
Defines functions cut_and_count_fb decode_errors replace_na_0 count_barcodes trim_and_filter count_barcodes_in_fastq cut_out_seqs get_sample_correlations

Documented in count_barcodes count_barcodes_in_fastq cut_out_seqs decode_errors get_sample_correlations trim_and_filter

#' Get MPRA sample correlations
#' @description Compute the correlations of MPRA sequencing samples. This can be
#'   a helpful as a QC diagnostic metric. Libraries of the same type (DNA or RNA) should
#'   correlate highly with one another
#' @param mpra_data a data frame of mpra data
#' @return a data frame of pairwise correlations
#' @details the output is ready to be presented to plot_mpra_correlations
#' @examples
#' get_sample_correlations(umpra_example)
#' @export
get_sample_correlations = function(mpra_data){
  mpra_data %>%
    select(matches('[DR]NA')) %>%
    cor() %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var = 'sample_1') %>%
    gather("sample_2", 'correlation', -.data$sample_1)

#' Cut out sequence lines
#' @description Given a trimmed and quality filtered fastq, cut out just the
#'   sequence lines, write them out, then exit.
#' @inheritParams count_barcodes
#' @inheritParams count_barcodes_in_fastq
cut_out_seqs = function(trimmed_fastq,

  fastq_path_split = stringr::str_split(trimmed_fastq,
                                        pattern = '/',
                                        simplify = TRUE)

  fastq_name = gsub('\\.fastq','', fastq_path_split[1,ncol(fastq_path_split)])

  output_path = paste0(temp_dir, 'seq_only/seq_only_', fastq_name, '.txt')
  seq_only_cmd = paste0('sed -n \'2~4p\' ', trimmed_fastq, ' > ', output_path)


#' Match barcodes for a single fastq
#' @description Count barcode abundance, write out the counts of unmatched
#'   barcodes, return a data frame of counts of the given barcodes
#' @param trimmed_fastq path to a trimmed fastq
#' @inheritParams count_barcodes
count_barcodes_in_fastq = function(trimmed_fastq,
                                   verbose = TRUE){

  fastq_path_split = stringr::str_split(trimmed_fastq,
                                        pattern = '/',
                                        simplify = TRUE)

  fastq_name = gsub('\\.fastq','', fastq_path_split[1,ncol(fastq_path_split)])

  if (verbose) {message(paste0('Beginning counting for ', fastq_name))}

  output_path = paste0(temp_dir, 'seq_only/seq_only_', fastq_name, '.txt')

  barcode_observations = readr::read_tsv(output_path,
                                         col_names = 'barcode') %>%

  # I can't figure out how to make the grouped counting step work with data.table only in Suggests (not Imports)
  # If there's ever feedback on speed I'll try again or add data.table to Imports
  # I'd rather not as there's already a ton of dependencies

  # if (requireNamespace('data.table', quietly = TRUE)){
  #   # If someone has an absurdly large amount of sequencing this might be slow. Might have to add data.table as a dependency and do it with that, it's > 10x faster
  #   barcode = NULL # to avoid "no visible binding..." note in the check
  #   .N = NULL
  #   file_contents = data.table::fread(output_path,
  #                                     col.names = 'barcode'); message('finished reading')
  #   counted_barcodes = file_contents[,list(n = .N), by = 'barcode']; message('finished counting') # it sticks here
  #   ordered_barcodes = counted_barcodes[order(barcode)]; message('finished ordering')
  #   barcode_observations = tibble::as_tibble(ordered_barcodes); message('tibble conversion')
  # } else {
  #   barcode_observations = readr::read_tsv(output_path,
  #                                          col_names = 'barcode') %>%
  #     dplyr::count(.data$barcode)
  # }

  unmatched = barcode_observations %>%
    filter(!(.data$barcode %in% barcode_allele_df$barcode))

  # These will be available to the user if they set keep_temp = TRUE in count_barcodes()
            path = paste0(temp_dir, 'seq_only/', fastq_name, '_unmatched_barcode_counts.tsv'))

  sample_name = gsub('trimmed_filtered_', '', fastq_name)

  barcode_counts = barcode_observations %>%
    right_join(barcode_allele_df, by = 'barcode') %>%
    mutate(n = replace(.data$n, is.na(.data$n), 0)) %>%
    dplyr::select('bc_id', 'barcode', 'n') %>%
    magrittr::set_colnames(c('bc_id', 'barcode', sample_name))


