
Defines functions .set_imputed_data_names .set_data_names .set_expectations_names

## Set and retrieve factors names ##

#' @rdname factors_names
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @aliases factors_names,MOFA-method
#' @return character vector with the factor names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model on simulated data
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' factors_names(model)

setMethod("factors_names", signature(object="MOFA"), 
          function(object) {

#' @rdname factors_names
#' @param value a character vector of factor names
#' @import methods
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("factors_names", signature(object="MOFA", value="vector"), 
                 function(object, value) {
                   if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "expectations") || length(object@expectations) == 0)
                     stop("Before assigning factor names you have to assign expectations")
                   if (methods::.hasSlot(object, "dimensions") && length(object@dimensions) != 0)
                     if (length(value) != object@dimensions["K"])
                       stop("Length of factor names does not match the dimensionality of the latent variable matrix")
                   # Modify expectations
                   object <- .set_expectations_names(object, entity = 'factors', value)
                   # Modify interpolated values
                   if(length(object@interpolated_Z) > 0) {
                     object@interpolated_Z <- lapply(object@interpolated_Z, function(g) {
                       if(!is.null(g$mean)) {
                         rownames(g$mean) <- value
                       if(!is.null(g$variance)) {
                         rownames(g$variance) <- value
                   # Modify cache
                   if ((methods::.hasSlot(object, "cache")) && ("variance_explained" %in% names(object@cache))) {
                     for (i in seq_len(length(object@cache$variance_explained$r2_per_factor))) {
                       rownames(object@cache$variance_explained$r2_per_factor[[i]]) <- value

                   # Modify training stats per factor
                   if (!is.null(object@training_stats$structural_sig)) {
                     rownames(object@training_stats$structural_sig) <- value
                   if (!is.null(object@training_stats$length_scales)) {
                     rownames(object@training_stats$length_scales) <- value
                   if (!is.null(object@training_stats$scales)) {
                     rownames(object@training_stats$scales) <- value


## Set and retrieve covariate names ##

#' @rdname covariates_names
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @aliases covariates,MOFA-method
#' @return character vector with the covariate names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model on simulated data
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "MEFISTO_model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' covariates_names(model)

setMethod("covariates_names", signature(object="MOFA"),
          function(object) {
            if(!.hasSlot(object, "covariates") || is.null(object@covariates))
              stop("No covariates present in the given MOFA object.")

#' @rdname covariates_names
#' @param value a character vector of covariate names
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("covariates_names", signature(object="MOFA", value="vector"),
                 function(object, value) {
                   if(!.hasSlot(object, "covariates") || is.null(object@covariates))
                     stop("No covariates present in the given MOFA object.")
                   if (methods::.hasSlot(object, "dimensions") && length(object@dimensions) != 0)
                     if (length(value) != object@dimensions["C"])
                       stop("Length of covariate names does not match the dimensionality of the covariate matrix")
                   # Modify covariate names
                   old_names <- rownames(object@covariates[[1]])
                   for(c in seq_along(object@covariates)) {
                     rownames(object@covariates[[c]]) <- value
                        rownames(object@covariates_warped[[c]]) <- value
                   # Modify meta.data
                   if (methods::.hasSlot(object, "samples_metadata")) {
                     if(!is.null(old_names)) {
                       if(! all(old_names %in% colnames(object@samples_metadata)))
                         stop("Mismatch of covariate names in sample meta data and covariate slot")
                       object@samples_metadata <- object@samples_metadata[,-old_names]
                     df <- as.data.frame(Reduce(rbind, unname(lapply(object@covariates,t))))
                     colnames(df) <- value
                     df$sample <- rownames(df)
                     object@samples_metadata <- dplyr::left_join(object@samples_metadata, df, by = "sample",
                                                                 suffix = c("", "_scaled"))
                     if(!is.null(object@covariates_warped)) {
                       df <- as.data.frame(Reduce(rbind, unname(lapply(object@covariates_warped,t))))
                       colnames(df) <- value
                       df$sample <- rownames(df)
                       object@samples_metadata <- dplyr::left_join(object@samples_metadata, df, by = "sample",
                                                                   suffix = c("", "_warped"))

