
Defines functions anpan_pglmm get_cor_mat get_ordered_tips olap_tree_and_meta olap_cor_mat_and_meta

Documented in anpan_pglmm get_cor_mat olap_tree_and_meta

olap_cor_mat_and_meta = function(cor_mat,
                                 omit_na = FALSE,
                                 trim_pattern = NULL,
                                 verbose = TRUE) {

  if (is.data.frame(meta_file)) {

    meta = meta_file |>
      dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c("sample_id", offset, covariates, outcome)))

    if (omit_na) meta = na.omit(meta)

  } else {
    meta = read_meta(meta_file,
                     select_cols = c("sample_id", offset, covariates, outcome),
                     omit_na = omit_na)

  if (!is.null(trim_pattern)) {
    rownames(cor_mat) = gsub(trim_pattern, "", rownames(cor_mat))
    colnames(cor_mat) = gsub(trim_pattern, "", colnames(cor_mat))

  overlapping_samples = intersect(rownames(cor_mat),

  if (!all(rownames(cor_mat) %in% overlapping_samples)) {

    n_tree_olap = sum(rownames(cor_mat) %in% overlapping_samples)

    if (verbose) message(paste0("Dropping ",
                                sum(!(rownames(cor_mat) %in% overlapping_samples)),
                                " tips from the correlation matrix (out of ",
                                ") not present in the metadata."))
    cor_mat = cor_mat[overlapping_samples,


  model_input = meta |>
    dplyr::filter(sample_id %in% overlapping_samples)

  if (nrow(model_input) < nrow(meta) & verbose) {
    message(paste0("Dropping ",
                   nrow(meta) - nrow(model_input),
                   ' samples from the metadata (out of ',
                   ' in total) not present in the tree.' ))

  res = list(cor_mat,



#' Overlap a tree and metadata
#' @description Overlap a tree's leaves with the observations in metadata,
#'   returning an intersected tree and metadata data.table.
#' @return A list with two elements: the tree and metadata, both cut down to
#'   samples that are present in the other.
#' @inheritParams anpan_pglmm
#' @export
olap_tree_and_meta = function(tree_file,
                              omit_na = FALSE,
                              ladderize = TRUE,
                              trim_pattern = NULL,
                              verbose = TRUE) {

  if (is(tree_file, "phylo")) {
    bug_tree = tree_file
  } else{
    bug_tree = ape::read.tree(tree_file)

  if (ladderize) {
    bug_tree = ape::ladderize(bug_tree)

  if (is.data.frame(meta_file)) {

    meta = meta_file |>
      dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c("sample_id", offset, covariates, outcome)))

    if (omit_na) meta = na.omit(meta)

  } else {
    meta = read_meta(meta_file,
                     select_cols = c("sample_id", offset, covariates, outcome),
                     omit_na = omit_na)

  if (!is.null(trim_pattern)) bug_tree$tip.label = gsub(trim_pattern, "", bug_tree$tip.label)

  overlapping_samples = intersect(bug_tree$tip.label,

  if (!all(bug_tree$tip.label %in% overlapping_samples)) {

    n_tree_olap = sum(bug_tree$tip.label %in% overlapping_samples)

    if (verbose) message(paste0("Dropping ",
                                sum(!(bug_tree$tip.label %in% overlapping_samples)),
                                " tips from the tree (out of ",
                                ") not present in the metadata."))

    bug_tree = ape::drop.tip(bug_tree,
                             tip = bug_tree$tip.label[!(bug_tree$tip.label %in% overlapping_samples)])


  model_input = meta |>
    dplyr::filter(sample_id %in% overlapping_samples)

  if (nrow(model_input) < nrow(meta) & verbose) {
    message(paste0("Dropping ",
                   nrow(meta) - nrow(model_input),
                   ' samples from the metadata (out of ',
                   ' in total) not present in the tree.' ))

  res = list(bug_tree,


get_ordered_tips = function(tree) {
  n_tip = length(tree$tip.label)
  is_tip = tree$edge[,2] <= n_tip

  tip_order = tree$edge[is_tip,2]


#' Get the correlation matrix of a tree
#' @param bug_tree a tree object of class "phylo"
#' @seealso [ape::read.tree()]
#' @export
get_cor_mat = function(bug_tree) {
  cor_mat = ape::vcv.phylo(bug_tree, corr = TRUE)

  # d = sqrt(diag(cov_mat))
  # cor_mat = diag(1/d) %*% cov_mat %*% diag(1/d)
  # dimnames(cor_mat) = dimnames(cov_mat)

safely_chol = purrr::safely(chol)

