
CONSTANTS <- list(
    uniProt2HGNC = list(
    reactome = list(
        pathways = list(
            fileURL = 'http://www.reactome.org/download/current/UniProt2Reactome_All_Levels.txt',
            downloadedFilename = 'UniProt2Reactome_All_Levels.txt',
            speciesMap = list(HomoSapiens = 'Homo sapiens')
        interactions = list(
            HomoSapiens = list(
                mitabURL = 'http://www.reactome.org/download/current/homo_sapiens.mitab.interactions.txt.gz',
                downloadedFilename = 'homo_sapiens.mitab.interactions.txt.gz')

#'Get a mapping table between UniProt ID's and HGNC Gene Symbols from
#'This function downloads data from genenames.org to create a mapping table
#'between Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) Identifiers to HUGO Gene
#'Nomenclature Committee; gene symbols - which are the default ID's used in this
#'package. This is particularly useful in the case of reactome data, in which
#'interactions as well as pathway membership use UniProt ID's. It can reuse
#'downloaded files if the downloaded folder is passed as an argument
#'@param data_folder - The folder where the data resides, or
#'                     where it should be downloaded if it doesnt exist
#' @references \url{http://www.genenames.org/cgi-bin/download}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data_folder<-tempdir()
#' usmap<-getUniProtToHGNCSymbolMapping(data_folder)
#' }
getUniProtToHGNCSymbolMapping <- function(data_folder) {
    dFilePath <-
    us <- utils::read.csv(
        ,sep = "\t",header = FALSE,skip = 1,stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    us <- subset(us[,c(2,3)],us$V3 != '')
    colnames(us) <- c('HGNCSymbol','uniProtID')

#' Create graph object from gene interaction list
#' Convert a data frame containing the gene interaction list into a form usable
#' by the other functions in the library. This is just a wrapper around the
#' igraph graph.edgelist function, which creates and returns an igraph object
#' with a data frame containing the in and outdegrees.
#' @param geneInteractions - a data frame that contains the gene interaction
#'   graph in two columns, the first being the source HGNCSymbol and the second
#'   being the target HGNCSymbol of an interaction. See
#'   \code{\link{getGeneInteractionsFromReactomeMITAB}},
#'   \code{\link{getGeneInteractionsFromIRefMITAB}} for more details
#' @return A list containing igraph_object - the igraph object and vertex_map -
#'   a frame containing node attributes currently indegree and outdegree
#' @export
#' @references \url{http://igraph.org/r/doc/graph_from_edgelist.html}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getGeneInteractionsromReactomeMITAB}},
#'   \code{\link{getGeneInteractionsFromIRefMITAB}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'      data_folder=tempdir()
#'      usmap<-getUniProtToHGNCSymbolMapping(data_folder)
#'      mitab <- downloadReactomeInteractionsMITAB(data_folder)
#'      geneInteraction <- getGeneInteractionListFromReactomeMITAB(mitab,usmap)
#'      ppiGraph<-createIGraphObject(geneInteraction)
#' }
createIGraphObject <- function(geneInteractions) {
    g <- igraph::graph.edgelist(as.matrix(geneInteractions))
    vmap <-
        data.frame(indegree = igraph::degree(g,mode = "in"),
                   outdegree = igraph::degree(g,mode = "out"))
    row.names(vmap) <- igraph::V(g)$name
    return(list(igraph_object = g,vertex_map = vmap))

