
Defines functions SRF_simulate CLsma CLma SMA.reg MA.reg lmodel2_ .compdist level_to_variable trim_sd

Documented in level_to_variable SRF_simulate trim_sd

#' @title Standard deviation by trimmed values
#' @name trim_sd
#' @param x input numeric vector
#' @param trim percent of length(x) to be trimmed
#' @param na.rm default as TRUE to remove NA values
#' @export
#' @return Trimmed standard value of the input data.
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(1234)
#' x = runif(100)
#' sd(x)
#' trim_sd(x)
#' @family Utils
trim_sd <- function(x, trim=0.05, na.rm=TRUE){
  stopifnot(is.vector(x) & is.numeric(x) & is.numeric(trim))
  x <- as.numeric(na.omit(x))
  n_trim <- ceiling(length(x) * trim)
  head = n_trim + 1
  tail = length(x) - n_trim
  x_sort <- sort(x)
  x_new <- x_sort[head:tail]
  if(length(x_new) <= 1){


#' @title Convert dataframe with factor to character
#' @name level_to_variable
#' @param dt dataframe
#' @param warn warning option
#' @return The dataframe with the leveled columns converted to the character columns. 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' x = data.frame(x=seq(1,10), y=as.character(rep(c(1,2),5)))
#' x_ = level_to_variable(x)
#' @family Utils
level_to_variable <- function(dt, warn=FALSE){
    stop('Input must be a data.frame')
  w <- NULL
  for(i in names(dt)){w<-c(w,is.factor(dt[,i]))}
  if(sum(w) != 0){
    for(i in names(dt)[w]){
      tmp <- levels(dt[,i])[dt[,i]]
      dt[,i] <- tmp
    if(warn) message('Factors turned to variables are: ')
    if(warn) message(paste(names(dt)[w],collapse=' '))
    if(warn) message('No factor in this data.frame.')

#' @name .compdist
#' @title Compute distance of two vectors
#' @param a One vector
#' @param b Another vector
#' @param demetric Metric of distance, default as \code{sqeuclidean}
#' @param pw pw
#' @return Distance of vectors.
#' @noRd
.compdist <- function(a, b, dmetric="sqeuclidean", pw=2){
    stop("Missing data arguments to compute the distances")
    b <- a
  if(!is.numeric(a) || !is.numeric(b))
    stop("Input data arguments must be numeric to compute the distances")
  dmetrics <- c("euclidean", "sqeuclidean", "manhattan", "minkowski", "chebyshev",
                "pearsonchi", "neymanchi", "sqchi", "divergence", "addsymchi", "prosymchi", "clark",
                "canberra", "sorensen", "lorentzian", "sqchord", "cosine", "correlation")
  dmetric <- match.arg(dmetric, dmetrics)
    distance <- sqrt(sum(t(a-b) * (a-b)))
  else if (dmetric=="sqeuclidean")
    distance <- sum(t(a-b) * (a-b))
  else if (dmetric=="manhattan")
    distance <- sum(abs(a-b))
  else if (dmetric=="minkowski")
    distance <- sum(abs(a-b)^pw)^(1/pw)
  else if (dmetric=="chebyshev")
    distance <- max(abs(a-b))
  else if (dmetric=="pearsonchi")
    distance <- sum((t(a-b) * (a-b) / b))
  else if (dmetric=="neymanchi")
    distance <- sum(t(a-b) * (a-b) / a)
  else if (dmetric=="sqchi")
    distance <- sum(t(a-b) * (a-b) / (a+b))
  else if (dmetric=="addsymchi")
    distance <- sum((t(a-b) * (a-b)) * ((a+b) / (a*b)))
  else if (dmetric=="prosymchi")
    distance <- 2 * sum((t(a-b) * (a-b)) / (a+b))
  else if (dmetric=="divergence")
    distance <- 2 * sum((t(a-b) * (a-b)) / (t(a+b) * (a+b)))
  else if (dmetric=="clark")
    distance <- sqrt(sum(abs((a-b) / (a+b))^2))
  else if (dmetric=="sqchord")
    distance <- sum(sqrt(a)-sqrt(b))^2
  else if (dmetric=="canberra")
    distance <- sum(abs(a-b)/(a+b))
  else if (dmetric=="sorensen")
    distance <- sum(abs(a-b))/sum(a+b)
  else if (dmetric=="lorentzian")
    distance <- sum(log(1+abs(a-b), exp(1)))
  else if (dmetric=="cosine")
    distance <- sum(a%*%b)/(sqrt(sum(a*a)) * sqrt(sum(b*b)))
  else if (dmetric=="correlation")
    distance <- (1-cor(a,b))/2

