
Defines functions prepare_geoarchaeology_data refits plot_stone_artefacts stone_artefacts clean_points_in_main_excavation_area rotate_points_in_main_excavation_area extract_points_in_main_excavation_area combine_2012_and_2015_total_station_data read_2012_total_station_data read_2015_total_station_data

Documented in clean_points_in_main_excavation_area combine_2012_and_2015_total_station_data extract_points_in_main_excavation_area plot_stone_artefacts prepare_geoarchaeology_data read_2012_total_station_data read_2015_total_station_data refits rotate_points_in_main_excavation_area stone_artefacts

#' mjbnaturepaper: A package containing code and data for analysis of the 2012 and 2015 MJB excavations
#' The foo package provides ...
#' @section Foo functions:
#' The foo functions ...
#' @docType package
#' @name mjbnaturepaper

#' read_2015_total_station_data
#' @param total_station_csv_directory_2015 A directory containing one or more CSV files
#' @return a data frame
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
read_2015_total_station_data <- function(total_station_csv_directory_2015){

  # read in CSV for 2015 data: "data/MKII15_04JUL15.CSV"

  files_2015 <- dir(total_station_csv_directory_2015,
  # read in the CSV files and add the filename of each file as a column to
  # each dataset so we can trace back dodgy data
  # create a function to read tehe CSV and get filenames
  read.tables <- function(file.names, ...) {
    plyr::ldply(file.names, function(fn) data.frame(Filename=fn, read.csv(fn, ...)),.progress = 'text')
  # execute function
  ts_data <- read.tables(files_2015, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # simplify to join with 2012 data
  ts_data_2015 <-  ts_data[,c('Description', 'Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation')]
  ts_data_2015$year <- "2015"

  # remove duplicates
  # ts_data_2015 <- ts_data_2015[!duplicated(ts_data_2015),]


#' read_2012_total_station_data
#' @param total_station_csv_directory_2012 A directory containing one or more CSV files
#' @return a data frame
#' @importFrom plyr ldply
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
read_2012_total_station_data <- function(total_station_csv_directory_2012){

  # "data/MII 2012 Total_Station_Data"
  files_2012 <- dir(total_station_csv_directory_2012,
  # read in the CSV files and add the filename of each file as a column to
  # each dataset so we can trace back dodgy data
  # create a function to read tehe CSV and get filenames
  read.tables <- function(file.names, ...) {
    plyr::ldply(file.names, function(fn) data.frame(Filename=fn, read.csv(fn, ...)),.progress = 'text')
  # execute function
  points.all <- read.tables(files_2012, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # put all the upper case
  points.all$description <- toupper(points.all$description)
  points.all$Description <- toupper(points.all$Description)

  # how many NAs in the Desc?
  # nrow(points.all)
  # length(points.all$description[points.all$description == "NA"])
  # length(points.all$Description[points.all$Description == "NA"])

  # if 'Description' is empty, move the contents of the 'description' into it

  points.all$Description <-

  # simplify x-y-z columns for days when different headers were used by the total station operator
  points.all$Xx <-
    ifelse(grepl('[0-9]+', points.all$x),
       ifelse(grepl('[0-9]+', points.all$Easting),
          ifelse(grepl('[0-9]+', points.all$Eastig),

points.all$Yy <-
  ifelse(grepl('[0-9]+', points.all$y),
      ifelse(grepl('[0-9]+', points.all$Northing),
             points.all$Northing, points.all$Y))

points.all$Zz <-
  ifelse(grepl('[0-9]+', points.all$z),
    ifelse(grepl('[0-9]+', points.all$Z),
           points.all$Z, points.all$Elevation))

  # remove duplicates by looking at the location and removing points
  # that have the exact same x-y-z coord
  points.all$coords <-  paste0(points.all$Xx, points.all$Yy, points.all$Zz)

  # identify and remove duplicate rows in the data frame
  points.all <- points.all[!duplicated(points.all$coords), ]

  # On some days it seems like the total station swapped columns
  # for northing and easting in the CSV files, so we check to make
  # sure Northing is always greater than Easting. They were originally
  # set at 5000, 5000 (better would have been 5000, 2000, so
  # it's obvious which is which). Y must always be bigger than X
  # for correct measurements

  points.all$xgreaterthany <- ifelse(points.all$Xx > points.all$Yy, "X>Y", "ok")

  points.all$Xall <- ifelse(points.all$xgreaterthany == "X>Y", points.all$Yy, points.all$Xx)
  points.all$Yall <- ifelse(points.all$xgreaterthany == "X>Y", points.all$Xx, points.all$Yy)

  surf <- 100.693213   # NE_SEC_TAPE_1
  points.all$depth.below.surface <-  surf - points.all$Zz

  # now that we've got the right angle, rotate all the artefact data...
  # limit to dig area
  EL <- points.all[grepl("EL_", points.all$Description),]

  points.all <- points.all[points.all$Xall < max(na.omit(EL$Xall)) &
                      points.all$Xall > min(na.omit(EL$Xall)) &
                      points.all$Yall < max(na.omit(EL$Yall)) &
                      points.all$Yall > min(na.omit(EL$Yall))
                    , ]

  # make some common column names
  points.all$Easting <- points.all$Xall
  points.all$Northing <- points.all$Yall
  points.all$Elevation <- points.all$Zz
  # already have 'Description'

  # simplify to join with 2015 data
  ts_data_2012 <-  points.all[,c('Description', 'Easting', 'Northing', 'Elevation')]
  ts_data_2012$year <- "2012"



#' combine_2012_and_2015_total_station_data
#' @param total_station_data_2012
#' @param total_station_data_2015
#' @return a data frame
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter
combine_2012_and_2015_total_station_data <- function(total_station_data_2012,
  # combine 2012 and 2015 data --------------------------------------------------

  ts_data_both_years <- rbind(total_station_data_2012,


#' extract_points_in_main_excavation_area
#' @param combined_2012_and_2015_total_station_data
#' @return a data frame
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter
extract_points_in_main_excavation_area <- function(combined_2012_and_2015_total_station_data){

  # still a few stray points way out of the excavation area, so remove those with Easting < 4995, Northing >5015
  combined_2012_and_2015_total_station_data_inside <-
    combined_2012_and_2015_total_station_data %>%
    filter(Easting > 4995, Northing < 5015)

# get only labelled finds and other points of interest
  excavation_area <- c("PF", "NAIL", "OSL", "EL", "P", "PL", "GAMMA", "MM", "SL", "SEC", "SECT")

  ts_data_both_years_PFs <- combined_2012_and_2015_total_station_data_inside %>%
    filter(grepl(paste(excavation_area, collapse = "|"), Description) )



#' rotate_points_in_main_excavation_area
#' @param extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area
#' @return a data frame
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @export
rotate_points_in_main_excavation_area <- function(extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area){

  # Rotate points from both seasons -----------------------------------------

  # get means

  lx <- mean(na.omit(extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$Easting))
  ly <- mean(na.omit(extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$Northing))

  # first translate all points to new origin

  extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$X <-
    extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$Easting - lx
  extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$Y <-
    extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$Northing - ly

  # check with a quick look, should
  # have 0,0 in the middle of the plot

  # rotate around new origin
  deg = 46 #
  theta = deg*pi/180
  extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$Xnew <-
    (extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$X * cos(theta)) - (extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$Y * sin(theta))

  extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$Ynew <-
    (extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$Y * cos(theta)) + (extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area$X * sin(theta))

  # I want to flip it on the vertical axis --------------

  # change the sign on the Xnew variable
  extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area <-
    extracted_points_in_main_excavation_area %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Xnew_flipped = -Xnew)



#' clean_points_in_main_excavation_area
#' @param rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area
#' @return a data frame
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter
#' @import stringr
#' @importFrom purrrlyr dmap_if
#' @import tidyr
#' @import readxl
#' @export
clean_points_in_main_excavation_area <- function(rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area){

  # Clean data to deal with non-artefact and mis-classifications-------------

  ts_data_both_years_PFs <- rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area

  # remove the list column
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$code <- NULL

  # remove some non-artefacts from CC's email

  # haematite to remove
  remove_haematite <- c("HM654", "HM1391")

  # lithics to remove
  col1 <- c(4488, 6868, 9285, 7378, 7379, 9104, 7615, 7745, 7553, 2599, 2723, 2532, 3103, 3244, 2623)

  col2 <- c(8263, 9001, 7817, 3086, 1775, 1813, 1841, 1852, 1853, 6138, 3827, 3873, 4318, 3864, 7075)

  col3 <- c(7524, 8701, 8446, 9190, 7164, 8547, 8857, 8533, 3081, 1848, 1815, 6976, 6794, 9031, 6084, 5992, 6712, 8548, 8494, 8560, 8503, 8995)

  col4 <- c(8704, 8462, 8868, 8475, 8977, 9017, 9047, 8721, 8065, 9200, 8605, 9026, 3083, 9023, 1830, 6098, 8574, 9143, 8666, 8669, 8626, 8703, 8719, 8789, 9007, 9020, 9045)

  col5 <- c(7957, 7928, 8712, 8058, 8707, 8592, 8972, 7841, 8558, 8356, 7906, 7944, 8596, 8372, 8587, 8668, 8609, 8625, 8595, 8579, 8752, 8705, 8729, 9085, 9046)

  col6 <- c(7724, 7347, 7538, 9009, 7550, 7528, 7783, 7846, 7938, 7979, 8033, 8197, 8229, 8396, 8401, 8488, 8501, 8502, 8611, 8612, 8638, 8658, 9075, 9151, 9199)

  email <- c(75, 131, 185, 1409, 1725, 1666)

  # another list from CC on 27 July 2016 and 2019
  # jul_26_list <- readxl::read_excel("data/stone_artefact_data/nonartefacts.xlsx", col_names = FALSE)
  # jul_26_list_vec <- jul_26_list$...1
  # jul_26_list_HM_GS <- toupper(jul_26_list_vec[grepl("hm|gs", jul_26_list_vec)])
  # jul_26_list_L <- as.numeric(jul_26_list_vec[!grepl("hm|gs", jul_26_list_vec)])

  # and 2019 Excel sheet from CC
  nonartefacts <- list.files("data/stone_artefact_data/", pattern = "nonartefacts", full.names = TRUE)
  nonartefacts <- str_subset(nonartefacts, ".xlsx$")

  non_artefact_ids <-
        ~readxl::read_excel(.x, col_names = F)) %>%
    bind_rows() %>%

  nonartefacts_lithics <- as.numeric(non_artefact_ids[!grepl("hm|gs", non_artefact_ids)])
  nonartefacts_HM_GS <- toupper(non_artefact_ids[grepl("hm|gs", non_artefact_ids)])