#' Download current Pathway Data from Reactome
#' Downloads current pathway data (protein-to-pathway mapping) from reactome,
#' saves it in a local directory and returns a data frame usable by the library.
#' It can reuse downloaded files if the downloaded folder is passed as an
#' argument
#' @param data_folder - The folder where the data resides, or where it should be
#'   downloaded if it doesnt exist
#' @param species - The species being analysed. Currently only supports the
#'   string 'HomoSapiens'
#' @return a data frame containing three columns, uniProtID, reactomeID,
#'   reactomeDescription which stand for the protein identifier, pathway
#'   identifier and the pathway description
#' @export
#' @references \url{http://www.reactome.org/pages/download-data/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'      dataFolder <- tempdir()
#'      pathwayData<-downloadReactomePathways(dataFolder)
#' }
downloadReactomePathways <- function(data_folder,species='HomoSapiens') {
    dFilePath <-
    pdata <- utils::read.csv(
        dFilePath,sep = '\t',header = FALSE,skip = 1,stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    hpdata <-
               pdata[,6] == CONSTANTS$reactome$pathways$speciesMap[species]
    colnames(hpdata) <-

#' Download PPI Reactions from Reactome in MITAB format
#' Downloads current PPI data (protein-to-protein interactions) in MITAB format
#' from reactome, saves it in a local directory and returns a data frame usable
#' by the library. It can reuse downloaded files if the downloaded folder is
#' passed as an argument
#' @param data_folder - The folder where the data resides, or where it should be
#'   downloaded if it doesnt exist
#' @param species - The species being analysed. Currently only supports the
#'   string 'HomoSapiens'
#' @return a data frame that results when a mitab file is read
#' @export
#' @references \url{http://www.reactome.org/pages/download-data/},
#'   \url{http://www.psidev.info/groups/molecular-interactions}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'      data_folder <- tempdir()
#'      reactomeMITAB<-downloadReactomeInteractionsMITAB(data_folder)
#' }
downloadReactomeInteractionsMITAB <- function(data_folder,species='HomoSapiens')
    dFilePath <-
        gzfile(dFilePath),header = FALSE,sep = "\t",skip = 1,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#' Get a gene interaction data frame from a reactome ppi mitab data frame
#' @param mitab - The mitab data frame containing PPI's
#'                See  \code{\link{downloadReactomeInteractionsMITAB}}
#' @param usmap - A mapping file between UniProt ID's and HGNC Symbols
#'                See \code{\link{getUniProtToHGNCSymbolMapping}}
#' @return  a data frame that contains the gene interaction
#'   graph in two columns, the first being the source HGNCSymbol and the second
#'   being the target HGNCSymbol of an interaction
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{downloadReactomeInteractionsMITAB}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'      data_folder=tempdir()
#'      usmap<-getUniProtToHGNCSymbolMapping(data_folder)
#'      mitab <- downloadReactomeInteractionsMITAB(data_folder)
#'      geneInteractions <- getGeneInteractionsFromReactomeMITAB(mitab,usmap)
#' }
getGeneInteractionsFromReactomeMITAB <- function(mitab,usmap) {
    idata <- mitab[,c(1,2)]
    idata[,1] <- gsub('uniprotkb:','',gsub('-[0-9]','',idata[,1]));
    idata[,2] <- gsub('uniprotkb:','',gsub('-[0-9]','',idata[,2]));
    colnames(idata) <- c("aup","bup")
    idata <- subset(idata,idata$aup != idata$bup);
    mapgraphA <- merge(
        x = idata,y = usmap,by.x = "aup",by.y = "uniProtID"
    mapgraph <- merge(
        x = mapgraphA,y = usmap,by.x = "bup",by.y = "uniProtID"
    colnames(mapgraph) <- c("A","B")
    geneInteractions <- subset(unique(mapgraph),mapgraph$A != mapgraph$B)

