## Functions to visualise the input data ##
#' @title Plot heatmap of relevant features
#' @name plot_data_heatmap
#' @description Function to plot a heatmap of the data for relevant features, typically the ones with high weights.
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @param factor a string with the factor name, or an integer with the index of the factor.
#' @param view a string with the view name, or an integer with the index of the view. Default is the first view.
#' @param groups groups to plot. Default is "all".
#' @param features if an integer (default), the total number of features to plot based on the absolute value of the weights.
#' If a character vector, a set of manually defined features.
#' @param annotation_samples annotation metadata for samples (columns).
#' Either a character vector specifying columns in the sample metadata, or a data.frame that will be passed to \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}} as \code{annotation_row}
#' @param annotation_features annotation metadata for features (rows).
#' Either a character vector specifying columns in the feature metadata, or a data.frame that will be passed to \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}} as \code{annotation_col}
#' @param transpose logical indicating whether to transpose the heatmap.
#' Default corresponds to features as rows and samples as columns.
#' @param imputed logical indicating whether to plot the imputed data instead of the original data. Default is FALSE.
#' @param denoise logical indicating whether to plot a denoised version of the data reconstructed using the MOFA factors.
#' @param max.value numeric indicating the maximum value to display in the heatmap (i.e. the matrix values will be capped at \code{max.value} ).
#' @param min.value numeric indicating the minimum value to display in the heatmap (i.e. the matrix values will be capped at \code{min.value} ).
#' See \code{\link{predict}}. Default is FALSE.
#' @param ... further arguments that can be passed to \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}}
#' @details One of the first steps for the annotation of a given factor is to visualise the corresponding weights,
#' using for example \code{\link{plot_weights}} or \code{\link{plot_top_weights}}. \cr
#' However, one might also be interested in visualising the direct relationship between features and factors, rather than looking at "abstract" weights. \cr
#' This function generates a heatmap for selected features, which should reveal the underlying pattern that is captured by the latent factor. \cr
#' A similar function for doing scatterplots rather than heatmaps is \code{\link{plot_data_scatter}}.
#' @return A \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}} object
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' plot_data_heatmap(model, factor = 1, show_rownames = FALSE, show_colnames = FALSE)
plot_data_heatmap <- function(object, factor, view = 1, groups = "all", features = 50,
annotation_features = NULL, annotation_samples = NULL, transpose = FALSE,
imputed = FALSE, denoise = FALSE, max.value = NULL, min.value = NULL, ...) {
# Sanity checks
if (!is(object, "MOFA")) stop("'object' has to be an instance of MOFA")
# Define views, factors and groups
groups <- .check_and_get_groups(object, groups)
factor <- .check_and_get_factors(object, factor)
view <- .check_and_get_views(object, view)
# Get weights
W <- do.call(rbind, get_weights(object, views=view, factors=factor, as.data.frame = FALSE))
# NOTE: By default concatenate all the groups
Z <- lapply(get_factors(object)[groups], function(z) as.matrix(z[,factor]))
Z <- do.call(rbind, Z)[,1]
Z <- Z[!is.na(Z)]
# Get data
if (isTRUE(denoise)) {
data <- predict(object, views=view, groups=groups)[[1]]
} else {
if (isTRUE(imputed)) {
data <- get_imputed_data(object, view, groups)[[1]]
} else {
data <- get_data(object, views=view, groups=groups)[[1]]
# Concatenate groups
if (is(data, "list")) {
data <- do.call(cbind, data)
# Subset features
if (is(features, "numeric")) {
if (length(features)==1) {
features <- rownames(W)[tail(order(abs(W)), n=features)]
} else {
features <- rownames(W)[order(-abs(W))[features]]
# Sort features according to the weights
features <- names(W[features,])[order(W[features,])]
} else if (is(features, "character")) {
stopifnot(all(features %in% features_names(object)[[view]]))
} else {
stop("Features need to be either a numeric or character vector")
data <- data[features,]
# Select respective samples
data <- data[,names(Z)]
# Ignore samples with full missing views
data <- data[, apply(data, 2, function(x) !all(is.na(x)))]
# By default, sort samples according to the factor values
order_samples <- names(sort(Z, decreasing = TRUE))
order_samples <- order_samples[order_samples %in% colnames(data)]