 # L numbers to remove
  remove <- c(col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, email, nonartefacts_lithics)

  # delete the very lowest putting HM and ART

  lowest_haematite <-  ts_data_both_years_PFs %>%
    filter(grepl("HM", Description)) %>%
    filter(Elevation == min(Elevation))
  # remove it
  ts_data_both_years_PFs <- ts_data_both_years_PFs %>%
    filter(!grepl(lowest_haematite$Description, Description))

  lowest_art <-  ts_data_both_years_PFs %>%
    filter(grepl("ART", Description)) %>%
    filter(Elevation == min(Elevation))

  # remove it (and all the points associated with it)
  ts_data_both_years_PFs <- ts_data_both_years_PFs %>%
    filter(!grepl(lowest_art$Description, Description))

  # add L to them
  remove_lithics <- paste0("L", remove)

  remove_stuff <- c(remove_lithics,

  # do the actual removal
  ts_data_both_years_PFs <- ts_data_both_years_PFs %>%
    filter(!grepl(paste(remove_stuff, collapse = "|"), Description))

  # L9060 and R299 are grindstones, so re-write description

  ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description <-  with(ts_data_both_years_PFs, gsub("L9060", "GS9060X", Description))

  ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description <-  with(ts_data_both_years_PFs, gsub("R299", "GS299X", Description))

  # check
  # grep("GS299X", ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description)

  # Split description column out into separate cols --------------

  ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description <- as.character(ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description)
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$code <- (strsplit(ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description, "_"))
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$type <- sapply(ts_data_both_years_PFs$code, "[", 1)
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$square <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", sapply(ts_data_both_years_PFs$code, "[", 2))
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$spit <- sapply(ts_data_both_years_PFs$code, "[", 3)
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$cnr <- ifelse(nchar(sapply(ts_data_both_years_PFs$code, "[", 4)) == 1,  sapply(ts_data_both_years_PFs$code, "[", 4), "")
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$find <- ifelse(grepl("P", ts_data_both_years_PFs$type), str_extract(sapply(ts_data_both_years_PFs$code, "[", 4), "[A-Z]+"),"")
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$findn <- ifelse(grepl("P", ts_data_both_years_PFs$type), str_extract(sapply(ts_data_both_years_PFs$code, "[", 4), "[0-9]+"),"")

  # go over each character column and remove leading spaces
  tmp <-  ts_data_both_years_PFs
  ts_data_both_years_PFs <- purrrlyr::dmap_if(ts_data_both_years_PFs,
                                    function(i) gsub("^ ", "", i))

  # check if we removed spaces
  # type_col_before <- tmp$type
  # type_col_before[grep("^ ", type_col_before)] # lots of spaces
  # type_col_after <- ts_data_both_years_PFs$type
  # type_col_after[grep("^ ", type_col_after)] # none with spaces

  # # if the row is an EL, and square column has 4 characters,
  # split them and put the last 2 in the spit col. Esp for C3 and C4 spit 14
  tmp_ <-
    ts_data_both_years_PFs %>%
    filter(grepl("EL", Description),
           nchar(square) == 4) %>%
    mutate(cnr = spit) %>%
    separate(square, c("square", "spit_"), sep = 2) %>%
    mutate(spit_ = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9]", "", spit_))) %>%
    mutate(spit = spit_) %>%
    mutate(spit_ = NULL)

  # replace in main data frame
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$square <-
    ifelse(ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description %in% tmp_$Description,

  ts_data_both_years_PFs$spit <-
    ifelse(ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description %in%  tmp_$Description,

  # from CC email 22 APril 2016
  # OSL sample labels are wrong for the SW_A column.
  # They should all be one lower -
  # so 12A should be 11A, 11A should be 10A  etc.
  check_osl <- ts_data_both_years_PFs %>%
    filter(type == "OSL",
           square == "SW",
           grepl("A", spit)) %>%
    separate(spit, c("spit_number, spit_letter"),  sep = -2, remove = FALSE)

  # same
  check_osl <- ts_data_both_years_PFs %>%
    filter (grepl("OSL", Description) &
              grepl("SW", Description)  &
              grepl("A", Description)) %>%
    separate(spit, c("spit_number, spit_letter"),  sep = -2, remove = FALSE)

  # function that takes col, splits alpha-num, subtracts one from the num, and pastes them back together
  my_fn <- function(x){
    split_ <- separate(x, spit, c("spit_number", "spit_letter"),  sep = -2, remove = FALSE)
    # subtract one from the OSL number
    split_$spit_number <-  as.numeric(split_$spit_number) - 1
    # remake OSL sample ID with -1
    split_$spit <- NULL
    split_ <- unite(split_, spit, spit_number, spit_letter, sep ="")

  # select the cols and rows to change

  # we also need to update the description.
  # looking at ZJ's word doc of tables
  # ZJ has SW2A-11, 13A and 14A: no twelve!
  # I have SW3A-13A: no 14!
  # our 1-12 are one off

  conditions <- (with(ts_data_both_years_PFs, # conditions
                      grepl("OSL", Description) &
                        grepl("SW", Description)  &
                        grepl("A", Description) &
                        grepl(paste0("_", 1:12, "A", collapse = "|"), Description) ))

  # check
  # ts_data_both_years_PFs[ conditions, ]
  # check
  # sum(conditions)

  # first update desc

  ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description <-

  # second update spit.
  # the ifelse function that selects the desired rows of the desired column, and changes them
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$spit <- ifelse(conditions, my_fn(ts_data_both_years_PFs), ts_data_both_years_PFs$spit)

  # remove duplicates
  # length(ts_data_both_years_PFs[duplicated(ts_data_both_years_PFs),])

  # check again

  ts_data_both_years_PFs$dup_string <- with(ts_data_both_years_PFs,
  # length(ts_data_2012$dup_string)
  # length(unique(ts_data_2012$dup_string))

  ts_data_both_years_PFs <- ts_data_both_years_PFs[!duplicated(ts_data_both_years_PFs$dup_string),]

  ts_data_both_years_PFs$dup_string <- NULL

  # add depth below ground surface
  surf <- 100.693213   # NE_SEC_TAPE_1
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$depth_below_ground_surface <-
   surf -  ts_data_both_years_PFs$Elevation



#' stone_artefacts
#' @param cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area
#' @return A data frame
#' @export
stone_artefacts <- function(cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area){

  the_points <- cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area

  # get only points for lithics, axes, axes flakes, haematite, grinding and art

  want <- c("_L", "_HM", "_GS", "_AX", "_AF", "_AR")

  the_points <- the_points[grepl(paste0(want,
                                        collapse = "|"),
                                 the_points$Description), ]

  # remove some 'find' codes that seem a bit odd
  not_want <- c("HMB", "LV", "LFEMP", "LFEMD",
                "LTAL", "LCAL", "LHUMP", "LHUMD",

  the_points <- the_points[!grepl(paste0(not_want,
                                        collapse = "|"),
                                 the_points$Description), ]

  # get 'find' col populated for a few odd records
  the_points <- na.omit(the_points)
  # look into artefacts with no 'find'
  the_points_no_find <-
          the_points[the_points$find == "",])
  # get last bit of desc
  last_bit_of_desc <- sapply(the_points_no_find$code, function(i) i[length(i)])
  # update with newly extracted 'find' data
  the_points[the_points$Description %in% the_points_no_find$Description,]$find <-
    gsub("[0-9]", "", last_bit_of_desc)



#' plot_stone_artefacts
#' @param stone_artefacts_only
#' @return A plot
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @import viridis
#' @import grid
plot_stone_artefacts <- function(stone_artefacts_only){

  # only plot one point per artefact (some artefacts have multiple total station points)
  stone_artefacts_only_one <-
  stone_artefacts_only %>%
    group_by(Description, find) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(Xnew_flipped = mean(Xnew_flipped),
                     depth_below_ground_surface = mean(depth_below_ground_surface))

  # determined by plotting row C end levels
  row_c <- c(2.4, 1.4, 0.4, -0.6, -1.6, -2.6, -3.6)
  row_mids <- row_c/2
  size = 3

  p <- ggplot() +
    geom_point(data = stone_artefacts_only_one[stone_artefacts_only_one$find == "L", ],
                colour = plasma(6)[1],
                size = size-2.5) +
    geom_point(data = stone_artefacts_only_one[stone_artefacts_only_one$find == "HM", ],
               colour = plasma(6)[2],
               size = size-2)  +
    geom_point(data = stone_artefacts_only_one[stone_artefacts_only_one$find == "GS", ],
               colour = plasma(6)[3],
               size = size-1.5)  +
    geom_point(data = stone_artefacts_only_one[stone_artefacts_only_one$find == "AXE", ],
               colour = plasma(6)[4],
               size = size-1)  +
    geom_point(data = stone_artefacts_only_one[stone_artefacts_only_one$find == "ART", ],
               colour = "white",
               size = size + 0.5) +
    geom_point(data = stone_artefacts_only_one[stone_artefacts_only_one$find == "ART", ],
               colour = plasma(6)[5],
               size = size)  +
    geom_point(data = stone_artefacts_only_one[stone_artefacts_only_one$find == "AF", ], # halo
               colour = "white",
               size = size + 0.5) +
    geom_point(data = stone_artefacts_only_one[stone_artefacts_only_one$find == "AF", ],
               colour = plasma(6)[6],
               size = size)  +

    scale_y_reverse(limits = c(3,0)) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_line(colour = "black")) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = row_c,
                       labels = NULL) +
    xlab("") +
    ylab("Depth below \nground surface (m)") +
                        "Artefact\ntype") +
    guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5))) +

  row_c = c(2.4, 1.4, 0.4, -0.6, -1.6, -2.6, -3.6)
  nums = paste0("B", 7:2)
  row_mids <-  row_c[-length(row_c)] + diff(row_c)/2

  for(i in 1:length(row_mids)){
    p = p + annotation_custom(grob = textGrob(nums[i], gp=gpar(fontsize=10)),
                              xmin =  row_mids[i],
                              xmax =  row_mids[i],
                              ymin = -8.5,
                              ymax = 2)

  # Code to override clipping
  gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p))
  gt$layout$clip[gt$layout$name=="panel"] <- "off"
  # output to RStudio plot pane, then save as SVG

  # save copy
      height = 1200,
      width = 1200*1.92,
      res = 300)
      # antialias = "cleartype")


#' refits
#' @param stone_artefacts
#' @return A data frame
#' @export
#' @import stringr
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import ggrepel
#' @import circular
refits <- function(stone_artefacts_only){