#' Get a gene interaction data frame from a iRef ppi mitab data frame
#' @param mitab @param mitab - The mitab data frame containing PPI's e.g
#'   Obtained using
#'   \url{http://www.inside-r.org/packages/cran/iRefR/docs/get_irefindex}
#' @return a data frame that contains the gene interaction
#'   graph in two columns, the first being the source HGNCSymbol and the second
#'   being the target HGNCSymbol of an interaction
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(iRefR)
#' iref_mitab=get_irefindex(tax_id="9606",data_folder="/tmp/",iref_version = "13.0")
#' irefGeneInteractions = getGeneInteractionListFromIRefMITAB(iref_mitab)
#' }
getGeneInteractionsFromIRefMITAB <- function(mitab) {
    factori <- sapply(mitab, is.factor)
    mitab[factori] <- lapply(mitab[factori], as.character)
    idata <- unique(subset(mitab[,c('aliasA','aliasB')],
                               stringr::str_count(mitab$aliasA,'hgnc') == 1 &
                                   stringr::str_count(mitab$aliasB,'hgnc') == 1
    idata$aliasA <- gsub('hgnc:','',
                              )),value = TRUE))
    idata$aliasB <- gsub('hgnc:','',
                              )),value = TRUE))
    idata <- unique(idata)
    colnames(idata) <- c("A","B")
    idataE <- unique(subset(mitab[,c('aliasA','aliasB')],
                                stringr::str_count(mitab$aliasA,'hgnc') > 1 &
                                    stringr::str_count(mitab$aliasB,'hgnc') > 1
    list_function <-
        function(cvec) {
            return(gsub('hgnc:','',grep('hgnc:',cvec,value = TRUE)))
    idataE$aliasA <-
    idataE$aliasB <-
    idataES <- do.call(rbind,apply(idataE,1,
                                   function(item) {
                                           x = unlist(item[1]),
                                           y = unlist(item[2]),
                                           all = TRUE,
                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    colnames(idataES) <- c("A","B")
                  geneInteractions$A != geneInteractionList$B))

#' Load pathway data from Reactome
#' @param pdata a data frame containing three columns, uniProtID, reactomeID,
#'   reactomeDescription which stand for the protein identifier, pathway
#'   identifier and the pathway description. See
#'   \code{\link{downloadReactomePathways}},for more details
#' @param usmap A mapping file between UniProt ID's and HGNC Symbols
#'                See \code{\link{getUniProtToHGNCSymbolMapping}}
#' @return A list containing two elements -
#'          pathways- a single column data frame with description
#'          string for each unique pathway id
#'          memberships - a list of character vectors of gene ids
#'          indexed by pathway id, containing the list of hgnc symbols
#'          of genes in each pathway.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'      dataFolder <- tempdir()
#'      rawPathwayData<-downloadReactomePathways(dataFolder)
#'      pdata<-loadPathwayDataReactome(pdata)
#' }
loadPathwayDataReactome <- function(pdata,usmap) {
    memberships = unique(merge(pdata,usmap,by = "uniProtID")[,c(4,2)])
    pathwayMembership = split(memberships,memberships$reactomeID)
    pathways <- unique(pdata[,c(2,3)])
    row.names(pathways) = pathways$reactomeID
    pathways = pathways[,c("reactomeDescription"),drop = FALSE]
    listFunction <- function(df) {
        return (df[,c("HGNCSymbol")])
    pathwayMembership = lapply(pathwayMembership, listFunction)
    pathways = pathways[names(pathwayMembership),,drop = FALSE]
    return(list(pathwayInfo = pathways,
                pathwayMembership = pathwayMembership))

#' Combine probes by mean expression value
#' Multiple probes may map to the same HGNC Symbol, and this function
#' that is to be used as input to the \code{\link{loadExpressionData}} combines
#' these probes by taking the mean of the expression values
#' @param A string containing comma separated probe names
#' @param expdata a matrix of expression values returned from functions such as
#'        \url{'http://svitsrv25.epfl.ch/R-doc/library/Biobase/html/exprs.html'}
#' @return a single value representing the gene expression
#' @export
probeCombinerMean <- function(pls,expdata) {
    probes = unlist(strsplit(pls,','))
    if (length(probes) > 1) {

#' Select only _at and _a_at probe sets for analysis
#' There are probe sets with different suffixes depending on probe behavior,(See
#' \url{http://www.affymetrix.com/support/help/faqs/hgu133/index.jsp} for more
#' information) and this function that is to be used as input to the
#' \code{\link{loadExpressionData}} selects only the expression values
#' corresponding probe set suffixes _at and _a_at for analysis
#' @param probeName the name of the probe set
#' @return a binary value indicating if probeName is to be selected
#' @export
probeSelectorATSAT <- function(probeName){
    return( grepl("[0-9]+_at", probeName) |
                grepl("[0-9]+_a_at", probeName))

