
Defines functions GEnorm

Documented in GEnorm

#' @title GEnorm
#' @description Normalize counts
#' \itemize{
#'    \item Calculate normalization factors to scale the filtered library sizes.
#'    \item Plot different graphes to explore data before and after normalization.
#'    \item Optionally, write file with mean counts and normalized mean counts in Askomics format.
#' }
#' @param filtered_GE, large DGEList with filtered counts by GEfilt function.
#' @param parameters, list that contains all arguments charged in Asko_start.
#' @param asko_list, list of data.frame contain condition, contrast and context informations made by asko3c.
#' @param data_list, list contain all data and metadata (DGEList, samples descritions, contrast, design and annotations)
#' @return norm_GE, large DGEList with normalized counts and data descriptions.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'     norm_GE<-GEnorm(filtered_counts, asko, parameters)
#' }
#' @export
GEnorm <- function(filtered_GE, asko_list, data_list, parameters){
  study_dir = paste0(parameters$dir_path,"/", parameters$analysis_name, "/")
  image_dir = paste0(study_dir, "images/")

  # for image size
  nsamples <- ncol(filtered_GE$counts)
  if(sizeImg < 480){ sizeImg=480 }

  # Normalization counts
  norm_GE<-edgeR::calcNormFactors(filtered_GE, method = parameters$normal_method)
  if(parameters$norm_factor == TRUE){
    utils::write.table(norm_GE$samples, file=paste0(study_dir, parameters$analysis_name, "_normalization_factors.txt"), col.names=NA, row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", dec=".")

  # boxplot log2(cpm) values after normalization
  logcpm_norm <- edgeR::cpm(norm_GE, log=TRUE)

  grDevices::png(paste0(image_dir,parameters$analysis_name,"_boxplot_logcpm_after_norm.png"), width=sizeImg, height=sizeImg)
          main="B. Log2(cpm) distribution after normalization",

  # heatmap visualisation
  if(nrow(filtered_GE$counts) <= 30000)
    # heatmap cpm value per sample
    cpm_norm  <- edgeR::cpm(norm_GE, log=FALSE)
    cpmscale  <- scale(t(cpm_norm))
    tcpmscale <- t(cpmscale)

    d1 <- stats::dist(cpmscale,  method = parameters$distcluts, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE)
    d2 <- stats::dist(tcpmscale, method = parameters$distcluts, diag = FALSE, upper = TRUE)
    hc <- stats::hclust(d1, method = parameters$hclust, members = NULL)
    hr <- stats::hclust(d2, method = parameters$hclust, members = NULL)
    my_palette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("green","black","red"), interpolate = "linear")

    grDevices::png(paste0(image_dir,parameters$analysis_name,"_heatmap_CPMcounts_per_sample.png"), width=sizeImg*1.5, height=sizeImg*1.25)
    gplots::heatmap.2(tcpmscale, Colv = stats::as.dendrogram(hc), Rowv = stats::as.dendrogram(hr), density.info="histogram",
              trace = "none", dendrogram = "column", xlab = "samples", col = my_palette, labRow = FALSE,
              cexRow = 0.1, cexCol = 1.25, ColSideColors = norm_GE$samples$color, margins = c(10,1),
              main = paste0("CPM counts per sample\nGenes 1 to ",nrow(norm_GE)))
    utils::write.table(cpm_norm, file=paste0(study_dir, parameters$analysis_name, "_CPM_NormCounts.txt"), col.names=NA, row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", dec=".")

    # Normalized mean by conditions
    # heatmap mean counts per condition
    n_count <- askoR::NormCountsMean(norm_GE, ASKOlist = asko_list)
    countscale  <- scale(t(n_count))
    tcountscale <- t(countscale)

    d1 <- stats::dist(countscale,  method = parameters$distcluts, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE)
    d2 <- stats::dist(tcountscale, method = parameters$distcluts, diag = FALSE, upper = TRUE)
    hc <- stats::hclust(d1, method = parameters$hclust, members = NULL)
    hr <- stats::hclust(d2, method = parameters$hclust, members = NULL)
    my_palette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("green","black","red"), interpolate = "linear")

    grDevices::png(paste0(image_dir,parameters$analysis_name,"_heatmap_meanCounts_per_condi.png"), width=sizeImg*1.5, height=sizeImg*1.25)
    gplots::heatmap.2(tcountscale, Colv = stats::as.dendrogram(hc), Rowv = stats::as.dendrogram(hr), density.info="histogram",
              trace = "none", dendrogram = "column", xlab = "Condition", col = my_palette, labRow = FALSE,
              cexRow = 0.1, cexCol = 1.5, ColSideColors = unique(norm_GE$samples$color), margins = c(10,1),
              main = paste0("Mean count per condition\nGenes 1 to ",nrow(norm_GE)))

  # File with normalized counts
  if (parameters$norm_counts == TRUE){
    dScaleFactors <- norm_GE$samples$lib.size * norm_GE$samples$norm.factors
    normCounts <- t(t(filtered_GE$counts)/dScaleFactors)*mean(dScaleFactors)
    utils::write.table(normCounts, file=paste0(study_dir, parameters$analysis_name, "_NormCounts.txt"), col.names=NA, row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", dec=".")

  # File with normalized mean counts in CPM, grouped by condition
  meancpmDEGnorm<-as.data.frame(t(stats::aggregate(t(cpm_norm),list(data_list$samples$condition), mean)))[-1,]
  utils::write.table(meancpmDEGnorm,paste0(study_dir, parameters$analysis_name,"_CPM_NormMeanCounts.txt"), sep="\t", dec=".", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)

askomics/askoR documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 5 a.m.