  # read in data
  refit_data <- read.csv("data/refit_data/Table_6_McNeil_Jessica_41449086_BA(Hons)_finalthesis.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE, fileEncoding="latin1")
  refit_data <- refit_data[-1,]

  # update artefact ID after CC's check
  refit_data[refit_data$artefact2 == " X210 B6-60 ", 5] <- "X210 B6-32"

  appendix_data <- read.csv("data/refit_data/Appendix McNeil_Jessica_41449086_BA(Hons)_finalthesis.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding="latin1")

  # get coords of refits with L numbers

  # wide to long
  names(refit_data)[2:3] <- c("set", "refit")

  refit_data_long <-
           key = artefact,
           value = descr,
           -set, -refit)

  refit_data_long$artefact_Lnums <-
    gsub(" ", "", stringr::str_extract(refit_data_long$descr,
                                             "\\bL.* \\b"))

  refit_data_long$artefact_Lnums[ refit_data_long$artefact_Lnums == "L3024.2"] <- "L3024"

  L_nums_artefact <- gsub(" ", "",

  L_nums_artefact[L_nums_artefact == "L3024.2"] <- "L3024"

  artefact_L_details <- stone_artefacts_only[grepl(paste0(L_nums_artefact,
                                                     collapse = "|"),

  # Jess has D2_41 for L3024, so exclude the duplicates
  # and C4_32 for L1718
  artefact_L_details <- artefact_L_details[!grepl(
  # for joining
  artefact_L_details$artefact_Lnums <- stringr::str_extract(artefact_L_details$Description,

  # for artefacts with no L number, get midpoint of spit end levels

  refit_data_long$artefact_sq_sp <-     gsub("-", "_",
                                        gsub(" ", "",

  # average location for all lithics in those squares and spits
  stone_artefacts_only$code <- NULL

  stone_artefacts_in_sqs   <-
    stone_artefacts_only %>%
                        collapse = "|"), Description)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(artefact_sq_sp = paste0(square, "_", spit)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(artefact_sq_sp) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(Easting = mean(Easting),
                     Northing = mean(Northing),
                     Elevation = mean(Elevation),
                     Xnew_flipped = mean(Xnew_flipped),
                     Ynew = mean(Ynew)) %>%

  # put the coords onto the refit table, split, apply combine!

  # split table
  refit_data_long_Lnums <- refit_data_long[!is.na(refit_data_long$artefact_Lnums),]
  refit_data_long_no_Lnums <- refit_data_long[is.na(refit_data_long$artefact_Lnums),]

  # join coords on
  refit_data_long_Lnums <- left_join(refit_data_long_Lnums,
                                     by = "artefact_Lnums")

  refit_data_long_no_Lnums <- left_join(refit_data_long_no_Lnums,
                                     by = "artefact_sq_sp")

  # get the number of cols to be the same
  refit_data_long_Lnums <-
                            colnames(refit_data_long_Lnums) %in%


  # combine into one table
  refit_data_long_coords <- rbind(refit_data_long_Lnums,

  # remove spaces at start and end of Descr
  refit_data_long_coords$descr <- gsub("^ | $", "", refit_data_long_coords$descr)

  # spit into start and end points to plot
  refit_data_long_coords_start <-
    refit_data_long_coords[duplicated(refit_data_long_coords$set), ]

  refit_data_long_coords_end <-
    refit_data_long_coords[!refit_data_long_coords$descr %in% refit_data_long_coords_start$descr, ]

  # use depth below surface
 surf <- 100.693213   # NE_SEC_TAPE_1

 refit_data_long_coords$depth_below_surface <-
   surf - refit_data_long_coords$Elevation

 refit_data_long_coords_start$depth_below_surface <-
   surf - refit_data_long_coords_start$Elevation

 refit_data_long_coords_end$depth_below_surface <-
   surf - refit_data_long_coords_end$Elevation

  # long to wide for plotting lines connecting refits

  refit_data_coords_wide <-
            by = "set")

  # custom locations of grid lines
  row_c = c(2.4, 1.4, 0.4, -0.6, -1.6, -2.6, -3.6)
  nums = paste0("B", 7:2)
  row_mids <-  row_c[-length(row_c)] + diff(row_c)/2

  # plot
  p1 <-
  ggplot() +

    geom_segment(data = refit_data_coords_wide,
                 aes(x = Xnew_flipped.x,
                     y = depth_below_surface.x,
                     xend = Xnew_flipped.y,
                     yend = depth_below_surface.y),
                 size = 0.75,
                 colour =  viridis(10)[3]) +

    geom_point(data = refit_data_long_coords,
                    colour = viridis(10)[7],
               size = 3) +

    # geom_text_repel(data = refit_data_long_coords,
    #                 aes(Xnew_flipped,
    #                     depth_below_surface,
    #               label = descr),
    #               size = 2.5) +

    scale_y_reverse(limits = c(3, 0),
                    breaks = rev(seq(0, 3, 0.5))) +
    ylab("Depth below surface (m)") +
    xlab("") +
    coord_equal() +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_line(colour = "black")) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = row_c,
                       labels = NULL)

  p <-  p1

  for(i in 1:length(row_mids)){
    p = p + annotation_custom(grob = grid::textGrob(nums[i], gp=grid::gpar(fontsize=10)),
                              xmin =  row_mids[i],
                              xmax =  row_mids[i],
                              ymin = -8.5,
                              ymax = 2)

  # Code to override clipping
  gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p))
  gt$layout$clip[gt$layout$name=="panel"] <- "off"
  # 850 x 500 export in RStudio

  # save copy
      height = 1200,
      width = 1200*1.92)
      #res = 300,
      #antialias = "cleartype")

      height = 8,
      width = 8*1.92)
  #res = 300,
  #antialias = "cleartype")

         height = 8,
         width = 8)
         #antialias = "cleartype")

  # plot
  ggplot() +

    scale_y_continuous(name = "",
                       breaks = NULL) +
    scale_x_continuous(name = "",
                       breaks = NULL) +

    geom_vline(xintercept = c(2.4, 1.4, 0.4, -0.6, -1.6, -2.6, -3.6),
               colour = "grey80") +
    geom_hline(yintercept = c(2.5, 1.5, 0.5, -0.5, -1.5),
               colour = "grey80") +

    geom_segment(data = refit_data_coords_wide,
                 aes(x = Xnew_flipped.x,
                     y = Ynew.x,
                     xend = Xnew_flipped.y,
                     yend = Ynew.y),
                 size = 0.75,
                 colour = viridis(10)[3]) +

    geom_point(data = refit_data_long_coords,
               colour = viridis(10)[7],
               size = 3) +

    # geom_text_repel(data = refit_data_long_coords,
    #                 aes(Xnew_flipped,
    #                     Ynew,
    #                     label = descr),
    #                 size = 2.5) +

    coord_equal() +

         width = 8,
         height = 8)
         #antialias = "cleartype")

  # what is the distance between the two refit pieces?
  refit_data_coords_wide$refit_dists_m <-
    sqrt((refit_data_coords_wide$Easting.x -
            refit_data_coords_wide$Easting.y)^2 +
           (refit_data_coords_wide$Northing.x -
              refit_data_coords_wide$Northing.y)^2 +
           (refit_data_coords_wide$Elevation.x -

  #  plot
         aes(refit_dists_m)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    theme_minimal() +
    xlab("Straight-line distance \nbetween refitting sets (m)") +

  ggsave("figures/refit_dists_histogram.svg", width = 15)
         #antialias = "cleartype")

  # histogram of vertical distances of refits
  refit_data_coords_wide$vertical_dists_m <-
  (abs(with(refit_data_coords_wide, Elevation.x  -  Elevation.y)))

  #  plot
         aes(vertical_dists_m)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    theme_minimal() +
    xlab("Vertical distance between \nrefitting sets (m)") +

  ggsave("figures/refit_vert_dists_histogram.svg", width = 15)
  #antialias = "cleartype")

  # what is the plunge angle of the refits?
  # compute from elevations and X (Easting.x or Xnewflipped)
  # plot the angles
  # start locations
  start_coords <- data.frame(E = refit_data_coords_wide$Easting.x,
                             N = refit_data_coords_wide$Northing.x,
                             Z = refit_data_coords_wide$Elevation.x)

  # end locations
  end_coords <-   data.frame(E = refit_data_coords_wide$Easting.y,
                             N = refit_data_coords_wide$Northing.y,
                             Z = refit_data_coords_wide$Elevation.y)

  # set end coords so that start is 0,0
  # assume that the higher point is the origin
  zero_origin <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(end_coords), ncol = ncol(end_coords)))
    for(i in 1:nrow(zero_origin)){

      if(start_coords$Z[i] < end_coords$Z[i]){
        zero_origin[i,] <-  end_coords[i,] - start_coords[i,]
      } else {
        zero_origin[i,] <- start_coords[i,] - end_coords[i,]

  # compute angle of displacement, as 0-360 deg
  refit_angle <- atan2(zero_origin[,1], zero_origin[,3]) / (pi/180)
  refit_angle_full_circle <- ifelse(refit_angle < 0, 360 + refit_angle, refit_angle)
  refit_angle_abs <- abs(refit_angle)
  # axial to bidir via the 'Angle Doubling Procedure'
  refit_angle_bidirectional <- c(refit_angle_abs,
                                 ifelse(refit_angle_abs * 2 > 360,
                                        (refit_angle_abs * 2) - 360,
                                        refit_angle_abs * 2))

  # sig test for orientations, these data are axial
  # Axial data are converted to angular data by multiplying by two.
  options(warn = -1)
  refit_angle_rads <- abs(refit_angle_bidirectional) * pi/180
  refit_angle_rads_test <- circular::rayleigh.test(refit_angle_rads)

  g1 <- ggplot() +
    geom_histogram(aes(x = refit_angle_abs),
                   colour = "black",
                   fill = "grey80") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 18)) +
    coord_polar(start = 0) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 360), breaks = c(0, 90, 180, 270)) +
    theme_minimal(base_size = 12) +
    xlab("") +
    ggtitle(paste0("Refit orientations \n (Rayleigh = ",
                   round(refit_angle_rads_test$statistic, 3),
                   ", ",
                   " p = ",
                   round(refit_angle_rads_test$p.value, 3),
  # grid::grid.newpage()
  # grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(height=1, width=1, clip="on"))
  # grid::grid.draw(g1)
  # grid::grid.rect(x=0,y=0,height=2, width=1.05, gp=grid::gpar(col="white"))

  ggsave("figures/refits orientations.png")
         # antialias = "cleartype")

