
Defines functions .computeRecoNight replaceMissingSdByPercentage .partGPAssociateSpecialRows .tmp.f .tmp.f partGLInterpolateFluxes .bootStrapLRCFit partGLFitLRCOneWindow partGLFitLRCWindows partGLExtractStandardData partGLControlLasslopCompatible partGLControl partitionNEEGL

Documented in partGLControl partGLControlLasslopCompatible partGLExtractStandardData partitionNEEGL

#' @export
partitionNEEGL <- function(
		### Partition NEE fluxes into GP and Reco using the daytime method.
		ds							##<< dataset with all the specified input columns
		  ## and full days in equidistant times
		, NEEVar = if (!missing(NEEVar.s)) NEEVar.s else paste0('NEE', suffixDash, '_f')		##<< Variable of NEE
		, TempVar = if (!missing(TempVar.s)) TempVar.s else 'Tair_f' 		##<< Filled air or soil temperature variable (degC)
		, VPDVar = if (!missing(VPDVar.s)) VPDVar.s else 'VPD_f'   		##<< Filled Vapor Pressure Deficit - VPD - (hPa)
		, RadVar = if (!missing(RadVar.s)) RadVar.s else 'Rg_f'         		##<< Filled radiation variable
		, suffix = if (!missing(Suffix.s)) Suffix.s else ""		   		##<< string inserted into column names before
		## identifier for NEE column defaults
		## (see \code{\link{sEddyProc_sMDSGapFillAfterUstar}}).
		, NEEVar.s ##<< deprecated
		, TempVar.s ##<< deprecated
		, VPDVar.s ##<< deprecated
		, RadVar.s ##<< deprecated
		, Suffix.s  ##<< deprecated
		  ## identifier for NEE column defaults
		  ## (see \code{\link{sEddyProc_sMDSGapFillAfterUstar}}).
		, ...						##<< further arguments to
		  ## \code{\link{partGLExtractStandardData}}, such as \code{PotRadVar}
		, controlGLPart = partGLControl()	##<< further default parameters,
		  ## see \code{\link{partGLControl}}
		, isVerbose = TRUE			 	##<< set to FALSE to suppress output messages
		, nRecInDay = 48L		 		##<< number of records within one day
		  ## (for half-hourly data its 48)
		, lrcFitter = RectangularLRCFitter()	##<< R5 class instance
		  ## responsible for fitting the light response curve.
			## Current possibilities are \code{RectangularLRCFitter()},
			## \code{NonrectangularLRCFitter()},
			## and \code{LogisticSigmoidLRCFitter()}.
) {
  varNamesDepr <- c(
  varNamesNew <- c(
  iDepr = which(!c(
  if (length(iDepr)) warning(
    "Argument names ",varNamesDepr[iDepr]," have been deprecated."
    ," Please, use instead ", varNamesNew[iDepr])
  ## Daytime-based partitioning of measured net ecosystem fluxes into
  ## gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco)
  ## The fit to the light-response-curve is done by default using the Rectangular
  ## hyperbolic function, as in Lasslop et al. (2010)
  ## Alternative fittings can be used by providing the corresponding subclass of
  ## \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter-class}} to \code{lrcFitter} argument.
  ## (see \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_predictGPP}})
  ##author<< TW
  ## Lasslop G, Reichstein M, Papale D, et al. (2010) Separation of
  ## net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and respiration using
  ## a light response curve approach: critical issues and global evaluation.
  ## Global Change Biology, Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 187-208
	suffixDash <- paste( (if (fCheckValString(suffix)) "_" else "")
	                 , suffix, sep = "") # used to compute default NEEVar
	if (isVerbose) message('Start daytime flux partitioning for variable '
	                       , NEEVar, ' with temperature ', TempVar, '.')
	dsR <- partGLExtractStandardData(ds, NEEVar = NEEVar, TempVar = TempVar
		, VPDVar = VPDVar, RadVar = RadVar , suffix = suffix
		, ..., controlGLPart = controlGLPart)
	## \item{Reco_DT_<suffix>}{predicted ecosystem respiration: mumol CO2/m2/s}
	## \item{GPP_DT_<suffix>}{predicted gross primary production mumol CO2/m2/s}
	## \item{<LRC>}{Further light response curve (LRC) parameters and
	##  their standard deviation depend on the used LRC
	## (e.g. for the non-rectangular LRC
	## see \code{\link{NonrectangularLRCFitter_getParameterNames}}).
	## They are estimated for windows and are reported with the first record
	## of the window}
	dsAns0 <- tibble(
			FP_VARnight = rep(NA_real_, nrow(ds))	##<< NEE filtered
			  ## for nighttime records (others NA)
			, FP_VARday = NA_real_		            ##<< NEE filtered for daytime
			  ## records (others NA)
			, NEW_FP_Temp = dsR$Temp	##<< temperature after filtering for quality
			  ## flag degree Celsius
			, NEW_FP_VPD = dsR$VPD		##<< vapour pressure deficit after filtering
			  ## for quality flag, hPa
			, FP_RRef_Night = NA_real_	##<< basal respiration estimated
			  ## from nighttime (W / m2)
			, FP_qc = NA_integer_		##<< quality flag: 0: good parameter fit,
			  ## 1: some parameters out of range, required refit,
			  ## 2: next parameter estimate is more than two weeks away
			, FP_dRecPar = NA_integer_	##<< records until or after closest record
			  ## that has a parameter estimate associated
			, FP_errorcode = NA_integer_ ##<< information why LRC-fit was not
			  ## successful or was rejected, see result of
			  ## \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_fitLRC}}
			, FP_GPP2000 = NA_real_ 	##<< predicted GPP at VPD = 0 and PAR = 2000:
			  ## a surrogate for maximum photosynthetic capacity
			, FP_OPT_VPD = vector(mode = "list", length =  nrow(ds))	##<< list object
			  ## of fitting results including iOpt and covParms
			, FP_OPT_NoVPD = vector(mode = "list", length =  nrow(ds))	##<< same as
			  ## FP_OPT_VPD holding optimization results with fit
			  ## neglecting the VPD effect
	# append LRC parameter result columns
	lrcParNames <- lrcFitter$getParameterNames()
	lrcParNames <- c(lrcParNames, paste0(lrcParNames, "_sd"))
	FP_lrcParNames <- paste0("FP_", lrcParNames)
	tmp <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(ds), ncol = length(FP_lrcParNames)
	              , dimnames = list(NULL, FP_lrcParNames) )
	dsAns <- cbind(dsAns0, tmp)
	dsAns$FP_VARnight <- ifelse(dsR$isNight, dsR$NEE, NA)
	attr(dsAns$FP_VARnight, 'varnames') <- paste(attr(dsR$NEE, 'varnames')
	                                             , '_night', sep = '')
	attr(dsAns$FP_VARnight, 'units') <- attr(dsR$NEE, 'units')
	dsAns$FP_VARday <- ifelse(dsR$isDay, dsR$NEE, NA)
	attr(dsAns$FP_VARday, 'varnames') <- paste(attr(dsR$NEE, 'varnames')
	                                           , '_day', sep = '')
	attr(dsAns$FP_VARday, 'units') <- attr(dsR$NEE, 'units')
	#Estimate Parameters of light response curve: R_ref, alpha, beta and k
	#according to Table A1 (Lasslop et al., 2010)
	# save(ds, file = "tmp / dsTestPartitioningLasslop10.RData")
	##seealso<< \code{partGLFitNightTimeTRespSens}
	isUsingFixedTempSens <- length(controlGLPart$fixedTempSens) &&
			all(is.finite(controlGLPart$fixedTempSens$E0)) &&
	dsTempSens <- if (!isUsingFixedTempSens	) {
				dsTempSens <- partGLFitNightTimeTRespSens(dsR
						, nRecInDay = nRecInDay
						, controlGLPart = controlGLPart
						, isVerbose = isVerbose
			} else	{
				dsTempSens <- controlGLPart$fixedTempSens
				nWindow <- length(getStartRecsOfWindows(nrow(dsR), nRecInDay = nRecInDay))
				# if one row is given, use it for all windows
				if (nrow(dsTempSens) == 1L) dsTempSens <- do.call(rbind,
				                            lapply(1:nWindow, function(i) dsTempSens))
				if (nrow(dsTempSens) != nWindow) stop(
				  "when providing controlGLPart$fixedTempSens then it must be 1 row"
				  ,"or rows must macht the number of windows (", nWindow, "), but was "
				  , nrow(dsTempSens))
				# if no RRef is given, estimate from nighttime data
				if (!length(dsTempSens$RRef) || all(is.na(dsTempSens$RRef)) ) {
					resRef15 <- simplifyApplyWindows(applyWindows(dsR
					        , partGLFitNightRespRefOneWindow
									, nRecInDay = nRecInDay
									, E0Win = dsTempSens
									, controlGLPart = controlGLPart
									, isVerbose = isVerbose
					dsTempSens$RRef <- resRef15$RRef
				# fill missing RRef by previous window
				dsTempSens$RRef <- fillNAForward(dsTempSens$RRef, firstValue =
								# on NA at the start of the series, take the first occuring
								# finite value
								dsTempSens$RRef[which(is.finite(dsTempSens$RRef))[1] ] )
	##seealso<< \code{partGLFitLRCWindows}
	resParms <- resParmsWithVPD <- partGLFitLRCWindows(dsR
			, nRecInDay = nRecInDay
			, dsTempSens = dsTempSens
			, controlGLPart = controlGLPart
			, lrcFitter = lrcFitter
			, isVerbose = isVerbose
	# if no windows was fitted, return error. Else error on missing columns
	# (no parameter columns returned)
	if (sum(resParms$convergence == 0) == 0) stop(
	  "could not fit a single window in dayTime partitioning. Check the data.")
	# append parameter fits to the central record of day window
	#iGood <- which(resLRC$summary$parms_out_range == 0L)
	# resLRC provides parameters only for a subset of rows. For each row in the
	# original data.frame
	# The parameter estimates are associated for interpolation of predicted fluxes
	# either to the central record of the window,
	# or the record with the time corresponding to the mean of all valid records
	# in the window
	# default is isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids = TRUE
	# (double check partGLControl argument)
	colNameAssoc <- if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids) )
	  "iMeanRec" else "iCentralRec"
	# for the output, always report at central record
	dsAns[resParms$iCentralRec, c("FP_RRef_Night", "FP_qc", "FP_errorcode"
	                              , FP_lrcParNames, "FP_GPP2000", "FP_OPT_VPD")] <-
					resParms[, c("RRef_night", "parms_out_range", "convergence"
					                      , lrcParNames, "GPP2000", "resOpt")]
	##seealso<< \code{partGLInterpolateFluxes}
	dsAnsFluxes <- partGLInterpolateFluxes(
					#, dsAns$NEW_FP_VPD, dsAns$NEW_FP_Temp
					, ds[[VPDVar]]
					, ds[[TempVar]]		# prediction using non-filtered, i.e. gap-filled
					, resParms
					, controlGLPart = controlGLPart
					, lrcFitter = lrcFitter
					, isVerbose = isVerbose
	if (!controlGLPart$isNeglectVPDEffect &&
	    controlGLPart$isRefitMissingVPDWithNeglectVPDEffect) {
		## While the extrapolation uses filled data, the parameter optimization
		## may use only measured data, i.e. with specified quality flag.
		## Even with using filled VPD, there may be large gaps that have not been
		## filled.
		## With the common case where VPD is missing for fitting the LRC, by default
		## (with \code{controlGLPart$isRefitMissingVPDWithNeglectVPDEffect = TRUE})
		## is to redo the estimation of LRC parameters with neglecting the VPD-effect.
		## Next, in the predictions (rows) with missing VPD are then replaced
		## with predictions
		## based on LRC-fits that neglected the VPD effect.
		iNAVPD <- which(is.na(ds[[VPDVar]] & is.na(dsAnsFluxes$GPP)))
		if (length(iNAVPD)) {
			message("  could not predict GPP in ", length(iNAVPD)
			        , " cases due to missing VPD.")
			message("    Therefore refitting LightResponseCurve with option "
			        ,"isNeglectVPDEffect = TRUE")
			ctrlNeglectVPD <- within(controlGLPart, isNeglectVPDEffect <- TRUE)
			resParms <- resParmsWithoutVPD <- partGLFitLRCWindows(dsR
					, nRecInDay = nRecInDay
					, dsTempSens = dsTempSens
					, controlGLPart = ctrlNeglectVPD
					, lrcFitter = lrcFitter
			dsAns$FP_OPT_NoVPD[resParmsWithoutVPD$iCentralRec] <-
			dsAnsFluxes2 <- partGLInterpolateFluxes(dsR$Rg
					#, dsAns$NEW_FP_VPD, dsAns$NEW_FP_Temp
					, ds[[VPDVar]]
					, ds[[TempVar]]		# do prediction also using gap-Filled values
					, resParmsWithoutVPD
					, controlGLPart = ctrlNeglectVPD
					, lrcFitter = lrcFitter
			dsAnsFluxes[iNAVPD, ] <- dsAnsFluxes2[iNAVPD, ]
	if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$useNightimeBasalRespiration))
	  dsAnsFluxes <- .computeRecoNight(dsAnsFluxes, dsR, dsTempSens)
	nNAGPP <- sum(is.na(dsAnsFluxes$GPP))
	if (nNAGPP) warning("could not predict GPP in ", nNAGPP, " cases.")
	dsAns$FP_dRecPar <- dsAnsFluxes$dRecNextEstimate
	# copy quality flag from parameter row
	# 	first copy from iCentralRec to colNameAssoc
	#	next transfer by dRecNextEstimate to each row
	iFiniteMeanRec <- which(is.finite(resParms[[colNameAssoc]]))
	dsAns$FP_qc[resParms[[colNameAssoc]][iFiniteMeanRec] ] <-
	  dsAns$FP_qc[resParms$iCentralRec[iFiniteMeanRec] ]
	dsAns$FP_qc <- dsAns$FP_qc[1:nrow(dsAns) + dsAns$FP_dRecPar]
	#set quality flag to 2 where next parameter estimate is more than 14 days away
	dsAns$FP_qc[abs(dsAns$FP_dRecPar) > (14 * nRecInDay)] <- 2L
	#dsAns[is.finite(dsAns$FP_beta), ]
	RecoDTVar.s <- paste0('Reco_DT', suffixDash)
	GPPDTVar.s <- paste0('GPP_DT', suffixDash)
	RecoDTSdVar.s <- paste0(RecoDTVar.s, "_SD")
	GPPDTSdVar.s <- paste0(GPPDTVar.s, "_SD")
	dsAns[[RecoDTVar.s]] <- dsAnsFluxes$Reco
	attr(dsAns[[RecoDTVar.s]], 'varnames') <- RecoDTVar.s
	attr(dsAns[[RecoDTVar.s]], 'units') <- attr(dsR$NEE, 'units')
	dsAns[[GPPDTVar.s]] <- dsAnsFluxes$GPP
	attr(dsAns[[GPPDTVar.s]], 'varnames') <- GPPDTVar.s
	attr(dsAns[[GPPDTVar.s]], 'units') <- attr(dsR$NEE, 'units')
	if (controlGLPart$isSdPredComputed) {
		dsAns[[RecoDTSdVar.s]] <- dsAnsFluxes$sdReco
		attr(dsAns[[RecoDTSdVar.s]], 'varnames') <- RecoDTSdVar.s
		attr(dsAns[[RecoDTSdVar.s]], 'units') <- attr(dsR$NEE, 'units')
		dsAns[[GPPDTSdVar.s]] <- dsAnsFluxes$sdGPP
		attr(dsAns[[GPPDTSdVar.s]], 'varnames') <- GPPDTSdVar.s
		attr(dsAns[[GPPDTSdVar.s]], 'units') <- attr(dsR$NEE, 'units')
	#sTEMP$GPP_DT_fqc <<- cbind(sDATA, sTEMP)[, QFFluxVar.s]
	#! New code: MDS gap filling information are not copied from NEE_fmet
	#    and NEE_fwin to GPP_fmet and GPP_fwin
	#           (since not known within this pure partitioning function)