#' @title Run a phylogenetic generalized linear mixed model
#' @md
#' @param tree_file either a path to a tree file readable by [ape::read.tree()] or an object of
#'   class "phylo" that is already read into R. Ignored if \code{cor_mat} is supplied.
#' @param meta_file either a data frame of metadata or a path to file containing the metadata
#' @param cor_mat a correlation matrix provided as an alternative to a tree.
#' @param offset a variable to include as an offset
#' @param trim_pattern optional pattern to trim from tip labels of the tree
#' @param ladderize logical indicating whether to run [ape::ladderize()] on the tree before running
#'   the model
#' @param family string giving the name of the distribution of the outcome variable (usually
#'   "gaussian" or "binomial")
#' @param beta_sd prior standard deviation parameters on the normal distribution for each covariate
#'   in the GLM component
#' @param save_object logical indicating whether to save the model fit object
#' @param out_dir if saving, directory where to save
#' @param reg_noise logical indicating whether to regularize the ratio of sigma_phylo to sigma_resid
#'   with a Gamma prior
#' @param reg_gamma_params the shape and rate parameters of the Gamma prior on the noise term ratio.
#'   Default: c(1,2)
#' @param plot_ext extension to use when saving plots
#' @param show_plot_cor_mat show a plot of the correlation matrix derived from the tree
#' @param show_plot_tree show a plot of the tree overlaid with the outcome.
#' @param show_post show a plot of the tree overlaid with the outcome and posterior distribution on
#'   phylogenetic effects.
#' @param show_yrep show a plot of the tree overlaid with the outcome and the posterior predictive
#'   distribution for each observation if plotting the tree
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to [cmdstanr::sample()]
#' @param loo_comparison logical indicating whether to compare the phylogenetic model against a base
#'   model (without the phylogenetic term) using [loo::loo_compare()]
#' @param run_diagnostics logical indicating whether to run [cmdstanr::cmdstan_diagnose()] and
#'   [loo::pareto_k_table()] to check the MCMC and loo diagnostics respectively.
#' @param sigma_phylo_scale standard deviation of half-normal prior on \code{sigma_phylo} for
#'   logistic PGLMMs when \code{family = 'binomial'}. Increasing this value can easily lead to
#'   overfitting.
#' @param int_prior_scale standard deviation of the 0-centered normal prior for the intercept of the
#'   model (with centered covariates)
#' @returns A list containing the model input (in the order passed to the model), estimated
#'   correlation matrix, the pglmm fit object, and (if \code{loo_comparison} is on) the base fit
#'   object and the associated loo objects.
#' @details the tip labels of the tree must be the sample ids from the metadata. You can use the
#'   \code{trim_pattern} argument to automatically trim off any consistent pattern from the tip
#'   labels if necessary.
#'   The default error distribution for the outcome is "gaussian". You could change this to a
#'   phylogenetic logistic regression by changing \code{family} to "binomial" for example.
#'   The prior for the intercept is a normal distribution centered on the mean of the outcome
#'   variable with a standard deviation of 3*sd(outcome variable).
#'   If a prior scale on covariate effects isn't specified (i.e. \code{beta_sd} is left at the
#'   default NULL), the prior scale is set to 1 / (1 standard deviation) for each covariate. The
#'   values will be shown in a message. It's preferable to set \code{beta_sd} with domain knowledge.
#'   Consider the units/scale of your outcome variable if using \code{family = "gaussian"} or the
#'   range of plausible coefficient values on the log-odds scale if using \code{family =
#'   "binomial"}.
#'   If supplying \code{beta_sd} with a categorical predictor with >2 levels, only specify a single
#'   corresponding element in beta_sd. This appropriate element will get repeated as necessary.
#'   \code{sigma_phylo_scale} is used to set the width of the half-normal prior on sigma_phylo when
#'   \code{family = "binomial"} (no effect when \code{family = "gaussian"}). Increasing this value
#'   can easily lead to overfitting. If sigma_phylo is high, then leafwise phylogenetic effects can
#'   get very far from zero (disregarding the correlation structure and covariate effects), which
#'   lets the model perfectly fit each observation. The default value keeps most of the prior mass
#'   on leafwise phylogenetic effects between +/- 1, which is still pretty liberal on the log-odds
#'   scale.
#'   The model indexes the leaves according to the Cholesky factor of the correlation matrix. This
#'   likely won't be the same order as the input tree. The \code{model_input} that is returned as
#'   part of the output will have the samples in a factor with the model index order if needed.
#'   It's normal to see some warnings during warmup, particularly about "Scale vector is inf".
#'   This function tries to get the \code{bug_name} argument from the tree file, but if it's not
#'   provided you may need to set it yourself.
#'   Common cmdstanr options that one might want to pass in via ... include \code{refresh = 500}
#'   (show fewer MCMC progress updates), \code{adapt_delta = .98} (avoid divergences at the cost of
#'   possibly needing more iterations to get convergence), \code{show_messages = FALSE} ,  and
#'   \code{parallel_chains = 4} (run the MCMC chains in parallel).
#'   If you want to use the PGLMM log-likelihood data frame with functions from the \code{loo}
#'   package, you'll need to convert it to a matrix with \code{as.matrix()}. It's converted to a
#'   tibble internally so that it prints nicely.
#'   If \code{int_prior_scale} isn't specified, it defaults to 1 for binary outcomes and 1 standard
#'   deviation of the outcome for gaussian outcomes.
#'   If \code{offset} is categorical, the offset value used is the empirical mean (continuous
#'   outcomes) or proportion (binary outcome) for each category. Using a categorical offset variable
#'   with a continuous outcome is strange and you probably shouldn't try it unless you know what
#'   you're doing.
#' @examples
#' meta = data.frame(x = rnorm(100), sample_id = paste0("t", 1:100))
#' tr = ape::rtree(100)
#' anpan_pglmm(meta, tr,
#' outcome = "x",
#' iter_sampling = 10, # Use more in practice!
#' iter_warmup = 10,
#' show_plot_cor_mat = FALSE,
#' show_plot_tree = FALSE)
#' @inheritParams anpan
#' @seealso [anpan_pglmm_batch()], [loo::loo()], [cmdstanr::sample()]
#' @export
anpan_pglmm = function(meta_file,
                       tree_file = NULL,
                       cor_mat = NULL,
                       covariates = NULL,
                       offset = NULL,
                       out_dir = NULL,
                       trim_pattern = NULL,
                       bug_name = NULL,
                       omit_na = FALSE,
                       ladderize = TRUE,
                       family = "gaussian",
                       show_plot_cor_mat = TRUE,
                       show_plot_tree = TRUE,
                       show_post = TRUE,
                       show_yrep = FALSE,
                       save_object = FALSE,
                       verbose = TRUE,
                       loo_comparison = TRUE,
                       run_diagnostics = TRUE,
                       reg_noise = TRUE,
                       reg_gamma_params = c(1,2),
                       plot_ext = "pdf",
                       beta_sd = NULL,
                       int_prior_scale = 1,
                       sigma_phylo_scale = 0.333,
                       ...) {

  n_steps = 2 + loo_comparison + run_diagnostics

  if (verbose) message(paste0("(1/", n_steps, ") Checking inputs."))