  # vertical distance of refits
 with(refit_data_coords_wide, Elevation.x  -  Elevation.y)

  ## correlation between size of arefact and distance of refit?

  return(list(refit_data = refit_data,
         refit_data_long_coords = refit_data_long_coords,
         refit_data_coords_wide = refit_data_coords_wide))

  options(warn = 0)


#' prepare_geoarchaeology_data
#' @param cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area
#' @return A data frame
#' @export
#' @importFrom Hmisc approxExtrap
#' @import dplyr
#' @import readxl

prepare_geoarchaeology_data <- function(cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area){

  # mag sus from KL
  mag_sus_B2 <- read.csv("data/geoarchaeology_data/MJB_Lowe2016.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding="latin1")
  mag_sus_B2 <- mag_sus_B2[c(2:54), ]
  mag_sus_B2$Depth.Below.Surface..m <- as.numeric(mag_sus_B2$X)
  # remove the C3 stuff
  mag_sus_B2$X <- NULL
  mag_sus_B2$SQB2.1 <- NULL
  mag_sus_B2$SQC3 <- NULL
  mag_sus_B2$SQC3.1 <- NULL

  # depths were measured on a tape, we shot some points on that tape. Let's find them
  # SW wall tape... actually NE_SEC_TAPE 1-4 (Not SECT)
  # are points on the tape on the SW wall,
  # as we can see from the 3d plot of section things

  # NE_SECT_TAPE 1 is the ground surface, then the other points are one meter apart
                      cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area$Description), ]

  # put tape and total station depths together
  tape_depths <- data.frame(tape = 0:3,
                            total_station = NE_SEC_TAPE$Elevation)

  # need to interpolate to 5 cm to match with mag_sus_B2$Depth.Below.Surface..cm.

  xout <- seq(min(mag_sus_B2$Depth.Below.Surface..m),
              by = 0.01)

  # approx returns a list, convert to dataframe
  # we also need to extrapolate a little
  tape_depths_interp <- data.frame(do.call(cbind,
                                                        n = length(xout),
                                                        xout = xout)))
  names(tape_depths_interp) <- names(tape_depths)

  # attach interpolated depths to mag sus data
  # there is a tiny difference in the vectors, so we convert to chr

  mag_sus_B2$Depth.Below.Surface..m  <-
  sprintf("%.2f", mag_sus_B2$Depth.Below.Surface..m)

  tape_depths_interp$tape <-  sprintf("%.2f", tape_depths_interp$tape)

  mag_sus_B2_total_station <-
              by = c('Depth.Below.Surface..m' = 'tape'))

  mag_sus_B2_total_station$Depth.Below.Surface..m <-

  # depth below surf from total station
  surf <- 100.693213   # NE_SEC_TAPE_1
  mag_sus_B2_total_station$total_station_depth_m <-
    surf - mag_sus_B2_total_station$total_station

  # error in tape measure and total station
  mag_sus_B2_total_station$error <-
    mag_sus_B2_total_station$Depth.Below.Surface..m -

  # done with mag sus

  # particle size data, sand-silt-clay
  # We have sediment columns from
  # SW Section S (closest to mag sus samples) and
  # SW Section Section W,
  # NE Section, and
  # NW Section

  # This is from code I wrote for LRH

  MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size <- read.csv("data/geoarchaeology_data/MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size.txt", header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding="latin1")

  # delete first row and first 23 columns to get only sample
  # names, size classes and sample data. We're also removing
  # column 25 and the very last column because they are empty
  MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size <-
    MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size[-1,-c(1:22, 25, ncol(MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size))]

  # convert a few errant characters to numbers
  MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size[,c(3:ncol(MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size))] <-

  # reshape to long form
  MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size_long <-
  # extract just measurements, size classes and sample labels
  size <- as.numeric(na.omit(unique(MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size_long$V26)))

  measurements <-
                                        c(which( colnames(MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size_long)=="V24" ),
                                          which( colnames(MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size_long)=="V27" ) :
                                             which( colnames(MJB_SW_S_section_particle_size_long)=="V303"))]

  names(measurements) <- c("sample.id", size)

  measurements_long <- tidyr::gather(measurements, variable, value, -sample.id)
  measurements_long$variable <- as.numeric(as.character(measurements_long$variable))

  # compute mean values for each sample
  # replace the pattern of digit-digit-rs with nothing to group replicates together
  measurements$sample.id <- gsub("[[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]]-rs", "", measurements$sample.id)
  # get averages of multiple runs on the same sub-sample
  measurements_means <- aggregate(. ~ sample.id, data = measurements, mean)

  # reduce to sand-silt-clay

  # need to transpose table so sample = column and size class = row names
  measurements_means_t <-   data.frame(t(measurements_means), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # put sample names as col names
  tmp <- as.vector(as.matrix(measurements_means_t[1,1:ncol(measurements_means_t)])[1,])
  # delete row with text
  measurements_means_t <- data.frame(measurements_means_t[-1,])
  # create column to order values
  measurements_means_t$size <- (as.numeric(size))
  # order
  measurements_means_t <- measurements_means_t[ order(-as.numeric(measurements_means_t$size)), ]
  # convert to data frame of numeric type
  measurements_means_t <- data.frame(apply(measurements_means_t, 2,
                                           function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
  # delete size column, not needed anymore
  measurements_means_t <-
    measurements_means_t[, -which(names(measurements_means_t) == 'size'),
  # put colnames back on again
  colnames(measurements_means_t) <- tmp
  # add last size class of zero
  measurements_means_t <-
    rbind(measurements_means_t, c(rep(0, ncol(measurements_means_t))))
  # add size classes as row name
  rownames(measurements_means_t) <-

  # Here we can compute sand-silt-clay %s
  # using Wentworth classes...
  # sand: 2000 - 62.5 um
  # silt: 62.5 - 4 um
  # clay: < 4 um

  # add size column to subset by
  measurements_means_t$size <-

  sand <- colSums(measurements_means_t[ measurements_means_t$size >= 62.5
                                        & measurements_means_t$size < 2000, ] )

  silt <- colSums(measurements_means_t[ measurements_means_t$size >= 4
                                        & measurements_means_t$size < 62.5, ] )

  clay <- colSums(measurements_means_t[ measurements_means_t$size >= 0
                                        & measurements_means_t$size < 4, ] )

  # combine into one data frame
  three_classes <- data.frame(CLAY = clay,
                              SILT = silt,
                              SAND = sand)

  # remove size row
  three_classes <- three_classes[-nrow(three_classes),]
  row.names(three_classes) <- substr(row.names(three_classes), nchar(row.names(three_classes))-4,  nchar(row.names(three_classes))-1)

  # put depths in a column so we can calibrate with total station depths
  # need the depth col as character to ensure the join works
  three_classes$tape_depths <- as.character(sprintf("%.2f", as.numeric(row.names(three_classes)) - 1 ))

  # we used the same tape as the mag sus data, so we can use that method to
  # get total station depths

  three_classes_B2_total_station <-
                     by = c('tape_depths' = 'tape'))

  # depth below surf from total station
  surf <- 100.693213   # NE_SEC_TAPE_1

  three_classes_B2_total_station$total_station_depth_m <- surf -

  # error in tape measure and total station
  three_classes_B2_total_station$error <-
    as.numeric(three_classes_B2_total_station$tape_depths) -

  # round depths so we can get a match

  three_classes_B2_total_station$depth_below_surf <-
    round( three_classes_B2_total_station$total_station_depth_m, 2)

  # done with particle size data

  # dC13 data from Mara Page

  dC13_data <- readxl::read_excel("data/geoarchaeology_data/Page_160404_CombinedResults final full.xlsx")

  # clean_and_tidydC13_data

  # data are in rows 4 to 78
  dC13_data_rows <- c(4:78)
  # sample IDs, etc
  sample_ID <- dC13_data[ dC13_data_rows, ][[2]]
  sample_mass <- as.numeric(dC13_data[ dC13_data_rows, ][[9]])
  d15N <- as.numeric(dC13_data[ dC13_data_rows, ][[16]])
  #  d13C corrected
  d13C_corrected <- as.numeric(dC13_data[ dC13_data_rows, ][[27]])
  # col 6 is depth, remember that ground surface was 1 m on the tape
  depth <- as.numeric(dC13_data[ dC13_data_rows, ][[6]]) / 100 - 1
  # assign run numbers using date
  analysis_date <- as.numeric(dC13_data[ dC13_data_rows, ][[1]])

  # put into dataframe
  d13C_depth <- data.frame(sample_ID = sample_ID,
                           sample_mass = sample_mass,
                           d15N = d15N,
                           depth = depth ,
                           d13C_corrected = d13C_corrected,
                           analysis_date = analysis_date

  # there are some replicates, let's identify them and get
  # max and min values for each sample
  d13C_depth_means <- d13C_depth %>%
    group_by(factor(depth)) %>%
    summarize(mean_d13C_corrected = mean(d13C_corrected, na.rm = TRUE),
              max_d13C_corrected = max(d13C_corrected),
              min_d13C_corrected = min(d13C_corrected),
              diff_d13C_corrected = max_d13C_corrected - min_d13C_corrected) %>%
    mutate(depth = as.character(`factor(depth)`)) %>%

  # get the total station depths for the tape depths for dC13

  d13C_depth_means_total_station <-
                     by = c('depth' = 'tape'))

  # depth below surf from total station
  surf <- 100.693213   # NE_SEC_TAPE_1
  d13C_depth_means_total_station$total_station_depth_below_surface <-
    surf - as.numeric(d13C_depth_means_total_station$total_station)

  # for joining with other data
  d13C_depth_means_total_station$tape_depth <-

  d13C_depth_means_total_station$depth <- NULL

  d13C_depth_means_total_station$total_station_depth_below_surface_rounded <-
    round(d13C_depth_means_total_station$total_station_depth_below_surface, 2)
  # that's all for d13C for now

  # Read in the other geoarch data

  burnt_earth_C3 <- read.csv("data/geoarchaeology_data/C3_burnt_earth_by_spit.csv")
  heated_per_litre_C3 <- read.csv("data/stone_artefact_data/C3_heated_per_litre_by_spit.csv")
  burnt_chert_C3 <- read.csv("data/stone_artefact_data/C3_burnt_chert_by_spit.csv")
  charcoal_per_litre_C3 <- read.csv("data/geoarchaeology_data/C3_charcoal_per_litre_by_spit.csv")
  charcoal_C3 <- read.csv("data/geoarchaeology_data/C3_charcoal_by_spit.csv")
  artefacts_per_litre_C3 <- read.csv("data/stone_artefact_data/C3_artefacts_per_litre_by_spit.csv")
  artefacts_C3 <- read.csv("data/stone_artefact_data/C3_artefacts_by_spit.csv")