## Set and retrieve samples names ##

#' @rdname samples_names
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @aliases samples_names,MOFA-method
#' @return list of character vectors with the sample names for each group
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model on simulated data
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' samples_names(model)

setMethod("samples_names", signature(object="MOFA"), 
          function(object) {
            # When the model is not trained, the samples slot is not initialized yet
            if (!("samples_metadata" %in% slotNames(object)) || (length(samples_metadata(object)) == 0)) {
            # The default case when samples are initialized (trained model)
            samples_list <- lapply(object@data_options$groups, function(g) {
              with(object@samples_metadata, object@samples_metadata[group == g, "sample"])
            names(samples_list) <- object@data_options$groups

#' @rdname samples_names
#' @param value list of character vectors with the sample names for every group
#' @import methods
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("samples_names", signature(object="MOFA", value="list"), 
                 function(object, value) {
                   if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "data") || length(object@data) == 0 || length(object@data[[1]]) == 0)
                     stop("Before assigning sample names you have to assign the training data")
                   if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "expectations") || length(object@expectations) == 0)
                     stop("Before assigning sample names you have to assign the expectations")
                   if (methods::.hasSlot(object, "dimensions") && length(object@dimensions) != 0)
                     if (!all(sapply(value, length) == object@dimensions[["N"]]))
                       stop("Length of sample names does not match the dimensionality of the model")
                   if (!all(sapply(value, length) == sapply(object@data[[1]], ncol)))
                     stop("sample names do not match the dimensionality of the data (columns)")
                   value_groups <- rep(names(value), lengths(value))

                   # Modify sample names in the sample metadata
                   object@samples_metadata$sample <- unlist(value, use.names = FALSE)
                   object@samples_metadata$group  <- as.factor( value_groups )
                   if (is(object@samples_metadata, "list")) {
                    object@samples_metadata <- data.frame(object@samples_metadata, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                   # Add samples names to the expectations
                   object <- .set_expectations_names(object, entity = 'samples', value)
                   # Add samples names to the data
                   if (length(object@data)>0)
                    object <- .set_data_names(object, entity = 'samples', value)
                   # Add sample names to covariates
                   if (.hasSlot(object, "covariates") && !is.null(object@covariates)) {
                     for (m in seq_along(object@covariates))
                       colnames(object@covariates[[m]]) <- value[[m]]
                   if (.hasSlot(object, "covariates_warped") && !is.null(object@covariates_warped)) {
                     for (m in seq_along(object@covariates_warped))
                       colnames(object@covariates_warped[[m]]) <- value[[m]]
                   # Add samples names to the imputed data
                   if (length(object@imputed_data)>0) 
                    object <- .set_imputed_data_names(object, entity = 'samples', value)

## Set and retriveve sample metadata ##

#' @rdname samples_metadata
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @return a data frame with sample metadata
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model on simulated data
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' samples_metadata(model)
setMethod("samples_metadata", signature(object="MOFA"), 
          function(object) { 

#' @rdname samples_metadata
#' @param value data frame with sample metadata, it must at least contain the columns \code{sample} and \code{group}.
#' The order of the rows must match the order of \code{samples_names(object)}
#' @import methods
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("samples_metadata", signature(object="MOFA", value="data.frame"), 
                 function(object, value) {
                   if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "data") || length(object@data) == 0 || length(object@data[[1]]) == 0)
                     stop("Before assigning samples metadata you have to assign the input data")
                   if (methods::.hasSlot(object, "dimensions") && length(object@dimensions) != 0)
                     if (nrow(value) != sum(object@dimensions[["N"]]))
                       stop("Number of rows in samples metadata does not match the dimensionality of the model")
                   if (nrow(value) != sum(sapply(object@data[[1]], ncol)))
                     stop("sample names do not match the dimensionality of the data (columns)")
                   if (!("sample" %in% colnames(value)))
                     stop("Metadata has to contain the column 'sample'")
                   if (any(sort(value$sample) != sort(unname(unlist(samples_names(object)))) ))
                     stop("Samples names in the model (see `samples(MOFAobject)`) and in the metadata do not match")
                   if (!("group" %in% colnames(value))) {
                     if (length(unique(object@data_options$groups))==1) {
                        value$group <- groups_names(object)
                     } else {
                        stop("Metadata has to contain the column 'group'")
                   if (any(sort(unique(as.character(value$group))) != sort(groups_names(object))))
                     stop("Groups names in the model (see `groups(MOFAobject)`) and in the metadata do not match")
                   # Make sure that the order of samples metadata match the order of samples
                   # samples <- unname(unlist(samples_names(object)))
                   samples <- unname(unlist(lapply(object@data[[1]],colnames)))
                   value <- value[match(samples, value$sample),]