#' @name lmodel2_
#' @title Run SMA linear regression
#' @noRd
#' @return A lmodel2 function list
#' @param formula See package \code{lmodel2} for more details
#' @param data See package \code{lmodel2} for more details
#' @param range.y See package \code{lmodel2} for more details
#' @param range.x See package \code{lmodel2} for more details
#' @param nperm See package \code{lmodel2} for more details
#' @note This function was modified by the package \code{lmodel2} (Version 1.7-3) since 
#'   the message as output is unnecessary in most of scene. I just remove this messages 
#'   in by comment.
#' @family Utils
#' @import lmodel2
lmodel2_ <- function(formula, data = NULL, range.y = NULL, range.x = NULL, nperm = 0)
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action", 
               "offset"), names(mf), 0)
  mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  y <- mf[, 1]
  x <- mf[, 2]
  n <- nrow(mf)
  if ((length(range.y) != 0) && (length(range.x) != 0)) {
    RMA <- TRUE
  else {
    if (length(range.y) != 0) 
      stop("Give a value (relative or interval) to parameter 'range.x' for ranging")
    if (length(range.x) != 0) 
      stop("Give a value (relative or interval) to parameter 'range.y' for ranging")
  if (!RMA) 
    # message("RMA was not requested: it will not be computed.", 
    #         "\n")
  if (nperm < 0) 
    stop("'nperm' cannot be negative")
  if (length(x) != n) 
    stop("Vectors y and x are not of the same length")
  if (var(y) == 0)
    stop("Variance(y) = 0. The regression coefficients cannot be computed")
  if (var(x) == 0)
    stop("Variance(x) = 0. The regression coefficients cannot be computed")
  ybar <- mean(y)
  xbar <- mean(x)
  yx <- cbind(y, x)
  cov.mat <- cov(yx)
  vary <- cov.mat[1, 1]
  varx <- cov.mat[2, 2]
  r <- cor(y, x)
  rsquare <- r^2
  info.slope <- 0
  info.CI <- 0
  t <- qt(0.025, (n - 2), lower.tail = FALSE)
  epsilon <- .Machine$double.eps
  met <- "OLS"
  temp <- lm(y ~ x)
  b.ols <- summary(temp)$coefficients[2, 1]
  angle <- atan(b.ols) * 180/pi
  P.param <- summary(temp)$coefficients[2, 4]
  temp2 <- confint(temp)
  res1 <- summary(temp)$coefficients[1, 1]
  res2 <- b.ols
  res3 <- angle
  res4 <- temp2[1, 1]
  res5 <- temp2[1, 2]
  res6 <- temp2[2, 1]
  res7 <- temp2[2, 2]
  res8 <- NA
  met <- c(met, "MA")
  MA.res <- MA.reg(b.ols, r, rsquare, ybar, xbar, epsilon, 
  b.ma <- MA.res[2]
  if (rsquare <= epsilon) {
    info.slope <- 1
    warning("MA:  R-square = 0", "\n")
  CL <- CLma(b.ma, n, r, rsquare, xbar, ybar, cov.mat, t, 1, 
  lambda1 <- CL[5]
  lambda2 <- CL[6]
  H <- CL[7]
  A <- CL[8]
  if (CL[9] == 1) 
    info.CI <- 1
  res1 <- c(res1, MA.res[1])
  res2 <- c(res2, MA.res[2])
  res3 <- c(res3, MA.res[3])
  res4 <- c(res4, CL[1])
  res5 <- c(res5, CL[2])
  res6 <- c(res6, CL[3])
  res7 <- c(res7, CL[4])
  res8 <- c(res8, NA)
  met <- c(met, "SMA")
  SMA.res <- SMA.reg(b.ols, r, rsquare, ybar, xbar, epsilon)