  if (save_object && is.null(out_dir)) stop("To save the fit you must specify an output directory")

  if (save_object && !dir.exists(out_dir)) {
    message("Creating specified output directory...")

  if (reg_noise && family != "gaussian") {
    warning("You can't regularize the noise ratio with non-gaussian outcomes. Setting reg_noise = FALSE.")
    reg_noise = FALSE

  cor_mat_provided = !is.null(cor_mat)

  if (!is.null(offset) && length(offset) > 1) stop("Can't have more than one offset variable.")

  if (is.null(cor_mat)) {
    olap_list = olap_tree_and_meta(tree_file,
                                   ladderize = ladderize,
                                   trim_pattern = trim_pattern,

    if (is.null(olap_list[[1]])) {
      stop("Couldn't find any overlapping samples between the sample_id column in the metadata and the tips of the first tree. Maybe you need to set the trim_pattern argument?")

    bug_tree = olap_list[[1]]
    model_input = olap_list[[2]]
  } else {
    olap_list = olap_cor_mat_and_meta(cor_mat,
    cor_mat = olap_list[[1]]
    model_input = olap_list[[2]]

  if (family == "binomial" && dplyr::n_distinct(model_input[[outcome]]) != 2) {
    stop('family == "binomial" but couldn\'t find 2 distinct outcomes in the outcome variable.')

  if (family == "binomial" && is.character(model_input[[outcome]])) {
    stop('family == "binomial" but the type of the outcome variable is character. Please change to either 0/1, FALSE/TRUE, or an appropriately ordered factor.')

  if (family == "binomial" && is.factor(model_input[[outcome]])) {
    message("family == \"binomial\" and outcome variable is a factor. Converting to 0/1 with the following mapping:")
    mapping_df = data.frame(input_levels = levels(model_input[[outcome]]),
                        mapped_values = as.numeric(unique(sort(model_input[[outcome]]))) - 1)

                   sep = "\n"))

    model_input[[outcome]] = as.numeric(model_input[[outcome]]) - 1


  if (!omit_na && nrow(na.omit(model_input)) < nrow(model_input)) {
    stop("omit_na == FALSE but NAs present in metadata. Either set omit_na = TRUE or fix the metadata.")

  numeric_outcome = is.numeric(model_input[[outcome]]) && dplyr::n_distinct(model_input[[outcome]]) > 2

  if (!is.null(offset)) {

    categorical_offset = is.character(model_input[[offset]]) || is.factor(model_input[[offset]])

    if (categorical_offset) {
      if (numeric_outcome) {
        stop("Can't use a categorical offset variable with a continuous outcome.")

      message("The provided offset variable is categorical. Setting the offset used to the inv_logit(proportion) for each category.\n")
      setDT(model_input) # It's already a data.table here, but it was copied at some point by R.
      model_input[, offset_val := lapply(.SD, function(x) stats::qlogis(mean(x))),
                  by = offset,
                  .SDcols = outcome] # data.table is sick

      message("The offset values used by category are:")
      message(paste0(capture.output(model_input[,.(offset_val = offset_val[1]),by = offset]),
                     sep = "\n"))

      message("These values are on the log-odds scale. Ensure that they make sense for your offset variable.\n")
    } else {
      model_input$offset_val = model_input[[offset]]

  if (is.null(offset)) model_input$offset_val = rep(0, nrow(model_input))

  if (cor_mat_provided) {

    chol_res = safely_chol(cor_mat)

    if (!is.null(chol_res$error)) stop("Could not compute the Cholesky factorization of the correlation matrix. It's probably not positive definite up to numerical precision. Try olap_tree_and_meta() and get_cor_mat() to examine the correlation matrix directly.")

    Lcov = t(chol_res$result)

  } else {
    cor_mat = get_cor_mat(bug_tree)

    chol_res = safely_chol(cor_mat)

    if (!is.null(chol_res$error)) stop("Could not compute the Cholesky factorization of the correlation matrix. It's probably not positive definite up to numerical precision. Try olap_tree_and_meta() and get_cor_mat() to examine the correlation matrix directly.")

    Lcov = t(chol_res$result)

  if (!(is(tree_file, "phylo")) && is.null(bug_name) && !is.null(tree_file)) {
    bug_name = get_bug_name(tree_file,
                            remove_pattern = ".tre$|.tree$")
  } else {
    bug_name = basename(tempfile()) #

  # Prepare model formulae
  if (!is.null(covariates)) {
    cov_str = paste(covariates, collapse = " + ")
    base_formula = as.formula(paste0(outcome, " ~ ", cov_str))
  } else {
    cov_str = NULL
    base_formula = as.formula(paste0(outcome, " ~ 1"))

  if (!exists("chains")) {
    chains = 4

  # TODO figure out how to set priors as a function of family and # and structure of covariates
  if (family == "gaussian") {
    outcome_mean = mean(model_input[[outcome]])
    outcome_sd = sd(model_input[[outcome]])

    base_path = system.file("stan", "cont_no_phylo_term.stan",
                            package = 'anpan',
                            mustWork = TRUE)

    init_list = replicate(chains,
                          list(sigma_resid = 1, sigma_phylo = 1),
                          simplify = FALSE)

    base_init = replicate(chains,
                          list(sigma_resid = 1),
                          simplify = FALSE)

    if (reg_noise == FALSE) {
      model_path = system.file("stan", "cont_pglmm.stan",
                               package = 'anpan',
                               mustWork = TRUE)
    } else {
      model_path = system.file("stan", "cont_pglmm_noise_reg.stan",
                               package = 'anpan',
                               mustWork = TRUE)

