mut_DNA_mat  = count_data %>% 
    filter(type == 'Mut') %>% 
    dplyr::select(-type) %>% 
    dplyr::select(contains('DNA')) %>% 
  mut_RNA_mat = count_data %>% 
    filter(type == 'Mut') %>% 
    dplyr::select(-type) %>% 
    dplyr::select(contains('RNA')) %>% 
  # Prepare Gamma hyper-prior matrices
  mu_ref_RNA_hyper_params = RNA_gamma_params %>% 
    filter(type == 'Ref') %>% 
    pull(muGammaHyperPriors) %>% 
    reduce(bind_rows) %>% 
    as.matrix() %>%
  mu_mut_RNA_hyper_params = RNA_gamma_params %>% 
    filter(type == 'Mut') %>% 
    pull(muGammaHyperPriors) %>% 
    reduce(bind_rows) %>% 
    as.matrix() %>%
  phi_ref_RNA_hyper_params = RNA_gamma_params %>% 
    filter(type == 'Ref') %>% 
    pull(sizeGammaHyperPriors) %>% 
    reduce(bind_rows) %>% 
    as.matrix() %>%
  phi_mut_RNA_hyper_params = RNA_gamma_params %>% 
    filter(type == 'Mut') %>% 
    pull(sizeGammaHyperPriors) %>% 
    reduce(bind_rows) %>% 
    as.matrix() %>%
  mu_DNA_hyper_params = margDNAPrior %>% 
    filter(grepl('mu', negBinParam)) %>% 
    dplyr::select(alphaEst, betaEst) %>% # OMG three pipes lining up
    as.matrix %>% 
  phi_DNA_hyper_params = margDNAPrior %>% 
    filter(grepl('size', negBinParam)) %>% 
    dplyr::select(alphaEst, betaEst) %>% 
    as.matrix %>% 
  # create input data list
  data_list = list(nRefBarcode = nrow(ref_DNA_mat),
                   nMutBarcode = nrow(mut_DNA_mat), 
                   nDNAblocks = ncol(ref_DNA_mat), 
                   nRNAblocks = ncol(ref_RNA_mat),
                   refDNAmat = ref_DNA_mat,
                   refRNAmat = ref_RNA_mat,
                   mutDNAmat = mut_DNA_mat,
                   mutRNAmat = mut_RNA_mat,
                   muRefRNAHyperParams = mu_ref_RNA_hyper_params,
                   phiRefRNAHyperParams = phi_ref_RNA_hyper_params,
                   muMutRNAHyperParams = mu_mut_RNA_hyper_params,
                   phiMutRNAHyperParams = phi_mut_RNA_hyper_params,
                   muDNAHyperParams = mu_DNA_hyper_params,
                   phiDNAHyperParams = phi_DNA_hyper_params)
  sampling(object = model,
           data = data_list,
           chains = 3,
           iter = 3334,
           warmup = 500,
           thin = 1,
           verbose = FALSE) #friggin stan still verbose af

     file = '~/bayesianMPRA/outputs/objects_for_isolated_run.RData')

# varInfo %>% 
#   group_by(construct) %>% 
#   nest %>% 
#   mutate(sampler_result = mclapply(data, run_sampler, mc.cores = 20))

## TODO: keep adapting over ulirschNegBinPrior ------
## 1. fit neg binomials DONE
## 2. fit WEIGHTED gamma hyperprior to RNA counts DONE
## 3. Fit marginal gamma hyperprior on DNA counts DONE
## 4. adapt model code DONE
## 5. run sampling
## 6. money
andrewGhazi/bayesianMPRA documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:56 p.m.