
Defines functions dtrpois rtrpois calcbeta betasim

Documented in betasim calcbeta dtrpois rtrpois

##' Simulate communities with specified diversity characteristics
##' @param n.abund number of abundance categories
##' @param p.abund relative ranking of subsequent abundance categories
##' @param diff.abund alternative parameterization: difference between most and least abundant category
##' @param spcat number of species per abundance category PER SITE (overdetermined)
##' @param totsp total species pool size (FIXME)
##' @param n.site number of sites
##' @param n.indiv.site individuals per site
##' @param n.indiv.tot total number of individuals
##' @param p.mix mixing parameter: probability of among-site mixing for each abundance category: 0=endemic, 1=homogeneous
##' @param seed random number seed
##' @param rand randomization type: 'none' to keep numbers==expected numbers; 'multinom' for fixed total per site; 'poisson' for Poisson sampling, 'trpoisson' for truncated Poisson sampling
##' @param rarefy degree of rarefaction (1=none)
##' @param pred.spec predator specification (stub?)
##' @param pred.rand predator randomness
##' @param pred.gamma predation intensity (-Inf==none)
##' @param pred.alpha predator preference parameter; if \code{pred.spec=="abund"} 0=neutral, -1=pref. rare, +1=pref. common; if pred.spec=="focal" 0=neutral, -1=pref non-endemic, +1=pref endemic
##' @param pred.gamma.sd patch-to-patch variability in predation intensity (0=none)
##' @param no.zero.patch force all patches to have positive occupancy?
##' @examples
##' ## Use default values: 3 sites (rows) with a total of
##' ## 30 species: 5 abundance classes x 2 species per site x 3 sites.
##' ## By default there is no mixing among sites (100% beta diversity).
##' ## The default plot (rows=sites, columns=species) shows that each site
##' ## has blocks of 2 species from each abundance class (grayscale indicates
##' ## prevalence). The default for \code{betasim} is to do a deterministic
##' ## simulation, simply returning a matrix with the expected number of
##' ## individuals of each species at each site.
##' set.seed(101)
##' b0 <- betasim()
##' plot(b0)
##' ## Specify 100% mixing now all species are present at all sites in
##' ## the same numbers:
##' plot(betasim(p.mix=1))
##' ## Partial mixing:
##' plot(betasim(p.mix=0.5))
##' ## Add Poisson randomness:
##' plot(betasim(p.mix=0.5,rand="poisson"))
##' ## Change the number sites or the number of abundance classes: by
##' ## default, spcat (number of species per site per abundance
##' ## category) will be adapted to try to make the total number of species
##' ## come out correctly (i.e. spcat will be set to
##' ## totsp/(n.site*n.abund)).  If totsp is not an even multiple of
##' ## n.site*n.abund, the results may be unpredictable.
##' plot(betasim(n.site=5,n.abund=3,p.mix=0.25,rand="poisson"))
##' @importFrom abind abind
##' @importFrom reshape2 dcast
##' @importFrom vegan betadisper raupcrick vegdist decostand
##' @importFrom stats dpois rpois rmultinom rbinom rnorm runif plogis
##' @importFrom utils as.roman
##' @export
betasim <- function(n.abund=5,        
                    ) {
    ## species category/site combinations
    ## was: LETTER.spcat where LETTER was associated with site,
    ## e.g.
    if ((n.mix <- length(p.mix))>1 && n.mix!=n.abund) {
        stop("mismatch between mixing proportions and number of abundance classes")
    if (spcat<1 && !isTRUE(all.equal(round(n.site*spcat),n.site*spcat)))
        stop("if spcat<1, n.site*spcat must be an integer")
    if (!is.null(n.indiv.tot)) {
        if (!missing(n.indiv.site)) stop("must specify at most one of n.indiv.site and n.indiv.tot")
        n.indiv.site <- n.indiv.tot/n.site
        if (floor(n.indiv.site) != n.indiv.site) {
            warning("rounding number of individuals per site")
            n.indiv.site <- round(n.indiv.site)
    p.mix <- rep(p.mix,length.out=n.abund)  ## replicate p.mix (if necessary)
    rand <- match.arg(rand)  ## check/expand 'rand' argument
    pred.spec <- match.arg(pred.spec)
    pred.rand <- match.arg(pred.rand)
    if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