  b.sma <- SMA.res[2]
  if (rsquare <= epsilon) {
    info.slope <- 1
    warning("SMA: R-square = 0", "\n")
  CL <- CLsma(b.sma, n, r, rsquare, xbar, ybar, t, epsilon)
  res1 <- c(res1, SMA.res[1])
  res2 <- c(res2, SMA.res[2])
  res3 <- c(res3, SMA.res[3])
  res4 <- c(res4, CL[1])
  res5 <- c(res5, CL[2])
  res6 <- c(res6, CL[3])
  res7 <- c(res7, CL[4])
  res8 <- c(res8, NA)
  yx.2 = yx
  if (RMA) {
    met = c(met, "RMA")
    range.yx = apply(yx, 2, range)
    if (range.y == "relative") {
      if (range.yx[1, 1] < 0) 
        stop("Negative values in 'y'. Use 'interval' for ranging")
      range.yx[1, 1] <- 0
    if (range.x == "relative") {
      if (range.yx[1, 2] < 0) 
        stop("Negative values in 'x'. Use 'interval' for ranging")
      range.yx[1, 2] <- 0
    yx.1 <- sweep(yx, 2, range.yx[1, ], "-")
    yx.2 <- sweep(yx.1, 2, (range.yx[2, ] - range.yx[1, ]), 
    ran.y <- (range.yx[2, 1] - range.yx[1, 1])
    ran.x <- (range.yx[2, 2] - range.yx[1, 2])
    ratio <- ran.y/ran.x
    temp.ranged <- lm(yx.2[, 1] ~ yx.2[, 2])
    b.ols.ranged <- summary(temp.ranged)$coefficients[2, 
    RMA.res <- MA.reg(b.ols.ranged, r, rsquare, ybar, xbar, 
                      epsilon, ratio)
    b.rma <- RMA.res[2]
    if (rsquare <= epsilon) {
      info.slope <- 1
      warning("RMA: R-square = 0")
    cov.rma <- cov(yx.2)
    CL <- CLma(b.rma, n, r, rsquare, xbar, ybar, cov.rma, 
               t, ratio, epsilon)
    if (CL[9] == 1) 
      info.CI <- 1
    res1 <- c(res1, RMA.res[1])
    res2 <- c(res2, RMA.res[2])
    res3 <- c(res3, RMA.res[3])
    res4 <- c(res4, CL[1])
    res5 <- c(res5, CL[2])
    res6 <- c(res6, CL[3])
    res7 <- c(res7, CL[4])
    res8 <- c(res8, NA)
  sdy <- sqrt(vary)
  sdx <- sqrt(varx)
  theta <- 90 - sign(r) * (atan(r * sdx/sdy) * 180/pi + atan(r * 
                                                               sdy/sdx) * 180/pi)
  if (nperm == 0) 
    # message("No permutation test will be performed")
  if ((nperm > 0) & (rsquare > epsilon)) {
    res8 <- permutest.lmodel2(yx, yx.2, b.ols, b.ma, b.rma/ratio, 
                              RMA, ratio, nperm, epsilon)
  if (H == 0) 
    H <- NA
  reg.res <- data.frame(met, res1, res2, res3, res8)
  CI.res <- data.frame(met, res4, res5, res6, res7)
  colnames(reg.res) <- c("Method", "Intercept", "Slope", "Angle (degrees)", 
                         "P-perm (1-tailed)")
  colnames(CI.res) <- c("Method", "2.5%-Intercept", "97.5%-Intercept", 
                        "2.5%-Slope", "97.5%-Slope")
  out <- list(y = y, x = x, regression.results = reg.res, confidence.intervals = CI.res, 
              eigenvalues = c(lambda1, lambda2), H = H, n = n, r = r, 
              rsquare = rsquare, P.param = P.param, theta = theta, 
              nperm = nperm, epsilon = epsilon, info.slope = info.slope, 
              info.CI = info.CI, call = match.call())
  class(out) <- "lmodel2"

