
Defines functions .fbumnLL .fpLL getCompScores scoreNodes scoreFunction scoreOffset piUpper fdrThreshold summary.bum print.bum bumOptim fbumLL fbum aggrPvals

Documented in aggrPvals bumOptim fbum fbumLL fdrThreshold getCompScores piUpper print.bum scoreFunction scoreNodes scoreOffset summary.bum

# *********************************************************
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# * Statistics: Order statistics and BUM Model
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# aggr.pvals(pval.array, order, plot=TRUE)
# arguments: 
#   pval.array: array of p-values for several experiments/covariates
#   order: the order statistic which is used
#   plot: boolean, whether to plot the aggregated p-value distributions
# value: vector of aggregated p-values of the given order
aggrPvals <- function(pval.matrix, order=ncol(pval.matrix), plot=TRUE)
  old.pvals <- pval.matrix
    return("Input is not matrix")
    return("order is larger than array dimensions")
  for(j in 1:dim(pval.matrix)[1])
    pval.matrix[j,] <- sort(as.numeric(pval.matrix[j,]), na.last=TRUE)
  x.vec <- as.numeric(pval.matrix[,order])
  n <- dim(pval.matrix)[2]
  concat.pvals <- pbeta(x.vec, order, n-order+1)
  names(concat.pvals)<- rownames(pval.matrix)
    for(j in 1:dim(pval.matrix)[2])
      hist(as.numeric(old.pvals[,j]), n=50, main=paste("Histogram of ", j, ". p-values", sep=""))
      par(ask = TRUE)
    hist(as.numeric(concat.pvals), n=50, main="Histogram of aggregated p-values")

# *** beta uniform mixture model with shape2 fixed @1
fbum <- function(x, lambda, a){ lambda+(1-lambda)*a*x^(a-1) };

#     Log likelihood of BUM model
# ... version for optim
fbumLL  <- function(parms, x){sum(log(fbum(x, parms[1], parms[2])))};

# ... standard optim
bumOptim <- function(x, starts=1, labels=NULL)
  if(is.null(names(x)) && is.null(labels))
    warning("Please name the p-values with the gene names or give labels!")
    names(x) <- as.character(1:length(x))
	names(x) <- labels
  a <- runif(starts, 0.3, 0.7)
  lambda <- runif(starts, 0.3, 0.7)
  value <- Inf
  best <- list()
  for(i in 1:starts)
    test.optim <- try(opt <- optim(c(lambda[i], a[i]), fn=.fbumnLL, gr=.fpLL, x=x, lower=rep(1e-5,3), method="L-BFGS-B", upper=rep(1-1e-5,3)))
    if ((!class(test.optim)=="try-error") && all(opt$par >= 1e-5) && all(opt$par <= 1-1e-5))
      value <- opt$value
      best <- opt
    return(warning("BUM model could not be fitted to data"))
    if (any(opt$par == 1e-5) || any(opt$par == 1-1e-5))
      warning("One or both parameters are on the limit of the defined parameter space")
    ret <- list(lambda=best$par[1], a=best$par[2], negLL=best$value, pvalues=x)
    class(ret) <- "bum"

# print function
print.bum <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Beta-Uniform-Mixture (BUM) model\n\n");
  cat(paste(length(x$pvalues), "pvalues fitted\n\n"));
  cat(sprintf("Mixture parameter (lambda):\t%1.3f\n", x$lambda));
  cat(sprintf("shape parameter (a): \t\t%1.3f\n", x$a));
  cat(sprintf("log-likelihood:\t\t\t%.1f\n", -x$negLL));

# summary function
summary.bum <- function(object, ...)
  cat("Beta-Uniform-Mixture (BUM) model\n\n");
  cat(paste(length(object$pvalues), "pvalues fitted\n\n"));
  cat(sprintf("Mixture parameter (lambda):\t%1.3f\n", object$lambda));
  cat(sprintf("shape parameter (a): \t\t%1.3f\n", object$a));
  cat(sprintf("log-likelihood:\t\t\t%.1f\n", -object$negLL));
  cat(sprintf("pi-upper bound:\t\t\t%.1f\n", piUpper(object)));

# fit bum model to p-values
# fit.fb(p.values, plot=TRUE)
# arguments:
#   p.values: p-values
#   plot: whether to plot a qqplot and a histogram of the fitted values
# values: fitted model
fitBumModel <- function (x, plot = TRUE, starts=10) 
    if (is.null(names(x)))
        warning("Please name the p-values with the gene names!")
        names(x) = as.character(1:length(x))
    fit <- bumOptim(x = x, starts)
    if (plot) 
        par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
        hist(x = fit)

# calculate tau from given FDR
fdrThreshold <- function(fdr, fb)
  pihat <- fb$lambda+(1-fb$lambda)*fb$a;
  return(((pihat - (fdr*fb$lambda)) / (fdr*(1-fb$lambda)))^(1/(fb$a-1)))

# *** upper bound pi for the fraction of noise
#     (see Pounds an Morris)
piUpper <- function(fb) { return(fb$lambda + (1 - fb$lambda)*fb$a) }

# ... offset constant for score
#     changing from FDR1 to FDR2
scoreOffset <- function(fb, fdr1, fdr2)
  return((fb$a-1)* (log(fdrThreshold(fdr1, fb))- log(fdrThreshold(fdr2, fb))))

scoreFunction <- function(fb, fdr=0.01)
  return((fb$a - 1)*(log(fb$pvalues)-log(fdrThreshold(fdr, fb))))

# *** Score the nodes of a network 
#     TODO: fill score into score attributes 
scoreNodes <- function(network, fb, fdr=0.05)
  score <- scoreFunction(fb, fdr);
  if(is(network, "graphNEL"))
    score <- score[match(nodes(network),names(fb$pvalues))];
    names(score) <- nodes(network);
  else if(is(network, "igraph"))
      V(network)$name <- as.character(V(network))
    score <- score[V(network)$name]

# *** returns a dataframe with scores and components
getCompScores <- function(network, score)
  if(is(network, "igraph"))
    cl.network <- clusters(network) 
    cc <- order(cl.network$csize, decreasing=TRUE)
    cc <- lapply(cc, memb= cl.network$membership, function(x, memb=memb) V(network)[which(memb==x)]$name)
	 cc <- connComp(network)   
	 cc <- cc[order(listLen(cc), decreasing=TRUE)];  
  len <- listLen(cc)
  label <- unlist(cc);
  comp <- unlist(mapply(rep,1:length(len), len ));
  score <- score[match(label, names(score))];
  return(data.frame(comp=comp,label=label, score=score));

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# * internal  
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# ... gradient of .fLL
.fpLL  <-function(parms, x)
 l <- parms[1]; a <- parms[2];
 dl <- -sum((1-a*x^(a-1))/(a*(1-l)*x^(a-1)+l));
 da <- -sum((a*(1-l)*x^(a-1)*log(x)+(1-l)*x^(a-1))/(a*(1-l)*x^(a-1)+l));


# negative log likelihood
.fbumnLL <- function(parms, x){-fbumLL(parms, x)}
assaron/BioNet documentation built on Sept. 18, 2020, 12:02 a.m.