#' Load experiment data
#' @param expdata a probeName x sample matrix of expression values
#'   expression data
#' @param hgnc2probe a data frame with two columns probeName and HGNCSymbol
#'    for mapping probeNames to HGNC Symbols
#' @param selectorFunction a function that accepts a probeName string and
#'   returns true if the probe is to be considered. See
#'   \code{\link{probeSelectorATSAT}} for an example.
#' @param combinerFunction a function that accepts a comma separated string and
#'   returns true if the probe is to be considered. See
#'   \code{\link{probeCombinerMean}} for an example.
#' @return A data frame with columns as sample names, and rows as HGNC Symbols
#'  containing the expression values for analysis
#' @export
loadExperimentData <- function(expdata,hgnc2probe,
                               combinerFunction=probeCombinerMean) {
    dataRowNames <- data.frame(probeName = row.names(expdata))
    selectedProbes <- subset(hgnc2probe,
                             ) & !grepl(" ",hgnc2probe$HGNCSymbol))
    selectedProbes <-
        merge(x = selectedProbes,y = dataRowNames,by = "probeName")[,c(1,2)]
    hgncProbeList <-  sqldf::sqldf(
        "select a.HGNCSymbol, group_concat(a.probeName) as
        probes from hgnc2probe a inner join selectedProbes b
        on b.probeName=a.probeName where a.HGNCSymbol != ''
        and a.HGNCSymbol is not null and
        a.probeName is not null group by a.HGNCSymbol"
    data <- t(sapply(hgncProbeList$probes,combinerFunction,expdata))
    row.names(data) <- hgncProbeList$HGNCSymbol

#' Import expression data and probe mappings from GEO dataset
#' This function processes the expression set and gpl files obtained using the
#' GEOQuery package
#' @param eset An expression set, for more details refer to
#'   \url{https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/3.3/bioc/vignettes/Biobase/inst/doc/ExpressionSetIntroduction.pdf}
#'    and \url{http://svitsrv25.epfl.ch/R-doc/library/GEOquery/html/GDS2MA.html}
#' @param gpl GEO Platform entity, refer
#'   \url{http://svitsrv25.epfl.ch/R-doc/library/GEOquery/html/GPL-class.html}
#'   for more details
#' @param selectorFunction a function that accepts a probeName string and
#'   returns true if the probe is to be considered. See
#'   \code{\link{probeSelectorATSAT}} for an example.
#' @param combinerFunction a function that accepts a comma separated string and
#'   returns true if the probe is to be considered. See
#'   \code{\link{probeCombinerMean}} for an example.
#' @return A data frame with columns as sample names, and rows
#'   containing the expression values of each as HGNC Symbol.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(GEOquery)
#' data_folder = tempdir()
#' gds = getGEO('GDS3837',AnnotGPL = TRUE, getGPL = TRUE,destdir = data_folder)
#' gpl = getGEO(Meta(gds)$platform,destdir = data_folder)
#' eset = GDS2eSet(gds, GPL=gpl,do.log2=FALSE)
#' gdata=importExpressionDataGEO(eset,gpl)
#' }
importExpressionDataGEO <- function(eset,gpl,selectorFunction=probeSelectorATSAT,combinerFunction=probeCombinerMean) {
    expdata <- Biobase::exprs(eset)
    hgnc2probe <- GEOquery::Table(gpl)[,c("ID","Gene Symbol")]
    names(hgnc2probe) <- c("probeName","HGNCSymbol")