  EL <-    cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area[grepl("EL_",
                   cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area$Description), ]

  EL$depth_below_surface <- surf - EL$Elevation

  # get spit depths from EL
  C3_spit_depths <-
    EL %>%
    filter(square == "C3") %>%
    group_by(spit) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(mean_depth_below_surface = mean(depth_below_surface)) %>%
    arrange(as.numeric(spit)) %>%
    ungroup %>%
    mutate(spit = as.numeric(spit)) %>%

  # we do need to interpolate a few missing spits
  xout <- seq(min(C3_spit_depths$spit),
  C3_spit_depths_interp <-
               xout = xout)))

  names(C3_spit_depths_interp) <- c("spit", "depth_below_surf")

  # first few spits are -ve, so lets fix that
  C3_spit_depths_interp[1:3, 2] <-  c(0, 0.05, 0.1)

  # combine all the things from C3
  things_in_C3 <-
              C3_spit_depths_interp,  # join with total station depths
              by = c("Spit" = "spit")) %>%
              heated_per_litre_C3) %>%
              burnt_chert_C3) %>%
              charcoal_per_litre_C3) %>%
              charcoal_C3) %>%
              artefacts_per_litre_C3) %>%

  # get rid of NA rows
  things_in_C3 <- things_in_C3[!is.na(things_in_C3$Spit),]

  # We also want mag sus data in here, join by depth,
  # since that's how the mag sus samples were recorded

  # round depths so we can get a match

  things_in_C3$depth_below_surf <-  round(things_in_C3$depth_below_surf, 2)

  mag_sus_B2_total_station$total_station_depth_m <- round(mag_sus_B2_total_station$total_station_depth_m, 2)

  # interpolate depth values for every 0.01 below the surface
  # for each data col in things_in_C3
  # don't interpolat data, just have gaps
  depths_0.01 <- seq(0,

  # just match the rows and allow gaps
  all_rows <- data.frame(depths = depths_0.01)
  all_rows <- left_join(all_rows,
                        by = c("depths" = "depth_below_surf"))

  # subset to only depths that we have geoarch data for
  # all_rows <- all_rows[depths_0.01 <= max(things_in_C3$depth_below_surf), ]

  # add mag sus data
  mag_sus_B2_total_station$SQB2 <- as.numeric(mag_sus_B2_total_station$SQB2)
  mag_sus_B2_total_station$total_station_depth_m <-
    as.numeric(sprintf("%.2f",  mag_sus_B2_total_station$total_station_depth_m))

  mag_sus_B2_total_station$Depth.Below.Surface..m <-
    as.numeric(sprintf("%.2f",  mag_sus_B2_total_station$Depth.Below.Surface..m))

  all_rows <-
              by = c("depths" = "total_station_depth_m"))

  # and now add d13C data to all of that
  all_rows <-
              by = c("depths" = "total_station_depth_below_surface_rounded"))

  # and now add SW-S particle size data to all of that
  all_rows <-
              by = c("depths" = "depth_below_surf"))


#' return the phases and their depths
#' @param phases
#' @return data frame
#' @export
#' @import analogue
#' @import lattice
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom latticeExtra doubleYScale
phases <- function(phases){

### Phase depths from ZJ SOM and bayesian model figure #####

# band 1 is the archaeologically sterile sand at the base of the deposit (4.6–2.6 m depth);
# band 2 is the lowest dense artefact layer (2.6–2.15 m depth);
# band 3 represents a ~65 cm-thick layer of lower lithic abundance (2.1–1.55 m depth);
# band 4 is the middle dense artefact layer (1.55–0.95 m depth);
# band 5 represents a ~30 cm-thick layer of lowest lithic abundance (0.95–0.70 m depth);
# band 6 is the uppermost dense artefact layer (0.70–0.35 m depth) and the only phase with a similarly high lithic abundance as the lowest dense artefact layer; and
# band 7 represents the uppermost 35 cm of deposit, which consists mostly of shell midden

# But we're going to read the depths off the
# stone artefacts plot because ZJ's depths are
# for the front, this is what CC suggests
# for C2:

phases <- tibble::frame_data(
    ~phase, ~upper, ~lower,
       1,     2.3,    2.7,

       2,     1.9,    2.3,

       3,     1.5,    1.9, # change CC's 2.0,

       4,     1.2,    1.5, # change CC's 1.4,

       5,     0.85,    1.2,

       6,     0.5,    0.85, #change CC's 0.8,

       7,     0,      0.5)

# phases <- frame_data(
#   ~phase, ~upper, ~lower,
#   1,     2.6,    3.0,
#   2,     2.15,   2.6,
#   3,     1.55,   2.15,
#   4,     0.95,   1.55,
#   5,     0.7,    0.95,
#   6,     0.35,   0.7,
#   7,     0.0,    0.35)



#' front_phases
#' @importFrom tibble frame_data
#' @return data frame
#' @export
front_phases <- function(){

  # these are copied from the published Bayesian OSL figure
  phases_front <- tibble::frame_data(
    ~phase, ~upper, ~lower,
    1,     2.6,     4.6,
    2,     2.15,    2.59,
    3,     1.55,    2.149,
    4,     0.95,    1.549,
    5,     0.70,    0.949,
    6,     -0.5,       0.69)



#' plot_granulometry_data
#' @param prepared_geoarchaeology_data
#' @return plots
#' @export
#' @import analogue
#' @import rioja
plot_granulometry_data <- function(prepared_geoarchaeology_data){

  all_rows <- prepared_geoarchaeology_data
  # straigraphic panel plot
  depth <- all_rows$depths

  # subset variables for plotting
  plotting_data <- select(all_rows,
                          # Burnt.Earth,
                          # Heated.litre,
                          # Artefacts,
                          # Burnt.Chert,
                          # Charcoal.Litre,
                          # Charcoal.g,
                          # Artefacts.Litre,
                          # Xlf..m.3.kg.,
                          # mean_d13C_corrected,

  # make column names informative
  names(plotting_data) <- c(
                            ("Sand (%)"),
                            ("Silt (%)"),
                            ("Clay (%)"))

  exprs <- expression(
                      "Sand (%)",
                      "Silt (%)",
                      "Clay (%)")

phases_data <- phases()

  zones <-  unique(sort(as.vector(t(as.matrix(phases_data[,-1]))[-2])))
  zoneNames <- c(1,2, 3,4,5,6,7, "phase")

  # draw basic plot
    plt1 <- analogue::Stratiplot(depth ~ .,
                                 ylim = c(0,3),
                                 varTypes = "absolute",
                                 labelValues = exprs,
                                 labelRot = 90,
                                 data = plotting_data,
                                 type = c("l","g"),
                                 col = "black",
                                 lwd = 1.5,
                                 zones = zones,
                                 zoneNames = zoneNames))
  plt1$x.scales$rot <- c(90,90)

  # save a copy
      width = 4,
      height = 5)
      # res = 300,
      # antialias = "cleartype")

  # We'll use 'coniss', a stratigraphically constrained cluster
  # analysis by method of incremental sum of squares

  diss <- dist(na.omit(plotting_data))
  clust <- rioja::chclust(diss, method = "coniss")
  # broken stick model to suggest significant zones, 3?
  # bstick(clust) # look for a sharp elbow, that's the ideal number of clusters
  # save a copy
      # width = 6,
      height = 6)
  #res = 300,
  #antialias = "cleartype")
  print(plot(clust, hang = -1))

  plot(clust, hang = -1)


#' plot_geoarchaeology_data
#' @param prepared_geoarchaeology_data
#' @return plots
#' @export
#' @import analogue
#' @import lattice
#' @importFrom latticeExtra doubleYScale
plot_geoarchaeology_data <- function(prepared_geoarchaeology_data){

  all_rows <- prepared_geoarchaeology_data
  # straigraphic panel plot
  depth <- all_rows$depths
  all_rows$Charcoal.Litre.log <- log(all_rows$Charcoal.Litre)
  all_rows$Charcoal.Litre.log[all_rows$Charcoal.Litre.log == -Inf] <- NA

  # subset variables for plotting
  plotting_data <- select(all_rows,
                          # Burnt.Earth,
                          # Heated.litre,
                          # Artefacts.Litre,
                          SQB2, # Xlf..m.3.kg.,

  # make column names informative
  names(plotting_data) <- c(("Stone \nartefacts (n)"),
                            ("Burnt \nartefacts (n)"),

                            "Charcoal log(g/L)",

                            ("Magnetic \nsusceptibility \n (SI units)"),
                            ("\u03B413C \u2030 VPDB"))

  exprs <-
    expression("Stone \nartefacts (n)",  # label for 1st variable
               "Burnt \nartefacts (n)",  # label for 2nd variable
               "Charcoal log(g/L)",
               "Magnetic \nsusceptibility \n(SI units)",

  phases_data <- phases()

  zones <-  unique(sort(as.vector(t(as.matrix(phases_data[,-1]))[-2])))
  zoneNames <- c(1,2, 3,4,5,6,7, "phase")

# draw basic plot
  plt1 <- analogue::Stratiplot(depth ~ .,
                    ylim = c(0,3),
                    varTypes = "absolute",
                    labelValues = exprs,
                    labelRot = 90,
                    data = plotting_data,
                    type = c("l","g"),
                    col = "black",
                    lwd = 1.5,
                    zones = zones,
                    zoneNames = zoneNames))
  plt1$x.scales$rot <- c(90,90)

  # save a copy
      # width = 10,
      height = 6)
  #res = 300,
  #antialias = "cleartype")


#' get_osl_ages
#' @param cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area
#' @return a data frame
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @import purrr
#' @import tidyr
#' @import docxtractr
get_osl_ages <-  function(cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area){

  ts_data_both_years_PFs <-

  # fix problem with OSL sample numbering -------------------------------

  # from CC email 22 APril 2016
  # sample labels are wrong for the SW_A column.
  # They should all be one lower -
  # so 12A should be 11A, 11A should be 10A  etc.
  check_osl <- ts_data_both_years_PFs %>%
    filter(type == "OSL",
           square == "SW",
           grepl("A", spit)) %>%
    separate(spit, c("spit_number, spit_letter"),  sep = -2, remove = FALSE)

  # same
  check_osl <- ts_data_both_years_PFs %>%
    filter (grepl("OSL", Description) &
              grepl("SW", Description)  &
              grepl("A", Description)) %>%
    separate(spit, c("spit_number, spit_letter"),  sep = -2, remove = FALSE)