      if (any(reg_gamma_params < 0)) {
        stop("Parameters for the regularizing gamma distribution (reg_gamma_params) must be positive.")
  } else if (family == "binomial") {

    init_list = replicate(chains,
                          list(sigma_phylo = 1),
                          simplify = FALSE)

    base_init = NULL

    model_path = system.file("stan", "bin_pglmm.stan",
                             package = 'anpan',
                             mustWork = TRUE)
    base_path = system.file("stan", "bin_no_phylo_term.stan",
                             package = 'anpan',
                             mustWork = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
    pglmm_dir = file.path(out_dir, bug_name, 'pglmm_fit');
    base_dir = file.path(out_dir, bug_name, 'base_fit');
    dir.create(pglmm_dir, recursive = TRUE)
    dir.create(base_dir, recursive = TRUE)
  } else {
    pglmm_dir = NULL
    base_dir = NULL

  pglmm_model = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(stan_file = model_path,
                                        quiet = TRUE)

  if (loo_comparison) {
    base_model = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(stan_file = base_path,
                                         quiet = TRUE)

  model_input$sample_id = factor(model_input$sample_id,
                                 levels = rownames(Lcov))
  model_input = model_input |>

  if (show_plot_cor_mat) {
    if (cor_mat_provided) {
      mat_for_plot = cor_mat
    } else {
      ordered_tips = get_ordered_tips(bug_tree)
      mat_for_plot = cor_mat[ordered_tips, ordered_tips]

    if (verbose) message("Plotting correlation matrix...")
    p = plot_cor_mat(mat_for_plot,

    if (verbose) print(p)
    if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
             filename = file.path(out_dir, paste0(bug_name, "_cor_mat.", plot_ext)),
             width = 6, height = 5)

  # data_list preparation section ----

  model_mat = model.matrix(base_formula, data = model_input)

  if (family == "gaussian") {

    data_list = list(N = nrow(model_input),
                     Y = model_input[[outcome]],
                     K = ncol(model_mat),
                     X = model_mat,
                     offset_val = model_input$offset_val,
                     Lcov = Lcov,
                     int_mean = outcome_mean,
                     int_prior_scale = ifelse(!is.null(int_prior_scale), int_prior_scale, outcome_sd),
                     resid_scale = outcome_sd)

    if (reg_noise) data_list$reg_gamma_params = reg_gamma_params

  } else {

    data_list = list(N = nrow(model_input),
                     Y = model_input[[outcome]],
                     K = ncol(model_mat),
                     X = model_mat,
                     offset_val = model_input$offset_val,
                     Lcov = Lcov,
                     sigma_phylo_scale = sigma_phylo_scale,
                     int_prior_scale = ifelse(!is.null(int_prior_scale), int_prior_scale, 1))


  Xc = matrix(nrow = data_list$N,
              ncol = data_list$K - 1)

  mx = colMeans(data_list$X)[-1]

  if (ncol(Xc) > 0) {
    # can't remember how to use seq_along here
    for (i in 2:data_list$K) {
      Xc[,i-1] = data_list$X[,i] - mx[i-1]

  if (!is.null(beta_sd) &&
      length(beta_sd[as.vector(attr(model_mat, "assign")[-1])]) != (data_list$K - 1)) stop("The number of covariates provided doesn't match the length of the provided beta_sd argument.")

  if (is.null(beta_sd)) {
    # TODO write this to a log file...
    if (length(covariates) > 0) {
      prior_df = data.table(linear_term = colnames(data_list$X)[-1],
                            prior_sd = round(1/apply(Xc, 2, sd), digits = 3))
      message("Prior scale on covariate effects aren't specified. Setting to 1 / (1 standard deviation) for each centered covariate. These values are:\n")
                     sep = "\n"))
      message("\n\nIt would be better to set the beta_sd argument based on scientific background knowledge.")
    if (ncol(Xc) > 0) {
      data_list$beta_sd = 1 / apply(Xc, 2, sd)
    } else {
      data_list$beta_sd = numeric()
  } else {
    data_list$beta_sd = beta_sd[as.vector(attr(model_mat, "assign")[-1])]

  # model fitting section ----
  if (verbose) message(paste0("(2/", n_steps, ") Fitting model(s)."))

  pglmm_fit = pglmm_model$sample(data = data_list,
                                 chains = chains,
                                 init = init_list,
                                 output_dir = pglmm_dir,

  if (loo_comparison) {
    base_fit = base_model$sample(data = data_list,
                                 chains = chains,
                                 init = base_init,
                                 output_dir = base_dir,

  # plotting section ----
  if (cor_mat_provided && is.null(tree_file) && show_plot_tree) {
    message("show_plot_tree = TRUE but no tree_file was supplied. Setting show_plot_tree = FALSE")
    show_plot_tree = FALSE

  if (show_plot_tree) {
    if (!is.null(offset)) offset_var = "offset_val" else offset_var = NULL
    p = plot_outcome_tree(tree_file,
                          covariates = covariates,
                          offset = offset_var,
                          outcome = outcome,
                          omit_na = omit_na,
                          ladderize = ladderize,
                          trim_pattern = trim_pattern,
                          verbose = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
      ggsave(p, filename = file.path(out_dir, paste0(bug_name, "_outcome_tree.", plot_ext)),
             width = 12, height = 8)

    if (verbose) print(p)

  if (show_post) {

    if (!is.null(offset)) offset_var = "offset_val" else offset_var = NULL

    p_post = plot_tree_with_post(tree_file,
                                 covariates = covariates,
                                 offset = offset_var,
                                 outcome = outcome,
                                 omit_na = omit_na,
                                 ladderize = ladderize,
                                 verbose = FALSE,
                                 color_bars = TRUE,
                                 fit = pglmm_fit,
                                 trim_pattern = trim_pattern,
                                 labels = levels(model_input$sample_id))

    if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
      ggsave(p_post, filename = file.path(out_dir, paste0(bug_name, "_posterior_tree.", plot_ext)),
             width = 12, height = 8)

    if (verbose) print(p_post)

  if (show_yrep) {
    if (!is.null(offset)) offset_var = "offset_val" else offset_var = NULL

