
Defines functions constrained_regression generate_regressors regression_model_matrix doRegressConstrained

Documented in constrained_regression doRegressConstrained generate_regressors regression_model_matrix

#' obtain residulas afer monitonically constrained regression
#' @param single_level_bc text
#' @param fcb_df text
#' @param Loc text
#' @param Weight text
#' @param trans text
#' @param val3 text
#' @param constrained_flag text
#' @param columns text
#' @param monodir text
#' @param cofactor text
#' @return some text
#' @seealso text
#' @examples text

doRegressConstrained <- function(single_level_bc, fcb_df = NULL,
                                Loc, weight, trans,
                                fsc_ssc = c(fsc = 'FSC-A', ssc = 'SSC-A'),
                                val3 = NULL, constrained_flag = 1,
                                columns = NULL, monodir = NULL, cofactor = NULL) {

  single_level_bc <- as.data.frame(single_level_bc)
  fcb_df <- as.data.frame(fcb_df)

  fsc <- fsc_ssc[1]
  ssc <- fsc_ssc[2]

  lo <- 1 #log offset

  fsc_limits <- c(min(single_level_bc[fsc]), max(single_level_bc[fsc]))
  ssc_limits <- c(min(single_level_bc[ssc]), max(single_level_bc[ssc]))
  data.corr.ls <- vector("list", length = length(columns))

  for (n in seq_along(columns)){
    ind <- append(c(fsc, ssc), columns[n])
    D <- single_level_bc[,ind]
    if (is.null(fcb_df)) {
      D2 <- D
    } else {
      D2 <- fcb_df[,ind]

    rm <- regression_model_matrix()

    switch (trans,
            none = {
              D <- D
              D2 <- D2
            logF = {
              D <- cbind(D[1:2], log(D[3] + lo))
              D2 <- cbind(D2[1:2], log(D2[3] + lo))
            arcsinh = {
              D <- cbind(D[1:2], asinh(D[3]/cofactor))
              D2 <- cbind(D2[1:2], asinh(D2[3]/cofactor))

    #generate regressors
    regressors_1 <- generate_regressors(D, rm)
    regressors_2 <- generate_regressors(D2, rm)

    D <- regressors_1[['D']]
    D2 <- regressors_2[['D']]

    Y <- regressors_1[['Y']]
    Y2 <- regressors_2[['Y']]

    X <- regressors_1[['X']]
    X2 <- regressors_2[['X']]

    #intial unconstrained regression
    B <- lm(Y ~ X)
    OFFSET <- B$coefficients[1]
    Bx <- B$coefficients[2:9]
    mod.resid <- as.numeric(B$residuals)

    if (constrained_flag == 1) {
      con_reg <- constrained_regression(X, Y, fsc_limits, ssc_limits, val3, D,
                                        OFFSET, Bx, rm, monodir)
      Bc <- con_reg[['Bc']]
      NOFFSET <- con_reg[['NOFFSET']]
      NB <- con_reg[['NB']]
      Nresidual <- Y - (X%*%Bc[1:8] + NOFFSET)
      Nresidual2 <- Y2 - (X2%*%Bc[1:8] + NOFFSET)
    else {
      NB <- Bx
      Nresidual <- mod.resid

    XO <- matrix(nrow= length(weight), ncol = 4)
    XO[,1] <- Loc[,1]
    XO[,2] <- Loc[,2]
    XO[,3] <- Loc[,1]*Loc[,2]
    XO[,4] <- NOFFSET

    for (i in 1:ncol(rm)){
      XO[,4] <- XO[,4] + NB[i]*XO[,rm[1,i]]^rm[2,i]

    R2 <- as.numeric(Nresidual2) + as.vector(t(weight)%*%XO[,4]/sum(weight))

    if (trans == 'logF') {
      data.corr <- exp(R2) - lo
    } else if (trans == 'none') {
      data.corr <- R2
    } else if (trans == 'arcsinh') {
      data.corr <- sinh(R2)*cofactor