  # function that takes col, splits alpha-num, subtracts one from the num, and pastes them back together
  my_fn <- function(x){
    split_ <- separate(x, spit, c("spit_number", "spit_letter"),  sep = -2, remove = FALSE)
    # subtract one from the OSL number
    split_$spit_number <-  as.numeric(split_$spit_number) - 1
    # remake OSL sample ID with -1
    split_$spit <- NULL
    split_ <- unite(split_, spit, spit_number, spit_letter, sep ="")

  # select the cols and rows to change

  # we also need to update the description.
  # looking at ZJ's word doc of tables
  # ZJ has SW2A-11, 13A and 14A: no twelve!
  # I have SW3A-13A: no 14!
  # our 1-12 are one off

  conditions <- (with(ts_data_both_years_PFs, # conditions
                      grepl("OSL", Description) &
                        grepl("SW", Description)  &
                        grepl("A", Description) &
                        grepl(paste0("_", 1:12, "A", collapse = "|"), Description) ))

  # check
  # ts_data_both_years_PFs[ conditions, ]
  # check
  # sum(conditions)

  # first update desc

  ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description <-

  # second update spit.
  # the ifelse function that selects the desired rows of the desired column, and changes them
  ts_data_both_years_PFs$spit <- ifelse(conditions, my_fn(ts_data_both_years_PFs), ts_data_both_years_PFs$spit)

  # check, 'code' col holds original values
  # ts_data_both_years_PFs[ conditions, ]

  ### extract OSL points from Total station data --------------------------
  # OSL sample spits and squares --------------------------------------------

  # find the squares and spits for each OSL sample

  # extact OSL points
  OSL_and_micromorph <- c("OSL", "MM", "GAMMA")
  OSL_and_micromorph <- ts_data_both_years_PFs[grepl(paste(OSL_and_micromorph, collapse = "|"), ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description),]

  osl_points <- OSL_and_micromorph[grepl("OSL", OSL_and_micromorph$Description), ]
  end_levels <-
    ts_data_both_years_PFs[grepl("EL_", ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description),]

  end_levels$Description <- gsub(" ", "", end_levels$Description)
  gamma_points <- OSL_and_micromorph[grepl("GAMMA", OSL_and_micromorph$Description), ]

  # what are the spits associated with the 2012 OSL column on the SW section?
  # depths measured from surface, sampling started at bottom on MM1
  osl_column <-  read.csv("data/ages/MKII_2012_OSL_column_SW_section.csv" , fileEncoding="latin1")

  # seperate out upper and lower depths per sample

  osl_column_depths <- osl_column %>%
    separate(Depth, c("upper_depth", "lower_depth"), sep = "-") %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(vars(matches("depth")), as.numeric)

  # get total station point for MM1 of 2012
  mm1_2012 <- ts_data_both_years_PFs %>% filter(grepl("MM1", Description), year == "2012")
  # find lowest points
  mm1_2012_lowest <- mm1_2012 %>% dplyr::slice(which.min(Elevation))

  # set the depth of the first sample to the mm1 depth, and calibrate the rest of the osl sample depths to that
  # ZJ's depth values increase with depth, but our total station values decrease with increasing depth...
  offset <- mm1_2012_lowest$Elevation + osl_column_depths$upper_depth[1]/100
  osl_column_depths_elevation <- data.frame(Sample = osl_column_depths$Sample,
                                            upper = -(osl_column_depths$upper_depth/100) + offset,
                                            lower = -osl_column_depths$lower_depth/100 + offset)
  # compute a mid-point for the osl sample depths
  osl_column_depths_elevation$Elevation <- with(osl_column_depths_elevation, (upper + (lower - upper)/2))

  # We'll arbitratily give the OSL column samples the same E and N
  # as the first gamma spec point, since the gamma points are in the
  # same column, and use the depths that we
  # computed from the MM1 location
  first_gamma <- gamma_points %>% filter(grepl("SW_SECT_GAMMA-1", Description))
  osl_column_depths_elevation_grid <- cbind(osl_column_depths_elevation, first_gamma[, c(2, 3, 5:10)])

  # so that gives us the depths of the OSL samples from the column.

  # now we can add these osl column points on the rest of the OSL points...
  all_osl_points <- full_join(osl_column_depths_elevation_grid, osl_points)
  all_osl_points$type <-  "OSL"

 # read in OSL dates from ZJ's word doc
  # these were delivered by ZJ in a series of tables in a Word doc.
  # LEts try to extract the tables from her word doc, using
  # https://github.com/hrbrmstr/docxtractr

# 12 Feb 2021, Gillian Huntley observed that ZJ had not sent me the OSL ages that match
# those in the paper! So I scrape the tables from the paper

#  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples <- docxtractr::read_docx("data/ages/Data tables_all samples(250616)docx ZJ.docx")
#  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_tables <- docxtractr::docx_extract_all_tbls(OSL_Data_tables_all_samples)
#  # combine tables into one big one
#  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table <- do.call(rbind, OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_tables)
#  # fix names
#  names(OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table) <-
#    c("Sample",
#      "Depth below surface (m)",
#      "Water (%)",
#      "EDR_Beta",
#      "EDR_Gamma",
#      "EDR_Cosmic",
#      "EDR_total",
#      "De value (Gy)",
#      "Number of grains",
#      "OD (%)",
#      "Age (ka)")
# 12 Feb 2021, replace the above with the below:

  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_published <-
    docxtractr::read_docx("data/ages/Pages from 41586_2017_BFnature22968_MOESM1_ESM.docx")

  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_tables_pub <-

  # fix names
  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_tables_pub_lst <-
        ~.x %>% set_names(nm =
                              "Depth below surface (m)",
                              "Water (%)",
                              "De value (Gy)",
                              "Number of grains",
                              "OD (%)",
                              "Age (ka)")

  # combine tables into one big one
  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table <- do.call(rbind, OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_tables_pub_lst)

  # get total station coods for these samples
  # make a col to match with
  all_osl_points$Description_short <- gsub("_", "", all_osl_points$Description)
  # make it match the IDs in the table from ZJ
  remove_me <- c("OSL", "B5", "B6")
  all_osl_points$Description_short <-
    gsub(paste0(remove_me, collapse = "|"), "",

  # join the ts points to the dates
  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points <-
              by = c("Sample" = "Description_short"))

  # add depth below surf
  surf <- 100.693213   # NE_SEC_TAPE_1
  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$total_station_depth_below_surf <-
    OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$Elevation - surf

  # compare these to the depths in ZJ's table (from me originally)
  # cbind(OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$total_station_depth_below_surf , OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$`Depth below surface (m)` )

  # excellent match, but we're missing:
  # all NE samples, SW14A, NE1C, SW8C
  # missing <- c("SW14A", "NE1C")
  # all_osl_points[grep(paste0(missing, collapse = "|"), all_osl_points$Description_short), ]
  # lost forever

  # get her NE sample depths, since we don't have points for those
  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$total_station_depth_below_surf <- as.numeric(
           OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$`Depth below surface (m)`,

  # what about XY for the NE?
  # get it from the QGIS project in
  # E:\My Documents\My UW\Research\1206 M2 excavation\Section photos
  osl_ne <- read.csv("data/ages/NE_section_from_QGIS_points.csv", encoding = "UTF-8")
  osl_ne$NE_OSL_num <- paste0("NE", osl_ne$NE_OSL_num, "$") # exclude NE1C
  names(osl_ne) <-  c("Xnew_flipped", "Elevation", "id", "Sample")

  # update ZJ's table with data from QGIS
  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$Sample_dollar <-  paste0(OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$Sample, "$")

  match_idx <-   match(osl_ne$Sample,

  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$Elevation[match_idx] <-  osl_ne$Elevation

  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$Xnew_flipped[match_idx] <-  osl_ne$Xnew_flipped

  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$total_station_depth_below_surf[match_idx] <-  osl_ne$Elevation - surf

  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$Sample_dollar <- NULL

  # remove empty rows
  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points <-
    OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points[OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$Sample != "", ]

  # put age and error in separate cols
  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$osl_age <-
    as.numeric(gsub(" .*$", "", OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$`Age (ka)`))
  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$osl_error <-
   as.numeric(gsub(".*± ", "", OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$`Age (ka)`))

  # these are ready for plotting!
  OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points$code <- NULL
  write.csv(OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points, "data/ages/OSL_Data_tables_all_samples_table_ts_points.csv")



#' get_c14_ages
#' @param cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area
#' @return
#' @export
#' @import tidyr
#' @import Bchron
get_c14_ages <- function(cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area){

  ts_data_both_years_PFs <-  cleaned_rotated_points_in_main_excavation_area
  # depths of all the C14 dates that ZJ has (from her 14C results_Malakunanja II_2014 and 2016 results for Zen.xlsx)

  all_the_c14_dates <- read.csv("data/ages/14C results_Malakunanja II_2014 and 2016 results for Zen.csv", encoding = "UTF-8", , fileEncoding="latin1")

  # edit depth of E3_5A_SF20, whic ZJ noticed is probably too deep, replace with mean spit depth
  # extract end levels and depth
  EL_E3_5A_mean_elev <- mean(ts_data_both_years_PFs[grepl("EL_E3_5A", ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description),]$Elevation)
  EL_E3_5A_mean_depth <- mean(ts_data_both_years_PFs[grepl("EL_E3_5A", ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description),]$depth_below_ground_surface)

   # replace in total station points
  ts_data_both_years_PFs[grepl("E3_5A_SF20", ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description),]$Elevation <- EL_E3_5A_mean_elev
  ts_data_both_years_PFs[grepl("E3_5A_SF20", ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description),]$depth_below_ground_surface <- EL_E3_5A_mean_depth

  # remove C14X bit that:
  # is before a -
  # is before a space
  # is after a space
  # really, we just have C14X plus a few digits, then space or -
  # so, remove 'word' beginning with C14X
  patterns <- c("C14X\\w+ *", "-", " ")
  all_the_c14_dates$c14_square_and_spit <- gsub(paste0(patterns, collapse = "|"), "", all_the_c14_dates$Sample.ID)

  # deal with the SF## samples by splitting them up
  all_the_c14_dates$SF <- ifelse(grepl("SF", all_the_c14_dates$Sample.ID),  gsub(".*SF", "", all_the_c14_dates$Sample.ID), 0)

  all_the_c14_dates$c14_square_and_spit <- gsub("SF.*", "", all_the_c14_dates$c14_square_and_spit)

  all_the_c14_dates$c14_square_and_spit <- gsub("/", "_", all_the_c14_dates$c14_square_and_spit)