  # This doesn't work for more than 1021 barcodes without OS-level ulimit changes
  # bc_splitter_cmd = paste0('cat ', trimmed_fastq, ' | ',
  #                          'fastx_barcode_splitter.pl ',
  #                          '--bcfile ', temp_dir, 'bc_file.txt ', # this will have been written out just prior to this function being called
  #                          '--prefix ', temp_dir, 'seq_only/', fastq_name, '/ ',
  #                          '--bol ',
  #                          '--exact ',
  #                          '--suffix .txt')


#' Trim and Filter a FASTQ
#' @description Use the FASTX-Toolkit to trim out the barcodes from the FASTQs by position, then quality filter them.
#' @param fastq path to a fastq file
#' @inheritParams count_barcodes
trim_and_filter = function(fastq,

  fastq_path_split = stringr::str_split(fastq,
                                        pattern = '/',
                                        simplify = TRUE)

  fastq_name = fastq_path_split[1,ncol(fastq_path_split)]

  trim_filter_cmd = paste0('fastx_trimmer ',
                           '-f ', bc_start, ' ',
                           '-l ', bc_end, ' ',
                           '-i', fastq,
                           ' | fastq_quality_filter ',
                           '-q ', quality_cutoff, ' ',
                           ' > ', temp_dir, 'trimmed_filtered_fastqs/trimmed_filtered_', fastq_name)




#' Count barcodes
#' @description Given a mapping between barcodes and alleles and a directory of
#'   MPRA sequencing results, count the abundance of each barcode and return a
#'   data frame of counts.
#' @param barcode_allele_df a data frame giving a mapping between barcodes and
#'   alleles
#' @param fastq_dir a character string giving the path to a directory of MPRA
#'   FASTQ results
#' @param temp_dir a character string giving the path to a directory to use for
#'   temporary intermediate files
#' @param keep_temp a logical indicating whether to avoid discarding the
#'   temporary intermediate files
#' @param bc_start an integer indicating the position in the read where the
#'   barcode starts
#' @param bc_end an integer indicating the position in the read where the
#'   barcode ends
#' @param quality_cutoff an integer indicating the quality cutoff to be used
#' @param n_cores an integer giving the number of cores to use in parallel
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether or not to print progress messages
#' @param decode_barcode_set an optional character string giving the path to the
#'   freebarcodes barcode set .txt file to be used to decode error-correctable
#'   barcodes
#' @details The \code{barcode_allele_df} should have two columns: \code{bc_id}
#'   giving a unique identifier to each barcode and \code{barcode} which gives
#'   the barcode. The bc_id should ideally be descriptive and denote which
#'   allele of which SNP it is associated with. tidyr::unite can be convenient
#'   for preparing this input.
#'   The quality cutoff applies to ALL bases in the barcode. That is, if every
#'   base in the barcode is not at or above the given cutoff, the read is
#'   discarded. The default cutoff, 30, is fairly aggressive, so if you're
#'   losing too many reads you can try lowering it.
#'   The output returns a column of counts for each FASTQ in the input
#'   directory. The column names are taken from the filenames of the fastqs
#'   without the filetype extensions. The usual MPRA practice is to have one
#'   FASTQ per transfection as well as multiple replicates taken from the
#'   plasmid library -- if this is not the case in your experiment you'll need
#'   to do some form of experiment-structure-appropriate aggregation before
#'   proceeding to downstream analysis.
#'   Unmatched reads are also written out to files included in the temporary
#'   intermediates under seq_only/. These can be helpful if you want to regain
#'   reads that would otherwise be discarded by using the error-correctable
#'   barcodes from the freebarcodes package available through
#'   \href{https://github.com/andrewGhazi/mpradesigntools}{mpradesigntools}. If
#'   you want to use these make sure to set \code{keep_temp = TRUE}.
#' @return a data frame of counts by file in the input directory
#' @note This function requires an installation of
#'   \href{http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/index.html}{FASTX-Toolkit} by
#'   the Hannon Lab (it's easy to install with apt-get) and sed (which comes as
#'   part of any standard Unix-like OS).
#'   The temporary intermediates are comparable in size to the input FASTQ
#'   files, so make sure you have enough disk space available.
#'   This function can also make use of the
#'   \href{https://github.com/finkelsteinlab/freebarcodes}{freebarcodes} package
#'   through the use of the decode_barcode_set argument. This allows the user to
#'   recover some barcode reads that are otherwise lost to sequencing error. See
#'   the link above for installation/algorithmic details. The decode_barcode_set
#'   argument needs to be the full path to the actual barcode set .txt file
#'   (typically in the barcodes/ directory where freebarcodes is installed).
#'   Note that this requires the MPRA to have been designed with one of these
#'   barcode sets in the first place, which is easily possible through the
#'   \href{https://github.com/andrewGhazi/mpradesigntools}{mpradesigntools}
#'   package.
#' @examples \donttest{\dontrun{
#' fastq_dir_example = tempdir()
#' # V This writes out an example directory of fastqs to a temporary directory
#' mapply(function(x,y){write.table(x, file = y, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)},
#' fastq_examples,
#' paste0(fastq_dir_example, '/', names(fastq_examples), '.fastq'))
#' tmp_dir = paste0(fastq_dir_example, '/count_temp_', format(Sys.time(), "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"))
#' # The data frame of counts this returns will be mostly zeroes because
#' # the example fastqs included with this package are very small.
#' count_barcodes(barcode_allele_df = barcode_by_id,
#' fastq_dir = fastq_dir_example,
#' temp_dir = tmp_dir,
#' bc_start = 1, # The barcode starts at the first base read
#' bc_end = 10, # and ends at the 14th
#' quality_cutoff = 30,
#' n_cores = 1,
#' keep_temp = FALSE)}}
#' @export
count_barcodes = function(barcode_allele_df,
                          keep_temp = FALSE,
                          quality_cutoff = 30,
                          n_cores = 1,
                          verbose = TRUE,
                          decode_barcode_set = NULL){