#' @export
partGLControl <- function(
		### Default list of parameters for Lasslop 2010 daytime flux partitioning
		LRCFitConvergenceTolerance = 1e-3	##<< convergence criterion for rectangular
  		## light response curve fit.
  		## If relative improvement of reducing residual sum of squares between
  		## predictions and
  		## observations is less than this criterion, assume convergence.
  		## Decrease to get more precise parameter estimates, Increase for speedup.
		, nLRCFitConvergenceTolerance = 1e-3	##<< convergence criterion for
  		## nonrectangular light response curve fit.
  		## Here its a factor of machine tolerance.
		, nBootUncertainty = 30L			##<< number of bootstrap samples for
  		## estimating uncertainty.
  		## Set to zero to derive uncertainty from curvature of a single fit
		, minNRecInDayWindow  =  10L 		##<< Minimum number of data points
		## for regression
		, isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids = TRUE	##<< set to FALSE to
  		##associate parameters to
  		## the first record of the window for interpolation
  		## instead of mean across valid records inside a window
		, isLasslopPriorsApplied = TRUE	##<< set to TRUE to apply strong fixed
  		## priors on LRC fitting.
  		## Returned parameter estimates claimed valid for some case where not
  		## enough data was available
		, isUsingLasslopQualityConstraints = FALSE	##<< set to TRUE to avoid
  		## quality constraints additional to Lasslop 2010
		, isSdPredComputed = TRUE			##<< set to FALSE to avoid computing
	  	## standard errors
			## of Reco and GPP for small performance increase
		, isFilterMeteoQualityFlag = FALSE	##<< set to TRUE to use only records
		  ## where quality flag
  		## of meteo drivers (radiation, temperature, VPD) is zero, i.e.
  		## non-gapfilled for parameter estimation.
  		## For prediction, the gap-filled value is used always, to produce
  		## predictions also for gaps.
		, isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty = TRUE	##<< set to FALSE to avoid adjustment
		  ## of very low uncertainties before
			## day-Time fitting that avoids the high leverage those records with
			## unreasonable low uncertainty.
		, fixedTRefAtNightTime = NA		##<< if a finite value (degree Centigrade)
		  ## is given, it is used instead of median data temperature as reference
		  ## temperature in estimation of temperature sensitivity from night data
		, isExtendTRefWindow = TRUE		##<< set to FALSE to avoid successively
		  ## extending the night-time window
			## in order to estimate a temperature sensitivity where previous estimates
			## failed
		, smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime = TRUE	##<< set to FALSE to use
		  ## independent estimates of temperature
			## sensitivity on each windows instead of a vector of E0 that is
			## smoothed over time
		, isNeglectPotRadForNight = FALSE	##<< set to TRUE to not use potential
		  ## radiation in determining night-time data.
		, NRHRfunction = FALSE				##<< deprecated: Flag if TRUE use the NRHRF
		  ## for partitioning; Now use \code{lrcFitter = NonrectangularLRCFitter()}
		, isNeglectVPDEffect = FALSE 		##<< set to TRUE to avoid using VPD in the
		  ## computations. This may help when VPD is rarely measured.
		, isRefitMissingVPDWithNeglectVPDEffect = TRUE	##<< set to FALSE to avoid
		  ## repeating estimation
			## with \code{isNeglectVPDEffect = TRUE} trying to predict when VPD
			## is missing
		, fixedTempSens = data.frame( ##<< data.frame
		  ## of one row or nRow = nWindow
			## corresponding to return value of \code{partGLFitNightTimeTRespSens}
			## While column \code{RRef} is used only as a  prior and initial value for
			## the daytime-fitting and can be NA,
			## \code{E0} is used as given temperature sensitivity and varied according
			## to \code{sdE0} in the bootstrap.
		  E0 = NA_real_, sdE0 = NA_real_, RRef = NA_real_)	
		, replaceMissingSdNEEParms = c(perc = 0.2, minSd = 0.7)	##<< parameters for
		  ## replacing missing standard deviation of NEE.
			## see \code{replaceMissingSdByPercentage}.
			## Default sets missing uncertainty to 20% of NEE but at least 0.7
			## flux-units (usually mumol CO2 / m2 / s).
			## Specify c(NA, NA) to avoid replacing missings in standard deviation of
			## NEE and to omit those records from LRC fit.
		, neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing = FALSE	##<< If set to TRUE: if there are
		  ## records with missing uncertainty of NEE inside one window,
		  ## set all uncertainties to 1.
			## This overrules option replaceMissingSdNEEParms.
		, minPropSaturation = NA	##<< quality criterion for sufficient data
		  ## in window. If GPP prediction of highest PAR of window is less than
		  ## minPropSaturation * (GPP at light-saturation, i.e. beta)
			## this indicates that PAR is not sufficiently high to constrain the
			## shape of the LRC
		, useNightimeBasalRespiration = FALSE ##<< set to TRUE to estimate
		  ## nighttime respiration based on basal respiration estimated on
		  ## nighttime data instead of basal respiration estimated from daytime
		  ## data. This implements the modified daytime method from
		  ## Keenan 2019 (doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0809-2)
) {
	##author<< TW
	##seealso<< \code{\link{partitionNEEGL}}
	## For highest compatibility to the pvWave code of G.Lasslop
	## (used by first BGC-online tool)
	## see function \code{\link{partGLControlLasslopCompatible}}.
	if (NRHRfunction) stop("option 'NRHRfunction' is deprecated."
	       ," Use instead in partitionNEEGL argument:"
	       ,"lrcFitter = NonrectangularLRCFitter()")
	if (isTRUE(neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing) )
	  replaceMissingSdNEEParms <- c(NA, NA)
	ctrl <- list(
			LRCFitConvergenceTolerance = LRCFitConvergenceTolerance
			, nLRCFitConvergenceTolerance = nLRCFitConvergenceTolerance
			, nBootUncertainty = nBootUncertainty
			, minNRecInDayWindow = minNRecInDayWindow
			, isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids = isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids
			, isLasslopPriorsApplied = isLasslopPriorsApplied
			, isUsingLasslopQualityConstraints = isUsingLasslopQualityConstraints
			, isSdPredComputed = isSdPredComputed
			, isFilterMeteoQualityFlag = isFilterMeteoQualityFlag
			, isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty = isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty
			, fixedTRefAtNightTime = fixedTRefAtNightTime
			, isExtendTRefWindow = isExtendTRefWindow
			, smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime = smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime
			, isNeglectPotRadForNight = isNeglectPotRadForNight
			, isNeglectVPDEffect = isNeglectVPDEffect
			, isRefitMissingVPDWithNeglectVPDEffect = isRefitMissingVPDWithNeglectVPDEffect
			, fixedTempSens = fixedTempSens
			, replaceMissingSdNEEParms = replaceMissingSdNEEParms
			, neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing  =  neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing
			, minPropSaturation = minPropSaturation
			, useNightimeBasalRespiration = useNightimeBasalRespiration
	##value<< list with entries of given arguments.
attr(partGLControl, "ex") <- function() {
	partGLControl(nBootUncertainty = 40L)

