find_medoid <- function(subdt){
mat <-, feature_id ~ sample_id, value.var = 'value')
mat %<>% dt2mat()
mat %<>% extract(!matrixStats::rowAnyNAs(.), , drop = FALSE)
if (nrow(mat) <= 3) return(as.character(subdt$feature_id[1]))
#' Feature type
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param formula model formula
#' @param drop TRUE or FALSE
#' @param fit 'limma', 'lm', 'lme', 'wilcoxon'
#' @param codingfun coding function
#' @return SummarizedExperiment
#' @examples
#' file <- download_data('atkin.metabolon.xlsx')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' object %<>% fit_limma(block = 'Subject')
#' object %<>% ftype()
#' fdt(object)
#' @export
ftype <- function(
formula = default_formula(object),
drop = varlevels_dont_clash(object, all.vars(formula)),
fit = fits(object)[1],
codingfun = contr.treatment.explicit #if (fit == 'wilcoxon') contr.treatment.explicit else contr.treatment
# Assert
assert_valid_formula(formula, object)
assert_scalar_subset(fit, fits(object))
# Predict
xmat <- X(object, formula = formula, drop = drop, codingfun = codingfun)
betamat <- beta(object, fit = fit)
y <- xmat %*% betamat
# Type
x <- ystr <- type <- typemedoid <- NULL # dont put y here :D
typedt <- mat2sdt(y)
typedt %<>% = 'sample_id', = 'feature_id', = 'y')
typedt[ , x := seq(0, .N-1), by = 'feature_id']
typedt[ , xlab := rownames(xmat), by = 'feature_id' ]
typedt[ , y := data.table::frank(y, ties.method = 'dense'), by = 'feature_id']
typedt[ , y := y - rep(y[1], length(y)), by = 'feature_id']
typedt[ , ystr := sprintf('%3d', y)]
typedt[ , type := paste0(ystr, collapse = ''), by = 'feature_id']
# Medoid
typemedoid <- NULL
valuedt <- sumexp_to_longdt(object, fvars = NULL, svars = NULL)[, c('feature_id', 'sample_id', 'value'), with = FALSE]
valuedt %<>% merge(typedt[, .SD[1, c('type')], by = 'feature_id'], by = 'feature_id')
valuedt[ , typemedoid := find_medoid(.SD), by = 'type']
valuedt %<>% extract(, c('type', 'typemedoid'), with = FALSE)
valuedt %<>% unique()
typedt %<>% merge(valuedt, by = 'type', sort = FALSE)
# Count
ndt <- typedt[ , .SD[1], by = 'feature_id'][, .( n = .N ), by = 'type']
typedt %<>% merge(ndt, by = 'type', sort = FALSE)
typedt %<>% extract(, c('feature_id', 'type', 'typemedoid', 'x', 'y', 'n', 'xlab'), with = FALSE)
typedt %<>% unique()
typedt %<>% extract(order(type, feature_id, x, y))
# Plot & Return
object %<>% merge_fdt(unique(typedt[, c('feature_id', 'type', 'typemedoid'), with = FALSE]))
plot_contrast_types <- function(typedt){
# Initialize
n <- facet <- y <- type <- typemedoid <- NULL
# Prepare
plotdt <- unique(typedt[, .SD, .SDcols = setdiff(names(typedt), 'feature_id')])
plotdt %<>% extract(rev(order(n)))
plotdt[, facet := paste0(typemedoid, '\n', n) ]
plotdt[, facet := factor(facet, unique(facet))]
# Plot
ggplot(plotdt[n>1]) + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) + facet_wrap(vars(facet)) +
geom_line(aes(x = xlab, y = y, group = type, color = as.factor(n), linewidth = n)) +
guides(color = 'none', linewidth = 'none')
plot_contrast_trajectories <- function(typedt){
# Initialize
x <- y <- n <- x0 <- x1 <- y0 <- y1 <- NULL
dx <- dy <- dz <- rad <- degrees <- xtext <- ytext <- xarrowstart <- yarrowstart <- NULL
# Prepare
plotdt <- unique(typedt[, .SD, .SDcols = setdiff(names(typedt), 'feature_id')])
plotdt <- plotdt[ , .( x0 = x[-.N],
x1 = x[-1],
y0 = y[-.N],
y1 = y[-1],
n = n[-1],
xlab = xlab[-1]), by = 'type' ]
plotdt <- plotdt[ , .(n = sum(n)) , by = c('x0', 'x1', 'y0', 'y1') ]
plotdt %<>% extract(rev(order(n)))
plotdt[ , alpha := 0.15 ]
plotdt[ n >= length(unique(n)) * 2/3 , alpha := 1 ]
plotdt[, dy := y1-y0]
plotdt[, dx := x1-x0]
plotdt[, dz := sqrt(dx^2+dy^2) ]
plotdt[, rad := atan(dy/dx) ]
plotdt[, degrees := 360/(2*pi)*rad ]
plotdt[, xtext := x0 + cos(rad)*dz*1/3 ]
plotdt[, ytext := y0 + sin(rad)*dz*1/3 ]
plotdt[, xarrowstart := x0 + cos(rad)*dz*9/10 ]
plotdt[, yarrowstart := y0 + sin(rad)*dz*9/10 ]
plotdt %<>% extract(order(n))
# Plot
ggplot() + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) +
geom_text( data = plotdt, aes(x = xtext, y = ytext, label = n, color = as.factor(x1), alpha = alpha), vjust = -1) +
geom_segment( data = plotdt[alpha <1], aes(x = x0, xend = x1, y = y0, yend = y1, color = as.factor(x1), alpha = alpha, linewidth = n)) +
geom_segment( data = plotdt[alpha==1], aes(x = x0, xend = xarrowstart, y = y0, yend = yarrowstart, color = as.factor(x1), alpha = alpha, linewidth = n)) +
geom_segment( data = plotdt[alpha==1], aes(x = x0, xend = x1, y = y0, yend = y1, color = as.factor(x1), alpha = alpha), arrow = arrow(angle = 20, length = unit(0.35, 'inches'), type = 'closed')) +
scale_alpha_identity() +
guides(linewidth = 'none') +
scale_x_continuous(labels = unique(typedt$xlab)) +
xlab(NULL) + #ylab(assayNames(object)[1]) +
guides(color = 'none')
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