    #print(paste(columns[n], "complete"))
    data.corr.ls[[n]] <- data.corr
  data.corr.df <- as.data.frame(data.corr.ls)
  colnames(data.corr.df) <- columns

  return(list(df = data.corr.df, coefs = Bc))

#' Used to build the regression model, not to be called directly by the used
#' @return numeric vector of length nrow(fcb_df) representing the morphology corrected channel
#' @seealso \code{\link{selectDenseScatterArea}} \code{\link{doRegressConstrained}}
#' @examples
regression_model_matrix <- function(nrow = 2, ncol = 8,
                                    vars = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3),
                                    powers = c(1, 0.5, 2, 1, 0.5, 2, 1, 0.5)){

  rm <- matrix(nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
  rm[1,] <- vars
  rm[2,] <- powers


#' Used to build the regression model, not to be called directly by the used
#' @return numeric vector of length nrow(fcb_df) representing the morphology corrected channel
#' @seealso  \code{\link{doRegressConstrained}}
generate_regressors <- function(D, rm){

  Y <- D[,3]
  D[,3] <- D[,1]*D[,2]
  X <- matrix(0, nrow = length(Y), ncol = ncol(rm))

  for (m in 1:ncol(rm)){
    X[,m] = D[,rm[1,m]]^rm[2,m]

  return(list('Y' = Y, 'D' = D, 'X' = X))

#' Used to build the regression model, not to be called directly by the used
#' @return numeric vector of length nrow(fcb_df) representing the morphology corrected channel
#' @seealso  \code{\link{doRegressConstrained}}
constrained_regression <- function(X, Y, fsc_limits, ssc_limits, val3, D,
                                   OFFSET, Bx, rm, monodir){
  S = 5
  area = 0.5
  xlimr <- c(floor(min(fsc_limits)), ceiling(max(fsc_limits)))
  ylimr <- c(floor(min(ssc_limits)), ceiling(max(ssc_limits)))
  P <- MASS::kde2d(D[,1], D[,2], n=2^S, lims= c(xlimr, ylimr))
  XX <- matrix(rep(P[[1]],2^S), ncol = 2^S, nrow = 2^S, byrow = TRUE)
  YY <- matrix(rep(P[[2]],2^S), ncol = 2^S, nrow = 2^S, byrow = FALSE)
  PP <- P[[3]]
  PP <- PP/sum(PP)

  ft <- function(t) {abs(sum(PP[PP>t])- area)}
  tmin <- optimize(ft, c(0,max(PP)))$minimum

  ZZ= matrix(nrow=sum(PP>tmin), ncol=4)
  ZZ[,1] <- as.numeric(XX[PP>tmin])
  ZZ[,2] <- as.numeric(YY[PP>tmin])
  ZZ[,3] <- ZZ[,1]*ZZ[,2]
  ZZ[,4] <- OFFSET

  for (i in 1:ncol(rm)){
    ZZ[,4] <- ZZ[,4] + Bx[i]*ZZ[,rm[1,i]]^rm[2,i]

  dir1 <- lm(ZZ[,4] ~ ZZ[,1])
  dir2 <- lm(ZZ[,4] ~ ZZ[,2])

    monodir <- +c(dir1$coefficients[2]>=0, dir2$coefficients[2]>=0)
  } else {
    monodir <- monodir

  #2. Select points to evaluate on monotonicity
  S= 3
  P <- MASS::kde2d(D[,1], D[,2], n=2^S, lims= c(xlimr, ylimr))
  XX <- matrix(rep(P[[1]],2^S), ncol = 2^S, nrow = 2^S, byrow = TRUE)
  YY <- matrix(rep(P[[2]],2^S), ncol = 2^S, nrow = 2^S, byrow = FALSE)
  PP <- P[[3]]