#' @export
partGLControlLasslopCompatible <- function(
		### Daytime flux partitioning parms compatible with with the pvWave
		nBootUncertainty = 0L						##<< 0: Derive uncertainty from
		  ## curvature of a single fit, neglecting the uncertainty of previously
		  ## estimated temperature sensitivity, E0
		, minNRecInDayWindow = 10L 				##<< Minimum number of 10 valid records
		  ## for regression in a single window
		, isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids = FALSE	##<< associate parameters to
			## the first record of the window for interpolation instead of mean across
			## valid records inside a window
		, isLasslopPriorsApplied = TRUE			##<< Apply fixed Lasslop priors
		  ## in LRC fitting.
		, isUsingLasslopQualityConstraints = TRUE	##<< avoid quality constraints
		  ## additional to the ones in Lasslop 2010
		, isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty = FALSE		##<< FALSE: avoid adjustment of very
		  ## low uncertainties before
			## day-Time fitting that avoids the high leverage those records with
			## unreasonable low uncertainty.
		, fixedTRefAtNightTime = 15				##<< use fixed (degree Centigrade)
		  ## temperature sensitivity
			## instead of median data temperature as reference temperature in
			## estimation of temperature sensitivity from night data
		, isExtendTRefWindow = FALSE				##<< avoid successively extending the
		  ##night-time window
			## in order to estimate a temperature sensitivity where previous
			## estimates failed
		, smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime = FALSE	##<< FALSE: use independent
		  ## estimates of temperature
			## sensitivity on each windows instead of a vector of E0 that is
			## smoothed over time
		, isRefitMissingVPDWithNeglectVPDEffect = FALSE	##<< FALSE: avoid
		  ## repeating estimation with \code{isNeglectVPDEffect = TRUE}
		, minPropSaturation = NA					##<< NA: avoid quality constraint of
		  ## sufficient saturation in data
			## This option is overruled, i.e. not considered, if option
			## isUsingLasslopQualityConstraints = TRUE.
		, isNeglectVPDEffect = FALSE 				##<< FALSE: do not neglect VPD effect
		, replaceMissingSdNEEParms = c(NA, NA)		##<< do not replace missing NEE,
		  ## but see option
		, neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing = TRUE	##<< if there are records with
		  ## missing uncertainty of NEE inside one window, set all sdNEE to 1.
			## This overrules option replaceMissingSdNEEParms.
		, ... 									##<< further arguments to \code{\link{partGLControl}}
) {
	##author<< TW
	##seealso<< \code{\link{partGLControl}}
			nBootUncertainty = nBootUncertainty
			, minNRecInDayWindow = minNRecInDayWindow
			, isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids = isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids
			, isLasslopPriorsApplied = isLasslopPriorsApplied
			, isUsingLasslopQualityConstraints = isUsingLasslopQualityConstraints
			, isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty = isBoundLowerNEEUncertainty
			, fixedTRefAtNightTime = fixedTRefAtNightTime
			, isExtendTRefWindow = isExtendTRefWindow
			, smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime = smoothTempSensEstimateAcrossTime
			, isNeglectVPDEffect = isNeglectVPDEffect
			, isRefitMissingVPDWithNeglectVPDEffect = isRefitMissingVPDWithNeglectVPDEffect
			, replaceMissingSdNEEParms  =  replaceMissingSdNEEParms
			, neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing  =  neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing
			, minPropSaturation = minPropSaturation
			, ...
attr(partGLControlLasslopCompatible, "ex") <- function() {