                   object@samples_metadata <- as.data.frame(value)

## Set and retrieve features names ##

#' @rdname features_names
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @aliases features_names,MOFA-method
#' @return list of character vectors with the feature names for each view
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model on simulated data
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' features_names(model)

setMethod("features_names", signature(object="MOFA"), 
          function(object) {
            # When the model is not trained, the features slot is not initialized yet
            if (!("features_metadata" %in% slotNames(object)) || (length(object@features_metadata) == 0)) {
            # The default case when features are initialized (trained model)
            features_list <- lapply(object@data_options$views, function(m) {
              with(object@features_metadata, object@features_metadata[view == m, "feature"])
            names(features_list) <- object@data_options$views

#' @rdname features_names
#' @param value list of character vectors with the feature names for every view
#' @import methods
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("features_names", signature(object="MOFA", value="list"),
                 function(object, value) {
                   if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "data") || length(object@data) == 0)
                     stop("Before assigning feature names you have to assign the training data")
                   if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "expectations") || length(object@expectations) == 0)
                     stop("Before assigning feature names you have to assign the expectations")
                   if (methods::.hasSlot(object, "dimensions") || length(object@dimensions) == 0)
                     if (!all(sapply(value, length) == object@dimensions[["D"]]))
                       stop("Length of feature names does not match the dimensionality of the model")
                   if (!all(sapply(value, length) == sapply(object@data, function(e) nrow(e[[1]]))))
                     stop("Feature names do not match the dimensionality of the data (rows)")
                   value_groups <- rep(names(value), lengths(value))

                   object@features_metadata$feature <- unlist(value, use.names = FALSE)
                   object@features_metadata$view <- value_groups

                   if (is(object@features_metadata, "list")) {
                    object@features_metadata <- data.frame(object@features_metadata, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                   # Add features names to the expectations matrices
                   object <- .set_expectations_names(object, entity = 'features', value)
                   # Add features names to the data
                   if (length(object@data)>0)
                    object <- .set_data_names(object, entity = 'features', value)
                   # Add samples names to the imputed data
                   if (length(object@imputed_data)>0) 
                    object <- .set_imputed_data_names(object, entity = 'features', value)

## Set and retrieve feature metadata ##

#' @rdname features_metadata
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @return a data frame with sample metadata
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model on simulated data
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' features_metadata(model)
setMethod("features_metadata", signature(object="MOFA"), 
          function(object) { 

#' @rdname features_metadata
#' @param value data frame with feature information, it at least must contain the columns \code{feature} and \code{view}
#' @import methods
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("features_metadata", signature(object="MOFA", value="data.frame"), 
                 function(object, value) {
                   if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "data") || length(object@data) == 0 || length(object@data[[1]]) == 0)
                     stop("Before assigning features metadata you have to assign the training data")
                   # if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "expectations") || length(object@expectations) == 0)
                   #   stop("Before assigning features metadata you have to assign the expectations")
                   if (methods::.hasSlot(object, "dimensions") && length(object@dimensions) != 0)
                     if (nrow(value) != sum(object@dimensions[["D"]]))
                       stop("Number of rows in features metadata does not match the dimensionality of the model")
                   if (nrow(value) != sum(sapply(object@data, function(e) nrow(e[[1]]))))
                     stop("Features names do not match the dimensionality of the data (rows)")
                   if (!("feature" %in% colnames(value)))
                     stop("Metadata has to contain the column feature")
                   if (!("view" %in% colnames(value)))
                     stop("Metadata has to contain the column view")
                   if (colnames(value)[1] != "feature")
                     message("Note that feature is currently not the first column of the features metadata.")
                   object@features_metadata <- value