    # This uses viridis twice if plotting a continuous covariate + continuous
    # outcome. ... Fix later.
    p_post_pred = plot_tree_with_post_pred(tree_file,
                                           covariates = covariates,
                                           offset = offset_var,
                                           outcome = outcome,
                                           omit_na = omit_na,
                                           ladderize = ladderize,
                                           verbose = FALSE,
                                           fit = pglmm_fit,
                                           color_bars = TRUE,
                                           trim_pattern = trim_pattern,
                                           labels = levels(model_input$sample_id))

    if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
      ggsave(p_post_pred, filename = file.path(out_dir, paste0(bug_name, "_posterior_predictive_tree.", plot_ext)),
             width = 12, height = 8)

    if (verbose) print(p_post_pred)

  # loo section ----
  if (loo_comparison) {
    if (verbose) message(paste0("(3/", n_steps, ") Evaluating loo comparison."))
    if (verbose) message("- 0/2 preparing loo inputs")

    if (!reg_noise && family == "gaussian") {
      warning("loo-based model comparison is unstable and/or anti-conservative without regularized noise. Do not trust the results if there are bad Pareto k diagnostic values.")

    draw_dt = pglmm_fit$draws(format = "data.frame") |>
      tibble::as_tibble() |>
      select(-tidyselect::matches("std_phylo|yrep|log_lik|z_|lin_pred")) |>

    phylo_eff_cols = grep("phylo_effect", names(draw_dt), value = TRUE)
    beta_cols = grep("^beta", names(draw_dt), value = TRUE)
    # other_cols = grep("phylo_eff|^beta", x = names(draw_dt), value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)

    draw_dt[,phylo_effects := list(list(unlist(.SD))), by = `.draw`, .SDcols = phylo_eff_cols]
    draw_dt[,beta          := list(list(.SD)), by = `.draw`, .SDcols = beta_cols]

    draw_df = draw_dt[,!..phylo_eff_cols][,!..beta_cols] |>

    if (ncol(draw_df$beta[[1]]) != 0) {
      draw_df$beta = purrr::map(draw_df$beta,
                                ~matrix(unlist(.x), ncol = 1))

    # These are decent starting places for offset terms
    effect_means = pglmm_fit$summary(variables = 'phylo_effect') |>
      tibble::as_tibble() |>
      filter(grepl("^phylo_effect", variable)) |>

    ll_attempt = safely_get_ll_mat(draw_df,
                                   effect_means = effect_means,
                                   cor_mat = cor_mat,
                                   Lcov = Lcov,
                                   Xc = Xc,
                                   offset_val = data_list$offset_val,
                                   Y = data_list$Y,
                                   family = family,
                                   verbose = verbose)

    if (is.null(ll_attempt$error)) {
      ll_mat = ll_attempt$result
      pglmm_loo = get_pglmm_loo(ll_mat, draw_df)

      base_loo = base_fit$loo()

      message("loo comparison: ")
      comparison = loo::loo_compare(list(pglmm_fit = pglmm_loo,
                                         base_fit  = base_loo))

      if (rownames(comparison)[1] == 'pglmm_fit') {
        p1 = "The phylogenetic model seems to fit better, "
      } else {
        p1 = "The phylogenetic model seems to fit worse, "

      if (abs(comparison[2,1] / comparison[2,2]) > 2) {
        p2 = "and the difference seems clear (more than 2 standard errors difference in ELPD)."
      } else {
        p2 = "but the difference doesn't seem clear (less than 2 standard errors difference in ELPD)."

      if (abs(comparison[2,1] / comparison[2,2]) > 2 && abs(comparison[2,1]) < 4) {
        p3 = " However the ELPD difference is less than 4, so the difference is small."
      } else {
        p3 = NULL

      message(paste0(p1, p2, p3))
    } else {
      warning(paste0("loo comparison failed for ", bug_name, " . loo results set to NULL."))

      base_fit = base_fit
      pglmm_loo = NULL
      base_loo = NULL
      comparison = NULL
      ll_mat = ll_attempt$error

  } else {
    base_fit = NULL
    pglmm_loo = NULL
    base_loo = NULL
    comparison = NULL
    ll_mat = NULL
    ll_attempt = list(result = NULL)

  if (run_diagnostics) {
    if (verbose) message(paste0("(", n_steps, "/", n_steps, ") Running diagnostics:"))

    pglmm_fit$cmdstan_diagnose() # No need for print(), it already does itself

    if (loo_comparison && is.null(ll_attempt$error)) {

  if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
    save(model_input, cor_mat,
         file = file.path(out_dir, paste0(bug_name, "_inputs.RData")))

  if (save_object) {
    # V This is what to use once the pglmm_fit is done with cmdstanr
    pglmm_fit$save_object(file = file.path(out_dir, paste0(bug_name, "_pglmm_fit.RDS")))
    if (loo_comparison) base_fit$save_object(file = file.path(out_dir, paste0(bug_name, "_base_fit.RDS")))

  if (!save_object && !is.null(pglmm_dir)) {
    unlink(pglmm_dir, recursive = TRUE)
    unlink(base_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  list(model_input = model_input,
       cor_mat     = cor_mat,
       pglmm_fit   = pglmm_fit,
       base_fit    = base_fit,
       loo         = list(pglmm_loo    = pglmm_loo,
                          pglmm_ll_df  = tibble::as_tibble(ll_attempt$result),
                          base_loo     = base_loo,
                          comparison   = comparison))


safely_anpan_pglmm = purrr::safely(anpan_pglmm)