#' @export
partGLExtractStandardData <- function(
		### Relevant columns from original input with defined names
		ds								##<< dataset with all the specified input columns and
		  ## full days in equidistant times
		, NEEVar =  paste0('NEE', suffixDash, '_f')		##<< Variable of NEE
		, QFNEEVar = if (!missing(QFNEEVar.s)) QFNEEVar.s else paste0('NEE', suffixDash, '_fqc')   ##<< Quality
		  ## flag of variable
		, QFNEEValue = if (!missing(QFNEEValue.n)) QFNEEValue.n else 0         						##<< Value of quality flag for
		  ## _good_ (original) data
		, NEESdVar = if (!missing(NEESdVar.s)) NEESdVar.s else paste0('NEE', suffixDash, '_fsd')	##<< Variable of
		  ## standard deviation of net ecosystem fluxes
		, TempVar = paste0('Tair_f')     ##<< Filled air or soil
		  ## temperature variable (degC)
		, QFTempVar = if (!missing(QFTempVar.s)) QFTempVar.s else paste0('Tair_fqc') ##<< Quality flag of
		  ## filled temperature variable
		, QFTempValue = if (!missing(QFTempValue.n)) QFTempValue.n else 0       			##<< Value of temperature quality flag
		  ##for _good_ (original) data
		, VPDVar = if (!missing(VPDVar.s)) VPDVar.s else paste0('VPD_f')    ##<< Filled Vapor Pressure Deficit, VPD (hPa)
		, QFVPDVar = if (!missing(QFVPDVar.s)) QFVPDVar.s else paste0('VPD_fqc') 	##<< Quality flag of filled VPD variable
		, QFVPDValue = if (!missing(QFVPDValue.n)) QFVPDValue.n else 0        			##<< Value of VPD quality flag for
		  ## _good_ (original) data
		, RadVar = if (!missing(RadVar.s)) RadVar.s else 'Rg_f'         		##<< Filled radiation variable
		, QFRadVar = if (!missing(QFRadVar.s)) QFRadVar.s else paste0('Rg_fqc') ##<< Quality flag of filled radiation variable
		, QFRadValue = if (!missing(QFRadValue.n)) QFRadValue.n else 0       			  ##<< Value of radiation quality flag for
		  ## _good_ (original) data
		, PotRadVar = if (!missing(PotRadVar.s)) PotRadVar.s  else "PotRad_NEW"		##<< Variable name of potential rad. (W / m2)
		, suffix = if (!missing(Suffix.s)) Suffix.s else ""		   		##<< string inserted into column names before
		## identifier for NEE column defaults
		## (see \code{\link{sEddyProc_sMDSGapFillAfterUstar}}).
		, NEEVar.s ##<< deprecated
		, QFNEEVar.s ##<< deprecated
		, QFNEEValue.n  ##<< deprecated
		, NEESdVar.s  ##<< deprecated
		, TempVar.s  ##<< deprecated
		, QFTempVar.s  ##<< deprecated
		, QFTempValue.n  ##<< deprecated
		, VPDVar.s  ##<< deprecated
		, QFVPDVar.s  ##<< deprecated
		, QFVPDValue.n  ##<< deprecated
		, RadVar.s  ##<< deprecated
		, QFRadVar.s  ##<< deprecated
		, QFRadValue.n  ##<< deprecated
		, PotRadVar.s ##<< deprecated
		, Suffix.s  ##<< deprecated
		, controlGLPart = partGLControl()	##<< further default parameters,
		  ## see \code{\link{partGLControl}}
) {
  if (!missing(NEEVar.s)) NEEVar <- NEEVar.s   # in default, lines too wide
  if (!missing(TempVar.s)) TempVar <- TempVar.s
  varNamesDepr <- c(
    ,"QFNEEVar.s" ,"QFNEEValue.n" ,"QFTempVar.s" ,"QFTempValue.n"
    ,"QFVPDVar.s" ,"QFVPDValue.n" ,"QFRadVar.s" ,"QFRadValue.n" ,"PotRadVar.s"
  varNamesNew <- c(
    ,"QFNEEVar" ,"QFNEEValue" ,"QFTempVar" ,"QFTempValue"
    ,"QFVPDVar" ,"QFVPDValue" ,"QFRadVar" ,"QFRadValue" ,"PotRadVar"
  iDepr = which(!c(
  if (length(iDepr)) warning(
    "Argument names ",varNamesDepr[iDepr]," have been deprecated."
    ," Please, use instead ", varNamesNew[iDepr])

	# Check if specified columns exist in sDATA or sTEMP and if numeric
	# and plausible. Then apply quality flag
	suffixDash <- paste( (if (fCheckValString(suffix)) "_" else "")
	                       , suffix, sep = "")
	# Check if specified columns exist in sDATA or sTEMP and if numeric
	# and plausible. Then apply quality flag
	fCheckColNames(ds, c(NEEVar, QFNEEVar, TempVar, QFTempVar, RadVar, VPDVar
	                 , QFRadVar, PotRadVar, NEESdVar), 'sGLFluxPartition')
	fCheckColNum(ds, c(NEEVar, QFNEEVar, TempVar, QFTempVar, RadVar, VPDVar
	                 , QFRadVar, PotRadVar, NEESdVar), 'sGLFluxPartition')
	fCheckColPlausibility(ds, c(NEEVar, QFNEEVar, TempVar, QFTempVar, VPDVar
	                 , RadVar, QFRadVar, PotRadVar), 'sGLFluxPartition')
	NEEFiltered <- fSetQF(ds, NEEVar, QFNEEVar, QFNEEValue, 'sGLFluxPartition')
	# Apply quality flag for temperature and VPD
	# TODO: docu meteo filter, standard FALSE
	NEW_FP_Temp <- if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isFilterMeteoQualityFlag) ) fSetQF(
	  ds, TempVar, QFTempVar, QFTempValue, 'partGLExtractStandardData') else
	NEW_FP_VPD <- if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isFilterMeteoQualityFlag) )
	  fSetQF(ds, VPDVar, QFVPDVar, QFVPDValue, 'partGLExtractStandardData') else
	NEW_FP_Rg <- if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isFilterMeteoQualityFlag) )
	  fSetQF(ds, RadVar, QFRadVar, QFRadValue, 'partGLExtractStandardData') else
	# Filter night time values only
	#! Note: Rg <= 4 congruent with Lasslop et al., 2010 to define Night
	#for the calculation of E_0.n
	# Should be unfilled (original) radiation variable, therefore dataframe
	# set to sDATA only
	#! New code: PotRad in sGLFluxPartition: Slightly different subset than
	#PV-Wave due to time zone correction (avoids timezone offset between Rg and PotRad)
	isPotRadZero <- if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isNeglectPotRadForNight) )
	  TRUE else (ds[[PotRadVar]] <= 0)
	isNotPotRadZero <- if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isNeglectPotRadForNight) )
	  TRUE else (ds[[PotRadVar]] > 0)
	isNight <- (ds[[RadVar]] <= 4 & isPotRadZero)
	# Filter day time values only
	#! Note: Rg > 4 congruent with Lasslop et al., 2010 to define Day for the
	#calculation of paremeters of Light Response Curve
	# Should be unfilled (original) radiation variable, therefore dataframe set
	# to sDATA only, twutz does not understand this comment
	isDay = (ds[[RadVar]] > 4 & isNotPotRadZero)
	##value<< a data.frame with columns
	dsR <- data.frame(
			sDateTime = ds[[1]]			##<< first column of \code{ds},
			  ## usually the time stamp
			  ## not used, but usually first column is a DateTime is kept
			  ## for aiding debug
			, NEE = NEEFiltered			      ##<< NEE filtered for quality flay
			, sdNEE = ds[[NEESdVar]]		##<< standard deviation of NEE
			  ## with missing values replaced
			, Temp = NEW_FP_Temp			    ##<< Temperature, quality filtered
			  ## if isTRUE(controlGLPart$isFilterMeteoQualityFlag)
			, VPD = NEW_FP_VPD			      ##<< Water pressure deficit, quality
			  ## filtered if isTRUE(controlGLPart$isFilterMeteoQualityFlag)
			, Rg = NEW_FP_Rg				      ##<< Incoming radiation
			, isDay = isDay				        ##<< Flag that is true for daytime records
			, isNight = isNight			      ##<< Flag that is true for nighttime records
	## The LRC fit usually weights NEE records by its uncertainty. In order
	## to also use
	## records with missing \code{NEESdVar}, uncertainty of the missing values
	## is by default set
	## to a conservatively high value, parameterized by
	## \code{controlGLPart$replaceMissingSdNEEParms)}.
	## Controlled by argument \code{replaceMissingSdNEEParms} in
	## \code{\link{partGLControl}}, but overruled
	## by argument \code{neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing}.
	if (!controlGLPart$neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing)
		dsR$sdNEE <- replaceMissingSdByPercentage(dsR$sdNEE, dsR$NEE
				, controlGLPart$replaceMissingSdNEEParms[1]
				, controlGLPart$replaceMissingSdNEEParms[2] )