## Set and retrieve views names ##

#' @rdname views_names
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @return character vector with the names for each view
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model on simulated data
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' views_names(model)
#' views_names(model) <- c("viewA", "viewB")

setMethod("views_names", signature(object="MOFA"), 
          function(object) {

#' @rdname views_names
#' @param value character vector with the names for each view
#' @import methods
#' @export
setMethod("views_names<-", signature(object="MOFA", value="character"), 
          function(object, value) {
            # if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "data") || length(object@data) == 0)
            #   stop("Before assigning view names you have to assign the training data")
            if (methods::.hasSlot(object, "dimensions") && length(object@dimensions) != 0)
              if (length(value) != object@dimensions[["M"]])
                stop("Length of view names does not match the dimensionality of the model")
            # if (length(value) != length(object@data))
            #   stop("View names do not match the number of views in the training data")
            # Define types of nodes
            nodes_types <- .get_nodes_types()
            # Set view names in data options
            old_views <- object@data_options$views
            object@data_options$views <- value
            # Set view names in model options
            if (length(object@model_options$likelihoods)>0)
              names(object@model_options$likelihoods) <- value
            # Set view names in features_metadata 
            if (!is.null(object@features_metadata) && (length(object@features_metadata) != 0)) {
              # object@features_metadata$view <- as.character(object@features_metadata$view)
              for (i in seq_len(object@dimensions[["M"]])) {
                old_name <- old_views[i]
                new_name <- value[i]
                object@features_metadata[object@features_metadata$view == old_name, "view"] <- new_name
            # Set view names in cache
            if (!is.null(object@cache$variance_explained)) {
              for (i in names(object@cache$variance_explained$r2_total)) {
                names(object@cache$variance_explained$r2_total[[i]]) <- value
              for (i in names(object@cache$variance_explained$r2_per_factor)) {
                colnames(object@cache$variance_explained$r2_per_factor[[i]]) <- value
            # Set view names in expectations
            for (node in names(object@expectations)) {
              if (node %in% nodes_types$multiview_nodes || node %in% nodes_types$twodim_nodes) {
                if (is(object@expectations[[node]], "list") && length(object@expectations[[node]]) == object@dimensions["M"]) {
                  names(object@expectations[[node]]) <- value 
            # Set view names in the training data
            if (length(object@data)>0)
              names(object@data) <- value
            # Set view names in the intercepts
            if (length(object@intercepts)>0)
              names(object@intercepts) <- value
            # Set view names in the imputed data
            if (length(object@imputed_data)>0)
              names(object@imputed_data) <- value
            # Set view names in the dimensionalities
            names(object@dimensions$D) <- value

## Set and retrieve groups names ##

#' @rdname groups_names
#' @param object a \code{\link{MOFA}} object.
#' @return character vector with the names for each sample group
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using an existing trained model on simulated data
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "model.hdf5", package = "MOFA2")
#' model <- load_model(file)
#' groups_names(model)
#' groups_names(model) <- c("my_group")
setMethod("groups_names", signature(object="MOFA"), 
          function(object) {

#' @rdname groups_names
#' @param value character vector with the names for each group
#' @import methods
#' @export
setMethod("groups_names<-", signature(object="MOFA", value="character"), 
          function(object, value) {
            # if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "data") || length(object@data) == 0)
            #   stop("Before assigning group names you have to assign the training data")
            if (methods::.hasSlot(object, "dimensions") && length(object@dimensions) != 0)
              if(length(value) != object@dimensions[["G"]])
                stop("Length of group names does not match the dimensionality of the model")
            # if (length(value) != length(object@data[[1]]))
            #   stop("Group names do not match the number of groups in the training data")
            # Define types of nodes
            nodes_types <- .get_nodes_types()