  if (verbose) {message('Beginning input checks...')}

  #### Input checks ----
  fastx_toolkit_installed = Sys.which('fastx_trimmer') != ""

  if (!fastx_toolkit_installed){
    stop('It seems the FASTX-Toolkit is not installed. See http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/download.html for installation details.')

  if (!dir.exists(fastq_dir)) {
    stop('The FASTQ directory specified doesn\'t exist!')

  if (!dir.exists(temp_dir)){
    if (verbose) {
      message('The temporary directory specified doesn\'t exist! Creating with dir.create()')


  if (fastq_dir == temp_dir){
    stop('Please specify a temp_dir other than where the FASTQs are.')

  temp_dir_ends_in_slash = grepl('/$', temp_dir)
  if (!temp_dir_ends_in_slash){
    temp_dir = paste0(temp_dir, '/')

  fastq_dir_ends_in_slash = grepl('/$', fastq_dir)
  if (!fastq_dir_ends_in_slash){
    fastq_dir = paste0(fastq_dir, '/')

  if (any(grepl('[^A-Za-z0-9_]', barcode_allele_df$bc_id))){
    # This might not actually be
    stop('Some barcode identifiers may be ill-formatted. Please restrict IDs to only alphanumeric and underscore characters.')

  if (length(list.files(temp_dir)) != 0){
    stop('Please specify an empty directory as the temp_dir, or a non-existent directory to be created with dir.create()')

  fastqs = list.files(gsub('/$', '', fastq_dir),
                      pattern = '.fastq$',
                      full.names = TRUE)

  if (length(fastqs) == 0) {
    stop('No .fastq files found in fastq_dir! Use gunzip *.fastq.gz if you have gzip-compressed files.')

  if (quality_cutoff != 30 & verbose) {
    message(paste0('Using non-default quality cutoff: Q >= ', quality_cutoff))

  # if (!is.null(decode_barcode_set)){
  #   stop('The barcode decoding feature is not yet fully implemented.')
  # }

  #### Trim and quality filter with the FASTX-Toolkit ----

  dir.create(paste0(temp_dir, 'trimmed_filtered_fastqs/'))

  if (verbose) {message('Trimming & quality filtering fastqs...')}

  tf_cmd = parallel::mclapply(fastqs,
                    mc.cores = n_cores,
                    quality_cutoff = quality_cutoff,
                    bc_start = bc_start,
                    bc_end = bc_end,
                    temp_dir = temp_dir)

  dir.create(paste0(temp_dir, 'seq_only/'))

  trimmed_fastqs = list.files(paste0(temp_dir, 'trimmed_filtered_fastqs'),
                              full.names = TRUE)