partGLFitLRCWindows <- function(
		### Estimate successive Rectangular Hyperbolic Light Response Curve parameters
		ds					##<< data.frame with numeric columns NEE, sdNEE,
		  ## Temp (degC), VPD, Rg, and logical columns isNight and isDay
		, winSizeDays = 4L		##<< Window size in days for daytime fits
		, strideInDays = 2L	##<< step in days for shifting the windows
		, nRecInDay = 48L		##<< number of records within one day
		  ## (for half-hourly data its 48)
		, dsTempSens			##<< data.frame that reports for each window
		  ## temperature sensitivity parameters E0 and RRef
		, isVerbose = TRUE		##<< set to FALSE to suppress messages
		, controlGLPart = partGLControl()		##<< list of further default parameters
		, lrcFitter			##<< R5 class instance responsible for fitting the
		  ## light response curve
) {
	##seealso<< \code{\link{partGLFitLRCOneWindow}}
	if (isVerbose) message(
	  "  Estimating light response curve parameters from day time NEE "
	  , appendLF = FALSE)
	resLRC <- applyWindows(ds, partGLFitLRCOneWindow
	             , prevRes = list(resOpt = list(thetaOpt = rep(NA_real_, 6L)))
			, winSizeInDays = 4L
			, isVerbose = isVerbose
			, nRecInDay = nRecInDay
			, E0Win = dsTempSens
			, controlGLPart = controlGLPart
			, lrcFitter = lrcFitter
	lrcSummary <- lapply(resLRC$resFUN, "[[", "summary")
	iNoSummary <- which(sapply(lrcSummary, length) == 0)
	if (length(iNoSummary) ) {
		stop("expected summary returned by all fits, but found missing summaries.")
		#		# put dummy NA data.frame where no fit was obtained
		#		dummySummary <- lrcSummary[-iNoSummary][[1]]
		#		dummySummary[] <- NA
		#		lrcSummary[iNoSummary] <- list(dummySummary)
	resOptList <- lapply(resLRC$resFUN, "[[", "resOpt")
	resOptDf <- tibble(resOpt = resOptList)
	resParms <- as_tibble(cbind(resLRC$winInfo, bind_rows(lrcSummary), resOptDf))
	#E0_night equals E0, but uncertainty might differ
	resParms$E0_bootstrap_sd <- resParms$E0_sd		# due to bootstrap,
	  # this may differ, save before overriding by night-time estimate
	resParms$E0 <- dsTempSens$E0					# report E0 and E0_sd from nighttime
	  # even when LRC fit did not converge
	resParms$E0_sd <- dsTempSens$sdE0
	resParms$RRef_night <- dsTempSens$RRef
	# summary$iMeanRec yet based on window instead of entire time, need to
	# add beginning of window
	resParms$iMeanRec <- resParms$iRecStart - 1L + resParms$iMeanRec
#	# omit records where NULL was returned
#	iWinNoFit <- which(is.na(resParms$parms_out_range) )
#	if (length(iWinNoFit) ) {
#		resParms <- resParms[-iWinNoFit, ]
#		resParms$resOptList <- resParms$resOptList[-iWinNoFit]
#	}
	##value<< a tibble with a row for each window
	## providing information on window size, parameters estimated
	## from light response curve (LRC),
	## and their standard deviation.
	## Moreover, and estimated from night-time data after smoothing
	## and forward-filling:
	## the uncertainty of temperature sensitivity \code{E0_night_sd},
	## And the respiration at reference temperature \code{RRef_night}.
	## Finally it contains a list column\code{resOpt} with the optimization results.