# Import from lmodel2
MA.reg <-
  function(b.ols, r, rsquare, ybar, xbar, epsilon, ratio)
    if(rsquare > epsilon) {
      d <- (b.ols^2 - rsquare) /(rsquare * b.ols)
      b.ma <- 0.5*(d + sign(r)*sqrt(d^2+4))
      b.ma <- b.ma*ratio
      b0 <- ybar - b.ma*xbar
      angle <- atan(b.ma)*180/pi
    } else { 
      b0 <- NA
      b.ma <- NA
      angle <- NA
    MA.res <- c(b0, b.ma, angle)

# Import from lmodel2
SMA.reg <-
  function(b.ols, r, rsquare, ybar, xbar, epsilon)
    if(rsquare > epsilon) { 
      b.sma <- sign(r) * b.ols/r 
      b0 <- ybar - b.sma*xbar
      angle <- atan(b.sma)*180/pi
    } else { 
      b0 <- NA
      b.sma <- NA
      angle <- NA
    SMA.res <- c(b0, b.sma, angle)

# Import from lmodel2
CLma <-
  function(b.ma, n, r, rsquare, xbar, ybar, cov.mat, t, ratio, epsilon)
    H <- 0
    A <- NA
    info.CI <- 0
    ## Compute eigenvalues by eigen(covariance matrix), as in PCA
    mat.eig <- eigen(cov.mat)
    lambda1 <- mat.eig$values[1]
    lambda2 <- mat.eig$values[2]
    if(rsquare > epsilon) {
      b.ma <- b.ma/ratio
      if(lambda2 <= epsilon) {               # If eigenvalue2 = 0
        b1inf <-  b.ma
        b1sup <- b.ma
      } else {
        if( (lambda1-lambda2) < epsilon) {  # If equal eigenvalues
          tmp <- atan(b.ma)*180/pi
          b1inf <- tan((tmp-90)*pi/180)
          b1sup <- tan((tmp+90)*pi/180)
        } else {
          H <- t^2 / (((lambda1/lambda2)+(lambda2/lambda1)-2)*(n-2))
          if(H >= 1) {                     # If H >= 1
            b1inf <- NA
            b1sup <- NA
          } else {
            A <- sqrt(H/(1-H))
            if((b.ma*A) == -1) {          # angle = -90 deg., b1inf = -infinity
              b1inf <- -Inf
              info.CI <- 1
            } else {
              b1inf <- ratio * (b.ma-A) / (1+b.ma*A)
            if((b.ma*A) == 1) {           # angle = +90 deg., b1sup = +infinity
              b1sup <- Inf
              info.CI <- 1
            } else {
              b1sup <- ratio * (b.ma+A) / (1-b.ma*A)
      if((H == 0) || (H >= 1)) {             # H >= 1
        b0inf <- NA
        b0sup <- NA
      } else {
        if(xbar >= 0) {
          b0inf <- ybar - b1sup*xbar
          b0sup <- ybar - b1inf*xbar
        } else {
          b0inf <- ybar - b1inf*xbar
          b0sup <- ybar - b1sup*xbar
    } else {
      b1inf <- NA
      b1sup <- NA
      b0inf <- NA
      b0sup <- NA
    CL <- c(b0inf, b0sup, b1inf, b1sup, lambda1, lambda2, H, A, info.CI)

# Import lmodel2
CLsma <-
  function(b.sma, n, r, rsquare, xbar, ybar, t, epsilon)
    if(rsquare > epsilon) {
      B <- t^2 * (1-rsquare) / (n-2)
      if(b.sma > 0) {
        b1inf <- b.sma * (sqrt(B+1) - sqrt(B))
        b1sup <- b.sma * (sqrt(B+1) + sqrt(B))
      } else {
        b1inf <- b.sma * (sqrt(B+1) + sqrt(B))
        b1sup <- b.sma * (sqrt(B+1) - sqrt(B))
      if(xbar >= 0) {
        b0inf <- ybar - b1sup*xbar
        b0sup <- ybar - b1inf*xbar
      } else {
        b0inf <- ybar - b1inf*xbar
        b0sup <- ybar - b1sup*xbar
    } else {
      b1inf <- NA
      b1sup <- NA
      b0inf <- NA
      b0sup <- NA
    CL <- c(b0inf, b0sup, b1inf, b1sup)