    ## Generate proportions in each category (on each reef):
    if (missing(p.abund) && !is.null(diff.abund))
        p.abund <- exp(log(diff.abund)/n)  ## n^th root of diff.abund
    avec <- p.abund^(0:(n.abund-1))
    avec <- avec/sum(avec)
    ## FIXME: adjust warning
    ## if (totsp %% (n.site * n.abund) != 0) 
    ##        warning("totsp is not an even multiple of n.site*n.abund")
    ## FIXME: we could round() if necessary ...
    if (missing(spcat)) {
        spcat <- totsp/(n.site*n.abund)  ## number of endemic species per abundance class per site
    } else if (!missing(n.abund) && !missing(n.site) && !missing(totsp))
        stop("must specify at most three of spcat, n.abund, n.site, totsp")
    ## FIXME: allow filling-in accordingly
    ## Set up three-way array:
    ##  dim 1: species class and number within class
    ##         [lower-case letters + lower case roman numerals]: see spcat
    ##         if spcat >= 1, then lower-case letters correspond to the original endemic site
    ##         (a=1, b=2, etc.); otherwise, lower-case letters may be found at a range of sites
    ##  dim 2: abundance class [0 to $n-1$]
    ##  dim 3: site [numbers -- WAS upper case letters]
    totspecies <- round(n.site*spcat)
    ## n.site <- 20; spcat <- 0.25; totspecies <- 5  ## 5 LETTERS, 1 roman code
    ## n.site <- 5; spcat <- 1; totspecies <- 5   ## 5 LETTERS, 1 roman code
    ## n.site <- 5; spcat <- 2; totspecies <- 10  ## 5 LETTERS, 2 roman codes
    ## ugh.  there should be a better way to get this pattern ...
    betw <- function(x,a,b) {
        y <- x > a & x <= b
        storage.mode(y) <- "numeric"
    ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21681785/repeating-vector-of-letters/21682003#21682003
    myletters <- function(n) 
                      replicate(n %/% length(letters), letters, simplify=FALSE),
    xletters <- myletters(500)
    ## generate a matrix with 1:n.site in each row
    m <- matrix(rep(seq(n.site),totspecies),ncol=totspecies)
    ## ?? generating indices for which species category each species is in
    ## at each site ??
    m2 <- t(betw(ceiling(m-(col(m)-1)/spcat),0,ceiling(1/spcat)))
    sp1 <- rep(xletters[seq(totspecies/ceiling(spcat))],each=ceiling(spcat))
    sp2 <- rep(tolower(as.roman(seq(ceiling(spcat)))),length.out=totspecies)
    dimnames(m2) <- list(species=paste(sp1,sp2,sep="."),site=1:n.site)
    ## create array: n.abund copies of 'm2'
    a1 <- abind(replicate(n.abund, m2, simplify=FALSE), along=3)
    a2 <- aperm(a1,c(1,3,2))
    dimnames(a2)[[2]] <- 0:(n.abund-1)
    names(dimnames(a2)) <- c("species","abund","site")
    ## array of which species are endemic in which sites
    sp_array <- d <- a2
    ## Assign proportions to endemic sites:
    d <- sweep(d,2,avec,"*")
    ## Normalize:
    d <- sweep(d,3,apply(d,3,sum),"/")
    if (FALSE) {
        ## examine:
        as.data.frame.table(d["a.i",,"1",drop=FALSE])  ## endemic species
        as.data.frame.table(d["b.i",,"1",drop=FALSE])  ## non-endemic species
    ## mix among sites
    for (j in 1:n.abund) {
        pvec0 <- rep(p.mix[j]/n.site,n.site) ## redistributed individuals
        for (i in 1:totspecies) {
            n.exp <- sum(d[i,j,])
            endem <- (d[i,j,]>0)
            pvec <- pvec0+endem*((1-p.mix[j])/sum(endem))
            d[i,j,] <- n.exp*pvec
    noZeros <- FALSE  ## initialize so we always go through once
    ## argh, my brain's not working.
    ## want to run this loop
    ##   once no matter what
    ##   repeat *unless* noZeros=TRUE OR no.zero.patch=FALSE
    ##   stop if noZeros OR !no.zero.patch
    ##   i.e., keep going if !(noZeros && no.zero.patch)
    d2  <- d
    while (!(noZeros || !no.zero.patch)) {
        if (rand=="multinom") {  ## fixed number of individuals per site
            for (i in 1:n.site) {
                d2[,,i] <- rmultinom(1,size=n.indiv.site,prob=d[,,i])
        } else if (rand=="poisson") {  ## allow variation
            d2[] <- rpois(length(d),lambda=n.indiv.site*d)
        } else if (rand=="trpoisson") {  ## truncated Poisson
            d2[] <- rtrpois(length(d),lambda=n.indiv.site*d)
        }  else if (rand=="none") {
            d2[] <- n.indiv.site*d