#' Run PGLMMs on a batch of tree files
#' @description This function fits phylogenetic generalized linear mixed models on a batch of tree
#'   files, using the same outcome and covariate arguments.
#' @param tree_dir string giving the path to a directory of tree files
#' @param seed random seed to pass to furrr_options()
#' @details
#'   See \code{\link[=anpan_pglmm]{anpan_pglmm()}} for details on most of the arguments.
#'   \code{tree_dir} must contain ONLY tree files readable by ape::read.tree()
#'   If any trees cause an error while fitting, these are saved into a data frame in a file
#'   \code{pglmm_errors.RData} in the output directory.
#'   The Stan model fitting can't be parallelized via futures, so the most effective way to
#'   parallelize the model fitting AND the importance weight calculations is a nested future
#'   topology (e.g. \code{plan(list(sequential, tweak(multisession, workers = 4)))} ) and set
#'   parallel_chains = 4 . This will run sequentially over the trees, running the model fits with 4
#'   parallel chains for each tree, then compute the importance weights in the future multisession
#'   for each tree.
#'   The tibble result from this function contains a lot of large objects in list columns, so it can
#'   be pretty big (several GBs) when saved to disk in an RData file (and pretty ugly when not
#'   printed as a tibble). So be careful if you try to save the whole thing.
#' @returns a tibble listing results for each tree file in input directory that fit successfully.
#'   Columns give the number of leaves on the tree, diagnostic values, loo comparison values,
#'   formatted input data, correlation matrices, PGLMM and "base" model fits, and loo objects (in
#'   list columns where appropriate).
#' @inheritParams anpan_pglmm
#' @seealso \code{\link[ape:read.tree]{ape::read.tree}},
#'   \code{\link[ape:write.tree]{ape::write.tree}}, \code{\link[=anpan_pglmm]{anpan_pglmm()}}
#' @export
anpan_pglmm_batch = function(meta_file,
                             covariates = NULL,
                             offset = NULL,
                             out_dir = NULL,
                             trim_pattern = NULL,
                             omit_na = FALSE,
                             ladderize = TRUE,
                             family = "gaussian",
                             show_plot_cor_mat = TRUE,
                             show_plot_tree = TRUE,
                             save_object = FALSE,
                             verbose = TRUE,
                             loo_comparison = TRUE,
                             run_diagnostics = FALSE,
                             reg_noise = TRUE,
                             plot_ext = "pdf",
                             show_yrep = FALSE,
                             show_post = TRUE,
                             reg_gamma_params = c(1,2),
                             beta_sd = NULL,
                             sigma_phylo_scale = 0.333,
                             seed = 123,
                             ...) {

  n_steps = 3

  # Checking inputs ---------------------------------------------------------

  if (verbose) message(paste0("(1/", n_steps, ") Checking inputs."))

  dot_list = list(...)
  if ("parallel_chains" %in% names(dot_list) && attr(future::plan(), "class")[2] != "sequential") {
    stop("Don't specify parallel_chains with a non-sequential plan. Use future::plan() to parallelize over trees instead. A two-level future topology may be used to fit the model with parallel chains parallelize loo evaluation within each tree e.g. plan(list(sequential, multisession)).")

  call = match.call()

  fn_call_string = paste0(gsub(', (?!")',
                               ",\n            ",
                               perl = TRUE),

  if (verbose & !interactive()) message(paste0("Now running:\n\n", fn_call_string))

  if (!is.null(out_dir) && !dir.exists(out_dir)) {
    if (verbose) message("* Creating output directory.")

        file = file.path(out_dir, "anpan_pglmm_batch_call.txt"),
        sep = "\n")

  if (!dir.exists(tree_dir)) stop("Specified tree_dir doesn't exist!")

  tree_files = list.files(tree_dir,
                          full.names = TRUE)

  # Get the model paths
  if (family == "gaussian") {
    base_path = system.file("stan", "cont_no_phylo_term.stan",
                            package = 'anpan',
                            mustWork = TRUE)
    if (reg_noise == FALSE) {
      model_path = system.file("stan", "cont_pglmm.stan",
                               package = 'anpan',
                               mustWork = TRUE)
    } else {
      model_path = system.file("stan", "cont_pglmm_noise_reg.stan",
                               package = 'anpan',
                               mustWork = TRUE)
  } else if (family == "binomial") {
    model_path = system.file("stan", "bin_pglmm.stan",
                             package = 'anpan',
                             mustWork = TRUE)
    base_path = system.file("stan", "bin_no_phylo_term.stan",
                            package = 'anpan',
                            mustWork = TRUE)

  # Check for overlaps in the first file, just to make sure the entire batch doesn't suffer from a
  # missing trim pattern.

  olap_list = olap_tree_and_meta(tree_files[1],
                                 offset = offset,
                                 ladderize = ladderize,
                                 trim_pattern = trim_pattern,
                                 verbose = FALSE)

  if (is.null(olap_list[[1]])) {
    stop("Couldn't find any overlapping samples between the sample_id column in the metadata and the tips of the first tree. Maybe you need to set the trim_pattern argument?")

  # initial compilation -----------------------------------------------------

  if (verbose) message(paste0("(2/", n_steps, ") Performing initial model compilation(s)."))