partGLFitLRCOneWindow <- function(
  ### Estimate Rectangular Hyperbolic Light Response Curve parameters
  ds					##<< data.frame with numeric columns NEE, sdNEE,
    ##Temp (degC), VPD, Rg, and logical columns isNight and isDay
	, winInfo			##<< one-row data.frame with window information, including iWindow
	, prevRes			##<< component prevRes from previous result, here with item prevE0
	, E0Win				##<< data.frame with columns E0, sdE0, RRef from nighttime,
    ## one row for each window
	, controlGLPart = partGLControl()	##<< list of further default parameters
	, lrcFitter = RectangularLRCFitter()	##<< R5 class instance responsible
    ## for fitting the light response curve
) {
	##author<< TW
	##seealso<< \code{\link{partitionNEEGL}}
  ## Estimation as in Lasslop et al., 2010 for successive periods, i.e. windows.
  ## Fitting is done on a subset of the data where isDay, NEE, sdNEE, Temp,
  ## Rg, and VPD are all non-NA
  ## and isDay is TRUE
	isValidDayRecNoSdNEEConstraint <- !is.na(ds$isDay) & ds$isDay &
	  !is.na(ds$NEE) & !is.na(ds$Temp) & !is.na(ds$Rg)
	## With option \code{controlGLPart$neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing = TRUE}
	## all sdNEE are set to 1 if there is any missing sdNEE at
	## otherwise valid records
	if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$neglectNEEUncertaintyOnMissing) &&
	    any(!is.finite(ds$sdNEE[isValidDayRecNoSdNEEConstraint])) ) {
		ds$sdNEE <- 1L
	isValidDayRecNoVPDConstraint <- isValidDayRecNoSdNEEConstraint &
	## If  \code{controlGLPart$isNeglectVPDEffect = TRUE}, also records
	## with VPD = NA maybe valid
	isValidDayRec <- if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isNeglectVPDEffect) )
				isValidDayRecNoVPDConstraint else
				  isValidDayRecNoVPDConstraint & !is.na(ds$VPD)
	iMeanRecInDayWindow <- as.integer(round(mean(which(isValidDayRec))))
	# if too few records or
	# if no temperature-respiration relationship could be found,
	# indicate no-fit, but report Window properties
	E0 <- E0Win$E0[winInfo$iWindow]
	# when provided fixed E0 the column sdEO does not exist
	sdE0 <- if (length(E0Win$sdE0)) E0Win$sdE0[winInfo$iWindow] else NA
	RRefNight <- E0Win$RRef[winInfo$iWindow]
	getNAResult <- function(convergenceCode) {
				resOpt = NULL
				, summary = data.frame(
						nValidRec = sum(isValidDayRec)
						, iMeanRec = iMeanRecInDayWindow
						, convergence = convergenceCode
						, E0 = E0
						, E0_sd = sdE0
						, RRefNight = RRefNight
				, isValid = FALSE
	if (is.na(E0)  ) return(getNAResult(1010L))
	##details<< If there are too few records (<
	## \code{controlGLPart$minNRecInDayWindow}), then
	## the constraint on non-NA VPD is neglected and
	## \code{controlGLPart$isNeglectVPDEffect} is set to TRUE
	## If there are still too few records, an NA-result with convergence
	## code 1011L is returned.
	if ( (sum(isValidDayRec) < controlGLPart$minNRecInDayWindow) ) {
		controlGLPart$isNeglectVPDEffect <- TRUE
		isValidDayRec <- isValidDayRecNoVPDConstraint
		iMeanRecInDayWindow <- as.integer(round(mean(which(isValidDayRec))))
		if ( (sum(isValidDayRec) < controlGLPart$minNRecInDayWindow) )
	dsDay <- ds[isValidDayRec, ]
	## Each window estimate is associated with a time or equivalently with a record.
	## The first record, i.e. row number, of the day-window is reported.
	## Moreover, the mean of all valid records numbers in the daytime window is
	## reported for interpolation.
	#better report NA and care for it properly: if (is.na(iMeanRecInDayWindow))
	# iMeanRecInDayWindow <- as.integer(nrow(ds)%/%2)
	#TODO firstRecInDayWindow.i <- which(SubsetDayPeriod.b)[1]
	# the rownumber of the first record inside the day window
	##seealso<< \code{\link{partGLEstimateTempSensInBoundsE0Only}}
	##seealso<< \code{\link{LightResponseCurveFitter_fitLRC}}
	#lrcFitter <- RectangularLRCFitter()
	resOpt <- resOpt0 <- lrcFitter$fitLRC(dsDay, E0 = E0, sdE0 = sdE0
	     , RRefNight = RRefNight
			, controlGLPart = controlGLPart
			, lastGoodParameters = prevRes$resOpt$thetaOpt
	if (!is.finite(resOpt$thetaOpt[1]) ) {
	sdTheta <- resOpt$thetaOpt; sdTheta[] <- NA
	sdTheta[resOpt$iOpt] <- sqrt(diag(resOpt$covParms)[resOpt$iOpt])
	# record valid fits results
	#if (as.POSIXlt(dsDay$sDateTime[1])$mday + 2L >= 11) recover()
	#if (as.POSIXlt(dsDay$sDateTime[1])$mday + 2L >= 27) recover()
	# save(dsDay, file = "tmp / dsDayDebug.RData")
	# compute GPP2000 without VPD effect
	GPP2000 <- lrcFitter$predictLRC(
	  resOpt$thetaOpt, 2000, VPD = NA, Temp = NA, fixVPD  =  TRUE)$GPP
	ans <- list(
		 resOpt = resOpt
		 , summary = cbind(data.frame(
			nValidRec = nrow(dsDay)
			, iMeanRec = iMeanRecInDayWindow
			, convergence = resOpt$convergence
			, parms_out_range = as.integer(!all(1:5 %in% resOpt$iOpt) )
			, as.data.frame(t(resOpt$thetaOpt))
			, as.data.frame(t(structure(sdTheta, names = paste0(names(sdTheta), "_sd"))))
			, GPP2000 = GPP2000
			, isValid = TRUE

.bootStrapLRCFit <- function(
		### Compute parameters uncertainty by bootstrap
		theta0, iOpt, dsDay, sdE_0.n, parameterPrior, controlGLPart
		, lrcFitter		##<< Light Response Curve R5 instance
		, iPosE0 = 5L	##<< position (integer scalar) of temperature
		  ##sensitivity in parameter vector
		#should be dealt with iOpt: isNeglectVPD = FALSE
) {
	## Matrix with each row a parameter estimate on a different bootstrap sample.
	## Some of the rows might be NA, if the subsampled dataset could not be fitted.
	ans <- matrix(NA, nrow = controlGLPart$nBootUncertainty, ncol = length(theta0)
	              , dimnames = list(NULL, names(theta0)))
	## In addition to resampling the original data, also the temperature sensitivity
	## is resampled
	## from its uncertainty distribution but bounded in between 50 to 400.
	E0r <- rnorm(controlGLPart$nBootUncertainty, theta0[5L], sdE_0.n	)
	E0 <- pmax(50, pmin(400, E0r))
	theta <- theta0
	#iBoot <- 1L
	for (iBoot in c(1:controlGLPart$nBootUncertainty)) {
		idx <- sample(nrow(dsDay), replace = TRUE)
		dsDayB <- dsDay[idx, ]
		theta[iPosE0] <- E0[iBoot]
		resOptBoot <- try(lrcFitter$optimLRCOnAdjustedPrior(theta, iOpt = iOpt
		  , dsDay = dsDayB
			, parameterPrior = parameterPrior, ctrl = controlGLPart), silent = TRUE)
		if (!inherits(resOptBoot, "try-error") && resOptBoot$convergence == 0L) {
			#TODO: also remove the very bad cases?
			ans[iBoot, ]<- resOptBoot$theta