        ## rarefy (should be unnecessary?? can just reduce n, use poisson ...)
        if (rarefy<1) d2[] <- rbinom(length(d),size=d2,prob=rarefy)

        ## predator effects!
        if (pred.gamma>(-Inf)) {
            if (any(floor(d2)!=d2)) {
                warning("rounding to do predator selection")
                d2 <- round(d2)
        ## rules for predator impact:
        ## if non-specific:
        ##   if pred.gamma.sd==0:
        ##      equivalent to rarefying with prob=plogis(pred.gamma)
        ##   if pred.gamma.sd>0:
        ##      rarefy with prob(site)=plogis(rnorm(nsite,pred.gamma,pred.gamma.sd))
        ## if focal:
        ##      as above, but add +pred.alpha to endemic species, -pred.alpha to other species
        ## if abund:
        ##      as above, but add +pred.alpha*(scaled p.abund)
        pred.logis <- d2             ## copy shape of species table
        pred.logis[] <- pred.gamma  ## replace values with baseline predation value
        if (pred.gamma.sd>0) {
            sitepred <- rnorm(n.site,sd=pred.gamma.sd)
            ## dim 3 == site
            pred.logis <- pred.logis + sitepred[slice.index(pred.logis,3)]
        if (pred.spec=="focal") {
            stop("fixme for new organization: dim 1 != origin?")
            ## dim 3 == site, dim 1 == origin
            origsite <- (slice.index(pred.logis,1)==slice.index(pred.logis,3))
            pred.logis[] <- pred.logis[] + ifelse(origsite,pred.alpha,-pred.alpha)
        } else if (pred.spec=="abund") {
            ## dim 3 == abund
            stop("fixme: assign predation on basis of actual local abundance")
            ## FIXME: predation is assigned on the basis of abundance category
            ##   not whether actually abundant at that site
            abundscore <- seq(1,-1,length=n.abund)[slice.index(pred.logis,2)]
            pred.logis[] <- pred.logis[] + pred.alpha*abundscore
        ## survival probability is COMPLEMENTARY plogis() ...
        survprob <- plogis(pred.logis,lower.tail=FALSE)
        d2[] <- if (pred.rand=="binom") {
        } else d2*survprob
        noZeros <- all(apply(d2,3,sum)>0)
        ## if (!noZeros) browser()
    ## rearrange to data frame
    d3 <- as.data.frame.table(d2)

    ## rearrange data frame to species matrix
    species <- n <- abund <- NULL ## shut off false-positive warning about global variables
    d4 <- transform(d3,
                    sp=paste(species,abund,sep="")) ## species names
    ## reorder properly (i.e. in order of occurrence)
    d4$sp <- factor(d4$sp,levels=unique(d4$sp))
    if (any(with(d4,table(site,sp))>1)) stop("uh-oh: repeated species/site combinations")
    d5 <- dcast(d4,site~sp,value.var="Freq")[,-1] ## recast & drop site column
    dnames <- list(dimnames(sp_array)[["site"]],colnames(d5))
    d6 <- as.matrix(d5)
    dimnames(d6) <- dnames  ## restore row/column names
    d7 <- d6[,colSums(d6)>0]
    class(d7) <- c("spmat","matrix")