  # get just the c14X code and the c14 number
  all_the_c14_dates$c14_sample_code <- gsub(".*(C14X\\w+).*$", "\\1", all_the_c14_dates$Sample.ID)
  all_the_c14_dates$c14_sample_code_num <- as.numeric(gsub("C14X", "", all_the_c14_dates$c14_sample_code))

  # split into square and spit
  all_the_c14_dates <- tidyr::separate(all_the_c14_dates, c14_square_and_spit, c("square", "spit"), sep = "_")
  all_the_c14_dates$square_spit <- with(all_the_c14_dates,
                                        paste0(square, "_", spit, "_"))

  all_the_c14_dates$c14_sample_code_num <-
    paste0("X", all_the_c14_dates$c14_sample_code_num)

  # first look for C14X## matches in the total station points...

  all_the_c14_dates$c14_sample_code_num <- gsub("^X4$", "X_4", all_the_c14_dates$c14_sample_code_num)

  c14x_matches <-
        paste0(all_the_c14_dates$c14_sample_code_num, "$"),
        collapse ="|"),

  c14x_matches_summary <-
    c14x_matches %>%
    group_by(Description) %>%
    summarize_if(is.numeric, mean)

  c14x_matches_summary$to_match <- paste0("X",
                                          gsub(".*X", "", c14x_matches_summary$Description))

  all_the_c14_dates$to_match <- all_the_c14_dates$c14_sample_code_num
  all_the_c14_dates$to_match <- gsub("^X4$", "X_4", all_the_c14_dates$to_match)

  # second look for the SF matches... need to be careful about this because it seems like SF has two sets of numbers

  # all_the_c14_dates$square_spit
  all_the_c14_dates$tmp <- paste0(all_the_c14_dates$square_spit, paste0("SF", all_the_c14_dates$SF))

  want <- sort(all_the_c14_dates$tmp[!grepl("SF0", all_the_c14_dates$tmp)]) # 8

  have <- sort(gsub("PF_", "", unique(ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description[grepl(paste0(all_the_c14_dates$tmp, collapse = "|"), ts_data_both_years_PFs$Description)]))) # 6

  # what are we missing?
  # want[!want %in% have]
  # want "C4_9A_SF16"   only have  PF_C4_9_SF16
  # want "D3_16B_SF33"  only have  PF_D3_16_SF33

  # deal with it:
  all_the_c14_dates$tmp <- ifelse(all_the_c14_dates$tmp == "C4_9A_SF16",
  all_the_c14_dates$tmp <- ifelse(all_the_c14_dates$tmp == "D3_16B_SF33",

  sf_matches <-
        collapse ="|"),

  # we have points for each SF, so we just need the mean location
  sf_matches_summary <-
    sf_matches %>%
    group_by(Description) %>%
    summarize_if(is.numeric, mean)

  sf_matches_summary$to_match <-
    gsub("PF_", "", sf_matches_summary$Description)

  all_the_c14_dates$to_match <-
    ifelse(all_the_c14_dates$to_match == "XNA",

  ## join it all up
  all_points <- rbind(c14x_matches_summary, sf_matches_summary)

  # bind back to C14 data
  all_the_c14_dates <-
              by = "to_match")

  # remove dups
  all_the_c14_dates <- all_the_c14_dates[!duplicated(all_the_c14_dates$Sample.ID),]

  # don't care if no age
  all_the_c14_dates <-
    all_the_c14_dates %>%
    filter(!is.na(Median)) %>%

  surf <- 100.693213   # NE_SEC_TAPE_1
  all_the_c14_dates$depth_below_surface <- all_the_c14_dates$Elevation - surf

  # because I'm not sure how the calibrations are done, I'll do it again myself
  # compute 95 credible interval cf. https://github.com/andrewcparnell/Bchron/issues/1
  c14_ages <-   as.numeric(as.character(all_the_c14_dates$Mean.14C.Age..BP. ))
  c14_errors <- as.numeric(as.character(all_the_c14_dates$X1s.14C.Age..BP.))

  ages_cal <- Bchron::BchronCalibrate(ages=c14_ages,
                             calCurves=rep('intcal13', length(c14_ages)))
  # First create age samples for each date
  age_samples = Bchron::sampleAges(ages_cal)
  # Now summarise them with quantile - this gives a 95% credible interval
  credible_ints <- apply(age_samples,2,quantile,prob=c(0.025,0.975))

  all_the_c14_dates$Bchron_95perc_cred_int_2.5 <- unname(credible_ints[1, ])
  all_the_c14_dates$Bchron_95perc_cred_int_97.5 <- unname(credible_ints[2, ])

  # midpoint of 95% credible interval
  all_the_c14_dates$Bchron_Median <- with(all_the_c14_dates,
                                          Bchron_95perc_cred_int_2.5 +
                                            (Bchron_95perc_cred_int_97.5 -
                                               Bchron_95perc_cred_int_2.5) / 2)

  C14_sample_depths_and_spit_depths <- all_the_c14_dates

  write.csv(C14_sample_depths_and_spit_depths, "data/ages/MKII_both_years_C14_samples_and_depths.csv")



#' plot_ages_and_artefacts
#' @param get_osl_ages
#' @param get_c14_ages
#' @param stone_artefacts_only
#' @return
#' @export
#' @import purrr
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggpmisc
#' @import viridis
#' @import grid
#' @import ggrepel
plot_ages_and_artefacts <- function(osl_ages, c14_ages, stone_artefacts_only){

  wanted <- "B3|B4|B5|C3|C4|C5|D3|D4|D5|E3|E4|E5"

  wanted_c14_sample_depths_and_spit_depths <-
    c14_ages %>%
    filter(grepl(wanted, Description))

  wanted_osl_ages_and_description <-
    osl_ages %>%
    filter(grepl("NW|SW", Description))

  # biplot
  wanted_C14 <-
    wanted_c14_sample_depths_and_spit_depths %>%
    select(Lab.ID, Sample.ID,  Bchron_Median, Elevation) %>%
    mutate(age = Bchron_Median/1000,
           Description = paste0(Lab.ID, " (", Sample.ID, ")"),
           method = "C14") %>%
    ungroup %>%
    select(-one_of(c('Lab.ID', 'Sample.ID', 'Bchron_Median')))

  wanted_OSL <-
    wanted_osl_ages_and_description %>%
    select(Description, `Age (ka)`, Elevation)  %>%
    mutate(method = "OSL",
           age = as.numeric(gsub(" ±.*$","", `Age (ka)`))) %>%
    select(-`Age (ka)`)

  wanted_C14_and_OSL <- rbind(wanted_C14, wanted_OSL)
  surf <- 100.693213   # NE_SEC_TAPE_1
  wanted_C14_and_OSL$depth_below_surface <-  -(wanted_C14_and_OSL$Elevation - surf)

  # investigate the distributions ----------------------------------------------------

  # draw plot with equations

  formula <- y ~ poly(x, 2)

  excluding <- c("Wk43605", # pit feature

  # exclude some points
  wanted_C14_and_OSL_plot_excluding <-
    wanted_C14_and_OSL %>%
    filter(!grepl(paste0(excluding, collapse ="|"), Description))

  # compute polynomial regression
  wanted_both_methods_model <- lm(age ~
                                   poly(depth_below_surface, 2),
                                 data = na.omit(wanted_C14_and_OSL_plot_excluding))
  # poly 2 is a very good fit

  # text size for labels
  size <- 2
  depth_age_biplot <-
    ggplot() +
    geom_smooth(data = wanted_C14_and_OSL_plot_excluding, # exclude some from curve fit
                    group = method,
                    colour = method),
                method = "lm",
                formula = formula,
                fill = viridis(1),
                alpha = 0.1) +
    geom_point(data = wanted_C14_and_OSL, # plot all points
               group = method,
               colour = method)) +
    stat_poly_eq(data = wanted_C14_and_OSL_plot_excluding, # exclude some from curve fit
                     label = ..eq.label..),
                 formula = formula,
                 parse = TRUE) +
    geom_text_repel(data = wanted_C14_and_OSL,
                    aes(x = depth_below_surface,
                        y = age),
                    colour = 'black',
                    size = size,
                    label = wanted_C14_and_OSL$Description) +
    annotate("text", x = 2.8,
             y = 10,
             label = paste0("Curve fit \nexcludes:\n",
                            paste0(excluding, collapse = "\n")),
             size = 2) +
    theme_minimal(base_size = 14) +
                        begin =0,
                        end= 1,
                        option = "viridis") +
    viridis::scale_fill_viridis() +
    xlab("Depth below surface (m)") +
    ylab("Age (ka)") +
    # ggtitle(paste0("MJB depth-age plot of C14 and OSL dates \nfrom ",  gsub("\\|", ", ", wanted))) +
    theme(legend.position = c(0, 1),
          legend.justification = c(0, 1),
          legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = "white"),
          legend.key = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = "white")) +


  filename_ <- paste0("figures/depth_age_plot_of_C14_an_OSL_dates_from ", gsub("\\|", " ", wanted), ".png")

  ggsave(filename_,  width = 10, height = 10)

  # Plot lithic histogram ------------------------------------------------------------

  wanted_Lithics <- stone_artefacts_only[grepl(wanted, stone_artefacts_only$Description), ]
  wanted_Lithics$depth_below_surface <- - (wanted_Lithics$Elevation - surf)

  artefact_pulses <- c(0.05, 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2.15, 2.6)

  lithics_depth <- ggplot(wanted_Lithics,
                          aes(depth_below_surface)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) +
    theme_minimal(base_size = 14) +
    theme(aspect.ratio = 1.61803/1) +
    xlim(c(0,3)) +
               colour = "red",
               size = 1) +
  xlab("Depth below surface (m)") +
  ylab("Number of artefacts")  # +
    # ggtitle(paste0("Plotted lithics \nfrom ",  gsub("\\|", ", ", wanted)))


  filename_ <- paste0("figures/histogram_stone_artefacts_by_depth_from ", gsub("\\|", " ", wanted), ".png")

  ggsave(filename_,  width = 10, height = 10)

  # combine depth-age plot and lithic plot ------------------------------------------------

  # interpolate ages using age model fit of both c14 and OSL
  ages_of_pulses <- unname(predict(wanted_both_methods_model,
                                   data.frame(depth_below_surface = artefact_pulses)))

  # update age-depth plot with lines indicating pulses
  depth_age_biplot_ <-
    depth_age_biplot +
    theme(aspect.ratio = 1) +
             x = 0,
             y = ages_of_pulses,
             xend = artefact_pulses,
             yend = ages_of_pulses,
             colour = "red",
             size = 1) +
             x = artefact_pulses,
             y = 0,
             xend = artefact_pulses,
             yend = ages_of_pulses,
             colour = "red",
             size = 1) +
             x = 0,
             y = ages_of_pulses + 2.5,
             label = paste0(round(ages_of_pulses, 1), " ka"),
             size = 3) +
    theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1,3,1,1), "lines"))