  noc <- 2*(2^S-1)*2^S
  Q <- matrix(nrow=noc, ncol = 4)
  p <- 0
  for (i in 1:2^S) {
    for (j in 1:(2^S-1)) {
      p <- p + 1
      if (monodir[1] == 1) {
        Q[p,] <- c(XX[1,j], YY[i,1], XX[1,j+1], YY[i,1])
      } else {
        Q[p,] <- c(XX[1, j+1], YY[i, 1], XX[1, j], YY[i,1])

  for (i in 1:2^S) {
    for (j in 1:(2^S-1)) {
      p <- p + 1
      if (monodir[2] == 1) {
        Q[p,] <- c(XX[1,i], YY[j,1], XX[1,i], YY[j+1,1])
      } else {
        Q[p,] <- c(XX[1, i], YY[j+1, 1], XX[1,i], YY[j,1])

  XX1 <- matrix(nrow = noc, ncol = 3)
  XX1[,1] <- as.numeric(Q[,1])
  XX1[,2] <- as.numeric(Q[,2])
  XX1[,3] <- XX1[,1]*XX1[,2]
  A1 <- matrix(nrow=noc, ncol = ncol(rm))
  for (m in 1:ncol(rm)) {
    A1[,m] <- XX1[,rm[1,m]]^rm[2,m]
  XX2 <- matrix(nrow = noc, ncol = 3)
  XX2[,1] <- as.numeric(Q[,3])
  XX2[,2] <- as.numeric(Q[,4])
  XX2[,3] <- XX2[,1]*XX2[,2]
  A2 <- matrix(nrow=noc, ncol = ncol(rm))
  for (m in 1:ncol(rm)) {
    A2[,m] <- XX2[,rm[1,m]]^rm[2,m]

  if (!is.null(val3)){
    A <- matrix(nrow = noc + 2, ncol = ncol(rm))
    A[1:noc,] <- A1-A2

    XBP <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol=3)
    if (monodir[1]==1 & monodir[2]==1){
      XBP[,1]<- XX[1, c(1, 2^S)]
      XBP[,2]<- YY[c(1, 2^S), 1]
      "FSC up, SSC up"
    } else if (monodir[1]==0 & monodir[2]==1){
      XBP[,1]<- XX[1, c(2^S,1)]
      XBP[,2]<- YY[c(1, 2^S), 1]
      "FSC down, SSC up"
    } else if (monodir[1]==1 & monodir[2]==0){
      XBP[,1]<- XX[1, c(1, 2^S)]
      XBP[,2]<- YY[c(2^S, 1), 1]
      "FSC up, SSC down"
    } else if (monodir[1]==0 & monodir[2]==0){
      XBP[,1]<- XX[1, c(2^S, 1)]
      XBP[,2]<- YY[c(2^S, 1), 1]
      "FSC down, SSC down"

    XBP[,3] <- XBP[,1]*XBP[,2]
    AX <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol= ncol(rm))
    for (m in 1:ncol(rm)){
      AX[,m] <- XBP[,rm[1,m]]^rm[2,m]

    A[noc+1, ] <- -AX[1,]
    A[noc+2, ] <- AX[2,]

    b <- matrix(0, nrow=noc+2, 1)
    b(noc+1) <- val3[1]
    b(noc+2) <- val3[2]

  } else {
    A <- A1-A2
    b <- matrix(0, nrow=noc, ncol=1)

  # #constrained regression analysis
  # if(FALSE) {
  #   ## This seems silly, but prcma is dependent on quadprog,
  #   ## but shiny wasn't recognizing this dependency and won't install
  #   ## the package on the shinyapps.io server otherwise.
  #   ## This block of code shouldn't run, but in case it does,
  #   ## this is just the example code from ?quadprog::solve.QP
  # }

  NB <- numeric(length = length(Bx))
  Bc <- pracma::lsqlincon(cbind(X, 1),Y,cbind(A,0),b)
  NOFFSET <- Bc[9]
  NB <- Bc[1:8]

  return(list('NB' = NB, 'Bc' = Bc, 'NOFFSET' = NOFFSET))
bjreisman/DebarcodeR documentation built on Oct. 22, 2022, 1:50 a.m.