

## could run models, create reference models,
##  save("test1","test2","test3","inst/testdata/basic.rda")
##  make target: update_testdata
##  in code: load(system.file("testdata","basic.rda",package="McMasterPandemic"))
context("very basic simulation")

params <- read_params("ICU1.csv")
state <- make_state(params = params, type = "ICU1")

test_that("basic examples", {
    expect_is(params, "params_pansim")
    s0 <- run_sim_range(params, state, nt = 100, step_args = list(do_hazard = FALSE))
    expect_is(s0, "data.frame")
    ## original value
    ss <- structure(list(
        t = 100L, S = 710.7304620948, E = 132.983797059479,
        Ia = 1280.06036138841, Ip = 9.45207161097982, Im = 2626.01147876609,
        Is = 47.3684384214429, H = 873.671213383553, H2 = 202.916185137484,
        ICUs = 626.537390949812, ICUd = 72.4089826500752, D = 3438.87998360902,
        R = 989978.979634929, foi = 0.00353620556305745
    state = structure(c(
        S = 710.7304620948,
        E = 132.983797059479, Ia = 1280.06036138841, Ip = 9.45207161097982,
        Im = 2626.01147876609, Is = 47.3684384214429, H = 873.671213383553,
        H2 = 202.916185137484, ICUs = 626.537390949812, ICUd = 72.4089826500752,
        D = 3438.87998360902, R = 989978.979634929
    class = "state_pansim",
    epi_cat = c("S", "E", "Ia", "Ip", "Im", "Is", "H", "H2", "ICUs", "ICUd", "D", "R")
    ), row.names = "100", class = "data.frame"
    expect_equal(tail(s0, 1), ss,
        tolerance = 1e-8
    expect_is(state, "state_pansim")
    s1 <- run_sim(params, state, start_date = "2020-03-01", end_date = "2020-06-01")
    expect_is(s1, "pansim")

test_that("params methods", {
            r0 = 0.227816539595061, R0 = 6.51800888888889, Gbar = 12.1897401796868,
            CFR_gen = 0.0352, dbl_time = 3.0425674175896
        tolerance = 2e-3

time_pars_old <- data.frame(
    Date = c("2020-03-10", "2020-03-25"),
    Symbol = c("beta0", "beta0"),
    Relative_value = c(0.5, 0.1)

time_pars <- data.frame(
    Date = c("2020-03-10", "2020-03-25"),
    Symbol = c("beta0", "beta0"),
    Value = c(0.5, 0.1),
    Type = "rel_orig"

time_pars_bad <- data.frame(
    Date = c("2020-03-10", "2020-03-25"),
    Symbol = c("beta0", "beta0"),
    Value = c(0.5, 0.1),
    Type = "weird"

test_that("time-varying example", {
    resICU_t <- run_sim(params, state,
        start_date = "2020-03-01",
        end_date = "2020-06-01",
        params_timevar = time_pars,
        step_args = list(do_hazard = TRUE)
    expect_is(resICU_t, "pansim")

    if (FALSE) { # plotting in tests seems like a bad idea
        ## not showing foi because of log / <= 1 filter
        suppressWarnings(print(plot(resICU_t, condense = FALSE, log = TRUE, drop_states = c("t", "S", "R", "E"))))
        ## FIXME: test values!

test_that("bad time-varying examples", {
        run_sim(params, state,
            start_date = "2020-03-01",
            end_date = "2020-06-01",
            params_timevar = time_pars_old,
            step_args = list(do_hazard = TRUE)
        "specifying params_timevar with Relative_value is deprecated"
        run_sim(params, state,
            start_date = "2020-03-01",
            end_date = "2020-06-01",
            params_timevar = time_pars_bad,
            step_args = list(do_hazard = TRUE)
        "unknown time_params type weird"

## test for 'bad date' error
## test multiple param switch

test_that("time-varying with ndt>1", {
    resICU_t2 <- run_sim(params, state,
        start_date = "2020-03-01",
        end_date = "2020-06-01",
        params_timevar = time_pars,
        step_args = list(do_hazard = TRUE),
        ndt = 10
    expect_is(resICU_t2, "pansim")

test_that("ndt>1", {
    s2 <- run_sim_range(params, state, nt = 100, dt = 0.2, step_args = list(do_hazard = FALSE))
    expect_equal(tail(s2, 1),
        tolerance = 1e-6,
            t = 100L, S = 999175.599366463, E = 470.938645829701,
            Ia = 75.7624206309387, Ip = 26.7668000907004, Im = 128.383139203259,
            Is = 5.46913724380533, H = 2.03123004779139, H2 = 0.0400421128254433,
            ICUs = 0.371377275540251, ICUd = 0.300078574043836, D = 0.139442448949961,
            R = 114.198320079343, foi = 0.000211127356958391
        ), state = structure(c(
            S = 999175.599366463,
            E = 470.938645829701, Ia = 75.7624206309387, Ip = 26.7668000907004,
            Im = 128.383139203259, Is = 5.46913724380533, H = 2.03123004779139,
            H2 = 0.0400421128254433, ICUs = 0.371377275540251, ICUd = 0.300078574043836,
            D = 0.139442448949961, R = 114.198320079343
        class = "state_pansim",
        epi_cat = c("S", "E", "Ia", "Ip", "Im", "Is", "H", "H2", "ICUs", "ICUd", "D", "R")
        ), row.names = "100", class = "data.frame")