data <- data[,order_samples]
# Add sample annotations
if (!is.null(annotation_samples)) {
# Predefined data.frame
if (is.data.frame(annotation_samples)) {
message("'annotation_samples' provided as a data.frame, please make sure that the rownames match the sample names")
if (any(!colnames(data)%in%rownames(annotation_samples))) {
stop("There are rownames in annotation_samples that do not correspond to sample names in the model")
annotation_samples <- annotation_samples[colnames(data), , drop = FALSE]
# Extract metadata from the sample metadata
} else if (is.character(annotation_samples)) {
# tmp <- tibble::column_to_rownames(object@samples_metadata,"sample")[order_samples,,drop=F]
tmp <- object@samples_metadata
rownames(tmp) <- tmp$sample
tmp$sample <- NULL
tmp <- tmp[order_samples,,drop=FALSE]
annotation_samples <- tmp[,annotation_samples, drop=FALSE]
rownames(annotation_samples) <- rownames(tmp)
} else {
stop("Input format for 'annotation_samples' not recognised ")
# Convert character columns to factors
foo <- sapply(annotation_samples, function(x) is.logical(x) || is.character(x))
if (any(foo)) annotation_samples[,which(foo)] <- lapply(annotation_samples[,which(foo),drop=FALSE], as.factor)
# Add feature annotations
if (!is.null(annotation_features)) {
stop("'annotation_features' is currently not implemented")
# Transpose the data
if (transpose) {
data <- t(data)
if (!is.null(annotation_samples)) {
annotation_features <- annotation_samples
annotation_samples <- NULL
if (!is.null(annotation_features)) {
annotation_samples <- annotation_features
annotation_features <- NULL
# Cap values
if (!is.null(max.value)) data[data>=max.value] <- max.value
if (!is.null(min.value)) data[data<=min.value] <- min.value
# Plot heatmap
annotation_row = annotation_features,
annotation_col = annotation_samples,
#' @title Scatterplots of feature values against latent factors
#' @name plot_data_scatter
#' @description Function to do a scatterplot of features against factor values.
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @param factor string with the factor name, or an integer with the index of the factor.
#' @param view string with the view name, or an integer with the index of the view. Default is the first view.
#' @param groups groups to plot. Default is "all".
#' @param features if an integer (default), the total number of features to plot. If a character vector, a set of manually-defined features.
#' @param sign can be 'positive', 'negative' or 'all' (default) to show only positive, negative or all weights, respectively.
#' @param color_by specifies groups or values (either discrete or continuous) used to color the dots (samples). This can be either:
#' \itemize{
#' \item the string "group": dots are coloured with respect to their predefined groups.
#' \item a character giving the name of a feature that is present in the input data
#' \item a character giving the same of a column in the sample metadata slot
#' \item a vector of the same length as the number of samples specifying the value for each sample.
#' \item a dataframe with two columns: "sample" and "color"
#' }
#' @param shape_by specifies groups or values (only discrete) used to shape the dots (samples). This can be either:
#' \itemize{
#' \item the string "group": dots are shaped with respect to their predefined groups.
#' \item a character giving the name of a feature that is present in the input data
#' \item a character giving the same of a column in the sample metadata slot
#' \item a vector of the same length as the number of samples specifying the value for each sample.
#' \item a dataframe with two columns: "sample" and "shape"
#' }
#' @param legend logical indicating whether to add a legend
#' @param dot_size numeric indicating dot size (default is 5).
#' @param text_size numeric indicating text size (default is 5).
#' @param stroke numeric indicating the stroke size (the black border around the dots, default is NULL, infered automatically).
#' @param alpha numeric indicating dot transparency (default is 1).
#' @param add_lm logical indicating whether to add a linear regression line for each plot
#' @param lm_per_group logical indicating whether to add a linear regression line separately for each group
#' @param imputed logical indicating whether to include imputed measurements
#' @details One of the first steps for the annotation of factors is to visualise the weights using \code{\link{plot_weights}} or \code{\link{plot_top_weights}}.
#' However, one might also be interested in visualising the direct relationship between features and factors, rather than looking at "abstract" weights. \cr
#' A similar function for doing heatmaps rather than scatterplots is \code{\link{plot_data_heatmap}}.