#' @title Simulation of hyperspectral data by spectral response function (SRF)
#' @name SRF_simulate
#' @description 
#' Simulate hyperspectral Rrs to multispectral bands
#'   via sensors SRF (Spectral response function).
#' @param Rrs A data.frame with colnames like "Wavelength and SampleNames" of which
#'   the first column is wavelength vector (such as \code{400:900}).
#' @param select_sensor Character. Select sensors. Use \code{show_sensor_names()} to print
#'   all supported sensors. Default as \code{All}
#' @param input_wv_as_column Logical. If \code{FALSE} (default), the input data.frame has
#'   wavelength as its column names.
#' @param output_wavelength Character. \code{MED} (default) or \code{MAX}.
#'   Define the center wavelength. \code{MED} means the center wavelength is 
#'   middle position of half maximun of max peak. While \code{MAX} means the 
#'   position at the maximun of SRF peak.
#' @param save_as_csv Logical. Choose to save the simulation results as single csv for each
#'   sensor. Default with \code{FALSE}
#' @param save_csv_dir The directory used for saving ouput csv files. Default as current working
#'   directory (\code{"."}).
#' @param na.rm Logical. Should NA values be removed? Default as \code{TRUE}
#' @param output_wv_as_column Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default), the output result is a dataframe
#'   with wavelength as column names.
#' @param verbose Whether to print information to console. Default as \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
#' @return 
#' A \code{list} with names as all selected sensors from parameters \code{select_sensor}.
#' For each list, including five elements:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \strong{sensor} Sensor name
#'     \item \strong{srf} Spectral response function of the sensor
#'     \item \strong{cw_med} Center wavelength by method \code{MED}
#'     \item \strong{cw_max} Center wavelength by method \code{MAX}
#'     \item \strong{Rrs_simu} The simulation of Rrs by supported SRF
#'   }
#' @examples 
#' library(FCMm)
#' nm <- seq(400, 900)
#' Rrs <- data.frame(nm=nm, Site1=exp(nm/1000)+runif(501))
#' # save simulations in the variable `result` 
#' result <- SRF_simulate(Rrs,select_sensor=c("OLCI","MODIS"))
#' # save simulations in the disk
#' result <- SRF_simulate(Rrs,select_sensor=c("OLCI","MODIS"),
#'   save_as_csv = TRUE, save_csv_dir = tempdir())
#' @family Utils
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
SRF_simulate <- function(Rrs,
                         input_wv_as_column = FALSE,
                         save_csv_dir = ".", 
                         verbose = FALSE){
  Rrs <- as.data.frame(Rrs)
    if(verbose) cat("The input dataframe has wavelength as columns. \n")
    wv <- names(Rrs)[-1] %>% as.numeric
    stname <- Rrs[, 1]
    tmp <- t(Rrs[, -1]) %>% cbind(nm = wv, .) %>%
      as.data.frame %>%
      setNames(., c("nm", stname))
    Rrs = tmp
    rm(tmp, stname, wv)

  if(select_sensor[1] == "All" & length(select_sensor) == 1){
    sensors <- show_sensor_names()
    sensors <- select_sensor
    for(i in 1:length(sensors))
      sensors[i] <- match.arg(sensors[i], show_sensor_names())
    cat("Sensor(s) to be simulated:", paste(sensors, collapse = " "), "\n")