  # combine age-depth and artefacts
                  size = "first"))

  # save a copy

  png(file = "figures/depth_age_plot_with_artefact_bands.png",
      width = 1600,
      height = 3200,
      res = 300,
      #antialias = "cleartype")
                  size = "first"))



#' spit depths B6
#' @return a data frame
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr

spit_depths_B6 <- function(points_in_main_excavation_area) {

  surf <- 100.693213   # NE_SEC_TAPE_1

  spit_depths_B6 <-
  points_in_main_excavation_area %>%
    filter(grepl("EL_B6", Description)) %>%
    separate(Description, c("EL", "square", "spit", "position"), "_") %>%
    mutate(spit = as.numeric(spit)) %>%
    filter(position %in% c( "N", "S", "E", "W", "C")) %>% # "N", "S", "E", "W",
    group_by(square, spit) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(Elevation = mean(Elevation)) %>%
    arrange(desc(square, spit)) %>%
    mutate(depth_below_surface = surf - Elevation) %>%
    mutate(depth_diff = c(0, diff(depth_below_surface)))

  # fix a few problem depths: 23, 24, 25 are odd (0.8660, 1.09)
  spit_depths_B6[spit_depths_B6$spit %in% c(23:25, 41, 57), ]$depth_below_surface <-
    c(0.9, 0.95, 1.0, 1.83, 2.48)
  spit_depths_B6$depth_diff <- c(0, diff(spit_depths_B6$depth_below_surface))



#' size sorting plot
#' @return a plot
#' @export
#' @import readxl
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import ggbeeswarm

size_sorting_plot <- function(spit_depths_B6_output){

size_sorting_plotted_B6 <- readr::read_csv("data/stone_artefact_data/size_sorting_plotted_from_B6.csv")

size_sorting_plotted_B6 <-
            by = c("Spit" = "spit") )

# draw plot
size_sorting_plotted_B6_plot <-
       aes(depth_below_surface, Mass,
           group = depth_below_surface)) +
  # geom_boxplot(colour = "grey20") +
  geom_quasirandom(alpha = 0.1,
                   size = 1) +
  geom_smooth(aes(group=1)) +
  scale_y_log10() +
  theme_minimal() +
  ylab("Artefact mass (g)") +
  xlab("Depth below surface (m)") +
  scale_x_reverse(limits = c(3, 0),
                  breaks = rev(seq(0,3,0.5))) +


filename_ <- paste0("figures/artefact_sizes_B6.png")
ggsave(filename_,  width = 10, height = 5)



#' size sorting stat test
#' @return a data frame
#' @export
#' @import readxl
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import car
#' @import coin
#' @import userfriendlyscience

size_sorting_stat_test <- function(spit_depths_B6_output,
                                   the_n = 10,
                                   p_value = 0.05){

# stat test of difference in size with depth
size_sorting_plotted_B6 <- readxl::read_excel("data/stone_artefact_data/size_sorting_plotted_from_B6.xlsx")

# get depths
size_sorting_plotted_B6 <-
            by = c("Spit" = "spit") )

# looks like just one or two spits are sig, probably ones with very few artefacts
# If we exclude spits with <n artefacts
the_n <- the_n
only_spits_with_more_than_n_artefacts <-
  size_sorting_plotted_B6 %>%
  group_by(Spit) %>%
  tally() %>%
  filter(n > the_n) %>%

# test for heteroscedasticity with Levene's test:
l_test <- car::leveneTest(Mass ~ as.factor(depth_below_surface),

# check to see what the variances of the groups are
# linear models are fairly robust to heterogeneity of variance
# so long as the maximum variance is no more than 4× greater
# than the minimum variance. If it's high, we cannot use ANOVA
variance_ratio <-
  only_spits_with_more_than_n_artefacts %>%
  group_by(depth_below_surface) %>%
  summarise(vars = var(Mass, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  summarise(ratios = range(.$vars, na.rm = TRUE)[2] / range(.$vars, na.rm = TRUE)[1])

# resampling test in place of classic ANOVA
oneway_test_result <-
  oneway_test(Mass ~ as.factor(depth_below_surface),
              data = only_spits_with_more_than_n_artefacts,

# Games-Howell Post-Hoc Test, does not assume equal variances and sample sizes.
post_hoc_test <-
       posthocTGH(Mass, as.factor(depth_below_surface)))

# filter output to see what comparisons are significant
sig_comparisons <-
  post_hoc_test$output$games.howell %>%
  as_data_frame() %>%
  mutate(comparison = unlist(dimnames(post_hoc_test$output$games.howell)[1])) %>%
  filter(p < p_value) %>%
           into = c("depth_a",
           sep = ":",) %>%
  mutate(spit_a = round(as.numeric(depth_a), 3),
         spit_b = round(as.numeric(depth_b), 3))

  return(list(only_spits_with_more_than_n_artefacts = only_spits_with_more_than_n_artefacts,
              variance_ratio = variance_ratio,
              oneway_test_result = oneway_test_result,
              post_hoc_test = post_hoc_test,
              sig_comparisons = sig_comparisons))


#' raw material and technology plots
#' @return plots
#' @export
#' @import readr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import tidyverse
#' @import gridExtra

raw_materials_technology_plots <- function(B6_raw_materials,

  B6_raw_materials_technology_depths <-
    B6_raw_materials %>%
              by = c("Spit" = "spit")) %>%
    mutate(depth_below_surface = zoo::na.approx(depth_below_surface)) %>%
    mutate(depth_diff = c(0, diff(.$depth_below_surface)),
           x_centre = c(depth_below_surface[1]/2, zoo::rollmean(depth_below_surface, 2)),
           Quartzite = Qtztite,
           Quartz = Qtz)

  B6_raw_materials_plot_data <-
    B6_raw_materials_technology_depths %>%
    gather(`Raw material`,
           -`Volume Excavated`,
           -x_centre) %>%
    filter(`Raw material` %in% c("Quartzite",
                                 "`Crystal Qtz`",
                                 "`Rare Quartzite (Brown and Dark Grey)`",
                                 "`Buff and Red Mudstone`",
                                 "`Fine Qtzite`",
                                 "`Gerowie Tuff`" ))  %>%
    mutate(`Artefacts per Litre` = as.numeric(value)/`Volume Excavated`,
           `Depth below surface (m)` = zoo::na.approx(round(depth_below_surface, 2)))

  B6_raw_materials_plot <-
               `Artefacts per Litre`,
               fill = `Raw material`)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity",
             position = "stack",
             aes(width = depth_diff)) +
    scale_x_reverse(name = "Depth below surface (m)") +
    scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
    coord_flip() +

  B6_technology_plot_data <-
    B6_raw_materials_technology_depths %>%
           -`Volume Excavated`,
           -x_centre) %>%
    filter(`Technology` %in% c("Thinning Flakes",
                               "Retouched" ,
                               "`Convergent Flakes`",
                               "`Axe Flakes`",
                               "`Grindstones and Fragments`"))  %>%
    mutate(`Artefacts per Litre` = as.numeric(value)/`Volume Excavated`,
           `Depth below surface (m)` = zoo::na.approx(round(depth_below_surface, 2)))

  B6_technology_plot <-
               `Artefacts per Litre`)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity",
             aes(width = depth_diff,
                 fill = `Technology`)) +
    scale_x_reverse(name = "") +
    scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
    coord_flip() +

               ncol = 2)

  # save a copy

  png(file = "figures/B6_raw_materials_technology.png",
      width = 3200,
      height = 1600,
      res = 300,
      #antialias = "cleartype")

return(list(B6_raw_materials_plot_data = B6_raw_materials_plot_data,
            B6_technology_plot_data = B6_technology_plot_data))


#' Chi-sq for raw material by depth
#' @param plot_raw_materials_technology
#' @return
#' @import tidyverse
#' @export
#' @examples
chi_sq_raw_material_by_phase <- function(plot_raw_materials_technology){

  # chi-sq for raw material by depth
  raw_materials_technology_chi <-
    plot_raw_materials_technology$B6_raw_materials_plot_data %>%
    dplyr::select(depth_below_surface, `Raw material`, value) %>%

  # group spits into phases

  raw_materials_technology_chi$depth_below_surface_round <-
    round(raw_materials_technology_chi$depth_below_surface, 2) * 100

  # get start and end of phases
  the_phases <- phases()
  start <- the_phases$upper * 100
  end <- c(350, (the_phases$lower * 100)[-1]) # extend depth to base of artefact

  # Compute which layer each spit belongs in using the
  # IRanges package

  # source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
  # biocLite("GenomicRanges")
  depth_values <-
            width = 1,
            names = na.omit(raw_materials_technology_chi$depth_below_surface_round))
  ranges_for_phases <-
    IRanges(start = start,
            end = end,
            names = the_phases$phase)
  olaps <- findOverlaps(depth_values, ranges_for_phases)
  phases_from_depths <- subjectHits(olaps)

  raw_materials_technology_chi$phases_from_depths <- phases_from_depths

  # focus on  Qtztite, Qtz, Silcrete, Chert
  chi_sq_raw_material_by_phase_output <-
  raw_materials_technology_chi %>%
    dplyr::filter(!`Raw material` %in% c('Glass', 'Mica', 'Volcanic')) %>%
    dplyr::select(phases_from_depths, `Raw material`, value) %>%
    group_by(`Raw material`, phases_from_depths ) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(artefact_count = sum(as.numeric(value))) %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = `Raw material`, value = artefact_count, fill = 0) #%>%



#' remove non-artefacts
#' @param stone_artefacts_only
#' @return
#' @import tidyverse
#' @export
#' @examples
remove_non_artefacts <- function(stone_artefacts_only) {

  nonartefacts <- list.files("data/stone_artefact_data/", pattern = "nonartefacts", full.names = TRUE)
  nonartefacts <- str_subset(nonartefacts, ".xlsx$")

non_artefact_ids <-
      ~readxl::read_excel(.x, col_names = F)) %>%
    bind_rows() %>%

stone_artefacts_only_removed <-
  stone_artefacts_only %>%
    dplyr::filter(!findn %in% non_artefact_ids)

how_many_removed <-
  nrow(stone_artefacts_only) - nrow(stone_artefacts_only_removed)

message(paste0(how_many_removed, " non-artefacts were removed"))


benmarwick/mjbnaturepaper documentation built on May 9, 2022, 6:25 a.m.