#' @import ggplot2
# #' @importFrom ggpubr stat_cor
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @return A \code{\link{ggplot}} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' plot_data_scatter(model)
plot_data_scatter <- function(object, factor = 1, view = 1, groups = "all", features = 10, sign = "all",
color_by = "group", legend = TRUE, alpha = 1, shape_by = NULL, stroke = NULL,
dot_size = 2.5, text_size = NULL, add_lm = TRUE, lm_per_group = TRUE, imputed = FALSE) {
# Sanity checks
if (!is(object, "MOFA")) stop("'object' has to be an instance of MOFA")
if (lm_per_group) add_lm = TRUE
# Define views, factors and groups
groups <- .check_and_get_groups(object, groups)
factor <- .check_and_get_factors(object, factor)
view <- .check_and_get_views(object, view)
# Collect relevant data
N <- get_dimensions(object)[["N"]]
W <- get_weights(object)[[view]][,factor]
if (imputed) {
Y <- do.call(cbind, object@imputed_data[[view]][groups])
} else {
Y <- do.call(cbind, object@data[[view]][groups])
# Fetch factors
Z <- get_factors(object, factors = factor, groups = groups, as.data.frame = TRUE)
Z <- Z[,c("sample","value")]
colnames(Z) <- c("sample","x")
# Get features
if (sign=="all") {
W <- abs(W)
} else if (sign=="positive") {
W <- W[W>0]
} else if (sign=="negative") {
W <- W[W<0]
if (is(features, "numeric")) {
if (length(features) == 1) {
features <- names(tail(sort(abs(W)), n=features))
} else {
features <- names(sort(-abs(W))[features])
stopifnot(all(features %in% features_names(object)[[view]]))
} else if (is(features, "character")) {
stopifnot(all(features %in% features_names(object)[[view]]))
} else {
stop("Features need to be either a numeric or character vector")
W <- W[features]
# Set group/color/shape
if (length(color_by)==1 & is.character(color_by)) color_name <- color_by
if (length(shape_by)==1 & is.character(shape_by)) shape_name <- shape_by
color_by <- .set_colorby(object, color_by)
shape_by <- .set_shapeby(object, shape_by)
# Merge factor values with color and shape information
df1 <- merge(Z, color_by, by="sample")
df1 <- merge(df1, shape_by, by="sample")
# Create data frame
foo <- list(features); names(foo) <- view
if (isTRUE(imputed)) {
df2 <- get_imputed_data(object, groups = groups, views = view, features = foo, as.data.frame = TRUE)
} else {
df2 <- get_data(object, groups = groups, features = foo, as.data.frame = TRUE)
df2$sample <- as.character(df2$sample)
df <- dplyr::left_join(df1, df2, by = "sample")
# (Q) Remove samples with missing values in Factor values
df <- df[!is.na(df$value),]
# Set stroke
if (is.null(stroke)) {
stroke <- .select_stroke(N=length(unique(df$sample)))
# Set Pearson text size
if (add_lm && is.null(text_size)) {
text_size <- .select_pearson_text_size(N=length(unique(df$feature)))
# Set axis text size
axis.text.size <- .select_axis.text.size(N=length(unique(df$feature)))
# Generate plot
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$value)) +
geom_point(aes(fill = .data$color_by, shape = .data$shape_by), colour = "black", size = dot_size, stroke = stroke, alpha = alpha) +
labs(x="Factor values", y="") +
facet_wrap(~feature, scales="free_y") +
theme_classic() +
axis.text = element_text(size = rel(axis.text.size), color = "black"),
axis.title = element_text(size = rel(1.0), color="black")
# Add linear regression line
if (add_lm) {
if (lm_per_group && length(groups)>1) {
p <- p +
stat_smooth(formula=y~x, aes(color=.data$group), method="lm", alpha=0.4) +
ggpubr::stat_cor(aes(color=.data$group, label = .data[["..r.label.."]]), method = "pearson", label.sep="\n", output.type = "latex", size = text_size)# +
# guides(color = "none")
} else {
p <- p +
stat_smooth(formula=y~x, method="lm", color="grey", fill="grey", alpha=0.4) +
ggpubr::stat_cor(method = "pearson", label.sep="\n", output.type = "latex", size = text_size, color = "black")
# Add legend
p <- .add_legend(p, df, legend, color_name, shape_name)
#' @title Overview of the input data
#' @name plot_data_overview
#' @description Function to do a tile plot showing the missing value structure of the input data
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @param covariate (only for MEFISTO) specifies sample covariate to order samples by in the plot. This should be
#' a character or a numeric index giving the name or position of a column present in the covariates slot of the object.
#' Default is the first sample covariate in covariates slot. \code{NULL} does not order by covariate
#' @param colors a vector specifying the colors per view (see example for details).
#' @param show_covariate (only for MEFISTO) boolean specifying whether to include the covariate in the plot
#' @param show_dimensions logical indicating whether to plot the dimensions of the data (default is TRUE).
#' @details This function is helpful to get an overview of the structure of the data.