##' Compute beta diversity summary statistic via distances from centroid
##' @param m community matrix
##' @param method diversity measure
##' @param distances calculate average distance to centroid or average pairwise distance?  The former is generally recommended, but the latter gives results that are easier to compare across treatments with different numbers of patches/sites/communities.
##' @param trap.errors replace error returns with NA values?
##' @param trans transformation to be used; specifies the \code{method} parameter for \code{\link{decostand}}.  A value of \code{NULL} indicates the default, which depends on the value of \code{method}: \code{"hellinger"} for \code{"manhattan"}, \code{"log"} for \code{"gower"} or \code{"altGower"}, and \code{"pa"} (presence-absence, i.e. reduce data to binary outcomes) for \code{"jaccard"} or \code{"raup"}.  Use \code{"identity"} if you want to override the defaults and calculate distances from un-transformed data.
##' @param \dots additional parameters for \code{raupcrick}
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' d1 <- replicate(1000,median(calcbeta(betasim(rand="poiss",p.mix=0.25))))
##' par(las=1,bty="l")
##' hist(d1,col="gray",main="",xlab="median Jaccard distance from centroid", freq=FALSE)
##' }
##' @export
calcbeta <- function(m,method="jaccard",
                     ...) {
    ## calculate beta distances
    if (method=="raupcrick2") {
        return(c(unclass(raupcrick(m, ...))))
    distances <- match.arg(distances)
    nsites <- nrow(m)
    if (is.null(trans)) {
        trans <- switch(method, manhattan="hellinger",
                        gower=, altGower="log",
                        jaccard=, raup="pa",
    vv <- vegdist(if (is.null(trans) || trans=="identity") m else decostand(m,trans),
    nvals <- switch(distances,centroid=nsites,pairwise=nsites*(nsites-1)/2)
    if (all(vv==0)) return(rep(0,nvals)) ## all identical sites
    ##  if (any(vv==0)) NA else
    if (distances=="centroid") {
        if (!trap.errors) {
            retval <- betadisper(vv,rep("blank",nsites))$distances
        } else {
            tt <- try(betadisper(vv,rep("blank",nsites)))
            if (inherits(tt,"try-error")) {
                retval <- rep(NA,nsites)
            } else retval <- tt$distances
    } else {
        retval <- c(unclass(vv)) 

## truncated Poisson info, from
## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2005-May/070678.html
## m1 = m2/(1-exp(-m2))  ## pre-truncation mean to truncated mean
## m1-m1*exp(-m2)=m2
## m1 = m2*(1+m1*exp(-m2))
## according to Wolfram Alpha,
## m2 = W(-m1*exp(-m1))+m1
## m2 <- 5
## m1 <- m2/(1-exp(-m2))
## emdbook::lambertW(-m1*exp(-m1))+m1

##' Truncated Poisson distribution
##' @param n number of random deviations
##' @param lambda mean of \emph{truncated} distribution
##' @importFrom emdbook lambertW
##' @export
##' @examples
##' set.seed(101)
##' pp <- prop.table(table(rtrpois(100000,lambda=4.5)))
##' par(las=1,bty="l")
##' plot(pp,type="h")
##' points(1:15,dtrpois(1:15,4.5),col="red",pch=16,cex=2)

rtrpois <- function(n,lambda) {
    ## recover pre-truncation mean from truncated mean
    lambda0 <- lambertW(-lambda*exp(-lambda))+lambda
    U <- runif(n)   # the uniform sample
    t0 = -log(1 - U*(1 - exp(-lambda0))) # the "first" event-times
    T1<-(lambda0 - t0)   # the set of (T-t)
    rpois(n,T1)+1 # the final truncated Poisson sample

##' @rdname rtrpois
##' @param x observed number of counts
##' @param log return log-density?
##' @export
dtrpois <- function(x,lambda,log=FALSE) {
    r <- ifelse(x<1,-Inf,dpois(x,lambda,log=TRUE))
    if (log) r else exp(r)
bbolker/betararef documentation built on Sept. 17, 2021, 8:49 a.m.