#' Paired t-test based test function
#' Perform a paired t-test on expression data for a single gene
#' It is meant to be used with \code{\link{runTestOnData}}
#' This function is used to obtain a p-value on the fold change between normal
#' and disease samples for a single gene. If the data is already logarithm
#' transformed in this function, then the exponent must be passed in the list
#' extraArgs
#' @param nData A vector with numSamples/2  normal expression values for a gene
#' @param dData A vector with numSamples/2  disease expression values for a gene
#' @param hgncSymbol The HGNC Symbol of the gene
#' @param extraArgs #' @param extraArgs A list of named extra arguments, the
#'   only name supported is exponent (assumed to be 1 if not provided for non
#'   log transformed data). An exponent not equal to 1 assumes that the
#'   expression data has been log transformed with base exponent
#' @return A single row data frame with two columns foldChange and pValue
#' @export
logPairedTTestFunction <-
    function(nData,dData,hgncSymbol,extraArgs) {
        if (is.null(nData) && is.null(dData) && is.null(hgncSymbol)) {
                    foldChange = numeric(0),
                    pValue = numeric(0)
        if (is.null(extraArgs$exponent)) {
            exponent = 1
            exponent = extraArgs$exponent
        if (exponent == 1) {
            nDataLog = log(1 + nData)
            dDataLog = log(1 + dData)
            result = stats::t.test(dDataLog,nDataLog,paired = TRUE)
            fc = exp(result$estimate)
            nDataLog = log(1 + nData)
            dDataLog = log(1 + dData)
            result = stats::t.test(dData,nData,paired = TRUE)
            fc = exponent ^ result$estimate
        fc[fc < 1] = 1 / fc[fc < 1]
            foldChange = fc,pValue = result$p.value,row.names = c(hgncSymbol)

#' Simple fold change test function
#' Computes fold change for two sample expression data for a single gene.
#' It is meant to be used with \code{\link{runTestOnData}}.
#' @param nData The scalar normal expression values for a gene
#' @param dData The scalar disease expression values for a gene
#' @param hgncSymbol The HGNC Symbol of the gene
#' @param extraArgs A list of named extra arguments, the only name supported is
#'   exponent (assumed to be 1 if not provided for non log transformed data). An
#'   exponent not equal to 1 assumes that the expression data has been log
#'   transformed with base exponent
#' @return A single row data frame with one column foldChange
#' @export
foldChangeFunction <- function(nData,dData,hgncSymbol,extraArgs) {
    if (is.null(nData) && is.null(dData) && is.null(hgncSymbol)) {
        return(data.frame(foldChange = numeric(0)))
    if (is.null(extraArgs$exponent)) {
        exponent = 1
        exponent = extraArgs$exponent
    if (exponent == 1) {
        fc = dData / nData;
        fc = dData - nData;
    fc = exponent ^ fc
    fc[fc < 1] = 1 / fc[fc < 1]
    fc[is.na(fc)] = 1
    return(data.frame(foldChange = fc,row.names = c(hgncSymbol)))

#' Test expression data
#' Runs the specified test function on the expression data to obtain fold change
#' and p-values.
#' @param data A data frame with columns as sample names, and rows containing
#'   the expression values of each as HGNC Symbol. For example the output of
#'   \code{\link{importExpressionDataGEO}}
#' @param normalSampleIndexes The indices of the columns which contain the
#'   normal samples
#' @param diseaseSampleIndexes The indices of the columns which contain the
#'   disease samples
#' @param testFunction The test function - see
#'   \code{\link{logPairedTTestFunction}}
#' @param testFunctionExtraArgs Extra arguments to the test function
#' @return A data frame with as many rows as HGNC Gene Symbols,  with the
#'   columns defined by the output of testFunction.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gds = getGEO('GDS3837',AnnotGPL = TRUE, getGPL = TRUE,destdir = "/tmp")
#' gpl = getGEO(Meta(gds)$platform,destdir = "/tmp")
#' eset = GDS2eSet(gds, GPL=gpl,do.log2=FALSE)
#' numPairs = dim(pData(eset))[1]/2
#' expressionDataGEO=importExpressionDataGEO(eset,gpl,defaultProbeSelector,probeCombinerMean)
#' experimentDataGEO=runTestOnData(expressionDataGEO,1:60,61:120,logPairedTTestFunction)
#' }
runTestOnData <-
    function (data,normalSampleIndexes,diseaseSampleIndexes,testFunction,
              testFunctionExtraArgs) {
        hgncSymbols = row.names(data)
        normalData = t(data[,normalSampleIndexes])
        diseaseData = t(data[,diseaseSampleIndexes])
        result = testFunction(NULL,NULL,NULL);
        for (i in 1:length(hgncSymbols)) {
            result = rbind(
        row.names(result) = hgncSymbols