#' It shows the model dimensionalities (number of samples, groups, views and features)
#' and it indicates which measurements are missing.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
# #' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate left_join
#' @return A \code{\link{ggplot}} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' plot_data_overview(model)
plot_data_overview <- function(object, covariate = 1, colors = NULL, show_covariate = FALSE, show_dimensions = TRUE) {
# Sanity checks
if (!is(object, "MOFA")) stop("'object' has to be an instance of MOFA")
if(sum(get_dimensions(object)[["N"]]) > 1e4) warning("This function is inefficient with large number of cells...")
if (length(object@data)==0) stop("Data not found")
M <- get_dimensions(object)[["M"]]
G <- get_dimensions(object)[["G"]]
if (M==1 & G==1) warning("This function is not useful when there is just one view and one group")
# Collect MEFISTO covariates
if(!.hasSlot(object, "covariates") || any(object@dimensions[["C"]] < 1, is.null(object@covariates)))
covariate <- NULL
if (!is.null(covariate)) {
if(covariate > object@dimensions[["C"]]) stop("Covariate index out of range")
covariate <- covariates_names(object)[covariate]
if(!is.character(covariate) | !covariate %in% covariates_names(object))
stop("Covariate mispecified. Please read the documentation")
covari <- .set_xax(object, covariate)
# Define colors
if (is.null(colors)) {
palette <- c("#FF7F50", "#D95F02", "#377EB8", "#E6AB02", "#31A354", "#7570B3", "#E7298A",
"#66A61E", "#A6761D", "#666666", "#E41A1C", "#4DAF4A", "#984EA3", "#FF7F00",
"#FFFF33", "#A65628", "#F781BF", "#1B9E77")
if (M < 18) colors <- palette[seq_len(M)] else colors <- rainbow(M)
names(colors) <- views_names(object)
} else {
if (length(colors) != M) stop("Length of 'colors' does not match the number of views")
if(is.null(names(colors))) {
names(colors) <- views_names(object)
} else {
# Define availability binary matrix to indicate whether assay j is profiled in sample i
tmp <- lapply(object@data, function(m) sapply(m, function(g) apply(g, 2, function(x) !all(is.na(x)))))
ovw <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_len(M), function(m) {
do.call(rbind, lapply(tmp[[m]], as.data.frame))
rownames(ovw) <- object@samples_metadata$sample
colnames(ovw) <- views_names(object)
ovw$sample <- object@samples_metadata$sample
ovw$group <- object@samples_metadata$group
# Melt to data.frame
to.plot <- reshape2::melt(ovw, id.vars = c("sample", "group"), var=c("view"))
if(!is.null(covariate)) {
to.plot <- left_join(to.plot, covari, by= "sample")
to.plot$sample <- factor(to.plot$sample, levels = unique(to.plot$sample[order(to.plot$covariate_value)]))
} else {
to.plot$sample <- factor(to.plot$sample, levels = rownames(ovw))
n <- length(unique(to.plot$sample))
# Add number of samples and features per view/group
to.plot$combi <- ifelse(to.plot$value, as.character(to.plot$view), "missing")
if (show_dimensions) {
to.plot$ntotal <- paste("N=", sapply(object@data[[1]], function(e) ncol(e))[ as.character(to.plot$group) ], sep="")
to.plot$ptotal <- paste("D=", sapply(object@data, function(e) nrow(e[[1]]))[ as.character(to.plot$view) ], sep="")
if (length(unique(to.plot$group))==1) {
to.plot <- mutate(to.plot, view_label = paste(view, ptotal, sep="\n"), group_label = ntotal)
} else {
to.plot <- mutate(to.plot, view_label = paste(view, ptotal, sep="\n"), group_label = paste(group, ntotal, sep="\n"))
} else {
to.plot <- mutate(to.plot, view_label = view, group_label = group)
# Order groups
to.plot$group_label <- factor(to.plot$group_label, levels=unique(to.plot$group_label))
# Plot
p <- ggplot(to.plot, aes(x=.data$sample, y=.data$view_label, fill=.data$combi)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("missing"="grey", colors)) +
# xlab(paste0("Samples (N=", n, ")")) + ylab("") +
guides(fill = "none") +
# facet_wrap(~group_label, scales="free_x", nrow=length(unique(to.plot$view_label))) +
facet_wrap(vars(group_label), scales="free_x", nrow=length(unique(to.plot$view_label))) +
panel.background = element_rect(fill="white"),
text = element_text(size=14),
axis.line = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_text(color="black"),
strip.background = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank()
p2 <- ggplot(to.plot, aes(x=.data$sample, y=.data$covariate_value)) +