partGLInterpolateFluxes <- function(
		### Interpolate Reco and GPP from two neighboring parameter sets
		Rg   	  ##<< numeric vector of photosynthetic flux density [umol / m2 / s]
		  ## or Global Radiation
		, VPD 	##<< numeric vector of Vapor Pressure Deficit [hPa]
		, Temp 	##<< numeric vector of Temperature [degC]
		, resParms	##<< data frame with results of \code{partGLFitLRCWindows}
		  ## of fitting the light-response-curve for several windows
		, controlGLPart = partGLControl()	##<< further default parameters,
		  ## see \code{\link{partGLControl}}
		, lrcFitter	##<< R5 class instance responsible for fitting the LRC curve
		, isVerbose = TRUE		##<< set to FALSE to suppress messages
) {
	##author<< TW
	##seealso<< \code{link{partitionNEEGL}}
	## \code{resLRC$iFirstRecInCentralDay} must denote the row for which the
	## LRC parameters are representative,
	## here, the first record of the center day
	# create a dataframe with index of rows of estimates before and after and
	# corresponding weights
	iValidWin <- which(is.finite(resParms$parms_out_range))
	summaryLRC <- resParms %>% select(!"resOpt") %>% slice(iValidWin)
    resOptList <- resParms$resOpt[iValidWin]
	nLRC <- nrow(summaryLRC)
	nRec <- length(Rg)
	Temp_Kelvin <- Temp + 273.15
	if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids) ) {
		# there might be several rows with the same iMeanRec, omit those rows
		# unless the first of each reoccuring iMeanRec
		# they all will be based on the same valid data, if iMeanRec is equal
	    tabMeanRec <- table(summaryLRC$iMeanRec)
	    iRecsDouble <- as.integer(names(tabMeanRec[tabMeanRec > 1L]))
	    iRecsOmit <- do.call(c, lapply(iRecsDouble, function(iRecDouble) {
	      which(summaryLRC$iMeanRec == iRecDouble)[-1L]
    if (length(iRecsOmit)) summaryLRC <- summaryLRC[-iRecsOmit, ]
	## Parameter estimates are reported for the central record of the window, or
	## if \code{isTRUE(controlGLPart.l$isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids)} for the
	## mean time of all valid records within the window
	# for each original record merge parameters assicated with previous fit or
	# next fit respectively
	colNameAssoc <- if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids) )
	  "iMeanRec" else "iCentralRec"
	dsAssoc <- .partGPAssociateSpecialRows(summaryLRC[[colNameAssoc]], nRec)
	# now we have columns iBefore and iAfter, which can be used to merge the
	# parameter estimate columns to each row
	parNames <- lrcFitter$getParameterNames()
	dsBefore <- merge(
			structure(data.frame(dsAssoc$iSpecialBefore, dsAssoc$iBefore)
			          , names = c("iParRec", colNameAssoc))
			, summaryLRC[, c(colNameAssoc, parNames)]
	dsAfter  <- merge(structure(data.frame(dsAssoc$iSpecialAfter, dsAssoc$iAfter)
	             , names = c("iParRec", colNameAssoc))
	             , summaryLRC[, c(colNameAssoc, lrcFitter$getParameterNames())])
	if ( (nrow(dsBefore) != nRec) || (nrow(dsAfter) != nRec)) stop(#
	  "error in merging parameters to original records.")
	Reco2 <- lapply(list(dsBefore, dsAfter), function(dsi) {
		#twutz170316: fLloydTaylor gives unreasonable values with very
		# low temperatures, hence constrain lower temperature
		tmp <- fLloydTaylor(dsi$RRef, dsi$E0, pmax(-40, Temp_Kelvin)
		                    , TRef = 273.15 + 15)
	#dsi <- dsBefore
	GPP2 <- lapply(list(dsBefore, dsAfter), function(dsi) {
							theta <- as.matrix(dsi[, parNames])
							tmp <- lrcFitter$predictLRC(theta, Rg, VPD
							                 , Temp = pmax(-40, Temp))$GPP
	# interpolate between previous and next fit, weights already sum to 1
	Reco <- (dsAssoc$wBefore * Reco2[[1]] + dsAssoc$wAfter * Reco2[[2]])
	  #/ (dsAssoc$wBefore + dsAssoc$wAfter)
	GPP <- (dsAssoc$wBefore * GPP2[[1]] + dsAssoc$wAfter * GPP2[[2]])
	  #/ (dsAssoc$wBefore + dsAssoc$wAfter)
	ans <- ansPred <- data.frame(
			Reco = Reco
			, GPP = GPP
	if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isSdPredComputed)) {
		#dsi <- dsBefore
		varPred2 <- lapply(list(dsBefore, dsAfter), function(dsi) {
							theta <- as.matrix(dsi[, parNames])
							grad <- lrcFitter$computeLRCGradient(theta, Rg, VPD, pmax(-40, Temp))
							varPred <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(dsi), ncol = 2L
							                  , dimnames = list(NULL, c("varGPP", "varReco")))
							#iRec <- 1L
							for (iRec in 1:nrow(dsi)) {
								iParRec <- dsi$iParRec[iRec]	# row within sequence of valid
								  # parameters (at centralREc or meanRec)
								# get the fitting object, TODO better document
								resOpt <- resOptList[[iParRec]]
								gradGPP <- grad$GPP[iRec, ]
								gradReco <- grad$Reco[iRec, ]
								# make sure parameter names match postions in covParms
								varPred[iRec, 2L] <- varReco <-  gradReco %*%
								  resOpt$covParms[names(gradReco), names(gradReco)] %*% gradReco
								varPred[iRec, 1L] <- varGPP <-  gradGPP %*%
								  resOpt$covParms[names(gradGPP), names(gradGPP)] %*% gradGPP
		sdGPP <- sqrt(dsAssoc$wBefore^2 * varPred2[[1]][, "varGPP"] +
		                dsAssoc$wAfter^2 * varPred2[[1]][, "varGPP"])
		sdReco <- sqrt(dsAssoc$wBefore^2 * varPred2[[1]][, "varReco"] +
		                 dsAssoc$wAfter^2 * varPred2[[1]][, "varReco"])
		ans <- cbind(ansPred, data.frame(sdGPP = sdGPP, sdReco = sdReco))
	# compute differences in rows to next parameter estimate
	dRecBefore <- dsBefore[[colNameAssoc]] - 1:nrow(dsBefore)
	dRecAfter <- dsAfter[[colNameAssoc]] - 1:nrow(dsBefore)
	isBeforeCloser <- abs(dRecBefore) <= abs(dRecAfter)
	ans$dRecNextEstimate <- ifelse(isBeforeCloser, dRecBefore, dRecAfter)
	##value<< data.frame with nrow() rows and columns  GPP, Reco, varGPP
	##, varReco, and dRecNextEstimate

.tmp.f <- function() { # omit declaration for now
computeAggregatedCovariance <- function(
	### Covariances between Reco and GPP predictions due same uncertain model coefficients
	dsPred	##<< data.frame with predictors (Rg, VPD, Temp)
	, resParms	##<< data.frame with results of \code{partGLFitLRCWindows} of
	  ## fitting the light-response-curve for several windows
	, resParmsNoVPD	##<< data.frame like resParms, but was fitted with option
	  ## isNeglectVPDEffect = TRUE, for predicting if VPD is missing
	, controlGLPart = partGLControl()	##<< further default parameters,
	  ## see \code{\link{partGLControl}} with entry "isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids"
	, lrcFitter	##<< R5 class instance responsible for fitting the light response
	  ## curve, with method getParameterNames()
	, iAggregate = 1:nrow(dsPred)	##<< row indices about which to
	  ## sum over, must be contiguous
) {
	sumCovGPP <- 0
	sumCovReco <- 0
	# merge parameters to predictors
	isValidWin <- is.finite(resParms$parms_out_range)
	summaryLRC <- resParms[isValidWin, , drop = FALSE]
	resOptList <- resParms$resOptList[isValidWin]
	colNameAssoc <- if (isTRUE(controlGLPart$isAssociateParmsToMeanOfValids) )
	  "iMeanRec" else "iCentralRec"
	dsAssoc <- .partGPAssociateSpecialRows(summaryLRC[[colNameAssoc]], nRec)
	# now we have columns iBefore and iAfter, which can be used to
	# merge the parameter estimate columns to each row
	parNames <- lrcFitter$getParameterNames()
	dsBefore <- merge(
			structure(data.frame(dsAssoc$iSpecialBefore, dsAssoc$iBefore)
			          , names = c("iParRec", colNameAssoc))
			, summaryLRC[, c(colNameAssoc, parNames)]
	dsAfter  <- merge(structure(data.frame(dsAssoc$iSpecialAfter, dsAssoc$iAfter)
	       , names = c("iParRec", colNameAssoc))
	       , summaryLRC[, c(colNameAssoc, lrcFitter$getParameterNames())])
	# compute gradients (each entry is a list with components vectors Reco and GPP
	grad2 <- lapply(list(dsBefore, dsAfter), function(dsi) {
				theta <- as.matrix(dsi[, parNames])
				grad <- lrcFitter$computeLRCGradient(theta, dsPred$Rg, dsPred$VPD
				                                     , pmax(-40, dsPred$Temp))
	for (iRec in iAggregate[-1]) {    # in first line only entry with i == j
		iParRecBefore <- dsAssoc$iSpecialBefore[iRec]
		resOptBefore <- resOptList[[iParRecBefore]]
		iParRecAfter <- dsAssoc$iSpecialAfter[iRec]
		resOptAfter <- resOptList[[iParRecAfter]]
		gradGPPIBefore <- grad[[1]]$GPP[iRec, ]
		gradRecoIBefore <- grad[[1]]$Reco[iRec, ]
		gradGPPIAfter <- grad[[2]]$GPP[iRec, ]
		gradRecoIAfter <- grad[[2]]$Reco[iRec, ]
		for (jRec in iAggregate[1]:(iRec - 1) ) { # iter from start to one before iRec
			# assume covariance larger than zero only in same interval between estimates
			if ( (dsAssoc$iSpecialBefore[jRec] == iParRecBefore) &&
				(dsAssoc$iSpecialAfter[jRec] == iParRecAfter)
			) {
				gradGPPJBefore <- grad[[1]]$GPP[jRec, ]
				gradRecoJBefore <- grad[[1]]$Reco[jRec, ]
				gradGPPJAfter <- grad[[2]]$GPP[jRec, ]
				gradRecoJAfter <- grad[[2]]$Reco[jRec, ]
				covRecoBefore <- gradRecoIBefore %*%
				  resOptBefore$covParms[names(gradRecoIBefore), names(gradRecoIBefore)] %*%
				covGPPBefore <-  gradGPPIBefore %*%
				  resOptBefore$covParms[names(gradGPPIBefore), names(gradGPPIBefore)] %*%
				covRecoAfter <- gradRecoIAfter %*%
				  resOptAfter$covParms[names(gradRecoIAfter), names(gradRecoIAfter)] %*%
				covGPPBAfter <-  gradGPPIAfter %*%
				  resOptAfter$covParms[names(gradGPPIAfter), names(gradGPPIAfter)] %*%
				covRecoMix <- dsAssoc$wBefore[iRec] * dsAssoc$wBefore[jRec] * covRecoBefore +
				  dsAssoc$wAfter[iRec] * dsAssoc$wAfter[jRec] * covRecoAfter
				covGPPMix <- dsAssoc$wBefore[iRec] * dsAssoc$wBefore[jRec] * covGPPBefore +
				  dsAssoc$wAfter[iRec] * dsAssoc$wAfter[jRec] * covGPPAfter
				sumCovReco <- sumCovReco + 2 * covRecoMix  # symm, add also from transposed
				sumCovGPP <- sumCovGPP + 2 * covGPPMix
			} # match of iParRecBefore and iParRecAfter
		} # for jRec
	} # for iRec
	##value<< named numeri vector with two components:
	ans <- c(sumCovGPP = sumCovGPP		##<< sum_{i<>j} cov(GPP_i, GPP_j)
			, sumCovReco = sumCovReco	##<< sum_{i<>j} cov(Reco_i, Reco_j)
} # .tmp.f