#' Outdegree normalized fold change based scoring
#' Uses the fold change values and the outdegree of the nodes to define a score
#' function for use with \code{\link{computePersonalizationVectors}}
#' @param experimentalData  A data frame with as many rows as HGNC Gene Symbols,
#'   with the columns defined by the output of testFunction. The output of
#'   \code{\link{runTestOnData}}.
#' @param PPIGraph A list containing igraph_object - the igraph object and
#'   vertex_map - a frame containing node attributes currently indegree and
#'   outdegree. The output of \code{\link{createIGraphObject}}
#' @param extraArgs NA
#' @return A data frame with two columns npv - normal personalization vector
#'   and dpv - disease personalization vector. There are as many rows as number
#'   of HGNC Symbols in PPIGraph
#' @export
outdegreeNormalizedFCScoreFunction <-
    function(experimentalData,PPIGraph,extraArgs) {
        npv = PPIGraph$vertex_map$outdegree / sum(PPIGraph$vertex_map$outdegree)
        dpv = PPIGraph$vertex_map$outdegree * experimentalData$foldChange
        dpv = dpv / sum(dpv)
        result = data.frame(normal = npv,disease = dpv)
        row.names(result) = row.names(experimentalData)

#' Outdegree normalized fold change and p-value based scoring
#' Uses the fold change, p-values and the outdegree of the nodes to define a
#' score function for use with \code{\link{computePersonalizationVectors}}
#' @param experimentalData experimentalData  A data frame with as many rows as
#'   HGNC Gene Symbols, with the columns defined by the output of testFunction.
#'   The output of \code{\link{runTestOnData}}.
#' @param PPIGraph PPIGraph A list containing igraph_object - the igraph object
#'   and vertex_map - a frame containing node attributes currently indegree and
#'   outdegree. The output of \code{\link{createIGraphObject}}
#' @param extraArgs NA
#' @return A data frame with two columns npv - normal personalization vector and
#'   dpv - disease personalization vector. There are as many rows as number of
#'   HGNC Symbols in PPIGraph
#' @export
outdegreeNormalizedFCOneMinusPScoreFunction <-
    function(experimentalData,PPIGraph,extraArgs) {
        npv = PPIGraph$vertex_map$outdegree / sum(PPIGraph$vertex_map$outdegree)
        dpv = PPIGraph$vertex_map$outdegree * experimentalData$foldChange *
            (1 - experimentalData$pValue)
        dpv = dpv / sum(dpv)
        result = data.frame(normal = npv,disease = dpv)
        row.names(result) = row.names(experimentalData)

