ArchRPalettes | List of color palettes that can be used in plots |
cleanOutfile | Create outdir if not exist, and remove the old file if... |
eig_decomp | Get eigen decomposion Ref: SnapATAC eig_decomp |
fastGetTSSEnrichmentSingleThread | Get TSS Enrichment scores |
fastH5Read | Fast read H5 file Ref: ArchR .h5read |
filterChrGR | filter ChrGR |
getAnnotFromArchRData | get gene or genome Annotation from ArchR data. |
getBlacklist | get black list |
getBmatFromSnap | Get Bmat from Snap object. |
getFragsOfAChrFromRawH5File | Get fragments from a given chromsome in rawH5File. Ref: ArchR... |
getGeneMatrix | Generate Gene Matrix by directly mapping fragments onto... |
getGmatFromSnap | Get Gmat from Snap object |
getiFromSparseMatrix | Get i from sparseMatrix i index starts froms 1. Ref:... |
getIndex | Get index in the subject vector for the query vector |
getjFromSparseMatrix | Get j from sparseMatrix j index starts froms 1. Ref:... |
getNfragmentPerBarcode | get numebr of fragments per barcode Ref: ArchR |
getNormOVE | NormOVE from SnapATAC |
getScrubletThresholdByMixEM | Another way to estimate the threshold for Scrublet Method... |
getTileMatrix | Generate matrix of couts for each tile per cell |
getTSSFromTxDb | get TSS from TxDb |
getvalFromSparseMatrix | Get x/values from sparseMatrix |
ggPoint | A ggplot-based dot plot wrapper function |
installGenomeRelatedDatabase | Install genome/TxDb/OrgDb |
loadBmatFromFile | Load SnapATAC Bmat from the h5 file generated by... |
loadGeneMatrix | Load sparse matrix of gene matrix with both row and col names |
loadSnapATACGmatFromFile | Load SnapATAC Gmat from the h5 file. |
loadSparseMatrixFromMatTextFile | Load sparse matrix from mat file |
loadTileMatrix | load TileMatrix into a sparseMatrix Ref: ArchR |
paletteContinuous | Continuous Color Palette |
paletteDiscrete | Optimized discrete color palette generation |
plotDimReductElbow | Plot correlations between adjacent two principle components.... |
plotDimReductPairwise | Plot correlations between adjacent two principle components.... |
plot_scATAC_cnv | Generate Alleloscope object for analysis |
readColumnsFromTextFile | Read file by columns |
removeSampleName | Remove sampleName in barcodes if they have |
runJaccard2 | Get Jaccard Matrix Ref: SnapATAC runJaccard2 |
runKNN | Simplified runKNN in SnapATAC |
runLeiden | Run Leiden algorithm as graph-based clustering. |
runUMAP | Umap based on ArchR and Seuratdefault parameters |
sampleBasedOnDepth | Sampling cells based on their sequencing depths without... |
sampleBasedOnDepth2 | Sampling cells based on their sequencing depths without... |
simplifyGRSeqnames | Remove chr in GRSeqnames |
SnapATAC_BinarizeBmat | Binarize Bmat according SnapATAC |
SnapATAC_DiffusionMaps | DiffusionMaps method in SnapATAC |
SnapATACPalette | The color palettes from SnapATAC |
SnapATAC_runDiffusionMaps | Core of DiffusionMaps for landmark cells. |
SnapATAC_runDiffusionMapsExtension | Run DiffusionMaps for query cells baesd on the landmark... |
SnapATAC_runHarmony | Perform batch effect using harmony |
SnapATAC_runScrublet | Doublet removement using Scrublet |
snapGmat2Seurat | Conver snap object to Seurat by gmat |
subsetGeneAnnoByGenomeAnno | subset GeneAnnotation by GenomeAnnotation |
subsetSeqnamesGR | get subset of GR |
sumFragmentSingleThread | Transform original tabix File to H5File, then get... |
suppressAll | Suppress message Ref: ArchR .suppressAll |
tabixToH5SingleThread | Read fragment information |
theme_ArchR | ggplot2 default theme for ArchR |
tileChrom | tile ChromeSize Ref: ArchR |
t.sparseMatrix | Transpose a sparseMatrix A method for the generics function... |
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