.tmp.f <- function() {
	# execute on recover jsut before ans <- in .partGPInterploateFluxes,
	# from test_that("interpolate Fluxes"
	# there is only one period with changing parametrization
	x <- seq_along(Rg)
	plot(Reco ~ x)
	lines(Reco2[[1]] ~ x, col = "blue")
	lines(Reco2[[2]] ~ x, col = "orange")
	# note how the black dots first follow the blue line, then converge
	# to the orange line
	plot(GPP ~ x)
	lines(GPP2[[1]] ~ x, col = "blue")
	lines(GPP2[[2]] ~ x, col = "orange")
	# not much difference between blue and orange
	# (difference only seen if plot window is very large)

.partGPAssociateSpecialRows <- function(
		### associate each row with the previous and next row from a subset of rows
		iRowsSpecial	##<< ordered unique integer vector specifying the rows for which
		  ## some special data is available
		, nRec			##<< integer scalar of number of rows in the full data.frame
) {
	## When only for a subset of rows some more data available, i.e parameter
	## estimates for
	## only a subset of rows, this function creates
	## columns that refer to the previous and next row that are in the subset.
	## E.g. if some more data is available for rows 3 and 7, then rows 4:6 will
	## indicate\code{iBefore = 3, iAfter = 7}.
	##value<< a dataframe with index of previous and next rows inside the subset
	ans <- data.frame(
			iRec = 1:nRec				##<< the original row number
			, iSpecialBefore = NA_integer_	##<< index within \code{iRowsSpecial}
			, iSpecialAfter = NA_integer_		##<< index within \code{iRowsSpecial}
			, iBefore = NA_integer_	##<< index of the previous special row
			, iAfter = NA_integer_	##<< index of the next special row
			, wBefore = NA_real_		##<< weight of the previous, inverse of the
			  ## distance in records
			, wAfter = NA_real_)		##<< weight of the next, inverse of the
	      ## distance in records
	## The subset rows inside the subset refer both (before and after) to the
	## same subset rows, with weights 1 / 2
	nRecS <- length(iRowsSpecial)
	if (0 == nRecS) stop(
	  "cannot associate special rows, if length of argument iRowsSpecial is zero.")
	ans[iRowsSpecial, "iSpecialBefore"] <- ans[iRowsSpecial, "iSpecialAfter"] <-
	ans[iRowsSpecial, "iBefore"] <- ans[iRowsSpecial, "iAfter"] <- iRowsSpecial
	ans[iRowsSpecial, c("wBefore", "wAfter")] <- 0.5
	#iS <- 2L
	for (iS in 1:nRecS) {
		currRec <- iRowsSpecial[iS]
		# before and after last special row will be treated afterwards
		prevRec <- if (iS == 1L) currRec else iRowsSpecial[iS - 1L]
		nextRec <- if (iS == nRecS) currRec else iRowsSpecial[iS + 1L]
		#c(prevRec, currRec, nextRec)
		## The weight is inversely proportional to the distance in rows
		## The two weights wBefore and wAfter always sum to 1
		distPrev <- currRec - prevRec
		if (distPrev > 1L) {
			ans[(prevRec + 1L):(currRec - 1L), "iSpecialAfter"] <- iS
			ans[(prevRec + 1L):(currRec - 1L), "iAfter"] <- currRec
			ans[(prevRec + 1L):(currRec - 1L), "wAfter"] <-  (1:(distPrev - 1)) / distPrev
		distNext <- nextRec - currRec
		if (distNext > 1L) {
			ans[(currRec + 1L):(nextRec - 1L), "iSpecialBefore"] <- iS
			ans[(currRec + 1L):(nextRec - 1L), "iBefore"] <- currRec
			ans[(currRec + 1L):(nextRec - 1L), "wBefore"] <- ((distNext - 1):1) / distNext
	## the rows before the first subset row refer bot (after and before) to the
	## first subset row with weights 1 / 2
	## similar the rows after the last subset row refer to the last subset row
	ans[1:iRowsSpecial[1], c("iSpecialBefore", "iSpecialAfter")] <- 1L
	ans[1:iRowsSpecial[1], c("iBefore", "iAfter")] <- iRowsSpecial[1L]
	ans[1:iRowsSpecial[1], c("wBefore", "wAfter")] <- 0.5
	ans[iRowsSpecial[nRecS]:nrow(ans), c("iSpecialBefore", "iSpecialAfter")] <- nRecS
	ans[iRowsSpecial[nRecS]:nrow(ans), c("iBefore", "iAfter")] <- iRowsSpecial[nRecS]
	ans[iRowsSpecial[nRecS]:nrow(ans), c("wBefore", "wAfter")] <- 0.5

replaceMissingSdByPercentage <- function(
	### replace missing standard deviation of a measure x by a percentage of x
	sdX		##<< numeric vector: with missing to be repalce
	, x		##<< numeric vector of length(sdX): value form which percentage is computed
	, perc = 0.2	##<< numeric scalar: sdX = perc * x
	, minSdX = 0.7	##<< numeric scalar: minimum of sdX to be applied for low x
) {
	## If either perc or inSdX is NA then only the other criterion is applied.
	## If both are NA then all missings are set to NA.
	## \code{sdX[iToFill] <- pmax(minSdX, abs(x[iToFill] * perc), na.rm = TRUE)}
	iToFill <- !is.finite(sdX)
	sdX[iToFill] <- pmax(minSdX, abs(x[iToFill] * perc), na.rm = TRUE)
	##value<< sdX with non-finite values replaced.

.computeRecoNight <- function(
  ### recompute ecosystem respiration at nighttime with nighttime reference
  dsAnsFluxes   ##<< data.frame with columsn Reco and sdReco
  , dsR         ##<< data.frame with columsn isNight, and Temp
  , dsTempSens  ##<< data.frame with column iCentralRec and E0
) {
  ##details<< if \code{partGLControl$useNightimeBasalRespiration == TRUE}
  ## then nighttime respiration is recomputed based on basal respiration
  ## inferred from nighttime data.
  # Calculate the ecosystem respiration Reco by LlyodAndTaler
  TRefK = 273.15 + 15; T0 = 227.13
  RRef <- approx(
    dsTempSens$iCentralRec, dsTempSens$RRef, 1:nrow(dsR), rule = 2)$y
  E0 <- approx(dsTempSens$iCentralRec, dsTempSens$E0, 1:nrow(dsR), rule = 2)$y
  dsAnsFluxes$Reco[dsR$isNight] <- respNight <- fLloydTaylor(
    RRef[dsR$isNight], E0[dsR$isNight] , fConvertCtoK(dsR$Temp[dsR$isNight])
    , TRef = TRefK)
  ##details<< With given uncertainty of temperature sensitivity E0, the
  ## logarithm of respraiton R is normally distributed, i.e. R is lognormally
  ## distributed. With low uncertainty (sigma*) < 1.2 this is well
  ## approximated by a normal distribution. Hence the sqrt(second momemt)
  ## of the lognormal is reported as sdReco
  # log(R) = log(RRef) + tempFac*E0
  sdE0 <- sqrt(approx(
    dsTempSens$iCentralRec, dsTempSens$sdE0^2, 1:nrow(dsR), rule = 2)$y)
  tempFacLloydTaylor <- 1/(TRefK - T0) - 1/(fConvertCtoK(dsR$Temp) - T0)
  sigmaLogR = (abs(tempFacLloydTaylor)*sdE0)[dsR$isNight]
  # formula of variance of lognormal with mu replaced by mean
  # see lognrom/inst/docu/varianceBySigmaAndExpected.Rmd
  dsAnsFluxes$sdReco[dsR$isNight] <- sqrt(exp(sigmaLogR^2) - 1)*respNight
  ##value<< \code{dsAnsfluxes} with updated night-time Reco and sdReco
bgctw/REddyProc documentation built on March 26, 2024, 11:35 p.m.