Man pages for bowang-lab/simATAC
This package is a single-cell ATAC-seq simulator

getBinGet the name of the input region from bed file in the format...
getBinNamesSet bin names based on the species variable of the...
getCountFromh5Extract count matrix from h5 file
getCountFromSCEReturn a sparse count matrix from a SingleCellExperiment...
getParametersGet simATACCount parameters
setDefautParametersCalculate the polynomial coefficients from an existing...
setParametersSet parameters
simATACCompareCompare the main parameters of simATAC's simulated bin by...
simATACCountThe simATACCount class
simATACEstBinMeanEstimate bin coverage mean
simATACEstimateEstimate simATAC simulation parameters
simATACEstLibSizeEstimate library size parameters
simATACEstNonZeroProEstimate bins' non-zero cell proportion
simATACGenerateEstimate and simulate simATAC simulation parameters
simATACgetGet a simATACCount parameter
simATACgetBinaryConvert raw bin by cell matrix in an SingleCellExperiment...
simATACgetFeatureByCellConvert raw bin by cell matrix in an SingleCellExperiment...
simATACgetPeakByCellConvert raw bin by cell matrix in an SingleCellExperiment...
simATACSimBinMeanSimulate bin means from estimated polynomial coefficients...
simATACSimLibSizeSimulate library sizes by sampling from a bimodal Gaussian...
simATACSimTrueCountAdjust the simulated library sizes and bin means to generate...
simATACSimulatesimATAC simulation
simATACSimZeroEntrySimulate zero and non-zero entries of simATAC simulation...
simBinMeansSimulate a bin's mean from its non-zero cell proportion from...
bowang-lab/simATAC documentation built on Jan. 28, 2021, 1:22 a.m.