    s3 <- run_sim(params, state,
        ndt = 20,
        start_date = "2020-03-01",
        end_date = "2020-03-20"
    s3B <- run_sim(params, state,
        start_date = "2020-03-01",
        end_date = "2020-03-20"
    ## s3C <- run_sim(params,state=unlist(tail(s3B,1)),
    ## start_date="2020-03-01",
    ## end_date="2020-03-20")

    S3comb <- dplyr::bind_rows(
        n5 = pivot(condense(s3)),
        n1 = pivot(condense(s3B)),
        .id = "model"
    ggplot(S3comb, aes(date, value, colour = var, lty = model)) +
        geom_line() +

test_that("state methods", {
    ## simple/old
        make_state(N = 1, E0 = 1, use_eigvec = FALSE),
            S = 0, E = 1, Ia = 0, Ip = 0,
            Im = 0, Is = 0, H = 0,
            H2 = 0,
            ICUs = 0, ICUd = 0,
            D = 0, R = 0, X = 0, V = 0
        class = "state_pansim",
        epi_cat = c("S", "E", "Ia", "Ip", "Im", "Is", "H", "H2", "ICUs", "ICUd", "D", "R", "X", "V")
    expect_error(make_state(x = 1:5, use_eigvec = FALSE), regexp = "must be named")
        x = c(N = 1, E0 = 1, K = 5),
        use_eigvec = FALSE
    ), "extra state variables")

test_that("calibration", {
    ## test at a tolerance of 0.5%
    s1 <- summary(params)
    s2 <- summary(p2 <- fix_pars(params, target = c(r = 0.23, Gbar = 6)))
    expect_equal(s2[["r0"]], 0.23, tolerance = 0.005)
    expect_equal(s2[["Gbar"]], 6, tolerance = 0.005)
    ## FIXME: expsim method fails (need to lower uniroot tolerance)
    s3 <- summary(fix_pars(p2, target = c(r = 0.4), r_method = "rmult"))
    expect_equal(s3[["r0"]], 0.4, tolerance = 0.005)
    ## adjusting r0 shouldn't change Gbar from previous value
    expect_equal(s3[["Gbar"]], s2[["Gbar"]])
    s4 <- summary(fix_pars(params,
        target = c(Gbar = 6),
        pars_adj = list(c("sigma", "gamma_s", "gamma_m", "gamma_a"))
    expect_equal(s4[["Gbar"]], 6, tolerance = 0.005)
    e1 <- get_evec(params)
    e2 <- get_evec(params, method = "analytical")
    expect_equal(e1, e2, tolerance = 1e-4)

test_that("cum_rep vs rep", {
    params <- update(params, obs_disp = 1)
    s0 <- run_sim(params, stoch = c(obs = TRUE, proc = FALSE))
    r <- s0$report
    r[is.na(r)] <- 0
    expect_equal(diff(s0$cumRep), r[-1])
    if (FALSE) {
        ## graphical checking
        matplot(s0[, 1], s0[c("report", "cumRep")], type = "b", log = "y")
        op <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
        plot(report ~ date, data = s0, type = "l")
        plot(cumRep ~ date, data = s0, type = "l")

test_that("var-specific obsdisp", {
    params <- update(params, obs_disp = 1, obs_disp_I = NA, obs_disp_E = 1000)
    ## initial state *without* using eigvec, to match previous reference results
    ss <- make_state(params[["N"]], params[["E0"]], use_eigvec = FALSE)
    s0 <- run_sim(params, stoch = c(obs = TRUE, proc = FALSE), state = ss, step_args = list(do_hazard = FALSE))
    plot(s0, keep_states = c("I", "E", "report"), log = TRUE)
    expect_equal(tail(s0$I, 1), 16385.5)
    expect_equal(tail(s0$E, 1), 31791)
    s1 <- run_sim(params, stoch = c(obs = TRUE, proc = FALSE), step_args = list(do_hazard = FALSE))
    expect_equal(tail(s1$I, 1), 23251.568)
    expect_equal(tail(s1$E, 1), 44563)

## Need to update the .rda file to remove anytime dependencies
test_that("mle prediction", {
    ## Ontario_basic.rda
    ## suppress "dropped switch times on final day" warning
    suppressWarnings(test_mle_pred <- predict(ont_cal1))
    ## hack around test comparison
    test_mle_pred$var <- unname(test_mle_pred$var)
    ## FIXME: recalculate and save Ontario_basic after conservation fixes
    ## expect_equal(test_mle_pred,mle_prediction)
bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.