Man pages for beyondpie/smmtools
Single-cell multi-omics sequenceing data tools

ArchRPalettesList of color palettes that can be used in plots
cleanOutfileCreate outdir if not exist, and remove the old file if...
eig_decompGet eigen decomposion Ref: SnapATAC eig_decomp
fastGetTSSEnrichmentSingleThreadGet TSS Enrichment scores
fastH5ReadFast read H5 file Ref: ArchR .h5read
filterChrGRfilter ChrGR
getAnnotFromArchRDataget gene or genome Annotation from ArchR data.
getBlacklistget black list
getBmatFromSnapGet Bmat from Snap object.
getFragsOfAChrFromRawH5FileGet fragments from a given chromsome in rawH5File. Ref: ArchR...
getGeneMatrixGenerate Gene Matrix by directly mapping fragments onto...
getGmatFromSnapGet Gmat from Snap object
getiFromSparseMatrixGet i from sparseMatrix i index starts froms 1. Ref:...
getIndexGet index in the subject vector for the query vector
getjFromSparseMatrixGet j from sparseMatrix j index starts froms 1. Ref:...
getNfragmentPerBarcodeget numebr of fragments per barcode Ref: ArchR
getNormOVENormOVE from SnapATAC
getScrubletThresholdByMixEMAnother way to estimate the threshold for Scrublet Method...
getTileMatrixGenerate matrix of couts for each tile per cell
getTSSFromTxDbget TSS from TxDb
getvalFromSparseMatrixGet x/values from sparseMatrix
ggPointA ggplot-based dot plot wrapper function
installGenomeRelatedDatabaseInstall genome/TxDb/OrgDb
loadBmatFromFileLoad SnapATAC Bmat from the h5 file generated by...
loadGeneMatrixLoad sparse matrix of gene matrix with both row and col names
loadSnapATACGmatFromFileLoad SnapATAC Gmat from the h5 file.
loadSparseMatrixFromMatTextFileLoad sparse matrix from mat file
loadTileMatrixload TileMatrix into a sparseMatrix Ref: ArchR
paletteContinuousContinuous Color Palette
paletteDiscreteOptimized discrete color palette generation
plotDimReductElbowPlot correlations between adjacent two principle components....
plotDimReductPairwisePlot correlations between adjacent two principle components....
plot_scATAC_cnvGenerate Alleloscope object for analysis
readColumnsFromTextFileRead file by columns
removeSampleNameRemove sampleName in barcodes if they have
runJaccard2Get Jaccard Matrix Ref: SnapATAC runJaccard2
runKNNSimplified runKNN in SnapATAC
runLeidenRun Leiden algorithm as graph-based clustering.
runUMAPUmap based on ArchR and Seuratdefault parameters
sampleBasedOnDepthSampling cells based on their sequencing depths without...
sampleBasedOnDepth2Sampling cells based on their sequencing depths without...
simplifyGRSeqnamesRemove chr in GRSeqnames
SnapATAC_BinarizeBmatBinarize Bmat according SnapATAC
SnapATAC_DiffusionMapsDiffusionMaps method in SnapATAC
SnapATACPaletteThe color palettes from SnapATAC
SnapATAC_runDiffusionMapsCore of DiffusionMaps for landmark cells.
SnapATAC_runDiffusionMapsExtensionRun DiffusionMaps for query cells baesd on the landmark...
SnapATAC_runHarmonyPerform batch effect using harmony
SnapATAC_runScrubletDoublet removement using Scrublet
snapGmat2SeuratConver snap object to Seurat by gmat
subsetGeneAnnoByGenomeAnnosubset GeneAnnotation by GenomeAnnotation
subsetSeqnamesGRget subset of GR
sumFragmentSingleThreadTransform original tabix File to H5File, then get...
suppressAllSuppress message Ref: ArchR .suppressAll
tabixToH5SingleThreadRead fragment information
theme_ArchRggplot2 default theme for ArchR
tileChromtile ChromeSize Ref: ArchR
t.sparseMatrixTranspose a sparseMatrix A method for the generics function...
beyondpie/smmtools documentation built on July 1, 2022, 4:33 a.m.