  # Compile them once here so that they don't get compiled inside future_map()
  pglmm_model = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(stan_file = model_path,
                                        quiet = TRUE)

  if (loo_comparison) {
    base_model = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(stan_file = base_path,
                                         quiet = TRUE)

  # Fitting PGLMMs ----------------------------------------------------------

  if (verbose) message(paste0("(3/", n_steps, ") Fitting PGLMMs."))

  p = progressr::progressor(along = tree_files)

  # global_list = c('meta_file', # TODO figure out if passing this is necessary. If so, find out what else needs to be added...
  #                 'outcome'  ,
  #                 'out_dir' ,
  #                 'trim_pattern' ,
  #                 'covariates' ,
  #                 'omit_na' ,
  #                 'family' ,
  #                 'show_plot_cor_mat' ,
  #                 'show_plot_tree' ,
  #                 'save_object' ,
  #                 'loo_comparison',
  #                 'reg_noise',
  #                 'plot_ext' ,
  #                 'show_yrep')

  safe_results = furrr::future_map(tree_files,
                                   function(.x) {
                                     res = safely_anpan_pglmm(tree_file = .x,
                                                              meta_file = meta_file,
                                                              outcome = outcome,
                                                              out_dir = out_dir,
                                                              trim_pattern = trim_pattern,
                                                              covariates = covariates,
                                                              offset = offset,
                                                              omit_na = omit_na,
                                                              ladderize = ladderize,
                                                              family = family,
                                                              show_plot_cor_mat = show_plot_cor_mat,
                                                              show_plot_tree = show_plot_tree,
                                                              save_object = save_object,
                                                              verbose = FALSE,
                                                              loo_comparison = loo_comparison,
                                                              run_diagnostics = run_diagnostics,
                                                              reg_noise = reg_noise,
                                                              beta_sd = beta_sd,
                                                              reg_gamma_params = reg_gamma_params,
                                                              plot_ext = plot_ext,
                                                              show_yrep = show_yrep,
                                                              show_post = show_post,
                                                              sigma_phylo_scale = sigma_phylo_scale,
                                   .options = furrr::furrr_options(seed = seed))

  safe_res_df = purrr::transpose(safe_results) |>
    as_tibble() |>
    mutate(input_file = basename(tree_files)) |>

  errors = safe_res_df |>
    dplyr::filter(purrr::map_lgl(error, ~!is.null(.x)))

  if (nrow(errors) > 0) {
         file = file.path(out_dir, 'pglmm_errors.RData'))

    if (verbose) message(paste0("* There were ", nrow(errors), " tree files that failed to fit. You can see the error messages they produced in pglmm_errors.RData in the output directory."))

  worked = safe_res_df |>
    dplyr::filter(purrr::map_lgl(error, ~is.null(.x)))

  if (nrow(worked) == 0) {
    stop("No PGLMMs finished without error. See pglmm_errors.RData in the output directory.")

  # There's probably some way to wrap these four into a single function, not sure how I'd pass in
  # the different accessors though... Would probably be better to write a single pglmm_summarise()
  # function instead of a bunch of different map_*()'s anyway.
  get_prop_bad = function(loo_element) {
    if (!is.null(loo_element$pglmm_loo)) mean(loo_element$pglmm_loo$diagnostics$pareto_k > .7) else NA

  get_best_model = function(loo_element) {
    if (!is.null(loo_element$comparison)) rownames(loo_element$comparison)[1] else NA

  get_elpd_diff = function(loo_element) {
    if (!is.null(loo_element$comparison)) loo_element$comparison[2,1] else NA

  get_elpd_se = function(loo_element) {
    if (!is.null(loo_element$comparison)) loo_element$comparison[2,2] else NA

  res_df = dplyr::bind_cols(worked["input_file"],
                            as_tibble(purrr::transpose(worked$result))) |>
    mutate(n                      = purrr::map_int(model_input, nrow),
           prop_bad_pareto_k      = purrr::map_dbl(loo, get_prop_bad),
           n_divergences          = purrr::map_dbl(pglmm_fit, ~sum(as.matrix(.x$sampler_diagnostics()[,,"divergent__"]))),
           sigma_phylo            = purrr::map_dbl(pglmm_fit, ~.x$summary(variables = 'sigma_phylo')$mean),
           best_model             = gsub("_fit", "", purrr::map_chr(loo, get_best_model)),
           elpd_diff              = purrr::map_dbl(loo, get_elpd_diff),
           elpd_se                = purrr::map_dbl(loo, get_elpd_se)) |>
    dplyr::select(input_file, n:elpd_se, model_input:loo)

  if (!is.null(out_dir)) {
    pglmm_batch_summary_stats = dplyr::select(res_df,

         file = file.path(out_dir, "pglmm_batch_summary_stats.RData"))



#' Fit a subject-wise PGLMM
#' @description If you have a dataset where multiple samples come from the same individual, running
#'   a PGLMM on all the samples without accounting for this will return a strong spurious signal
#'   because samples from the same individual will (usually) be right next to each other on the tree
#'   and all show the same outcome value. This function uses a subject-sample map input to aggregate
#'   samples by subject, derive a subject-wise correlation matrix, then run a PGLMM on that.
#' @param subject_sample_map a data frame giving a mapping between sample_id (which must match the
#'   leaves of the tree up to the trim_pattern) and subject_id
#' @param meta_file either a data frame or a file. Can provide covariate and outcome variables for
#'   either subjects or samples.
#' @details The \code{meta_file} must contain at least one column named "sample_id" or "subject_id".
#'   If the metadata is inferred to be provided by sample, representative covariate and outcome
#'   variable values are selected for each subject in the manner described in
#'   \code{?anpan_repeated_measures()}
#' @inheritParams anpan_pglmm
#' @seealso \code{\link[=anpan_pglmm]{anpan_pglmm()}} \code{\link[=anpan_repeated_measures]{anpan_repeated_measures()}}
#' @export
anpan_subjectwise_pglmm = function(tree_file,
                                   offset = NULL,
                                   covariates = NULL,
                                   out_dir = NULL,
                                   trim_pattern = NULL,
                                   omit_na = FALSE,
                                   ladderize = TRUE,
                                   family = "gaussian",
                                   show_plot_cor_mat = TRUE,
                                   show_plot_tree = TRUE,
                                   show_post = TRUE,
                                   show_yrep = FALSE,
                                   save_object = FALSE,
                                   verbose = TRUE,
                                   loo_comparison = TRUE,
                                   reg_noise = TRUE,
                                   reg_gamma_params = c(1,2),
                                   plot_ext = "pdf",
                                   beta_sd = NULL,
                                   sigma_phylo_scale = 0.333,
                                   ...) {
  # tree tip labels must match sample_id values already