            # Set sample group names in data options
            old_groups <- object@data_options$groups
            object@data_options$groups <- value
            # Set sample group names in samples_metadata
            if (!is.null(object@samples_metadata) && (length(object@samples_metadata) != 0)) {
              object@samples_metadata$group <- as.character(object@samples_metadata$group)
              for (i in seq_len(object@dimensions[["G"]])) {
                old_name <- old_groups[i]
                new_name <- value[i]
                object@samples_metadata[object@samples_metadata$group == old_name, "group"] <- new_name
              object@samples_metadata$group <- factor(object@samples_metadata$group, levels=value)
            # Set sample group names in cache
            if (!is.null(object@cache$variance_explained)) {
              names(object@cache$variance_explained$r2_total) <- value
              names(object@cache$variance_explained$r2_per_factor) <- value
            # Set sample group names in expectations
            for (node in nodes_types$multigroup_nodes) {
              if (node %in% names(object@expectations)) {
                if (is(object@expectations[[node]], "list") && length(object@expectations[[node]])==object@dimensions["G"]) {
                  names(object@expectations[[node]]) <- value 
            for (node in nodes_types$twodim_nodes) {
              if (node %in% names(object@expectations)) {
                for (m in seq_len(length(object@expectations[[node]]))) {
                  if (is(object@expectations[[node]][[m]], "list") && length(object@expectations[[node]][[m]])==object@dimensions["G"]) {
                    names(object@expectations[[node]][[m]]) <- value 
            # Set sample group names in data
            if (length(object@data)>0) {
              for (m in names(object@data))
                names(object@data[[m]]) <- value
            # Set sample group names in covariates
            if (.hasSlot(object, "covariates") && !is.null(object@covariates)) {
                names(object@covariates) <- value
            # Set sample group names in the intercepts
            if (length(object@intercepts)>0) {
              for (m in names(object@intercepts)) {
                if (length(object@intercepts[[m]])>0)
                  names(object@intercepts[[m]]) <- value
            # Set sample group names in imputed data
            if (length(object@imputed_data)>0) {
              for (m in names(object@imputed_data)) {
                if (length(object@imputed_data[[m]])>0)
                  names(object@imputed_data[[m]]) <- value
            # Set sample group names in dimensionalities
            names(object@dimensions$N) <- value