  #### If using decode-able barcodes, decode them, cut out their sequences, and tack them on to the appropriate seq_only file

  if (!is.null(decode_barcode_set)){

    if (verbose) {message('Decoding error-correctable barcodes...')}

                  bc_set = decode_barcode_set,
                  temp_dir = temp_dir,
                  other_fb_args = '')

    if (verbose) {message('Appending error-corrected barcode observations to direct observations...')}

    fb_out_path = paste0(temp_dir, 'freebarcodes_output/')

    fb_outputs = list.files(fb_out_path,
                            full.names = TRUE)

    fb_counts = parallel::mclapply(fb_outputs,
                                   mc.cores = n_cores,
                                   barcode_allele_df = barcode_allele_df) %>%
      purrr::reduce(dplyr::full_join, by = 'barcode') %>%
      dplyr::full_join(barcode_allele_df, by = 'barcode') %>%
      dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, replace_na_0) %>%

    if (verbose) {message('Counting done. If no/few barcodes are found, check if the barcodes in your reads are the reverse complement of how you ordered them. If so, you may need to use DNAString(), reverseComplement(), and toString() from the Biostrings package on your input')}

    #### Cleanup if required ----

    if (!keep_temp){
      unlink(paste0(temp_dir, '*'), recursive = TRUE)


  #### Cut out sequence lines ----

  if (verbose) {message('Extracting sequence lines...')}

  cut_cmd = parallel::mclapply(trimmed_fastqs,
                               mc.cores = n_cores,
                               temp_dir = temp_dir)

  #### On to the counting ----

  if (verbose) {message('Counting barcodes...')}

  mpra_data = parallel::mclapply(trimmed_fastqs,
                       mc.cores = n_cores,
                       barcode_allele_df = barcode_allele_df,
                       temp_dir = temp_dir,
                       verbose = verbose) %>%
    purrr::reduce(.f = dplyr::inner_join, by = c('bc_id', 'barcode'))

  if (verbose) {message('Counting done. If no/few barcodes are found, check if the barcodes in your reads are the reverse complement of how you ordered them. If so, you may need to use DNAString(), reverseComplement(), and toString() from the Biostrings package on your input')}

  #### Cleanup if required ----

  if (!keep_temp){
    unlink(paste0(temp_dir, '*'), recursive = TRUE)

  #### Return ----


# Used to replace NA's in a full-join result (when combining columns of counts
# across samples) with 0
replace_na_0 = function(count_vec){
  replace(count_vec, which(is.na(count_vec)), 0)

#' Decode fastq
#' @description If one of the barcodes sets from
#'   \href{https://github.com/finkelsteinlab/freebarcodes}{freebarcodes} is
#'   used, this function can be used to decode the erroneous barcode reads.
#' @param trimmed_fastqs a character string vector giving the paths to all the trimmed fastq
#'   files to be decoded
#' @param bc_set a character string giving the path of the freebarcodes barcode
#'   set file to use for decoding
#' @param temp_dir a character string giving the path to a directory to use for
#'   temporary intermediate files
#' @param other_fb_args a character string giving other arguments to pass to
#'   freebarcodes (besides barcode set and output directory)
#' @note See the
#'   \href{https://github.com/finkelsteinlab/freebarcodes}{freebarcodes github
#'   page} for more details on additional arguments, the decoding process, the
#'   freebarcodes package, and their original publication (Hawkins et al, Proc
#'   Natl Acad Sci, 2018).
decode_errors = function(trimmed_fastqs,
                         other_fb_args = ''){

  #### Checks ----
  fb_path = system('which freebarcodes', intern = TRUE)

  if (length(fb_path) == 0) {
    stop('Cannot find freebarcodes installation. system command "which freebarcodes" should return the path to the freebarcodes binary.')

  #### Make freebarcodes command ----
  fb_out_path = paste0(temp_dir, 'freebarcodes_output/')

  fastqs_comma_sep = paste0(trimmed_fastqs, collapse = ',')

  fb_cmd = paste0(fb_path, ' decode ', bc_set, ' ',
                  fastqs_comma_sep, ' ',
                  '--output-dir=', fb_out_path, ' ',


cut_and_count_fb = function(fb_output_file,
                            barcode_allele_df) {

  # read in the fb_output,
  fb_path_split = stringr::str_split(fb_output_file,
                                     pattern = '/',
                                     simplify = TRUE)

  fastq_name = gsub('_decoded\\.txt|rev_comp_trimmed_filtered_','', fb_path_split[1,ncol(fb_path_split)])

  # output_path = paste0(temp_dir, 'seq_only/seq_only_', fastq_name, '.txt')

  # process it as necessary

  fb_seqs = readr::read_tsv(fb_output_file,
                            col_names= c('read_id', 'barcode', 'sequence'))

  barcode_counts = fb_seqs %>% dplyr::count(.data$barcode,
                                            name = fastq_name) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$barcode %in% barcode_allele_df$barcode)

andrewGhazi/malacoda documentation built on Aug. 2, 2020, 12:54 a.m.