#' Compute the personalization vectors based on experimental data based on a
#' score function
#' This function computes the personalization vectors from the experiment data
#' based on an input score function based on the test parameters.
#' @param experimentalData experimentalData  A data frame with as many rows as
#'   HGNC Gene Symbols, with the columns defined by the output of testFunction.
#'   The output of \code{\link{runTestOnData}}.
#' @param PPIGraph PPIGraph A list containing igraph_object - the igraph object
#'   and vertex_map - a frame containing node attributes currently indegree and
#'   outdegree. The output of \code{\link{createIGraphObject}}
#' @param defaults A data frame corresspoding to the default experimental values
#'   for genes missing from the experiment. This must be of the same format as
#'   the output of the scoreFunction.
#' @param scoreFunction A score function that accepts the experimentalData and
#'   the PPI Graph to return the normal and disease personalization vectors. Foe
#'   example see \code{\link{outdegreeNormalizedFCScoreFunction}} or
#'   \code{\link{outdegreeNormalizedFCOneMinusPScoreFunction}}
#' @param scoreFunctionExtraArgs A list of extra arguments that are to be passed
#'   to the score function if any.
#' @return A data frame with two columns npv - normal personalization vector and
#'   dpv - disease personalization vector. There are as many rows as number of
#'   HGNC Symbols in PPIGraph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gds = getGEO('GDS3837',AnnotGPL = TRUE, getGPL = TRUE,destdir = "/tmp")
#' gpl = getGEO(Meta(gds)$platform,destdir = "/tmp")
#' eset = GDS2eSet(gds, GPL=gpl,do.log2=FALSE)
#' numPairs = dim(pData(eset))[1]/2
#' expressionDataGEO=importExpressionDataGEO(eset,gpl,defaultProbeSelector,probeCombinerMean)
#' experimentDataGEO=runTestOnData(expressionDataGEO,1:60,61:120,logPairedTTestFunction)
#' personalizationVectorsGEO=computePersonalizationVectors(experimentDataGEO,reactomePPIGraph,data.frame(foldChange=1,pValue=1),outdegreeNormalizedFCOneMinusPScoreFunction)
#' }
computePersonalizationVectors <-
    function (experimentalData,PPIGraph,defaults,
              scoreFunction,scoreFunctionExtraArgs) {
        common = intersect(row.names(experimentalData),
        absent = setdiff(row.names(PPIGraph$vertex_map),
        if (ncol(experimentalData) == 1) {
            experimentalDataSubset = experimentalData[common,1,drop = FALSE]
            experimentalDataSubset[absent,1] = defaults
            experimentalDataSubset = experimentalData[common,]
            experimentalDataSubset[absent,] = defaults
        experimentalDataSubset =
            experimentalDataSubset[row.names(PPIGraph$vertex_map),,drop =
        result = scoreFunction(experimentalDataSubset,PPIGraph,
        row.names(result) = row.names(experimentalDataSubset)

#' Compute the pageRanks for the genes.
#' This function computes the pageRanks for the genes based on the input
#' personalization vectors constructed from experimental data.
#' @param personalizationVectors  A data frame with two columns npv - normal
#'   personalization vector and dpv - disease personalization vector. There are
#'   as many rows as number of HGNC Symbols in experimentData
#' @param PPIGraph  PPIGraph PPIGraph A list containing igraph_object - the
#'   igraph object and vertex_map - a frame containing node attributes currently
#'   indegree and outdegree. The output of \code{\link{createIGraphObject}}
#' @param alpha The damping factor
#' @return A data frame with two columns containing the normal page rank and the
#'   disease page rank. There are as many rows as number of HGNC Symbols in PPI
#'   Graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gds = getGEO('GDS3837',AnnotGPL = TRUE, getGPL = TRUE,destdir = "/tmp")
#' gpl = getGEO(Meta(gds)$platform,destdir = "/tmp")
#' eset = GDS2eSet(gds, GPL=gpl,do.log2=FALSE)
#' numPairs = dim(pData(eset))[1]/2
#' expressionDataGEO=importExpressionDataGEO(eset,gpl,defaultProbeSelector,probeCombinerMean)
#' experimentDataGEO=runTestOnData(expressionDataGEO,1:60,61:120,logPairedTTestFunction)
#' personalizationVectorsGEO=computePersonalizationVectors(experimentDataGEO,reactomePPIGraph,data.frame(foldChange=1,pValue=1),outdegreeNormalizedFCOneMinusPScoreFunction)
#' pageRanksGEO=computePageRanks(personalizationVectorsGEO,reactomePPIGraph,0.7)
#' }
computePageRanks <-
    function(personalizationVectors,PPIGraph,alpha) {
        pvs = personalizationVectors[row.names(PPIGraph$vertex_map),]
        npr = igraph::page.rank(PPIGraph$igraph_object,
                                personalized = pvs$normal,damping = alpha)
        ppr = igraph::page.rank(PPIGraph$igraph_object,
                                personalized = pvs$disease,damping = alpha)
        result = data.frame(normalPageRank = npr$vector,
                            diseasePageRank = ppr$vector)