# (Hidden) General function to set dimension names for the expectations
# Entity is features, samples, or factors
.set_expectations_names <- function(object, entity, values, views="all", groups="all") {
  # Define types of nodes
  nodes_types <- .get_nodes_types()
  # Define what entities should be updated for which nodes
  #   Notation for axes: 2 is for columns, 1 is for rows, 0 is for vectors, 3 for 3-rd dim in tensors
  stopifnot(entity %in% c("features", "samples", "factors"))
  node_lists_options <- list(
    # features = list(nodes = c("Y", "Tau", "W"), axes = c(1, 1, 1, 1)),
    # samples  = list(nodes = c("Y", "Tau", "Z"), axes = c(2, 2, 1, 1)),
    features = list(nodes = c("Y", "Tau", "W"), axes = c(1, 2, 1)),
    samples  = list(nodes = c("Y", "Tau", "Z", "Sigma", "Sigma"), axes = c(2, 1, 1, 2, 3)),
    factors  = list(nodes = c("Z", "W", "AlphaZ", "AlphaW", "ThetaZ", "ThetaW", "Sigma"), axes = c(2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))
  if (paste0(views, collapse = "") == "all") { 
    views <- names(object@dimensions$D)
  } else {
    stopifnot(all(views %in% names(object@dimensions$D)))
  if (paste0(groups, collapse = "") == "all") {
    groups <- names(object@dimensions$N)
  } else {
    stopifnot(all(groups %in% names(object@dimensions$N)))
  # Iterate over node list depending on the entity
  nodes <- node_lists_options[[entity]]$nodes
  axes  <- node_lists_options[[entity]]$axes
  for (i in seq_len(length(nodes))) {
    node <- nodes[i]
    axis <- axes[i]
    # Update the nodes for which expectations do exist
    if (node %in% names(object@expectations)) {
      # Update nodes with one level of nestedness (e.g. W or Z)
      if (any(node %in% nodes_types$multiview_node, node %in% nodes_types$multigroup_nodes)) {
        sub_dim <- length(object@expectations[[node]])
        for (ind in seq_len(sub_dim)) {
          # No nestedness in values if factors
          vals <- if (entity == "factors") values else values[[ind]]
          dim  <- length(vals)
          # Set names for rows
          if (axis == 1) {
            stopifnot(nrow(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]]) == dim)
            rownames(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]]) <- vals
            # ... or set names for columns
          } else if (axis == 2) {
            stopifnot(ncol(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]]) == dim)
            colnames(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]]) <- vals
            # ... or set vector names
          } else if (axis == 0) {
            stopifnot(length(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]]) == dim)
            names(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]]) <- vals
      # Update nodes with two levels of nestedness (e.g. Y or Tau)
      } else if (node %in% nodes_types$twodim_nodes) {
        sub_dim <- length(object@expectations[[node]])
        for (ind in seq_len(sub_dim)) {
          sub_dim2 <- length(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]])
          for (ind2 in seq_len(sub_dim2)) {
            # Infer which index to use to iterate over a provided list of values
            deduced_ind <- if (entity == "features") ind else ind2  # since ind corresponds to views (groups of features)
            dim <- length(values[[deduced_ind]])
            # Set names for rows
            if (axis == 1) {
              stopifnot(nrow(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]][[ind2]]) == dim)
              rownames(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]][[ind2]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]]
              # ... or set names for columns
            } else if (axis == 2) {
              stopifnot(ncol(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]][[ind2]]) == dim)
              colnames(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]][[ind2]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]]
              # ... or set vector names
            } else {
              stopifnot(length(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]]) == dim)
              names(object@expectations[[node]][[ind]]) <- vals
        # Update nodes with multivariate components (e.g. Sigma)
          } else if (node %in% nodes_types$multivariate_singleview_node) {
            # Set names for rows
            if (axis != 0) {
              dimnames(object@expectations[[node]][[1]])[[axis]] <- unlist(values)
            } else {
              # names(object@expectations[[node]][[1]]) <- values # no group structure in Sigma (full covariance across all samples)
      } else {
        print(paste0("DEV :: NOTE: There are no expectations for the node ", node))

# (Hidden) Function to set dimensions names for the data and intercepts
.set_data_names <- function(object, entity, values) {
  stopifnot(entity %in% c("features", "samples"))
  axes_options <- list(features = 1, samples = 2)
  for (m in seq_len(length(object@data))) {
    for (g in seq_len(length(object@data[[m]]))) {
      deduced_ind <- if (entity == "features") m else g  # since ind corresponds to views (groups of features)
      if (axes_options[[entity]] == 1) {
        rownames(object@data[[m]][[g]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]]
      } else {
        colnames(object@data[[m]][[g]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]]
      if (entity=="features")
        tryCatch(names(object@intercepts[[m]][[g]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]], error = function(e) { NULL })

# (Hidden) Function to set dimensions names for the imputed data
.set_imputed_data_names <- function(object, entity, values) {
  stopifnot(entity %in% c("features", "samples"))
  axes_options <- list(features = 1, samples = 2)
  for (m in seq_len(length(object@data))) {
    for (g in seq_len(length(object@data[[m]]))) {
      deduced_ind <- if (entity == "features") m else g  # since ind corresponds to views (groups of features)
      if (axes_options[[entity]] == 1) {
        rownames(object@imputed_data[[m]][[g]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]]
        # rownames(object@imputed_data[[m]][[g]][["mean"]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]]
        # rownames(object@imputed_data[[m]][[g]][["variance"]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]]
      } else {
        colnames(object@imputed_data[[m]][[g]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]]
        # colnames(object@imputed_data[[m]][[g]][["mean"]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]]
        # colnames(object@imputed_data[[m]][[g]][["variance"]]) <- values[[deduced_ind]]
bioFAM/MOFA2 documentation built on June 12, 2024, 3:57 p.m.