  if (!is.data.table(subject_sample_map)) subject_sample_map = as.data.table(subject_sample_map)

  ids_are_char_or_fct = (is(subject_sample_map$subject_id, "character") |
                           is(subject_sample_map$subject_id, "factor")) &
                        (is(subject_sample_map$sample_id, "character") |
                           is(subject_sample_map$sample_id, "factor"))

  if (!(ids_are_char_or_fct)) {
    stop("subject and/or sample identifiers should be characters or factors.")

  olap_tree_map = olap_tree_and_meta(tree_file, subject_sample_map,
                                     covariates = "subject_id",
                                     offset = offset,
                                     trim_pattern = trim_pattern,
                                     ladderize = ladderize,
                                     outcome = NULL, verbose = FALSE)

  tree = olap_tree_map[[1]]
  subject_sample_map = olap_tree_map[[2]]

  if (!is.data.table(subject_sample_map)) subject_sample_map = as.data.table(subject_sample_map)

  n_subj = dplyr::n_distinct(subject_sample_map$subject_id)

  cor_mat = tree |>
    ape::vcv.phylo(corr = TRUE)

  subj_cor_mat = diag(n_subj)
  dimnames(subj_cor_mat) = replicate(2,
                                     simplify = FALSE)

  subj_df = combn(unique(subject_sample_map$subject_id),
                  2) |>
    t() |>

  # subj_df[subject_sample_map, on = c("V1" = "subject_id"), allow.cartesian = TRUE][subject_sample_map, on = c("V2" = "subject_id"), allow.cartesian = TRUE, ]

  cor_df = subj_df |>
    left_join(subject_sample_map, by = c("V1" = "subject_id")) |>
    left_join(subject_sample_map, by = c("V2" = "subject_id"), suffix = c("1", "2")) |>
    mutate(cor_val = cor_mat[cbind(sample_id1, sample_id2)])

  avg_cor_df = cor_df[,.(avg_cor = mean(cor_val)), by = .(V1, V2)]

                     avg_cor_df$V2)] = avg_cor_df$avg_cor
                     avg_cor_df$V1)] = avg_cor_df$avg_cor

  eig_subj_cor_mat = eigen(subj_cor_mat)

  if (any(eig_subj_cor_mat$values < 0)) {
    stop("The derived subject-wise correlation matrix was not positive definite.")

  # https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/165194/using-correlation-as-distance-metric-for-hierarchical-clustering
  subj_dist = sqrt(2 * (1-subj_cor_mat))

  subj_tree = ape::nj(subj_dist) |>

  tree_dend = ggdendro::dendro_data(subj_tree |> phylogram::as.dendrogram())

  ordered_subj_cor_mat = subj_cor_mat[tree_dend$labels$label, tree_dend$labels$label]

  # Get the subjectwise metadata, either from the meta_file or aggregating the meta_file

  if (is.character(meta_file) && file.exists(meta_file)) {
    metadata = fread(meta_file,
                     header = TRUE,
                     showProgress = FALSE)
  } else if (is.data.frame(meta_file)) {
    metadata = as.data.table(meta_file)
  } else {
    stop("The provided meta_file is neither a file nor a data frame.")

  if ("sample_id" %in% names(metadata)) {
    output_cols = c(covariates, outcome, offset, "subject_id")

    if ("subject_id" %in% names(metadata)) metadata$subject_id = NULL

    metadata = dplyr::left_join(metadata, subject_sample_map, by = "sample_id")[,..output_cols] |>
      unique() |>
      dplyr::group_by(subject_id) |>
      dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(.cols = dplyr::all_of(c(covariates, outcome)),
                       dplyr::across(.cols = dplyr::all_of(offset),
                                     dplyr::first)) |>
      dplyr::rename(sample_id = subject_id) |>
  } else if ("subject_id" %in% names(metadata)) {
    metadata = metadata |>
      dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c("subject_id", outcome, covariates, offset))) |>
      dplyr::rename(sample_id = subject_id)
  } else {
    stop("Couldn't find subject_id or sample_id in the metadata")

  # plot_half_cor_mat(ordered_subj_cor_mat)
  anpan_pglmm(meta_file         = metadata,
              tree_file         = subj_tree,
              cor_mat           = ordered_subj_cor_mat,
              outcome           = outcome,
              covariates        = covariates,
              offset            = offset,
              out_dir           = out_dir,
              trim_pattern      = NULL,
              bug_name          = bug_name,
              omit_na           = omit_na,
              family            = family,
              show_plot_cor_mat = show_plot_cor_mat,
              show_plot_tree    = show_plot_tree,
              show_post         = show_post,
              show_yrep         = show_yrep,
              save_object       = save_object,
              verbose           = verbose,
              loo_comparison    = loo_comparison,
              reg_noise         = reg_noise,
              reg_gamma_params  = reg_gamma_params,
              plot_ext          = plot_ext,
              beta_sd           = beta_sd,
              sigma_phylo_scale = sigma_phylo_scale,

biobakery/anpan documentation built on July 26, 2024, 11:19 p.m.