#' Mean Absolute Deviation between two vectors.
#' Computes the mean absolute deviation between two vectors. This is meant
#' to be used as a distance function for \code{\link{computePathwayScores}}
#' @param A A vector of real values
#' @param B A vector of real values of the same size as A
#' @param extraArgs NA
#' @return A data frame containing the mean absolute deviation
#' between A and B as a single value
#' @export
meanAbsoluteDeviationDistanceFunction <-
    function(A,B,extraArgs) {
        return(data.frame(meanAbsoluteDeviation = sum(
            abs(B - A)
        ) / length(A)))

#' KL Divergence between two vectors.
#' Computes the KL divergence between two vectors. This is meant
#' to be used as a distance function for \code{\link{computePathwayScores}}
#' @param A A vector of real values
#' @param B A vector of real values of the same size as A
#' @param extraArgs NA
#' @return A data frame containing the KL Divergence
#' between A and B as a single value
#' @export
KLDivergenceDistanceFunction <-
    function(A,B,extraArgs) {
                KLDivergence =

#' Compute the pathway scores from the pageRanks.
#' This function computes the pathway scores for the given pathways and the
#' pageRanks using the passed distanceFunction
#' @param pageRanks A data frame with two columns containing the normal page
#'   rank and the disease page rank. There are as many rows as number of HGNC
#'   Symbols in PPI Graph. The output from \code{\link{computePageRanks}}
#' @param pathwayMembership A list containing two elements - pathways- a single
#'   column data frame with description string for each unique pathway id
#'   memberships - a list of character vectors of gene ids indexed by pathway
#'   id, containing the list of hgnc symbols of genes in each pathway. The
#'   output of \code{\link{loadPathwayDataReactome}}
#' @param distanceFunction A function to compare the normal and disease pagerank
#'   vectors. See \code{\link{KLDivergenceDistanceFunction}} or
#'   \code{\link{meanAbsoluteDeviationDistanceFunction}} foe examples
#' @param distanceFunctionExtraArgs A list of extra arguments to be passed to
#'   the distance function if any.
#' @return A data frame containing the deviation score for each pathway.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gds = getGEO('GDS3837',AnnotGPL = TRUE, getGPL = TRUE,destdir =
#' "/tmp") gpl = getGEO(Meta(gds)$platform,destdir = "/tmp") eset =
#' GDS2eSet(gds, GPL=gpl,do.log2=FALSE) numPairs = dim(pData(eset))[1]/2
#' expressionDataGEO=importExpressionDataGEO(eset,gpl,defaultProbeSelector,probeCombinerMean)
#' experimentDataGEO=runTestOnData(expressionDataGEO,1:60,61:120,logPairedTTestFunction)
#' personalizationVectorsGEO=computePersonalizationVectors(experimentDataGEO,reactomePPIGraph,data.frame(foldChange=1,pValue=1),outdegreeNormalizedFCOneMinusPScoreFunction)
#' pageRanksGEO=computePageRanks(personalizationVectorsGEO,reactomePPIGraph,0.7)
#' pathwayScoresGEO=computePathwayScores(pageRanksGEO,reactomePathwayData$pathwayMembership,meanAbsoluteDeviationDistanceFunction,list())
#' }
computePathwayScores <-
             distanceFunctionExtraArgs) {
        listFunction <- function(item,pageranks,analysis,analysisparam) {
                         analysisparam),stringsAsFactors = FALSE
                pageranks = pageRanks,
                analysis = distanceFunction,
                analysisparam = distanceFunctionExtraArgs
bhatturam/prius documentation built on May 12, 2019, 8:24 p.m.