geom_point(size = 0.5) + theme_bw() +theme(
text = element_text(size=10),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_blank()
) + ylab(covariate) + facet_wrap(~group_label, ncol =1, scales="free_x")
if(object@dimensions["G"] == 1) {
p <- cowplot::plot_grid(p, p2, align = "v", ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1,0.2) )
} else{
p <- cowplot::plot_grid(p, p2, align = "h", nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(1,1) )
#' @title Visualize the structure of the data in the terminal
#' @name plot_ascii_data
#' @description A Fancy printing method
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object
#' @param nonzero a logical value specifying whether to calculate the fraction of non-zero values (non-NA values by default)
#' @details This function is helpful to get an overview of the structure of the data as a text output
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' plot_ascii_data(model)
plot_ascii_data <- function(object, nonzero = FALSE) {
stopifnot(is(object, "MOFA"))
if (!.hasSlot(object, "dimensions") || length(object@dimensions) == 0)
stop("Error: dimensions not defined")
if (!.hasSlot(object, "status") || length(object@status) == 0)
stop("Error: status not defined")
vis_lines <- ""
lpad <- max(sapply(views_names(object), function(v) nchar(v)))
wlim <- max(sapply(groups_names(object), function(v) nchar(v)))
igr_sp <- .rep_string(5, " ")
s <- 8 # extra lpadding shift
w <- max(8, wlim) # width of one block (minus 2 walls)
hat <- paste0(" ", .rep_string(w, "_"), " ")
walls <- paste0("|", .rep_string(w, " "), "|")
ground <- paste0("|", .rep_string(w, "_"), "|")
groups_line <- .pad_left(lpad + s, .cpaste(groups_names(object), w+2, collapse = igr_sp))
nsamples_line <- .pad_left(lpad + s, .cpaste(get_dimensions(object)$N, w+2, collapse = igr_sp))
vis_lines <- c(vis_lines, groups_line, nsamples_line)
# Calculate percentage of missing values in every view and every group
if (nonzero) {
content_pct <- lapply(object@data, function(view) sapply(view, function(group) sum(group == 0)))
} else {
content_pct <- lapply(object@data, function(view) sapply(view, function(group) sum(is.na(group))))
content_pct <- lapply(seq_len(length(content_pct)), function(m) {
paste0(as.character(round(100 - content_pct[[m]] / object@dimensions$N / object@dimensions$D[m] * 100)), sep = "%")
for (m in seq_len(length(views_names(object)))) {
# browser()
toprect_line <- .pad_left(lpad + s, paste(.rep_string(get_dimensions(object)$G, hat, collapse = igr_sp)))
midrect_line <- .pad_left(lpad + s, paste(.rep_string(get_dimensions(object)$G, walls, collapse = igr_sp)))
dfeatures_line <- .pad_left_with(lpad + s,
paste(.insert_inside(content_pct[[m]], rep(walls, get_dimensions(object)$G)), collapse = igr_sp),
with = paste(c(views_names(object)[m], .cpaste(get_dimensions(object)$D[m], s)), collapse = ""))
botrect_line <- .pad_left(lpad + s, paste(.rep_string(get_dimensions(object)$G, ground, collapse = igr_sp)))
vis_lines <- c(vis_lines, toprect_line, midrect_line, dfeatures_line, botrect_line)
cat(paste(vis_lines, collapse = "\n"))
.rep_string <- function(times, string, collapse = "") {
paste(replicate(times, string), collapse = collapse)
.pad_left_with <- function(len, string, with = "") {
wlen <- nchar(with)
len <- max(len - wlen, 0)
paste0(with, paste(replicate(len, " "), collapse = ""), string)
.pad_left <- function(len, string) {
.pad_left_with(len, string, with = "")
.insert_inside <- function(values, boxes) {
sapply(seq_len(length(boxes)), function(i) {
box <- boxes[i]
v <- values[i]
paste0(substr(box, 1, 1), .cpaste(v, nchar(box) - 2), substr(box, length(box), length(box)))
# Center and paste
.cpaste <- function(vals, cwidth, collapse = "") {
vals <- sapply(vals, function(e) {
e <- toString(e)
lendiff <- cwidth - nchar(e)
if (lendiff > 1) {
paste0(.rep_string(ceiling(lendiff / 2), " "),
.rep_string(floor(lendiff / 2), " "))
} else {
paste(vals, collapse = collapse)
# Function to define the axis text size for plot_data_scatter
.select_axis.text.size <- function(N) {
if (N>=4) {
} else if (N>=2 & N<4) {
} else if (N==1) {
# Function to define the text size for the pearson correlation coefficient
.select_pearson_text_size <- function(N) {
if (N>=4) {
} else if (N>=2 & N<4) {
} else if (N==1) {
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