  result <- list()
  for(sensor in sensors){
    # load SRF
    SRF <- SRF_LIST[[sensor]]
    # creat Rrs_simu
    Rrs_simu <- matrix(nrow=length(SRF$cw_med),
                       data=0) %>% as.data.frame
    names(Rrs_simu) <- names(Rrs)[-1]
    if(output_wavelength == "MED"){
      Rrs_simu <- cbind(nm=SRF$cw_med, Rrs_simu)
      Rrs_simu <- cbind(nm=SRF$cw_max, Rrs_simu)
    # subset the Rrs dataframe and SRF dataframe by wavelength intersect
    w <- intersect(Rrs[,1], SRF$srf[,1])
    # do simulation via SRF
    for(i in 2:ncol(Rrs_simu)){
      Rrs_simu[,i] <- cal_SRF(Rrs_single = Rrs[(Rrs[,1] %in% w),i],
                              srf = SRF$srf[(SRF$srf[,1] %in% w),])
      SRF$Rrs_simu <- Rrs_simu %>% na.omit
      SRF$Rrs_simu <- Rrs_simu
      SRF$Rrs_simu <- t(SRF$Rrs_simu)[-1,] %>% setNames(., SRF$Rrs_simu[,1])
    result[[sensor]] <- SRF
      stop("Could not find the specified directory!")
      cat("Simulated files are saved at:\n")
    for(sheet in names(result)){
      file = sprintf(file.path(save_csv_dir, 'Simulated_Rrs_%s.csv'), sheet)
                file = file,
        cat(file, "\n")

#' @name cal_SRF
#' @title Spectral response function calculation
#' @param Rrs_single A vector presenting Rrs.
#' @param srf Used srf data.
#' @return  The simualted Rrs
#' @noRd
cal_SRF <- function(Rrs_single, srf){
  result <- matrix(nrow=ncol(srf)-1, data=0) %>% as.data.frame()
  for(i in 2:(ncol(srf))){
    result[i-1,] <- sum(Rrs_single * srf[,i], na.rm=TRUE) / sum(srf[,i], na.rm=TRUE)

#' @name read_srf_excel
#' @title Read srf data from excel file
#' @param fn filename of excel file
#' @return The list of SRF for different sensors.
#' @importFrom readxl excel_sheets read_excel
#' @noRd
read_srf_excel <- function(fn){
  SRF_LIST <- list()
  sheets <- excel_sheets(fn)
  for(sheet in sheets){
    dt <- read_excel(fn, sheet=sheet) %>% as.data.frame
    center_wavelength_med <- find_center_wavelength_med(dt)
    center_wavelength_max <- find_center_wavelength_max(dt)
    tmp <- list(sensor=sheet, 
    SRF_LIST[[sheet]] <- tmp

#' @name find_center_wavelength_med
#' @title find_center_wavelength_med
#' @param dt dataframe
#' @return center wavelength
#' @noRd
find_center_wavelength_med <- function(dt){
  nm <- dt[,1]
  center_wv <- 2:dim(dt)[2]
  j <- 1
  for(i in 2:dim(dt)[2]){
    tmp <- dt[,i]
    center_wv[j] <- which(tmp >= max(tmp)/2) %>% 
      nm[.] %>% range %>% mean %>% round
    j <- j + 1

#' @name find_center_wavelength_max
#' @title find_center_wavelength_max
#' @param dt dataframe
#' @return center wavelength
#' @noRd
find_center_wavelength_max <- function(dt){
  nm <- dt[,1]
  center_wv <- 2:dim(dt)[2]
  j <- 1
  for(i in 2:dim(dt)[2]){
    tmp <- dt[,i]
    center_wv[j] <- which.max(tmp) %>% 
    j <- j + 1

#' @export
#' @rdname SRF_simulate
show_sensor_names <- function(){

## color platte

#' @name Color_plattes
#' @title Color plattes including Spectral and RdYlBu
#' @param n Number of colors
#' @return Color codes
#' @examples
#' Spectral(7)
#' RdYlBu(7)
#' @export
Spectral <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "Spectral"))

#' @export
#' @rdname Color_plattes
RdYlBu <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "RdYlBu"))

#' @export
#' @rdname Color_plattes
#' @importFrom scales hue_pal
#' @importFrom farver encode_colour
HUE <- scales::hue_pal()
bishun945/FCMm documentation built on Oct. 15, 2021, 6:43 p.m.